
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
Next up. Bianca Lasa. More of our reflections. :sun:

Last pic is the Michelangelo for Scandi. I did love it and am completely confused. None of them scream take me home. :lol:
But as I shared sometimes I need to be knocked over the head to see more clearly case in point knowing that marrying my dh was the absolutely perfect choice for me. Hence posting all the contenders to hear your thoughts.

Ok I am really done posting pics now. Looking through the rest of the photos I think these are the best so far. I am still undecided on Marble, Dolomite or perhaps Quartz or even something else. We actually saw a really cool material for the counters on Friday that I forgot to share. It's a glass material and it was very white in color so I passed on it but it was pretty and I need to go back to take a look. I feel like I'm no closer to choosing than before but I know this is the way to do it. See all our possible options in person. Again, thank you for taking the time to look and I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the weekend. :wavey:






Dec 9, 2013
not fond of the "stata..."
Like the one Greg is looking at : )
and "Pentela..."

and the idea of silver sparkles is appealing!


Jun 8, 2008
Thanks Jimmianne! Yes the statas are too busy and random a pattern I think. The Dolomite is a contender as is any of the marbles that are less busy and more white in background vs gray or too creamy if that makes sense. Plus maybe just maybe a Quartz if it is lively in person. I'm just having trouble shaking the formica look that I'm thinking the Quartz tends to look like. What do you think about the Quartz stellar White? Too Formica like? Or sleek and sophisticated?

Yes the Pentelicus is nice right? Dramatic but is it too dark? Your faves are my faves. I'm in good company at least. :bigsmile:

Eta: The Dolomite has those silver sparkles too. Not sure it shows up in the pics. So both the Quartz and dolomite we liked has those sparkles. Advantage of the Quartz is it is way more durable. And more symmetrical but as a good friend pointed out the Dolomite is more organic vs the sophisticated look of the Quartz so 2 very different looks. Still I don't know which I prefer for the beach house.


Dec 31, 2006
Jumping in real quick to help with the counter choices. :)

It's tough to pick from so many choices but I'll let you know what stood out to me, in case it helps at all.

Love love love the dolomite.

Don't like the green in the Calcatta Gold. I want to like it because I like the idea of a secondary color showing up in subtle ways but I don't like the way it shows up. Looks out of place almost.

Don't like the Pentelicus - too much going on for my taste.

I'm not loving either of the 2 quartz. They seem kind of blah compared with the other options...or like I've seen them a million times before. Not that they still couldn't look pretty when all is said and done. But compared to the Dolomite...or the other marbles...they don't seem to compare.

And I like the rest of the more "traditional" white / gray looks.

ETA: I agree with jimmyanne on the organic versus uniform - I prefer organic (as long as it's not too organic/chaotic looking.)


Dec 9, 2013

I personally would prefer a more organic look than the quartz.

However I can see where the more uniform look would also go well in a beach house.

BUT If it says "formica" to you now I wonder if you would be happy in the long run.

Perhaps you can visualize yourself making a cup of coffee at each of these choices. And what colors you would have on the countertop.[machines, decor, etc.]
Is there one that you would love to see in the morning?

The "Bea of counter tops", as it were. LOL


Apr 19, 2004

Missy: I agree with Rainwood--you'll know it (material, pattern) when you see it. It does take a lot of looking and projecting...tho! Fun project!.

Great SUV Marcy--enjoy!



Dec 9, 2013
Put The Little Paris Bookshop on my Kindle and started reading. I love it.

Just got back from taking Issy to a street fair. My social life for the day. It's fairly hot here, so it's nice to be back in the AC reading, drinking tea and eating cookies : )
Issy got to be a photographer's model while we were there, so I look forward to sharing photos when they are posted on Facebook.

Happy Day, everyone.

Sunday countertop reports????


Jun 8, 2008
Thank you for the great input girls!

CJ, yes I agree with all you wrote. As much as I love the Pentelicus there is too much going on for me too. I want to love it more and make it work since it would hide marks much better than a more white marble but well I cannot make myself love it enough. I just like plain and simple way more than busy and interesting. I am more boring than not. Though I have to say I am very amusing and keep everyone laughing around me so that is a good thing right. I entertained the marble guy today LOL. But I like my patterns kept to a minimum for me.

Jimmianne, LOL the Bea of countertops. Haha I like it. When I visualize making coffee I see the beautiful marble getting all stained. :errrr: Greg is putting his foot down (is that the expression?) and told me under no circumstances am I to be all nervous about getting the counters dirty/stained/etched/scratched. He wants to enjoy just cooking and using the kitchen and he doesn't care what material we get but I am not allowed to be worried/nervous etc. I just have to let whatever happens happen. Umm that is so not me. ;(

The street fair you and Issy went to sounds like fun. And your social life sounds perfect. I love what you are doing this afternoon. Please post all the Issy pics you get OK? Love seeing her!

And yes we do have a Sunday countertop report from today...I found the one I LOVE LOVE LOVE. But Greg really thinks it will be a nightmare to cook on because it is so white. But it is not a pure white and I love the subtle pattern and it is PERFECT. BUT we didn't put a deposit down to hold it because I just don't know if I can live with the form over function trade off in the kitchen. Photos to follow.

Sharon, I found the one I LOVE see above. But it is really not practical. I don't see you loving this though as it is more white than you probably like but it is really quite beautiful in person. I mean I had a visceral reaction that this is the one. Darn why can't it be more durable! We also saw a gorgeous glass white counter but the price was nuts and it would have cost us over 10K for just the counter. Glass is expensive! But it wouldn't stain though it is susceptible to chipping etc. Anyway it is all white so that would not be my first choice but it was an all white that had personality and was lively. Truly pretty. I forgot to take pics of that one though. Wish I had a pic of the pretty white glass counters.

OK onto the countertop I loved today. This is my favorite to date.






Jun 8, 2008
This AM the kitchen designer came here and we are getting an idea of how possible it would be to move the kitchen to the dining room and make the kitchen now a mud room and also have a dining room table there. Our kitchen as it is now is just a terrible layout and we are not sure how much we can actually make out of this kitchen space. We are looking into demolishing some of the brick and burying some of the beams but it really might not be possible. Lots of constraints in the kitchen as it is now. She is bringing her contractor back to evaluate what can practically be done. In the meantime I asked her to draw plans for the dining room to be made into the kitchen space and we will see if that is feasible.

Greg is putting the final touches on the roof for the ferals. He isn't completely done yet but here it is.





Dec 9, 2013
I love it too.
It's gorgeous.
Isn't there something that you can use to seal the countertop?
Can you "wax" marble?

I do agree with Greg - use and enjoy. I know it's not "you", but that is a great philosophy. As in "well-loved" and "patina over time". ..or how about "OEC" [old european counter]. Just gets better with age.


Jun 8, 2008
Jimmianne, thank you for loving it too. :appl:

Yes there is a sealer but it won't prevent etching and it also can't completely protect the marble. But yes it will help. And if I can just accept and relax that yes it will get damaged in that it will scratch, stain, etch and generally look lived in than I can go with marble.

Now I just have to work on Greg in loving this one too because as much as he says it is my choice I want him to at least like a lot whatever surface I chose. :halo:

Thank you for being excited about this choice too. 8)


Jan 23, 2016
Missy, very very pretty :love:

Have I told you that I'm taking 8 children "camping" tomorrow? (One night sleep over in our summer house) Birthday for my DD with friends. Lesson to self - do not ask kids how they want to celebrate... Wish me luck...

Picture of the day



Jun 7, 2014
Wow Missy, That slab is gorgeous! I would go for it but I also don't cook. I would just be extremely careful not to stain or scratch it. It's so beautiful. My favorite so far.

Good luck Scandi. It will be fun. Just remember one thing. Most of these children are not your own. Kids always behave better when they are not with their parents. You are doing something they want to do which also makes a difference. They will have a great time. I did so many things with my nieces and nephews that their parents thought I was crazy for doing. The end result was always very happy kids and wonder memories for everyone.


Jun 8, 2008
Thanks Callie! Yes it is gorgeous.

Just spoke with Greg and he does love it and is willing to put a deposit down...but I am unsure what to do. I am not unsure about love g it but we aren't sure of where our kitchen will be and how much marble we need since it definitely varies if the kitchen is in the kitchen or we make the dining room the kitchen.

I am also not sure how far away we are from doing this project since much of this depends on how much work needs to be done. We need to redo windows, electrical, plumbing etc so it depends on many things. Put a deposit down or wait till we have a better idea of the time line and hope something similar is available. They just got this mystery white marble in and I know it will go fast.

Scandi, wow 8 kids. Have fun! It will be an adventure for sure. :bigsmile:
Happy birthday to your DD and good luck!


Feb 27, 2007
Yesterday's post I posted on another thread. D'oh!


Jimmianne, thank you for waiting with me yesterday. It helped. Oh no for wifi going in and out. I agree with your take on the Apple watch. I don’t foresee me wearing it but good idea to dig out my diamond bracelet.

Rainwood, Marty said on our way to the store this morning people were looking at the car as we drove by. Then I started paying attention and I didn’t see anyone looking at it. It’s dirty already though darn it. I totally get what you mean by the sense of release. Hugs to you for the tough day today. Those anniversaries are difficult. I like that you have a glass - doing something your DH would like you to do. The story about your husband water skiing and what your friend did with your husband’s water ski is awesome. Really a wonderful memory and tribute to your beloved husband. Good deal to do some retail therapy today.

Missy, I did take Ace and Killer for a ride this morning. Marty even put Ace in a seatbelt on the back seat. I have not noticed the bunnies or bug appears. I’ll have to check it out. Good deal to decide to go with marble countertops. I think they will be gorgeous.

Scandi, enjoy the mountains this weekend. Yes, I like driving (where there isn’t a lot of traffic)
but I am a fan of driving my new car so far. It rides really well in comfort mode, a bit stiffer in sport mode and not bad in sport plus. It doesn’t lack on pep or power and you have no idea how fast you are going. Oh oh to that! I agree a crisp white blouse with jeans looks very nice.

Junebug, too funny our husbands try to get us to stick up for ourselves. We have to be ourselves and there is nothing wrong with that. We did decide to go on a road trip last night. Once we hit down I drove around for about an hour and Marty messed with setting up radio stations and other car settings.

Hi Kristie, Callie and Sharon.

CJ, I am definitely a carnivore and everything tastes better cooked on the grill. I did pick up the cinnamon swirl bread. It is quite tasty. It’s not a bad thing to share things with our DH. I have days where I don’t want to stick my nose out the door but then I start getting bored. Did you try your new hair color yet? Do you like it? That is adventuresome trying some new fruit.

I saw this on FB and really liked it - it seems appropriate for many of us. “Many we loved has passed away too soon. We remember them often in a thousand different ways…in the morning…in the night…when we look at the stars…on a certain date…a song…a place…a smell..Remembering all of those who left us too soon.”

After a LONG Friday we finally got our Porsche and have been out driving around frequently since.

We visited our favorite kitchen store first then headed to the dealer. Both our SA and the financial guy were busy but they gave us the key to our car so we sat in it and checked things out.

Finally it was "our turn" but the financial guy was a bit scatter brained and I'm still not thrilled with that process. We are 1/2 way through the paperwork and had payments way higher than expected and come to find out he didn't finance for the duration I requested so he had to start again. Then when we went to sign the paperwork to permit them to pay off our current car loan they had the wrong amount on it and we had to start that over again. Marty swears we signed the new one, I don't think we did and we didn't get a copy of it so I am all nervous about that. Then the last thing we went to sign had the car listed as a S instead of a GTS - so he corrected that and we initialed that change. We get all done and move on to the SA and it sunk in to my brain I should check the rest of the paperwork we signed and yep - all of it said "S" on it. I went and interrupted him with another customer and made him correct the paperwork that would have been for the title. Aargh.

We got out of the dealer about 6:15, stopped and ate pizza then got home about 10 pm.

Today we went for a ride this morning, my sister and BIL got here about 11; we went to lunch then went for another ride after our company left. Marty said he is impressed and I can keep the car. Good deal there.

Tomorrow we are heading to the mountains for a quick trip and back. I haven't done ANY house stuff this weekend. Best get on that.

I somehow messed up my laptop. I might have started a time machine restore from years ago somehow and this morning I was passworded out of my laptop. I have never had a password on my laptop and couldn't get in to it. Marty finally had to create a new itunes account then was able to changed my current itunes account password and got me back to my stuff. Thank goodness to have an IT guy in the house.

Have a fabulous Sunday.


Mar 29, 2005
Missy, just wanted to do a quick drive-by on the countertop choices. First, it feels like you're putting the cart before the horse. Don't you want to have a kitchen layout before you start making choices for finishes? I wouldn't want to start choosing until I had a visual image of what my kitchen was going to look like, especially if it's something dramatic like making the dining room into the kitchen. I thought of that too and maybe putting the dining table where the big path to the French doors is but wondered if that would block the natural flow of the house too much. I couldn't tell because it's hard to determine scale from photos. I still like the notion of taking down that brick wall in the dining room and opening it up so I'm hoping you can do something like that. If you do convert the dining room into the kitchen though, you want to make sure your kitchen flows with the living room because they will be right next to each other.

As for marble, it's my first aesthetic love too, but I knew I'd feel too constrained in using it because I wouldn't want to damage it. And you don't want countertops to be a source of tension. Also, even though Greg says that you could swap out countertops if you don't like what you picked, it's not as easy as just changing one for another if you've tiled your backsplash down to the counter. Taking out the counter will damage the backsplash too because the tile usually rests on the counter so there are no seams or spaces. It also may depend on whether the counters are glued down and how they are attached to the sink. If it's just clips, then not a big deal. If glued, then maybe a big deal with the sink too and possibly the cabinets. Smaller pieces usually are glued so they are stable. Big ones stay in place because of their weight. At the island house, the perimeter counters are glued, the island granite is not because it weighs so much - it took 4 guys working really hard to lift it. So It's probably close to 800 pounds or more and isn't going anyplace.

And last but not least, you will never see your counters on a vertical like they are displayed in the yard unless you do a waterfall effect on the island or end of cabinet runs. Something that looks busy when vertical may look quite different on the horizontal and something interesting on the vertical may look less interesting on the horizontal. Or vice versa. So if you're thinking of putting down a deposit on something, see if they can place it on the horizontal somewhere (or see it installed somewhere) so you know what it will really look like in your kitchen and see if you still like it. And you'll have to imagine it cut into much smaller pieces as slabs are bigger than they'd be in your kitchen unless you have a huge island. Even my 8 x 4 island isn't quite a whole slab.


Jun 7, 2014
I'm so far behind girls. So much to catch up with so I'm just going to jump in. It been a rough couple of weeks so I haven't been lurking as much as I normally do.

Missy, I know you and Greg will know what to do once you have a chance to talk thru everything. I can't wait to hear what they say about moving the kitchen. You are going to have lots of decisions to make. The shelter for the kitties looks fantastic. Can Greg build me a new house?

Marcy, The new car is so cool. Your pictures are beautiful. Sounds like you are havIng so much fun today. What a mess at the dealership. We went thru something similar with a Lexus dealer once. Not fun at all. I thought my husband was going to leave in the middle of the whole mess. He has no patience with car dealers.

Rainwood. I'm sorry it was such a hard day for you. Hugs, hugs, hugs. Life can just be so hard sometimes. Retail therapy is good for days like that. Sometimes all you can do is just get thru the day and when that's the case retail therapy can be a good distraction. Thank you for sharing the story about the water ski. It's pretty obvious your husband was also loved by many. Your husband sounded like a wonderful man. You are a very strong woman but please remember to be kind to yourself. I'm happy to hear you will have a new baby in the family arriving soon. Little ones are so much fun. Does your niece know what she is having?

CJ, I can't wait to hear how your hair coloring turned out. I need to do something different with my hair and am not sure what will look best. I hope you love the new color.

Junebug, I hope your days are beginning to get a little easier. Getting away with your husband sounds fun and relaxing. It also gives you something to look forward to.

Jimmianne, Wow, a seven page form to change paint trim??? I guess I won't be complaining about our association in the future. I can't wait until you post pictures of your redecorating projects.

Hi Kristie, Gypsy and Sharon. I hope you are having a wonderful day.


Feb 27, 2007

Jimmianne, Marty and I are loving our new car. It is a speed mobile. You can be ripping along at 100 mph and not even know it. That is fabulous to hear the SAD light is helping. Something about sunshine makes me smile for sure. That is cool you are thinking of ways to decorate your house in France but definitely it will be easier to buy things there. Wow to the process to paint your windows. Our HOA has to approve any changes outside and has forms to fill out as well. I guess it’s good to have some control over the neighborhood. Looking forward to those pictures!

Missy, there are so many great choices for your countertop. I like the idea of having some blue in it. Ooh to a gemstone countertop. I like all the samples you posted; helpful aren’t i? Your favorite today does look fabulous. Great’s roof for the Soda gang is wonderful. What a guy! I haven’t named my speed mobile yet but I think that needs to be part of the name, don’t you? We always drive carefully, but thank you. We’ve almost been hit every time we go out though - stupid oblivious drivers.

Thanks Sharon, we are having fun with the SUV this weekend.

Scandi, aw those lessons learned and notes to our selves - those things where we are wiser in hindsight, eh? I am sure the camping trip will be fun but busy. Happy birthday to your DD. Very pretty picture.

Rainwood, all very good points and things to consider for Missy’s kitchen renovation. I know Granite and marble is so heavy; the little samples you look through weigh quite a bit.

Callie, I was pretty disgusted with the finance guy. I completely understand why your husband was ready to walk out at the Lexus dealer when something like that happened. There are always other cars down the road to buy. Are your roses still in bloom? Our flower buckets are looking pretty good for early October.

We hit the road before 9 and drove up the back road to the mountains. The fall trees were gorgeous. We stopped and took a few pictures then went in to town to get Marty some coffee. I suggested we should drive down in to Colorado rather than come back the way we went and while it was a nice and pretty drive there wasn’t any pretty trees with fall colors. Darn. I drove the last 40 miles coming home. Our car had 14 miles on it when we left the dealer and it’s over 300 miles now. Sweet.

We stopped and had lunch once we got in to town. Marty washed my car and I have been working on laundry and dishes. I cancelled my auto withdrawal for my car since I traded it off. That always makes me nervous. I need to call Sirius and get a few things in my car then I’m done. I think.

Have a great day.



Jun 8, 2008
Good evening girls.

Rainwood, all excellent points. I often do things in a fluid way however (for better or worse) and not always in a specific order one and then the other but more like many things happening at once. I seem to enjoy the chaos LOL. But you are right and I need to have a layout determined first (set in stone haha) before I decide on our countertops. So no deposit until we know our layout. Thanks for talking sense into me! I don't know what the experts will say re taking the brick wall (some or all) of it down and the ceiling in the kitchen may not be able to be fixed i.e. burying the asymmetrical beams) so we may have to drop the ceiling in that area if that ends up being our kitchen.

If we make the dining room our kitchen (which was my original idea but Greg didn't love it and now he is willing to see what Jen comes up with) it will double the cost of this project so not sure we can even do it but we will see. It is worth exploring. I like the idea of putting the dining room table near the french doors leading to our backyard and maximizing our views but the designer thinks it will block the flow (and feng shui) and take away from the living room. Then our problem is where to put the dining room if we make the dining room into the kitchen.

Did I tell you that the designer wants to raise the floor in the kitchen to put it on the same level as the dining room making both areas more cohesive with each other? We can only do that if we can bury those beams in the kitchen ceiling however as if we cannot we just don't have enough ceiling height to raise the floors in the kitchen.

And after reading what you wrote about what it takes to redo the countertops you are quite right and no thanks. I better get it right the first time because this has to be the last time we redo a kitchen. Thanks for pointing this all out and also about the horizontal vs vertical viewing of the marble. I didn't even think of that. Thank you.

And our counters and island (if we have one because if the dining room becomes the kitchen there is no room for a real island but just a peninsula) are not going to be large in size so all this agonizing on my part probably won't even matter. With the amount of surface area we are talking about I don't think my choice that critical.

Safe ferry trip!

Callie, absolutely he can! :bigsmile: We can ask him this month OK? While we are bling shopping it will keep him busy. Building your new house near us. :cheeky:

Marcy is it bad that all I can see is your gorgeous ring? :love:
That finance guy was ridiculous and he should have had everything ready and correctly completed. :knockout:
But in the end you got your dream car so hopefully that memory will fade quickly and speedy (mospeedy, moby, speedymo, Mr. A. Speed Mobile) 8) will erase that aggravation forever. :sun:

CJ, did you color your hair? How did it turn out? Any chance you can take a pic of the back of your hair so we can see the color? I hope it came out perfectly and that you love it.

Hope everyone has a nice evening. :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007
Here is my favorite picture from today.




Feb 27, 2007
Missy, sounds like moving rooms around would be more of a major renovation and cost more but if you are spending money you may as well get exactly what you want. I’ll be anxious to hear what Jen comes up with. Yes that finance guy was ridiculous but he is just a blip on my radar. I came home with a gorgeous car.

I had Marty take me to the mall to pick up my RG/WG ring that I had sized down and now it’s too tight. Sigh. I think the 8 was a big 8 and this 7 was easily a 6.5. My right hand takes a 6 to 6.5 ring and it barely fit on that hand.

I also had Marty run me to mail a card. That darn postoffice drive through has curbs that jump out and bite me. Ha!

Here is another picture from today.



Dec 9, 2013
Marcy, can I have your car? :naughty:

edit: Missy, my kitchen is a step down from my living room. I like that because it makes the spaces more interesting and you feel as though you are entering a space rather than just moving from one part of a room to another.
Of course my place is eclectic, not modern, but with this philosophy you could save funds :dance:


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!
L'Shana Tova. It's the beginning of the Jewish New Year.
Happy Rosh Hashanah and wishing everyone a happy healthy and easy year.

It's Monday again but for once I am glad it is Monday and I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed that sweet Theo makes it safely to his wonderful new home. :pray:

Marcy, every time I see a photo of your new car I get all :love: because it is stunning. If a car can be like a gorgeous gemstone your new Macan certainly is. And that blue against the colors of nature with its autumn rich colors just beautiful. Darn about your ring getting sized too tight and I hope it's an easy fix. Moving the rooms around at our beach house might prove too expensive as we don't have a limitless budget but it doesn't hurt to explore all the options and I am interested to see what Jen comes up with also. We really need more coat closet space and if we made the kitchen a mud room we could put storage there. But where to put the dining room table is an issue and I don't love the idea of putting it in the old kitchen. We will see and I will keep you updated. Hope your Monday is a good one.

Jimmianne, I'm with you. I like that philosophy and saving money leaves more money for bling. :cheeky:
I sort of like the different levels (once I got used to them and stopped tripping LOL) but she reacted pretty strongly to the one from the kitchen to dining room saying the kitchen feels like a different part of the house. I was feeling badly about our kitchen here to begin with and she made me feel even worse lol. But it's OK because I really want to explore the possibilities and even if we leave the kitchen where it is at least we thought about all the options. And we will see realistically what we can actually do to make the kitchen a better space no matter where we put it. Jen said she didn't hate the way the kitchen counters and cabinets were done and thought we could reuse the cabinets as they are well made but I wasn't even considering that possibility.

Do you have any Issy pics to share yet? What is on your agenda today? Less than a month till your trip back to your home in France and I am guessing you have a lot going on. All exciting and good. Hoping Pom is doing well and that things are going smoothly.

Junie, how are you doing? Thinking of you and hoping each day is getting a bit easier and things are going well. You have a month till your getaway too and I know you are looking forward to it. It's nice just to get away and relax and not have a million things on your mind.

Have a good Monday girls and hope everyone's day goes smoothly!


Jul 1, 2014
Missy, please post when Theo is safely handed off! I'm thinking about this today!!!

Hey everybody. I'm so glad everyone is pushing through all their 'stuff.' I have some legal 'stuff' that will either be resolved tomorrow or will get more unpleasant and complicated.

2016. Not my fave year. Its been my version of the Queen's "Annus horribilus."


Jun 17, 2009
Hey there everyone -

Missy, I'm thinking of Theo and hoping things went smoothly for him and his new family today.

The roof looks amazing! I know I've said this before but Greg is a very talented woodworker.

Your plans for the kitchen are exciting - it will be interesting to see what the designer comes up with. Switching the kitchen and dining room sounds very intriguing, unless it turns out to be more trouble than it's worth lol. You have some beautiful selections of countertops to choose from, and I do love your favorite. I also like the dolomite and white carrara.

Thanks for thinking of me, I seem to be going through different emotions at different times, having some rough moments but overall I'm doing ok.

Hi Sharon, thanks for the good thoughts and I hope you're doing well!

CJ,yes, my husband can also be, shall we say, a little too blunt sometimes lol.

I agree with you, there is a certain comforting feeling in just reading about the nirdis daily lives. It's like this is our own little cozy corner of the internet. Ok, I'm sounding corny but it's how I feel ha.

How did your hair turn out?

Scandi, yes, I think my dh will enjoy getting away. Actually, we are going to go to SC for a weekend in a couple of weeks as well. I hope the sleep-over went well, I'm sure it did and the kids had a great time - although you might be a bit exhausted right now lol. You're a good mom!

Rainwood, your friend's Facebook post was very touching and made me tear up. Your husband was clearly a very special person - and was loved, and is missed, by many. Hugs to you my friend.

Your jacket sounds so pretty, I'm glad you indulged in some retail therapy, it really does help sometimes.

Marcy, omg, your car is gorgeous!!! It sounds like a dream to drive, I'm really glad you finally have it and you're enjoying it so much. Ugh, the experience at the dealer sounds like it was a headache, but who cares, you have this amazing car now! Even the steering wheel is awesome (although that rabbit looks a bit too comfortable lol) Love the pictures, especially the one with the blue sky. Sorry about your ring, getting a ring sized correctly can really be a pain sometimes.

Jimmianne, I'm glad the SAD light seems to be working for you. Wow, that's a lot of red tape for a simple paint job! I'm so glad you have your wonderful house in France, it sounds like the planning is very exciting and fun for you. And it's great that you are enjoying the challenge of figuring things out. It's wonderful that you're feeling enthusiastic and happy.

Kristie, ugh, so sorry to hear about the potential legal issue and I hope it all gets resolved.

Callie, hope you're doing well!

Take care everyone, see you soon!


Feb 27, 2007

Jimmianne, come on by and I’ll give you a ride. Based on what my SA told me there is only 5 like mine in the U.S. and one of those is on order - the model, color and interior. I doubt I’ll run in to another one.

Missy, Happy New Year! Wishing you a happy, healthy and wonderful year. We could say my car is a gem. I sure enjoyed driving it to work today. I got the lecture when I left to go right to work and home and watch where I am going. When I pulled in the garage Marty comes and opens the door. I asked if he was worried all day and he said “yes”. I hope Jen comes up with a fabulous layout that is easy and won’t break the renovation budget. How fun though. That may be a money saver to refinish your existing cabinets.

Kristie, sending mega legal dust your way hoping things get resolved for you tomorrow.

Junie, I am glad you are doing okay. You are in my thoughts and I know you’ll have good times and bad as you go along. We are here for you any time - feel free to email me as well. I am always glad to help. Your vacation will be here soon. Thank you about my car. I am quite pleased with the color. That thick band is becoming a pain to get sized. This place says they add gold but I worry more about the shape / roundness of it since they took it smaller.

I had a very hard time at work today. Just because it’s kind of a let down after the build up, excitement and fun of getting my new car. My boss was grumpy, my employees were overly needy; I was glad to see 5 pm roll around.

I hope those of you in the path of the hurricane don’t get a lot of wind and rain. We are having horrible winds here today. I was cringing on the way home when my car was getting sand blasted. Poor thing got rained on today as well.

I got my Sirius/XM account cancelled on the Audi, got verification from my insurance my policy looks fine for the new car and now I just need to wait for my tire reimbursement and car to be paid off and I’ll be done - until I pay for the sales tax and license plates. I could be getting a killer sapphire and ring for that much money but oh well - I’ll have a big speedy sapphire instead.

Have a great evening.


Feb 27, 2007
Snacks went to work with me today.




Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Junie, I am so glad you are feeling better and things are going OK. Like Marcy said you will have ups and downs of course and good days and bad days and days that are easier to get through and some that are challenging. But you know you did everything you could for your mom and you know she knew she was loved. And you are surrounded by your wonderful family and friends who love you and are here for you and well that is what life is about. You have your people who you can lean on in times of trouble and strife and who are there for you during the good times too. And you know we are right there for you too. (((Hugs))).

Marcy, your car is not only beautiful but a rare gem. Only 5 like it in the USA. Did you name her yet? Ace sure looks like he is enjoying the sweet ride. I'm sorry work was less than fun yesterday and I'm glad you have more in your life than work. That's how I am looking at it now and if work is not exciting and rejuvenating and something to look forward to all the time that's OK. Your life is much more than that. But I am sorry it has been less than good lately and I hope things pick up there and improve for you. I am enjoying not being at work despite the pretty awful weather we have had since we have been here. The one nice day weather wise was yesterday but we spent the day getting what we needed for Theo and bringing Theo to the airport meet his new daddy and travel to his new (far) home. More on that below. But my point is I like it when work is a distant memory. LOL.

Thank you for the Happy New Year wishes. I appreciate that. It's weird. Only a few of my friends wished me a happy New Year this year and while I am not religious I do follow tradition somewhat and this is the most important 10 days of the Jewish year. Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur which is the day of atonement. It is a struggle for me to fast and not drink any fluids for over 25 hours on Yom Kippur and I have not been doing it for over a decade now (really due to health reasons but nothing where I cannot suffer for a day or so yanno I was just being weak) but I am going to try this year. I am a little superstitious (haha a little right who am I kidding) and maybe if I fast this year and think good thoughts for the animals (the ferals and Theo, Zeke and Yoshi) and all my loved ones including you girls we can all have a good year. It is very tough for me to do the fast but I think I am going to try. It is the not being able to drink for so long that is the real challenge for me.

Rainwood, how is your week going and how are the attic reno plans going? Do you have heat in your city home?

Scandi, hope the outing with all the kids went well.

Gypsy, thinking of you.

Jimmianne, Sharon, CJ, how are you doing? How is your week going?
Hope I didn't leave anyone out but if I did forgive me.

Callie, thinking of you honey and hoping yesterday went as well as it could have. (((Hugs))).

Kristie, you and Callie already know the news but I just read your post here. Sorry I didn't post last night but I didn't want to jinx it as we didn't know if Theo had made the trip OK. So here's the update for you and the events of yesterday for the girls I didn't yet share it with. And I am sending bucket loads of legal dust your way.

I have been sleeping very poorly for a few weeks now. I have been waking up around 2 or 3 AM and then staying awake for pretty much the rest of the day. A lot of that has to do with J and the situation her 3 cats are/were in and also other issues weighing heavily on my mind. Yesterday (and this morning too unfortunately) was no exception. I woke at 3 AM Monday morning and was up for the day. We left to go to Brooklyn to pick up Theo at noon and it was tough. I went to J's apartment and Zeke came running up to me meowing and rubbing against me and I knew that was the last time I would ever see him again. And that he might not have a future after J dies. I started crying but pushed it back because I didn't want to upset J. Theo was laying by J's head on the couch content and calm and it was awful that J was leaving him behind. There is was laying right by her head so happy. How could she be doing this? I know she has a brain cancer and that is affecting her mind but I still don't get it. She is taking Zeke and Yoshi. None of this makes sense.

Anyway I put Theo in the carrier and it wasn't difficult but he wasn't happy and he did push back as he didn't want to go into the carrier. Greg didn't come up to help because he didn't want to say bye to J and I was a little disappointed by that but he and J aren't friends or even acquaintances and I didn't want to force him to say hello and goodbye.

Js sister was not there as she had a meeting to tie up some loose ends re J's business. Thank goodness the nurse's aide S was there and she asked me don't you have a leash and harness for Theo on his flight? OMG no I didn't and I didn't realize they make you take the cat out of the carrier before going through security! So I hugged J and S goodbye and scooped up Theo and got Greg and we went to a pet store and I got the leash and harness but then we had to put it on him and he was already in the carrier. We waited till we got to the airport and found an area we could stop the car and got in the back with Theo and well it wasn't easy but we figured it out. They don't make them user friendly and there are no instructions and we had never done this before. I googled instructions and a video on my phone and we were able to do it. Poor Theo!

We then met Theo's new daddy who had flown over 5 hours to get here and pick him up and then was flying back 3 hours later for another 5 hour flight with Theo. Can you imagine what amazing people they are? His new mommy and daddy are wonderful warm generous loving people and no matter what happens I am furever (not a typo LOL) grateful for their kindness and generosity and for what they are doing and what they will try to do for Zeke and Yoshi when the time comes. We visited for as long as we could before he had to board the flight and then watched with my heart in my mouth as they made Theo's new daddy take Theo out of the carrier and carry him through security. I was a wreck until they safely boarded the flight.

I have to say (again) how wonderful this couple is and when the time comes they are going to try working with Js sister to get Zeke and Yoshi from her. But much of this is out of their control and does depend on if Js sister will be willing to work with them. J's sister has to do a few things to make this all possible and I don't get the feeling she cares about animals at all and in fact she asked them why are you doing this for cats you don't even know and she seemed to think it was crazy. So you can imagine I am very concerned about how all of this is going to go down and Zeke and Yoshi are amazing cats full of personality and love and have a lot of life left to live so I am praying and hoping it does work out. Again why I feel I have to fast on this Yom Kippur. Yes maybe I am crazy. :oops: But I have to try doing whatever I can to help these sweet innocent defenseless cats.

It took us hours to get back to the beach house due to traffic and distance and we were exhausted but truly Theo's new daddy was the one who had to be exhausted as he was flying for over 10 hours and waiting for hours in between and then getting back home from the airport. And he was sick on top of it all. See? He and his wife are great people. Angels on earth. :halo: :halo:

I fell into an uneasy sleep and woke at 2:30 AM thinking about Theo and his new parents and at 3:30 AM I went downstairs and texted Theo's new mommy to see how they made it home because last I heard from her they were landing in 20 minutes. Thankfully she was awake and texted back that Theo was terrified but he allowed her to pet him for a while. She will update me later this afternoon. It was a long tough flight for a 12 year old cat who had never flown and I was relieved he seemed OK. But of course the next few days will be important to see how he is doing and if he is none the worse for wear (fingers crossed!). So I am and will be on pins and needles till I hear he is back to himself and adjusting to his new life.

Another concern of mine is he will be an only cat for at least a number of months and he has never been an only cat so hoping he doesn't get too lonely or get depressed. And his new parents are allergic so he cannot sleep with them and he is used to sleeping with J and his brothers all in the same bed so another adjustment. But I truly feel this couple is the best couple for him because they will love and adore and spoil him and take the best care of him. So please girls continue thinking good thoughts for Theo (and Zeke and Yoshi) and this wonderful couple who rescued Theo and made him a part of their wonderful family. And thank you for listening to the long story and for being here for support and encouragement and good thoughts. ((((HUGS)))) to you all.

I'm sure I am leaving lots of stuff out but my mind is exhausted and just not clear but I wanted to give you girl an update as I know you were waiting and are in Theo's corner and are rooting for all of the cats and also this wonderful new couple. I cannot say enough good things about them and it was wonderful to meet the husband and I hope one day to meet the wife. They are special people.



Jul 1, 2014
Missy, so many hugs to you and so much love.


Jun 17, 2009
Missy, I'm so happy Theo made it safely to his destination! This couple really is very special, I can't believe all they are doing to provide a good home for these kitties. I'll be hoping and praying Theo adjusts, I really think he will - it sounds like he's going to get lots of attention and love. Big hugs to you, you had a really long, stressful, and emotional day. So sad about J, it sounds like she is just overwhelmed with everything. Her decision is hard to understand but I guess she is just really affected by her illness at this point. I'm really sorry to hear that this situation is keeping you up at night, that is the worst. Hopefully knowing Theo is safely at his new home will help ease your worries a little. Big hugs to you, hang in there, I know this is all very stressful but I'm feeling optimistic that this is all going to work out.

Thank you for your sweet words, very comforting - yes, it really helps to have such great support from my family and my wonderful nirdis.

Yikes, I'm so sorry I forgot to wish you a Happy New Year! My brain is kind of fuzzy these days, please forgive me :oops:

Marcy, I'm sorry work was lousy for you, you're right, probably a come-down from all the fun and excitement, but at least you were able to drive home in your gorgeous new car! I'm hoping this jeweler can make your ring the right size without messing it up, I love that ring.

Kristie, I'm hoping things are working out ok for you today. :pray:

Gypsy, thinking of you. Hugs.

Here's a pic of Zoe, all comfy. She has settled in and I think she's enjoying her new home. What's not to enjoy, she's spoiled rotten lol.

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