
The Official TTC Thread!


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy I don't know if she got a reason. I will ask her. I know she was seeing an OB after the first few losses. I will ask and let you know what she says.


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh, Lizzy, my heart sank when I read your post. I am so, so sorry. You must be completely drained at this point. I have a friend who has also had several miscarriages and the last time she got pregnant (she went full term), she said she was just really mad because she didn't want to go through the loss again. I'm so frustrated for you and really hope that the RE pushes to find out the source of this problem. I'm sending you lots of hugs.


Jun 27, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'm so sorry Lizzy. I hope you get some answers soon. It's so frustrating when sometimes modern medicine just doesn't have answers for these type of things. Without going into detail, I've been on both sides of the table in that kind of situation, and I hope you are able to find peace.


Oct 28, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I know you must be extremely frustrated, and I would want some answers too. I hope your RE can give you some insight. **hugs**


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I've been thinking of you. I hope you are doing alright and were able to get some answers from your RE today or at least a plan of action.

NEL, I saw the picture of your wall project. Wow, that looks like a lot of work. Definitely a good idea that you undertook that before becoming pregnant. Your house is really interesting too. Although I don't know think we would be up for the maintenance and restoration work required for a historical house, I really admire people who are.

LC, have you seen a smiley face yet? Hope your marathoning is going well.

AFM, I think I am 2DPO because my temperature spiked yesterday morning. So reassuring to see the one degree spike the past two mornings. I didn't think I would have much luck because I'm such a restless sleeper. Now, I'm just hoping it stays higher for several more days. If not a BFP this cycle, I at least want to know that I have enough progesterone and long enough luteal phase.

Hope everyone is doing well.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

No :)) yet... Still waiting. This weekend we're going t a wedding, some friends from southern part of the state. We're car pooling with sis and her BF. Sis just got a new car so we're going to ride down in that. Fun!

Not much else going on. BD Marathon is still every other, for the most part. Still enjoying ourselves, but I must admit I get a little sad that there's no :)) yet.

Lizzy, how are you my friend? Have you set another appt with your RE?

~LC, out


Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies, just a quick post to say that I got my beta today and it went up just a little to 70, but they felt that it was still too low so they want me to stop the progesterone and let nature take it's course. Tuesday's beta was 45, Friday's betas was 54, and today's was 70 so it hasn't even doubled since Tuesday. I will be going back in for one more round of bloodwork to ensure it goes down. They want me to try again after the m/c happens, and if I don't get pregnant that month, they will start me on Chlomid. Chlomid honestly frightens me so I don't know if I will want to do it or not. Chlomid is just going to boost my fertility releasing more eggs. We have no problem getting pregnant, it's the staying pregnant that is the problem. The RE told me that because more eggs are released I have a higher chance of one of them implanting and staying implanted. I dunno. What if I end up having all of them stick? I don't know if I'm ready for that. I am going away to Cape Cod this weekend, so I asked the nurse if I am for sure safe to have some wine and a couple beers over the weekend. She said no problem at all. I just wish my betas had gone down instead of up because I feel like I will still worry about drinking.


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I'm so sorry about the disappointing and frustrating beta results. Hope you are doing okay. I think you should definitely go ahead and have your glass or two of wine this weekend and enjoy yourself. You definitely deserve it after all you have been through. As far as the RE's recommendation, I can understand your reluctance to use clomid when you know you are ovulating. I know my sister was put on clomid because it was thought that it would help produce "better quality" eggs, and she had a couple ultrasounds before ovulation time to monitor the number of large follicles and decide whether multiples were a substantial risk. Have you thought about seeking a second opinion?

LC, darnit on the negative OPKs. But hey, at least you and your husband are enjoying yourselves in the meantime. Sounds like you have a fun weekend planned!


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy There has been lots of discussion on this thread over the years about clomid, if you do a search you will find some great posts especially about the issue of possible multiples from gals who really researchers it. Apparently it is not tha high a risk, and even then only twins if I recall correctly. Anyways, hoping for some clarity for you soon. HUGS to you.


Sep 21, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy I am sorry to hear your news - I hope you get answers and/or a new plan soon. I have friends who used Clomid and none have twins. One of these friend's first pregnancy was slow to double beta's, I don't know the #'s but she was told it didn't look good, but somehow, it pulled through. I think your nurse gives sound advice, but are you considering going in once more before your weekend trip to check?


Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Monkey, did your sister go on to get pregnant on Clomid? If so, how many babies??!! I have a call into my RE to ask some add'l questions about all of this. My nurse did mention doing the u/s's to follow how many follicles to be on the safe side as well. I think I will do that.

Dreamer, thanks for the hugs. I have started to do some research on Clomid and you are right, it looks like chances only go up slightly higher for twins. It appears that triplets or more are rare. I guess it makes sense to up the amount of eggs released as it makes my chances higher of one of them implanting correctly. But man, I can't help but worry that what if all is right for me that month and I end up with all of them taking! Yikes!!! Dreamer, did you ever end up hearing from your friend on whether she found any reasons for her early m/c's? Do you know if she ended up getting pregnant and carrying full term after using Clomid or something else?

Janine, it is funny you should ask because I just put a call into my RE asking to get blood drawn on Thursday morning. This way I will get the results same day right before I leave for my trip. I leave Thursday night. I think I'll feel better if I can get one more batch of #'s. Interesting info on your friend's betas not doubling and then things being ok. I'd be curious to hear what betas she had? I have stopped the progesterone at this point, so it will be what it will be I guess.

Thanks for the support ladies. I really appreciate it. Anybody in 2ww?


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I'm glad to hear you're scheduling something for Thursday morning, just to be extra sure. I'm sure it's a struggle because you don't want to hold out hope and be disappointed, but at the same time you don't want to have it in the back of your mind all weekend if you're having some drinks. I'm sorry you're going through all of this, I have no doubt you're emotionally exhausted. :(sad

I know nothing about Clomid, but definitely understand your concern--I always thought that Clomid was to help those who don't regularly ovulate/have trouble conceiving. You're fantastic at conceiving, so I guess I'm confused as the effects of Clomid once pregnant.

Right now it seems like there are more questions that answers, I hope your RE can continue to shed some light on the situation.


Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi NE, I still don't feel like I have a great answer on why Clomid would help me. I just got off the phone with my RE and she said that Clomid strengthens ovulation. They usually hope for 1-3 eggs to be released. She said that the benefit to someone like me is that say we fertilize two eggs, the hope is that one of them will stick. I get worried though because we do get pregnant so easy. What if 3 get fertilized and all three stick!!! She said that they would be giving me ultrasounds along the way to watch how many follicles are being created. I'm still not sure how I feel about it all. She said that I don't have to start clomid, it's totally up to me and my DH. She did recommend me though to wait a month before trying again. She said to have one normal menstruation to be sure all the HCG is down to zero and I am at a baseline. She said that it could take some time for me to get down to 0 at this point due to the fact that my levels were still going up. She still did feel that it would be safe for me to drink this weekend, but she completely understood why I wanted more bloodwork on Thursday before I leave. I hope it goes down or I am going to have an uneasy feeling about drinking, even though I desperately need a cocktail!!! She also mentioned that sometimes the levels only slightly go up if there is some tissue still implanted (sorry if that is TMI), even though there is no embryo. Or if my level still goes up they will want to keep a close eye on me to be sure it is not ectopic. I know this will all be worth it in the end but man is it an emotional roller coaster. :(sad Thanks NE for all your support. You are such a sweetheart.


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, my sister did get pregnant on a clomid. Just one baby, and it resulted in my niece. I will say that she did not get pregnant as easily as you do and showed some signs of PCOS, so it is a slightly different situation. But I do know that she was ovulating because she had a miscarriage a few months before she got pregnant with my niece. I can totally understand your fears about multiples, and you have to be honest with yourself about what level of risk you're comfortable with. It sounds like clomid is not your only option though, and you could still go on to have a healthy baby on your own. I'm hoping you get reassuring results on Thursday, so you can just relax and enjoy a nice weekend.


Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks Monkey, that is what I am hoping for too. I know it seems weird to say, but I just want the # to go down at this point, so I can start to put closure on this pregnancy and the "what-if's" Thanks for your info on your sister. It is reassuring. Do you know if they were watching her follicles to see how many eggs were released? I'm curious to know that #. My RE said they hope for 1-3, but who knows what can happen?


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ah, I think I understand now. The Clomid will release more eggs with the hope that if more than one is fertilized, at least one will stick. Sort of like the IVF process where more than one embryo is implanted with hopes that one sticks. I completely understand your multiples concern since you're good at ovulating, but it's also interesting that the research shows that multiples are uncommon on Clomid. Hmmm, these will be good things to mull over with your husband this weekend. .

Thanks for the explanation, Lizzy, and I'm continuing to think good thoughts for you.


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy My friend did not use Clomid, apparently they were thinking a PCOS like thing for her so she was on metformin and perhaps another drug. I believe she still had a loss using the meds then got pg the next cycle when they were not actually "trying trying" strangly enough. So a different situation than you, though she too got pregnant very easily. In your case, and I'm sorry if this seems blunt, I think that Clomid could be a good way to go since more fetrilized eggs means an increased chance one will stick. Seems like more eggs can help people who have a hard time conceiving at all, since there are more tagets, but also can perhaps help when they are not sticking, since if 2-3 try, one might last? I know it is wierd to put it that way, so hope it does not offend. I also wonder if the "stronger ovulation" thing could be why they are suggesting it for you. One of the issues I was reading about with early losses is that once fettilized, the zygote is not splitting and replicating at the rate it should, thus the stalling in the process of development and miscarriage. So Clomid might help with that if the hormones are really strong and produce a really hardy egg? It is a personal decision, of course, but I think in your shoes I would try it with monitoring and perhaps abstain from sex if it looked like there were 3+ eggs or something... but it is a tough choice. Third time was the charm with your son. I bet if you just keep trucking you will get a sticky bean natually soon enough, but of course the risk being more early losses. I am not sure which is more trying mentally -- the uncertainty of intervention or the uncertainty of TTC naturally.


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, yes, my sister had an ultrasound prior to ovulation. I want to say she had two follicles that seemed like good candidates for ovulation, but like I said, she only ended up with one implanting.

So, I have a question for those of you who are temping. My temperatures leading up to ovulation ranged from 97.2 to 97.5. On Sunday and Monday, my temp was 98.2. But this morning, it was about 97.8, and I felt like I had a twinge of cramping earlier. Should I be concerned about the significant drop in temperature? Boo. I just want a nice normal cycle.


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Dreamer_D|1302643621|2894395 said:
Lizzy My friend did not use Clomid, apparently they were thinking a PCOS like thing for her so she was on metformin and perhaps another drug. I believe she still had a loss using the meds then got pg the next cycle when they were not actually "trying trying" strangly enough. So a different situation than you, though she too got pregnant very easily. In your case, and I'm sorry if this seems blunt, I think that Clomid could be a good way to go since more fetrilized eggs means an increased chance one will stick. Seems like more eggs can help people who have a hard time conceiving at all, since there are more tagets, but also can perhaps help when they are not sticking, since if 2-3 try, one might last? I know it is wierd to put it that way, so hope it does not offend. I also wonder if the "stronger ovulation" thing could be why they are suggesting it for you. One of the issues I was reading about with early losses is that once fettilized, the zygote is not splitting and replicating at the rate it should, thus the stalling in the process of development and miscarriage. So Clomid might help with that if the hormones are really strong and produce a really hardy egg? It is a personal decision, of course, but I think in your shoes I would try it with monitoring and perhaps abstain from sex if it looked like there were 3+ eggs or something... but it is a tough choice. Third time was the charm with your son. I bet if you just keep trucking you will get a sticky bean natually soon enough, but of course the risk being more early losses. I am not sure which is more trying mentally -- the uncertainty of intervention or the uncertainty of TTC naturally.

The part I bolded is exactly what I was thinking. If the RE will give you an ultrasound to see which follies are most promising and it looks like 3+ are going to release an egg, you could always hold off. I also completely agree with Dreamer about being torn between the uncertainty of intervention or the uncertainty of TTC--I know it must be really challenging to navigate through all of this right now. We're all here for support when you need it.

MP, I've only been charting for a week or so, but can I just say I'm jealous of your relatively consistent temps? Heck, in the last few days my tems juped from 97.4 to 98.2 and back down to 97.7 this morning. I feel like your shift from 98.2 to 97.8 isn't that big of a shift--do you think the 98.2 is your post-O spike?

AFM, I'm frustrated. My cycle is more wacky than ever, which is bad timing since we're really ready to TTC now. I thought I was starting on CD1 a week ago because I had spotting...which I usually have for less than a day before AF really shows up. But the spotting continued for 4 days. And that was it. I don't even know what to consider it because it wasn't really a period. And that was after a 42-day cycle! So now I have no idea if I'm actually on CD50 with weird spotting or if my body sporadically decided AF would just be spotting this month. I even took a pregnancy test last night just in case it was implantation spotting. BFN. If there was some sort of "Where am I in my cycle" test it would probably read: :confused:


Sep 21, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy - unfortunately I do not know her beta numbers as this was a few years ago - I know that they did not think it looked good and she was prepared to m/c (she had once already and was seeing an RE for IUI's). It pulled through though and now she is preggo with #2 (at age 39 1/2). I think it's great that you are working closely with your RE now and you've gotten some good advice. Glad you made the appointment for Thurs - I would have too, I just like knowing, ya know? And the Cape sounds fun, where are you going? I'm glad you'll have a nice weekend to unwind :).

NEL - ETA - opps, just saw you did take a test. Hmm, that is really odd especially since your cycles have always been regular. I hope something shows up soon, either AF or a BFP!

MonkeyPrincess - it's been awhile since I've charted, but the slight spike could be an anomoly or maybe implantation (heheh, I think that's less documented though). What are your temps today? I hope things become clearer, either way you 're on the right track!


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NEL, I'm sorry about the temperature confusion. Maybe you just didn't ovulate last month due to stress or something? I think I read that if you don't ovulate in a given month, you sometimes will just have spotting or a light period. I hope that is it. Are you using OPKs? Maybe that would give you some more clarity.

My temps were a little wacko too during the first week of my cycle, but then the week before ovulation, they regulated a bit and ranged from 97.2 to 97.5. I do think that the 98.2 temp on Sunday was my ovulation spike because it corresponds with my OPK and I had ovulation pains on Saturday night and Sunday morning (it felt like a reuptured ovarian cyst). I did a little research last night, and I guess it is not that uncommon for your temp to fall back at 2dpo or 3dpo due to progesterone not being high enough yet. It would be too early for implantation. This morning my temp was back up to 98.0, so I am assuming I did ovulate because I've had 4 temps above the coverline. Hopefully, it stays there awhile.


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP A fallback rise is very common. Sounds like you O'd. The overall pattern matter MUCH more than one one or two temps.

NEL I would count the spotting as AF. I have cycles like that sometimes. Temping this month should help. Just keep trucking. Usually temps are really all over the place in the firs tweek after AF, then they become more consistent as O approaches (the increase in Estrogen does that) and are often consisten post-O too. Make sure you take your temp the same time each morning. If you are a mouth breather when you sleep, you can also consider temping vaginally. You just do in the same as in your mouth, but in your hoo ha. Much more consistent results for a lot of women.


Apr 28, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann01|1302557580|2893529 said:
Hi ladies, just a quick post to say that I got my beta today and it went up just a little to 70, but they felt that it was still too low so they want me to stop the progesterone and let nature take it's course. Tuesday's beta was 45, Friday's betas was 54, and today's was 70 so it hasn't even doubled since Tuesday. I will be going back in for one more round of bloodwork to ensure it goes down. They want me to try again after the m/c happens, and if I don't get pregnant that month, they will start me on Chlomid. Chlomid honestly frightens me so I don't know if I will want to do it or not. Chlomid is just going to boost my fertility releasing more eggs. We have no problem getting pregnant, it's the staying pregnant that is the problem. The RE told me that because more eggs are released I have a higher chance of one of them implanting and staying implanted. I dunno. What if I end up having all of them stick? I don't know if I'm ready for that. I am going away to Cape Cod this weekend, so I asked the nurse if I am for sure safe to have some wine and a couple beers over the weekend. She said no problem at all. I just wish my betas had gone down instead of up because I feel like I will still worry about drinking.

Hi lizzyann,

So sorry about the m/c. :(( To the above though, Clomid doesn't always create multiple eggs. Sometimes it just helps create one better quality egg, which is probably why your doctor wants you to take it. Also, do you know you and your DH's blood type? Sometimes losses can be caused by the woman producing antibodies because of blood type incompatibiity (my DH and I had this). If you are O and your DH is not, there can sometimes be issues (you could google AB O incompatibility). Hugs!


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Janine--I'll take a BFP, please :)

MP--I ran out of OPKs this month, but did use them last month. The problem is that I got a positive around CD21 last month, but I guess I didn't ovulate (Byron was going through an involved chemo treatment requiring him to stay in the hospital at the same time, so I think it was delayed due to stress). Anyway, my plan was to go OPK-free for a month or two while TTC, but who knows now.

Dreamer--as usual, thanks so much. I especially loved the sentence about temping in the hoo ha--I was reading your post in a serious tone in my head, which made it that much more funny. Anyway, yes, I'm counting my spotting days as a period in my chart and am just going to keep on trucking. I get up around the same time of day on weekdays and weekends, so hopefully my chart will be consistent. If I don't get a decent chart this month, I'll resort to the hoo ha.


Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Dreamer, no offense at all! You nailed it! The more eggs created, the better the chance one will stick using Clomid. I think we are going to go for it. Because they will be monitoring me with the u/s's I feel better about it. We are worried about multiples but at this point I just don't know how many more cycles of losses I can go thru. So if this will up my chances of one of them sticking, why not right? I have also been concerned with egg viability. They have not looked at/tested my eggs and I wonder if by using Clomid and releasing more eggs it will up my chances of fertilizing a better quality egg. I know I have some "good eggs" as I did have my son, but I wonder if I have a egg problem. Something to discuss with my RE...

Monkey, thanks for sharing the info on your sister. I really appreciate it. Unfortunately, I am no help on temping as I don't temp. I only use OPK's.

NE, I would also consider the spotting your period because it lasted for 4 days. I know you ran out of OPK's but I would go buy some. If anything, it will give you the security of knowing where you are at cycle-wise. Otherwise you are going to be guessing and trying to navigate thru your temps.

Janine, thanks for the info! It does give me hope that it will happen! We are going to Hyannis/Yarmouth area at Cape Cod. A large group of our friends and children are renting a home together. We are all looking forward to a little rest and relaxation. I hope my blood work tomorrow gives me a clearer picture on my status.

Laila, thanks for the info on Clomid. It is reassuring. I'm not positive of my blood type but I have it written down somewhere. My OB did take blood from myself and my DH back when he ran chromosome/genetic testing so I assume they would have looked at blood type issues. But it's a good question and I will bring that up next time I talk to the RE.

AFM, still no bleeding. The crazy thing is that my boobs feel more sensitive and full today which has me a little freaked out. Not sure what that means. I don't want to get my hopes up but I have a feeling my # is going to be slightly higher tomorrow. What would you guys do in my situation? My last beta was 70. If it goes up to say 100 and the RE still feels there is no hope, would you feel comfortable drinking alcohol? I know it seems so trivial but I planned on having a mimosa or two and a glass of wine while on vaca. Let me know your thoughts.


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy how many weeks would you be on vacation? I don't think I could drink much if over 5 weeks and there was even the remote possibility of things working out, which a rising beta would suggest. But I would probably have one glass of wine/mimosa at an evening, with food, and not beat myself up.


Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Dreamer, it is a short vaca. Only 3 nights. It's not a big deal if I don't drink at all as I'm not a regular drinker or anything. But we are staying at a house with a lot of friends and it would be nice to have a drink or two to wind down and relax. But if I feel that drinking would cause me more anxiety I probably won't bother or like you said have one glass of wine in the evening. When we were trying to get pregnant for my DS back in 2008, I had a similar issue with my betas and I was due to leave to Mexico for vacation. Because of the uncertainty of everything, I chose not to drink, only to come home and start the bleeding. A whole week in Mexico and not even one Corona or Dos Equis!!!! So this situation that I am in is making me think of 2008's debacle. Oh the joys of TTC.... Thanks for your thoughts Dreamer.


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lizzyann01|1302719622|2895165 said:
Dreamer, it is a short vaca. Only 3 nights. It's not a big deal if I don't drink at all as I'm not a regular drinker or anything. But we are staying at a house with a lot of friends and it would be nice to have a drink or two to wind down and relax. But if I feel that drinking would cause me more anxiety I probably won't bother or like you said have one glass of wine in the evening. When we were trying to get pregnant for my DS back in 2008, I had a similar issue with my betas and I was due to leave to Mexico for vacation. Because of the uncertainty of everything, I chose not to drink, only to come home and start the bleeding. A whole week in Mexico and not even one Corona or Dos Equis!!!! So this situation that I am in is making me think of 2008's debacle. Oh the joys of TTC.... Thanks for your thoughts Dreamer.

Sorry, I meant how far along in your pregnancy would you be! Gads, what a frustrating situation... maybe play it by ear, ya know? So many unknowns between now and then.


Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh now I get it Dreamer...I am technically 5w1d today. I will try to make a quick post tomorrow amidst my packing extravaganza when I get my new beta results in. At this point, sore bb's and all, I'm not sure what I am hoping for.


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, hope you get conclusive results today - whether you have a big jump or the go down. Let us know if you get a chance.
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