
RB HELP please :) Looks good??

Apr 22, 2020
I’d like to weigh in about the specifics of the situation versus the specifics of the stone - I’ll leave the latter up to more knowledgeable folk.

For me, what will matter is going to be the price at which your jeweler is going to source you the replacement stone. Yes, sure, he screwed you over with your first stone, but there’s a saying in Hindi that goes - वक़्त आने पर गधे को भी बाप बनाना पड़ता है। (translated, it roughly means - in times of need, you need to make a donkey your father). Meaning, don’t cut your nose off to spite your face. Do what you need to do to get your own work done.

A $9k trade-in is nothing to sneeze at, you’re essentially looking at ~$6k benefit (since other sources offered you $2-3k for your stone). So, in case everything else works out, no matter your feelings about your jeweler, it makes sense to swallow your bitter feelings. At the end of it, you’ll have a beautiful 2ct+ stone, which you wouldn’t have had otherwise, and a valuable lesson about due diligence learned (relatively) painlessly.

Now, if the stone is a dud, or if nothing but top notch perfection creme de la creme will do, then you should cut your losses now. But if what you’re looking for is just a beautiful stone, without needing it to be top notch perfection, that gets you to the size and colour you wanted, then this is an option well worth exploring, regardless of your personal feelings towards the jeweler.

Of course, if the price of the stone is $xx elsewhere, and he offers you the stone at $xx+10k and a $9k trade-in, then you know there’s zero incentive to go with this guy, and you might as well as keep your original stone and buy this new stone from elsewhere or just go straight for the ACA or whatever else you choose to do. But if you’re actually saving $9k by going with this option and it’s a beautiful stone (as confirmed by your own eyes); absolutely take it!!


Aug 14, 2018
I feel that I can weigh in on this. I did a trade at a local jeweler because the 100% trade in value was much more than anything I was being offered. I didn't want to work with him again but I felt trapped. The $ I had invested was less than you so I can certainly understand your feelings. I was able to find a stone through him with PS recommended proportions. It was a lovely stone.

But, I just went with WF for another upgrade and lost several thousand in the trade, which is certainly disappointing, but I have zero regrets. I will stress that I did not have any advanced images when I bought my stone, so the one you're looking at may certainly be better. But below are pictures of my old stone next to my new ACA. Absolutely no comparison in my eyes. It is so satisfying to me to know I have the best possible cut & light performance. As well as the comfort of the upgrade policy.



They both look amazing to me!!!


Aug 3, 2021
I’d like to weigh in about the specifics of the situation versus the specifics of the stone - I’ll leave the latter up to more knowledgeable folk.

For me, what will matter is going to be the price at which your jeweler is going to source you the replacement stone. Yes, sure, he screwed you over with your first stone, but there’s a saying in Hindi that goes - वक़्त आने पर गधे को भी बाप बनाना पड़ता है। (translated, it roughly means - in times of need, you need to make a donkey your father). Meaning, don’t cut your nose off to spite your face. Do what you need to do to get your own work done.

A $9k trade-in is nothing to sneeze at, you’re essentially looking at ~$6k benefit (since other sources offered you $2-3k for your stone). So, in case everything else works out, no matter your feelings about your jeweler, it makes sense to swallow your bitter feelings. At the end of it, you’ll have a beautiful 2ct+ stone, which you wouldn’t have had otherwise, and a valuable lesson about due diligence learned (relatively) painlessly.

Now, if the stone is a dud, or if nothing but top notch perfection creme de la creme will do, then you should cut your losses now. But if what you’re looking for is just a beautiful stone, without needing it to be top notch perfection, that gets you to the size and colour you wanted, then this is an option well worth exploring, regardless of your personal feelings towards the jeweler.

Of course, if the price of the stone is $xx elsewhere, and he offers you the stone at $xx+10k and a $9k trade-in, then you know there’s zero incentive to go with this guy, and you might as well as keep your original stone and buy this new stone from elsewhere or just go straight for the ACA or whatever else you choose to do. But if you’re actually saving $9k by going with this option and it’s a beautiful stone (as confirmed by your own eyes); absolutely take it!!

Thank you so much for your input; this is my thought process, exactly.


Aug 3, 2021
I am going to play a devil's advocate here. Chances of this stone being similar to WF ACA? None. Could it be a decent stone? Yes. You want to have a cake and eat it, too.

This "jeweler" ripped you off once. I understand that you have 100% trade-in option. I also understand that you did your homework this time and made sure he would not rip you off on the next purchase. That being said, out of my principle (might not be yours) I would never give my hard-earned money to this guy twice. I would choose those 3K over 9K and cut my losses and not look back. What is done is done. I would rather have a smaller stone from a reputable seller. Someone I know I can come back to in another 15 years for an upgrade knowing I am getting for what I am paying.

Thank you. I 100% understand your opinion. If budget wasn't an issue I would just start from scratch. I guess I should also give the background that we are working with a different person (now the owner) at the same local jewelry store that we bought the original diamond from. The sales rep that sold us that diamond no longer works there (left about 10 years ago). So although we have a bad taste in our mouth, I am trying to give the owner the benefit of the doubt. That being said, if he can't come close to the listed prices I found, we will simply walk away.


Aug 3, 2021
Beautiful proportions! 40.8/35.0/57 is a great combination, in my opinion. As long as the ASET and/or IdealScope images check out, then it should be a beautiful diamond that leans slightly towards fiery.

If you want to buy your own, David Atlas (oldminer) sells both the ASET and IdealScope on his web store.

ASET (recommend getting it with both the ideal and average CZ stones)

Expert IdealScope (with ideal and average CZ)

ASET and Expert IdealScope package (professional kit only, unless you also want the stone holder and/or the lighted dual loupe)

Thanks again for sharing this ~ I did it! I just bought the professional set. I am heading out of town next week so they are holding the diamond until we get back, and I will have the ASET and Idealscope. I'm not sure why I waited this long to order, small price to pay for peace of mind.


Apr 29, 2016
They both look amazing to me!!!

Thank you! My old stone was definitely beautiful. To me the difference is in the arrows. In the old stone I had to be looking for them, but now I see them flashing at me constantly. They are very bold and show up so clearly. This stone has a lot more contrast.

But again, totally depends on which purchase is more mind clean, and the money OP has invested definitely has to be considered.
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Aug 3, 2021
The ASET and Ideal-Scope came! This is going to be fun....


Aug 3, 2021
I know it' impossible to tell from photos but wanted to share anyway! Trying to figure out how to format video to post too... 1.jpeg 2.jpeg 3.jpeg 4.jpeg


Apr 23, 2021
I know it' impossible to tell from photos but wanted to share anyway! Trying to figure out how to format video to post too... 1.jpeg 2.jpeg 3.jpeg 4.jpeg

Oooooh looks really good in these pictures! What are your thoughts on the new one compared to your existing? Is it speaking to you?


Aug 3, 2021
Oooooh looks really good in these pictures! What are your thoughts on the new one compared to your existing? Is it speaking to you?

Hi there! DejaWiz you have been so supportive through this - I wanted to say thank you :)

I really think so!! It is so hard to tell in the store lighting. I have a video that is more accurate. The size is just perfect, hoping the cut is as good as it seems. I left the listed pricing I found online and they are going to come back with an offer (I have $9,500+ towards the upgrade). If the difference seems worth it, I will pick up and look in some different lighting conditions, get a good ASET and Ideal Scope read. It was funny re: the pricing. At first he was like, "Oh I see you priced some similar cut / colored / ct stones to compare" and I was like - no, it's literally retail pricing multiple vendors have listed for THIS very GIA cert stone that we are looking at right now...

He was surprised but impressed that I did my homework, and also seemed genuinely guilty that we had been sold something that wasn't accurate. He stated many times that he wanted to make it right, and for us to feel good about it. DH doesn't care either way and just wants me to be happy w/ it and feel like in the end that we got a fair deal. He mentioned that while frustrated at what we initially paid, he kind of likes the O-P in that it is unique (he thinks the J looks like "every other diamond you see"). But he's a good sport and really doesn't care.

I will check back in once we have an update. Thank you all!


Aug 13, 2013
The new stone is definitely bigger and less tinted. But it’s really hard to tell performance from pictures. If you post the video on youtube you can put the link here. We’d love to see it. In the still photos your diamond seems to be returning more light and I slightly prefer it.


Apr 23, 2021
You can also host on imgur, as an alternative:


Apr 23, 2021


Aug 3, 2021
Very, very nice!
Since it's almost impossible to truly gauge from a video (single camera lens vs two eyes), how's the fire and personality of the new one compared to your existing?

It is very very similar to my eyes in terms of fire and light return. Which surprises me since mine scored much much lower on the HCA. I'm actually very impressed with the life of my stone, especially now knowing it's accurate GIA stats.

Performance under those lights is super close. I need to get it outside and in other light. One plus is that the J has no flour (which I don't love in my current). So pluses are: similar light return (I think), color (faces up SO much whiter) and size. I just really need to figure out how much the overall "improvement" is worth... Still waiting to hear back.


Apr 23, 2021
1. Performance under those lights is super close

2. One plus is that the J has no flour (which I don't love in my current)

3. Faces up SO much whiter

4. Size

These are spot-on with my opinions based on my observations.


Aug 3, 2021
I find it odd that we went in Wed... and still nothing. They are open over the weekend too. I would assume they can't keep the stone forever, and would have to ship it back (virtual inventory) unless they are willing to keep it if we don't purchase. You would think they want to make a sale?? Hmmm.


Apr 23, 2021
I find it odd that we went in Wed... and still nothing. They are open over the weekend too. I would assume they can't keep the stone forever, and would have to ship it back (virtual inventory) unless they are willing to keep it if we don't purchase. You would think they want to make a sale?? Hmmm.

Squeeze their shoes: call and tell them to get this deal wrapped up, because you have other offers to pursue.


Dec 30, 2019
I find it odd that we went in Wed... and still nothing. They are open over the weekend too. I would assume they can't keep the stone forever, and would have to ship it back (virtual inventory) unless they are willing to keep it if we don't purchase. You would think they want to make a sale?? Hmmm.

If you really like the stone and would be willing to place a deposit, would they hold it for you? - worth asking, perhaps.


Aug 3, 2021
Update - they called yesterday (a week after the viewing) to say they had an offer. I wish they would just tell us the number. My husband is going down either tomorrow or Sat to figure out details. Interested to see what they come up with. "fair asking price" on Rare Carat is $17,440 (thoughts on RC advice?). Other jewelers in our area are asking anywhere from $18,500 - $20. We have $9,500 toward it. Random thought - is GemPrint score worth it's weight in anything? in terms of cut indication / quality and light return? Or is it just another helpful eliminate tool like HCA? Thank you!
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Aug 14, 2018
Update - they called yesterday (a week after the viewing) to say they had an offer. I wish they would just. My husband is going down either tomorrow or Sat to figure out details. Interested to see what they come up with. "fair asking price" on Rare Carat is $17,440 (thoughts on RC advice?). Other jewelers in our area are asking anywhere from $18,500 - $20. We have $9,500 toward it. Random thought - is GemPrint score worth it's weight in anything? in terms of cut indication / quality and light return? Or is it just another helpful eliminate tool like HCA? Thank you!

They won’t tell you over the phone? That is so absurd.


Aug 3, 2021
They won’t tell you over the phone? That is so absurd.

I didn't ask. They want to sit down and talk about it I guess. My husband has to be in the area running errands anyway. I feel like just calling back and asking, but I hate any kind of confrontation and get anxiety over stuff like that.


Apr 23, 2021
Is this normal?

Can be, yes. A retailer needs/wants people physically present to make sales happen. It's easier to make counteroffers or say no over phone/email than looking someone in the eyes after a tough negotiation period and heavy sales pitch. There's an old saying in the sales world when trying to close a deal: "whomever speaks first, loses." I was taught how to use silence to my advantage when I sold cars and all the add-ons such as extended service plans, GAP insurance, and accessories.


Aug 3, 2021
Can be, yes. A retailer needs/wants people physically present to make sales happen. It's easier to make counteroffers or say no over phone/email than looking someone in the eyes after a tough negotiation period and heavy sales pitch. There's an old saying in the sales world when trying to close a deal: "whomever speaks first, loses." I was taught how to use silence to my advantage when I sold cars and all the add-ons such as extended service plans, GAP insurance, and accessories.

Makes sense. Does anyone have an opinion on (if it were you) what the cut off would be? Since we are able to use the full amount towards the upgrade, is it inappropriate to take it or leave it for 18? I don't know what is acceptable.
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