
Now I really did it :((


Jun 17, 2009
Grr, I had written a long post earlier and my computer did some kind of weird re-boot and I lost it, which made me lose it haha. I took a break and am ready to try again -

Missy, thank you for the good thoughts, I'm feeling better. I'm so sorry about the necessity of a biopsy for Greg and I'm hoping it turns out to be nothing. I was glad to see that the records will be supplied to you, thank goodness for that. Really sorry about the issue with the template though, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed it hasn't been changed.

I love the pics of your beautiful view, and yes, it shows how wacky our weather has been! It's great you're on vacation for a few weeks and it's so nice that you have such a lovely place to go to. I just love your view of the water, so peaceful and relaxing. Greg is such a sweetie for doing your ironing! Now that's true love :love:

Your winter coat is so pretty! You look perfect in it, very stylish! I look like I'm wearing a sleeping bag when I wear mine haha.

Marcy, sounds like you might have to be a bit more direct with Marty with regard to the dishwasher lol! I bought a new tablecloth too and when I got home I read some reviews and people were complaining how badly it wrinkles and how hard it is to iron so I brought it back and bought a cheaper one that had better reviews. I actually like the less expensive one better ha. I'm with you, I avoid ironing at all costs! Wow, you are having some cold temps for sure, brr. The candy can cookies look yummy but I don't like the way that rabbit is looking at them. :cheeky: You've having a big group for dinner, your menu sounds so good. Lol to salty dinner rolls! Hope you survived the shopping trip with Marty.

I was thinking of doing roast beef too, but dh talked me into turkey, he really likes it. But we had turkey at Thanksgiving at my bil's house and they're coming here for Christmas, I feel like I'm copying or something! Dh tells me I worry too much (tell me something I don't know!) You're making me re-think things. Do you mind sharing how you make the roast beef in the crock pot?

Jimmianne, I love your tree! It is perfect, it just works and is so whimsical and fun, and I love where you've placed it. Thank you for sparing the trees! We nirdis are a bunch of softies and I love us for it ha. I love that light thingie, I'm thinking of getting one for next year. It creates such a cool look on the trees. I can't wait to see the asscher your ordered - everyone has their own comfort zone with regard to clarity and it really comes down to what you'll be comfortable with. I'm so anxious to hear what you think of it. Getting bling is so much fun lol. I'm not always a fan of Sundays either, they do tend to be a little boring and I never know quite what to do with myself, and I feel very unfocused. Too bad we don't live closer, we could be bored together haha! Sounds like you made the best of it though, and at least Issy had some fun. :cheeky: So cute that Puff gets chatty when he's in his cage.

Scandi, wow, that's a lot of waffles and cupcakes! You must have been exhausted afterwards - but you're right, it's better than being out in the bitter cold. Those chocolate and cream bars look so delicious. I really like the elephant painting! Elephants are one of my favorite animals. A sound system is a great idea for a gift for your wonderful husband, I'm sure he'll love it! Are your children getting excited about Christmas? I miss having little ones at Christmas, but at least I'll have my big ones with me ha. I'm so glad your grandmother was able to go home, I hope she is feeling comfortable and I'm sure she's happy to be back in her own home. Keeping her in my thoughts and hope she gets better each day.

LLJsmom, hi there! How have you been? I just saw your thread featuring your new rings and I love them both! They look perfect with your ering. :love:

Not too much going on with me today, although my daughter and her boyfriend were in the area and stopped by so that livened things up a bit. It's the first time dh and I have met him. He seems nice - pleasant and friendly. He's a NYC policeman and works in Times Square. Other than that, just spent some time trying to straighten up/clean for the holidays, although the bigger trick will be keeping the house clean until Christmas. :roll eyes: Also did some last minute online Christmas shopping. Hopefully it will all show up by Christmas lol.

I ended up being very gabby in this post, I think I drank too much coffee today! Hope everyone has a great night!

ETA - Jimmianne, just read your comment to Marcy and I agree with her, don't feel badly about not getting enough done, most things can wait and as long as we take care of the basics it's all good. I do know what you mean though, it's more relaxing for me in SC, there just doesn't seem to be as much "stuff" to do.


Feb 27, 2007
June, I hate when I lose a long post. That’s nice the cheaper tablecloth turned out to be a better one for you. I think I have a tablecloth shopping problem; I’ve got 3 dresser drawers full of those things. I’ve bought quite a few at Bed, Bath and Beyond that beads up liquid. They work amazing and It’s been tested quite frequently by a friend of mine who spills wine every time she comes over.

We don’t put all the veggies in the crock pot when we cook roast in there. Marty thinks they all taste alike then. We put in the roast, season it to taste, add about ½ cup of water and cook it on low about 7-8 hours. The meat comes out really tender. I always use crock pot liners (less dishes) and if we do baked potatoes I wrap them in foil and put them in under the liner then they don’t taste like the roast.

What a nice surprise to have your daughter and her boyfriend stop by for a visit. Good deal he is nice.

Funny you mentioned keeping the house clean until Christmas. I am thinking that will be impossible for us. We can hope though.

Our chicken fettucine alfredo was delicious. Time will tell if I need food allergy medicine. Marty even did most of the dishes.

I baked a batch of blueberry muffins this afternoon. They will be my mid-morning snack for a few weeks. Marty actually ate 2 of them warm out of the oven.

I am so excited my close-up filters for my new camera arrived already. Now if only my camera would get here.

Back to work tomorrow.


Jan 23, 2016
Good morning from Scandinavia :wavey: and Merry Holiday !! :appl:

Its almost Christmas, can you believe it?? Only 5 more days at work, today included, and that doesn't really count does it when the day has already started, so basically only 4 days till Christmas!!! Yippi !!! Can you tell that I love Christmas??? LOL

What are your traditions? Here, the "main" Christmas is 24th. Porridge (rice, milk, a bit of cream and butter boiled for about one hour) with suggar and cinnamon and 1 almond for lunch. Not time for breakfast, so lunch is breakfast, lol. Do you know about the almond? We put 1 in the porridge (or well, perhaps 2 because we have 2 children, but that really is breaking tradition, lol) and the person to find it gets a pig. No, not that kind of pig. A marzipan kind :lol:

Then there is Church. You might have noticed that I spend most Sundays in the forrest and not in Church. But for Christmas, it is tradition. There are three "Christmas shows", so we always attend the last one, that is perfectly timed between the traditional Christmas shows on TV and dinner :) Our "parish priest" (closest direct translation, as in one step before bishop) always resides over that "show" and always tells me "I will se you again next year". LOL I know him rather well as I'm a bit of a hot head and I once told him to go to a rather hot place.. When my grandfather died, he wanted me to be one of the people to carry the coffin, and I lost my temper completely when he would not back off. Not too proud of that one.. but we have been kind of friends since.

Christmas dinner is a fat eating feast :lol: Mainly pork rib (made in one big block, so half a pig, really...) sausages, meatballs (from pork) etc. Some people do lamb ribs instead, with different kind of sausages. I think in the "good" old days, the farms would save one fat version of their stock for Christmas to help keep people with enough food and fat to survive the cold winter. So the type of meat depends largely on geographic/regions. Some even have fish.. Or turkey is also very common. But now - we should know better! I was eating so healthily before our mini vacation, that I just haven’t bothered to think about what I eat at all (read: cakes and sugar) last week, and now + 3 pounds in one week!! :lol: :lol: :lol: Before Christmas !!! :lol: :lol: :lol: I really need to exercise more... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Marcy, I have a big issue with table cloths too. I can never find the right one, so I have basically given up.. For Christmas, I will normally have to do the ironing though.. but this year we are celebrating at my fathers house, so its his turn :lol: What are you having for Christmas dinner?

Missy, that story of your first kitties and Greg is TDF. So adorable. But I'm pretty sure that he liked you and only tolerated the eye-itching kitties at first LOL But it is so strange the way that animals can creep under your skin and find a place in you heart. Off course HRH was born in the snow, perfect ice queen that she is! I wish you could come and visit us and bring all the kitties - furbaby would be very happy to introduce them to the snow :) But perhaps they would think that she was just as scary as the snow.. :lol:
And I'm not at all surprised that the kitties that you brought up from birth was social and courageous cats! They took after their mama ;)) And you know I mean that!!
I'm so sorry about the work mess! If that guy has messed with your interface, just tell him to fix it. I think perhaps that woman you mentioned might want your patients and your days and are pushing your buttons on purpose. So don't take that bite..
And don't worry. I know you are crazy, and I would not want you any other way :bigsmile: :halo:
You really are lucky with Greg! Where ever did you find a man that cooks AND irons ???? Mine would if I asked him, don't get me wrong, but I think it is better for my clothes that I do it myself.. But I hate ironing. So mostly I just buy silk that doesn't need any special attention... lol. Like silk blouses/shirts from Equipment, they are wonderfully forgiving of my laziness.. :angel:
Crazy how the snow comes and goes like that :) But you do look very nice as a snow bunny :love:
Re biopsy for Greg: I'm sorry! Fingers crossed and all the good wishes in the world. Also, I think it is brilliant that they found out that he should do a biopsy - he can't possibly get sick with such good care and medical follow-up / check -ups !

:wavey: LLJsmom

Marcy, off cource Marty liked you over your telescope! He is just trying to be important :bigsmile: I'm sure you have a nice telescope, but I'm sure it can't compete with you sweetie! :angel: Silly Marty! The roast beef dinner sounds fantastic! How did it go with the chicken? I love blue berry muffins. And crock pots. And dinner. And cookies. And and and - do you have room for one more at Christmas... ?

Jimmianne, I like your Sundays :halo: Who is Puff? A parrot? You have so many animals :love: Lucky Issy was probably very happy and could not care less that you were the only woman. I imediately though "Why??" "Where are all the women??". But I almost never meet any women in the forrest either. (I'm going with your choice for forrest, Marcy, as I think our landscapes might look the same, and it might be too Shakespearian to insist of calling it "billions of threes all grouped together and I walk amongst them whilst the moon shines bright and the sweet wind gently kisses the trees making no noise" you get the drift.. lol) But now, thanks to you Jimmianne, I know where the ladies were! At home with tea pots on their heads! Oh I do hope you were able to catch some of them ! More seriously: I think it is fantastic that you have a farm ! You are doing GREAT !!! And if you need help, you should invite all the NIRDIs for a work weekend! You supply wine/coffee and chores! We have actually done this with friends before and usually get a ton of things done! Amazing what 20 people can do during a weekend :lol:

June, you are so right I was exhausted! I don't really like being fake positive like that for a whole day, lol, it really is tiering, lol. The children love Christmas! And are getting more and more ready for it each day! The Advent calendar (did you do those?) kind of fires them up too much and they are very exited about their Christmas presents! LOL. But they are good kids. I really do think they would choose the tradition/family/food over the gifts any day if they had to choose :halo: I have actually forced everybody to reduce the number of gifts a few years ago. The children were drowning in presents, and fell asleep without being able to open half of them. Took us three days to get through the stack.. So I just said NO. Only one gift from each person to each person. No discussions, I'll throw away the rest unopened! That helped! :lol: :lol: :lol: Re your daughter and her boyfriend - the main thing is that she likes him, but I'm glad you like him too! Its nicer that way :) Did your DH show him his gun collection or anything like that? My father always had some fun with any potential boyfriend of mine...

My grandmother is getting - slowly - better. But I worry that she will not be able to sit through Christmas dinner. But we will try, she only lives 5 minutes from my father, so it is easy to drive her back home.


Dec 9, 2013
Scandi, what a lovely and inspired post from you this morning!
Your Grandmother is very fortunate to have such a loving family. Even if she could only stay at the table for 2 minutes, she was there, surrounded by family, so that is very special.

I awoke to snow flurries on my iphone weather app and quickly rushed outside with a flashlight. Tiny tiny particles were floating around, but soon turned to rain. I am going to claim that I saw the first snow of the year, but that may be a fib.

A package from my sister arrived and I am so unnerved that she voted for Trump I've not wanted to open it. It took me by surprise that she even sent anything after our "discussion" of politics, so I had to rush to the Amazon website and send her some gifts. lol thank goodness for the immediacy of digital Santa!

It was very nice to see your beautiful new rings, LLJs. Perfection to the max. Congrats!

Marcy, 3 crockpots?! My goodness that says a lot about your views on cooking generosity and family get togethers. Details of the meals, please! It sounds like a lot of love and fun.

June, I can't believe you had the fortitude to go back and rewrite the lost post : ) But glad you did,
Funny about the copy-cat turkey. Call it phat pheasant or something like that? or put a little sign on it? "This is NOT Turkey!"

Goodmorning to you, Rainwood, and to you, Queen Bea!


Jun 8, 2008
Merry holidays girls! Chanukah and Christmas are almost here! Wow they seem to come faster and faster each year. Yeah yeah I know we are getting older and that's why each year flies by more quickly. :wink2: Still it seems crazy fast even knowing why. :wacko:

LLJsmom, thank you sweetheart and big (((HUGS))) to you too. So happy you have such beautiful new bling to celebrate the holidays. :love:

Junie, sorry! I hate it when my computer restarts for no reason and I lose my post! Ugh to the ugh! Glad you came back and reposted cause we would have missed you!!! I am so happy you are feeling better too! Today is a day of exclamation points from me hahaha. OK will stop writing like I am feeling as it looks weird online. Too enthusiastic and all. I will be sedate. :snore:

Thank you for the winter coat compliment but lol that is my lightest winter coat. Junie I have about 15 winter coats. :bigsmile: I have the huge unflattering but very warm coats believe me and then the more stylish less warm coats. Function over form always however when it comes to feet comfort (shoes) and warmth comfort so don't worry about where my priorities are and yes our weather is wacky. Back to freezing today! Grrrrrrr. And Greg is a prince among men yes because he just went to the post office for me (busiest day for sending holiday gifts is today) to free me up this morning. His suggestion completely. He is the BEST! But I know all our NIRDI men are the same and big hugs to all our great guys! :appl: :appl: :appl: Aaaand he is back from the post office already. There are some advantages to being out by the beach for sure. Less crazy and less crowded during the winter holidays!

Nice that you met your DD's boyfriend and that you like him! Very important and he is one of NYC's finest. :appl:

Marcy, OMG those candy cane cookies look so delicious. I never heard of or tasted them but I want to! :lickout: Yes your Marty is a keeper for sure! Boo to back to work for you today but soon enough time off because it is almost here. You sure are having a lot of people over and I know it will be stressful but a good stressful and your house will be filled with love and laughter. Please take lots of food pics if you can. And blueberry muffins and M&M cookies sound so yummy too. I can almost smell them from here.

Jimmianne, your boring Sunday sounds great and I am with the other girls. You sure have accomplished a lot. Please don't be so hard on yourself. (((HUGS))). Maybe that is your sister's way of reaching out to you wanting to mend fences and say it doesn't matter if you are on different political sides and she values your relationship.

Scandi, I always love reading your updates and your sunny nature comes through each and every post and you always raise my spirits. Thank you for that honey and hugs. I am hoping your grandmother can spend the whole day with you on the holidays even if she is just resting comfortably in a chair. Surrounded by all the love and happiness of her family. That is the best medicine for sure.

Sharing some photos from yesterday a gray rainy day but I love the changing skies and love the weather. Scandi, the NIRDIs are meteorologist wannabes I think. :lol: Greg also loves the weather and we love the change in skies and colors and clouds depending on the weather. It's so beautiful in different ways. I think I would miss living where we have a change of seasons as much as I don't love extreme temps I enjoy our seasons I really do.

First 2 pics are of the beach sky by us yesterday afternoon and last 2 pics I took when we were heading to Whole Foods. They are blurry as we were driving but wanted to show you the farmland all around us here. I will take better pics of the farms another time but for now just wanted to give you a sense of the gray late fall day.

Have a good Monday girls! :wavey:






Jun 8, 2008
Oh by the way look what I found for us NIRDIs. This could be our holiday gift to each other. How many are we here? Split 8 or 9 (or 10?) ways this is Price tag a mere $168K...but how can you put a price tag on chunky antique goodness like this...Gorgeous beyond compare and ooh la la. :love: :love: :love:



Dec 9, 2013
How could I have not noticed who the first poster on the 300th page was?!
Good stars to you, Marcy.
edit: first I typed "god stars" now this. I did mean GOLD stars. Maybe I just should have said "Diamond stars to you, Marcy!"

Missy, thanks for the perspective on my sister. Those moody skies are beautiful and also it's interesting to see what's around you there.
It's a perfect balance between your two places : )


Dec 9, 2013
missy|1482154990|4108318 said:
Oh by the way look what I found for us NIRDIs. This could be our holiday gift to each other. How many are we here? Split 8 or 9 (or 10?) ways this is Price tag a mere $168K...but how can you put a price tag on chunky antique goodness like this...Gorgeous beyond compare and ooh la la. :love: :love: :love:
oh dear,
that puts EVERYTHING in perspective! :appl: :dance: :love:


Jan 23, 2016
Oooooo THANK YOU MISSY !!! Now I know what to tell Santa... :love: :love: :love:


Jun 17, 2009
Hey there everyone!

Missy, love the pics you posted, just beautiful and so fun to see the scenery at the beach. That ring is to die for! It looks…perfect lol! Old cut goodness at it's best, and I do love those cluster rings! :love:

Marcy, thank you for telling me how you do the roast beef - even if I don't do it for Christmas I can make it for dh and ds. Marty has a good point about not putting the veggies in with the meat. Yeah, I don't know who I'm trying to kid, this house won't stay clean until Christmas, I'm going to have to do it all over again at the end of the week lol. Hope you had a good day at work.

Scandi, your traditions sound so lovely and fun! You are creating wonderful memories for your children that they will remember for the rest of their lives. We really don't have traditions in our family, and I kind of regret I didn't start any when my kids were little. We make appetizers and chocolate chip cookies on Christmas eve though, maybe that counts ha! My kids did do Advent calendars and they loved it - I did it too as a child, and I still remember how fun it was. Good for you for being firm about presents, people mean well but it does reach a point where it just gets to be too much. It's so great that your grandmother will join the family for Christmas - there's a chance she might get tired and need to leave the table or go home early but that's ok, she's been through a lot and is still recovering. It will still be really nice for her to be surrounded by family for a while and I'm sure she'll have a wonderful time.

Jimmianne, love the sign idea, that would be so funny! :D Agree with Missy, maybe your sister is extending an olive branch and trying to put the issue behind you both. I'm hoping you can reach a point where you're at least not feeling quite so conflicted about the situation, hugs to you.

Will check in later, take care everyone!


Feb 27, 2007
My camera is here. The Rabbits think the case is their house.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD



Dec 9, 2013
Congrats on the camera. yay!
[I have nothing good to say about those pesky rabbits except they must have a fearless leader egging them on to be messing around with your stuff].



Jun 7, 2014
Missy, I'm sorry I couldn't talk you into making a purchase today. All the talk about handbags led me to buying my niece a new bag. I wish I knew how to post pictures because I know you would be LOL at the purchase I made today, Thank you for posting the pictures above. They so remind me of the beautiful paintings we saw at the gallery in Lambertville.

Jimmianne, Your post had me LOL about your sister. My dad and I finally came to an agreement to not have policial discussions. They just don't end pleasantly and I came to realize logic and facts do nothing to sway my dad. What frustrates me is I wish I had a tape recording of his comments on Trump before the election. I fail to see how you go from feeling someone would make the worst president ever to being thrilled he won. My dad didn't appreciate me asking if he had a recent head injury he forgot to tell me about. If it helps any Jimmianne, I feel your pain. I agree with the others that your sister is extending an olive branch.

Junie, I hope you are feeling better. Sometimes the holidays are hard and the best thing you can do is just to get through them. I wish I could wake up and have the holidays over and done with.

Scandi, I loved your post. I wish I could get as excited about Christmas as you are.

Marcy, I can't wait to see the pictures you take with your new camera.


Feb 27, 2007

Scandi, Christmas is closing in on us fast. I think it’s great you like Christmas. I love holiday decorations. Ooh shiny. Thank you for telling us your holiday traditions. Mine has dramatically changed in the last few years but here goes. On Christmas Eve we usually ride around and look at Christmas lights then come home and stay up way to late because heck tomorrow is a holiday. On Christmas morning we open presents and our stockings then have a small breakfast. We used to have my parents over for dinner or take them out for dinner so we’d get ready for that. Our family get together is usually the weekend before or after Christmas and we’ve been hosting that for 3 years now. Traditional Christmas dinners for us are either turkey or ham but since I can’t eat turkey and Marty doesn’t care for ham we’ve usually fixed some kind of beef. Last year Marty made BBQ ribs and those were a BIG hit. I am the family cookie baker so my assorted Christmas cookies are a must. It sounds like we are both picky about tablecloths; this one has got to go. Or maybe I’ll have Marty turn it in to the dry cleaners. I had a favorite Christmas tablecloth that had 4”squares with different colors and pictures (I guess a big plaid) and one of the squares had the cutest reindeer. Sadly it doesn’t fit our current table. Plus I washed it last year with a solid green table cloth and it now has way more green in it that it used to. I was so mad at myself. Yes we have plenty of room for Christmas dinner. Come on by! I know you won’t mind our weather. Great idea to limit how many gifts people get. When my family all exchanged gifts it was easily a 4-6 hour process and that was way too much. I am delighted to hear your grandmother is getting better. Hopefully she can handle coming over to your dad’s house for at least a few hours.

Jimmianne, congratulations on seeing the first snowfall of the year. That is always kind of exciting. I do the same in the spring when I start hunting for the first rainbow of the season. Little pleasures, eh? We like to have pot lucks with our friends, Marty often makes some food for poker night and we have family in a few times a year so we do occasionally use several crockpots. The one we picked up this week was on sale for $23.00 and I had 20% off. Marty has spots in his kitchenette to story things which is a good thing because my kitchen is stuffed; if I get anything larger than a spoon something else has to go. OMG that rabbit camera is too funny. I am still laughing over it. Thanks for the gold stars! Seems like I said I was going to send a present to whoever broke the 300 mark – what should I send myself? Maybe your sister is agreeing to disagree and realizes you are more important to her than the 2 of you agreeing on politics.

Missy, Greg is a sweetheart going to the post office for you. I love that Marty works at home and can do errands for me these days. Those candy cane cookies are my favorite. I think my nephews (grown men now) would cry if they showed up and I didn’t have candy cane cookies for them. Great pictures of the cloudy sky and the farms on your way to Whole Foods. Look at all those leaves on the ground. I bet fall is gorgeous around there. That ring is absolutely gorgeous – how big is that center stone?

June, we really like roasts cooked in the crockpot. They are so tender they just fall apart. I’ll use leftovers for BBQ beef sandwiches or shredded beef tacos. Hopefully any more house cleaning chores are minimal for you. When Marty travels our house stays pretty clean but now that he eats so much our kitchen requires daily attention.

Callie, sorry to hear you aren’t real excited about Christmas. Are you doing anything special for Christmas? My 2 favorite parts of Christmas are lights and cookies. Shows you how easily I am entertained; something shiny or comfort food.

Long and frustrating night. I get home and Marty is on the phone. The oven was on; nothing was cooking and I had no idea what he was planning on doing so I did dishes. He got off the phone at 6:30 and started cooking then one of his gym buddies shows up. I finish cooking supper and start working on setting up my new camera.

I downloaded and reinstalled the app about 6 times. Marty finally comes upstairs and I am cursing like a sailor and about ready to cry (yes I cry when I’m angry) so Marty takes my laptop and camera and tries to get the app set up and he doesn’t have any luck either. To top it off he drops my laptop right on the floor. He set it down kind of on a pillow and stood up; I saw it going but couldn’t get to it. Sigh. It seems okay. I am beginning to believe the app for transferring photos from the camera to my laptop does not work with the latest Mac OS. It works like a charm on both of our iPads.

So anyway, between all of that I took about 6 pictures and that’s about it. I am getting an adapter for Christmas (or that was on my wish list from Santa) that will take either a USB or a SD card so I won’t need the app after that. I certainly plain on using my camera tomorrow night.

I’d quit crying and whining now. It’s bedtime.

Have a fabulous Tuesday.


Feb 27, 2007
Here is a picture of our tree with the new camera. And the rabbits guarding my stuff when I got home.




Feb 27, 2007
I posted pictures from my iPad and I have no idea why the tree went sideways since it was take with my camera. Oh well it's late and I do need to get to bed.


Jan 23, 2016


Dec 9, 2013
Marcy, your tree is beautiful. Just beautiful.
I've had trouble with the photo transfer apps as well with several cameras and finally did as you are - using a card in the camera.
But getting the apps to work might make a good rainy day project. or not. haha

Scandi, thank you for the article> I haven't read it yet, but I will. I am all for uplifting reading!

I don't think the vendor will get the asscher to me by Christmas as promised. Not even a confirmation email yet which was promised for yesterday. boo hoo. Today I'm going to the French Conversation group at the library. I still can't put more than a simple conversation together, but I can talk like a cave man; a word here and there and lots of gesturing : )

back later!
edit: amazing article, amazing woman. thank you. Perhaps her life will become a book or movie and she will get the much needed financial support for her daughters!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

LOL Scandi, I know. I know. I want that ring sooooo much. :love: :love: :love: Chunky monkey goodness. :love: :love: :love:
Why oh why do I love bling so much LOL. Just bought another pair of SW boots and I think it is a substitute for not buying bling since it is cheaper but OMG I don't need more boots hahaha. Another pair of blue suede. My favorite color. I do hope your dh gets this ring for you because at least it will be in the NIRDI family and that is something. :appl: :appl: :appl:

Thank you for that article. I could use uplifting stories. :))

Junie, you and I are huge fans of the antique diamond cluster rings and I knew you would appreciate this ring. It is just TDF. :love: But you have your own TDF antique diamond cluster ring so you are satiated. I am however still longing for my own TDF antique cluster diamond ring. ;(

Callie, no worries. You did your best and I appreciate it. You enabler you. B/w you and Greg I rarely stand a chance. And we did buy Greg that lovely coat so it wasn't a wasted trip. But I do love that blue Gucci pocketbook...however I would rather save my $$$ for bling if you kwim...but I did buy another blue suede pair of boots. Does that count for something? :cheeky:

Jimmianne, love your "bunny" camera pic. :lol: Darn that vendor cannot make good on their promise to get you the asscher by Christmas. What is so hard about that? I just ordered the boots 5 minutes ago and it is promised delivery by Christmas Eve. Please share the name of the vendor here OK? I wanna know.

Marcy, darn I hate when technology gives us trouble. I had a lot of trouble this AM transferring pics to my email so I could download it here and I wonder if it is an apple problem. I kept refusing to do the updates on my iPad and phone and now I am being punished by Apple grrrr. Hope you guys fix the issue soon. Love your new camera and the bunnies better behave themselves or else they are getting a trip to their Aunt Missy who will beat some sense into them. :devil: JK! I would never lay a hand on them but instead wear them down with my endless chatter about bling and shopping. :lol:

The center diamond is 8.29 carats. A perfect size for me and my big hands. :love: Don't you think? Do you want to go in with me? :Up_to_something: Anybody? :appl:

What a pretty Christmas tree. :love: Such a nice decorating job! Kudos to you Marcy. Sadly we decided no decorations on our tree as the kitties destroy them every year so just the lights. This is what happens to our tree when we decorate.


OK finally able to download some pics and will share it here. Greg put up our tree yesterday AM and immediately Tommy had to investigate and then Fred. Then we were out but last night Bobby was involved too. Francesca doesn't yet seem interested but again we were out most of the day yesterday. I think we need to install indoor kitty cams because who knows what goes on here when we are gone LOL. I know the pics seem very similar but last pic you can sort of see the star on top of tree and I don't think I got the star in the first pics...






Jun 8, 2008
Pics continued...
had to include HRH since she didn't go under the tree as far as we could tell so here is her usual spot by the fire every night. She is very comfy cozy though she does take a break every few minutes to get cool away from the fire and lays on the floor to cool off and then back to the fire. Her routine back and forth to cool off and warm up is pretty hysterical actually. :lol:






Jun 8, 2008
Last pic is the snow leopard Bobby showing some interest in the tree...however I missed the money shot but got him walking away so for now hope that will do. Cannot leave him out of my sharing pics this AM yanno? I don't want to show unequal treatment. I love all our fur babies sooooo much. :love:

Have a great day girls! And merry holidays! :wavey:

OK adding a few more pics since there is room...

The coat we bought for Greg. He said in Italy the men wear coats like these over their suits so he wanted to get one despite hardly ever wearing his coat LOL. And he has gorgeous cashmere coats for over his expensive Italian suits but hey, if he wants it then I was glad for him to buy it as he rarely buys coats these days.

Next up is the pretty Gucci bag I passed on buying. But isn't it pretty?

Last pic is the coat I tried on yesterday and almost got but in the end decided against it because it is for the same temp as most of my lighter winter coats including my leather moto that I wear all the time so it would have been a wasted purchase but it was so soft and my favorite color so I am of course questioning my decision not to get it. Plus it had such a nice A line swing to it. Oh well.






Dec 9, 2013
Missy, count me in!
"Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, Or what's a heaven for?"
- Robert Browning

to be fair I didn't think they could possibly get it to me before Christmas and I thought the sales person was a bit delusional.
However, it's not Christmas yet, right?

More boots! Can we call you booty-girl?


Candy Cane


Feb 27, 2007

Scandi, it is hard to be at work this week. We'll make it; really!

Jimmianne, thank you for the compliment about my tree. I've had trouble before too with the photo transfer and have always just used the SD card reader; I am already whining to Marty to give me my adapters before Christmas. So far no luck. Your vendor could get the asscher to you by Christmas if they ship it overnight. I hope they do! LOL at your French conversations - talking with your hands works as well.

Missy, I've got a $50 and $30 gift card I can send to get started on our ring fund. Greg's new coat looks good, I like the Gucci pocketbook and yeah for getting some new boots. Sometimes those software updates can really mess things up. I was quite distraught when the laptop update meant my Quicken Essentials wouldn't work. I'm nickel and dime myself down to what can I waste money on now so I needed that information. I'll pack the rabbits up in their new house and send them off to the big city. You and your kitties will keep them in line. Ooh to that center diamond being over 8 carats. It's got to be huge. Your tree looks great! Thank you for the kind words about my tree. I love that HRH gets warm by the fire; then cools off and comes back for more heat.

I got up early today so I could catch a few pictures of the sunrise. I wasn't supper busy at work so every now and then I took a break and read my camera's manual. I downloaded it to iBooks. Very handy. I made a few notes so hopefully I get things set up the way I want them tonight and get a few pictures.

Marty is making tacos for supper. Mm.


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD


Dec 9, 2013
I just contacted the vendor and the asscher should arrive on Saturday, so good. They just haven't sent any notification. I'll bet they are busy right now!

Marcy, when you figure out how to send cheesecake through the computer, please include a taco. thank you very much!
I had rice cakes with melted cheese and a glass of OJ for dinner. After buying all that good food yesterday i am too lazy to cook.

Missy, I like Greg's new coat. Of course he had to have it. It looks good. I also like the Gucci
bag - very smooth and simple, and ...very nice, flattering lines on that coat.

Goodnight, kids.


Feb 27, 2007
Jimmianne, I'll ftp you some tacos and cheesecake. I hope they download for you okay. :wavey:

I did get a few pictures today with my new camera. I even got up early to take sunrise photos.





Feb 27, 2007
Jimmianne, I am so excited you get your diamond on Saturday. I can't wait to see it and hear what you think of it. :appl:


Jan 23, 2016
Merry holidays girls :appl:

Almost Christmas here now - yippi! As you know, our Christmas starts on Saturday, so SOOOOOOOON....

Have to get a ton of work done before then so no time for a proper update. First meeting of the day in 10 min. :wall: So I'll just leave you with this story: Now its raining. Not common in December. But we have a saying that its the third snow that stays (as in melting the first two times). The story is why it melts. In the old days, they used to call it "the cakeline". The snow was melting because everybody was making cakes for Christmas in wooden stoves, and thus heating up the air and melting the snow :halo:


Jan 23, 2016
Apparently there is rain season in Cambodia in July (well, most of the year except during our winter, basically) Why do we never see that in movies?? :lol:

So maybe next winter instead and go to Greece in July. Have you ever been to Greece? Wish I could take you, the islands are *so* beautiful and nice and warm and welcoming!


Dec 9, 2013
marcy|1482294454|4108711 said:
Jimmianne, I am so excited you get your diamond on Saturday. I can't wait to see it and hear what you think of it. :appl:
Thank you, Marcy. I know I speak for all of us when I say that waiting for a diamond or other bling is so frustrating, yet such a pleasure. I assume it will not be the holy grail because by this time I've learned that we can be very disloyal to our bling when a fresh face comes along...but for now this will be the fresh face.
yah know this stuff is insanity...and I love it.

Gorgeously beautiful sunset. I think you and your camera are a winning team. I like both of your bears, but the ornament looks very special. Is it old? In any event, it's sweet and very pretty.

Merry Holiday, Scandi
Good call on Cambodia! Although wouldn't it be interesting to be there during monsoon season?

Missy, are you sleeping in this morning : )
I just had to tease as it is not often I can finish a post first.

Hi June. Thinking of you : )
Hi Rainwood :wavey:

and to everyone this morning; good morning and Merry Holiday!


Jun 17, 2009
Hey there everybody!

Missy, your tree looks beautiful and I love the sweet pics of the kitties. I like Greg's coat a lot and it looks great on him, I'm glad he got it.
The bag is so pretty, I can see why you were tempted by it. Lovely coat too, it looks so nice on you it's almost a shame not to buy it lol. My ring is the teeny-tiny baby of the one you posted but yes, I do love those cluster rings! :love:

Marcy, I'm so glad your camera arrived, it takes great pictures. That rabbit is a real brat haha! Sorry about the app not working, that is SO frustrating but at least you have an alternative. Your tree is gorgeous. Love the sunrise pic, so pretty. And the bear ornament is really sweet, has a vintage feel to it, there's something special about it.

Scandi, great article, thank you! A strong woman, I really hope things work out for her. I've never been to Greece and even though I'm not much of a traveler these days it is so beautiful in pics I would love to see it in person someday. Cute and interesting story about the cakeline! Good luck getting your work done, I know you have so much going on, hang in there.

Jimmianne, great news about the asscher arriving by Christmas! Lol, I think you're right, not sure a Holy Grail is possible for some of us. :halo: Too many pretty things to tempt us ha. Can't wait to see your new diamond and hear what you think. Getting new bling is just the best :dance: :D
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