
The Official TTC Thread!


Dec 16, 2007
Lisa yes indeed I am a DD, and now I am a very very full DD. No new bras butthe ones I have juuust fit. But I am 5''7" and broad shouldered and broad hipped
so I don''t think they looks as big on me as they do on other, smaller women. I expect to be an E or more by the time baby comes and I am bfing.

Amber I am definitely the lower interest person in our relationship, and actually for the fist few years we were together I found that when he wanted it, I really really didn''t because it felt like pressure etc etc. Somehow that issue resolved itself before TTC but we really only DTD once a week, sometimes more when the time was right. But when it was TTC I just put on my trooper hat and we did it everyday, whether I wanted to or not... I always "gt into the mood" and had fun, but somehow that hurdle of getting the mood can seem too high, KWIM?I think these types of issues between couples are about so much more than sex... it''s about control, and people''s scripts about how relationships should or should not be, and wrapped up in all that is any hang-ups people have about it too or baggage from past relationships. Things didn''t really get better between DH and I until we had some frank discussions about our feelings around sex and all that jazz, and it is a real relief not to have this as such an issue between us. When you are TTC, I can only imagine it gets even more frustrating and anxiety provoking! The good news is you really only need to DTD once to get KFU. So don''t put too much pressure on yourself, and make that one time the day before O so it really goes a long way.


Oct 19, 2005
Thanks DD, it helps. I know it's totally about control, I hate having to be the initiator, and he hates having to be the one to say no. It's not fun being the man in the relationship, but if I never initiated, DH wouldn't either. So it's like, either I play the good woman who never makes a move- and possibly never have sex ever ever again, or I make a move and somehow, through some miracle, a life is created.

It sucks.
Don't worry, I NEVER mention being the man/woman to him. I always think- maybe if I didn't make a move he'd take the hint. Then he DOESN'T. Bummerpants on again!

ETA: And now the underwire in my bra just broke in half. Don't even ask how that happened.

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
oh SH!#
How does that even happen?

(Hugs) to you Amber. This is a very complex subject...and I think maybe getting KTFU is enough of a worrypants for the moment. You and your DH have a lifetime to work through all the other sex stuff.

Is it wrong that not only am I contemplating a ''migrane'' tomorrow (DH has the day off work), but all I can think about right now is getting home and getting busy! hahaha.


Jun 27, 2007
Date: 7/29/2008 1:03:12 PM
Author: Independent Gal
If you''re only going to do 2 of 3, I''d aim for the two days before, since it''s easy to miss the egg of you do it the day of O, Sha. By the way, has your hubby fully come around to having kids? Are things looking rosier on that front?
Thanks, Indy.
I wondered about doing it on the those two days, too, instead of the day before and the day of O. I guess if we get in an extra session we can do it on ''O'' day perhaps. I have a feeling we''ll be veryy casual about the BDing....I dont'' want to freak him out too much.

About DH and TTC, I THINK we''re going ahead with the October schedule but I still plan to discuss with him to get a better sense of how he''s feeling. He made a couple ''baby'' comments a few weeks ago... asking what names I would like, what he would like our ''daughter'' to be like, etc. Which was hopeful!
But I''m still not sure how comfortable he is about the timeline. So we''ll see..... I really don''t think I can wait too much longer, though, since I''m already 32 and he''s 40. I mean, honestly, don''t you guys think it''s time we get going????

But we''ll see how it goes....will update after we have that chat.


Jun 27, 2007


Feb 27, 2006
Thanks, girls!!
I''m so excited.

I don''t have time right now to respond to everyone, but I can tell you about my symptoms/chart and then drop back in later.

Ovusoft is putting me at 11 dpo today based on temperature. Based on previous patterns of cervix position, CM, and ovulation pain, I really think that I ovulated a day earlier with a delayed temp rise, so I decided to override their calculations. For now, I''m just assuming that I''m 12 dpo. I''ll eventually ask my midwife what she thinks, although I don''t think a day either way really matters. She''s not a stickler for inducing by a certain date or anything, so it''s not like it should really affect me.

I stopped charting after ovulation was confirmed because I decided that temping during the two week wait was just making me crazy.

Light cramping 5-8 dpo, and I''ve felt my uterus (if that makes sense) since then.
Some bloat at 7 dpo, and by 8 dpo my fat jeans left marks on my belly when I took them off.

Cervix abnormally high for the 2ww yesterday with a ton of creamy CM.
I was ravenously hungry by 5 pm yesterday. We usually eat at 9, so this is weird. I also had to call hubby on my commute home today to tell him to start on dinner ASAP.

The combination of symptoms prompted me to test.

Be back later!



Jul 23, 2006
i guess i''d better say hi because me and dh are officially trying for blessing #2.


Oct 19, 2005
Yaaaaay Nyc! Welcome to the looney bin, where we''re all about details! Can''t wait for more from you!


Apr 14, 2006
Yay for Lisa and Blen!!!

How exciting. I wish lines would just come out as lines that are BOLD instead of making us guess all the time!

I think the digital PREGNANT sign is what it will take for me to believe it, one of these days!!

Congratulations, Mommies to be!!


Dec 16, 2007
Blenheim thanks for the info! And look at all those hearts, I knew you were working hard
and it paid off! How interesting about your symptoms... sounds like you are having what the preggos call "first tri bloat". This is something I had never heard of pre-pregnancy, and apparently not everyone gets it, but basically your belly swells up during the day from water and food retention to make you LOOK like you are 4 months preggo when, nope, it''s just your belly!
Supposedly it goes away in the second tri, but all I know is it makes most outfits look really bad and makes you feel like a heiffer. Come to the preggo thread when you are ready!


Feb 27, 2006
Mela, dust for you!

Lisa, I''m sorry.
Hang in there - it could still happen this cycle. And Olivia is so freaking cute.

HIL, what is this "overkill" of which you speak?

Welcome, NYC!

Lulu, sorry about hubby being away.

Amber, you always have such interesting stories that I''m intrigued by what happened with your bra.

DD - I love that digital test. I just didn''t trust the two blue lines on their own, and sprinted up the stairs to root through the closet for my emergency digital. Thankfully I PIAC instead of POAS.

Isn''t the bloat weird? I had heard of 1st tri bloat, but really did not think it could happen this early. I spent the weekend convinced it had to be something else and was trying to figure out if I had any changes in diet, etc, that could have possibly brought it on. Nothing. It kind of makes sense now, but I''ve never heard of it this early.

Our jogging stoller has already come in handy...
We were on a walk today when poor Dylan got attacked by an off lead lab. Afterwards, he was yelping whenever he tried to put weight on one of his legs. My poor baby. And the stupid thing tried to play with the lab just after the attack, before realizing that it hurt to try to walk. I carried him and the pregnancy books I had just gotten from the library to the nearest park and sat down to read and pet him while hubby ran the other dogs home, grabbed the jogging stroller, and ran back. So, Dylan has already gotten use out of the stroller - I guess what we told our neighbors wasn''t so far off.

Oh, and hubby''s now calling our future child my "cyst". I keep telling him that it''s a freaking BLASTOcyst and they''re not the same thing, and he keeps telling me that a blastocyst must be a cyst because it has that word in it. Argh! I think it''s an embryo as of tomorrow though, which will end the argument.

Cool website:


Jan 16, 2008
Erica - Her eyes were always marine blue. There is a little fleck of green on the right one. My grandpa - (gringo dad''s side) had blue eyes.
And people were always telling me they would change.

Mela - Spot-on about Olivia''s sauciness. She''s kicking our butts! I mean she''s a lot of kid wrapped into one.
She loves opera commercials I discovered today. And she''s always hiding her cookies, crackers under the car seat so there is a crumble nightmare awaiting.
How do u feel about having a "boy?"

Do u guys have preference?

This can be a sensitive quest. most people say "I just want the baby to be healthy....."

Come on deep down inside what do u want?

DD - thanks for the DD update I never doubted that they fit you but I know that my friend who was DD grew and grew and had to get custom made bras by
the end of the preg.

Sha - for women under 35 TTC for a year is the standard benchmark unless there are glaring fertility issues here. You might inquire about the age of DH & if it impacts
sperm counts/quality - not sure on that. The main issue is always, eternally, the quality of the egg mostly. And this is age related.

Blen - nice chart!

NYC - Hey, tell us how old is #1 and pics we need lots of pics of sticks, charts, kids, DH, pets, whatever.........

Amber - I didn''t feel the quake b/c I was driving w/ Olivia to Gymboree!!!!!! Apparently it was 5.4 and epicenter in Chino. My mom however is freaked
and said pictures fell off the walls at her house in OC. We are still in Ventura.

Fisher - thanks but I''m not quite confirmed yet.......damn IUI process and medications.

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Date: 7/29/2008 10:19:20 PM
Author: lisa1.01fvs1

Mela - Spot-on about Olivia''s sauciness. She''s kicking our butts! I mean she''s a lot of kid wrapped into one.
She loves opera commercials I discovered today. And she''s always hiding her cookies, crackers under the car seat so there is a crumble nightmare awaiting.
How do u feel about having a ''boy?''

Do u guys have preference?

This can be a sensitive quest. most people say ''I just want the baby to be healthy.....''

Come on deep down inside what do u want?
This is not a sensitive question for me. I want a girl. I''d be happy with all girls. "Girls girls girls." I''m very indifferent about having a boy. Naturally, DH wants a boy and wants someone to carry on his Surname. For that reason, if this first baby IS in fact a boy - then I''m ''happy'' to just get it over with (make DH happy) and then focus the next pregnancy(ies) on GIRL GIRL GIRL. hahaha.

Either way, I just want to get PG and stay PG. That is my first hurdle. Theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen I''ll warp out about the sex of the baby. LOL. Oh, and to make things more interesting, DH and I agree that we don''t want to know the sex of the baby prior to it''s birth. oh ya, 9 months of speculation and predictions. Can''t wait!

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Congrats again Blein! Great looking chart!

Welcome NYC!


Oct 19, 2005
Ahhhh, the story of the underwire that didn't make it. Well, I picked it up and put it on, and noticed it was making some creaking noises. I push on the end of the wire while still wearing it, and it is still creaking. Seriously, that would totally annoy me if I had to hear that crap all day. So I pull on it, and something pokes me. In the underboob region. Wha? I've had broken underwires before, that is nothing new. But wait- my bra is now bending. What? It's broken in half right under my boob. Now, I have a large chest and all, but seriously? Breaking in half? A METAL wire? Even worse- it's STILL CREAKING. I came home and DH was like, honestly- get yourself fitted and stop trying to cram yourself into bras that don't fit. Yeah, that's what happened.
My boobs must have hulked out of the bra.

Anywho. Blen: I envy your chart with all those hearts. *le sigh*

Mela, I would loooove a girl and a boy because 1.) the surname passing down thing 2.) We already have a ton of girl names 3.) My dad needs a grandson 4.) My MIL needs a granddaughter, having three grandsons! I can see pluses and minuses for each sex, really.

I'm feeling a weird crampy pain on my right side. Too bad I already had my doctor appointment. Got some bad news on my ankle (the one I badly sprained in April), since it's still swollen the doctor is concerned, and I have to get an x-ray done on it. If a fracture is ruled out, I'll need an MRI to determine how bad it was injured, and possibly have surgery! Now, what happens if you have an MRI and you're pregnant? Hm. Just thinking ahead.

ETA: Lisa, Olivia is STUNNING!! She's going to be a heartbreaker for sure. And as a half-breed myself, mixed babies are the best looking babies evar! CONCEITED? Me?? Never.


Dec 29, 2004
Blenheim, congrats!! I have no idea what you''re talking about, so I''ll say, great job on the whosiewhatsit and peeing somethingrather DPO and not sure if a high 2ww is good but glad you have tons of CM so nothing has to be checked out by the CIA and FBI and TGIF?

BB, should be pleased your man comes from such a stunning country!

Lisa, looks good! POAS ASAP KWIM? Olivia is C.U.T.E.

Erica, you''re full Korean right? Is it possible genetically to have a blue eyed child? Aren''t we BB therefore impossible to have bb? It wigged me out to give birth to a grey/blue eyed daugther, but her eyes are definitely turning brown.

The rest of you, hope you are well. I''d post individual replies, but I have to reread with a dictionary.


Nov 10, 2006
Date: 7/29/2008 7:19:30 PM
Author: Blenheim
Thanks, girls!!
I''m so excited.

I don''t have time right now to respond to everyone, but I can tell you about my symptoms/chart and then drop back in later.

Ovusoft is putting me at 11 dpo today based on temperature. Based on previous patterns of cervix position, CM, and ovulation pain, I really think that I ovulated a day earlier with a delayed temp rise, so I decided to override their calculations. For now, I''m just assuming that I''m 12 dpo. I''ll eventually ask my midwife what she thinks, although I don''t think a day either way really matters. She''s not a stickler for inducing by a certain date or anything, so it''s not like it should really affect me.

I stopped charting after ovulation was confirmed because I decided that temping during the two week wait was just making me crazy.

Light cramping 5-8 dpo, and I''ve felt my uterus (if that makes sense) since then.
Some bloat at 7 dpo, and by 8 dpo my fat jeans left marks on my belly when I took them off.

Cervix abnormally high for the 2ww yesterday with a ton of creamy CM.
I was ravenously hungry by 5 pm yesterday. We usually eat at 9, so this is weird. I also had to call hubby on my commute home today to tell him to start on dinner ASAP.

The combination of symptoms prompted me to test.

Be back later!
2.gif, I''m not jumping to conclusions here, but I''ve had similar symptoms. I''ve had some light cramping a few days ago and thought it was AF coming for a visit, but still haven''t heard her knocking my door yet. Yesterday I noticed some bloating and a lot of creamy CM. Also, I''ve been getting seriously hungry by 4/5pm the past couple of days. I thought it might be because my body is getting used to eating less now that we''re not on vacation anymore (special k for breakfast and a salad for lunch)...hmmmm?? However, I''m still trying not to test early because I really don''t want to freak myself out and test everyday only to find disappointment (I remember what Amber went through and how hard that was for her to see negative tests day after day until AF finally showed). What do you ladies think? Should I give it until Friday?


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 7/30/2008 9:23:53 AM
Author: blushingbride

Date: 7/29/2008 7:19:30 PM
Author: Blenheim
Thanks, girls!!
I''m so excited.

I don''t have time right now to respond to everyone, but I can tell you about my symptoms/chart and then drop back in later.

Ovusoft is putting me at 11 dpo today based on temperature. Based on previous patterns of cervix position, CM, and ovulation pain, I really think that I ovulated a day earlier with a delayed temp rise, so I decided to override their calculations. For now, I''m just assuming that I''m 12 dpo. I''ll eventually ask my midwife what she thinks, although I don''t think a day either way really matters. She''s not a stickler for inducing by a certain date or anything, so it''s not like it should really affect me.

I stopped charting after ovulation was confirmed because I decided that temping during the two week wait was just making me crazy.

Light cramping 5-8 dpo, and I''ve felt my uterus (if that makes sense) since then.
Some bloat at 7 dpo, and by 8 dpo my fat jeans left marks on my belly when I took them off.

Cervix abnormally high for the 2ww yesterday with a ton of creamy CM.
I was ravenously hungry by 5 pm yesterday. We usually eat at 9, so this is weird. I also had to call hubby on my commute home today to tell him to start on dinner ASAP.

The combination of symptoms prompted me to test.

Be back later!
2.gif, I''m not jumping to conclusions here, but I''ve had similar symptoms. I''ve had some light cramping a few days ago and thought it was AF coming for a visit, but still haven''t heard her knocking my door yet. Yesterday I noticed some bloating and a lot of creamy CM. Also, I''ve been getting seriously hungry by 4/5pm the past couple of days. I thought it might be because my body is getting used to eating less now that we''re not on vacation anymore (special k for breakfast and a salad for lunch)...hmmmm?? However, I''m still trying not to test early because I really don''t want to freak myself out and test everyday only to find disappointment (I remember what Amber went through and how hard that was for her to see negative tests day after day until AF finally showed). What do you ladies think? Should I give it until Friday?
BB if I recall right your LP is usually shorter, like mine were, in the 10 day range somewhere? That means you can probably get an accurate BFP at as early as 10DPO. Where are you? I say test, just don''t sweat the negatives.


Nov 10, 2006
Well, that''s the problem...I don''t really know where I am since I wasn''t charting or temping while away. All I know is that I''m on CD 29. I believe I ovulated around CD 16 or CD 17 (judging by the EWCM I had on CD 15). I know, usually I ovulate late w/ a shorter LP, but last month I had a 13 day LP and this month I took my temp when I return from vacation (and it was already up which also confirmed that I had already o''d). I just don''t want to drive myself batty with all this since I''m pretty much going through this cycle "blind."

erica k

Nov 1, 2006
BB, I say take a test and don''t worry too much if you get a BFN. If you had a 13 day LP and are on CD 29, it wouldn''t hurt to take one test and then wait a few more days.

TG, I think it''s pretty much impossible for me to have a blue-eyed baby because I''m full Korean (as far as I can trace it back). That said, I''ve heard of hazel-eyed children with one full Asian parent. It''s interesting to hear that Amelia''s eyes are turning brown now. I know a Taiwanese mother whose 4 month old also has blue-gray eyes. I wouldn''t be surprised if they turn brown soon, too. My uncle has really light brown eyes, which looks pretty strange. My mother is convinced that we''re descended from an Indian princess. She''s funny like that!

Amber and Mela, I was always convinced that I would only want girls, mainly because I''m obsessed with clothing. But lately I''ve started thinking how nice it would be to have a little boy, too. The names are so much harder to come up with, though! For some reason I''m convinced that I''m having a boy. I''m probably thinking this way so I don''t set myself up for disappointment.

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Erica - I too am "setting the stage" for a boy, so as to ward off the disappointment. Isn''t if funny about the names!? I too have a long list of lovely girls names (that DH likes too) but I only have 3-4 boys names (only ONE of which DH likes!!!). Sigh. Hopefully, it''s not twin boys (hahaha) because one wouldn''t get a name!

I''m on CD13 - tomorrow possibly being O day. HEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 7/30/2008 10:33:58 AM
Author: erica k
TG, I think it''s pretty much impossible for me to have a blue-eyed baby because I''m full Korean (as far as I can trace it back). That said, I''ve heard of hazel-eyed children with one full Asian parent. It''s interesting to hear that Amelia''s eyes are turning brown now. I know a Taiwanese mother whose 4 month old also has blue-gray eyes. I wouldn''t be surprised if they turn brown soon, too. My uncle has really light brown eyes, which looks pretty strange. My mother is convinced that we''re descended from an Indian princess. She''s funny like that!
OK, just wanted to make sure there wasn''t something I didn''t know about genetics!
Amelia''s eyes still look blue in some lights but mixed with the brown, they do look hazel. I figure they are making their way to full brown.

But you may get those blue eyes for your baby at birth. That is trippy, I tell ya. I totally threw me for a loop as I didn''t think it was possible (TGuy''s family is entirely brown eyed). It weirded me out so much I just really wanted them to turn brown. Now, if she had asian colored skin and dark black hair, I probably would have liked it, but she had butt white skin and light auburn hair and people asked me if she was scottish. I just needed her to feel partially Korean to me!!!!

erica k

Nov 1, 2006
TG, that''s so interesting to hear that people think Amelia looks Scottish. I''ve also noticed that some half-Korean, half-white babies'' appearance changes drastically from birth to childhood. It''s possible that some of Amelia''s Korean features will develop later on. That said, I know another woman who is very blond with a half-Korean little girl who has dark blond hair and huge brown eyes. I try not to fixate on appearances too much in public because I probably sound like I''m ''race-obsessed.'' I swear it''s just a healthy curiosity about what my children are going to look like. My husband is very pale with blond hair, but I''m also very pale, too, so who knows! My grandmother told me that my husband and I look like we''re related. And it''s true to some extent: we dress similarly

Oh, and I also went to high school with three sisters with a Chinese mother and Irish father. The eldest had pale skin, freckles, almond shaped greenish-hazel eyes, and auburn frizzy hair. The middle had medium skin, dark round eyes, and dark brown hair. And lo and behold, the youngest had medium skin, dark almond eyes, and straight black hair. Go figure! Genetics = pretty wild stuff! I always think it''s a hoot when children look like the carbon copy of either parent. It''s so interesting to see which features dominate. Give Amelia time, I''m sure you''ll start seeing yourself in her more and more as she grows older.


Dec 29, 2004
Yup, genetics is freaky. And you''re not race obsessed! If we were with Korean men, we''d have *some* idea of what the kid would look like (at least we know black hair, brown eyes and asian looking), but when we get into these mixed babies, it''s a total crapshoot! Like your example, the possible combinations are endless.


Oct 19, 2005
Howdy everyone.

Not much here, just waiting out the rest of the week. BB, if you think you could be pg, take the test, but remember the possibility of getting a positive could be slim! On the other hand- HOPE IT''S a positive!


Nov 10, 2006
Date: 7/30/2008 12:17:30 PM
Author: AmberWaves
Howdy everyone.

Not much here, just waiting out the rest of the week. BB, if you think you could be pg, take the test, but remember the possibility of getting a positive could be slim! On the other hand- HOPE IT''S a positive!
That''s thing...I wasn''t feeling like I was until Blen posted her symptoms. I thought the cramping was odd which then went away w/ no AF. I don''t want to make a big to-do over nothing. We''ll see...


Oct 19, 2005
I can totally understand that, BB.


Jul 6, 2005
hi ladies.

so i''m in a bit of baby limbo as well. last weekend, i started feeling all crampy and started spotting. i thought it could be implementation, but then i POAS on monday morning and got a BFN
so i figured it''s just a little pre-AFF. well fast-forward to today and still no proper AFF. Light spotting continues. I hate my body and its confusing mixed signals.

BB - find yourself a stick. ASAP.

as to the gender question - you know how some little girls day dream about their wedding - well i never did that, but i did day dream about having a family. a family of 4 that''s right FOUR little boys and day dream DH and I would take them to the beach and go surfing
. now, i can''t possibly imagine having 4 kids, let alone 4 boys. so i''d pretty much be happy either way.


Oct 19, 2005
Ahhh, looks like we''re all in our little limbo/waiting to O/2ww period and are content to either mull things over, gripe, or bite our nails in private!

Hope all the ladies are doing well.

Lulu, I hope you get a resolution soon!
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