
PS Mommy thread with toddlers 12-36 months


Sep 21, 2006
bobo, oh it''s just a tiny line on my chinbone..really not noticeable. I think the chin is a very common spot for scars! Not sure exactly how old--maybe 3 or4 ? I do remember it..not pain or anything. Just remember running to my mom and my dad coming home and not too happy about it. No trauma, just a memory! :)


Dec 29, 2004
Burk! Congrats, how exciting!!! What''s in the water around here?

I am sorry for your friend though...that must be so tough.

Tacori, I laughed at your time out story...her bopping head was just too funny a mental image.

Jas, enjoy the pool!

Fleas are gone, it seems thank god. Hopefully it will stay that way. Fortunately Amelia never got bitten...sour blood, I guess!

Interesting to hear the time out techniques. Now that I''m in tanty territory, I''m looking to get some good ideas. Right now, holding and squeezing her hand works well if I don''t want her to do something. If you recall, my girl HATES having her hands held unless it''s for something fun.


Jan 3, 2005
Burk: this must have been such a great surprise! but didn''t u just go to an OB appt? did they not do any tests there?

Tacori: i think thats a great spot for a time out..i haven''t really tried time-out with little k..sort forgot about the whole time out business! maybe il give it a try next time he throws a fit..

Jas12: sorry bout being husband-less for a while, but thats GREAT news about the house :) it will be ready in no time! and yay for good weather! enjoy the pool :) we of course expect to see some cute Co pics in the water!

TGal: yay about the fleas being gone! and luckily they never got to A...


Oct 6, 2004
Burk, sorry to hear about your friend. Congratulations to you!!! I am so happy for you! Very exciting!


Nov 20, 2006
bobo haha, little B is just like B then!! i have tried everything and through it all, he always entertains himself or just talks to himself until i go get him. i really don''t think that a timeout bothers him too much. oh well. i''ll have to keep trying. how is little B?

msb YAY for little K on the potty!! heehee, that''s so cute that he sits there and giggles. B is the total opposite, he wants to get it done QUICK and flush the toilet. haha.

tacori i have tried the sectional before with no luck. he''s a tall kid and he can see over things. and when there is absolutely nothing to entertain himself with, he just talks on and on about him being a bad boy and having a timeout then laughing like i have never heard before. haha. the first time was definitely the funniest. i had him in the high chair, and i turned him into the corner and i left. i come back in a to find him playing with his shadow!! i was like WTH?? kinda knew it was hopeless from there.

burk sounds like T can be PT pretty quick which is going to make life so much easier!! B was pretty much out of diapers during the day at 17 months and a few weeks later he was out of them at night. now, i just dread teaching him how to fun!!! how are you feeling?

tgal YAY for no more fleas!!!

ok B is starting to get really annoyed with the baby. i admit it was kinda funny at first, but now i just don''t know what to do anymore. he told my mom today that he didn''t like the baby and doesn''t want a puppy either. my mom was like huh? then he said that mommy was his. i am praying that this stops!! we''re headed to the music and food festival later on today...something that i have been so looking forward to doing, but too bad DH will miss out. oh well.
hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!


May 9, 2006
Whoo hoo Burk! Congrats!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
glad you guys don''t think it is child abuse. I keep thinking of "dirty dancing" and how "nobody puts baby in the corner." Guess I do! Haha.
FINALLY got to pick up my new BOB from REI. Not sure I told you guys how my first one was doing this strange clicking thing and was so annoying. Fingers crossed this one is right.

Burk, I am happy for you guys! DH was kinda disappointed we didn''t have to try much either. Haha. I do not think my T has ever peed on purpose. Funny how your T will do it for daddy. I wanna be a daddy! They have all the perks!

Jas12, sad thing is your DH is still seeing Co more than mine sees T.
He is making more of an effort but is busy busy. My single mom days are he is gone before she wakes up, home after we BOTH are asleep. Fun. I hope just threatening it will work. She was NOT happy once she figured out that she could not get out on her own. Hope you had fun swimming!

TGal, it was funny b/c you could only see forehead bopping up and down. Haha. Yay to no more fleas! Hopefully you will not be there next spring to go through this yet again. T ONLY likes holding my hand if she is in her bossy mood and wants me to follow her or if she is nervous in a new situation. Besides that she wiggles her hand away from mine. I am thinking the timeouts will work b/c like I said she was not happy. She hates to be confined. But feel like that will be a punishment for more severe things (like hitting or disobeying several times).

msb, they say to do it by age. So if you have a three year old they should be in a 3 min. timeout. Seems to work. That is what "Nanny 911" does. Haha.

Puffy, your kid is just TOO smart. He probably is manipulating you. Like if YOU think he enjoys it, you will stop making him have timeouts. I remember my mom saying when I was little and she spanked me I would look her square in the eye and say "THAT didn''t hurt." Oh, she would get SOOO angry. How tall is B now? By the way B will adjust. He probably will be jealous once the baby comes but that is 100% normal and usually temporary.


Mar 16, 2005
Burk, how exciting! We are a week apart. Congrats to you guys!!!!


Apr 9, 2005
BURK!!!!!! Congratulations, girlfriend!!! I''m so excited for you and although I never do this, I''m going to go out on a limb and guess that you''re going to have a girl!!!!! Healthy and happy 9 months!


May 9, 2006
Tgal~Thank you! I don''t know what''s in the water but don''t drink it unless you''re ready to join in!

msb~Thanks! Yep, was just at the OB and he didn''t do any blood work or test (which surprised me because I was on day 38 I think of my cycle). He wanted to take a laid back approach...guess it worked!


puffy~I think you''re right and she could PT quickly if she wanted to. We''ll what SHE chooses to do. I feel good, just tired. I''ve been napping when T naps which helps some. I started to get sick w/ T at around 7 weeks so I''m not looking forward to that.


Tacori~Yay for getting your new BOB! Sucks that you had to go through that. Hopefully this one''s a keeper. I''m a little annoyed at the daddy favoritism lately. Seriously. This morning she woke up and DH went in there and she said "pee potty" and he put her on the potty and she peed right away. I took her a little later in the morning and she said "no mommy"
She has a mind of her own.

steph~Thank you! When is your first appt? I hate the period between taking the test and going to the doc-just doesn''t seem real.

curly~Thanks! Too funny you should say that because I asked DH what he thought was growing in there and he said "probably another girl."
I think he''d really like a boy but would be thrilled with another girl too.

We went to a friend of DH and I''s b-day party tonight. T had a blast playing outside with the other kiddos. Tired me out.....I''m going to clean my house and head to bed.


Mar 16, 2005
Burk, I actually already had my first appointment just to confirm things. I had a miscarriage a few months ago, so they wanted me in asap to get things started. I have my first ultrasound next Tuesday and I will be 7 weeks then, so I''m hoping to see a little heartbeat when we go. How are you feeling? I have been so sick with this one, but I have to keep telling myself that is a good thing!


May 9, 2006
Date: 6/13/2009 9:44:16 PM
Author: steph72276
Burk, I actually already had my first appointment just to confirm things. I had a miscarriage a few months ago, so they wanted me in asap to get things started. I have my first ultrasound next Tuesday and I will be 7 weeks then, so I''m hoping to see a little heartbeat when we go. How are you feeling? I have been so sick with this one, but I have to keep telling myself that is a good thing!

So exciting for your ultrasound! I hope you see a heartbeat too! I was sick with Tayva but it didn''t start until 7 weeks so I''m wondering if that will happen again. Currently I''m just very tired and hungry.


Dec 16, 2007
Congrats Burk!


Jan 3, 2005
steph..congrats to you too.

my girls asked me today if I was going to have another baby. they adore Jake but want me to try again so they can have a baby sister. I told them that unless God decided to perform another miracle conception I''m done and Jakey will be our last. I didn''t tell them that their daddy will be going in the near future to make sure of it


Jan 3, 2005
Puffy: a friend of mine had a similar problem..her son was NOT excited that there was another baby coming along, so wat she ended up doing was from time to time she''d give her son a ''gift'' which was from the didnt have to be anything extravagant..sometimes it was a piece of candy, sometimes it was a book, sometimes it was something more the time she was ready to have the baby her son was excited to see who was giving him all the gifts..perhaps thats something u can consider?

Burk: u dont understand how happy i am for u!!! YAY!!! lets hope i get a BFP soon too and we''d all get to be preggo at the same time ;-)..(Love ur new avatar!!)

Tacori: yeah i recall seeing that...gotta try that next time..he aint gonna like it! great news about the bob! cant wait to see pics of it..

Mrss: how r u doing with the move? did everything arrive? how''s the unpacking going?


Nov 20, 2006
burk love the new T AV! so cute that girl is. and i love her hair in that pic, such gorgeous curls. whenever T is ready to PT, it''ll be fine since she''s already doing it and is capable of holding it. i''m finally starting to get over being tired all the time. i mean i still am tired, but just not all the time.

tacori hope this BOB works out for you. DH asked when i''m going to get a double stroller, and honestly i really don''t want to, but if i did, it would be the BOB, since i already love my single. i just really think that no matter what B will always entertain himself in order to get my attention again cause in the end after his "timeouts," he will say, "sorry i was a bad boy mommy." hmmm, not sure how tall he is, but he''s pretty tall, he''s in 2T pants and the waist keeps falling off. haha.

msb that is such a great idea. why did i not think of that?!? thanks so much for the suggestion. if i know my boy, he loves gifts, just like his mama. haha.


Nov 18, 2004
Congrats again!!!
And you thought that you were on a long cycle this month.
I thought that perhaps your cycle was extended due to the stress of building your home,
but when I read that you had to nap w/ T, I was thinking may be you are expecting :razz:
Hehe, and you didn''t even have to give TTC the "old college try".

Haha, we''d be sad if you hold out until then to tell us.
And how cool that you have a preggo buddy in Steph.

Great picture of Tayva by the way.
Love those curls and that crooked smile

Hehe, does she only have 2 lower teeth? And yet her molars and canines are in already?

LOL....that head bobbing is just hilarious.
Your couch must be pretty high since T is not that short.
Hopefully T will learn about timeout before she outgrow that corner eh?


May 9, 2006

mrss~That''s too cute that your girls want a baby sister!

msb~I hope you get your BFP soon so we can go on this journey together!! Give it the old "college try."

puffy~Thanks! Her hair is crazy. T''s done a good job using the potty all morning. I''m not holding my breath but I assume one day she''ll just quit being a PITA about it and start using it all the time. Glad you''re starting to feel less tired. You''re close to starting your second tri, no?

lili~Thanks! I wonder if I actually just have a longer cycle as my "normal." It was hard to tell b/c I hadn''t been off BC in years. The napping all week was what prompted me to take the test. I knew I couldn''t wait to tell you guys but I''m so scared to miscarry I really don''t want to tell anyone else until we see a heart beat. I actually took another PG test this morning because I''m so scared to lose the baby....weird, I know. When will J be getting a brother or sister?

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Okay, I can totally see how my friends are addicted to their video monitors. I just got one b/c I really wanted one for baby #2 and figured I might as well get it now so I can use it with T (who is a really light sleeper). Plus it was on I pulled the trigger. Can I just say how COOL it is!!! It is so fun seeing what she does when I leave the room. I didn''t realize how long she just lays there staring at her little bear.

T, favors her daddy for sure right now. We were at Sam''s Club yesterday and she was being so unbearable so when we were checking out I let her out of the cart. They weren''t that busy b/c they were about to close so she was just running around. Then I could say "where is your daddy?" and she would scream "Da!" and run to him. It was really cute.

MrsS, SO funny! Haha.

msb, he probably could just sit in a chair in a corner since he is older. But, no, most kids do NOT like it! I haven''t taken the new BOB out for a stroll yet. Maybe today.

Puffy, he is so funny. My neighbor has the duallie and that is one of things that convinced me to get a BOB. LOVE it! Baby Jogger Strollers are also really nice. I thought about getting the classic or elite but they are not TRUE jogging strollers. I figured the BOB would be a better choice since DH is a runner.

Lili, I feel like my couch is normal height. Haha. Now I kinda wanna measure it. It will take her a long time to outgrow it since there is nothing to climb over with. She would have to use only her upper body strength. I am guessing before that happens she will be old enough to do a timeout chair. Does J have timeouts?


Mar 16, 2005
Date: 6/13/2009 10:47:23 PM
Author: mrssalvo
steph..congrats to you too.

my girls asked me today if I was going to have another baby. they adore Jake but want me to try again so they can have a baby sister. I told them that unless God decided to perform another miracle conception I''m done and Jakey will be our last. I didn''t tell them that their daddy will be going in the near future to make sure of it
Thank you MrsS! Hope you''re doing well


Nov 18, 2004
that''s what happen when you have a smartie on your hands.
They seem to know how to amuse themselves w/ just about anything.
Too funny that he''d start singing the blues about why he''s in the corner.

Awwee...B just realized that he may have to share mommy?
I don''t think you need to worry about him not loving the baby.
My nephew was insanely jealous of his baby brother too when his mom was preggo.
He told his mom that he doesn''t like baby, but now he''s kissing and caressing the baby every chance he get -- yes even when the baby is sleeping


May 9, 2006
Oh, Steph, I just saw for you too! Congratulations!


Nov 18, 2004
Wow, I didn''t know that Charlie is going to actually build you guys'' house.
That''s so neat to be able to say "I build it", but bummer that it''d mean you and Co only see a bit of him for the coming months.
Hopefully, everything will be on schedule so that the months don''t drag on.

Hehe, I know what you mean about the back arching.
J not only does that....she''d twisted and end up on her knees and feet

I always have to bribe her w/ some snacks -- gerber lil''crunchy especially.

How''s Co doing?
Potty trained (at least w/ #2)?
Taking his first step?
Talking in sentences?

Where is the cut on little B btw?
Even if there is a scar, it won''t be prominent especially when he''s got stitches.
My brothers and cousins (and they were older than B) had so many cuts (no stitches) growing up.
The scars are so light and faint, you''ll have to know where to look to see them.


Nov 20, 2006
burk yup, i''m pretty close to the 2nd tri, i''ll be 11 weeks tomorrow. how did that happen? i have no idea. i swear i just found out i was preggo a few weeks back. but i am definitely looking forward to the 2nd tri for sure. that''s greta news that T''s been using the potty all morning. B decided today that he was done using his potty and decided that he wanted to use the regular one. i was kinda hesitant, but it all worked out.

tacori video monitors are the best!! i love mine, i use it all the time when i put B to bed. i just love watching it to see what he does. B has a little bear as well. the funny thing about his bear is that it is actually mine. DH gave it to me one year for a gift and now B loves that bear to death. he will not let me have it back. i love my BOB but the only thing that is really making me think twice about a double stroller is the width, and i want a side by side one. still have a few months to figure it out. how is T doing?

lili haha, B is just so so strange sometimes. i really wonder what kind of kid he is. i really hope that he''s just going through some strange phase with the baby cause at first he was really loving the "puppy" then all of a sudden, he was not happy about it at all. but i did give him a little gift fro his baby brother or sister, and he loved it. he even aid thank you to the baby and kissed my belly again. but of course it was a toy that he had been wanting forever that i always had for him but was waiting for another time to give to him. how is J doing with the weaning? hope she isn''t still on a milk strike.


May 9, 2006
Tacori~Too funny about the video monitor because I''ve been on the prowl for one lately because I want to see what T is doing up there sometimes (like when she sings songs for 15 minutes before going to sleep). That and I figure I''ll probably need another monitor for the next baby anyway. What brand did you end up getting? Well played at Sam''s Club!
It''s great when you can use the daddy favoritism to your advantage isn''t it? I don''t get that option too often since DH is rarely around (I''m sure you feel me there) but when I can I sure do.

puffy~2nd tri will be nice. I was still sick for the first part of it with T but after that the new found energy was awesome! I''m 6 weeks today and I started getting nauseous today. Oh well. Hoping it only lasts through the 1st tri this time. That''s great that B did well on the regular potty. T was a crab all afternoon and refused to go on her potty. Annoying....

I have a bit of energy and T is down so I need to do some furniture shopping online. We''re thinking we''ll probably finish our family room in the basement of the new house right away so I''m going to move my current LR furniture down there and get new stuff for the great room on the main floor. Every time I turn around we''re spending more money!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
puffy, my mom got the little bear in Italy so I have no back-up. Therefore it is NOT allowed out of her room (unless we are on vacation). I already searched the internet and cannot find another so I am so scared we will lose it. The duallie is wide. Look at Baby City Joggers...the elite is NICE. They might be more narrow. Not sure.

Burk, fun! I love buying furniture. I bought the Summer monitor. I bought this one. Though it was $50 cheaper when I bought it a few weeks ago. They always have sales so I would wait. Two of my friends have the Summer video monitors and LOVE them. Both bought an extra camera so they can watch both kids at once (with A and B) so that would be a great option for you. One got her''s on ebay if you are daring


May 9, 2006
Tacori~I''m excited about getting new furniture. I like our old stuff but it''s always fun getting new. I''m not entirely sure if I want a sectional or a sofa and a few chairs since the room has a lot of elements with some huge windows, corner fireplace, open staircase all going on. May have to run that one by our designer. I was actually checking out ebay earlier today for the video monitor. Not sure if I''m quite ready to pull the trigger on ebay so I''ll just keep looking. If you stumble on a deal, please let me know!


Mar 16, 2005
Date: 6/14/2009 4:34:03 PM
Author: jas
Oh, Steph, I just saw for you too! Congratulations!
Thanks, girl!


Jan 3, 2005
tacori-you''ll love the video monitor. I got one with my oldest and it was so nice to be able to see what she was doing without opening her door and getting caught peeking. Plus, it was nice that first year when I could see them sleeping any time through the night so you''ll love that with your second.

burk-picking new furniture is always fun. I hope your m/s doesn''t last too long. congrats again...i''m just so happy for you.

lili-how''s J doing?

not much in Jake news. He''s walking pretty much all the time now. still can get off balance easily but gets right back up and walks again. Not much on the talking front yet but understands a lot. We are still waiting on one more truck load of our furniture so his booster is currently on the floor. when he wants to eat I tell him to go and sit in his chair and he does and waits for me to put on the tray. it''s pretty funny.

Jas-hope the swimming was fun. I''m sorry you are hubby less too but it''s for a great cause and at least the weather is warmer so you an be out an about and hopefully the time will pass more quickly for you.

msb-anymore swimming for K?

puffy-I can''t believe you''re almost in the 2nd trimester...time is sure flying. I hope you are feeling okay. are you guys going to find out the sex of the baby?


Dec 29, 2004
Tacori, hope this BOB works out for you. Did the recline thing work out for you? Amelia''s definitely a bit slouchy in there too, but she likes it.

Burk, nope, not drinking the water here, no sirree!

MrsS, ha...seems like kids do enjoy their siblings! It would be kind of sad if they said, "no more! Enough already!"

msb, that was a great recommendation for Puffy...hopefully it helps out for B, because that boy is as smart as a whip!

lili, is J climbing up mount everest yet? I thought of J the other day when I took Amelia down to the beach again. It''s much easier getting cute pictures when they are walking! But they do love to to get grotty though, don''t they!
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