
The Bachelorette (tv show) may contan spoilers

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Nov 18, 2004
Date: 6/30/2008 10:12:21 PM
Author: beau13
WOW..I was as shocked as he was, that she let him go! I won''t say who, in case it hasn''t aired there yet! I think Jesse will win in the end!! Good episode tonight!
Me too!! I don''t think Jesse will win, but could be very wrong. I am holding out for someone else....


Nov 3, 2007
I was shocked too. I hope Jesse wins next week.


Jul 27, 2005
Date: 6/24/2008 8:59:04 AM
Author: decodelighted
JESSE -- dark horse for sure but maybe his slow but steady progress might crest at the right time? He''s an attractive option. They seem so comfortable together - but have a spark. I dunno. I''m feeling this one.
I''m *not* shocked. And I guess we know now that she''s not still pining for old G-bag. AND that she''s ENGAGED! Good scoop. Thought it was hilarious when the fellas compared *someone* to the guy in American Psycho.
"Obsessive Compulsive DeAnna" Oh my. Those rejects were BITTER.


Nov 29, 2004
The previews showed Jason crashing Jesse''s date with the fam next week...that is so not cool...maybe he''s really psycho?!?


Sep 5, 2007
Date: 6/30/2008 11:13:04 PM
Author: appletini
The previews showed Jason crashing Jesse''s date with the fam next week...that is so not cool...maybe he''s really psycho?!?
I''m sure that''s a set up. I totally don''t picture him as that kind of guy, but how knows!

Honestly I don''t hope Jesse wins. I don''t see DeAnna being able to really settle down with Jesse because it concerns her that he still wants to be part time in Colorado and part time wherever else. Plus he''s still not even sure what he wants to do yet for a living. In my opinion though they''re young still and I don''t think it''s a big deal to want to still get out there and snowboard and have fun but DeAnna seems pretty serious. On the other hand I don''t totally picture her having an insta-family with Jason either so who knows.

I am a Jason fan though, can''t help it.


Aug 16, 2007
I was NOT surprised by who she sent home last night! I mean, those 2 dates just seemed so much more fun and natural, as opposed to forced. I don''t know who I''m rooting for
! I like them both!


Oct 13, 2005
Well, I''m surprised she let Jeremy go over Jesse. Although, I think Jesse is a great guy, I believe DeAnna is looking for much more stability than he can provide. I think he is absolutely wildly in love and I am sad that he will be hurt. IMO

Jason somehow is icky to me. I don''t find him attractive at all and I feel he is too feminine and a bit squirrely. I think she''s going to choose him.

The Guys Tell All:
Talk about drama queens! There was some pretty weird moments of silence between De and Jeremy. Although he was "OCD" he was my choice for her.

Grahamster- I like him for some reason and he has potential to be a great guy. I believe he wasn''t up for having a relationship in front of the camera, and yes, he probably needs to seek some counseling with regard to his communication and relationship issues. And, if you noticed, he was having trouble keeping up in conversation because he was "processing". I don''t know, I just don''t think you can say its going to be forever after 6 weeks of dating in front of the camera and on dates that are not typical. It''s too much fantasy and I suppose that''s why there is only one couple that has survived after the show. But, I keep watching don''t I


Mar 16, 2005
Wow, I am surprised she let Jeremy go. You could see it in his eyes how hurt he still was in the guys tell all show. I feel bad for him. He was very attractive, but their date at the beach did seem a little forced. I also think she will pick Jason. There was just something about her face when she was with him and I think she is concerned that Jessee doesn''t have a set plan for after snowboarding ends. Should be very interesting since it showed both men proposing to her. One of them is going to get rejected on tv in front of millions of people after getting down on one knee....I will feel bad for either one b/c they are both good guys.


Jul 6, 2007
It is sad, that two men are so in love with her, and one will definitely have his heart broken. I can''t imagine getting to that point..thinking that you WILL be the one, and then to have your heart torn out, by the one you love! They both claim they "can''t imagine life without her"..OH BOY..that''s gonna hurt!


Jun 12, 2008
Just finished watching and my gosh - just watching Jesse down on one knee looking up at her makes me sad. He is so genuine.

Pros - He likes to have fun, he seems genuinely into her, not pretending to be someone he's not, will cherish her and take care of her the best he can, his life is open for her to come in and make a new life with her
Cons - He doesn't have stability, his future is up in the air, he will always feel inadequate with her

Pros - He is a professional with a steady job, offers her the feeling of being safe, seems to genuinely care for her
Cons - He is older than Jesse, he's already got "baggage" with a kid (though she says she doesn't mind - she still kept him in the running knowing he was away from his kid so she must like him)

I like both of them but I noticed at the preview for the finale that as Jesse walked up for the proposal, she hugged Jesse and had a strained and worried look on her face.

It will be Jason...I think...I've been screwed over by editing before, it just might happen again.


Mar 25, 2008
I had a feeling she might keep Jesse around longer. My guess is that she chooses Jason in the end. He seems to be more about what she is looking for and they look so good together. I think Jesse is a great guy but I get the impression that he is not "ready" for the things DeAnna wants.

I CANT WAIT until next week!!!!!!!!!!
Who knows what''s going to happen!!!!!!!

I actually feel pretty bad for Jeremy. Seems like he has gone through a lot in his lifetime. Poor guy.......


Nov 13, 2007
Ok... I''ve been thinking about this a while, and I have a few things.

Predictions: She will choose Jason. For someone looking for a family, Jesse just is not the answer. I think maybe she got rid of Jeremy this time, so that her next decision would be easier. I''m really just not a fan of Jesse... he has no plan, and I worry that his income will come from having to travel to many different competitions around the world, and will still VERY much involve snowboarding.

1. I''m very irritated that she "fibbed" to Jesse about wanting kids and when. Just last week, she told the entire world and Jason that her PLAN is to have 3 kids by 30, and that was it. However, last night when Jesse asked her if she had a plan she said... "not really, I would like to have 3 kids by 30". Why couldn''t she just be completely honest with him, that that is her plan, not just something she would like. I know my explanation doesn''t explain it very well, but if you saw the show, I thought it was very obvious that she was worried to reveal too much to him. It looks like she''s able to have lots of fun with him, but when it comes to the serious issues she steps back a little. Did anyone else see this, or am I being over analytical?

2. The "Tell All" show was a joke. What a bunch of whiners. The highlight was the girl in the audience asking one of the guys on the date. I''m glad to hear that Deanna is happy and engaged!!


Mar 2, 2004
Date: 7/1/2008 6:48:24 PM
Author: Dreamgirl
I had a feeling she might keep Jesse around longer. My guess is that she chooses Jason in the end. He seems to be more about what she is looking for and they look so good together. I think Jesse is a great guy but I get the impression that he is not ''ready'' for the things DeAnna wants.

I CANT WAIT until next week!!!!!!!!!!
Who knows what''s going to happen!!!!!!!

I actually feel pretty bad for Jeremy. Seems like he has gone through a lot in his lifetime. Poor guy.......
I wouldn''t feel too bad for Jeremy. He will have more women throwing themselves at him than he can possibly handle here in Dallas.

Based on how the show shot, we could tell exactly where he lived!


Mar 25, 2008
meresal- I noticed at the end of the finale when Jesse comes up to D, he goes to kiss her and she lets him just kiss her cheek where she kisses Jason on the lips when Jason comes up to her. If she chose Jesse, that would be strange that she didn''t kiss him when he comes up to her. It seems like she has a concern with his snowboarding when he mentioned living somewhere else for 3 months a year as well. He just doesn''t seem like he is in the same place as she is in life right now, Jason on the otherhand is already there.

lauren- My Mom said the same thing about Jeremy not having trouble finding someone now! lol


Mar 31, 2008
I''ve heard a lot of rumors that Jesse wins... but I really think the show kept him on, and told her to keep him on for drama. Of course he is not a good match for her, everytime they kiss it''s awkward and she doesn''t look as thrilled to be with him as he does with her... it''s obvious. There is definite chemistry with her and Jason. I knew she would pick either him or Jeremy in the end. I am shocked she kept Jessee in the final two, but I was expecting it. When she kept picking him at all of the rose ceremonies it was obvious to me that the show is up to something to throw us off!


Apr 21, 2008
Date: 7/1/2008 7:59:58 PM
Author: meresal

2. The ''Tell All'' show was a joke. What a bunch of whiners. The highlight was the girl in the audience asking one of the guys on the date. I''m glad to hear that Deanna is happy and engaged!!
I have two girls and I can''t imagine getting engaged to someone who has only interacted with my children ONCE! If I was Jason''s ex-wife, I''d be flipping out if there was a possibility that my son might have a new step-mom in his life ....

Did anyone else think that DeAnna''s face looked a lot fuller when she came back on "Men tell all"? I thought she was pregnant when I first saw her ... how''d that be for the "most dramatic final rose ceremony"ever??!!


Nov 13, 2007
Date: 7/3/2008 2:07:19 PM
Author: mom2twogirls

Date: 7/1/2008 7:59:58 PM
Author: meresal

2. The ''Tell All'' show was a joke. What a bunch of whiners. The highlight was the girl in the audience asking one of the guys on the date. I''m glad to hear that Deanna is happy and engaged!!
I have two girls and I can''t imagine getting engaged to someone who has only interacted with my children ONCE! If I was Jason''s ex-wife, I''d be flipping out if there was a possibility that my son might have a new step-mom in his life ....

Did anyone else think that DeAnna''s face looked a lot fuller when she came back on ''Men tell all''? I thought she was pregnant when I first saw her ... how''d that be for the ''most dramatic final rose ceremony''ever??!!
IMO... From what I understood, the ex-wife didn''t really care to stick around in the first place. Apparently she wasn''t as ready for a family as she expected. I''d be surprised if she still interacts with the family at all.


Mar 25, 2008
Date: 7/3/2008 3:11:41 PM
Author: meresal
IMO... From what I understood, the ex-wife didn''t really care to stick around in the first place. Apparently she wasn''t as ready for a family as she expected. I''d be surprised if she still interacts with the family at all.
That''s what I was just going to say. I don''t even think the mother is around at all, is she?

mom2twogirls- Funny you mention D''s face. I thought the last episode in the Bahamas she looked like she gained some weight THEN. But I tought because of maybe eating a bunch of junk on the show. I didn''t notice her face on the Men Tell All, but now that I think about it, it may have been a little fuller......


Nov 5, 2007
Just want to ditto what everyone has listed as concerns with Jesse and ditto that I am rooting for Jason. Guys tell all - UGH I am sure her seeing them again in that context makes her so much more sure of her choice because they all seemed like littly whiners on that stage. Jason will easily find someone else once he is open to it.

I didn''t notice her face either but as for crashing the home visit I think what actually happens is the show has them visiting her family the same day without telling them instead of on two seperate days.... I am like 100% positive this is a set-up! :D excited for Monday!!!


Mar 25, 2008
The finale will be on for 2 hours, then the "After the final rose ceremony" show totaling 3 hours!
I CANT WAIT to find out what is going to happen!!! But, Im actually going to record it first and more than likely watch it AFTER it's done recording. (This way, I can watch it without interruption and I can fast forward through the commercials!) So I wont be able to discuss the ending until Tuesday.

Who knows whats going to happen. What if she ends up chosing Jesse anyway? I think he's a great guy as I said before, but I just think Jason is a better match for D. I just hope whoever she choses, that it's the man for her and that she is happy because I feel that she was the most "serious" and sincere person to do the show thus far (other than Trista.)
I hate waiting!!!!! lol!


Nov 13, 2007
I''m getting EXCITED!!! 3 Hours, Woahh?!?! I sure hope I can convince C that I NEED to watch all 3 hrs on the plasma again this week!!! Thank goodness Monday Night Football isn''t on yet. I may actually have a chance!!


Mar 25, 2008
Yeah really!


Aug 8, 2005
i think it''s going to be jason. i hope it''s going to be jason.
from the previews, she just seems to get that sparkle in her eye when she sees him.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 7/7/2008 3:45:31 PM
Author: jcrow
i think it''s going to be jason. i hope it''s going to be jason.
from the previews, she just seems to get that sparkle in her eye when she sees him.
I agree and I too hope it is Jason!


Nov 18, 2004
Date: 7/7/2008 3:55:14 PM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 7/7/2008 3:45:31 PM
Author: jcrow
i think it''s going to be jason. i hope it''s going to be jason.
from the previews, she just seems to get that sparkle in her eye when she sees him.
I agree and I too hope it is Jason!
Thritto. I can''t wait to watch it tonight!!!


Jul 27, 2005
I dunno ... part of me thinks it''ll be Jesse. That maybe she discovered a part of herself she never knew -- a young part. She had to grow up so fast after the passing of her Mom & maybe some of her hurry to be married & have kids & that timetable thing ... do it fast fast fast. Jesse seems so Kid-Like ... but open to the idea of getting hitched & having kids. Maybe she could slow down with him & enjoy her YOUTH. Three kids by thirty??? If I had that plan I''d WELCOME a break from it
. With Jason she''d be 1/3 into that plan already -- and be taking a backseat to a kid (somewhat). She doesn''t seem like a "backseat" person ... remember the BBQ Tantrum. "Don''t you all understand you''re here to cater to my every whim ... not just hang out with each other!" STORMS AWAY. Does she really think she could handle coming 2nd ALL THE TIME. EVERYDAY. Is she as ready for motherhood as she THINKS she is?? Blink blink blink.

Anyway -- if she does pick Jason I hope she is "in" with her whole heart & that it works out as well as she hopes it will. For the sake of the kid.

If she picks Jesse ... I''ll rejoice in her 2nd childhood & giving herself permission to RELAX into love & retire the "to do" list for awhile.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 7/7/2008 4:06:30 PM
Author: decodelighted
I dunno ... part of me thinks it''ll be Jesse. That maybe she discovered a part of herself she never knew -- a young part. She had to grow up so fast after the passing of her Mom & maybe some of her hurry to be married & have kids & that timetable thing ... do it fast fast fast. Jesse seems so Kid-Like ... but open to the idea of getting hitched & having kids. Maybe she could slow down with him & enjoy her YOUTH. Three kids by thirty??? If I had that plan I''d WELCOME a break from it
. With Jason she''d be 1/3 into that plan already -- and be taking a backseat to a kid (somewhat). She doesn''t seem like a ''backseat'' person ... remember the BBQ Tantrum. ''Don''t you all understand you''re here to cater to my every whim ... not just hang out with each other!'' STORMS AWAY. Does she really think she could handle coming 2nd ALL THE TIME. EVERYDAY. Is she as ready for motherhood as she THINKS she is?? Blink blink blink.

Anyway -- if she does pick Jason I hope she is ''in'' with her whole heart & that it works out as well as she hopes it will. For the sake of the kid.

If she picks Jesse ... I''ll rejoice in her 2nd childhood & giving herself permission to RELAX into love & retire the ''to do'' list for awhile.
Lol, she is a bit dramatic and does not seem to like to be 2nd!!!
You are probably right!! I guess we will see. . .


Nov 13, 2007
Blink blink blink.-- you gals are too cute, and that blinking smiley is adorable!!

Deco: You're right. I thnk I remember us having a convo 2 weeks ago, about how she may not be as ready for marriage AND kids as she thinks, and in that case a relationship/engagement with Jesse would be right down her aisle. She could still be a kid but then have that serious relationship she is longing for. It's just weird to me though. I don't see the physical connection. I really want Jason, but I think, if she really still doesn't know what SHE wants, it could possibly go either way.

However... I REALLY WANT JASON!!! How can you turn down a guy that is a great listener and THAT great with kids!!!


Mar 25, 2008
Deco is right. It could very easily be Jesse. He could end up being perfect for her.........

BTW- I just saw a new commercial that I haven''t seen yet. Looks like Jeremy comes back and tells her she is making a mistake! At least I think its Jeremy. Looked like hiim from behind. I guess it could have been Grahm. But it lead me to believe, what if the ending isn''t at ALL what they want us to believe. What if she realizes she loves Jeremy and ends up chosing HIM over the other two in the end and he is the one who proposes? (I doubt it, but just saying......)


Nov 13, 2007
Date: 7/7/2008 6:31:41 PM
Author: Dreamgirl
Deco is right. It could very easily be Jesse. He could end up being perfect for her.........

BTW- I just saw a new commercial that I haven't seen yet. Looks like Jeremy comes back and tells her she is making a mistake! At least I think its Jeremy. Looked like hiim from behind. I guess it could have been Grahm. But it lead me to believe, what if the ending isn't at ALL what they want us to believe. What if she realizes she loves Jeremy and ends up chosing HIM over the other two in the end and he is the one who proposes? (I doubt it, but just saying......)
Saw the same thing, but I think I saw it a few days ago, when it olny had the voice saying "I think you're making a huge mistake." It never showed anyone;s body, but I thought it sounded like Jesse, which didn't make sense.
How would someone know she was making the worng decision, unless that person was no longer an option...

So, my view on Jeremy/whoever? coming back. It could totally happen, this IS afterall television. However... if De'anna cares about these guys's feelings as much as she says she does, I don't think she could live with herself if she tricked Jason and Jesse. I think it would be very selfish of De'anna if that were to happen, and just doesn't seem like something she would do. But, people have surprised me before

UPDATE: C is giving all reign of the 46' Plasma for the entire night while, get this, HE CLEANS THE APARTMENT!!!! This is going to be the BEST finale EVER!!!
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