
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Welcome MuffDog. Yes, lots can change in 40 wks. Until then really enjoy your LO :)

AFM: So... I'm officially late. My D&C was 42 days ago, I'm a few days late. I'm not going to test because DH is out of town for a business trip. I'll test when he gets back home, which should be tomorrow night. I have some Wondofos and a FRER at home.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Muffdog - welcome! Hope your stay is short and sweet!

LC - good luck with testing! I definitely don't have the restraint that you have!

AFM…prolactin levels came back at 11.4 and progesterone was 18.5. OB GYN wants me to wait 3-6 more months before we move forward with any other testing.

I'm 9 or 10dpo today but I don't want to test because I feel like I'm going to get my period this month. I usually get it at about 13-15 dpo, but I already have one sore bb (normal for me to have sore bb's before AF, but just one is kind of weird, ha!) and I just feel moody and irritable, which is also a common PMS symptom for me.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LC!!! Gave everything crossed for you! Waiting with bated and hopeful

muff, nice to see you here - you are right, 9 months is a LONG time, plus I don't know that there is ever a completely "right" time.

shihtzulover - great that your bloods came back looking normal. Fingers crosses it's just a time - and timing - thing!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Welcome everyone! And fingers crossed for you LC!

AFM- I got my positive OPK last night and am have some intense O pains, as well as pretty bad nausea. Too bad we are taking this month off :( I feel like it's such a waste of an egg, but I know we need to make sure everything is okay before I get pregnant again. I'm not sure what a 3rd MC in a row would do to me.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Took a Wondofo today and it couldn't be more negative. I'll wait for DH to get home before I take a FRER. I was hopeful, but now I'm dubious. Might be something residual with the D&C last month. If I don't get a period by next week, I'll contact the midwives.

AMC, I understand what you mean by waste of an egg. Did your RE request you guys abstain this month?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lliang_chi|1397766087|3655163 said:
Took a Wondofo today and it couldn't be more negative. I'll wait for DH to get home before I take a FRER. I was hopeful, but now I'm dubious. Might be something residual with the D&C last month. If I don't get a period by next week, I'll contact the midwives.

AMC, I understand what you mean by waste of an egg. Did your RE request you guys abstain this month?

Aww, bummer! Hopefully the FRER will be nicer.

I haven't had my follow up with the RE, it is May 1. I just really don't want to go through another MC, so I'd rather wait a month and confirm whether or not something is wrong or it was just super crappy bad luck. Actually I would have been okay with trying this month but DH really thought we should take a break. I mean maybe it's something as simple as low progesterone (which I don't think it is) causing MCs. Or maybe my eggs are just getting old.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!


This is an Answer test after a 3 hr hold. 10 or 11dpo

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats!!! What a great sight :-)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MuffDog, welcome back! I think our #1s are close in age.

LC, sorry about the BFN. Hope it's just a tad bit too early and that you'll have different news in the next few days.

AMC, I hope your RE can figure out what's causing your CPs so you can get back on track soon.

SL, congrats mama! That's a great line for 10-11DPO! Sticky dust to you!

MP, how are you doing mama?

AFM, FF says I'm 6DPO, but that puts O on CD11 this cycle. I think that's a bit too early since I usually O around CD15 and I didn't O until CD25 last cycle. My body's confused, haha. I didn't start with OPKs until CD12 so I wasn't prepared for an early O.
Congrats shitzulover!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies! I'm very excited to be joining back into this thread! DH and I have a scrumptious 16 month old boy, and I was planning to wait until he turned 2 to start trying for baby #2 (DH has been ready for another since Oscar was about 6 months old! :knockout:), but lately I've been suffering from a bit of baby fever. I've stopped my OCP and have started taking pre-natals. With our son we were lucky enough to conceive on our second cycle of trying, but this time we are just taking a bit of a 'wait and see' approach.

I'm a bit more casual about TTC this time around, but it's still good to be back! :bigsmile: Baby and sticky dust to all!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks everyone. I can't stop peeing on sticks now. I guess it never stops; now I'm concerned because I took a FRER this morning with FMU and the line is lighter. I know you're not supposed to compare but I can't help it. The FRER is on the right.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Welcome Dani! So funny your DH was ready to try again when O was 6 months. Um... no. I'd say while I was still nursing the thought of having ANOTHER one so soon was totally not happening. After E weaned I started feeling more ready.

S&I, Have you been temping so that's why FF thinks you O'd early? I also never knew when to start with OPKs so now I just start like 9 days before I think I'll O. It seems like a crazy lot, but I only test with FMU. It seems like I don't have very fast LH surge so I never "miss" it and don't need to test multiple times a day.

AMC, I really hope it's just dumb bad luck. But hopefully the tests will shed some light on it.

SL, Yay! Congrats. No squinting needed for that line! :appl:

AFM: BFN with FRER too. So I'm officially calling myself out of the race. I'm 7 days late, so if I were pregnant, *something* would've shown up by now on a FRER. I'm going to put a call into the midwife and for advice what I should do next since I'm not pregnant and am not getting my cycle. I stopped temping. Maybe I'll start temping again to see if I'm back under cover line or what.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey everyone, I hope everyone is having a good Easter :)

Soooo I hope it's ok for me to post this here, if it's not, that's ok too. Since it's national infertility awareness week, C and I are participating in a March of Dimes 5k walk on April 26th, but are also raising money for If anyone is interested in looking at our cause, it's here-

I have my appt with the new RE on Tuesday, I'm so friggin excited to just get some progress on everything. I hope she doesn't turn out to be a dope like the last one. I'm still having pain from the cyst as well and running out of painkillers lol, so there's that, sigh.

Congrats SL on your BFP!!!! What a great Easter celebration!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks l_c! I know, men! Seriously! I'm actually still breastfeeding Oscar morning and night, so I guess I'll just see what happens with that.

Wow sl, congratulations on your bfp!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

So I called the midwife and she doesn't expect a period until at least 8 wks out, so she wasn't surprised that I was still waiting for mine. She said to contact her @ 10 wks and she'll prescribe medication to jump start AF if needed. I'm guessing with my long cycles I'll be looking at a 10+ wks before my body would start on its own, so we'll see. I started temping again and I'm back down under my cover, so I guess I just didn't have anything to shed because of the D&C or something.

S&I, I think you're still on the 2WW, right?

AMC, one more week until your RE appt, right?

Dandi, where are you on your cycle? Hoping your stay here is short :)

Muff, and anyone else I might have missed, :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'm on CD11 l_c, I usually O on about day 14-16, I'm trying to resist the urge to get some OPKs for now! :bigsmile:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

DandiAndi, welcome back! Hope your stay here is short and sweet! Have you confirmed O yet?

LC, hope your body figures itself out soon so you can get back on track! Are your temps still low?

AFM, I still don't believe that I Oed on CD11 like FF says. I wasted quite a few tests last week when FF told me I should test (11dpo since my LP is 10 days). I forced myself to stop testing on Thursday. We went to visit the in-laws for the weekend and I purposely didn't take any tests with me, but I did bring my thermometer. My temp dropped back down to my pre-O temp on Sunday, so I prepared for my period. She didn't come Sunday or yesterday. This morning's (18dpo according to FF, or 13dpo if I say I Oed on CD16, based on temps) temp shot back up to 98.0, so DH said I should test. Wondfo barely showed a trace of a shadow with no pink color in my opinion, so I asked DH to get me my only FRER...

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

OMG S&I!!! Congratulations!!!!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hooray S&I! That's great!!! :appl:

My temps are pretty much all over the place. My midwife is supposed to call in a scrip for provera for me to start my period. Has anyone taken provera?

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Woohooooo!!!! Congratulations S&I!!!! :appl: :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LC- just popping in to say that I have taken provera twice before. Both times it was for just having crazy long cycles. It was a long time ago but I remember I took a pill for a few days and then it started my period. The period from provera was heavier and longer than my normal period and maybe more cramps, but nothing awful. I was just glad to get back to normal. My cycles went back to normal after taking it too. It seemed to work as a reboot for my cycles. The cycle I conceived DD was really long and I was close to asking for provera before finally ovulating on CD44. I did some research at that time and saw a lot of positive stories from women who conceived on the first cycle after taking provera, so I don't think it affects your fertility going forward. Good luck! I know how not fun it is waiting for AF with no end in sight, but hopefully the provera gets things restarted for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats S&I!! Sticky, healthy dust to you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congratulations, S&I! I knew it wouldn't be long until you'd be seeing two lines. Wishing you all the best!

Good luck with the provera, LC. I hope your cycle returns to normal quickly, so you can start trying again.

Good luck to the rest of you as well.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks Choro, AMC, LC, DandiAndi, JGator, and MP! I'm excited but super nervous. My HCG came back at 23 and progesterone was only 4.3 from yesterday's beta, so I will be shoving those lovely Prometrium pills starting tonight. Really hoping and praying that my HCG doubles appropriately tomorrow. I had some pink spotting yesterday afternoon, so my OB had me come in this morning. She did a vaginal ultrasound and said my uterus looked normal for someone so early, whatever that means. She said my ovaries were both hiding, so that's a good sign there were no residual cysts or anything, but said that my grape-sized fibroid is probably what's causing the pains on my lower right side now (and when I'm Oing). I did take a digital last night and it said 1-2 weeks, so that made me feel a little better. I'd really appreciate all the sticky dust you ladies can spare!

LC, good luck with the Provera and hope you have the same positive results as Mia when she took it!

AMC, what's your plan for your next cycle?

MP, how are you doing? Where are you in your cycle?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I|1398872477|3663568 said:
AMC, what's your plan for your next cycle?

Great question! My follow up with the RE is tomorrow. I'm guessing he will give us the green light to try again, but who knows.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I, you can count on my good thoughts and prayers. Spotting and low progesterone are stressful, but I'm really hoping that all will be well and the next few weeks go quickly for you.

Thanks for asking about me, I saw and RE a couple weeks ago, and I will hopefully be starting an injectable cycle sometime next week. I'm currently in the middle of the 2ww, so AF should arrive this weekend or early next week I think. Hoping injectables will boost our chances.

amc, good luck with your appointment tomorrow. I suspect you will get the green light to try again too, and hopefully, the next time you get pregnant, the outcome will be much happier.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

The RE's office just called and my appointment was rescheduled until Monday, aka CD4. Totally bummed! But, at least he will be able to check out my ovaries at that appointment rather than me having to go back in. Silver linings, right?