
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!


Nov 9, 2005
Pandora - I think you know my opinion
I would definitely let Daisy have a go when she shows interest. I just don't see the point in "fighting" her on it, especially when she seems to be ready. Good luck w/ whatever you decide!

Robbie - Des is soooooooooooooooo cute!! I'm not sure when babies should use their arms to push up. Lex was a freak and started at like 2 months...the kid is just not normal
I try not to get TOO caught up in milestones, I think he'll do it when he's ready. Technically Lex hasn't rolled over completely, but I'm not worried. If he does it great, if not then on to something else

Hello to MGal, Fiery, nycbk, NYC, Mela and Ebree!!!!

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 10/12/2009 5:32:20 PM
Author: cdt1101
Pandora - I think you know my opinion
I would definitely let Daisy have a go when she shows interest. I just don''t see the point in ''fighting'' her on it, especially when she seems to be ready. Good luck w/ whatever you decide!

Robbie - Des is soooooooooooooooo cute!! I''m not sure when babies should use their arms to push up. Lex was a freak and started at like 2 months...the kid is just not normal

Hello to MGal, Fiery, nycbk, NYC, Mela and Ebree!!!!


Nov 9, 2005
Date: 10/12/2009 5:39:00 PM
Author: Pandora II
Date: 10/12/2009 5:32:20 PM

Author: cdt1101

Pandora - I think you know my opinion
I would definitely let Daisy have a go when she shows interest. I just don''t see the point in ''fighting'' her on it, especially when she seems to be ready. Good luck w/ whatever you decide!

Robbie - Des is soooooooooooooooo cute!! I''m not sure when babies should use their arms to push up. Lex was a freak and started at like 2 months...the kid is just not normal

Hello to MGal, Fiery, nycbk, NYC, Mela and Ebree!!!!


do it


Jun 18, 2004
Pandora - I''ll enable too
, if she''s interested, why not give her nibbles to expose her to more flavors? We''ve been doing this with Kyle also. He didn''t like sourdough bread or avocado, but loved yogurt, frozen smoothie, and a cookie...

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
She''s had frozen peas tonight - only not to eat poor mite!


Feb 27, 2006
CDT, thanks for going further into it. Is that the magazine where there''s a baby dressed as a bumblebee on the cover? I think there''s a copy in our lactation room at work, if that''s the case. I might check it out. Interesting about not needing to wait several days between introducing different foods.

Robbie - we got an offer on our house and are planning on moving in with my in-laws for a little while! But we''re both homesick and hating our jobs right now, and so we''re very excited about this. And Desi is so adorable!! I love all the photos.

NYC - glad you could get away for a while!

Pandora - so sorry about Daisy! George launched himself into a door frame once. It''s the most horrible feeling.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 10/12/2009 12:27:15 PM
Author: robbie3982
Dreamer - Glad to hear the next 3 months are going to be great! It sucks that the typical American woman has to go back to work right when things are getting good. I know you said Hunter''s a lousy sleeper, but is he sleeping any better than he was when he was Des''s age?
Worse! He was a great sleeper up until 4 months!



Nov 9, 2005
oh no Pandora!! Hope Daisy is ok!

Blen - No, it''s the November Parents issue w/ a toddler boy on the cover. He''s wearing a striped sweater.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Good Luck Dreamer! Hope all goes smoothly!

Daisy looks like she could star in an advert for an Child Abuse Charity this morning.
However she doesn't seem at all bothered by it and I was able to have a proper feel of the bones and nothing seems to be broken or depressed or anything and it matches the other side, so I think it looks a lot nastier than it feels.

I was going to go out shopping today, but I'm not sure I'm up for the guaranteed looks and having to explain numerous times that she battered herself...


Nov 9, 2005
GOOD LUCK DREAMER! Hope the flight goes smoothly!

Pandora - what happened? Poor Daisy...but I''m sure it''s just the first of many accidents unfortunately. Children are fearless


Feb 27, 2006
DD- good luck today!!!

Pandora - George''s bruise was on his forehead, which didn''t look quite as bad a blackeye. If DH saw anybody looking at him, he told them that George decided to test the structural integrity of a door frame in our house and determined that it was well built afterall. I think that DH and I took it much much worse than George did. Glad to hear that Daisy''s feeling okay, at least.

We''ve been trying to declutter for months, but I''ve taken today off to do another run through the house. We seriously need to get down to bare bone essentials. Speaking of which, I''m going to get back to work...

Did anyone really use their baby gym after baby was able to sit well on his own? We haven''t been using it much lately, and I can''t decide if that''s a "keep" or not.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 10/13/2009 9:12:29 AM
Author: cdt1101
GOOD LUCK DREAMER! Hope the flight goes smoothly!

Pandora - what happened? Poor Daisy...but I''m sure it''s just the first of many accidents unfortunately. Children are fearless
I put the whole incident up in my last post on page 71. Basically she tested out the consequences of a high velocity flight into a wardrobe and metal laundry bin... one black eye and a very bruised cheekbone...


Jul 23, 2006
good morning...dd only woke up at 1:30 and then 5:30 and went right back to sleep after she ate
...she slept until 8:30 this morning and ds slept until 8 so i was able to catch up on sleep...somewhat...hopefully that sleep pattern keeps up...we''ll see tonight i guess. may be a growth spurt, but we''ll see. thank goodness dh has great hours...he works from 6-2 and is home by 2:15 which is a lifesaver. thanks for the hugs. your ds is getting ready to become dd has just started rolling over onto her stomache at 15 weeks so the fun of crawling is coming sooner than with my ds.

pandora....its the first of many bruises, scrapes, and accidents. tell dh she''ll be hurts him worse than her. it usually happens when you are right there with them, which is the scary part.

dd...good luck on that flight...make sure you bring a bag of "tricks" on the always helps.

blein...if ds shows interest in the gym still, then keep it for now even if he can sit up.....about decluttering---maybe you could come over here to declutter if you get around to it at your am in need of decluttering, but can''t get motivated

i''m going to attempt shopping with dd today. we''ll see how it goes.

what costumes have you bought for your kids for halloween?


Nov 9, 2005
I missed that post last night...sorry

I feel for your DH, Lex did the same thing to me last month. I was holding him trying to get his stroller out of the trunk, he decided in that moment to launch himself out of my arms. Thankfully he landed in the trunk and was fine (just cried from the shock of it). But I was in our garage and all I could think about was that he could have landed on the concrete. I couldn''t stop shaking and crying eventhough Lex was fine. So scary.

Hoping Daisy has a speedy recovery!

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Date: 10/12/2009 4:50:20 PM
Author: NYCsparkle
hi everyone!! mommyhood the 2nd time around is A LOT more tiring....if thats possible. sofia was sleeping from 9-4:30 up until a week and a half shes getting up at 1:30, 3, 4:30...and so the time I fall asleep my ds is waking up and i''m running on fumes.

how did the rest of the 2nd time mommies deal with being tired and dealing w/other kids. my ds is 3 and wants to play with me all the time. i sometimes feel like an awful mom
for not being able to play w/him when he asks, because dd requires so much attention right now. i''m still bf''ing but its hard w/ds. i feel like i''m not pumping as much as i can because i''m always tired and involved w/the2 of them.

Hang in there NYCsparkle. I can only imagine how hard it is with 2 LOs. As for the new "waking" schedule - I''d nip it in the bud if I were you
. You KNOW she can sleep longer stretches, but for some reason has broken her sleep pattern. IF you feel like you''re at your limit, maybe try to let her CIO. old is she again?

Hi Everyone!
Can''t talk now but I''m "here"!


May 18, 2008
Pandora-Poor Daisy
I imagine it hurt more to see it happen than it hurt for Daisy. Glad she''s ok though!

Dreamer-Good luck with the move!!!

NYC-Glad you were able to get some sleep, even though only a little bit of sleep.

Things over here are bad and weird.

Sophia still isn''t sleeping well and I got so frustrated with her last night which made me feel so guilty. She went to bed at 7:30, took a catnap, went back down at 8:30 and woke: 11:30, 1:15, 2:30, 3:45, and 5am. She only ate though at 11:30, 2:30 and 5. At 2:30, I had to shut her bedroom door, breathe in/out for a few seconds, and then go back in. Poor girl was just laying there fighting her swaddle and then gives me a huge smile as soon as she saw me again. She''s such a good girl. The problem is the swaddle, I think. If she isn''t swaddled, she can''t sleep but as soon as she realizes that she''s swaddled she fights to bust out. Sometimes I''ll wake up and "help" her get out of it (she''s still asleep at this point) without waking her up. But she has no control over her arms so as soon as she''s free, she goes nuts and wakes herself up. Tonight I''m going to lay her down without the swaddle and sleep on the gllider. I figure I''m not getting any sleep anyway so I might as well try to de-swaddle now instead of waiting for the weekend.

I realized two things late this morning:

1. I need a major attitude adjustment. I''ve been late to work every day last week and so far this week. I just can''t get myself out of bed because I''m so exhausted. I need to figure out a routine that works for me in the morning that will get me up and out of bed. I''m thinking maybe just turning on the TV loudly or getting up and preparing coffee right away. Something to just get myself up and moving. I also need to figure out a routine to pump effectively at work. Yesterday I had all of these meetings back to back that my breasts got so engorged and started leaking in the middle of a meeting
Thank God for lanisoh pads.

2. I''m pretty much done with FI and have asked that we separate. I just can''t do it anymore. It''s too much work. I get home and I have double the dishes to wash, double the clothes to clean, double the mess around the house on top of trying to catch up on some work in the evenings after taking care of Sophia. He doesn''t wake up at all at night to take care of her. Occassionally he will but after about 5 minutes he gives up and I can hear him calling me through the monitor. And he just doesn''t help out around the house at all. It''s frustrating and it hurts and I''m over it. He left this morning in tears and has called about 7 times, including asking if I want to meet him for lunch (he''s 65 miles away from me right now). He''s a lot of talk and no action so I really am not in the mood to "hear him out"...again.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 10/13/2009 9:59:16 AM
Author: fiery
Pandora-Poor Daisy
I imagine it hurt more to see it happen than it hurt for Daisy. Glad she''s ok though!

Dreamer-Good luck with the move!!!

NYC-Glad you were able to get some sleep, even though only a little bit of sleep.

Things over here are bad and weird.

Sophia still isn''t sleeping well and I got so frustrated with her last night which made me feel so guilty. She went to bed at 7:30, took a catnap, went back down at 8:30 and woke: 11:30, 1:15, 2:30, 3:45, and 5am. She only ate though at 11:30, 2:30 and 5. At 2:30, I had to shut her bedroom door, breathe in/out for a few seconds, and then go back in. Poor girl was just laying there fighting her swaddle and then gives me a huge smile as soon as she saw me again. She''s such a good girl. The problem is the swaddle, I think. If she isn''t swaddled, she can''t sleep but as soon as she realizes that she''s swaddled she fights to bust out. Sometimes I''ll wake up and ''help'' her get out of it (she''s still asleep at this point) without waking her up. But she has no control over her arms so as soon as she''s free, she goes nuts and wakes herself up. Tonight I''m going to lay her down without the swaddle and sleep on the gllider. I figure I''m not getting any sleep anyway so I might as well try to de-swaddle now instead of waiting for the weekend.

I realized two things late this morning:

1. I need a major attitude adjustment. I''ve been late to work every day last week and so far this week. I just can''t get myself out of bed because I''m so exhausted. I need to figure out a routine that works for me in the morning that will get me up and out of bed. I''m thinking maybe just turning on the TV loudly or getting up and preparing coffee right away. Something to just get myself up and moving. I also need to figure out a routine to pump effectively at work. Yesterday I had all of these meetings back to back that my breasts got so engorged and started leaking in the middle of a meeting
Thank God for lanisoh pads.

2. I''m pretty much done with FI and have asked that we separate. I just can''t do it anymore. It''s too much work. I get home and I have double the dishes to wash, double the clothes to clean, double the mess around the house on top of trying to catch up on some work in the evenings after taking care of Sophia. He doesn''t wake up at all at night to take care of her. Occassionally he will but after about 5 minutes he gives up and I can hear him calling me through the monitor. And he just doesn''t help out around the house at all. It''s frustrating and it hurts and I''m over it. He left this morning in tears and has called about 7 times, including asking if I want to meet him for lunch (he''s 65 miles away from me right now). He''s a lot of talk and no action so I really am not in the mood to ''hear him out''...again.
Wow, you poor thing.

Have you thought of co-sleeping with Sophia just while you get yourself sorted routine wise? Since I relaxed over the idea this last week, I''m finding it so much less exhausting. Yes D will still wake up, but she''ll just fiddle with my top till I help her and then eats on her own and goes back to sleep. I don''t even really wake up anymore. She''s awfully warm and cuddly too!

Regarding your FI, it seems like you need a break - even if it''s not ultimately a break-up - you shouldn''t have to be asking him to help, he should be doing it to help you. Take some time and space for yourself. Big hugs from me.


Nov 9, 2005
oh man Fiery! I''m so sorry you''re having such a rough time. I wish I had some advice, but I don''t. I just want to offer my support. Lack of sleep is so tough, I was a MESS the 1st 2 months w/ Lex. And would get so easily frustrated w/ him. Just remember you''re doing the best you can right now and try not to be too hard on yourself.

As for getting up, I have to make coffee right away. It''s the ONLY thing that drags me out of bed.

I''m sorry things haven''t improved w/ your FI. You have to do what you think is best, I just wish for you that separating wasn''t the only option. I''m sorry he hasn''t followed thru on his promises to change.

Lastly, I think giving up the swaddle is a good thing to try. If it''s keeping her up than maybe she''ll learn to fall asleep w/out it and stay asleep.

Hang in there and we are always here if you need to vent


Jul 23, 2006
mela...dd is going to be 4 months old soon..i have let her cio a few times, but shes hungry...i think it may be a growth spurt, we''ll see sound like you need big (((hugs))). before you make any life changing decisions, see a counselor. you and df sound like you need it. he probably doesn''t understand how to deal w/a baby....has he had any experience w/babies before? he probably thinks you are better at handling it all. if you keep getting up to "rescue" him, then theres no reason for him to learn how to deal with her at night. as for the housework....don''t do his laundry or anything else...eventually he WILL have to wear clean there anyone else in your family who lives close by? sometimes a good nights sleep will make everything clearer in the morning. sleep before making a sleep deprived decision.

when ds was born my dh had a look of terror on his face if he cried or anything else. i knew he had NO experience with infants...i worked with him for a few weeks to give him confidence that he COULD do it whenever the baby needed a change--he was reassured that he wouldn''t "hurt" the baby....whenever he woke up in the night---he would be able to rock him back to sleep or feed him without fully waking him.....within a few weeks he was a daddy champ...give df a few "lessons" and see where it goes...a little boost of confidence can work wonders for a guy who thinks only the "mom" can do it. Is that how it was in his family?


Sep 24, 2009
Hey mommies!

DH went back to work yesterday. Sad, but we had a great, relaxing vaca. DH cooked breakfast and dinner and took DD to school while I slept in every day. Went to the park, out to eat, took naps and things like that. We also had 1 adult day where we went to the food & wine festival @ Epcot. I am back to being sleep deprived now. Axel is still waking up 3-4x/night for his pacifier and now he only naps in his swing! He was sick for 3 weeks and was very congested and he slept better in his swing for naps. (Always slept in the crib @ night, though.) I'm paying for it now and have lots of habits to break. Any suggestions on weaning from swing??

If it comes to CIO, I have a question for Mela...when you decided to start, did you put Romy down for the night with a paci in? And now that he's officially STTN and sleep trained, does he get his paci at night?

I see there is a discussion about solids here. We're waiting on solids because Axel is not very interested in formula and it's work to get him to finish his bottles. So I'm afraid that if we give him food, he'll be satisfied enough to where he'll refuse his formula completely. I like the idea of Baby Led Weaning and can't wait to try it out, though!

Robbie what an ADORABLE little guy!

CDT that is crazy that Lex can feed himself with a spoon! Advanced indeed!

MGal congrats on the 5K and a new baby coming in the family! I get excited when I hear someone is pregnant even if I don't know them. haha. I'm trying to convince one of my friends to get preggo. She's on the fence and needs some encouragement. I have baby fever. Happy 8 months to Kyle!

Nycbk welcome back! Glad you were able to get away and take a break! So happy to hear Jon is STTN without a peep. I can't wait for the day Axel does that consistently. He STTN maybe 2x/week. That's exciting that they're on cereal. Did you take pics?

NYCsparkle I have a 4 y/o and a 6 month old. Not sure how old your little one is, but when mine was a newborn, I had planned a bunch of activities (crafts, math problems, cutting, painting, etc) for DD to do while I tended to baby. We all went for a walk and took a nap once a day at the same time. All the games I played with DD involved me lying down on the floor like Memory Match, Connect 4, etc and sometimes dozing off for a few minutes. I even let her draw on me so that I could get 5 minutes of shut eye. (She loved this and it washes off!) Power naps work wonders! And if I still needed more rest on certain days, I'd have DD watch a movie. I co-slept and breastfed lying sideways @ night to maximize my sleep. The first few months are rough, but it got better once Axel was on a schedule and took naps at the same times every day. Soon, I was able to pay more attention to DD. Now we all play together. You are not an awful mom! I felt that way at the time, but it's about survival and you're doing your best!

Ebree it sounds like the wheels are starting to turn! Axel started struggling to move around at 4 months while on his tummy. He'd plant his face into the ground, kick his feet into the floor, and tried with all his might to get to something. He did this for weeks and wasn't moving an inch. Then one day he started scooting which turned into army crawling which turned into crawling!

fiery how are things with Sophia??

Hi to all!


Jun 18, 2004
Pandora - poor Daisy and her black eye!

DD - Good luck on the move! I hope Hunter does well on the plane for you!

Blen - Our gym has been folded up since Kyle started sitting. Once he could sit, he would just tug all the toys like he was going to destroy the thing, so I put it away.

NYC - I hope your LO starts sleeping better for you, I can''t imagine having 2 to deal with! And we got the dragon costume from Old Navy for Kyle
. We put him in it over the weekend, and he didn''t seem to minf the hood, so I hope he does OK in it.

fiery - I''m sorry your FI isn''t helping out... Maybe counseling? taking a break might help him realize what he''s missing out on as well. Now that he''s gone though, maybe co-sleeping will help you get some more sleep and keep you company. I hope things get better for you soon.

PJ - Kyle''s pretty much sleep trained, and we give him a paci when he goes down. Sometimes he wakes up with it still there, sometimes he spits it out in his sleep. It doesn''t seem to matter too much, and he''s been sleeping about 10 hours straight every night since 5 months.

robbie - Des is soooo cute! Those pictures are great!

Kyle discovered the dog''s water dish last night, and then proceeded to crawl right back to it and splash around everytime we moved him away. And it''s not like he could see it, he had to crawl through the living room, through the doorway, and across the entire kitchen to get to it. We''ll see if he "remembers" where it is again tonight...


Feb 17, 2007
Fiery I am so sorry you aren''t being supported. That just plain sucks. If your FI is all talk-would he consider going to a counselor? Might be worth it if you think the relationship is worth salvaging.

Just know that you are doing a FANTASTIC job raising Sophia-it''s obvious by the way you talk about her that you are a wonderful mommy to her. And at the end of the day right now that''s what it''s about.


Sep 24, 2009
Fiery, totally missed your post. You and Sophia need to be happy. You are such a great mommy and I''m so sorry you are going through this.



Feb 27, 2006
Oh Fiery. I''m so sorry. It sounds like a break is probably the best for both of you. It must be SO hard to make that decision, but he''s really not being fair to you or to Sophia.

Balancing work and motherhood is just exhausting... I preset my coffee maker to have finished brewing about the time I should be getting out of bed and it''s still a huge struggle. And I''m not having to deal with the relationship issues on top of the other stuff. There is NOTHING wrong with you.

MG - thanks for the gym input. I haven''t used it lately much, and you''ve kind of confirmed that it might be the type of thing just to go ahead and sell. LOL about the water dish.


Aug 16, 2007
Fiery, HUGS! So sorry you are not being supported by your FI. I agree that counseling might be a good idea if you can ever find the time/energy...he sounds like he might not KNOW how to support you and how to deal with Sophia. I''m so sorry you''re still having trouble with her schedule at night too. I have to admit, since we''ve started co-sleeping, I''m sleeping much better (usually at least 6 hours a night either in 3 two hour spurts or 2 three hour spurts, and it makes me feel so much more sane during the day and helps during the day when I''m so frustrated about doing everything on my own.

Hi to everyone else! Sorry I don''t have time to catch up on everyone else, but dh is home early today because he was taking his last part of the medical boards, and now that he''s done and much more relaxed, he''s offered to take Jacks for the evening (or at least until dinner since he still has to get up at 3 for work tomorrow), so I''m off for some much needed no-baby time!

But to keep everyone updated, his reflux is about the same, manageable. He''s sleeping decently at night now that we''re co-sleeping with him on my chest. He did have one night where he went 8 hours, but usually he goes 4-5 in between bottles. He''s having problems napping now though, and I think I''ve created a monster who will only sleep while being held, but if that''s what works for him, I''ll deal and we''ll sleep train when he''s old enough to respond to it.


Sep 24, 2009
Mgal thanks for the input. I'm not sure what to do since I would be trying CIO to get him off the paci at night. If we are successful, then I wonder if offering it before bed would start the wake ups all over again. Oy. So complicated. Kyle is so know he'll find the dog dish again.

Blen didn't see your post either...I'm not very good at catching up. Our gym is currently being used to house miscellaneous knick-knack toys. He goes over and tears it down right away and doesn't play under/on it. We still have it because I haven't found anyone to give it to.

Sabine 8 hrs, go Jacks!! I loved co-sleeping and really miss it. If he slept better with us he'd definitely still be in our bed, but that's not the case. Sounds like you guys are doing great. Yay!


Feb 27, 2006
Penelope, after that ringing endorsement, I threw the play gym into the sell/donate pile!

Solids - after talking with our pediatrician today, we decided that we''re ready to start George on solids. We weren''t necessarily going to start tonight, as he also had shots today and I''d like to know where the reaction is coming from if he has one, but then he grabbed a whole chicken thigh out off my plate at dinner tonight and we just kind of went with it. He swallowed a couple small pieces, and the dogs got very lucky with the rest of it.

I think we need to buy some bibs. Not the terry cloth ones that we have, but the other ones that are water resistant. We had to throw him in the bath tub afterwards.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 10/13/2009 8:47:05 PM
Author: Blenheim
Penelope, after that ringing endorsement, I threw the play gym into the sell/donate pile!

Solids - after talking with our pediatrician today, we decided that we''re ready to start George on solids. We weren''t necessarily going to start tonight, as he also had shots today and I''d like to know where the reaction is coming from if he has one, but then he grabbed a whole chicken thigh out off my plate at dinner tonight and we just kind of went with it. He swallowed a couple small pieces, and the dogs got very lucky with the rest of it.

I think we need to buy some bibs. Not the terry cloth ones that we have, but the other ones that are water resistant. We had to throw him in the bath tub afterwards.
Mmmmm chicken
. I''m bib hunting as well - the full coverage variety in plastic. Otherwise I believe feeding them ''in'' the bath is very effective!


Nov 9, 2005
Morning ladies!

Penelope - I said Lex could use the spoon, not that he could use it well
It goes more like: Grab spoon, hit eye, hit cheek, find mouth. hehehehe....It's really messy, but I just love it! He also does this thing where after about 5 minutes he grabs his bib w/ the other hand and wipes his face!! My whole family was over this past weekend and everyone was in fits of laughter over Lex eating. He really is a character! And all the while he just looked at all of us like "I'm glad I'm so entertaining
" Love babies!

Blen - Sounds like George liked his chicken! I love how messy babies get while eating...I just think it's cute, eventhough it's a pain to clean up

Mgal - too funny about Kyle finding the dog's water bowl. Babies are so smart!

Pandora - How's Daisy?

Fiery - I hope you're feeling a little better today

Dreamer - Hope your flight went well!

hello to everyone else


Apr 17, 2008
Date: 10/13/2009 9:59:16 AM
Author: fiery
Pandora-Poor Daisy
I imagine it hurt more to see it happen than it hurt for Daisy. Glad she''s ok though!

Dreamer-Good luck with the move!!!

NYC-Glad you were able to get some sleep, even though only a little bit of sleep.


Things over here are bad and weird.

Sophia still isn''t sleeping well and I got so frustrated with her last night which made me feel so guilty. She went to bed at 7:30, took a catnap, went back down at 8:30 and woke: 11:30, 1:15, 2:30, 3:45, and 5am. She only ate though at 11:30, 2:30 and 5. At 2:30, I had to shut her bedroom door, breathe in/out for a few seconds, and then go back in. Poor girl was just laying there fighting her swaddle and then gives me a huge smile as soon as she saw me again. She''s such a good girl. The problem is the swaddle, I think. If she isn''t swaddled, she can''t sleep but as soon as she realizes that she''s swaddled she fights to bust out. Sometimes I''ll wake up and ''help'' her get out of it (she''s still asleep at this point) without waking her up. But she has no control over her arms so as soon as she''s free, she goes nuts and wakes herself up. Tonight I''m going to lay her down without the swaddle and sleep on the gllider. I figure I''m not getting any sleep anyway so I might as well try to de-swaddle now instead of waiting for the weekend.

I realized two things late this morning:

1. I need a major attitude adjustment. I''ve been late to work every day last week and so far this week. I just can''t get myself out of bed because I''m so exhausted. I need to figure out a routine that works for me in the morning that will get me up and out of bed. I''m thinking maybe just turning on the TV loudly or getting up and preparing coffee right away. Something to just get myself up and moving. I also need to figure out a routine to pump effectively at work. Yesterday I had all of these meetings back to back that my breasts got so engorged and started leaking in the middle of a meeting
Thank God for lanisoh pads.

2. I''m pretty much done with FI and have asked that we separate. I just can''t do it anymore. It''s too much work. I get home and I have double the dishes to wash, double the clothes to clean, double the mess around the house on top of trying to catch up on some work in the evenings after taking care of Sophia. He doesn''t wake up at all at night to take care of her. Occassionally he will but after about 5 minutes he gives up and I can hear him calling me through the monitor. And he just doesn''t help out around the house at all. It''s frustrating and it hurts and I''m over it. He left this morning in tears and has called about 7 times, including asking if I want to meet him for lunch (he''s 65 miles away from me right now). He''s a lot of talk and no action so I really am not in the mood to ''hear him out''...again.

Hi Fiery
Just wanted to say I am sorry for all that you are going through right now.

I had a daughter who never slept as a baby too. I ended up co-sleeping with her (for 4 years
) But I guess that is what she needed. Co sleeping definitely has it''s downsides, but I wouldn''t trade that time with her for the world. She is 10 now, and I wish she was little, and I could carry her around and cuddle up with her. Now I struggle to get the same sleepless baby out of bed in the morning
Everyone says it goes quick, and it does. And incidentally, she was an extreme case. My son was done with co-sleeping at 9 months.

About your FI - no words of wisdom, but lots of (((HUGS))) The only baby you should be taking care of now is the one you gave birth to

Hang in there Fiery
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