
The Official TTC Thread!


Nov 20, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey ladies!

NEL - nursery looks incredible!!!

LC - yay for OPKs! Good luck! It's nice to see it finally turn up +! Good luck with the officery plans :))

monkey - good luck with BDing not being a chore! It's hard.. I keep telling DH I want to do the deed as much as possible around O time, but I also want it to still be fun and sexy.. not like we're just making an appointment!!

brown eyes - Hang in there! It ain't over til the red lady sings, and I've got my fingers crossed!

lizzy - I hope the progesterone is doing it's job! Hope to hear more good news from you in the near future. :))

AFM, I don't know if I'm happy or what! I finally got a positive OPK today... but this is CD17!! I thought I O'ed around CD 14, so I was definitely not BDing at an optimal time the last couple months if this cycle is normal for me. Considering my usual cycle is 29 days, this means my LP is a little short, too. But at least I know I'm ovulating! Yay! So definitely going to BD tonight and tomorrow... wish me luck! Come onnnnn body! And swimmers!


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Katy you could have O'd later this month, it will be interesting to see if your cycle is also 29 days this time. Either way, a 10-11 day LP is just fine, many of us, including me, got pregnant without issues with LPs in the 10/11 day range! It is rare for LP length to be an issue, though TCOYF makes a rather big deal of it. But good to have this information! I am reminded of another PSer, who's name I can't recall, who also discovered she was ovulating later than she thought and had been missing her fertile window for months! Once she knew when the day was, she was pregnant very quickly. Hope its the same for you!


Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I ran out to buy TCOYF yesterday right before going home--I was so excited to read it that I cracked it open on the commuter rail on my way home. The very crowded commuter rail. So imagine my embarrassment when I turned to the second chapter and there were several illustrations of male and female genitilia. I couldn't flip through the pages fast enough, but there seemed to be pages and pages of the illustrations! The woman next to me eventually started giggling and I just shut the book.

Katy, I think it's great that you finally know when you're ovulating--I'm sure it's frustrating that your timing has been a little off, but better to know now than keep missing the O-day! Now you're more prepared than ever!

Dreamer and Charbie, I'm jealous of your cervical knowledge! I can't even find my cervix, though I'm going to try harder this month, haha. Now that I have TCOYF (and several illustrations!) I'm hoping I have better luck.

AFM--I think this might be CD1 for me. I had some spotting this morning and hope it progresses today. I'm feeling crampy, which is good. Also, you know how I wasn't going to use OPKs this month in an effort to keep TTC fun and stress-free? Well, I'm charting. These long cycles have me a little concerned and I just want to make sure I'm ovulating. Besides, I don't think it would be so stress free when CD30 rolled around and I started testing, then got BFNs for two straight weeks only to realize I'm having a long cycle. I don't think it will affect my urge to BD since I won't know if I've Oed until the thermal shift, but it would just make me feel better to do it.

Also, I got a promotion yesterday! I really wanted for it to happen before having a baby, so I'm glad for that!


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Dreamer and Charbie, thanks for chiming in on my CM question. I’m fairly confident I know how to, um, check it, even though I’m very squeamish about it. I’m just not seeing anything other than creamy or milky, even though I should be approaching O day soon. I had a positive OPK last month, but not much CM to speak of. Hopefully, it is just taking me awhile to become fertile.

Katy, good luck BD’ing. I hope that knowing your precise ovulation day is just the thing you need to get pregnant! Hopefully, I'll be just a few days behind you. BD’ing isn’t quite a chore yet, I just don’t mind so much if DH doesn’t take his time. :))

NEL, congratulations on your promotion! So happy the timing worked out right for you! And yay for a new cycle. Too funny about reading TCOYF in the train. I’m such a third grader, when I started turning to those pictures, I started laughing and showing them to DH. Later in the book there are actual color photos. I’m temping this month as well, but I’m a restless and sweaty sleeper, so my temps have not been very consistent.

Nothing new on my end. Just doing the POAS thing and hoping for a smiley face one of these days! Sending fertile thoughts to everyone!


Sep 21, 2006
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies, hope you don't mind me chiming in, I'm a lurker but have been following all your stories! :)

I just wanted to give a different perspective - everyone is different so this is nothing more then another approach! Some have brought up BD marathons, but in my opinion you dont always have to do this (EOD up to O is just as effective IMO). BD marathons can be exhausting and sometimes make things less fun - of course if you are both up for it, go at it! When we were TTC awhile back we were not very good with the marathons (I always wanted DH to be willing not reluctant) and in our case the time we seemed to have missed the boat was ironically the time it happened! It really does only take once, and I think the most important thing is that it be before O, rather than every day before, on O and day after O,etc. Again, just my experience, but doesn't hurt to mix it up once in awhile and it also helps you not feel guilty if you had a slow month.

In terms of EWCM, OPK's, charting, I personally found charting and then adding OPK's after I got used to my cycles the most helpful. I didn't find it stressful, I found it empowering and interesting. I never read TCOYF (too much detail for me), and I never overchecked for EWCM. If I saw it (or something close) I just noted it on the chart--it's another indicator for fertility, but doesn't have to be identified for things to be good to go! Temping/charting for 3 months really helped me understand my cycle and then adding OPK's to help confirm O was enough for me and covers the major bases. Of course if you O irregularly or not at all it's easier said than done, but at least these tools help you identify that and then you can take the next steps.

Excited for you all and loved the story of NEL reading TCOYF on the train. I ride a train full of cranky commuters, I would have gotten sneers and dirty looks!


Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies, drive by post here. I got my first beta from yesterday's draw and it was 45. I was 15dpo yesterday. 45 seemed low to me as I had a beta during my last unsuccessful pregnancy of 31 at 11dpo. The nurse at the RE said that she felt it was a strong beta for this timing and that I shouldn't really compare this beta to the one last time around because it all depends on when I implanted which is different for each pregnancy. She said we will know on Friday when I go for another draw. So I will know on Friday whether or not the beta has gone up or down. aaaahhhhh!!!!! I hate waiting for tests! :errrr: That is all I ever do! I just hope I get good news for the weekend!

If there are any pregnant ladies out there who had betas drawn, I'd love to hear your take on the #'s. Thanks!

*Edited to add that my symptoms still feel strong to me whereas last time I could tell they were lessening.


Oct 28, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy - try not to stress. I know it is hard to always be waiting for tests and you have been through alot, but you have competent doctors watching over you and if they are not worried, you shouldn't be either. Keep yourself busy and try not to over-analyze (I know that this is easier said than done). I'm sending super sticky vibes your way, and I thinking about you alot.

Janine - thanks for putting in your perspective on the marathon BDing. It does only take once, and it's more about the timing than the frequency.

MP - good luck this month! hoping you get a BF :)) soon!

NEL - congrats on the promotion and I laughed out loud at your story about TCOYF on the bus. Too funny! Good luck with temping. I'm a wakeful sleeper and rarely sleep peacefully for the whole night, so I think it would be more frustrating for me than anything. I'm sticking with the OPKs for now. BTW I cannot wait to see what that wood wall looks like after you strip it. Are you guys tackling that this weekend??

Dreamer and Charbie - your wisdom and helpful information is always appreciated around here.

LC - good luck with the OPKs and I hope you get your BF :)) soon too! As for BDing being a chore... I think trying for every day would really make if feel like work. DH and I are still enjoying it and going with the flow. I am trying to keep it as natural as possible, just making sure that we get a session in within the ideal time as told by the OPK. We're only a month in, so I would hate for it to feel like work already.

Katy - Yay for the positive OPK. Hopefully the swimmers find the egg!

AFM - today is CD1, which means I'm not a jerkstore. I'm excited to know that my cycle is somewhat regular. I got a :)) on CD 15 which means I probably O'd on CD16 an I had a 29 day cycle. I hope things stay regular. This month should fly by because DH and I will be out of town every weekend until May which will take me pretty much through my entire cycle. Here's to hoping that time flies by and we get a BFP before our anniversary in May.

Good luck to all you marathoners out there! Seems like most of you are in that time of your cycle and NEL and I are holding down the fort at CD1. We can't leave Lizzy as the only BFP for April!


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Janine, thanks for your perspective. It's good to hear you had success without too much overthinking and marathoning. After all, that's the way the vast majority of women get pregnant. At this point, all I want to know is whether I am ovulating regularily, and then I think I can be more zen about it and let nature takes its course. But it is totally a different matter for those who have been trying for awhile.

Speaking of, I've been thinking about you BB, LB, and PP and any others I have missed. I hope you are hanging in there and come back to update us when you feel like it.

Lizzy, I hope you are able to relax and enjoy your new pregnancy. I am a worrier too, but right now, it is out of your hands and you are doing everything you can to make sure your baby keeps growing and stays put. I'll be thinking of you while you wait. Hopefully, you can find things to do to keep you distracted in the meantime. I have a feeling this one's a keeper!

Brown, I'm sorry last cycle didn't pan out for you. Sounds like your experience was pretty similar to mine though. Hopefully, our bodies just need a cycle or two to make it happen. Really, it's probably better to have one normal cycle before getting pregnant anyway for dating purposes, etc. On the bright side, I'm glad you will be around for awhile longer. Here's to a new cycle!


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Janine it totally correct, EOD works really well for lots of women, or you can just wait until you see fertile CF and go for it then a couple times, assuming you can assess it easily. We did use the marathod approach simply because we wanted to "cover the bases" and did not find it too stressful, but if we had foudn it stressful, we would have waiting until my fertile CF showed up, which was usually 2-3 days before ovulation.

I also think charting does not add stress after the first month (the first month is stressful because you are wondering wondering! Once you know your patters it becomes less stressful for sure), though it varies by woman. Not knowing was more stressful for me, personally. One you know your cycles and signs really well, you really don't need to chart at all, but it is a nice tool, and even when not TTC I liked knowing my signs so I had an idea of when to expect AF.


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NewEnglandLady|1302096660|2889106 said:
Dreamer and Charbie, I'm jealous of your cervical knowledge! I can't even find my cervix, though I'm going to try harder this month, haha. Now that I have TCOYF (and several illustrations!) I'm hoping I have better luck.

Well you have to dig deepenr then ;)) Squat on the floor and bear down like you are going number two, it will shorten the vaginal canal. Then use a middle finger (longest) and start on the upper/front wall and follow it until the end, you really cannot miss it. It can be in a few different locations at the end depending on your anatomy. If you have a tilted uterus, for example, it will be towards the front of the end of the vaginal canal.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NEL, so funny about TYCOF and your commute. I think people should stop being nosy. :) I wonder if this is a lobbying case for e-readers. You can read "embarrassing" material (e.g. trashy mags, romance novels, etc) with no one the wiser. Ditto on Dreamer on how to find your cervix. TYCOF has an illustration for that too. I usually check mine in the shower, squat down like using an Indian commode. Then for checking CM, I haven't done internal checks. Maybe I should start. Congrats on your promotion BTW.

Brown, CD1 and restarts are great! A nice normal cycle is always reassuring for first cycle off HBC.

Lizzy, I remember reading that the actual NUMBER value of your betas don't mean anything. But the difference between the two betas are what gives them the verdict that you're KU or not. So, don't sweat the numbers just yet. I'm sending you loads of sticky dust. You must be getting "dusty" there since you have so many wonderful ladies rooting for you. :)

Janiney, thanks for the opinion. I agree that marathons are probably not necessary. Especially since men deposit MILLIONS of sperm each time. But it sure is fun ;)) However in my case, the only time we really TRULY get any marathon sessions (e.g. multiple times a day) is when we're on vacation and don't have to work. Otherwise it's once and done. So when I say marathon, I'm talking more frequent BDing during the week. We're kinda a once maybe twice a week couple. (Yes, shockingly low frequency. Kinda embarrassing)

Monkey, I'm POAS for OPKs too. Still no :)) yet. Tomorrow is my min date, so I'm hpoing for tomorrow.

Katy, Hooray for the positive OPK. Enjoy the BDing tonight :) And I like your "contraction" for my officery

Dreamer, thanks for the reassurance on the LP length. TYCOF made it sound that I was doomed since I only had an 11 day LP. Also, with all the swirling and pinching I end up the same feeling as after a pap. YUCK! I just wanna double over

AFM, my boss is out so I'm covering for him. Of course all hell's breakin' loose here, but I kinda stepped back, looked at it, and it doesn't look so bad. Going to hit a Zumba class tonight after work. Then bike home and take the dog for a walk. Oh and I signed up for a half marathon in 6 wks. I haven't run much since Oct. But we did a marathon in Oct, so I'm hoping I still have some of the running-ness banked from that... We'll see.


Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LC, thank you. I totally have read that too, but I just think I'm not being level-headed at the moment. So thank you for reminding me of that point on HCG betas. Thanks for all the dust!

Monkey, thanks for reminding me that it is out of my hands at this point. That is so true!

Browneyes, thank you. I am trying to just relax about it. I am going out for a walk soon with my son and then my mom is coming over for dinner so it will be a nice distraction. Sorry about CD 1 but you have learned a lot from this cycle and good news is that you are right on track with your cycle length.

AFM, I found the below website which gives a lot of info. Like LC said, the first beta really means nothing, it's the second one that is really important. I'm trying to sit tight till Friday and trying not to worry too much.


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, hope you are doing well. Are you feeling any early pregnancy symptoms yet? I hope you report back great numbers tomorrow after your blood test! Go bean!

LC, good for you on the running. I used to be an avid runner, but I can't do much of it any more due to a bum knee. I try to do it about once a week or so, but any more than that, and I am hobbling around for week. So speedwalking is the best I can do. Any luck on the OPKs yet?

AFM, I finally got another smiley face on the OPK this afternoon! Yay. I hid the test and a dixie cup in my jacket pocket before using the restroom at work because it looked like it was getting close this morning on the test strip. It felt very wrong to be testing at work :)


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Monkey, Ha ha!!! Funny that you felt weird. I would too though, which is why I don't. Good luck "egg hunting" Just in time for Easter. Ha ha!

Katy, I'm hoping you had awesome luck this month :)

Lizzy, pop back in and tell us how your betas went. Sticky dust with some extra dust on the side for you.

I tried Dreamer's suggestion of an internal check for CM. I go something that looked like soft-boiled egg white, that stretched about an inch. I think I'm going to put that down as watery, since it was half way between milky/lotion-y and watery. So put me down as still waiting to O.

No luck on the OPKs yet. Just big fat O, and no happy :)) Oh well, we still have plenty of time and not a whole lot to do this weekend. Sissy's last day at her current job is tomorrow and her boyfriend's doing a Johnnie Walker whiskey/scotch tasting, so we're having dinner at our house. It's a good thing DH likes hanging out with my sis. We're probably going to do paella for dinner. :lickout: Didn't work out today, bad LC. Was going to go running but hung out with Sis instead.

My boss comes back from vacation, WHEW! Had a total fire drill this week, but we survived.

That's all for me, I hope all you ladies are doing OK.


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lliang_chi|1302227089|2890741 said:
I tried Dreamer's suggestion of an internal check for CM. I go something that looked like soft-boiled egg white, that stretched about an inch. I think I'm going to put that down as watery, since it was half way between milky/lotion-y and watery. So put me down as still waiting to O.

That is sticky! :)) It tends to come before fertile fluid, so watch the next few days!


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Cool, Mrs. Dreamer is here! I did another internal check and got what looked like that elusive EWCM. Buuuuut, DH and I BD'd last night. Could it just be seminal fluid?



Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LC -- okay, you are officially the CM checking pro! Sounds like the marathon is going well, though I hope you get your smiley very soon--it sounds like it will likely be soon based on your CM!

Monkey--yay for your smiley! And I've definitely done my fair share of OPK testing at work. It's always a little strange, haha. At least it worked for you!

Brown_eyes, just want to say hello to my cycle twin this month. I hope I have a nice short cycle like your last one :)

LizzyAnn, I've been thinking about you all morning and am looking forward to hearing about your betas doubling!

Janine and Dreamer--I just want to give a heart-felt "thank you" for checking in, I definitely value all of your information and opinions, so thank you, thank you!

AFM, nothing exciting here, just planning to finally strip the wood wall paint this weekend. D is hosting a movie night tomorrow at our place with some friends, so my plan is to work on the nursery while they're downstairs watching bad movies. I chuckled a little while typing that last sentence--instead of me having a girls' night while D does handy things, he's having a boys' night and I'm going to be the handy one.


Mar 14, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'm sorry I had not been here lately. But I have a question for Dreamer. A little TMI, I'm having trouble identifying CF. But I always know the day before I'm going to get the :)) face on the OPK's because I get a lot CF liquid, but I lot that I feel it and I have to go to the bathroom. Like a lot of Buggies, but not the ones you have when you cry, but more stiky and thick. It usually last like 3 days. And I always get the smily face after I see it. The problem is that It look's stiky to me, :sick: Not EW, am I just identifying the CF wrong? or am I having not the correct CF? I worry I may not have the right CF ;(


Nov 16, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Not Dreamer, but I thought I would jump in on my take on the CF and observations.

LC: that could be semen, but semen doesn't pull apart and stretch, and also has a bit of color to it. EWCM is very clear, maybe. White streaks, and semen usually has a creamier color. I know this sounds elementary, but seriously crack an egg, and check out the raw egg white. They call it Egg White Cervical Mucus bc it really is just like egg whites. I know that kinda helped me, and when I found it, I was like "Ah Ha!" I had a few days of what I thought was it, and then a few days later BAM this was the real stretchy stuff.
LB: are you checking internally, or is that more of an "external" observation with the sticky CF? Do you also find more of a creamier, lotion type texture CF during the month?


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I bake a lot (like regular baking not TTC baking, ha ha) so I was really looking for the raw egg whites. And (this is going to sound weird, but we're all friends, right?) I never "played" with semen before. And from TCOYF they said EWCM and semen have a lot in common so I thought maybe the stretchy-egg white-y that I saw this morning was semen and not egg whites.

BUUUT from what Charbie said that semen is creamy/white in color, and doesn't stretch. And I was definitely seeing CLEAR and stretchy. So, hooray, I think I finally got some egg whites! Maybe I'll get a :)) soon then. I got a big ol' O this morning. Ha ha! I should probably test when I get home.

ETA: for the internal checking, I did a "V" with my index and middle fingers. (Just thought I'd be more graphic in case there's some confusion). Lot easier



Jul 27, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Not dreamer, either, but after reading TCOYF, it seems that EWCM doesn't happen for everybody. There is a section in TCOYF entitled "Absence of Any Slippery Eggwhite-Quality Cervical Fluid" where the author talks about how for some women "creamy" is as good as it gets.This may be the case for myself, but I have yet to truly check internally. In any case, don't dispair if you can't find it!


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LB, I'm by no means a cm expert, nor would I want to be :), but have you considered trying robitussin or mucinex? I read in TCOYF and elsewhere that this works to thin out what you already have to make it less hostile. I have the opposite problem - all I have noticed is watery cm without more than a centimeter or so of stretch. Hopefully that doesn't totally doom my chances this month.

LC, sounds like you hit the jackpot. Crossing my fingers that you finally see the cute little smiley face this weekend. I reinserted the strip a few times yesterday just to see the cute little face again :)

NEL, have fun stripping (the wall). I'm impressed with your handiness.

Hope everyone else has a good weekend!


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lliang_chi|1302264464|2890937 said:
Cool, Mrs. Dreamer is here! I did another internal check and got what looked like that elusive EWCM. Buuuuut, DH and I BD'd last night. Could it just be seminal fluid?


It is hard to tell. Seminal fluid tends to be a little whiter and does not strect has far. Also, if you drop the sample in a cup of water, the seminal fluid will dissipate but EW will stay as a glob. But that is a gross test ;)) But the way I would try to tell the difference is if I checked again in the afternoon (after DTD the pm before) and the EW was *still* there, I knew it was EW. Seemed to me the seminal fluid was pretty much gone by 12 hours after intercourse. My experience was that when it is EW it is there all the time for 2-3 days.


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LadyBlue|1302275091|2891063 said:
I'm sorry I had not been here lately. But I have a question for Dreamer. A little TMI, I'm having trouble identifying CF. But I always know the day before I'm going to get the :)) face on the OPK's because I get a lot CF liquid, but I lot that I feel it and I have to go to the bathroom. Like a lot of Buggies, but not the ones you have when you cry, but more stiky and thick. It usually last like 3 days. And I always get the smily face after I see it. The problem is that It look's stiky to me, :sick: Not EW, am I just identifying the CF wrong? or am I having not the correct CF? I worry I may not have the right CF ;(

That sounds fine LadyBlue! Every woman has different CF patterns, and if you see a clear pattern before the smiley you are a-okay. One way to know if you have fertile CF is to look at your panties 8) and go by the feeling you get in your nether regions. Fertile CF will wet your panties and give a "lube" sensation like you describe. You do not need the typical EW to be fertile, no worries.

Monkey Princess and NEL If you see watery, it is very possible the EW is hanging out at your cervix where it belongs. You don't have to see it, for lots of women it will stay internal and all you will notice is wet panties or a wet feeling.


Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ladies, I have bad news. My beta went from 45 on Tues to only a 54 today. It should have at least doubled. She said it looks like my beta is plateauing right before it comes down. They want me to go in for another round of bloodwork on Monday to check it again and they want me to stick with the progesterone suppositories till then, but they are not hopeful. I don't know how much more I can take ladies.

It is good i get pregnant so easily but it almost makes it worse because it is only a let down when it doesn't stick. I am going to talk to the RE after my bloodwork on Monday to see if there are any add'l tests they can run. I know she thinks these early m/c's are just bad luck. But I've been pregnant 5 times and have lost 4 of them. Not bad luck, maybe unexplained, but not bad luck. Sorry to be a downer but only like two people knew I was even pregnant again so I appreciate your support.


Nov 24, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh Lizzy, I am so sorry. I was so hoping for different news for you. It's hard to understand why these things happen, but have faith that you will get the answers you need and have another successful pregnancy. I hope that the two people who knew you were pregnant take good care of you, but I'm sending a big hug to you right now.


Mar 13, 2008
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, I'm soooo sorry to hear. I'm still saying a little prayer for you just in case. Hugs to you my friend. Definitely talk to your RE. Let her know what you think and maybe you can persuade her to run more tests, or look at this from a different angle. I hope your two people take good care of you, and give your LO an extra tight squeeze.

Monkey, Ha ha ha! about the seeing the smiley face multiple times. I'll continue testing through the weekend. Hopefully I'll get a + OPK soon.

And to clarify my earlier post. The "V" with middle & index fingers was to check the stretchiness of CM.


Dec 16, 2007
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, big hugs. It is not over until the fat lady sings, as they say, so I will hold out a little hope still, but I am so sorry you have to go through this either way. I have a close friend who had a similar history, with 4 very early losses in 12 months before having her son. It is so stressful and hard, my heart goes out to you. I hope you can get some answers.


Dec 23, 2009
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks ladies, everything hasn't sunk in completely yet, but I am coming to terms with another loss.

Monkey, thank you so much. My two people are my mom and my best friend and of course my DH knew! Because of my history I limit who I tell as it makes it easier if something does happen. Easier to not tell than to untell you know? I know things will work out down the road but the losses are certainly taking a toll on me.

LC, I certainly did give my little man an extra squeeze and we danced together this evening which brought a smile to my face. I am so lucky and blessed to have him.

Dreamer, thank you. Did your friend ever get reasons why she had the early losses? I hate the "unexplained-ness" of them you know? I feel like we can't fix a problem if we don't know what the problem is which is just a crap situation to be in. I have a small glimmer of hope for Monday but it is very very small. I have thoroughly prepared myself to get a lower number on Monday. My nurse didn't seem hopeful and I just had a bad feeling since that first beta came back at 45 that it seemed low. Plus with all of the research I've done on HCG it seems as though it most likely is another m/c or an ectopic. Putting the progesterone suppositories in already sucked enough and now putting them in knowing things are not looking good makes them even more annoying. The nurse wants me to start taking a daily baby aspirin and some add'l folic acid. Can't hurt I guess.
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