
Ouch, that hurts.


Jun 8, 2008
I could write a book lol.

Last night I bit my tongue accidentally while eating. Ouch.
This morning I bit it again. Double ouch.

I can tell this is going to take a while to heal.

What‘s your most recent ouch incident?


Jan 3, 2013
Ouchy @missy I bite the inside of my mouth often due to the dental work. Warm salt water swishes several times a day will help.

I’m having an ingrown toe nail problem on the ‘surgery’ leg. I know it sounds trivial but they hurt!


Jun 8, 2008
Ouchy @missy I bite the inside of my mouth often due to the dental work. Warm salt water swishes several times a day will help.

I’m having an ingrown toe nail problem on the ‘surgery’ leg. I know it sounds trivial but they hurt!

That does not sound trivial. You might recall I suffered with an ingrown toenail for years after my traumatic bike accident. They hurt like he**. I hope you get relief very soon! XO.


Feb 2, 2016
Lately my pinky toes have taken a beating. Most recently I slammed my right one into a box and thought I broke it, it looked awful and hurt terribly. DH said it was a sprain most likely.

Just this morning while walking back to bed from the bathroom I somehow managed to scratch the very beginning of the inside of my nose with my nail. Blood everywhere because that’s what noses do. Thought I was going to pass out at the sight of it.


Feb 24, 2017
My biggest ouch was giving birth to a baby with a big head :lol: 8lbs 6oz, 22” long and a 15” circumference head, think Michelin man.:mrgreen:


Jun 8, 2008
Lately my pinky toes have taken a beating. Most recently I slammed my right one into a box and thought I broke it, it looked awful and hurt terribly. DH said it was a sprain most likely.

Just this morning while walking back to bed from the bathroom I somehow managed to scratch the very beginning of the inside of my nose with my nail. Blood everywhere because that’s what noses do. Thought I was going to pass out at the sight of it.

Ugh I'm sorry and I feel your pain. I am a Klutz with a capital K and no matter how careful I try to be I still get hurt. Maybe less so since I have been super aware but still I need to slow it the heck down because, for me, most of my accidents happen because I am doing something too fast. For some unknown reason I am always in a hurry even when there is no reason to be. I have trouble slowing down and always want to do things fast. :blackeye:

Hope your pinky toes heal fast and your nose does too.

My biggest ouch was giving birth to a baby with a big head :lol: 8lbs 6oz, 22” long and a 15” circumference head, think Michelin man.:mrgreen:

Ouch is right. What happened to the days of 5 lb babies? :lol:


May 11, 2009
I bit the inside of my mouth last night - and It hurt soooo much! It always hurts me more the second (or third…) time. It would be great if there were a way to reduce the inflammation so it settles down and I don’t bite it again today!


Jun 8, 2008
I bit the inside of my mouth last night - and It hurt soooo much! It always hurts me more the second (or third…) time. It would be great if there were a way to reduce the inflammation so it settles down and I don’t bite it again today!
I am sorry. That hurts. :(
Can you try rinsing/gargling with salt water or mouthwash even?


Apr 22, 2004
I took a chunk out of my inner left cheek. It is still healing 2 days after.


Jul 18, 2015
I twisted my knee in my sleep on Monday and couldn’t bend that leg for 3 days is my latest ouch. The joys of hyper mobile joints (tho this is a first to have done it while sleeping)
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Dec 16, 2017
A few days ago, I poked my open eye with the edge of a wooden hanger. I bent over in my closet and hit the hanger, which had something behind it so it didn't swing away. OMG! It was one of the most painful experiences ever! Went to urgent care, couldn't open my eye and the burning was awful! The doctor gave me vicodin, which I thought odd, but once the numbing drops had worn off, I was very happy to have them! Unbelievably painful, and I have a high pain tolerance.
Then, the next day I tripped and splatted on the backyard concrete because my eye was swollen shut and I couldn't see very well. Banged up my knee and cut my hand.


Apr 30, 2005
Ouchy @missy I bite the inside of my mouth often due to the dental work. Warm salt water swishes several times a day will help.

This is for all you who bite your lip/cheek or get cold sores in the mouth or on the lips.

I often bite the inside of my mouth at the lip or cheek.
The injury site would swell ... leading of course to biting again and again. :angryfire:OUCH!:angryfire:
Because of all the re-biting, some would last for weeks.

40 years ago my dentist prescribed Kenalog (Brand name) in Orabase and demonstrated how to use it.
I've never been without it since.
Works like a charm, but only after you get the hang of how to use it.
For me the generics work as well as the name brand.
The name of the medication itself is Triamcinolone Acetonide Dental Paste USP, 0.1%.

For the gel to do its job it must do 2 things - which it can't do unless you learn how to apply it correctly:
1. stick to the sore
2. not be rubbed away by movement of teeth, gums, tongue, lips, inside of cheek.

To get it to stick to the sore:
You need to apply it to the sore when the sore is clean and dry.
Here's how to clean and dry the sore without making it worse:
Clean hands
Roll (yes roll not rub) a clean new Q-tip over the sore to dry the saliva and remove some of the white coating off the sore.
Repeat once.

Apply a tiny dollip of Kenalog to the tip of your clean pinkie.
Don't rub, just dab the gel gently onto the dried sore once or twice.
If you rub it the gel will turn grainy and just crumble rub off.


With a hair dryer on COLD and SLOW setting blow sore till dry, maybe 45 seconds.
Then (without letting anything touch sore) wet the sore gently with water.
Now you're done.
Don't poke or explore it with your tongue; try to ignore it.

If the sore is on the outside of a lip use chapstick/lip balm instead of water to prevent the other lip lifting away the gel.

Do this after breakfast and before bed as long as needed (only 1 or 2 days for me).

I know, it sounds like a complicated hassle, but with practice it takes less than a minute.
Most importantly if I start doing this immediately after the injury the sore will have completely vanished by the next morning.
The longer I wait to start the process the longer it takes to heal.
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Jul 20, 2012
Yesterday chopping onions for dinner, cut deep enough it required a couple of stitches. It doesn’t hurt now, only if I’ve knocked or hit it etc.


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Mar 31, 2018
I’m not the most graceful person. I try to be careful but I hurt a body part at least once a day. I gashed my leg on the open dishwasher that was drying after a load. You would think there was a murder in my kitchen…


Jun 26, 2007
We recently got a dishwasher after living in this house for 17 years.
I was holding the cat, and the dishwasher changed cycles and made a whooshing sound. The cat freaked out and flung himself out of my arms, slicing up my chest and underarm in the process. Lots of blood! I looked like I had been mauled by Daenerys Targaryen's dragon.


Jan 25, 2020
Biting the inside of my cheek is a big ouch! That seems to last for days. I’m not very graceful…I often find a bruise but can’t remember how I did it?! I must not have a good judge of where my body ends and another object begins….


Apr 19, 2004

Tripped, scraped, bruised my right arm on the brick. Nasty :roll:



Jul 7, 2013
Bean the puppy is kind of rough and keeps biting me when he is excited. Hopefully, he will be calmer soon enough.

DK :))

Lisa Loves Shiny

Nov 1, 2007
Every year I need to clear the new sassafras trees from under my pine trees. I use a machete to do this. And it hurts. My newest ouchies are the scratches on my back from crawling under the pine trees. At least I haven't found any ticks on me which is a plus.


Nov 9, 2018
Tripped & tore ligaments etc in my ankle in the fall. Dr said a broken bone would probably take a shorter time to heal.
Black eye in the process.
Three weeks off work on crutches.
Now in week 6….
Still hobbling when I walk. Worse at the end of the day. Swells up dreadfully & it throbs - it doesn’t like the cold weather.
Can’t walk normally down stairs because I can’t flex my ankle that far…. Walking up a little bit easier.
Shoe selection is limited as to what I can wear.
I honestly can’t believe how much it hurts & how long it’s taking to come right.

Kim N

Oct 6, 2005
This is for all you who bite your lip/cheek or get cold sores in the mouth or on the lips.

I often bite the inside of my mouth at the lip or cheek.
The injury site would swell ... leading of course to biting again and again. :angryfire:OUCH!:angryfire:
Because of all the re-biting, some would last for weeks.

40 years ago my dentist prescribed Kenalog (Brand name) in Orabase and demonstrated how to use it.
I've never been without it since.
Works like a charm, but only after you get the hang of how to use it.
For me the generics work as well as the name brand.
The name of the medication itself is Triamcinolone Acetonide Dental Paste USP, 0.1%.

For the gel to do its job it must do 2 things - which it can't do unless you learn how to apply it correctly:
1. stick to the sore
2. not be rubbed away by movement of teeth, gums, tongue, lips, inside of cheek.

To get it to stick to the sore:
You need to apply it to the sore when the sore is clean and dry.
Here's how to clean and dry the sore without making it worse:
Clean hands
Roll (yes roll not rub) a clean new Q-tip over the sore to dry the saliva and remove some of the white coating off the sore.
Repeat once.

Apply a tiny dollip of Kenalog to the tip of your clean pinkie.
Don't rub, just dab the gel gently onto the dried sore once or twice.
If you rub it the gel will turn grainy and just crumble rub off.


With a hair dryer on COLD and SLOW setting blow sore till dry, maybe 45 seconds.
Then (without letting anything touch sore) wet the sore gently with water.
Now you're done.
Don't poke or explore it with your tongue; try to ignore it.

If the sore is on the outside of a lip use chapstick/lip balm instead of water to prevent the other lip lifting away the gel.

Do this after breakfast and before bed as long as needed (only 1 or 2 days for me).

I know, it sounds like a complicated hassle, but with practice it takes less than a minute.
Most importantly if I start doing this immediately after the injury the sore will have completely vanished by the next morning.
The longer I wait to start the process the longer it takes to heal.

I have never heard of this before, but I want to try it next time. Does it really work on cold sores too--not just canker sores?

Made in London

Sep 11, 2020
My biggest ouch was giving birth to a baby with a big head :lol: 8lbs 6oz, 22” long and a 15” circumference head, think Michelin man.:mrgreen:

I can beat you on that.......9.4oz 22inches long with a head circumference of 171/2 inches:o
No wonder I had a forceps delivery. Back then we had no epidurals.
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Jun 8, 2008
We recently got a dishwasher after living in this house for 17 years.
I was holding the cat, and the dishwasher changed cycles and made a whooshing sound. The cat freaked out and flung himself out of my arms, slicing up my chest and underarm in the process. Lots of blood! I looked like I had been mauled by Daenerys Targaryen's dragon.

Oy I am sorry. More than once I was happily sitting with a content purring kitty on my lap only to get mauled when they became (so easily) it a doorbell or falling leaf. :lol:

I know you get it. Cats can be strange little creatures who are way too easily startled. :???:
I think they all need adrenal support. :lol:


Hope you heal(ed) fast @stracci2000!


Jun 8, 2008
Tripped & tore ligaments etc in my ankle in the fall. Dr said a broken bone would probably take a shorter time to heal.
Black eye in the process.
Three weeks off work on crutches.
Now in week 6….
Still hobbling when I walk. Worse at the end of the day. Swells up dreadfully & it throbs - it doesn’t like the cold weather.
Can’t walk normally down stairs because I can’t flex my ankle that far…. Walking up a little bit easier.
Shoe selection is limited as to what I can wear.
I honestly can’t believe how much it hurts & how long it’s taking to come right.

Ugh, sending you bucketloads of healing vibes. If it makes you feel less alone when I broke my leg (Tibia and Fibula) in the summer of 2014 I was in a wheelchair/walker for basically 8 months. Though I started partial weight bearing after month 4 so after that it was more the walker than wheelchair but you get the picture. It was a long and challenging summer...and fall and winter. Hang in there and with each day you are getting stronger and healing. ((((Hugs))).


Jun 8, 2008
I sent one of my back muscles into a very painful spasm the other morning before work—by putting my hair into a ponytail. :nono:

I can so relate to this. Isn't it amazing how easy it can be to injure ourselves? By doing ordinary every day activities? Lately I have started injuring myself in my sleep. By doing absolutely nothing. Not kidding. :???:

Just stubbed my toe three times in quick succession. On the bathroom door on the way in, on the same damn door on the way out, and then on the bed (bonus cracking my shin on the bed at the same time). My toe has gone numb it burns so much.

Ouchie. Poor toe. :(

Every year I need to clear the new sassafras trees from under my pine trees. I use a machete to do this. And it hurts. My newest ouchies are the scratches on my back from crawling under the pine trees. At least I haven't found any ticks on me which is a plus.

Oh be careful. I do no allow myself to go near big knives, let alone Machetes. :lol: It is impressive you can use one without fear. And regarding ticks they scare the heck out of me more than cutting myself I think. Well, maybe not more than but equal to.:eek-2:


Jun 8, 2008
Bean the puppy is kind of rough and keeps biting me when he is excited. Hopefully, he will be calmer soon enough.

DK :))

Aww puppies are so adorable but yeah they can play rough when they are little. Please hug him from me. Nothing is better than a sweet playful puppy.:love:


Tripped, scraped, bruised my right arm on the brick. Nasty :roll:


Aww feel better soon Sharon. Sending healing hugs your way. XO.

Biting the inside of my cheek is a big ouch! That seems to last for days. I’m not very graceful…I often find a bruise but can’t remember how I did it?! I must not have a good judge of where my body ends and another object begins….

Same. To all of it. Healing vibes.

Yesterday chopping onions for dinner, cut deep enough it required a couple of stitches. It doesn’t hurt now, only if I’ve knocked or hit it etc.

Ouchie Sarah. I am sorry. Hugs to you. And hope it is almost all better.

I’m not the most graceful person. I try to be careful but I hurt a body part at least once a day. I gashed my leg on the open dishwasher that was drying after a load. You would think there was a murder in my kitchen…

We have that in common too. At least once a day despite being careful and yes to not being graceful. But at least we don't give up. :lol:

Won't detail, but it will take 12 weeks to heal, not including PT. Ugh.

Continued healing hugs to you sweet friend. With each week you get closer to where you want to be. XO.


Jun 8, 2008
@kenny thanks for sharing that. Great info.

I took a chunk out of my inner left cheek. It is still healing 2 days after.

Hope it is getting better and better and almost all healed.

I twisted my knee in my sleep on Monday and couldn’t bend that leg for 3 days is my latest ouch. The joys of hyper mobile joints (tho this is a first to have done it while sleeping)

Hope your knee is all better now. I had a weird experience many years ago where I couldn't bend my knee for over a month. Had an MRI and other tests I cannot remember now and we never figured it out. But it got better on its own after months. So weird.

A few days ago, I poked my open eye with the edge of a wooden hanger. I bent over in my closet and hit the hanger, which had something behind it so it didn't swing away. OMG! It was one of the most painful experiences ever! Went to urgent care, couldn't open my eye and the burning was awful! The doctor gave me vicodin, which I thought odd, but once the numbing drops had worn off, I was very happy to have them! Unbelievably painful, and I have a high pain tolerance.
Then, the next day I tripped and splatted on the backyard concrete because my eye was swollen shut and I couldn't see very well. Banged up my knee and cut my hand.

Oh my goodness, I'm sorry you went through that. Ouch. Hope you are all better now.
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