
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!


Sep 24, 2009
Mrs thanks for the welcome! Banana is way more fun than cereal. (I do want to give cereal for the iron, but not on the first try.) Sorry about the night wakings. Whatever you end up doing, stay strong!

lili thanks for the compliments. Love your avi and those pigtails!!

Mela ty ty. Avocado sounds yummy right about now. SO great about the sleeping. It sounds like you guys are in the home stretch! Good luck tonight!

nyc I hear ya. It is an inner battle to CIO or not to. You can always do CIO when they are older babies. They''ll definitely get the routine by then and if they''re not STTN by 9-10 months I bet you''ll have the will to do it at that time. As for solids, from what others are saying, it can be skipped which makes sense. I mean, fruits and veggies will eventually have to be introduced so it''s not like giving cereal first will protect them from any allergies they have to the fruits and veggies, KWIM? After DD was used to solids, I mixed the cereal in her bottle. You''re not supposed to do that, but it was faster that way. It''s been a long time since DD was a baby that I don''t remember what the eating schedule was like. You can start out with 1 feeding per day--one serving of cereal (or fruit/veggie) in the morning an hour or so after the first bottle. Then add another solid feeding an hour or 2 before the last bottle of the night and work your way up from there.

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
update: night 3 of CIO....

HE SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


not even a peep. 7pm - 7am


Nov 8, 2005
Mela, that is awesome!!!!! Woo hoo! Go Romy!


Sep 24, 2009
Mela that is SOOOOOOOO great! Hip hip hooray


Dec 16, 2007
Yah Romy!!

Solids You can feed whatever food you want first, just make sure you wait 2-3 days between intriducing new things. You should give them their formula/breast milk first then feed them solids after that, either immediately or within an hour. This is because they get all their nutrition from their formula/milk and the solids just fill them up a little more. NYC Are the twinks 6 months? Since they were 2 months preemie I would wait even longer to introduce solids, maybe even until they are 7=7 months. It won''t help them sleep better and there is lots of evidence that waiting until 6 months old is best... just my 2c! Do what you want!


Sep 13, 2008
MELA- omgggg im sooooo happy
....i really hope this is the end of sleepless nights! ur my hero
...i will wait another month i think and then cave ...jon did sleep from 9-630am lets see what happens

DD- yeh the pedi tells me to wait on the solids so i will see how the next appt goes in about a week or so (they will be 6 mos oct16 but yeh technically 5)

PJ- yeh i tried putting a tablespoon of rice cereal in his 5oz formula bottle...lets just say he was sucking and sucking and i wasnt paying any mind but then when i look its still the same amt
...and he wasnt fussin so maybe a lil was comin out but i switched to the reg bottle and he ate it all and went to sleep...havent mastered the cereal in a bottle thing lol


Feb 27, 2006
Just posted on the baby gear thread for convertible car seat recommendations - I''m going to the store to buy one at 3 pm today and would really appreciate help!!!


Aug 17, 2007
Hi mommies!

Still haven''t managed to catch up on this thread, but wanted to try and keep posting. I have to say, love having this support, but reading it is a bit scary sometimes! Like, oh god, is THAT what is coming?

O is getting more alert, which is good, but of course now I feel guilty that I am not "engaging" with him enough. Like not singing him enough songs or reading him enough books. Truthfully, I probably stick him in his swing way too often, but he is so calm and happy in there, and I can actually get a few things done. He''s still so little, it''s hard to imagine I am doing any damage! How often did you guys "engage" with your babies. He''s 5 weeks, almost 6. Basically after he eats, I play with him, talk to him, etc., for about 15-30 mins, depending on his alert level. Then I either put him down for his nap, or let him fall asleep in his swing. If he''s fussy/crying, I hold him, swing him. rock him, whatever.

Coming up on 6 weeks, and keep hearing that the sweet babies go through some sort of devil phase. I keep looking at him and waiting for all hell to break loose!

My other big dilemma- do you guys take your little ones out and about? Or did you when they were 6 weeks? When I was at my parents, I took him to lunch and even out to dinner once and it was HEAVEN to get out of the house. He was great and just slept or looked around. I kept him in his infant seat, covered him up and didn''t let anyone touch him. But my ped told me to try not to take him in public AT ALL because of swine flu. I can take him on walks, etc., but that''s about it. Of course, I would rather be safe than sorry, but is it realistic not to take him anywhere? And until when? He''s too young to get a flu shot. The shots they get at 2 months isn''t going to do anything to protect him from the flu. So I can''t take him anywhere until flu season is over? Just curious how you guys balance being careful with your own sanity.

Congrats Mela, on sleeping through the night!!!! Romy is so cute, looks so grown up already.

Promise to try and contribute and be supportive and NOT continually post all about me!

Happy Sunday!


Aug 16, 2007
Oh HALLELUJAH!!! I finally got Jacks to sleep on his stomach in the pnp for naps! He's had two naps so far and done great, although he is still a little disoriented when he wakes up because he's been totally out when I put him down!

After another night of him not sleeping AT ALL in his crib and only sleeping on my, and me not getting ANY sleep, I got up this morning determined to find SOMETHING to make our situation better.

At first I thought to try "sleep training" a bit, where I would put him down drowsy but awake, pick him up and comfort him if he cried, but keep putting him down in his crib. Well, for his first nap of the day, when he was totally drowsy (he even let me swaddle him) I did this, and he was asleep within 15 minutes. But in a half hour, he was up screaming in pain, spitting up acid, writhing and grunting, etc., and although he kept yawning, he would NOT go back to sleep on his back. He eventually worked himself up so much that he was hungry, so he ate half a bottle and promptly fell asleep in the burping position. This is when I decided to try putting him down on his stomach again, and so far so good! Keep your fingers crossed for me ladies, especially since my dh is against belly sleeping due to the sids risk.

Mela, yay for sstn and breaking the paci habit! So glad cio worked for you!

China, good to see you around these parts! I think you are probably engaging with O plenty. I know Jacks is still not very interested in much when I try to play with him. I did find that walking him around just talking to him and showing him things was something he enjoyed, as well as having time in the pnp or on the play mat to just kick and move his arms even though he doesn't really "play". I do take him out, usually somewhere every day, either to Target, the grocery store, the mall, etc., because I like walking around with him in the stroller. I'm not one to be overly cautious though. I wouldn't let anyone touch him, but I think being out and about is fine, and you might go insane if you don't go!

Hi to everyone else I missed! This is the first day I've actually been able to eat a meal in over a week instead of just shoving food in my mouth with one hand, so hopefully the belly sleeping success will continue and I'll be able to catch up!

Oh, and a special thanks to CDT! It was great to hear your experiences with Lex and made me persevere with the belly sleeping!


Nov 9, 2005
aw thanks Sabine!!! I''m so happy Jacks is starting to sleep better. I''m sure once you both are sleeping more, your baby blues will disappear. I hope Jacks gets relief soon from his reflux. My BFF''s son had reflux REALLY bad, he was on 2 different medications. It took some time to figure out what the right combination of formula/medication worked for him. If you''re not seeing much improvement I would be schedule another visit to the DR. Once my BFF was referred to a gastric ped, things got way better as they were better suited in knowing what would help her little guy. hang in there

Mela - congrats on STTN!!!! that''s so awesome!!

Not sure if I welcomed China to the mommy thread, but welcome!

And welcome Penelope!!

As for us, we decided to not do the dream feed last night to see what happened, and Lex slept from 7:00-5:00am this morning!!! So happy!! I just hope it wasn''t a fluke, but if we have to continue the dream feed we will, but it''ll be nice if we can eliminate it now.


Feb 27, 2006
Mela - yay for STTN!!!!

DD and PJ - It''s amazing how differently different babies develop. George hasn''t even tried army crawling yet, although he''s able to scoot himself backwards across a room if you give him long enough.

China - it''s so much easier to engage with them when they start engaging back and being able to actually play. You''re probably giving him plenty of attention. We''ve been taking George out in public since he was 3 days old, although he also wasn''t born in flu season. I don''t think that not taking them out at all is really realistic - I mean, you have to buy groceries! - but you can do your best to minimize the chance of him catching something. Washing hands, staying away from sick people, all that stuff.

Sabine - I''m glad that Jacks is feeling and sleeping better.

I posted in the baby gear thread, but George and I were in an accident yesterday.
I was pulling out of a space in parking lot, when another car came barreling through and the lady wasn''t even watching the road (according to witnesses). I stopped and tried to shift back into drive to get out of her way, but obviously not in time as she hit my side. She only noticed me when she was about five feet away from me. George''s feeling fine, although he''s wanting to nurse more than usual. Our ped said that it''s probably emotional and/or my milk supply may have dipped from the stress. I''m sore today. The car''s driveable but I think the rear axle is damaged and the side by the rear wheel is dented up. I have no idea how much that''s going to cost. I also don''t know who would be considered at fault (police wouldn''t come as there was a football game going on
), and so I''m not sure how insurance is going to work out either. I''m taking tomorrow off from work to sort things out.

Now that George is going to bed earlier, I''m going to need to as well. He was up at 6 am today!!


Aug 16, 2007
AND...I spoke too soon. DH is totally, 100%, completely adamant that Jacks will not sleep on his stomach due to the SIDS risk.

And I''m back to not knowing what to do. I told dh we could get the Anglecare monitor, we could move the crib to our room, etc., but he is against it. He is also against Jacks sleeping on my chest too. At this point I told him that I need help and I just can''t do this not sleeping at all anymore, and he said fine, he''ll deal with the baby overnight. He''s making me feel incredibly guilty because of his work schedule, but at this point I don''t know what else to do, so I''m going to let dh try to get ds to sleep in the crib tonight and see how it goes and what he says tomorrow.


Nov 8, 2005
Sabine Have you talked to your pediatrician about what's going on recently with the sleep? A went through a phase around the same age when he would only sleep ON ME. I thought I would lose my mind. I wouldn't let myself sleep while holding him for fear I would drop him. As soon as his little booty hit the crib he was up and screaming no matter how sleepy he was and how gently I laid him down. It was awful. This happened for night and naps. I still do not know how I made it through those couple weeks. Same deal, DH gone, nobody else around to hold him and give me a break. A only has mild reflux, nothing like you are going through, but he's always been snuggly and doesn't like being put down (even now at 6 mo). In fact, he's napping on me this very moment, and I'm sure if I put him in his crib, he'll wake right up!

Maybe your pedi will agree that in this instance it is better for Jacks to sleep on his stomach. In that case surely your DH will agree? It's easy for DHs to have strong opinions with the best of intentions, but when they are not the ones who have to carry it out day to day... well, that's really tough.

Jacks needs sleep... you need sleep... your DH needs sleep... nobody is at their best when they aren't sleeping. Something has GOT to change. I hope he grows out of his reflux soon. At around 4 mo he will be rolling over and then (from what I've read) it's fine to let them find their own sleep position. A always sleeps on his tummy now. There would be no way to keep him on his back.

You might also try the Amby Baby Bed. It is designed for babies with reflux. We used it as a bassinet for a while and it was really nice. I borrowed it from a friend and she said it was the only place her DD would sleep as a colicky newborn. It's pricey, though.

We also tried a dex wedge under the crib mattress to elevate the head of the bed. I'm not sure it helped, but doesn't hurt. You could also just stick something like textbooks under the crib to elevate the head of the crib. That way you don't have to buy yet another thing.

I really, really feel for you Sabine! This is not easy what you are going through!


May 18, 2008
Oh no Sabine. I was going to suggest the angelcare monitor too. I don''t have any suggestions. Have you tried cosleeping? I bring sophia into bed with me sometimes but FI sleeps in the living room when I do. She sleeps a lot better next to me.

Tomorrow is my first day back at work. I haven''t stopped crying. I already have an 8pm conference call set up with another office


Nov 8, 2005
Date: 9/27/2009 12:28:54 PM
Author: ChinaCat
Hi mommies!

Still haven't managed to catch up on this thread, but wanted to try and keep posting. I have to say, love having this support, but reading it is a bit scary sometimes! Like, oh god, is THAT what is coming?

O is getting more alert, which is good, but of course now I feel guilty that I am not 'engaging' with him enough. Like not singing him enough songs or reading him enough books. Truthfully, I probably stick him in his swing way too often, but he is so calm and happy in there, and I can actually get a few things done. He's still so little, it's hard to imagine I am doing any damage! How often did you guys 'engage' with your babies. He's 5 weeks, almost 6. Basically after he eats, I play with him, talk to him, etc., for about 15-30 mins, depending on his alert level. Then I either put him down for his nap, or let him fall asleep in his swing. If he's fussy/crying, I hold him, swing him. rock him, whatever.

Coming up on 6 weeks, and keep hearing that the sweet babies go through some sort of devil phase. I keep looking at him and waiting for all hell to break loose!

My other big dilemma- do you guys take your little ones out and about? Or did you when they were 6 weeks? When I was at my parents, I took him to lunch and even out to dinner once and it was HEAVEN to get out of the house. He was great and just slept or looked around. I kept him in his infant seat, covered him up and didn't let anyone touch him. But my ped told me to try not to take him in public AT ALL because of swine flu. I can take him on walks, etc., but that's about it. Of course, I would rather be safe than sorry, but is it realistic not to take him anywhere? And until when? He's too young to get a flu shot. The shots they get at 2 months isn't going to do anything to protect him from the flu. So I can't take him anywhere until flu season is over? Just curious how you guys balance being careful with your own sanity.

Congrats Mela, on sleeping through the night!!!! Romy is so cute, looks so grown up already.

Promise to try and contribute and be supportive and NOT continually post all about me!

Happy Sunday!

China, I remember in the beginning wondering too if I was engaging with him enough. You probably are. As my mom famously said, your job at this age is to keep them alive. Anything beyond that, is a bonus. Yes, I think childrearing philosophy has changed a lot from them til now.

LOL about thinking 'oh no, is THAT coming up'? That's how I feel when I read the toddlers thread! But I think it is different when it's your kid. Also, while growing up brings new challenges, you also get past some of the challenges of the early days.

I don't know what to say about bringing him out and about with the swine flu. I would go a little crazy not being able to go anywhere either. I know germs spread less outdoors. In your area, is it nice weather this time of year? Are there places you can walk and shop, get food or coffee at an outdoor cafe, etc? Go over to friends' houses where nobody is sick? Maybe that would be a good compromise. I wonder the same thing, even with a 6 month old. I don't want to take uneccesary risks but don't want to lose my mind, either. Plus, sometimes we just have to go run an errand, ya know? I'm going to ask about the swine flu and regular flu vaccine at his next visit next week.


Nov 8, 2005
Fiery I''m hoping you will have a good transition back to work. I really feel for you. I know it will be tough, esp with a hectic schedule! Did you say your MIL is keeping Sophia? At least you know she''s in good hands. Any chance MIL can bring Sophia to visit you at work, maybe over your lunch (or dinner) break?

Good luck to you, thinking of you!


Feb 27, 2006
Fiery - good luck with the return to work. I was really weepy when I went back, but it does get easier. Hang in there. TDM has a great point - it was so much easier going back to work knowing that I''d see George during lunch once or twice a week (at first).

Sabine- that really stinks. DH let George sleep on his tummy for naps when he was young enough that I wasn''t comfortable with it, and I made sure that he was aware of the increased risk of SIDS and then just let him use his judgement. I mean, we''re both his parents and both have the ultimate goal of keeping him alive and we need to trust each other, you know? And it sounds like tummy sleeping might work better for you. Hopefully having your husband in charge of sleep tonight will help... I know that I came around more when I was around more for naps and saw that he truly does prefer his tummy.

I know that I''m a broken record on this, but if you''d want to take TDM''s suggestion of the Amby bed but are balking at the price, I''ve seen them at yardsales and posted on Craigslist before. I''ve had really good luck with selling things at basically the same price that I bought them (used) at if it doesn''t work out.


Sep 24, 2009
DD thx for the solids input.

nyc they make bottles with a special "Y" cut nipple for cereal to pass through easier. I forget the brand, but you could probably find them online. I don''t think I''m going to mix cereal w/bottle for Axel cause it would be overload on his digestive system. He eats 6oz every 3-4hrs. I''ve tried giving 8oz and he spits up a ton everytime.

China it sounds like you are doing great and engaging him enough. One-on-one play is great, but a change of scenery is good, too. Axel loved the playmat. Now, he likes to get into everything and play in the exersaucer. As for leaving the house, I took him out when he was 3 days old. With a 4 y/o it was impossible to stay in the house every day. We did what you are doing--keep him in the infant seat and kept strangers away.

Blen babies are definitely very different. I''m not quite ready for Axel to be mobile. I am soaking up these baby days and he is growing up so fast. And I don''t know much about convertibles. We kept DD in the infant seat a little after she turned 1 and bought a fwd facing seat. This time I want to get a convertible to keep him rear facing longer so I hope you got a lot of hits in the other thread. So sorry to hear about the accident. Nothing I abhor more than careless drivers! Hope you and George are doing OK.

Thanks for the welcome CDT!!

Sabine TDM gave great advice. I hope you find something that works for your family.

Fiery good luck at work. Hoping the day flies by for you.

Axel is getting over a cold and finishing up his antibiotics. (Drawback to having school-aged child.) He is getting better and has been easy to put down for bed, but for the past 4 nights it has taken 30+ minutes of me going back in to get him to sleep. I really hope this is just a phase that he will get past once he''s 100% healthy.


Dec 16, 2007
Sabine Hopefully being in charge tonight will make your DH more reasonable!

Fiery Poops on going back to work
Try to enjoy the positive aspects of it and know your daughter will be fine without you! In fact, having a working mom actually predicts higher self-esteem in girls, so you are doing her a favour

China At that age I let hunter "play" on his playmat for an hour or more while I was on PS
I like TDM''s theory about keeping them alive. I figure he got enough stimulation just following me around all day and watching what I did! As for going out, all I can say to your ped is
Puh-Leez! Gte out of the house, wash your hands and don''t touch yucky things. I tried to get out every day, do your usual things. He is getting lots of protection from your breastmilk anyways... but then I am a mom who lets her son crawl around on changing room floors. I figure dirt id good for them!

We are moving on Tuesday!!


Sep 13, 2008
Blen- im glad u and George are ok!! that must have been scary!! urgh i hate it when ppl dont pay attention esp in the parking lots when there are tons of pedestrians and cars all over the place..urgh so sorry u had to go thru that

Sabine-- yeh i totally agree and i think dh is being unreasonable..u def need a monitor with tummy sleep but i think its totally fine..does Jacks move his head side to side? i forget how old he is exactly. i was ok with it when i saw that they move their heads to either side when on tummy....and of course i never swaddled when on tummy...but u have to do whatever works! and i agree in letting dh take some role in this and lets see what he comes up with

DD- yay for moving! but i know moving is so hard !! esp with baby in tow!

PJ- yep my kids eat the same 5-6 oz every 3-4 hrs (and sometimes even 2 hrs)..i wont do the cereal in bottle thing will wait on the food for now

Mela- what was last nites update???

jon slept from 9pm-730am! i think he sensed mama coming up with a cio plan for him

jackie still got a bottle at 4am and then 8am but we will work on her this week!!!
dh is on vaca! wooooooot!! and sis and i had spa day (all day.... it was bliss)

mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
DD - good luck with the move! Tres Excitement! I'm like you, and don't sweat the small stuff. I think exposing them to germs is a good thing. Let their immune system develop organically
I go everywhere with Romy and don't think twice about it. We have a little saying "God made Dirt; dirt don't hurt".

Blen - so sorry to hear about the accident
Balls to that careless driver!

Fiery - my heart breaks for you and the other working moms. Hang in there.

Sabine - I know this is a financial drain, but do consider a night nurse. Even if it's once or twice a week, a good night sleep is invaluable. I feel like Jack is just going through (digestive) growing pains, and he will out grow them. In the meantime, you may as well get one or two nights sleep (with the night nurse) to tide you over until he outgrows this. I remember struggling through Romeo's poor sleep patterns thinking I would die from exhaustion, but he eventually grew and is now a champion sleeper.

China - they really don't require much at that age, and you don't want to overstimulate him either. I think what you're doing is great! At that age, he looked at his mobile, we "played" "baby in the mirror" and just walked around the house together. That was really enough. Even now at 4 months, I find my laid back kid doesn't need a ton of entertainment. He's happy observing me (lol) and hearing my voice. I've only now started singing more to him. You're doing a great job Momma

Nyc - last night was great. he "Complained" at around 4am again, which we ignored and he fell back to sleep quickly. He's really turned a new leaf!

I'm seriously addicted to ETSY. Oh dear. I need to tear myself away's CRAZY the draw I have to that site. @#$^#$^@!!


Dec 16, 2007
Blen I forgot to say OH MY GOODNESS about the accident! How poopy!


And I am sad because a stone just fell out of my baby ring
I have only had it about 2 months. I am worried that it is too delicate a design, it was custom and so the design has not been "test driven" much like stock designs. I note that Vesper had a similar thing happen with her super delicate low-profile shared prong.

Would I be crazy to find out about using the diamonds in a different design? That one clearly isn't going to last a lifetime
I am wondering about scattered diamond band or a bezel band...


Sep 27, 2009
Hello Mommies!

I have decided to come out of lurkerdom and join pricescope! My husband has watched me search this site for inspirations on a future upgrade and said it was about time that I join!

I am a SAHM to a 15 month old boy and have enjoyed reading your posts. Even though I won''t be on this thread too often, I thought that I should introduce myself. I am always happy to offer help from one mommy to another!


mela lu

Nov 21, 2006
Date: 9/27/2009 10:45:56 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
<And I am sad because a stone just fell out of my baby ring
I have only had it about 2 months. I am worried that it is too delicate a design, it was custom and so the design has not been 'test driven' much like stock designs. I note that Vesper had a similar thing happen with her super delicate low-profile shared prong.

Would I be crazy to find out about using the diamonds in a different design? That one clearly isn't going to last a lifetime
I am wondering about scattered diamond band or a bezel band...

Oh NO!!! Maybe only the one will fall out?! Is it possible that maaaayyyyybe that one stone wasn't set perfectly? I ask this because I wear super delicate (pave) rings on a daily basis and NEVER take them off. I've lost a couple and just have them replaced. I know it's different, and can't really compare melee to prong set diamonds, but I consider it the "cost of doing pave bidness". If you love the design, would you really be happy changing the style, just for the WHAT IF you lose another? Maybe you won't even lose another, KWIM?

Welcome Miss Chi!

I just got back from the "famed" Jack Newman BreastFeeding Clinic. I was very impressed by his staff and him. They were very thorough and spent a ton of time with me (2 hrs). They are happy with my progress, now that I'm pain free, and offered great advice for staying the course. I really didnt want to quit BF, but the pain was forcing me to consider it. I'm so happy now that I've resolved the pain issues and am working on improving his latch and optomizing the flow using compressions.
Alls well.


May 18, 2008
Date: 9/28/2009 12:40:25 PM
Author: mela lu

I just got back from the ''famed'' Jack Newman BreastFeeding Clinic. I was very impressed by his staff and him. They were very thorough and spent a ton of time with me (2 hrs). They are happy with my progress, now that I''m pain free, and offered great advice for staying the course. I really didnt want to quit BF, but the pain was forcing me to consider it. I''m so happy now that I''ve resolved the pain issues and am working on improving his latch and optomizing the flow using compressions.
Alls well.
A mom on the other site also saw Newman and raved about him. She had a major supply issue and couldn''t get DS to latch on so she had to supplement. He helped her out and she stopped supplementing all together. Pretty awesome. I''m glad that you are doing so much better!!


I thought I''d share my funny back to work story:

I set alarm for 5AM, but thought I could sleep until 5:30. Sophia was fussy all night so FI went into the living room and I put her in bed with me. I didn''t wake up until 6:15! It was a rush to get out of the house. So I dropped her off, fed, and left for work. I go to the pumping room at 10:30 to pump and I totally forgot my pump power supply. I just sat in the room thinking what a dummy. I was going to have to drive 30 miles to my home, pump, grap the stupid power, and then drive 30 miles back

Luckily my coworker has a medela and she lives 5 mins away. I drove by her house and her nanny had it waiting for me
. Won''t do that again.


Dec 16, 2007
Date: 9/28/2009 12:40:25 PM
Author: mela lu

Date: 9/27/2009 10:45:56 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
<AND border="0" src="" I have only had it about 2 months. I am worried that it is too delicate a design, it was custom and so the design has not been ''test driven'' much like stock designs. I note that Vesper had a similar thing happen with her super delicate low-profile shared prong.

Would I be crazy to find out about using the diamonds in a different design? That one clearly isn''t going to last a lifetime
I am wondering about scattered diamond band or a bezel band...

Oh NO!!! Maybe only the one will fall out?! Is it possible that maaaayyyyybe that one stone wasn''t set perfectly? I ask this because I wear super delicate (pave) rings on a daily basis and NEVER take them off. I''ve lost a couple and just have them replaced. I know it''s different, and can''t really compare melee to prong set diamonds, but I consider it the ''cost of doing pave bidness''. If you love the design, would you really be happy changing the style, just for the WHAT IF you lose another? Maybe you won''t even lose another, KWIM?

I think the only reason it is an issue for me is that it is from a US internet vendor... sending it to them isn''t a problem, but getting it back could be! Technically they want you to pay taxes on the total value of the item when something is fixed in the US! I guess it isn''t so big a deal since the item would probably cost the same to fix here as the taxes cost (~200) but I don''t want to do it often, KWIM? I need to talk to the vendor, but this is so not a good time since we are literally moveing tomorrow! LOL!


Aug 31, 2005
Penelope- Welcome! Axel is darling.

China- We were taking H out about a week after he was born, but just for quick trips. People would always go, "He's so TINY!" and it made me second-guess whether or not it was a good idea, but I think we would have gone insane all cooped up inside for the first several weeks.

Blen- I'm so sorry about the accident, but I'm glad you and George are okay. He's such a cutie.

Sabine- I hope you find a solution that works for everyone, esp. one that gets you a good amount of sleep. I also agree with TDM- maybe if the ped. recommends tummy sleeping, your husband will be more willing to try it?

dreamer- Good luck with the move! RE: your band, that's a tough one. As mela said, you might not lose another one, and the setting was perfect in terms of profile height, right? A bezel band would be a good idea for durability, but would it be low enough?

Miss Chi- Hello and welcome!

mela- Hooray for awesome breastfeeding help!
I'm so glad to hear things are feeling better now.

No real exciting news from us. Well, I take that back: Henry rolled over for the first time this weekend! He might have done it sooner, but we've been pretty lax about tummy time. We try to do it once a day, but end up forgetting about half the time.
We put him down, hoping we'd get a great baby push-up out of him, and in an instant, he rolled right over as if he'd been doing it forever. I was so happy!

In other news, we're going on an almost two month vacation to visit our folks out of state in November. I'm nervous about flying with a five-month-old, but hopefully I can nurse him for most of the flight. That, and I hope he's into toys by then. He doesn't seem to care much about them now.

Here's a funny photo I snapped a couple of weeks ago. It looks like he's saying, "How you doin'?"


May 9, 2006
Mela~Congrats on STTN!!!

Dreamer~Good luck with the move!!

Sabine~Yay for some successful tummy sleep! I think you should really look into taking Jacks into see a Pedi GI doc. It wasn't until we saw one and he prescribed a combination of meds in combination with formula change that T started to turn the corner. I'm sure your pedi is great, but seeing a specialist may really be what poor Jacks needs. Keep us posted!!

Hi everyone else!! Such cute pics! T still asks to see babies on "mommy puter" so we look often. She always points at each one and says "cute. Bye Bye. more babies peese."


Sep 24, 2009
nyc I am not in a hurry to do solids. Would need to rearrange the eating schedule and that''s a pain sometimes to get it to coincide with nap times and sleeping. Woohoo for vaca. Enjoy yourself! I would loooooove a spa day. My DH is taking his vacation too next week. This is small beans, but we are going to the food&wine festival at Epcot on one of his days off. Leaving the kids with SIL and having an adult day!

Mela I freakin love Etsy. Seriously the. best. place. ever. I have a friend that sells on there. Awesome that Romy is eating and sleeping like a champ now.

Hi and welcome MissChi! I''m new, too. Glad you came out of lurkedom!

Fiery glad you survived your first day!! So lucky about the coworker.

Ebree Henry is soooooo cute. He looks like a little man already. (Don''t you just looove little man clothes??) Thanks for the welcome. And yay for rolling over!

Axel is refusing to nap. Yesterday he went from 12pm-6pm with only 1 hour of sleep. DH said he''s "a baby that doesn''t need a lot of rest" and that just made me mad. There ARE babies that don''t need a lot of sleep in 24 hrs, but mine isn''t one of them as he was cranky and fussy the entire day. DH is a great father/husband but when I voice my concern over eating/sleeping issues, he dismisses them by usually saying, "Babies will eat when they''re hungry and sleep when they''re tired." That is not the case with our baby--he needs some coaxing and a schedule or all hell breaks loose. Men.


Nov 9, 2005
Ebree - Henry is sooooo cute!!! I love his little shirt!

Fiery - hope your first day back isn''t too bad. I know i''m going to be a crying mess when I go back after Thanksgiving.

Sabine - sorry your DH isn''t open to belly sleeping. My DH wasn''t thrilled about it either, in the beginning we not only had the AngelCare monitor, sleep apnea monitor (because of his choking episodes due to reflux), but my DH also set up a camera so he could view Lex sleeping on his iPhone
It was a bit much, but I was fine w/ it because it put DH at ease and help him get comfortable w/ Lex sleeping on his belly. I really hope your DH comes around.

hello everyone else
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