
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!


Aug 17, 2007
Ebree and Mela- SUCH grown up and gorgeous boys!!!! Love the Uggs, Mela. So wish we could get them altogether- I think Romy and Henry could teach O some things!

Mela- Thanks for the schedule! He is off his schedule right now as we are at my parents' house for another week, but I plan to work on it again once we get back next week. Today he is all over the map with his naps but I am not being very strict with them.

Sunkist- Even if you exclusively BF, you are probably going to want or need to pump. In fact, the LC at the hospital suggested I pump everyday in the beginning in order to encourage your milk. The only reason not to get a pump is if BF doesn't work and then you are stuck with an expensive pump. I rented a hospital grade pump from a BF store, but now I will buy one. Also you will want bottles eventually so you can start introducing a bottle at around 3 or 4 weeks. As for formula, I just have what the hospital sent home with me. You will probably want some just in case- best case scenario, your little one wont' need it, but if he/she does or if you just want to supplement, then better to have it if your baby is screaming hungry in the middle of the night and for some reason BF isn't working or something. This is just my opinion of course, but I would suggest having bottles, a pump, and formula. Just in case. Hope that helps!

ETA: See, Blen has a totally different answer! Either way on the formula (I've never used any yet), but I would probably still suggest the pump and bottles.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
I wish I''d bought a pump in advance - I just have a small cheapy hand pump - as it would have made life easier the first few days perhaps.


Dec 8, 2005
Good morning all!

Calvin is currently taking his morning swing nap, so I wanted to check in!

He has his 2 month visit today...which means shots. I am so not looking forward to it. At all. We are going to give him tylenol, but I''d welcome any other words of advice. I''m just not looking forward to a sad doodle bug.

CC - O and Calvin are very similar! And I totally understand why you freaked out when he slept so long. Of course, I''m jealous, but I know the first time Calvin slept 7 hours, I woke up PANICKED and ran into his room to make sure he was okay. Oh, and pumping totally blows. I do not enjoy doing it at all. However, I do enjoy looking at my little freezer stash - cause I''m a dork.

Mela - Romy is adorable! And I totally agree about the love knowing no bounds. That is exactly the feeling. He just makes me mushy.

Ebree - Henry is such a cutie! And he''s gotten so big! Love him!

Blen - I am amazed at how aggressively the formula companies push the formula. I think we have 3 or 4 cans of various kinds of formula, none of which we purchased! They just kept arriving in the mail! It really does seem to undermine folks that want to breast feed.

Sunkist - FWIW, I''d keep some formula on hand, just in case. We had to supplement Calvin briefly - in the first week he was home. We used a pre-mixed enfamil formula - it comes in two oz little bottles and all you have to do is attach a nipple to it. It worked really well, and I think it comes in a six pack. We got some from the hospital and our pediatrician gave us some. I liked it because it wasn''t a bunch of formula, but when Calvin was SCREAMING at 3 am because he was hungry and my boobs just weren''t getting it done, it was very nice to be able to pop a nipple on there and give him a bit of formula quick like. Oh, and he got formula out of the bottle probably 3 or 4 times during the first week of his life, and he never had any issues with nipple confusion or BFing. I''ve been EBF for the past 5 or 6 weeks and it has been going well.

As for a pump, I''d rent one from the hospital before I''d buy one. They are pricey and I know of at least one person who decided not to BF (she had issues with her milk coming in and her son wouldn''t latch well) AFTER she bought a $300 pump. So that would stink. But they are good to have, to increase your supply (if necessary) and to allow you to get a break!

Just my .02!


Jun 28, 2006
Sk8rjen, the girls are so cute! I can''t believe they''re a year old already!

NYC, yay for sleep!

Sabine, so far, we haven''t found anything that really helps, but he''s also not really all that cranky. He just wants to chew on everything. He likes hands (doesn''t seem to care whose hands they are) and his paci best. Can''t wait to meet Jacks and hear him laugh!

Ebree, that sucks about your wedding ring! DH lost his a month before our first anniversary and he felt awful. His was lost in the ocean. It sounds like yours might still be in the house somewhere. Things have a way of turning up when you least expect them. Hopefully somewhere down the line you''ll find it.

Blen, yay for putting in your notice! Thanks for the tips on getting my supply back up. Turns out pumping every 2 hours was all I needed. Either that or it only dipped because I was getting sick. Cute pic! You''re definitely not a bad mom because George hurts himself! I think hurting themselves is part of how they learn not to do things. It''s not like you''re letting him play with the stove or something!

Mela, yay you''re back! Hmmm, I wonder why it''s common to have a supply dip at that time. I''ll definitely keep domperidone in mind if I have a dip I can''t get out of with increased pumping. OMG, Romy is too cute in his uggs!

Natalina, everyone else must have had better LCs than the one I saw at the hospital because they just kept telling me his latch was perfect even though it hurt and I was cracked and bleeding. Wish I would''ve gotten a second opinion!

Lysser, Calvin is precious! There''s actually a study that was recently published suggesting that pre-emptive tylenol can actually lessen the effectiveness of the shots so you might want to hold off and just see how he does. I thought Des would be hysterical, but he cried for a few seconds and then was fine, so you never know how they''ll react.

Mustang, yikes about swine flu at work! What kind of couches did you get?

Sha, ditto what others have said about crib sets being a waste. Ours was a hand me down from my SIL. We have the blanket hanging on the wall and a skirt and sheet on the bed. No bumpers. We''re cosleeping right now, but if we do move him back there eventually we''ll probably do a breathable bumper.

Fiery, I like your new pic! That sucks that she''s not sleeping well, but yay to a fun girls night out! How did not pumping for so long go?

Ebree, I hadn''t thought of beer. I''ll have to keep that in mind if it happens again. I was going to try some this weekend, but all they had at the party I was at was light/pale stuff. Hoppy stuff is dark right? Awe, he''s so cute!

Dreamer, the week will fly by and then you''ll be in your house!

China, what a cutie! Thanks for asking about me! I''m doing well. This is my 6th week back at work. It really sucks being away from Des, but we''re making it work for now.

PJ, we took Des to a patch, but didn''t get any really good pics. He won''t sit propped up so there wasn''t much we could do.

Pandora, I''m noticing a trend toward fewer overnight feedings too now that we''re 100% bedsharing. It was the best today when Des woke up and just looked at me and smiled and then he turned his head and looked at DH and smiled. He loves being with mommy and daddy.

Sunkist, I wouldn''t have more than a couple bottles at home until you know what your LO will like. We went through a bunch of different kinds before finding the right one. I''m with Blen though on not having formula in the house, or if you get formula samples, at least make them hard to get to. BFing is hard at first. If it''s important to you, make sure you don''t have formula right there tempting you. You shouldn''t need a pump at first. Getting baby on the breast as much as possible will be the best for getting your milk in and your supply up. I definitely wouldn''t open a pump if you do get one until after you''re sure your milk comes in. Those things are expensive and you can''t return them once they''re opened! I had DH run out and buy a hand pump around 3 weeks. It was the medela one that was about $30. I highly recommend it. I didn''t buy a double electric until about a month before I was heading back to work.


So my supply issue was only temporary. I''m not sure if it was due to me being sick or if pumping every 2 hours just helped to get me back to where I was, but all is good now.

We did family pictures on Saturday and the little stinker wouldn''t smile! He smiles and everyone and everything all the time, but on Saturday I think he only gave about 3 smiles the whole time. Go figure! I think we managed to get some good shots anyway where he''s at least looking at the camera.

We had some bad news on Friday. MIL has been diagnosed with breast cancer
. She has 4 sisters and 3 of them have had it and beaten, so we''re trying to be optimistic that she will too. My mom is a 10-year survivor and I remember well when she told me that she had it. DH seems to be doing much better than I did when I was 16, but I guess it helps that he''s been able to see his aunts make full recoveries. MIL has an MRI this week and an appointment with her Dr. on Friday to find out how advanced it is and what she''s going to need to do. Please send some good vibes/prayers her way that this has been caught early and that it''s treatable.

On a happier note, I get to meet Jacks in 3 days and I get to see my bff! Yay! Des is also able to roll over again. He did it twice on Saturday. He doesn''t seem to interested in doing it though. He does, however, like to spin himself around in a circle while on his belly.


Jun 18, 2004
Just a quick drop by, I''ve been busy stroller shopping at work instead of haning out om PS
. At least it''s over, I just bought one. Now I just have to wait for it to arrive...

Robbie - we got chocolate microfiber couches. I thought about leather, but we have cats that like to peal out on the furniture one in a while.

Kyle now has a top tooth coming in! He''s also running around every minute that he''s not awake, and he''s impossible to change unless he''s eating a bottle.


Dec 16, 2007
We just bought a BOB!! Got it on Craigslist for 50%, and it is immaculately clean and only 2 years old. I lurve it
Now we will start jogging together as a family so I can lose this stinking baby weight and all the other weight too

Gotta run but I want to vent... I read another thread I shouldn't have where someone is questioning the amount of child support that he partner is paying to support a son that they have no contact with. I grew up with no contact with my father, and while I know there are always mitigating circumstances, it really makes me so mad when I think of fathers having no contact with their kids
Steams me up big time. I just can't fathom not seeing HUnter every day, and if that wasn't possible I would fight tooth and nail to see him as often as was allowed. Ho can people just not see their kids??? And then complain about paying money to support them
Makes my stomach turn. BAH!


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 10/27/2009 1:17:07 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
We just bought a BOB!! Got it on Craigslist for 50%, and it is immaculately clean and only 2 years old. I lurve it
Now we will start jogging together as a family so I can lose this stinking baby weight and all the other weight too

Gotta run but I want to vent... I read another thread I shouldn''t have where someone is questioning the amount of child support that he partner is paying to support a son that they have no contact with. I grew up with no contact with my father, and while I know there are always mitigating circumstances, it really makes me so mad when I think of fathers having no contact with their kids
Steams me up big time. I just can''t fathom not seeing HUnter every day, and if that wasn''t possible I would fight tooth and nail to see him as often as was allowed. Ho can people just not see their kids??? And then complain about paying money to support them
Makes my stomach turn. BAH!
delurking to say whooo hoo! Love the BOB, as you probably know. 50% off is a great deal, especially if you got a revolution.


Dec 29, 2004
Oh, and as to your vent...I''ve known a couple of guys through work who have ditched the mom and baby. Those men, while perfectly charming in social situations, are usually pigs in their core. I feel for the new women who get wrapped up with them...they''re usually in for a miserable ride and don''t know it.

People make "mistakes", but it says a lot about the guy''s character if he makes an effort to make it right.


Aug 31, 2005
sunkist, mela, Blen, China, lysser, and Robbie: You're all so sweet. Thank you.

sunkist- I was told the same as Blen. If you have a pharmacy/24 hour grocery nearby, you're probably okay without the formula for the first few weeks, at least, as long as you get a good start BFing in the hospital. Re: the pump, we got a manual one (that hooked up to the hospital's electric one) to take home, so the one time I needed to pump before buying an electric, that's what I used. Your hospital might provide something similar.

mela- Romy is precious in his baby Uggs.

lysser- How's Calvin feeling after his shots?

Robbie- Glad your supply's back up! I'd guess dark beer would be best, though I've read different things- one source says it's the hops, another says it's the yeast, and several say alcohol decreases production. Probably not one beer every now and then, though- it might be worth a try. I'm so sorry to hear about your MIL. I'll send good vibes her way this week.

As I might have mentioned before, H has been awfully wiggly and has wanted to stand a LOT lately. We found this jumper on Amazon with almost five stars (and over 100 reviews!), so we thought we'd give it a try. First time was a hit- he was ALL smiles. He hasn't yet figured out he can bounce in it, but he likes to stand and "walk."

ETA: LOL, I just noticed how huge his head looks in that photo. It's just the angle/slight blur of the photo; he has a pretty normal-sized head (for a baby, at least).



May 18, 2008
Ebree-He''s sooo cute! I love it!

DD-yay on the BoB!

MG-How old is Kyle? Why do I keep thinking he''s only 6 months?

Is Neat around? Wondering what she''s going to do for the boys first birthday.

Robbie-Glad (and jealous) that your supply is back up. That''s hilarious about Des. Sophia does the same thing. She doesn''t roll over at all but goes around in circles. Sorry again about your MIL
. I hope everything turns out well.

Sunkist-We had formula in the house and it made it so tempting to give it to her but I had will power and didn''t. Mela told me once that BFing is all about determination. If you''re determined to do it, you can (provided there aren''t any health issues that get in the way of course). So having formula on hand won''t mean much. As for the pump, I''d rent one from the hospital first. I rented one for $40 a month (which I just remembered that i haven''t returned...oops).


Nothing new over here. I''m trying to "teach" Sophia how to put herself to sleep. After nursing I lay her down and then sit next to her crib. She spends some time talking to herself and I''ll touch her if she gets fussy so that she knows she''s not alone. I''ll pick her up if she starts crying. It took an hour Saturday and Sunday for her to fall asleep. Yesterday it took 35 minutes. I''m hoping this means she''s getting used to it. I did notice yesterday that the less time I spent in the room the faster it was for her to fall asleep. I think seeing me distracts her so today I''m going to stand far away enough from her crib so that she doesn''t see me but I can still see her.

She''s getting really, really distracted during feeds. She does this thing now where she''ll turn her head so fast and take my boob with her-ouch


Jun 18, 2004
fiery - Kyle is 8.5 months
. And he also falls asleep better if I run out of the room the minute I put him down.


Feb 27, 2006
Robbie - so sorry about your MIL. She''ll be in my thoughts.

DD, I''m jealous. We "test drove" a BOB this weekend and now I really really want one. We bought our stroller in part because my mom was upset that we didn''t have one, and while it''s nice, I don''t think we really bought it with our lifestyle in mind. We''ve used it about 4 times as a result. I''ll need to keep an eye out on CL too. You have a Corolla, right? Does it fit pretty easily in the trunk?

Ebree- he is adorable!! And his head does look big, LOL.

Fiery - G went through a distracted phase like that, and it''s gradually getting better. I think it''s very normal, but it sure is frustrating to deal with it.


Dec 16, 2007
TG It is the revolution! I think it also has the larger rear wheels. I love it!

Blen It fits but it is a little tight. Not really a in-and-out of the car stroller in my opinion. But man what a smooth ride! Walks are so comfortable. I can''t wait to take it jogging!

All the babies are so cute Sorry for not commenting sooner!

We get possession of our house this weekend! I can''t believe it is almost here!

And Hunter slept from 1am to 6am last night! I am a new woman!


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 10/27/2009 6:38:48 PM
Author: MustangGal
fiery - Kyle is 8.5 months
. And he also falls asleep better if I run out of the room the minute I put him down.

We also get out as soon as we put him down! And we also got a little attachment for the crib that plays music, classical. It plays for 15 min and it really helps. We started playing it when he was about 6 mo and was really fussy to go down, and now we play it every time and it gives him something to focus on he really like it!


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 10/27/2009 10:59:01 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
TG It is the revolution! I think it also has the larger rear wheels. I love it!

Blen It fits but it is a little tight. Not really a in-and-out of the car stroller in my opinion. But man what a smooth ride! Walks are so comfortable. I can''t wait to take it jogging!

All the babies are so cute Sorry for not commenting sooner!

We get possession of our house this weekend! I can''t believe it is almost here!

And Hunter slept from 1am to 6am last night! I am a new woman!
That is a great buy! And yes, the larger rear wheels are nice.

Blen buy one! (Which stroller did you get, btw?) I have been touting BOB forever on this forum. IMHO, all moms will end up wanting one(ESPECIALLY when the kids get bigger and heavier), so I still say to get one to start with, hehehe. It''s not the cutest stroller in the world, but once you push it, you really do not care at all!

My mom also loves it. She''s 69 and the BOB is so easy to her to push. Something to keep in mind for the grandparents too.

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
LittleL - GL with the shots! Romy barely noticed his 4 months shots, and only cried breifly for his 2 month ones, so he might surprise you

Robbie - great job at bringing up your milk supply! yey
|And go ahead and have that beer, lol. I have one everyday for my sanity, if not my supply. lol. I usually go for a guiness but my middie told me it''s the brewers yeast that helps - who knows?! Have fun with JAcks and Sabine
I''m so sorry to hear about you MIL
that is so sad. My thoughts for a strong recovery are with you and your family.

Mgal - hooray on the tooth! Kyle is getting so big!

Dreamer - big hearty congrats on all the great things: BOB, your new house, and SLEEP!!! What a great trio.
I too am very turned off of men who turn their backs on their responsibilities. I was seeing a guy (long tme ago) And found out that he left his GF and son, and that was all I needed to hear. Buh-Bye

Ebree - cute pic. the head looks like a photo mishap - no worries. lol. I cant wait to try Romy out in one of those things. My neighbor gave us one but it doesnt fit on any of our 100 yr old doorframes. I''ve brought it to my we''ll try it there

Fiery - I believe you are now doing what DD started, and we named "pick-up-put-down" which, with perseverance, works! I did it with Romy and each time it got easier and easier. Now all I have to do is put him down and give him his paci - paam! Sleeping. It takes a while for them to learn, but she will. YEY!!! Romeo also pulls off my boob and MAN does it kill. What we endure for our LO''s!

Hi Blenner!

Hi all other Mommies

I''m getting a massage today (yipee) while my mom babysits. Its my first one since having him, so I''m super duper ready and excited for it. My Mom''s office gave her a "40 years of service" gift, yes, you read that right...shes been working there for 40 yrs.
It is a day off and a "day for two" at a very very high end spa in our City. Natch she''s bringing me and I''m SO greatful! This Friday is going to be amazing. My Dad is babysitting. I''m so spoiled! haha. love it....

Nothing else here to report.


May 18, 2008
DD-Yay for more sleep! I''m desperate for Sophia to go back to giving me 4-5 hour stretches at night. She''s waking every 3 hours on the nose and starts here day at 5am

Mela-Enjoy your massage!

Yesterday I put her down and 30 minutes later she was still chatting and then got really fussy. When I picked her up, she started rooting. She had just eaten but I guess she was still hungry. So I fed her again (completely drained the other breast), put her down and it took 10 minutes.

I''m wearing her down


Dec 8, 2005
I am happy to report that Mr. Calvin survived his shots! He turned BRIGHT RED and screamed like I''ve never heard him scream. It was so sad. He settled pretty quickly, and other than being quite tired, a little fussy, and not finishing his bedtime bottle - DH gives him a bottle of expressed milk before bed - he is fine. He was his usually smiling self this morning. I just love this kid. To bits.

Robbie - I saw that study as well - I called the doc and asked about it and they still recommended the tylenol. I''m sorry to hear about your MIL. Your family will be in my thoughts.

Ebree - What sort of bouncer did you get? Brand, I mean. Our ped was commenting on how Calvin is a wiry guy - he holds his head up with no problem and rolls over during tummy time - and said he''d likely be an early crawler and a super active dude. So a bouncer might be just what the doc ordered! I''d love your recommendation!

Fiery - Yay for getting your LO to sleep! That''s awesome!

DD - Congrats on the house! YAY!!!

Mela - enjoy your spa day!!! I am jealous. I need a pedicure like nobody''s business.


Jun 18, 2004
DD - woohoo for finding a BOB for a good price! I looked here, but the only one I foudn was brown and pink
. And congrats on the house getting closer!

mela - enjoy your time away, sounds very relaxing.

littlelysser - I''m happy shots went OK. So far for us, the 2 month ones had the most reaction, each time since has been better. I have the Johnny Jump-up bouncer, and while it does work OK, it''s a bit of a struggle to get him in and out on his own. Not sure if any of the others are easier. Like ebree, Kyle didn''t jump much at first, but loved being up and having a better view of everything. Now that he''s a bit bigger, he''s a jumping machine in there!

Kyle has started pointing and wanting to touch everything. He sticks his little index finger out on his right hand, and will just keep reaching until he touches what he wants. I didn''t think he would have that much control of his fingers yet... But, I guess this means he''s probably going to be right handed, since he''s only doing it with the right. I was kinda hoping for a lefty, both my parents are lefties, but NONE of their kids are
. He''s also managed to bonk his head on things several times a night this week, he gets over it quick, but he''s getting into everything!

*** Kyle is 8.5 months***


Aug 31, 2005
fiery- Around four months is when they become distracted at the breast, I've noticed. Henry does his best nursing at night, right before bed, in a dark, quiet room. During the day, he wants to nurse AND observe what's going on around him. OUCH indeed.

DD- Yay for the Bob, and for the house this weekend!

mela- A massage? SO jealous! Have a great time.

lysser- This is the one we have. It's supposed to be okay for babies who have great head control. Henry's probably on the younger side of "okay," as he slumps down a little, but he still really enjoys it! Hope Calvin likes it too.

Mustang- Kyle sounds so cute, reaching out to touch things. So many new and fascinating things in a baby's world.

I swear, this child of mine is going to be crawling and then walking in no time, or so it seems. He is not content on his back or side much anymore. He always wants to be sitting or standing up (except when nursing). When I've got him on his back and we're playing, he grabs my fingers and will push his pelvis up, and if I lift my hands, he lifts into standing position. He LOVES this. He's also grabbing things left and right, including my hair, and the wipes I put over his 'parts' to keep him from peeing on me during a diaper change. I'll turn my head to grab a diaper, and when I return, he's holding the wipe in his hands and grinning, leaving himself exposed. It cracks me up, though I'm sure it'll cease to be funny when he hits me with a stream.


Mar 18, 2007

I saw your new av in another thread but I didn''t want to threadjack there. Des is so handsome! I love that picture!

(Sorry to threadjack. I figured the PS mommies thread would be a better place to post this than the other thread...)


Feb 17, 2007
Thanks Fiery. I'm here lurking. And no idea what the heck to do for their first birthday! Still trying to figure something out. I absolutely cannot believe they are going to be 1 in less than 2 months.


Sep 24, 2009
Mela Romy is adorable! Wish it was cold enough here to put baby in Uggs. Have a great massage!!!

Robbie so sorry about your MIL. Your family is in my thoughts.

MGal oh my gosh, a top tooth already?! SO cute Kyle touches everything with his little index finger. Sounds like you guys are having a lot of fun over there!

Ebree Henry is toooooooooo cute. It sounds like he will be crawling soon! Axel was an early crawler and started exhibiting similar signs at 4 months. Time to babyproof!!

Lysser so glad Calvin did well with the shots!

Fiery yay for sleep training!

Axel went down without a peep for the last 2 nights!
He woke up today a little congested, though, so we''ll see what happens tonight.

Not sure what this would be categorized yesterday DH was holding Axel and when I walked over to say hi, he put out both hands, leaned forward, and reached for me! I was a puddle.


Aug 16, 2007
Ohhhh the baby cuteness!

PJ, soooo cute about Axel reaching for you! That has to just tug at your heart!

Fiery, sounds like you are doing awesome on the sleep training. I can''t decide if I should start trying to do the "pick up put down" until closer to 4 months, or start doing it when I get back from visiting Robbie. Right now Jacks still doesn''t do so well sleeping in his crib, but I really don''t want to hold him while he sleeps all the time...Oh, and Jacks hasn''t rolled over since that first time he did it...just a fluke I guess.

Lysser, Jacks turned bright red and screamed during his shots too (but he was crying even before he got them). Glad Calvin recovered quickly though!

Ebree, so cute! Can I you think Henry would like a jumper with more toys or no? We got a doorway jumper that looks similar to the one you have as a gift, but I found a jumperoo on craigslist for pretty cheap and was thinking about actually getting that since we don''t really have a convenient doorway for the jumper. I also like that the jumperoo has toys.

Mgal, when did Kyle start teething? Can''t believe he has a top tooth already! Sometimes I think Jacks will be a lefty because his left arm/hand is much more active than his right, but I know it''s way too early to tell.

Mela, enjoy your massage! Question for old was Romy when you did your sleep training on him? I have a feeling we''ll have to do CIO for Jacks since he doesn''t like sleeping in the crib to begin with, and I''ve read that it can be appropriate between 4 and 6 months, but I don''t know what end of that spectrum I''ll shoot for.

DD, so excited for you to get into the house this weekend! Yay!

Not much new here, just getting a bit nervous about our car trip on Friday. Me, Jacks, and the dog...and Jacks not wanting to sleep more than 30 minutes at a time...yikes! But I''m sooo looking forward to seeing Robbie and meeting Des and seeing my family again!


Jan 20, 2006
Hi guys!!!

I should have really visited this thread before the babies arrived!....I wasn''t warned about the "2-week grace period" or baby honeymoon, or whatever it is called! when my two little angels truned all fussy after the 2-week mark I thought aliend had come to exchange them...or I was getting punked or something!. Anyway, we''re surviving!''s hard not to be happy, even with zero sleep. I look at their little faces and just MELT away. I want to enjoy each and every second because they are already growing so fast!. Thankfully, they''re putting on weight!. Alex (the older but smallest) is now 5lbs 9 oz (born at 4 lbs 12 oz) and Lucas is now 6 lbs 1 oz (born at 5 lbs 5 oz).

We''re having a really hard time with this whole breat feeding (or lack thereof). Is it possible that my milk never came in???. They weren''t great nursers so we wasted a lot of time trying...then I talked to a different LC and she said to start pumping at least every 3 hours (which is really hard to do with two newborns that want to eat every 1.5 hours!). Anyway, I''m pumping every 3 hours and sometimes every 2 (if I find the time) and the most I pump is like 1.5-2 oz...and that''s only in the first am pump. Afte that I''m lucky if I get 0.5 oz from each breast. It is really frustrating!. I''m using a Medela medical grade pump...which should really stimulate milk production as it''s considered the best pump out there. I''m taking fenugreek three times per day, drinking oatmeal water, drinking tons of water...I don''t know what else to do.

Alex actually latches on but stays on for only like 5 minutes before he gives up..Lucas doesn''t latch on at all, but we still try to practice. The LC said if my milk production went up, she had no doubt both babies would latch on....but I just don''t produce milk!!!...It''s been 2.5 weeks, should I just give up? keep trying??

Other than the nursing, the babies are really great. I actually thought thing would be MUCH more chaotic..I was prepared for the worse!. It hasn''t been so bad and we''re just so totally in love with them!.

The c-section recovery was not bad either!. We did have a bad scare 2 days after coming home from the hospital. My right leg started hurting and they sent me straight to the ER thinking it was a blood clot. It was so scary...I cried so much because they told me if it was indeed a blood clot, I had to get admitted. I couldn''t phantom the thought of being admitted when I had 5-day old babies at home!. Thankfully, the ultrasound of my leg came back normal and we were able to come back home!. Up until that day nursing had been better, I wonder if the stress of that afternoon had something to do with the milk never coming in...

Sorry to post so self-centered..I promise ina couple more weeks I''ll try to do better!...I''m sure you guys understand

Here is a pic from yesterday afternoon (Lucas and Alex)



Jan 20, 2006
and a pic from a few minutes ago with my snuggle bugs

ETA: (Lucas in yellow and Alex in blue)



May 18, 2008
Mandarine you look absolutely gorgeous and the boys are so adorable it hurts

I'm sorry about the bfing woes. I can't imagine how hard it is to go through the bfing issues with 2 hungry babies. The amounts you are pumping seems pretty normal for just 2 weeks but I don't know if with twins you are supposed to produce more or not. Do you think that maybe seeing a different LC would help? I'm always wary of LCs that suggest pumping right away.

Either way it sounds like you are doing an awesome job with the boys. If you ever need help let me know! We're really close!!

ETA: Had to add that I mean help with the boys not bfing cause that would be weird and I promise I'm not a weird-o lol

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
MAndy - Again, double congrats on those two beauties! you did a fantastic job on them. Now, as for your supply...I know it''s hard with such little ones, but get another opinion from a different LC. I had to go to quite a few dr''s before I got the help I needed. By that time, my supply was severly low...and they saved me by putting me on "Domperidone". As your LC about it. Its not indicated for BF, but it works like a charm to increase supply. I hate feeling like a drug pusher (because I''m fundementally against pharmaceuticals) but I''d hate to see you give up because of a supply issue that *could* be fixed. Good luck girly!

SAbine - I started sleep "conditioning" from Day 1 (EASY routine, and only feeding every 2.5-3hrs, enforcing a nap between each feeding etc) but I didn''t do full on CIO until 16 weeks. It took two nights and he''s been STTN (12 hrs) ever since

speaking of - he''s calling me! lol ciao

erica k

Nov 1, 2006
Date: 10/23/2009 10:56:43 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Date: 10/23/2009 9:10:38 PM

Author: TanDogMom

Date: 10/23/2009 4:29:58 PM

Author: MustangGal

fiery - have fun at the concert!

sha - I have ''old school'' style bumpers in my crib. They''ve been in there from the start, and he''s 8 months old and not an issue yet. I tried to take them out a few months ago, and he promptly got his foot stuck in the slats. The mesh style ones look like a neat idea though.

Kyle''s now coughing
, so I guess he did get something, and DH is still being a baby and sniffling. But, my parents are coming to stay for the weekend, and bring my new couches!

Ditto on the bumper. We do the same. We like the ultimate crib sheet very much as well! I also like how the bumper keeps him from looking out of his crib while he''s in there. We had lots of sleeping and napping troubles for many months so whatever I can do to minimize distractions is a good thing. My AAP book, current edition, actually recommends bumpers which surprised me. I asked one of the pediatricians in our practice and he did not feel strongly one way or the other.

Only get a sheet for your bed, everything else is a waste. I use the old school bumpers now. Got the mesh ones and they didn''t work with my crib. He does try to climb over the bumpers sometimes though

Mela One more week living in a one bedroom apt. until we get our house and move to our new city! We are staying with family now and have been for 26 days!!

Note to momsI don''t recommend stayign with family for a month with an 8 month old, not matter how much money you will save it is not worth it!

I''m staying with my family for a month (we''re well into week 2), and I agree, it''s rough to 1) be away from home (and DH, in my case) and 2) work around other people''s schedules with a finicky 8 month old.

Somehow my gummi bear ended up getting H1N1 flu. I was convinced it was just a bad cold, but the pediatrician here insisted we do the lab test (pricey). Sure enough, it came back positive, but of course he wasn''t prescribed Tamiflu until over 3 days after his symptoms started. He''s doing fine now, but my mom has the flu. I''m not sure why I haven''t gotten sick yet, maybe I''ll luck out!

He had had a runny nose and congestion (clear mucous) for almost two weeks before he came down with a fever of 102.8. He wasn''t coughing or sneezing too much, but the congestion was about the same as before. We gave him Tylenol and within two days the fever was gone. He''s still a little congested at night and has an infrequent dry cough. The pediatrician prescribed Tamiflu, so we''re on day 3 of that. Boy, he does NOT enjoy taking his medicine. It''s tutti-frutti flavored and smells awful, so I don''t blame the little guy.

I talked to my pediatrician back at home, and she said that one-third of the infant-toddler deaths have been from secondary bacterial infections, not the flu. So we''re watching out for another fever spike of 100 or more just in case. Apparently the virus can stay active for up to a week after the fever subsides, so we''re all under self-imposed quarantine for at least a week.

I know this could have happened back at home, too, but add the flu to staying with family, and I''m pretty anxious for the next two weeks to zip by so we can go home.


Feb 17, 2007
Mandarine I wouldn't give up just yet. But unfortunately the amount you are getting pumping is often quite normal.
I got a bit more when I was pumping (thank god) but unfortunately pumping just isn't sustainable for twins (IMO) if you aren't getting a lot because it just isn't worth your time when you have so many other things to attend to to just get a few oz. If you are getting a few oz the boys likely would be getting more if they would nurse-pumping just isn't that efficient for many women.

That being said-If you really want to BF I would give it awhile longer before giving up on it. As Mela said try and see another LC and see if they have other ideas. Hang in there girl-it is HARD with twins esp. after the 2 week grace period. It gets infinitely better though around 6 weeks when they learn to smile!

Unfortunately it sounds like your milk has "come in" but that for some reason you just aren't producing enough. Some women don't produce enough-and that's possible. It's also just possible that since your boys aren't latching your body doesn't "know" that it needs more. So I think that pumping as often as you can right now will be helpful because it signals to your body that more milk is needed. And if the boys aren't latching then you need all the milk you can get. Pumping will tell your body that you need to produce more.

Hope that made sense-I am tired myself over here!
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