
The Official TTC Thread!


Jul 21, 2008
Congrats S&I!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AH, super, AF showed up a day early. CD1 for me.


Jan 21, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, sorry about the RE appt reschedule and the early AF. Did your RE ever explain all your test results to you, or is that what this next appt is for?

MP, hoping you magically won't need your injectable cycle ;-) but glad you have that plan in place. Fingers crossed that will do the trick this time if you do get AF this weekend!

Clairitek, thanks mama! How are you feeling?


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

S&I|1398977817|3664632 said:
AMC, sorry about the RE appt reschedule and the early AF. Did your RE ever explain all your test results to you, or is that what this next appt is for?

That's what this appointment is for. I spoke to my nurse. She said if AF is gone by then (should be) then they can do the water ultrasound that day as well. So everything should work out. I'm actually really excited AF is here so we can get this show on the road. The last cycle of avoiding was so boring!


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, how unusual your AF is early. Anyway, I agree, the sooner the show can get started the sooner things can start happening.

MP, I'll check in with you on the other thread but hoping things work out with injectibles. I think a lot of ladies have had good luck with it.

S&I, Again, so happy for you :appl:

AFM: Started taking the provera. I dunno yesterday I was just at a low point. It seems like everyone I know is having a Sept baby, which is when Sprout would've been due, then my cycle was still "broken" and needing the provera. I just feel really low. Like I'm never going to get pregnant again. And I feel so blessed with E and I know if E is all we get I think we're the luckiest parents ever. But in my heart of hearts, I'll always feel an ache but I think I always *will* feel an ache since we already have a loss. Anyway, no point to this at all. I did talk to DH about feeling sad and hopeless, and he just kinda did the rah rah, "It'll happen. You just take this medicine then we start trying again." He just doesn't *get* it, but I know you ladies feel me here. I dunno, I just feel... broken.


Oct 11, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LC, just wanted to send some hugs to you. ::)


Jan 7, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LC, big hugs. You're usually such an upbeat and optimistic person around here, every now and then you have to let yourself feel sad and worried without feeling like you have to rein it in. It's good that you have us here to sympathise, and then DH to sort of be on the "let's do the needful and get on with it" track, that balance is healthy I think.

You WILL have another baby. I'm sorry that you're feeling like this and that you've had to go through all that's happened in the last few months along the way xxxx


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hugs, LC. Sending peaceful thoughts your way. Our situations are different, but I was nodding my head to almost everything you said. I thank God for a supportive, upbeat husband, but I also sometimes just need the understanding of women who have had similar experiences and can just say yeah, this sucks. I wholeheartedly believe you will be pregnant again soon, but I'm so sorry you had to experience a loss and a frustrating long cycle. Hug that little boy a lot this weekend. That is the one thing I can count on to bring me out of my funk when infertility gets me down. Praying our boys will both be big brothers someday soon.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PPM, Pancake & MP, thanks so much for your words. I'm feeling better today. I guess I really should apologize for the debbie downer post yesterday. But I guess we all go through these low days, so I'll allow myself one and solider on. I'm really grateful to have the "company" of you fabulous ladies here to keep me going.



Jan 21, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, sounds like your cycle timing will work out well with your RE appt. It'll be interesting to hear what your RE says about your test results.

LC, huge hugs mama! You are most definitely allowed to have a bad day, and you will be pregnant again! I'm so terribly sorry that you lost Sprout without any warning (not that warnings would have helped anyway). All this TTC and super early preggo stage is stressful all around. I had a pretty bad night last night and started freaking out too. Not fun. I love the amazing girls on this thread. We are all here to cheer everyone on with such positive thoughts and prayers (and dust)! How do you feel after taking the Provera? Do you need to go back and get monitored or anything?

AFM, my 2nd beta came back at 66. Still low, but that's a doubling time of 31.56 hours according to Google, which is higher than my original doubling time with A. Now I need to stop freaking out and try to distract myself until my dating ultrasound on the 15th, if I make it that far.


Jul 30, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies! It's been a few years since I've been active on PS. I went back to school and changed careers to something I like much better than what I was doing before. In any case, I still poke my head in now and again and I always find myself drawn to the FH&H section.

DH and I got married nearly 4 years ago and we've decided to start trying for a family, so I thought I'd jump in and join the thread! I went off the Mirena almost a year ago and have been charting to avoid since then. AF arrived last night, which officially marks the start of our first cycle trying! I've been in New Zealand for work for the last 2 months (we live in the states) without DH, and he gets here for 10 days of travel on Saturday, so our vacation perfectly coincides with my cycle, which is both nerve wracking and exciting.

I look forward to getting to know all of you on the TTC journey!


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LC, how are you feeling?

Ladypirate- Welcome! How nice that your vacation lines up with your fertile window. Good luck, and I hope your stay here is short.

AFM- I had my follow up with the RE yesterday (details are in the TTC6+ thread). We got the green light to start trying this cycle, so I'm officially back in TTC mode. I'm on CD6 so I still have quite a bit of time. We are going on a long weekend trip to Portland later this month. It should work out perfectly as it falls right in the middle of my LP. So we don't have to worry about timing things and "homework," but too early for me to know anything (so I can still have some wine).


Jul 30, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC - Thanks! Are you going to Portland, OR or Portland, ME? If it's the former, let me know if you'd like recommendations. That's my neck of the woods. ::)


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

ladypirate|1399406781|3667414 said:
AMC - Thanks! Are you going to Portland, OR or Portland, ME? If it's the former, let me know if you'd like recommendations. That's my neck of the woods. ::)

Oregon! We are looking to move up there in another year or so. DH is from Oregon (moved here from Roseburg in the 8th grade) and all of his family is still there. I would love some recommendations- the only place on our list is Pine State Biscuits. We are really going up there to drive around the 'burbs and see which area(s) we want to focus on for when we move. I'm also meeting with a recruiter who will hopefully help me get a job :)


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ladypirate- Where in NZ are you? I was an exchange student there in high school and lived in Auckland for a year. I love it!


Jul 30, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Awesome! We love Portland. Pine State is good but the line will be insane. If you don't want to spend at least an hour in line, other good brunch places without a wait are Din Din (Sunday only, French style small plates), Accanto (Somwhat upscale, takes reservations), EastBurn ($2 mimosas, awesome French Toast), Grain & Gristle (neighborhood gastropub), and Country Cat (Southern, a bit of a drive but worth it). For restaurants, I'd say:

Pok Pok (Thai street food--awesome but spicy)
Apizza Scholls (NY style pizza)
Le Pigeon (French, a bit spendy)
Ava Genes (Italian, they do amazing things with vegetables)
Nicolas' (Lebanese, cheap and delicious)
Bunk Sandwiches/Bunk Bar (Good for lunch or cheap dinner, recommend the mole tater tots, the pork belly cubano, and the Italian cured meats)
Luce (Small, inexpensive, romantic)
Ox (Argentinian, meat heavy)

There are a ton of other good places as well. If you're looking for something specific, let me know.

If you're into cocktails, Rum Club, Teardrop Lounge, and Clyde Common are all awesome. Pope House is great if you're into Bourbon. My favorite brewery in town is Hair of the Dog, but there are a bunch of good ones. If you like wine tasting, the Willamette Valley is full of amazing wineries. If you're there Memorial Weekend, it's a big one in the valley and a lot of the wineries have special events. Even if not, most are open for tasting on weekends. There are a couple urban ones as well if you don't want to leave the city. I'd recommend Boedecker and the SE Wine Collective. If you want more wine or beer recommendations, let me know.

For coffee, there are a bunch of great local roasters and cafés. I like Heart, Ristretto, and Barista the best. Public Domain is good, but they're kind of coffee snobs, as in won't sell you a cappuccino to go.

Powell's bookstore is worth a visit. If you like gardens, the Chinese and Japanese gardens are both lovely, as is the rose test garden. There's lots of hiking--take a quick stroll in Hoyt Arboretum or Forest Park to get a taste without leaving the city. As far as neighborhoods go, each has their own vibe. Just depends on your style (and budget).

Oh! And for jewelry, check out Gilt on NW 23rd. It's an antique jewelry store with a lot of very cool pieces.

Have a great time! Sorry I'm in NZ--if I were going to be there I'd say we should meet up!


Jul 30, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh, and I'm in Martinborough outside of Wellington. I work in the wine industry, so I was here for vintage.


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

ladypirate|1399413657|3667475 said:
Awesome! We love Portland. Pine State is good but the line will be insane. If you don't want to spend at least an hour in line, other good brunch places without a wait are Din Din (Sunday only, French style small plates), Accanto (Somwhat upscale, takes reservations), EastBurn ($2 mimosas, awesome French Toast), Grain & Gristle (neighborhood gastropub), and Country Cat (Southern, a bit of a drive but worth it). For restaurants, I'd say:


Oh! And for jewelry, check out Gilt on NW 23rd. It's an antique jewelry store with a lot of very cool pieces.

Have a great time! Sorry I'm in NZ--if I were going to be there I'd say we should meet up!

Wow, thank you so much! I will go over this list with DH. I especially love the jewelry store suggestion :)

Well, we can just meet up when I move there next year. God willing, we should have babies the same age. Which means I can hit you up for day care suggestions! And so cool that you're in the wine industry, how fun. Much cooler than finance.


Jul 21, 2008
Coming out of lurkdom to say that I can vouch for Pok Pok, Powell's, Gilt, and wanted to add Salted Straw (for ice cream) to the list. In fact I visited all four of those places with lovely LP and her DH two years ago!


Jul 30, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ooh! Good call, Claritek! Salt & Straw is awesome! Also, was that really 2 years ago? Time is going too fast these days.

AMC, wine is a great industry, but finance probably pays better! I do love it, though. I look forward to meeting you once you move here!


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Welcome LP! How awesome you're in NZL. Definitely one of the places in the world that I want to go to. If I were to magically wine the lottery I like to daydream that I'd work on a vineyard. But in reality I know it's a tremendous amount of work. More so than traditional farming even (my family has an orchard) because traditional farming, once you harvest you pack your product up and sell it. But for wine, you harvest then you have to process it, then age, blend, bottle, market, blah blah blah. It seems exhausting. Are you part of the day-to-day farm operations or do you work on the business/office side?

AMC, thanks for asking about me. Hope your vacation goes well. How awesome you guys are thikning of moving to OR in the next few yrs. DH went to Portland for a bachelors' party weekend once and he *really* liked it.

AFM: Feeling OK. I seemed to have jacked up my right shoulder in the past few days. It's so painful, so that's kinda distracting me from being down about still TTC. Nothing a nice long massage appointment can't fix though (or so I hope). We've been keeping busy getting our condo ready for listing. Does anyone know if there's a magic floor fairy that will come in and magically redo my flooring overnight? I think the two big things we have to do before selling is new appliances and new floors.


Jul 30, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Sorry about your shoulder, LC! I hope the massage helps. LOL to the floor fairy--if you find one, can you send it our way? :bigsmile:

I actually work in the winemaking side of it, which is usually separate from the grape growing/farming side. It's a blend of chemistry, sensory analysis, microbiology, and physical labor. I :love: it. I also do some work on the sales and marketing side, but that's not nearly as fun.

DH gets here in 2 days! I am so excited to see him.


Jul 30, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

DH gets here tonight! Let the fun part of TTC begin :naughty:


Jun 18, 2010
ladypirate said:
DH gets here tonight! Let the fun part of TTC begin :naughty:

Where's the like button?


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LP, exciting. Hope you guys are enjoying your vacation. I'm seriously jealous. I could use a vacay right now...


Jul 30, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks LC and AMC! We're having a blast. The best part is just getting to see each other after so long apart. I should be ovulating around Saturday, so we'll see what happens. Then the 2WW begins. I should find out just a few days before I'm supposed to run a marathon. Yikes! If it happens, I may have to bow out, but I get a baby out of the deal. If I'm not KTFU, there are all you can eat oysters along the route, so it should be a good consolation. :razz:


Jun 30, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies!
Hope it's ok that I'm posting here. I haven't posted since I was about halfway pregnant with my now 2 year old daughter! I wasn't so great at keeping up with posts then (clearly) but I'm hopeful and determined to be more consistent this time :) I wanted to join back in now as we are ttc baby #2 and I know this is a very supportive and helpful community! So I hope despite my absence I'm still welcome here!

I've been sort of following along and lurking and wish you all a speedy stay on this board! Looking forward to reacquainting and meeting all of you and graduating to the pregnancy and baby boards!

So, a little background and then I'll stop rambling. I got pregnant with my daughter the first try on a vacation in Italy. Had a fairly smooth pregnancy and birth and now my daughter is a very fun loving, bright girl with a lot of, ...a lot. I'm fearful of her teenage years if she's got this many opinions now! Oh the fun of the 2's!

We started trying for baby two last month and now I am on CD2 of cycle 2. Because it happened so quickly the first time I was sort of caught off guard that it didn't automatically just work again so I'm trying to not get to heady about it and forge ahead without my crazy neurosis flaring. The strange part for me is that my cycles are normally 25 days and I got AF on day 22. A 22 day cycle is not a good thing I'm guessing but I'll see what happens next month and go from there I guess. I thought maybe this is a chemical pregnancy but all tests were neg so likely not. Just can't figure out the early onset.

Anyway, that's a lot for a first post in a while so I'll stop here. Looking forward to chatting with you all!


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LP, if you're running a marathon, then likely you've been training for it, so you've been running a lot anyway, Your body is used to the training and that level of running activity. If your heart's set on doing it, I'd still go ahead and run it, but it's really what you're most comfortable with. I ran a marathon a few yrs ago, and if it were me, I'd be like, "If I dont' run it now I'll never run it again." This is because I'm one of those *never again* folks. I just don't like the time dedication training for a race that long takes. Half-M is the longest distance I'll do from now on.

Marlie, Welcome. Hope your time here is short. And as much as it'd be nice to do be a one shot wonder again, sometimes it's nice to have some age gap between kids. Were you on any kind of birth control before you guys started TTC again?

AFM: CD1 for me. I normally don't get cramps so I had NO IDEA what I was feeling all morning. I was pretty sure I'd get my cycle this week assuming everything was working and I finished my provera script on Sunday. But despite all that I was still caught unprepared. Fortunately I keep some products at my desk at work. So this will be the first cycle after my D&C. Hoping that they say you're extra fertile after a miscarriage is correct.


Jun 18, 2010
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey Marlie, welcome! I'm also in the "it happened so quickly the first time" club. Hopefully cycle 2 will be your lucky cycle.

LC- I'm glad AF finally showed, sorry she's not being nice.

LP- I think you would be fine if you still want to do the run. I personally wouldn't, and I'm a runner...but that's not based on any sort of medical perspective, just my own comfort level.


Jun 30, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi LC! Thanks for the welcome. Im so so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. Glad that your new cycle has begun and I have heard that about post-miscarriage fertility as well. Fingers very crossed for you! And it looks like we will be cycle buddies, just a day apart. We were pregnant last time together so maybe this is good luck for us :)

I haven't gone back on bc since my daughter. We've just been sort of avoiding ovulation week and um, not finishing properly. Now that we are trying we are doing opks and pretty much BDing the few days before, during and after. Should I not be doing it everyday? This is all so tricky. Trying to figure out what might have gone wrong to tip scales in my favor this cycle.

I agree about an age gap. I like the idea that my daughter and her future sibling will be roughly 3 years apart if I get pregnant soonish. I think it's a good spread. Ultimately I think whatever age difference you have will be fine. My sister and I are 5 years apart and are close but not super close and mom / aunt are 8 years apart and are absolute best friends. jealous that you are a marathoner! I agree with LC that if your body is already conditioned and used to that activity, it's probably fine to run it. Maybe just check with ob before?

Amc...thanks! Hopefully it happens this cycle for us both!
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