
School Talk


Sep 23, 2011
Another one of my Topics of the Week. :naughty: or Topics of Whenever I Feel Like It.

Who is currently in school? What are you studying? Which level of education are you working on?

If you finished school, what did you study? What was the highest level of education you completed? What do you do now? Does your job have anything to do with your degree?

What about your SO?


Dec 13, 2009
I'll answer!

I graduated from college in May of 2011. I have a Bachelor's of Science degree in Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education. I didn't find a job last year, but thankfully, I finally have a full time job this year! I am a pre-kindergarten teacher at a local public school district and I serve only low-income or disabled students. My job obviously has something to do with my degree ::)

After I finish my first year of teaching, I will be going back to school to get my Master's degree. I already know where I want to pursue that degree, but don't know what my exact major will be yet. I will be doing all my classes online too.

BF also went to school. He went to a technical school for Mechanical CADD. He graduated in 2009 with an Associate's Degree. Right now, his job is somewhat related to his degree. To be honest, I am one of those girlfriends who really doesn't know exactly what their SO does. :lol: He is a supervisor now, so he really doesn't do any CAD/Drafting work unless he is working overtime.


Dec 23, 2010
madelise|1348120199|3271452 said:
Another one of my Topics of the Week. :naughty: or Topics of Whenever I Feel Like It.

Who is currently in school? What are you studying? Which level of education are you working on?

If you finished school, what did you study? What was the highest level of education you completed? What do you do now? Does your job have anything to do with your degree?

What about your SO?

I am done with school; I got my Associate in Applied Sciences degree for Paralegal Studies. I am currently working at a law office as a legal secretary.

M is a car salesman. He was a finance manager and hated it, so they moved him to the floor. While it's not his dream job, when things are good, he makes more money than me (which isn't too hard to do; I make under $27K a year :angryfire: ) He's talked about going back to school, but the field he'd be interested in is dwindling, do to outsourcing to India and so forth. It just wouldn't be worth it for him to pursue a degree. But, who knows. Maybe someday he'll go back and discover his passion. It doesn't bother me. As long as the bills are paid and he remains employed, that's what matters.


Apr 20, 2012
YAY School! This I can talk! haha

I graduated in 2009 with a Biology degree with every intention to go to Dental School. I worked in a dental office for my observation hours and decided I would not want to do that with my life. So in May I started an accelerated nursing program for students who already have a degree. I will graduate with another bachelor's in Dec 2013. I am pretty sure I do not want to go to school after I am done, but am trying to keep my grades up just in case! :D I am very sporadic in posting here because every week is different. Some weeks I am crammed and can barely breathe and some weeks I have a little more room to play on pricescope.

SO went through a rough time when we were not together and he left school with one semester left to graduate. He was under a lot of pressure to join the family business (healthcare) and he just did not want to do that. He accepted a job working in the oilfield off shores and he loves it. He likes knowing what is going on with the business but does not want to be involved in the day to day activities. I don't mind him being gone because I am a type of person who needs my personal space/time. He really enjoys working with his hands, he dabbled in custom cabinetry in the summers off from college and loved that as well. I am pushing for him to finish his degree because it is only one semester left, but I can't make him do it until he is ready, hopefully sooner than later.

Good Luck to everyone in school!!


Nov 4, 2009
Ah school, my life for the past 20 years, literally. I graduated in 2008 with a bachelor's in biology, and then got my master's in public health in 2009. I spent a year working for the VA while applying to medical school, got into the best program I could ask for, and will finish that in 2014. Then residency, then maybe fellowship, then maybe a baby, if my uterus isn't too angry at me about not utilizing it.

My boyfriend got his bachelors at USC in psychology (he still follows USC football), and then got his doctorate in psychology in 2009. He works part time doing therapy, and the rest of his time he teaches a research methods class at the same grad school he went to. He loves what he does, and he inspires me to love what I do too. He doesn't make nearly enough money for the amount of school he went through and what he does, but I admire that he wakes up every day ready to do what he loves and appreciates that he helps people on a daily basis.

I'm so glad to see other students around! I sometimes feel isolated from everyone other than my classmates because all my other friends are working, going on vacations, etc. I know I'm investing in my future, so I hope it's all worth it in the end!


Mar 26, 2012
i graduated with a degree in radiography in 2010 - due to no jobs i am now beginning my nursing program. I'll graduate 2014.

im swamped, since i work full time 40 hours and school/clinical are 24 hours a week - so i have NO free time....thats why i am also here sporadically.


Sep 22, 2011
SO and I have the same education. We met in college- at a big name Midwestern school- we both have a Bachelors in Poli Sci. He has a minor in Peace Studies (so outrageous, esp for him) and I have a minor in Portuguese and Brazilian Studies.

We are both currently in our third year of law school- at another big name Midwestern school. LOL LOOK HOW ANONYMOUS I AM!

I know he will be working at a law firm after law school bc he already accepted the offer. I am a jobless bum as of now! OOPS


Sep 23, 2011
Hm, I thought I posted a reply last night :confused: Guess not.

I am currently in school. I am just starting my "senior year" for my baccalaureate in communication sciences and disorders, even though this is now officially my 7th year in college! I'm a super, super senior :naughty: I actually just finished my GREs yesterday (yay! go me!), and will be applying for graduate school this winter.

I have never held a job related to my aspired career, though I have worked in medical settings since I was 14.

SO graduated with his baccalaureate and his masters, both in electrical engineering and computer sciences. His work has NOTHING to do with his degrees. I'm quite annoyed with that. :angryfire: but it's good knowing he has degrees to fall back on in case his business doesn't do well. He hated doing engineering.

I hope I love my future job. I already love daydreaming of it. I hate thinking of waking up dreading to go to work. I want to wake up excited to see my kiddos.

MayFlowers, how are you liking the school? The school year started for ya'll, right? (Some districts around here are weird, and start late September). How are you loving work?!

LLC, don't burn yourself out, girl. I was working 60-70 hour work weeks + 12 units at school…… It's been over a year, and I'm still recovering :saint:


Jul 13, 2008
madelise|1348120199|3271452 said:
Another one of my Topics of the Week. :naughty: or Topics of Whenever I Feel Like It.

Who is currently in school? What are you studying? Which level of education are you working on?

If you finished school, what did you study? What was the highest level of education you completed? What do you do now? Does your job have anything to do with your degree?

I have a B.S. in Public Relations, a B.A. in Spanish, and a B.S. in Biology... it took me a while to do things right ;-) I'm a professional animal trainer at a zoo, and I needed the Bio degree to be able to do that. Other than physically having the degree, I don't apply it at all on a daily basis.

What about your SO?
SO graduated high school early to join the military, which was 10 years ago. He is currently taking some Criminal Justice classes online but does not have a degree yet.


May 9, 2012
Goodness LIW's and their SO's have some serious smarts!

I graduated from my 4-year Bachelor of Visual Arts in 2009, I mostly made small sculpture and jewellery (don't get excited, my goldsmith skills are very rusty!). In 2011 I completed a short course to become a junior florist. At the moment I work as an administrator for an engineering company. I really have no idea what I'm doing. I did SUPER fun but useless for a job schooling! :errrr:

SO has a Bachelor of Arts in History and English, and a PGDip. He is a high school english teacher. He wants to go back to school to do Honours, and then follow through to PhD. He will go back mid next year, or perhaps a little later. Viva la student!

So I guess we are the arts portion of LIW so far. :appl:

Sonnyjane, COOLEST JOB EVER! And talk about qualified for everything!


Jul 13, 2008
Chewbacca|1348188001|3271958 said:
Sonnyjane, COOLEST JOB EVER! And talk about qualified for everything!

And the student loans to prove it :nono: I always wanted to work with animals and go to school for biology... once I got to college, I got caught up in the party scene and just wanted a nice easy major. I kicked myself after working in PR for a few years and realizing that I should have just put in the work the first time, so I went back to school for a few more semesters to finally get the bio degree. Fortunately I will be able to pay my loans off in the next couple of years but I always advise teenagers that I meet that are getting ready for college to focus on what you LOVE now so that you don't have to go back to school later if you regret it.


Sep 23, 2011
WTF, Sonnyjane, you DO have the coolest job ever! How the heck did you figure out you wanted to do that/stumble upon that job? That's so amazing! You must LOVE your job! When I was trying to think of what I'd like to do for the rest of my life, I thought, I'm a super angry person, and I hate most people. What type of demographic would I work best with? Old people, children, people with special needs, and animals. Those are the only demographics that I can work with, while still being able to maintain my patience! I totally wanted to work with animals, but found that Vets are getting hit quite hard, as no one wants to pay for anything for their pets anymore. Zoo animal trainer? That never crossed my mind!!! :appl: (I'm going to a wild animal park on Saturday, so now I'm totally going to pretend one of the people working there is you :lol:)

so.. do you talk to the animals in Spanish? ;))

Chewbacca, you should totally brush up on your jewelry making skills! Think Etsy! There are SO many smalltime jewelers now, making beautiful art first as a side job, then spreading their name as they build their skills, and are making FT careers out of their lines! There are sooo many Etsy sellers that have been successful, you should totally think about it! Besides, I totally need someone to figure out a "better" ring holding pendant system :naughty: I also did a program for floristry, as well. I forget where my certificate is. I worked in a flower shop for about half a year during high school, and decided it wasn't for me. I loved designing, but I was essentially the florist's b*tch. He would just make me sit there and make bows, or strip thorns, or other tedious tasks. I've always wanted to own my own flower shop. My BFF's cousin owns her own event floristry company, and I'm actually tempted to ask her if she needs any help. I love event floristry the most :) and have a passion for centerpieces.


Sep 23, 2011
Is anyone graduating this upcoming summer? I'd love to count down with people :)


Jul 13, 2008
madelise|1348204436|3272051 said:
WTF, Sonnyjane, you DO have the coolest job ever! How the heck did you figure out you wanted to do that/stumble upon that job? That's so amazing! You must LOVE your job! When I was trying to think of what I'd like to do for the rest of my life, I thought, I'm a super angry person, and I hate most people. What type of demographic would I work best with? Old people, children, people with special needs, and animals. Those are the only demographics that I can work with, while still being able to maintain my patience! I totally wanted to work with animals, but found that Vets are getting hit quite hard, as no one wants to pay for anything for their pets anymore. Zoo animal trainer? That never crossed my mind!!! :appl: (I'm going to a wild animal park on Saturday, so now I'm totally going to pretend one of the people working there is you :lol:)

so.. do you talk to the animals in Spanish? ;))

Lol I hate most people too and as far as patience, I would NOT put children into that mix haha. My mom is a Kindergarten teacher and her stories make me cringe! I originally wanted to be a trainer at Sea World so I did a Marine Emphasis, but then when I graduated it was slim pickings. I took a job training birds instead but now I really love it. It's been almost 3 years now. You're right, though, pay isn't very good for animal jobs.

When you say you're going to a "wild animal park", it wouldn't happen to be in Southern California, would it?


Jul 30, 2011
Oooh fun!

I graduated in 2010 with a BA in Art History. I looooved my degree. Loved the program. And I intended to go into museum work. Yah. I took an internship at a local historic home. And I loved it too, but only superficially. I enjoyed giving tours and interacting with our customers (we got people from all over the world, and our tour groups were usually small so it was a lot of one-on-one). But I was there for 6 months and I saw the politics that went down. No money, couldn't get grants, people were told they couldn't be paid and asked to work for free (no exaggeration there), an unwillingness with the board of directors as regards to changing how things work (even when what's going on now isn't working). It was all around frustrating and I wasn't even in that deep.

I realized if I went any farther, that I would grow bitter about museums and how they're run. I didn't want that to happen. I love history and I love learning and I think museums are very important to society. But I want to be able to enjoy them myself.

I've worked in a couple of retail places and did part time legal assistant work from home before my aunt helped me get a job in logistics and transportation (she's the transportation director at her company. She's some big cheese) at a small plastics recycling company. I was surprised at how much I enjoy it. It's satisfying knowing how to ship 40,000 lbs of material to China. All the paperwork, how much things cost, and actually working with the drivers, dispatch and brokers. It's fun and exciting in its own way. And working for this company has made me more recycling aware so that's good. Also, all of my coworkers and bosses are Latino. So I'm picking up Spanish just from working here. Lol. It's the best working environment I've ever been in.

BF is set to graduate Spring 2013 with a double major in History and Political Science. He then plans on law school and joining the military just before he graduates from law school so he can go into jag. If that doesn't work out, he's looking at state politics too. He doesn't want to go federal though.


Mar 18, 2007
Ravenne, I just had to post here after seeing you talk about being in transportation/logistics!

I graduated in 2008 with a degree in English and Anthropology (with the equivalent of a minor in Spanish, though my school didn't do minors) and ended up working in logistics about a week after graduation. My dad works in the field, as well, so I've been around it my whole life. It's been really interesting, but I'm starting to think that I need to do something related to my degree. This has been a fun challenge, but I want to be passionate about what I do - BF is basically in his dream job and I see how excited he is, and I want that. I want to L-O-V-E what I do, you know? So who knows where I'll be this time next year...


Sep 23, 2011
sonnyjane|1348228741|3272128 said:
madelise|1348204436|3272051 said:
WTF, Sonnyjane, you DO have the coolest job ever! How the heck did you figure out you wanted to do that/stumble upon that job? That's so amazing! You must LOVE your job! When I was trying to think of what I'd like to do for the rest of my life, I thought, I'm a super angry person, and I hate most people. What type of demographic would I work best with? Old people, children, people with special needs, and animals. Those are the only demographics that I can work with, while still being able to maintain my patience! I totally wanted to work with animals, but found that Vets are getting hit quite hard, as no one wants to pay for anything for their pets anymore. Zoo animal trainer? That never crossed my mind!!! :appl: (I'm going to a wild animal park on Saturday, so now I'm totally going to pretend one of the people working there is you :lol:)

so.. do you talk to the animals in Spanish? ;))

Lol I hate most people too and as far as patience, I would NOT put children into that mix haha. My mom is a Kindergarten teacher and her stories make me cringe! I originally wanted to be a trainer at Sea World so I did a Marine Emphasis, but then when I graduated it was slim pickings. I took a job training birds instead but now I really love it. It's been almost 3 years now. You're right, though, pay isn't very good for animal jobs.

When you say you're going to a "wild animal park", it wouldn't happen to be in Southern California, would it?

Yep, the SD Safari one :) You didn't answer if you talk to the birds in Spanish, or not! :bigsmile:


Jul 13, 2008
madelise|1348239449|3272223 said:
sonnyjane|1348228741|3272128 said:
madelise|1348204436|3272051 said:
WTF, Sonnyjane, you DO have the coolest job ever! How the heck did you figure out you wanted to do that/stumble upon that job? That's so amazing! You must LOVE your job! When I was trying to think of what I'd like to do for the rest of my life, I thought, I'm a super angry person, and I hate most people. What type of demographic would I work best with? Old people, children, people with special needs, and animals. Those are the only demographics that I can work with, while still being able to maintain my patience! I totally wanted to work with animals, but found that Vets are getting hit quite hard, as no one wants to pay for anything for their pets anymore. Zoo animal trainer? That never crossed my mind!!! :appl: (I'm going to a wild animal park on Saturday, so now I'm totally going to pretend one of the people working there is you :lol:)

so.. do you talk to the animals in Spanish? ;))

Lol I hate most people too and as far as patience, I would NOT put children into that mix haha. My mom is a Kindergarten teacher and her stories make me cringe! I originally wanted to be a trainer at Sea World so I did a Marine Emphasis, but then when I graduated it was slim pickings. I took a job training birds instead but now I really love it. It's been almost 3 years now. You're right, though, pay isn't very good for animal jobs.

When you say you're going to a "wild animal park", it wouldn't happen to be in Southern California, would it?

Yep, the SD Safari one :) You didn't answer if you talk to the birds in Spanish, or not! :bigsmile:

Ha no but the Spanish comes in handy living down here. I do speak "bird" to them though :) Have fun at the Safari Park! I'm at the SD zoo ;-) have some friends that work at the park. The park is really cool. If it wasn't so far from where my husband works I might want to work there instead.


Sep 23, 2011
sonnyjane|1348239926|3272227 said:
madelise|1348239449|3272223 said:
sonnyjane|1348228741|3272128 said:
madelise|1348204436|3272051 said:
WTF, Sonnyjane, you DO have the coolest job ever! How the heck did you figure out you wanted to do that/stumble upon that job? That's so amazing! You must LOVE your job! When I was trying to think of what I'd like to do for the rest of my life, I thought, I'm a super angry person, and I hate most people. What type of demographic would I work best with? Old people, children, people with special needs, and animals. Those are the only demographics that I can work with, while still being able to maintain my patience! I totally wanted to work with animals, but found that Vets are getting hit quite hard, as no one wants to pay for anything for their pets anymore. Zoo animal trainer? That never crossed my mind!!! :appl: (I'm going to a wild animal park on Saturday, so now I'm totally going to pretend one of the people working there is you :lol:)

so.. do you talk to the animals in Spanish? ;))

Lol I hate most people too and as far as patience, I would NOT put children into that mix haha. My mom is a Kindergarten teacher and her stories make me cringe! I originally wanted to be a trainer at Sea World so I did a Marine Emphasis, but then when I graduated it was slim pickings. I took a job training birds instead but now I really love it. It's been almost 3 years now. You're right, though, pay isn't very good for animal jobs.

When you say you're going to a "wild animal park", it wouldn't happen to be in Southern California, would it?

Yep, the SD Safari one :) You didn't answer if you talk to the birds in Spanish, or not! :bigsmile:

Ha no but the Spanish comes in handy living down here. I do speak "bird" to them though :) Have fun at the Safari Park! I'm at the SD zoo ;-) have some friends that work at the park. The park is really cool. If it wasn't so far from where my husband works I might want to work there instead.

Oh, that's SO COOL! Are you one of the trainers in that show? Where the parrot does "math"?? I vividly remember the African Greys and the Macaws that entertained me as a child. I used to own an African Grey, one that I adopted with personality problems after being abused by its owner. My neighbor owns a few macaws, and his baby that is always on his shoulder is a yellow crested cockatoo. I have a slight fascination of birds. We even rescued a pair of red cardinals, once! They were illegally bred, from who knows where, and we found them at a bodunk sleazy "pet shop", in the very back, covered with towels over their cage to hide their illegal-ness. The poor things hadn't seen sunlight in forever. I loved feeding em worms :D and we had them for YEARS.

I'm actually rethinking if I want to go to the zoo this weekend, since I <3 <3 <3 pandas! But I've never gone to the wild animal park, so that's a definite destination.


Jul 13, 2008
madelise|1348240959|3272233 said:
Oh, that's SO COOL! Are you one of the trainers in that show? Where the parrot does "math"?? I vividly remember the African Greys and the Macaws that entertained me as a child. I used to own an African Grey, one that I adopted with personality problems after being abused by its owner. My neighbor owns a few macaws, and his baby that is always on his shoulder is a yellow crested cockatoo. I have a slight fascination of birds. We even rescued a pair of red cardinals, once! They were illegally bred, from who knows where, and we found them at a bodunk sleazy "pet shop", in the very back, covered with towels over their cage to hide their illegal-ness. The poor things hadn't seen sunlight in forever. I loved feeding em worms :D and we had them for YEARS.

I'm actually rethinking if I want to go to the zoo this weekend, since I <3 <3 <3 pandas! But I've never gone to the wild animal park, so that's a definite destination.

Right now, at the zoo, we a mini bird show near the front entrance and also some animal encounters around the zoo with some of our other birds. We always emphasize in our show that birds are fun to see...but are VERY challenging as pets. There are a few in our current collection that were surrendered because people couldn't care for them anymore. I always say they need to have a screening process before anyone buys a bird! They are SO much work. I'm glad I can leave them at the zoo at the end of the day!

If you have never been to the Safari Park, go there (and DRINK LOTS OF WATER because it's going to be 100 degrees). I'm not sure how often you get to come here, but at the zoo we have a new baby panda but the baby is NOT on exhibit yet, and won't be for at least another month or so, so if you really love pandas, I'd wait until the baby is available for viewing to make the most out of that visit :)


Jan 9, 2012
madelise|1348120199|3271452 said:
If you finished school, what did you study? What was the highest level of education you completed? What do you do now? Does your job have anything to do with your degree?

What about your SO?

2003-Bachelor of Arts, English and Art History
2010-Master of Business Administration, Marketing

I manage marketing in the US and Canada for a global biotech company. We are headquartered in Germany but I work out of the Northern California office. I am relocating to the San Diego office next year.

SO is in the Air Force. That's all I can say. ;-)


Sep 23, 2011
Thanks for all your advice, SJ! Yeah, I read about the new baby! You're right, I should wait until she's on "display" ::) I went to the "Pandamonium" the last time a baby panda was born, and was first put out for the public to see.

It looks like I might even have to skip out on the Safari Park, now, though ;( SO was supposed to pick me up EARLY today, and he kept b*tching about there being too much traffic in the morning. He planned to pick me up at 11. He's barely leaving his house. All our La Jolla-ing will have to be moved til tomorrow ;( ;( ;(

I hate boys.


Feb 29, 2012
SO and I are both in our last year of pharmacy school (post-grad)...we graduate in May madelise, so I'm counting down with you!! I have 226 days left according to my desktop widget :D :D


Feb 29, 2012
also I am so jealous. I want to see pandas in person!!!!! they are my favorite.


Dec 13, 2009
madelise|1348161919|3271727 said:
MayFlowers, how are you liking the school? The school year started for ya'll, right? (Some districts around here are weird, and start late September). How are you loving work?!

Yes, the school year started for us the day after Labor Day. So far I am loving my school! Everyone is very welcoming of me and friendly. I definitely love what I am doing, but boy is it exhausting! One of my groups of kiddos (I teach two half day programs) is very challenging and they seriously wear me out some days. We are still working on smoothing out the kinks with them and I'm going to have to keep trying new things with them until I find a system that works. I'm confident though that things will get better.

Plus, it feels great to be a part of the "career world". Getting my own paychecks that give me a livable wage, having my own health insurance and now buying a house! I finally feel like a grown up hahaha.


Mar 12, 2010
Sweet pea. I normally just lurk but I wanted to say I just started med school, graduating in 2016! Great to see another med student!! :appl:


Sep 22, 2011
SO and I will graduate law school in May. SEE YOU THERE PANDABEEEEEE. hahahahah


Oct 2, 2008
Congrats on your upcoming graduations ladies! Andrew graduates in December so we're on the countdown for that!


Aug 10, 2012
madelise|1348204491|3272052 said:
Is anyone graduating this upcoming summer? I'd love to count down with people :)

ME!! I graduate with my Masters in Counseling in May. I can't wait to be finished with school! :appl:


Sep 23, 2011
YAY, quite a bit of us counting down!! :appl:
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