
The Official TTC Thread!

erica k

Nov 1, 2006
Oh Lisa, hang in there! If the doctor says it won''t make a difference, I''m sure it''ll be fine. I bet your husband got the message loud and clear, though!

Sounds like you have lots of reading ahead of you! I still need to buy a book or something, but I''m afraid to commit just yet.

Apparently David Sedaris'' sister (not Amy) goes to our local coffeehouse often and is really weird (not in a good way). Both he and Amy are so hilarious, but I can see how their family is a bit odd.

I''m slogging through Henry James'' ''The Golden Bowl,'' but it doesn''t exactly make for light summer reading.


Dec 16, 2007
Lisa I''m so sorry that you are frustrated with your DH!! Since the RA said it doesn''t matter, it probably won''t affect conception, but I still feel you on the "not pulling your weight" thing. How about you take it out on him with some
BD later? If you gotta do it, you gotta do it, so you might as well get something out of it, right? LOL...

In all seriousness, try to go easy on you hubby. You need to lean on each other, and if you are too mad at him you can''t take advantage of his support! He could have done better, but who knows how he is processing the stress you guys must be experiencing... you sound like me: When I am stressed I put my head down and plow through doing everything I can to get to the end goal. But lots of other people cope in different ways, like denial, or obliviousness, and maybe your DH is using those methods? I''m sure he wasn''t purposely trying to compromise this IUI round, he wants a child as much as you do. {{{HUGS}}}


Oct 19, 2005
Oh, Lisa, I''m sorry for your stress! I hope it all works out well, though.

Mela, I''m a Scorpio so I''m like, bitchy and impatient. All the best qualities in a wife.

I don''t doubt the Sedaris sister (he has four or so.. Gretchen, Amy, Lisa, Tiffany...) just from reading the stories you KNOW they''re oddballs! Which is why I love those stories!

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006

DD - you bring up a grea point about everyone dealing with stress in different ways. Before our wedding, My DH just froze! I had to prep for the wedding (which was in Italy), pack up our stuff for the month-long honeymoon as well, close-up the house and relocate the dog....and the whole time he just sat on the couch frozen with panick. I was mad-ish, but I kinda understood that he just wasnt coping well with all the stress. anyhoo, Lisa, best of luck to you with the follies regardless of all of this other stuff! :)

Amber - I''m a Taurus, with Scorpio Acsending. So I know that ''scorpio-ness'' you speak of. whoa. Is it terrible that I''m trying to avoid certain birthdates because of their Zodiac sign?? Gaak. But the problem is - what if I was to get preggos with an ideal birthdate, only then to deliver PREMATURE and end up in the ''unfavourable'' sign??? Watch. Because I''m trying to skew my results, I''m SO going to get screwed with a premie. :p Murphy''s law.

Off to the flowershop today. I love the days when I''m a florist!!! They are far more pleasureable that the days I spend at my other office job - even though there is no PS at the flowershop. ;-)



Jan 16, 2008
Mela, Erica, Pave, DD, Amber

And anyone else following the IUI saga......

U guys have such great ways of supporting and injecting (pun
) some perspectve into this.

The whole thing is kinda ridiculous. I'm better today.

We had a little *TMI* angry sex last night which was interesting. But DH was like a girl and had to
talk about why I was miffed before clothes even came off - hahaha. I was just get nekked and let's go.....

I am such a "get it done" type and can totally keep my cool when I have to.

DH not so much! Interesting how the genders handle stress like this diff. -- DD anything to add from Social Psychologist's end?

Perhaps women's more hearty corpus collosum has something to do w/ being able to process challenges and problem solve better.

We can oscillate between the 2 hemispheres more easily and therefore are more streamlined machines.

Sometimes I feel like the man

Anyhoo - Mela I am so jealous u get to play w/ flowers today! got any pics. of your creations?

Amber - r u excited or what about Kaui?

DD - how's the peanut doing? Are you slleeepy yet?

Pave - what's the status report w/ u? Not even going to brave that preggo thread!

Erica - Kimchee anyone?

Little - ur dog is so sweet and just like a baby so you are already in training.

HIL - how are u today?

Blen - where r u in the TTC cycle?

I know I'm forgetting important folks and I apologize....Mickey Mouse Club House is ending and gotta go feed the beasty!!!!


ETA - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE - David Sedaris!!! I have the Christmas Chronicals (about his being a Macy's Elf) and CD "Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim"


May 6, 2007
Date: 6/26/2008 11:55:33 AM
Author: lisa1.01fvs1
Mela, Erica, Pave, DD, Amber

And anyone else following the IUI saga......

U guys have such great ways of supporting and injecting (pun
) some perspectve into this.

The whole thing is kinda ridiculous. I''m better today.

We had a little *TMI* angry sex last night which was interesting. But DH was like a girl and had to
talk about why I was miffed before clothes even came off - hahaha. I was just get nekked and let''s go.....

I am such a ''get it done'' type and can totally keep my cool when I have to.

DH not so much! Interesting how the genders handle stress like this diff. -- DD anything to add from Social Psychologist''s end?

Perhaps women''s more hearty corpus collosum has something to do w/ being able to process challenges and problem solve better.

We can oscillate between the 2 hemispheres more easily and therefore are more streamlined machines.

Sometimes I feel like the man

Anyhoo - Mela I am so jealous u get to play w/ flowers today! got any pics. of your creations?

Amber - r u excited or what about Kaui?

DD - how''s the peanut doing? Are you slleeepy yet?

Pave - what''s the status report w/ u? Not even going to brave that preggo thread!

Erica - Kimchee anyone?

Little - ur dog is so sweet and just like a baby so you are already in training.

HIL - how are u today?

Blen - where r u in the TTC cycle?

I know I''m forgetting important folks and I apologize....Mickey Mouse Club House is ending and gotta go feed the beasty!!!!


ETA - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE - David Sedaris!!! I have the Christmas Chronicals (about his being a Macy''s Elf) and CD ''Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim''
Lisa- you are so funny girl! Thanks for asking how I am doing- I got my 12 wk check up and nuchal trans yesterday. Everything went well- it''s amazing what a night of sleep will do. Yesterday I was feeling kind of bleh after because I didn''t like the tech- he didn''t point out any body parts/etc and baby was alseep so I was really scared(because I am a dork) and was worried that something was wrong. After getting some sleep and resting last night too I realized i should probably be focusing on how amazing it is that I have a l.o. growing inside me and I should be focusing on that, perhaps. I take a little while to process things sometimes I guess. I watched the dvd a couple of times last night and did some staring at the u/s pics. pretty cool. Oh and the dr. said the measurements looked great. Next week I get final reslults with the blood that they took. We aren''t planning on doing any further testing- I really don''t want to do amnio or cvs. Maybe if there is something glaring but I don''t think so.
So now you are on the 2ww? Oh i forgot the knitting club I mean? I hope it goes smooth for you. Enjoy your girl in OK- I bet you guys will have fun. Will DH mom spend some time with your girl and you could even get one on one time with your Dh? Talk to you soon.

happy in love

Jul 24, 2007
Lisa- *sigh* I am sorry DH has you so frustrated. I can definately understand your feelings/stresses! Hopefully everything will work this cycle, so you won't have to stress about it anymore. I wish I had some fabulous advice for you, but I'm not so good at that, I can just say vent away, we are here to listen(read) for you. Sounds like you are doing better today though!
Thanks for asking about me, I am doing fine, just as impatient as always. CD10 today, so I guess we should be getting close, but then again close to what? Close to waiting and counting down for another 2 weeks!?

Mela- You're worried about zodiac's, I'm worried about birthstones and holidays. When will we figure out that we really don't have control?
lol. My latest thought is that if we get preggo this cycle my due date would be right around my Dad/Sister's bday (same day) and MIL's bday (day before). Shared bdays happen a lot in my family so that would be kinda neat, but this year we are planning a surprise party for Dad's 65th, so it's possible that I could screw up plans if I get pregnant this month!

Now... I have been thinking a lot about 4th of July weekend. I mentioned before that we are going up to the lake with a group of friends, there will be boating, wakeboarding, drinking, all the makings of a really fun weekend. The thing is that it will most likely be just a few days after O and I am a little worried about how much I can participate in the usual fun. I think I will not go wakeboarding, as 2 weeks ago I fell so hard that I had a black eye and my back and knee are still sore from it. I would hate to fall like that again and wonder if it affected my chances of getting pregnant. Same with the drinking, while I am not a heavy drinker usually I do expect alcohol to be a rather big part of the weekend. (Most of the friends going are DH's single friends... on the hunt friends) I guess I should go read Indy's pregnancy and booze thread

It is just kind of a bummer, because I love these kind of weekends, and if I knew I was preggo there would not be an issue, but if I end up not being preggo it would have been nice to enjoy all aspects of the weekend while I still can... you know?

Hope you all are doing well!

erica k

Nov 1, 2006
Oh my god, you wouldn''t believe how wretched the Korean food is in New England. NYC is pretty good, but nothing like the OC and Ktown.
I''m not sure when I''m going to be in the OC again, but I am dying for some naeng myun and chigae.

happy in love--
Initially I had wanted a due date in January so that the baby could have the same birthday month as me. May was my second choice (as if we really have a choice in these things). My husband''s birthday is in December, but our parents'' birthdays are in the summer. I''m not sure how I feel about February (no offense to anyone!), it''s one of my least favorite months in terms of the school calendar, weather, and holidays (I really dislike Valentine''s Day). And although I like purple, I think a May (emerald) birthstone would be so much cooler. Garnets are pretty nice, too, although I absolutely hated them when I was a little girl.

As for falling and hurting yourself and its impact on TTC, right about when I conceived I fell really hard off my bicycle. Something got caught in the front wheel and it flipped over. Thank god the bus behind me was slowing down, otherwise I would have been in really big trouble.
I landed on my shoulder and face, skinned my hands and elbows pretty bad, and was so sore for a week that I couldn''t even take my t-shirt off by myself. I guess the Lentil is pretty sticky, though, because apparently it''s still around!

It definitely stinks to not be able to toss back a few Coronas during the holiday weekend. I was drinking both before and in the early days, and although I worried quite a bit at first, I think we''ll be fine.


Oct 19, 2005
Hola ladies! I''m trying to cram all I can into the last two days at work (EEEEEEEEE!) until we leave, but to be honest, I''m so efficient that it all gets done very quickly, so I''m putting it off for a bit.
Anywho... I am o''ing most likely Tuesday, so I will gladly partake in the mai tais and pina coladas while I''m gone, since I''m TOTALLY not a big drinker. Like everyone''s said, even if I do catch pregs, I won''t share a bloodline for sometime after, so whatev.

Now, I believe if we manage to get this cycle, the due date would be the end of March. Not too bad. All you guys and the things you''re looking for, we were hoping for a just-before-summer baby, so DH can stay home with us, since he''s a teacher. With my luck, it''ll end up another April Fool''s baby, as I was late and so was DH. Not that it matters, as I''m just talking out of my butt.

Lisa: I am SO the man in our relationship. I wake him up for sex, and in relation, get TURNED DOWN for sex (
), and I''m always calling him the woman. He really is quite the brat when he tries. Of course, that means he''s SO sensitive about everything, and treats me like a queen. I think he likes the way it works, except when I say "Take your pants off, bitch, momma needs lovin''." In case you guys think I''m insane, I do that only to entertain myself, and not to actually CALL him a bitch.
Swear! Although once I did call him a bitch, and he did NOT appreciate it.

Happy: You had a black eye!!! I had one too, but mine was from when I had cataract surgery a few years ago. The cataract was so deep they gave me a black eye when they removed it. CRAZY. Good thing I was single then, no one could have blamed it on DH. Of course, the super cool geriatric sunglasses they made me wear post-surgery may have been why I was single.

I''m excited to know people other than me follow astrology! I''m a typical Scorpio married to a typical Aquarius. The first gift he ever gave me (ten years ago when we first dated), was a huge book about the meanings of birthdays. I LOVE IT.

Erica, you sound like my brother. We''re half hispanic, so we''re used to great mexican food. Poor guy moved to Sydney, AU, and just COMPLAINS about how they have NO mexican food there. I think it''s his payment for moving away and having a baby that I don''t get to see.


Dec 8, 2005
Good afternoon ladies!

Hope everyone is doing well. My parents are here for a few days...they are moving to the same city as DH and we are looking at tons and tons and tons and tons and tons of places. They are super picky, but it has been quite a bit of fun to look at the different condos in the area...

I bought some preggo tests today, but WILL NOT take any until/if I''m late. I, Littlelysser, hereby swear that I will not waste pregnancy tests by taking them ahead of time. I have learned that although the stupid commercials say you can know 5 days before a missed period, that is often not the case and I will not believe the hype!!!!

Lisa - I''m glad to hear that you are feeling better! Holidays on ice is one of my favorite of David Sedaris''s books. We also have his books on CD, they make for great driving soundtrack.

[/b] Amber [/b] - I''m a Leo. SUCH a leo. You must be so darn excited about Kauai. Please promise me you''ll take tons of pics.

Pave - I''m sorry your tech was less than awesome. That sucks.

HIL - In my opinion, have as much fun as you want. Even if you conceive that month, the baba will only be a ball of cells, floating around...So have some drinks and have a good time. I don''t know about how the wake boarding would impact things...might be better to err on the side of caution there. Of course, what the heck do I know.

Hope everyone else is doing well!!!


Oct 19, 2005
So Paul (DH) and I are trying to think of boy''s names. We''ve been doing this for years, so it''s not like we''re getting ahead of ourselves.

We have our girl names picked out, and are aching for a boy name. Since we both have names that can''t be nicknamed (Amber and Paul), we absolutely must have a name with a nickname for it. When I mentioned Sebastian, he said, "Seabass?" Yeah, that ruined it. Bastardo!

LL, thankfully I picked up a pallet-full of those pregnancy stick things, and have no qualms baptizing one of those babies randomly post O. Makes me feel proactive.

And yes, I WILL take tons of pictures in Kauai! I am so excited. SO SO EXCITED.


Nov 10, 2006
Hi Ladies -

Just returned from getting my 3rd needle prick - sooooo NOT fun!
I will know the results of my progestrone levels just before I leave for my vacation next week. Fingers crossed everything''s OK, but if not, I''d imagine I''d have to go on clomid maybe? Not sure... We will be trying though while on vacation regardless because hey, you never know!

Amber - you must so pumped to leaving for your big trip! Take lots of pics and have fun BDing!
Lots of baby dust your way!

Mela - any word on when you can start TTC again?

Lisa - so sorry to hear about the stubborn/disobeying hubby. I swear men are missing the brain cells for common sense.
Hopefully, this will be the cycle for you guys.
Go follies, go follies GO!!!

HIL - I know what you mean about the wanting to have fun and drink on your trip. I think for me, I''ll most likely be o''ing towards the end of our trip so, it won''t be as bad - I couldn''t imagine going to Italy and Croatia and not be able to drink all the delicious wines. I think playing it safe is best - you know you''ll still have a great time without over doing it.

Little - that is one cute pup! I must go see David Sedaris speak - I would bring my sister too since she introduced me to his books.

Fisher - Enjoy reading "What to Expect When You''re Expecting" - let us know if you come across anything interesting!

Anyway, it''s now time for me to be a mush (maybe it''s because I''m PMSing), but I just wanted to say that you are all such fantastic, supportive and inspirational women! I can only hope that we are all fortunate enough to continue this whole journey together because I really feel so bonded to all of you. When I started this thread back in Oct., I really didn''t know it would come to what it is today and would be as motivational as the preggos thread had become. I wish you all the best and thank you for being such a tremendous group!



Oct 19, 2005
Awwww, BB, you''re so sweet.

I agree about how great this thread can be, even when we''re not talking about jerkstores (or jerkiosks), POAS, O''ing, and all sorts of that good stuff. It''s also nice to come here just to talk about books, dogs and vacations!

I hope your news is good (and rapid)!


Feb 27, 2006
I''ve only read one book by David Sedaris, but I loved it!

Lisa, I''m 8 dpo.

I caved yesterday and went to Dollar Tree to pick up some cheap tests. I showed a little restraint and got 5
and the clerk LAUGHED at me and asked if I was going for best three out of five. She then said that she wasn''t laughing AT me, but she had just been there and done that.

BFN this morning, which is completely to be expected. I know that I''m testing too early. I feel like Tobias Funke... "No, it never does [work]. I mean, these people somehow delude themselves into thinking it might, but... it might work for us." (Kuddos to anyone who knows what I''m talking about.)

Date: 6/26/2008 1:37:20 PM
Author: AmberWaves

I''m a typical Scorpio married to a typical Aquarius.
Us too! And same with getting turned down.
He''s been doing a lot better now that we''re trying to make a baby, though (if it isn''t obvious by that one chart I posted).


Feb 27, 2006
BB, I have my fingers crossed for you!

Lisa, sorry about your hubby.

And a big ditto to how great and supportive this thread is.

happy in love

Jul 24, 2007
BB- this thread has been great for so many of us! I love getting on here and catching up with everyone. It is something that DH doesn''t quite understand, but it is such a support. I have talked a little to my IRL friends about this stuff, but non of them are as obsessive about things as I am (wedding/ttc/researching the BEST baby stuff...) and, they''ve "been there/done that" so it''s different, you know?

Amber- I am such a dork, I thought I was pretty cool for sporting a black eye! I felt so tough, and luckily DH and I didn''t really have to go out in public together til it was pretty much gone. I''ve taken lots of makeup classes in the past, and have learned how to cover things like that pretty well so when I went to work it looked a little better. The problem was that by the end of the day the make up wears off and you have to explain yourself!!
I love the image of you in the glasses, so sexy!

Erica- So glad the bus slowed down!!!! Good to hear your lentil is a sticky little bugger!

Blen- IMO that is the best thing about the $ store tests... test early and often for less than the price of one starbucks a day!
Then, when you get that "wait IS that a line" result, test again with the more costly test to put your mind at ease.

LL- How great that your parents are moving close to you guys. (right?) I guess I shouldn''t assume, but I would think it would be nice to have them close when baby LL comes.

As for the 7/4 weekend, I think I will take it easy on the drinking. A few throughout the weekend won''t stress me out, but there will be no dancing on the bar for me (lol!). I''m not so much worried about the alcohol affecting the possible baby, more that is will lower the possibility of it sticking I guess. Either way, a few drinks will keep me sane all weekend, but not make me feel guilty. The wakeboarding is out for a long time I''ve decided. If I break something or get so hurt that I cannot work I will be in big trouble. I am a hair stylist, so I would lose lots of $$ and maybe even some clients while I was tying to recover.

Whew! sorry its so long, thanks for reading

erica k

Nov 1, 2006
Oh, but it''s so much fun to POAS!

Boys'' names are darn hard to come up with for some reason. Maybe because there hasn''t been that much variation over the past 200 years! Just you wait, I''ll end up with a boy named John.

Crossing my fingers for your results.

My first BFP was 10DPO, so who knows, maybe it''ll work in a couple of days?

I certainly had my fair share of drinks. That lentil is darn persistent! I think lots of people conceive after a night of drinking, but I''ve also heard that it can lower your chances. At any rate, it sounds like you''re going to have a great Fourth. My friends are getting married that weekend, but definitely no drinks for me.


Jan 16, 2008
The name thing

DH and I came up w/ 5 girls names in under 10 mins.

All by ourselves.

Sophia, Olivia, Kate, Eva, Emma, Hannah (OK that''s 6 but I threw in Eva).

For boys..........

Crickets could be heard for miles away.

We argued and then bought a book of 50,000 names and still argued.

He liked the wacko Celtic warrior names (his ancestry I guess) like Conan, Coyle, Kellen (u get the pic.)

We couldn''t agree and thank God it was a girl.

Every name has a connotation to someone or something and we just couldn''t find neutral ground.

I like Jack, Noah, Ben, Max.

Neutral names: Jordan, Taylor, Morgan.

Quite a responsibility!


Oct 19, 2005
We actually bought the Baby Name Wizard, which is the coolest book. You look up a name, it tells you nicknames, names you could name the sisters/brothers to match, and the popularity! It''s awesome.

I woke up so many times last night. It''s the season of cool nights with hot evenings, and I just can''t keep myself cool at night. It''s either too cool or too hot. Bummer! DH has a cough, and as he''s prone to bronchitis, I''m about to murder him. He can''t get sick!! It''s just a cough right now, though. PLEASE let him not get sicker!!


Nov 10, 2006
We had the worst time deciding on boys names too....we finally agreed on ONE...god help us if we have two boys! We have a girl''s name picked out and ready to go!

Amber - I hope your DH feels is DEFINITELY not the time be sick. Hope whatever he has passes by the time you make it to Hawaii!

DH and I were both sick after our wedding. I think it was the combo of lack of sleep, stress and talking, hugging and being next to so many people. I remember popping pills and sucking on throat drops on the plane on the way over. So, for our first two days there we layed low, slept a lot and restored ourselves back to health...we were good as new! Hawaii has a healing power!

happy in love

Jul 24, 2007
Oh the name game.

I just read that our favorite girl name was among the new trendy names, so I think we''ve changed our minds

Good thing we have lots of time


Dec 8, 2005
Despite my pledge, I still POAS''d today. DH thinks I''m a nutter. And he''s right. Anyway, was negative. Am also having a bit o'' zits having a party on my my guess is AF is close to follow. I''m a bit disappointed (I''ve always been kind of a perfectionist/work to get what I want type...but this is just out of my darn hands...). Like I said, I think this whole process is going to teach me much much much patience.

As for names...Even when I didn''t think I wanted kids, I still thought about names all the time. I want a name to be different and unique...but not, ya know, Pilot Inspektor, or Apple. But I was one of three Melissas in my first grade class...So yeah...Also don''t want something trendy...

We have our boy name pretty well picked out...Abraham Thomas...named after our fathers...nickname would be Bram...which is DH''s dad''s nickname.

Girls...not sure. I am currently in love with the names Delilah and Mira and Arabella (which is a Dutch name, like DH). But who knows. DH''s mom''s name is Cornelia and my mom''s name is Cheryl...We don''t love either of them enough to name a child that...

BB - I''ve only been posting here for about a minute, but I have to say that I think you are a faboo group of ladies! Wonderful. I was just bragging about y''all a few days back my mom and a couple friends of mine! I really am glad I decided to delurk and join you faboo folks! Have a wonderful vacation!!!!

Amber - I''m clearly a compulsive POAS''er. Where did you get our pallet o'' sticks? And I''m sorry your DH is getting sick! That stinks. My only advice is if he is having any ear issues, get some earplanes...I have traveled with a head cold to Hawaii when I was much younger...and landing was some of the worst pain I''ve ever experienced. Earplanes are basically earplugs which equalize the pressure in the inner ear and they made a HUGE difference if you need to travel and you are a bit congested.

HIL - You are 10000% correct about being happy that my folks are coming back to our neck of the woods! My mom is one of my best friends, and she''ll just be an amazing and invaluable resource when we finally have baby LL. And frankly, I don''t think you could keep her away, even if we wanted to!
DH and my dad get along great as it''ll be great on all accounts. We haven''t lived in the same city since before I went to college...and I was living at I cannot wait to be able to see them regularly!

Erica - I have a feeling I''m going to become a professional POAS''er before this is done. Perhaps they could make it an olympic event or something. Ha. And also ewwwwwwww.

DD - We still haven''t tried your technique with our crazy Izzard...but I think we''ll give it a go in the next day or two...which us luck!


Oct 19, 2005
LL, the sticks were from early pregnancy, I''d link but I''m a moron.

Paul keeps denying that he''s getting sick. Tonight he''s getting soup. THAT''S IT.

We have no boy names yet. We have our girl name: Piper Jane. PJ for short!


Dec 16, 2007
Amber: If you have to drug him or bribe him or molest him in his sleep, you must BD every day during your fertile phase on this vacation! It doesn't matter if he might be sick, you need to get that baby you want and if he won't give 'er at least 4 days in a row around your O day, it may take longer
Tell him you have been patient, but it's time to put out! tee hee hee... you will have so much fun in Hawaii, how can you not! ETA: You know I am exaggerating for humor, right? But I still say you give it your best shot whether he is sick or not...

Lysser: goot luck with Izzie, let me know how it goes! I forbid you from carryign that dog down the stairs for one more day!

Boy I am just full or orders!

I took the last 2 days off and I am blitzing my house in a flurry of organization. I have gotten rid of so much crap you can't even imagine. Our neighbours asked us if we were moving, there's so much stuff on our porch waiting to go to the dump!

happy in love

Jul 24, 2007
Awww! I love the name Piper! Piper Jane is a great name Amber. My nephew is a PJ (Peyton Jared) but he is now 7 1/2 and will only let certain people call him PJ, to everyone else he says "actually, my name''s Peyton" Ha!

We like the George Strait song Adelida, so we tweaked that a little and came up with Adelyn, but with I guess now lots of people are dropping the first letters from the Maddison/Madelyn type names so I''m afraid it will be too popular for little girls right now. I also like Luca for a girl, but DH isnt on board.
I really like Henry for a boy (DH middle name) but again, he''s not quite sold yet. I think it''s too early for him to get excited about a name yet, he knows I change my name tooooo much!
Our friends just named their little boy Simon. Too cute if you ask me.


Jan 16, 2008

"WILL NOT take any until/if I'm late. I, Littlelysser, hereby swear that I will not waste pregnancy tests by taking them ahead of time. I have learned that although the stupid commercials say you can know 5 days before a missed period, that is often not the case and I will not believe the hype!!"

I repeat away from the sticks, they are the epitomy of pure unadulterated evil.

"Hi my name is Lisa and I have a POAS problem."

There are women who support each other by photographing 9+ days of HPT's and analyzing them ad nausium.

Thankfully not this site

I've been known to use 3-4 diff. types (med. grade, OTC and beta hcg bloodwork!) all in the same day!

I'll admit to posting faint lines here and them not being BFP in the end!

The rush, secret thrill is so enticing huh?

Maybe 3 DPIUI might produce something? Yeah a BFP from the trigger HCG shot - Ha Ha.

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
This threads a hoppin''!
I can only pop in for a moment - I''m desperate for a nap before I head out to a BBQ where my friend is introducing me to 3 Tiffany Diamond gals (one buyer, one salesgal, and the head of the sales floor). Um, can you say part-time florist, part-time Tiffany''s salesgal = life of total perfection???

Okay, quick shout-outs:
BB and Amber - have GREAT Vacay''s and GL on the babymaking!!!!!!!!! I hope to see lots of photos and BFP in the near future.
That goes for you too Lisa - hoping and wishing for your BFP soon too!

LL - you crack me up with that poas schtick. hah!

All - I love this thread too and echo BB''s sentiments of hoping that we can all continue on this journey together. I''m still waiting for AF to arrive (maybe mid-July?) and then we''ll get back on the wagon.

Ps. Babynames are my favourite topic. we have ours narrowed down tothese top two names:
Girl: Luna Valentina or Eva Simone.
Boy: Romeo or Wolfgang.

HEE! I have to get knocked up first but at least DH and I are on the same babyname page!

I''ll post my full name list which is chalk full of other goodies next week when I''m back on my office PC.

erica k

Nov 1, 2006
mela lu--
Simone is such a pretty name! I also love names that are connected to the family.

How''s your husband feeling now?

Pledges are overrated.
I find I went through cycles of being obsessed and then not caring. As long as you don''t have to start selling the furniture to pay for your sticks, you should be fine.

Early nesting?
Our house is as messy as ever. Although I''m going to try and convince my husband to put up new shelves in the kitchen, and maybe even a peg board. I try not to think about the piles of stuff in the basement...

I think Henry is such a solid, dependable name. It''s so funny how these trendy names go in cycles. I''m really intrigued by the appropriation of traditionally male names for girls. For instance, Luca, Taylor, Dylan, Andrea (Italian for Andrew)... I love the name Jules, but once I realized that this has become more of a girl''s name, I dropped it from my list. A part of me wants to take it back for the boys
, but what if he gets too much grief about it?

I like traditional girl names that have boyish nicknames. Georgina=Georgie, Frances=Frankey, etc. Ok, I think I''ve reached my name brainstorming quota for now. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


Oct 19, 2005
ALOHA everyone! DH and I got in a little while ago, and we''re just SO TIRED. Thankfully he''s feeling better, so tomorrow (actually, as it''s midnight here, TODAY) will be a good day!

Hope everyone is well.


Dec 8, 2005
Good Morning Ladies!

I am officially CD AF and I POAS'ed last night...BFN. So I don't know what's going on. I wasn't keeping particularly good track of when AF was due in the past, but I did some detective work and it looks like my first AF cycle sans BC was relatively short. I found an email where I was b*tching about having WICKED cramps and I sent that on May 8. Next period started May it seems that my cycles are relatively short. I am guessing this is just my body working its way back to a normal cycle. Blergh. I'm also feeling SUPER PMS-y. I was so cranky yesterday I could hardly deal...I am pretty sure AF is coming...feh. blergh. and also, gah. this point I just wish SOMETHING would happen...AF or a BFP...I want to either be preggo or have a darn drink.

Indy, Erica, DD - How are you guys feeling?

DD - No need to forbid ME from carrying that houndiss down the stairs. DH is the official dog carrier down the stairs-er... And I'll admit one of my favorite things is the floating ibizan. I often put my make-up on in our guestroom. Started doing it years back...well, DH will pick Izz up and when he's on his way down the hall, he walks very slowly toward the door to the guest room and does it so all I can see it Izzie's front paws and his head...and it looks like he's floating. It makes me laugh every time.
Maybe I'll take a pic and post it here one of these days. It's comedy gold I tell ya! Course, I could also just be sort of a guess is a little bit of column A and a little bit of column B.

Lisa - We need to start POAS'ers anonymous.

Mela - DH and I are pretty close to on the same page with names, which is nice. We generally have similar taste in most things...decor, food, hopefully we'll be able to agree on a girl's name at some point, if necessary.

Erica - Funny you should mention sellling furniture...I am currently not working...was a practicing lawyer until, I'm an aspiring jewelry designer and considering other careers as well. Funnily enough, I told DH that we needed to start cutting some costs - and I suggested taking the dogs out of daycare - which would save a couple hundred bucks a month...and he said, well, then, maybe you should stop buying so many preggo tests and using them before there is chance they'll be positive. OHHHHHH, I got soooooo mad.
This was RIGHT as we were laying down to go to sleep...We had a talk that night and he saw the, ah, error of his comments and apologized...but grrrrr was I angry. It is also a bit of a touchy subject with me (clearly) as up until very recently I was the breadwinner in the family...I always made significantly more than DH and now I depend on him financially. It is an odd feeling...things are fine now but ohhhh was I mad. Boys can be so so dumb.

Amber - YAY, YOU MADE IT! I hope the weather is wonderful and that you guys have a great time! I'm sooooooo jealous. Pictures are the only thing that will make it better!
Have a great great great time. And I found the website you referenced and bought some cheapie tests. Should make DH happy.
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