
The kittens are here!


Apr 23, 2008
Hahahaha BEG, they are so cute and full of personality. I love how my kitties will interrupt playing to groom, or vice versa - like that dirty spot is SO important lol.

And the new camera is turning out great!


Dec 21, 2004
Date: 12/31/2009 4:02:20 AM
Author: Brown.Eyed.Girl
Kipling. Both the kittens LOVE drinking from the faucet
This must be a bengal thing... both of our bengals love the drink from the faucet! Well... I guess I should now say one of our bengals. Sadly, we had to put our male bengal down a few days before Christmas. Your boys are sooooo cute! My DH just said to me "You''re just dying to get another one, aren''t you?!" as I was ooohhing and ahhhinng over your photos. LOL! Those are great photos! Their markings are really beautiful and I''m sure they''re going to continue to develop. What cuties they are!!


Jun 4, 2008
Date: 12/31/2009 8:13:20 PM
Author: Gypsy
Such a handsome duo. And so much fun to watch them grow, how big they are getting!

Thanks Gypsy! We went to the vet today for their health certs and they have each gained a pound. Dante is now just shy of 5 lbs and Kipling is a whopping 8 lbs at (almost) 6 months!


Jun 4, 2008
Date: 12/31/2009 8:49:29 PM
Author: MonkeyPie
Hahahaha BEG, they are so cute and full of personality. I love how my kitties will interrupt playing to groom, or vice versa - like that dirty spot is SO important lol.

And the new camera is turning out great!

Thanks MP! And thank you again for all your amazing advice and help in my DSLR search! I was taking pics of my mom''s rings earlier - I need a macro lens!
And no kidding - they''ll be all energy and thundering around the room chasing each other, and then one will just stop, sit and start cleaning, lol


Jun 4, 2008
Date: 12/31/2009 10:09:09 PM
Author: portia
Date: 12/31/2009 4:02:20 AM

Author: Brown.Eyed.Girl

Kipling. Both the kittens LOVE drinking from the faucet

This must be a bengal thing... both of our bengals love the drink from the faucet! Well... I guess I should now say one of our bengals. Sadly, we had to put our male bengal down a few days before Christmas. Your boys are sooooo cute! My DH just said to me ''You''re just dying to get another one, aren''t you?!'' as I was ooohhing and ahhhinng over your photos. LOL! Those are great photos! Their markings are really beautiful and I''m sure they''re going to continue to develop. What cuties they are!!

Oh no! I''m so sorry
This was Ghengis? My thoughts are with you - I know it''s tough.

I''m glad you have Zoe and Haley there with you though - how are they taking it? If and when you do get another kitten, I hope you will keep us updated and with lots and lots of pics! Speaking of which, I''d love to see updated ones of Zoe and Haley if you have them and have the time - wouldn''t it be fun if we had a Bengal/Savannah playdate?


May 25, 2006
Date: 12/31/2009 3:55:00 AM
Author: Brown.Eyed.Girl

Date: 12/29/2009 9:58:19 AM
Author: lvnut

Date: 12/27/2009 1:52:29 AM

Author: Brown.Eyed.Girl

Date: 12/24/2009 2:11:01 PM

Author: lvnut

Hi BEG! Haven''t been around much lately, but I''ve been dying to see updated pics of Kipling and Dante! Do you have any more that I may have missed? Would love to see some updated ones!

I''m sure you''re enjoying all of the fun that comes with having two ''Bengal Boys!''

Hey LV! Thanks for coming back to the thread! I don''t have pics right now but hopefully should soon - I need to download some! How about some updated pics of you and your adorable boys? I''d love to see them!

I have a ton of pictures, but don''t want to threadjack Kipling and Dante! Your boys are so adorable!

I cannot believe that mine are 11 months old and 11 lbs each. They still look small to me compared to my last kitty - I find it hard to believe they weigh 11 lbs.!

I can''t wait to see updated shots of your boys!

Pics are coming! Wow, your boys are SO big! I won''t be surprised if Kipling ends up big as well, but having grown up with a 7 lb. Chihuahua, I can''t imagine him any bigger. And threadjack away! I always love seeing pics of your adorable furballs!
Love all your new pics! They are so beautiful and look like so much fun! I will post some of my boys for you to enjoy.

Portia - so sorry to hear about the loss of your kitty. Since we just went through that last year I know how hard it is.


May 25, 2006
Here they are on my husband''s lap. Love their spots!

I hope this works because I am trying an easier way to resize...



May 25, 2006
This was during the blizzard a couple of weeks ago. I love how the one is hugging the other - although sometimes it''s hard to tell with all the spots!



May 25, 2006
Yes they do love the water! He is intentionally sitting under the faucet in the tub getting his head wet!



May 25, 2006
He is soaked! We dried him off and then he went back in...goofy kitty!



Apr 23, 2008
Date: 1/1/2010 12:04:04 PM
Author: lvnut
He is soaked! We dried him off and then he went back in...goofy kitty!

LOL! Oh this is so funny - I love how they play in the water. And they are so cute, cuddling in your husbands lap!


May 25, 2006
Monkey Pie - they really are so much fun to watch! The one likes the water better than the other one. The other one is content to watch his brother play in the water. Dino (the one who likes the water) will actually sit on the "seat" area of our tub when I am in there. He sticks his two front paws in and then he''ll touch me on the back! He''s so sweet!

The other day I went into the bathroom and went to pick Dino up and his whole underside was wet. My husband was just getting out of the shower and I asked if he turned the water on for the cats before he got in the shower. He said no - so we are not sure if Dino has figured out how to turn the faucet on or if he somehow bumped into it and turned it on. We are on a well so we''ll have to keep an eye on it!

They are constantly on my husband''s lap! Definitely daddy''s boys!!!


Dec 21, 2004
BEG, lvnut, thanks! We miss our boy, but he''s in a better place chasing birds and eating lots of salmon!

BEG, yes it was Ghengis. He was only 11 yrs. old so really not that old. We''ve had to keep Zoe separated from Ghengis for about 6 mos. because she would get really upset around him and attack him. She has an insane sense of smell - I guess because she has more wild cat in her - you could see that she could smell his sickness. It''s the only way to describe it. Really weird. Poor Ghengis couldn''t defend himself very well and towards the end Haley didn''t even want to be around him. Haley and Ghengis were like frick and frack so she has had an adjustment being without him. Zoe... well... she just got really grumpy and growlly. So now it''s just ''the girls''. They''re starting to get along better and better each day so that''s good. We had planned on being in Vegas for NYE, but there was no way I was going to leave the kitties so soon after Ghengis left us so we just hung out in Chitown with kitties for NYE.

lvnut, your kitties are gorgeous! I love the photo of them sleeping on your hubby''s lap. So cute!! How old are they? They''re absolutely beautiful!

I''ll see if I can find some recent pics of our cats and post them.


May 25, 2006
Date: 1/1/2010 3:00:39 PM
Author: portia
BEG, lvnut, thanks! We miss our boy, but he''s in a better place chasing birds and eating lots of salmon!

BEG, yes it was Ghengis. He was only 11 yrs. old so really not that old. We''ve had to keep Zoe separated from Ghengis for about 6 mos. because she would get really upset around him and attack him. She has an insane sense of smell - I guess because she has more wild cat in her - you could see that she could smell his sickness. It''s the only way to describe it. Really weird. Poor Ghengis couldn''t defend himself very well and towards the end Haley didn''t even want to be around him. Haley and Ghengis were like frick and frack so she has had an adjustment being without him. Zoe... well... she just got really grumpy and growlly. So now it''s just ''the girls''. They''re starting to get along better and better each day so that''s good. We had planned on being in Vegas for NYE, but there was no way I was going to leave the kitties so soon after Ghengis left us so we just hung out in Chitown with kitties for NYE.

lvnut, your kitties are gorgeous! I love the photo of them sleeping on your hubby''s lap. So cute!! How old are they? They''re absolutely beautiful!

I''ll see if I can find some recent pics of our cats and post them.
Portia - Poor Ghengis - that''s pretty young for a kitty. Did you know what he had?

That''s nice you stayed home for the girls - we would have done the same for our boys. They really seem to need more "attention" than any other cats I have had! Which is a good thing - they love to be a part of whatever you''re doing and really enjoy our company - although obviously they enjoy my husband''s company more than mine! They are always all over him when he gets home.

Thanks for the compliments on them! We are still quite fascinated with how beautiful they are! They will be one year old on January 9th. I''m wondering if they''re at their "adult size."

Would love to see more recent pics of your kitties! They are so gorgeous!


Jun 4, 2008
Happy New Year guys!

LV, your boys are beautiful!! They''re so cute and relaxed, all sprawled out on your husband''s lap! Our boys are curious about water, but not really LOVING it yet - which is funny to see. When I turn on the faucet, they both stampede over to it like something amazing is happening, and then Dante, our little one, will just stand by while Kipling jumps into the sink and sticks his head next to the water stream. Whenever he gets it on his head, he''ll shake it off, then go back for more - I don''t know how many times he''s snorted water by accident, lol. I was so proud of him the day he learned to drink FROM the stream of water directly instead of the little puddle it forms on the sink
I thought the other day the kittens had learned to turn on the faucet! I came home to find water running (like a lot of it!). But what I realized is that they walk by the sink faucets, and if the handle is turned a bit so that a little water is coming out, their movements push the faucet even further (hence the water pouring!)

Portia, that''s amazing that Zoe could smell that something wasn''t quite right. I''m glad she and Haley are bonding a bit more though! And I totally understand about staying home - there''s been so much change and adjustment already for them with Ghengis passing. I forgot you were in Chicago as well! Feb. GTG?


May 25, 2006
BEG - It took our boys some time to start liking water - you probably remember me posting about when they accidentally fell in the tub with me and that didn''t go over very well! But as they have gotten older, they definitely seem to like it more. Although it''s funny because they don''t seem to have gotten the hang of drinking out of the faucet while it is running and tend to lick the puddles in the tub! I''m hoping that Dino didn''t figure out how to turn on the faucet and it is kind of the situation you''re describing. I actually keep the door to the bathroom shut when we''re not in there because there''s way too much stuff for them to have fun with!

I know Portia''s Savannah would definitely have an "advanced" sense of smell - do you notice that with your Bengals? I''ve definitely noticed it with ours - they definitely gravitate toward anything that smells like us - not always in a good way! Dirty laundry, used kleenex in the trash can, etc. etc. They definitely keep us on our toes!

Would love to see more pictures of Kipling and Dante and also Portia''s Haley and Zoe!


Aug 14, 2009
Goodness, they''re getting so big!


Dec 21, 2004
lvnut, We don''t really know exactly what Ghengis had. We took him to the vet six months ago when he had lost about 4lbs. and they couldn''t really find anything wrong. His bloodwork was ok so they did an ultrasound and found inflammation in his lymph nodes. So then he had surgery so the could get tissue samples of his organs and see if he had cancer. It all came back negative, but they couldn''t explain the inflammation. He was put on some medications to help that and increase his appetite, but it didn''t work. He was eating very little, continued to lose weight and then towards the end he started having liver issues - at this point I think his body was shutting down. It''s sad, but we still have two cuties to keep us laughing all the time so that makes it better. :) Wow, your boys are only a year old... I think they''ll still grow a bit. I can''t get over how beautiful their rosettes are.

BEG, I didn''t know there is going to be a Feb GTG in Chicago. I''ll have to plan for that. Is the date set yet?


May 25, 2006
Portia - Still so very sorry to hear about Ghengis. Especially when you don''t really know what happened to him. At least with my old kitty, he was diabetic and had kidney problems so I kind of knew what was coming. Although you can never fully prepare for what is to happen and when...

I am glad you had two other kitties to keep you occupied and amused! We didn''t and that was what was really hard. We went from saying there is no way we could handle another cat (emotionally) so soon to picking out our bengals the very next night! Best thing we ever did because they truly make our lives much richer!!!

Wish I lived closer to Chicago and could join the GTG! Between the kitties and the jewels I''m sure we''d have lots of fun!


Dec 21, 2004
Date: 1/1/2010 10:03:32 PM
Author: lvnut
Portia - Still so very sorry to hear about Ghengis. Especially when you don''t really know what happened to him. At least with my old kitty, he was diabetic and had kidney problems so I kind of knew what was coming. Although you can never fully prepare for what is to happen and when...

I am glad you had two other kitties to keep you occupied and amused! We didn''t and that was what was really hard. We went from saying there is no way we could handle another cat (emotionally) so soon to picking out our bengals the very next night! Best thing we ever did because they truly make our lives much richer!!!

Wish I lived closer to Chicago and could join the GTG! Between the kitties and the jewels I''m sure we''d have lots of fun!
lvnut, sorry to hear about your kitty. I''m glad your boys bring you so much joy. I know getting new pets always helps. You don''t ever get over missing the ones that pass on, but there always room in your heart for more furbaby love! I do want to get another one... I kind of miss having three cat chaos in the house! If DH and I do get another, we decided we''d get an F1 Savannah. We must be crazy!! Ahhh... I wish you lived closer too! We could have a spotted kitty gtg in addition to the PS GTG! LOL


Jun 4, 2008
Yssie, no kidding! Those two are ridiculously heavy to carry around in one bag through the airport

Portia, poor Ghengis. At least now he''s painfree, and as you said, lots of playing and eating salmon!

As for the GTG, nothing super official, but Miracles will be in town in Feb. and we have tentatively planned to meet up on Feb. 13, Saturday, for lunch and a trip to the Field Museum to see their exhibit on diamonds
And maybe some jewelry browsing and/or hot chocolate later. Here''s the original thread - I''m sure we''ll start an official one closer to the day! Thread

LV, darn! Any chance you''ll be up for coming to lovely snowy Chicago in Feb. for V-day weekend?
(And I want to see that gorgeous ring of yours up close!

And LV, my mom just went through the loss of our dear Chihuahua a couple months ago. We''ve had him since he was 3 months old and he died at age 13 - he was the most spoiled little dog, we loved him so much. He was my mom''s dog in particular - super attached to her - and she was just devastated. Didn''t think she''d be ready for a long time for a new dog - but I hated to see her grieving and alone since I''m away and Dad''s away so I arranged for her to get a new dog over Thanksgiving (the cutest little Papillon puppy). She still misses our Chihuahua, Cocoa, a lot, but I think having the new puppy has helped a LOT. But of course, it''s still tough.

Portia, I''m so glad you have Haley and Zoe around with you!


Dec 21, 2004

Ok, BEG and lvnut... since you asked for photos... ;-)

I have some current ones, but they''re not very good.

First up is an old one of the three amigos...



Dec 21, 2004
This one cracks me up because they look so pissed off at each other. Those eyes could shoot daggers! LOL



Dec 21, 2004
Haley being silly as usual... hanging off of DH''s photo printer (where... ahem... she''s NOT supposed to be!)



Dec 21, 2004
Zoe giving one of her infamous cute faces with half head tilt...



Dec 21, 2004
I caught ''the girls'' sleeping together the other day. Too bad it didn''t last very long. The love sleeping on the master bath counter because I have a space heater in there.



Jun 4, 2008
Awww Portia I''m glad you posted more pics - I love them! They are so adorable!

I love Zoe''s head tilt! SO cute!


Dec 21, 2004
Thanks, BEG! I''ll have to check out that link to the GTG thread. I pretty sure I''ll be able to go. However, I don''t think I can wait to see the diamond exhibit. I was supposed to go this weekend, but looks like we''re going next weekend. I don''t think it''ll be a problem to see it a second time though! LV!!! I want to see your bling, too!!!


May 25, 2006
Date: 1/1/2010 10:41:39 PM
Author: portia

Date: 1/1/2010 10:03:32 PM
Author: lvnut
Portia - Still so very sorry to hear about Ghengis. Especially when you don''t really know what happened to him. At least with my old kitty, he was diabetic and had kidney problems so I kind of knew what was coming. Although you can never fully prepare for what is to happen and when...

I am glad you had two other kitties to keep you occupied and amused! We didn''t and that was what was really hard. We went from saying there is no way we could handle another cat (emotionally) so soon to picking out our bengals the very next night! Best thing we ever did because they truly make our lives much richer!!!

Wish I lived closer to Chicago and could join the GTG! Between the kitties and the jewels I''m sure we''d have lots of fun!
lvnut, sorry to hear about your kitty. I''m glad your boys bring you so much joy. I know getting new pets always helps. You don''t ever get over missing the ones that pass on, but there always room in your heart for more furbaby love! I do want to get another one... I kind of miss having three cat chaos in the house! If DH and I do get another, we decided we''d get an F1 Savannah. We must be crazy!! Ahhh... I wish you lived closer too! We could have a spotted kitty gtg in addition to the PS GTG! LOL
Portia - I never thought I''d get over the loss of our other kitty - it''s amazing how our boys have worked their way into our hearts in such a short time. I would love to have a Savannah, but our boys are so wild already I don''t know how much more I can handle! I do wish I lived closer as I have a feelling we''d have lots of fun together between spotten kitties and jewels!


May 25, 2006
Date: 1/1/2010 10:41:56 PM
Author: Brown.Eyed.Girl
Yssie, no kidding! Those two are ridiculously heavy to carry around in one bag through the airport

Portia, poor Ghengis. At least now he''s painfree, and as you said, lots of playing and eating salmon!

As for the GTG, nothing super official, but Miracles will be in town in Feb. and we have tentatively planned to meet up on Feb. 13, Saturday, for lunch and a trip to the Field Museum to see their exhibit on diamonds
And maybe some jewelry browsing and/or hot chocolate later. Here''s the original thread - I''m sure we''ll start an official one closer to the day! Thread

LV, darn! Any chance you''ll be up for coming to lovely snowy Chicago in Feb. for V-day weekend?
(And I want to see that gorgeous ring of yours up close!

And LV, my mom just went through the loss of our dear Chihuahua a couple months ago. We''ve had him since he was 3 months old and he died at age 13 - he was the most spoiled little dog, we loved him so much. He was my mom''s dog in particular - super attached to her - and she was just devastated. Didn''t think she''d be ready for a long time for a new dog - but I hated to see her grieving and alone since I''m away and Dad''s away so I arranged for her to get a new dog over Thanksgiving (the cutest little Papillon puppy). She still misses our Chihuahua, Cocoa, a lot, but I think having the new puppy has helped a LOT. But of course, it''s still tough.

Portia, I''m so glad you have Haley and Zoe around with you!
BEG - I''ve never been to Chicago - maybe now is the time to plan a trip! (And in total disclosure, I''ve got five new beautiful pieces that I have been too lazy to photograph that I think you''d love!)

I saw the pictures of the new puppy! Very very cute!!!
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