
SF GTG July 21st?

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Aug 8, 2005
Any takers?

Neatfreak has already indicated her availabiliy... FG and snlee are available around then, but have not confirmed any actual dates....

ALL PSers, men, women, from the Bay area or just visiting invited.

Was thinking of meeting around 11 am... meet on Union at Old and New... then grab some lunch and bling view somemore afterward.

Anyone is free to attend at any point in time, and leave whenever they want to.

Resturants recommendations for lunch completely welcome.

Most likely, I can make a GTG on July 21st, but I cannot confirm until later. I am not familar with Union St. area, so I cannot help with restaurants.


AN just told me about this in another thread. Poo, I would have loved to come, but we will be on vacation. I hope there will be another get together in the fall. I am dying to meet you all.

Shoot, doesn''t anyone want to come to San Diego? Boo. I think a PS GTG should being with everyone wearing bags over their heads and only showing their erings...and try to remember who''s who based on their rings! I know if I ever ran into some of you, I''d know you by your rings alone
Date: 6/21/2007 1:18:13 PM
Author: surfgirl
Shoot, doesn't anyone want to come to San Diego? Boo. I think a PS GTG should being with everyone wearing bags over their heads and only showing their erings...and try to remember who's who based on their rings! I know if I ever ran into some of you, I'd know you by your rings alone
LOL! At previous GTGs, I did identify people by their rings! I don't think I knew how anyone looked like, with the expectation of Mara, but I knew them by their rings!
Yes, we are all crazy.

I think I can make it on the 21st but I have to double check.
Date: 6/21/2007 1:18:13 PM
Author: surfgirl
Shoot, doesn''t anyone want to come to San Diego? Boo. I think a PS GTG should being with everyone wearing bags over their heads and only showing their erings...and try to remember who''s who based on their rings! I know if I ever ran into some of you, I''d know you by your rings alone

My FI''s family lives in San Diego! We could meet up over the winter holiday season sometime if you''ll be around.

My FMIL drives me crazy sometimes so I would love an excuse to leave for awhile.
I would love to come. That was one of the weekends I just threw out to our friends who want to come visit. Hopefully they won''t select that date

I hope to know soon. I am really looking forward to meeting you guys.

If I can''t do that weekend, maybe us South bay''ers can meet at Santana Row one weekend.
Date: 6/21/2007 1:18:13 PM
Author: surfgirl
Shoot, doesn''t anyone want to come to San Diego? Boo. I think a PS GTG should being with everyone wearing bags over their heads and only showing their erings...and try to remember who''s who based on their rings! I know if I ever ran into some of you, I''d know you by your rings alone
Hey surfgirl,
I live in southern california and would love to have a GTG somewhere between SD and LA, perhaps irvine?!
i bet SAN DIEGO lady would like to join us too! we''ll definitely have to work on that one cuz the SF bay is
a little too far
Ooh fun - I want to come! I''m pretty sure I can make it on July 21, but will confirm closer to the date. Restaurant recs on Union St...maybe Home (there''s one on Union St in addition to the original location in the Castro)? Yummy comfort food, killer cornbread...yummy
p.s. Gypsy - I LOVE the new siggy - what a handsome kitty! I don''t think I know which one that is?? (although of course I loved the picture of Duncan as well)
YAY!! I''m totally hoping this comes together. Art Nouveau can I request an inperson viewing of that AMAZING Pardasha?

The only restuarants I know on Union Street are Prego (no), le entricote (spelling, and no) and Amici''s Pizza-- which I personally LOVE with their antipasta salad.

Home sounds good. I love comfort food.

My new AV is Hally. My only girl, and my little terror. She''s the middle child and is a little cuddly love, when she''s not being a muleheaded force of nature. She''s more a Daddy''s girl than a Mommy''s girl. But I figured after a few years of Duncan inmy AV... the other two should get some face time as well.

Linda-- we''ll definitely have to set up another in the Fall!!!

Snlee-- That''s EXACTLY how we ID''d each other isnt'' it?? LOL. It''ll be great to see you in person again! (And your lovely set too of course!)

Surfgirl, I''d LOVE to come down to San Diego. Don''t have any plans to do so anytime soon, but my favorite cousin lives down there so I''d be happy to come down over a three day weekend or something.

Asscher girl... I NEED to see your set in person so I hope your guests will pick a different weekend. If not... I live 25 minutes from Santana Row (was actually there last weekend). Sounds like a fun south bay GTG.

Very exciting. I am hoping that we get a nice crowd like we did last time. It was so much fun!!

YES PL.EASE IN THE FALL!!!! On a Saturday would be best for me, as my hubby can drive me to S.F. I never drive there by myself. HA!!!!!!

AN: Please bring your gorgeous Pad then and I will bring my pad collection to show everyone.

I can''t wait to meet you all and see your gorgeous bling
LInda where are you coming from? Sometimes we can arrange a carpool if someone lives near you, and there is always Bart (which is how I''ll be going).

We live in Fairfield. Halfway between S.F. and Sacramento. Rick and I would be happy to give a ride to anyone who needs one. I am not near a Bart station.

I know where Fairfield is! I went to Davis. Yeah... no Bart there. Still maybe in the fall we can see about someone carpooling with you!
Hey Gypsy - it looks like it may be that weekend afterall

I will know more in a week. It''s funny though because we actually plan on spending the day in SF w/ our friends but I doubt they would want to jewelry shop the whole time, LOL

Yes, let''s gtg at Santana real soon. My schedule is pretty flexible. I''m only 4 miles from Santana Row. Hopefully Mara will see this and we can all do lunch or something. Have you met Mara yet? I''m sure you have, as you are in the bay area and it seems like you guys do lots of gtg''s.
I think I can make it!....that is if I can force myself out of my weird, reclusive ways
I even have a new goody to share.

I''m NO help suggesting restaurants, though...

Date: 6/22/2007 3:21:12 AM
Author: MommaBear

Date: 6/21/2007 1:18:13 PM
Author: surfgirl
Shoot, doesn''t anyone want to come to San Diego? Boo. I think a PS GTG should being with everyone wearing bags over their heads and only showing their erings...and try to remember who''s who based on their rings! I know if I ever ran into some of you, I''d know you by your rings alone
Hey surfgirl,
I live in southern california and would love to have a GTG somewhere between SD and LA, perhaps irvine?!
i bet SAN DIEGO lady would like to join us too! we''ll definitely have to work on that one cuz the SF bay is
a little too far
surfgirl, MommaBear and other Southern CA PSers,

Just wanted to let you know zhuzhu has already proposed a San Diego GTG sometime in July, she just moved to town. There''s a thread around here somewhere about it; I''m sure it will be revived soon as July isn''t that far off.

Just thought I'd revive the thread as we are a week out to see where we are.

I'll be in SF that entire weekend (my mother will be in the hospital) and would love a bling break for a few hours. I'll be at the UCSF hospital... but was hoping we could meet on Union Street and browse there.

NOW... I realize that it's Harry Potter Day... and that it's been a while since we've discussed. But I'm hoping we get a nice crowd and have a great relaxing time!

The Restaurant HOME has been suggested... and so unless anyone objects, I'd like to make reservations there... and get a head count so that we can prepare them in advance for the invasion.


ETA: Oh yeah.... I was thinking we could meet at 11 ish walk about the stores... and maybe hit the restaurant at 12:30- 1:00 ish?

I'm not a huge herd planner though... so if anyone has organizational skills and so forth please feel free to take the reigns.
Hey Gypsy - I should still be able to make it. I actually just noticed that Amici''s is also on Union St as you posted above, and was thinking that might be an even better choice, especially for those of us who are also WWTers - more healthy options there (I LOVE LOVE LOVE
their thin crust pizzas too).

Hopefully others will be able to make it as well - but even if us two are the only ones who can make it, I live pretty close to UCSF and would be happy to meet you there and drive over together to Union St to give you a break from being at the hospital - I spent a lot of time there when my mom had hip replacement surgery a couple of years ago and I know how it feels to need a break from that kind of stress.
i was just in SF union square this wkd meeting some girlfriends for brunch and window i'' m not really into going up to the city again next saturday to do the same gals have fun!!
Was definitely counting on it...till my boss decided to send me to a conference OOT that includes this weekend. Just found out about it Friday.
Oogle some bling for me...I hope to be there next time.

BTW, I hope your mom is okay Gypsy, *hugs*.
Date: 7/16/2007 11:42:21 AM
Author: AmberGretchen
Hey Gypsy - I should still be able to make it. I actually just noticed that Amici's is also on Union St as you posted above, and was thinking that might be an even better choice, especially for those of us who are also WWTers - more healthy options there (I LOVE LOVE LOVE
their thin crust pizzas too).

Hopefully others will be able to make it as well - but even if us two are the only ones who can make it, I live pretty close to UCSF and would be happy to meet you there and drive over together to Union St to give you a break from being at the hospital - I spent a lot of time there when my mom had hip replacement surgery a couple of years ago and I know how it feels to need a break from that kind of stress.
Amici's is WONDERFUL! I love their caesar salad dressing. YUM. I am all for going there instead!

My mother is having a huge spinal fusion... T3 to L2 so... yeah... a break is going to welcome. Lets see who else crawls out of the woodwork!

FG -- That sucks! We'll miss you!!

Mara-- Maybe next time!
Ouch - your poor mom! And poor you - I really remember how intensely stressful it was worrying about how it would all turn out and having to be an advocate for such a close relative''s care and so forth. I''ll be sending good wishes to both of you.

FG and Mara - we''ll miss you guys! Hopefully some others will be able to make it!
I''m still planning on it! My FI is living in Livermore, I don''t know if anyone is coming in from that part of the Bay, we could go together if anyone wants.

Otherwise just let me know where and when and I will be there!
if you gals are in Union Square you should check out this jewelry store we just visited on saturday, i think it''s called Fratellis or something like that, like 2 blocks from neimans...they had some big honkers in there, some pretty, some not so pretty (think 10 carat J that had huge visible inclusions in it and was pretty yellow)...and they were very friendly and accommodating. simayoff is right across a block or so as well.
Yeah! I''m in!!!! Our guests aren''t coming after all this weekend. I would love to see them, but hopefully they will visit next month. Now I get to oogle some goodies!

Gypsy - since I''m really really new to town, I''m going to need some more info as to where we are meeting. I have a navigation system so it will figure it out from there. The name of the restaurant should be fine, I can look the address up online. This will actually be my first time to Union square! I guess I''ll need to celebrate and buy something, LOL

I''m really looking forward to meeting eveyone
Okay... Hold the presses.

Isn't union STREET quite a significant distance from Union SQUARE?

I know that originally we were going to meet on Union STREET, where Amici's is.

But I'm hearing all these references to Union Square... are the two closer than I thought?

Or would everyone rather just go to Union Square instead?

YAY Asscher Girl... now I get to see your lovely ring in person!! AND Neatfreaks! AND Ambers... so far it's looking like a FABULOUS crowd.

Oh I have no clue. Isn''t all of the good shopping in union SQUARE? Just bring me to the jewels, LOL
Square has a lot of fabulous Bling to see. The Last GTG we went to Langs which was great and full of vintage/antique treasures... and a few other places.

Mara... what was the name of the really LARGE jewelry store where KD fell in LOVE with that HUGE antique discoball ring?

We definitely should visit there again.

And of course we''ll go visit Fratellis that Mara has just suggested.

Lots of bling to see. Union Square ot Union STREET... your votes please.

As to Union SQUARE and places to eat... the place we went last time was okay... but don''t really up for a command performance. If anyone wants to suggest someplace I''m game. Otherwise I''m likely to break my diet at Blondies.
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