
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Junie, hope all is OK by you and that you are hanging in there and doing well. We are all thinking of you and here for you and sending gentle hugs and love your way and good wishes for your mom and her comfort. (((HUGS))).

Rainwood, what a good weekend you are enjoying and I am glad your sister and her SO are visiting. That exclusive fall winery party sounds like fun. So happy you got the car situation sorted out to your satisfaction and that they are making it right for you!

I remember you had PMLE when you were traveling in Europe with your sister. That happens at the beginning of the warm and sunny season usually and goes away as the season continues and your body usually gets used to the sun. I have that too as you may remember. It is not uncommon actually.

However this rash is something I have had over the past 2 years on and off and only during the cycling season and it usually only starts during a bike ride. That is the pattern. David (my dermatologist) is stumped and he is a brilliant guy. He said it is not a heat rash and it is not PMLE and he just doesn't know yet. My *only* concern is that it is a manifestation of an underlying serious condition that hasn't shown itself yet as I do have a few auto immune conditions. I can handle a rash if I know it isn't from something more serious. That really is my only worry but since he cannot yet diagnose it I just have to play the one day at a time game and try not to make it worse. But having said that we did go riding yesterday but only for 3 hours which is half of our normal ride. The bright side of that is we went to another kitchen design store and I had some revelations and learned a lot from that 4 (yes that's right 4 lol) hour visit. More on that below.

Have fun hiking today and your weekend sounds like a perfect weekend.

Marcy, Whaaat??? Did you say your Porsche is in NJ?????? :o OMG what are you waiting for?! I will wait here for you and we will pick it up together. Cmon! :appl: I'm waiting and I will even buy you some of that delicious Day's Ice Cream that we haven't been able to get all weekend because it's too hot to ride that far. We can drive there in your beautiful new car. :halo:
Your road trip yesterday was a success and how nice that you are preparing to check out the Solar Eclipse next year.
Yumm for popcorn for supper. Marty had that too? Greg would never have popcorn for supper and I'm impressed that Marty joined you. Popcorn for supper is a nice break from the conventional dinner. That and breakfast for dinner. :lickout:

I hope you are not getting sick and that your chills were just a one off. Have a good rest of the weekend and don't let killer beat up sweet Teddy. Let Marty and Killer "set themselves free" out of the window and you and Teddy can go cruising in your new Porsche. I'm waiting for you. 8-)

Gypsy, I second Rainwood and Marcy. AppleCare rocks. We have them on all our apple computers and it has come in handy. I don't like interviews either because I get so nervous and I like to joke that is why I have never changed jobs LOL. I had one job right after my residency and stuck with that till I broke my leg in 2014 so 24 years and my current job which ran concurrently with that job starting from 2001 and I am still there. So yeah I don't love change as you can see and I don't like interviews. I agree with listening to your gut. That is the only way to go and it brought you John so there you go. Sending you bucket loads of good luck dust and that things will start falling into place for you in all areas.

I love your inspiration board and thank you for sharing it! Do you have an account on Houzz? That is also a great place for dream kitchens if you haven't checked it out yet.

Are you sure you want a photo of my ugly rash? I will share it but it is yucky looking so warning all of you to skip over it if you don't feel like seeing a gross photo. The lighting isn't great and makes it look less red and raised but this is the best I can do.



See how different it looks from pic one to 2? That was only a few hours in between and in that second pic the presentation is a way it has never looked before. Weird. I just wish it didn't always happen on a Friday because I never get to see David right as it happens and I think that would be the best chance for a proper diagnosis. And I get these weird dot pinpoint hemes all over my arms (not associated with the same timing as I have the weird pinpoint hemes much of the time) which is also a weird thing but I have never shown that to David as I always forget. Maybe they are related somehow?

What is happening with your transfusion treatments? Have you been able to resume them yet? And are you getting your health insurance again? How are you feeling? How is John feeling and how is he doing? And hoping your mom's recovery at home is going smoothly.

Scandi, love that your dh is cool with replacing the countertops when necessary since you are going with marble. And I so agree. Nothing looks as pretty and as ethereal and well just as perfect as marble looks.

We went to a kitchen design store for 4 hours yesterday (the hours flew by and I couldn't believe how long we were there!) and I finally figured out what I don't like about quartz. IMO it doesn't have a liveliness to it. It seems flat and dull with no life if that makes sense.

So I am thinking while I cannot do marble since we are not replacing in a few years and my dh has marble in his bathroom for his countertops and while they are gorgeous they stain. We just cannot do that in the kitchen. He didn't choose marble in his bathroom here but it was already there when we bought the beach house.

While we cannot do marble I was thinking perhaps a white background granite with some lively sheen and subtle pattern to it. I know granite is not ideal in the lighter colors since it is not as dense or hardy as our black granite but it might be a good compromise. I need to do more research but if we just have to seal it every year to keep it looking good we might go with granite over quartz.

Though I did find a promising quartz counter at the kitchen design store yesterday that was more of a purer white background but it had too much gray veiny background. I think. Not sure. After 4 hours I still don't know LOL. I keep thinking when I see the right material and pattern I will know but not sure why I think that. I had to date Greg for 5 years before I knew he was the one so you might say I am a sloooooow learner. :lol:

As for the weather here it has been super hot and that is why we only did a 3 hour bike ride starting at 6:30 AM because it was really too dark until then. It is staying dark longer in the mornings here and gets dark earlier in the evenings now. The only good thing about doing only a 3 hour bike ride was it gave us all those hours at the kitchen design store so that was good. OK onto the kitchen stuff.

This is the best of the quartz from yesterday's visit at the kitchen design store but I just don't think it is exactly right for us.
The place is called World Class Kitchens and it is a wife and husband team and we spent all those hours with the wife and she was super helpful and so patient and she just got me and my style. She is a doll and really patient with my OCD tendencies but she says she has them too so we are sort of kindred spirits. Though our style is very different as I saw photos of her (amazing) kitchen. Anyway she agrees with Rainwood and now I am seeing the light too. All white is going to be too sterile.

OK here is the quartz from yesterday that fits the bill the best so far but just not good enough yet. At least I don't think so anyway. And I think for backsplash after pouring through hours of backsplash (they had an exhaustive and great collection of backsplash). I think we decided we are most likely going with a continuation of the quartz or granite as the backsplash as the patterns just don't mesh up well in my OCD brain. I will try sharing some examples of what I thought were the best and prettiest choices with the quartz and yet still not a perfect combo IMO.




And lastly some backsplash. Because I just don't feel anything looks quite right with the pattern of the quartz (if we go this way that is with quartz pattern) I will most likely do a continuation of the quartz or granite as the backsplash unless I go with a solid countertop material and then I will find a pretty backsplash. But with a patterned counter I don't think I like the way it all goes. The pattern of the backsplash goes one way and the pattern of the quartz goes another and it is too much and too busy and they just don't gel well IMO. If that makes sense. For example the blue glass wave goes horizontally and is very pretty but the pattern of the counter is random and doesn't go in the same direction and I think it would give me a headache eventually and the same with the pretty white glass tile. It has a pattern to some of the tiles that go in a different direction as the pattern in the quartz and I don't think it works for me. SO if I don't go with a solid countertop material what do you guys think of just continuing the quartz (or granite) countertop as the backsplash? Is that not a good look? What are your thoughts because I am unsure.
All thoughts about continuing counter as backsplash and anything and everything else is much appreciated.

Girls, have a good Sunday and hugs to all of you. Hoping today is a good day for everyone. :wavey:






Feb 27, 2007

Junebug, thinking of you and sending hugs your way.

Gypsy, I haven’t used Apple Care often but when I did it was quite useful. I agree the Best Buy Geek Squad has worked well too. What’s funny is we always buy Apple Care for me since I am klutz bet we never get it for Marty - well you know who broke their iPad and had to replace it at full cost - that’s right Marty! Thanks for checking out the blue Macan for me. That’s funny you blurted out that’s Marcy’s car. The only one I’ve seen in the wild is gray. Good idea to just take the job search one day at a time. I went on a few interviews as well over the years and I don’t think I interview well but you honestly never know just see how things evolve. The final interview at my current job lasted 5 minutes and the VP cut me off in mid sentence. He asked me one business question, one personal question, another business question when he interrupted me and said “well I’ve heard all I need to know” and excused me. I was very shocked they offered me a job. I love Scandi’s analogy. I do tend to believe things work out as they should but we can’t see the logic of it from the inside. I am a firm believer in going with your gut. I use that frequently.

Scandi, I am glad you are excited for my new car too. I think I’ll name it Ceylon. The August 2017 solar eclipse is over the Atlantic ocean, then parts of the United States then ends in the Pacific Ocean so sadly you won’t see it. We’ve had partials visible from here but the last total from here was when I was a kid. We had a partial eclipse on Christmas morning a few years ago but it was snowing here.

Missy, mysterious rashes and other ailments are worrisome but try not to worry about something that isn’t there. Does that make sense? Based on the uniqueness of place and time you get that rash I think it has to be tied to heat, Sun, clothing or bike. Based on my experience with doctors being unable to find something - I wait until there is NO DOUBT what is wrong with me - it’s easy to diagnose that way. Is that smart? Um NO but that’s what I do. The ship docs in NJ at 0500 tomorrow morning. Once it hits port in Houston I will really be getting anxious and impatient. I could pick it up in NJ and we could get ice cream and go jewelry shopping. Fun! I hope your rash is doing better this afternoon. I guess Marty considers popcorn a natural food. He is eating butter too. I was rather surprised myself he wanted some for supper. I also love breakfast for supper. I totally plan on taking all my teddies on a ride in the Porsche when I get it. I think they seal granite now so it’s not as difficult to maintain. Ours had held up well for far (almost 4 years). I like all the samples you picked out. Isn’t it fun planning a renovation?

Sadly my chills manifested itself as a sore throat this morning. I cranked on my electric mattress pad, got out winter PJ’s and slept with an extra blanket and woke up at 2:30 in the morning way too hot.

I slept in until about 7. I am getting a cold. Rats. I am not feeling very ambitious today. Laundry and dishes is going to be the extent of my activity list. I wonder if I can talk Marty in to ordering in pizza today. He did eat popcorn with butter last night.

Marty is washing cars. My Audi is all pretty. Awe!

Have a great day.


Mar 29, 2005
Missy, your second rash photo looks just like the one I got in Europe. Mine was heat, not sun, related because it kept getting worse even after my legs weren't getting any sun at all. I think it was due to a combination of heat and humidity which may be the same as what's causing yours. I found that straight aloe vera gel helped some, but mine didn't hurt unless I touched it or fabric touched it. The prickly heat I got was more blistery looking and more painful and I got it because I had some tight bracelets on that seemed to both trap the sweat and rub against my skin. I don't know if that info helps, but if your skin can toletate aloe vera, give it a try. It made my rash less severe, but the only thing that made it go away was getting out of the heat and humidity.

And I really like the combo of the quartz, cabinets and blue glass. Very pleasing to the eye with just enough to draw the eye but not compete. If you're not convinced on the quartz pattern you showed us, you might be able to find another one that is softer and more flowy looking like marble. I like the white backsplash's texture but I'd be concerned about how hard it would be to clean if it's behind the cooktop. The glass is textured but will be easier to clean. In fact, I love that glass. Not what I had pictured at all. It's very beachy and I'd commit to the glass and then find the countertop that best complements it. So that's my two cents.

Marcy, how cool about the solar eclipse. We're never able to see even the partials because we're out of position or the sky is too overcast. And we should all do a road trip to welcome your car to American shores. Have some bratwurst and a German beer to celebrate!! And I haven't had a job interview since 1979. Spent 21 years in that job and have had the current one for 15 and will stay until I retire. I'm lucky to be able to do that and never take it for granted. I wouldn't know how to interview now so would probably be totally unemployable as I'd probably be the age of the interviewer's mother or even grandmother.

Gypsy, I can see why that's your dream kitchen. It seems perfectly suited to your style, at least from what I've been able to pick up from PS over the years. And welcome to the car scrape club. One of the things I hate about it is it's a constant reminder of me doing something stupid. I don't have much experience with Best Buy. Every time I've gone in there I feel ancient and just want them to turn the music down!

Scandi, I'm always so pleased when I handle something well. I can be a bit of a hothead so always have to fight that first reaction and be calmer when things go wrong. I'm getting better at it but have further to go. Will love to see the countertops you pick. I'm sure they will be lovely.

Another gorgeous day. Off for a little hiking then into town to poke around, then some BBQ and some homemade (and hand-picked) apple crisp which is now baking in the oven.


Jun 17, 2009
Hiya girls -

Thank you SO much for the good wishes and thoughts, what a comfort to come here and get such wonderful support from my nirdis. My mother's condition continues to be very grave unfortunately. She's drinking a little but not eating and has lost a lot of weight. She's comfortable for the most part but has a cough that is bothering her. My sister is leaving this week, she has doctors' appointments that she needs to go to. I'm doing as well as can be expected I guess, my husband and kids are helping me a lot.

Missy, I am so sorry about your rash, I am hoping it clears up quickly for you. Ugh, so frustrating not to know what's causing it. I'm so excited about your kitchen renovation, I'm not great at decorating but I do love that last pic with the blue glass, I like the way the color of the backsplash complements the pattern on the quartz.

Marcy, I'm so excited about your car! I can't wait for you to get it. So sorry you're getting a cold, I hope it's a mild one.

Jimmianne, I love your french kitchen, so quaint and with a few changes will be really lovely - I'm looking forward to hearing Scandi's ideas, she seems really good at decorating lol. Rainwood had great suggestions.

Gypsy, thinking of you and wishing you lots of luck with your interviews. I agree that they are nerve-wracking and at the end of the day all you can do is give it your best shot. I hope John is doing ok and taking it a little easy. Glad your mom is home, too.

Rainwood, glad everything worked out ok with your car, and that you had such a nice time on the island.

Thinking of all my nirdis, hope your week starts out well!


Aug 8, 2005
Missy, the second shot looks like a heat rash to me too. Not the first rash though. Calamine or Aloe. The issue I have with Aloe is a LOT of brands mix it with so much alcohol that it ruins it and makes it harsh. This is the one I keep around:

I love that darker back splash color. It's provides a really nice amount of contrast with the cabinets and the counters. When you said you wanted blue for some reason this is the blue I thought you meant:

If you went with clear I kinda like these for a beach house:

Rainwood, I'm tempted to ask what you would describe as my style, but I won't put you on the spot! And you are absolutely right about the car thing being a reminder of being stupid. That's exactly it. I see it and I FEEL the dunce cap on my head!! I am a hot head too. Getting better with age.

Marcy I am sorry you felt so poorly today! I do hope you are feeling better. I would have freaked out if my interview had been cut short like yours was!! I've had a few weird ones. I had one person just... condescend to me because I wore a suit. It sounds strange but one of the more nerve wracking things about interviews in Nor Cal is what to wear. There are so many millennial run tech companies, start ups and 'trying to be hip and different' software companies out here that you never know when you are going to DIS-Qualify yourself by wearing a suit. It's very frustrating. I was raised very firmly to believe that you can't go wrong with a suit to an interview. Well, in Nor Cal, that can be the surest way to NOT get hired at some companies.

Junie, I am so sorry your mother is on the decline still. And that your sister won't be there so you can support each other. Is there anything I can do? You and your family are in my thoughts.

We did some chores today. Completely changed out all the cat boxes (yuck!), did some grocery shopping, laundry etc.

I have watched John do a cat count 6 times today. John is slightly OCD. Ever since we got the front load washing machine he has to do a count every time he does a load. It's endearing.

I don't like to cook when the house is totally clean and it's just the two of us. It's like... I just want to stay that way for ONE DAY. So we ordered pizza for dinner. Not healthy but I was all decisioned out today and when asked, told John I'd go along with whatever he decides.


Mar 29, 2005
Gypsy|1473650457|4075391 said:
Rainwood, I'm tempted to ask what you would describe as my style, but I won't put you on the spot!

Gypsy, I'll accept that challenge. I'd describe your style as classic with a flourish, the flourish being a detail or an accent that is unexpected but beautiful. And you're not afraid of color. Your dream kitchen is fairly classic, but the pendants, vent hood, and paint color are the unexpected flourish. If I were to critique it, I'd question the dark wall in the back because it highlights that the backsplash stops at an awkward spot at the windows. If I were to keep that contrasting paint color, I'd have stopped the backsplash right where it comes up to the bottom of the window trim, and if that looked weird, I'd stop the backsplash where it is and do an accent color with less contrast (which I'd probably do anyway). Accent walls sometimes accent the wrong thing!


Mar 29, 2005
Junie, this must be so hard - the watching, the waiting, and your sister having to leave. I'm glad your DH and family are able to help. It's what you need even when it's hard to know or to ask for it. You're in my thoughts.

Marcy, sorry you've come down with a cold. It's the post-vacation letdown. Hope it's brief and not too troubling.


Aug 8, 2005
rainwood|1473660872|4075421 said:
Gypsy|1473650457|4075391 said:
Rainwood, I'm tempted to ask what you would describe as my style, but I won't put you on the spot!

Gypsy, I'll accept that challenge. I'd describe your style as classic with a flourish, the flourish being a detail or an accent that is unexpected but beautiful. And you're not afraid of color. Your dream kitchen is fairly classic, but the pendants, vent hood, and paint color are the unexpected flourish. If I were to critique it, I'd question the dark wall in the back because it highlights that the backsplash stops at an awkward spot at the windows. If I were to keep that contrasting paint color, I'd have stopped the backsplash right where it comes up to the bottom of the window trim, and if that looked weird, I'd stop the backsplash where it is and do an accent color with less contrast (which I'd probably do anyway). Accent walls sometimes accent the wrong thing!

Ahh, thank you. I have trouble defining my own tastes often. But you made it sound lovely. I do like color.

You are right. The color on the walls is the one thing I'd play with. I love the copper in that space.

So there is one thing I didn't remember about my "Dream Kitchen", because it's been so long since I've had that image saved. That's a 'collaborative' dream. That particular kitchen takes John's tastes into consideration and melds it with mine.

If I were to ONLY go with my own personal taste, with no consideration for what John likes, then this would be my "solo dream" if I could find a white counter material that could resist turmeric, saffron and iodine. Otherwise, the counters would have to be dark gray.

But the herringbone wood floors, with that glorious back splash are to die for. I would do a metal vent hood though. I cook too much for a white vent hood to be practical, so I'd go for a metal one.



Jan 23, 2016
Missy, I really really like the last picture of the quartz and the backsplash together !!

Junebug, lots and lots of dust your way! You are handling this so well and your mother is very lucky to have you. So is the rest of your family :)

Marcy, hope you are feeling a bit better today?

Gypsy, you really are to kind :)

Rainwood, I love your decorating ideas :)


Jan 23, 2016
Jimmianne, I'm going to do a long post for you tomorrow - because I'm simply not able to resist, lol. But here are some pictures that I think might have good colours for a French country house :)






Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! It is such a beautiful crisp morning this morning here. The NYC skyline is super sharp and I even see the 9/11 blue memorial from here it is so clear. The waves are crashing up against the bulkhead and it is just so cool and gorgeous here this morning. Wish we could stay at least a few more days!

Junie, I'm so sorry that your mom isn't doing well but I am glad she is for the most part comfortable. I know your dh and son and daughter are there for you as well as your sister even though she has to leave for now and for that I am glad but I know how stressful this is for you and how awful you feel with your mom's health declining. Know we are here for you at all times and keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers. (((HUGS))).

Marcy, aww I am sorry you are sick and have chills and a sore throat and are feeling awful. :(sad I hope you are getting a good night's sleep right now and wake up feeling much better. Perhaps consider taking a sick day today to give yourself enough time to fully recuperate. Sending healing vibes your way.

Rainwood, I'm glad you and Junie and Gypsy and Scandi like the backsplash. I loved it too but I am not sure if it will work with whatever countertop we decide upon though after checking out granite (online so that has huge limitations and I know I must see the slabs in person) I am feeling more hopeful than I did with quartz. But what do you girls think about me just continuing whatever countertop we decide upon as the backsplash? Is that not a good look IYO?

Now I'm curious what you think my style is...I'm a little nervous to hear your opinion but I would love to just the same no matter the answer. 8)

Thank you Rainwood and Gypsy for your excellent aloe suggestion. For most people that would be a wonderful treatment. Unfortunately I am actually allergic if you can believe it. Even when I take it right from the plant. Yeah my body likes to rebel against stuff even stuff that is supposed to be healing and calming. :sick:

And thank you Marcy, Junie, Rainwood and Gypsy for making me feel better about the rash. Marcy you are right and I understand what you are saying. Don't go looking for trouble. My mom always says that.

The rash seems definitely improved today over Friday though it is still quite present. David my dermatologist answered my email yesterday telling me if the rash isn't improving to come in to see him today (even though he doesn't see patients Mondays as that is reserved for his admin work) but since it is somewhat better Greg and I feel it might not be a worthwhile trip (or expense because each of his visits are $350 and up). 3 full days later might be a waste since he probably won't get good biopsy results since he should biopsy it almost immediately. If it was getting worse I would go in no question but since it is improving (slowly) I am thinking I should just wait.
I wish one of you were awake and could tell me the right thing to do...go or not go. I am going to answer his email telling him thanks but it seems to be improving right now.

Gypsy, we did like that color you linked with the glass wavy backsplash but it clashed with the countertop we were/are considering and the blue/gray went better with it over the green/blue. That was the main reason because you are right. The green/blue feels more beachy but it didn't work with our other colors. I also have trouble defining my own style/preferences. I really enjoy a wide range of styles I think as I love color but I also love monotone and black and white so I feel I am often an enigma and don't fit into any style box and would love to see how Rainwood and anyone else here views my style. It may be eye opening for me.

You guys have already seen pics of our Brooklyn home so here are some pics of our beach house. It is not exactly how I want it to be at all and we need some design help especially in the living room where we have no wall space. It is a problem where to put the furniture and the tv since there is a wall of windows and also a fireplace where we cannot put that tv since it would be too high for viewing comfort. I am thinking of putting a sectional around the fireplace where one section faces the water and one section faces the fireplace and I want Greg to build a window seat for the kitties right on the windows facing the water. And then a small love seat facing the tv so 2 seating areas in the living room and I want white leather couches for those areas just like my friends white leather sectional I posted a few pages back. I think that would be very lovely in the space. I would love thoughts though as to what you girls think.





I love herringbone floors and would have done that in a heartbeat in the kitchen if it matched the rest of the house or if it was affordable to redo all the flooring in the house in herringbone. Gorgeous. As of now we are just planning on installing the same hardwood we have in the rest of the house to the kitchen.
Love all your inspiration kitchens Gypsy. Can you and Rainwood and Scandi just come here and help me do the kitchen please. :bigsmile:

LOL to cat count. I do that. I admit I have OCD tendencies though I do think they are only tendencies because I have long left my perfectionist ways years ago. I used to be way more intense about everything but the years have calmed me down in many ways though about some things I guess I am worse. I am a worse worrier than when I was young but that's because there is so much more to worry about! :razz:

I feel for you re the interviews because not even knowing the best thing to wear makes it difficult in a way it shouldn't be. I too learned you cannot go wrong with a suit but California is a different animal in so many ways. Sending you more job dust!

Scandi, I love your suggestions for Jimmianne's French country house. I especially love the pic title shabby chic. I can totally imagine that in J's house. Perfect. I cannot wait to see your kitchen complete. I know it will be a masterpiece especially with that stove. And those blue cabinets. :love: Ooh la la.

Leaving you with a gorgeous (IMO) granite I found last night online. This is my dream counter I think. It is a pearl white granite. Now all I have to do is find it IRL!
And here it is on Houzz. Can anyone tell me how to save pics on Houzz in my personal computer files? I cannot figure it out and would love to save it in my files vs just on the Houzz site.

We are back to the city soon and it is as usual a very busy Monday. Hope you all have a great day girls. :wavy:



Jun 8, 2008
One more idea. I was thinking of having Greg build a bookcase surrounding the TV to make it look nicer and fit in better. Something like this. 11th photo down. Though I do like some of the others and the idea is the same. White bookcase minimizing the bulk and look of the TV making it a more seamless appearance.

Again I cannot figure out how to download the Houzz photos so just linking it here. Sorry.


Dec 9, 2013
Good Morning everyone!
Love the turn to Kitchens that this thread has taken.

Gypsy, your dream kitchen is great. I like the contrasts and strength of design. Very you, I think.

Scandi, thank you for posting all those beautiful photos. That very French pale teal tone is my favorite. My dilemma is working with the red & yellow floor and dark beams. Not my favorite colors, but original to the house and honestly too much trouble to change at least for a while
But I'm hoping to find a teal that can stand up to the floors without being too dark. Then the upper floors can have the pale teal & white, more airy colors you posted.
I don't think you live that far away...come for coffee and be my decorator? :naughty:
Of course I wish everyone would come visit.

Missy it sounds so beautiful there this morning. I'm glad you are there to appreciate it.
I do like your idea of a bit of glass tile - like jewelry for your kitchen that reflects the ocean horizon.

I too use HOUZZ to organize my photos and can only share by sending an email or a link to friends.

Have you heard of Dermagel? I used it on Pom with almost miraculous healing - my vet swears by it, and they make it for humans too for cuts and rashes and dermatitis.

Marcy, be well! I hope you get some enjoyment from lying around reading or watching TV. Is there a chance you can do this and get waited on as well?

Where is that Porsche this morning?!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning Jimmianne! No I never heard of Dermagel and I will check that out thank you!
And thanks for letting me know there's no way to download the Houzz photos.

Here's a pic of my nieces on this beautiful cool late summer morning going to school. I love them so much. And a pic from this weekend on a state preserve. Wish I lived closer.

Junie, more hugs. I can only imagine how torturous the wait is and I'm so sorry. We are all here for you and keeping good thoughts for you. Love you.




Jun 8, 2008
I don't know why I am coming here when I feel so horribly but for some reason it makes me feel just a bit better knowing you girls are here.
I just got back from visiting J. The doctors stopped her treatment as it wasn't making a difference and now she is going home to be with her family. We don't know how long she has. They offered to try getting her in a clinical trial but she refused. It is hard understanding her as she cannot form sentences and isn't very coherent due to the disease.

As if this isn't tragic enough her 3 cats have no home now. She cannot find anyone to take them. These are 3 wonderful amazing social friendly cats. They have been together for over 8 years. They are incredibly loving. We don't know how long she has and consequently how long we have to find her cats homes.

I guess I am coming here to see if anyone has any ideas. I reached out to all my rescue contacts and to all my friends and I am just waiting to hear back. It is heart breaking on so many levels.

My heart is heavy. Poor J. Poor Zeke, Theo and Yoshi. :( :( :( :(

Sharing pics of the cats from today's visit. In this order top to bottom. Yoshi, Theo, and Zeke.





Dec 31, 2006
Oh, no, Missy... :((

On so many levels...

Poor J...

Those poor kitties...the one all the way at the top looks so much like my boy kitty.

I don't even have any ideas, it's probably going to be so tough to find a home for them.

I'll keep thinking.

Where exactly is J located? I'll think if I have any contacts in the area I can at least share.



Jun 8, 2008
In Brooklyn. I reached out to all my animal rescue people and are talking with them right now.
Thank you CJ for just being here. (((HUGS))).


Dec 31, 2006
I have people I know in NY - not sure about Brooklyn. I'll look through my email contacts though and will share with anybody that's even remotely close.

(((hugs))) back

Glad J has you.


Dec 9, 2013
Missy, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. It's very sad. Finding homes for her kitties would be such a wonderful gift to her.
I would say they could come live in my barn, but it might be a less than ideal life for pampered kitties. However, if nothing else pans out, at least that is an option.


Jan 23, 2016
Oh Missy! I'm so so sorry! You are a wonderful person and I'm so proud of you and to know you! No ideas for the kitties. But they would love it at your place... Just kidding sweetie! ! I know that is not an option so just wanted to state that clearly in case you are feeling guilty. You can not take in all the kitties in the world no more than I can the dogs even if I would live to do so. You are doing so much and this *is* going to work out!! Perhaps a neighbour is a lonely old cat lover...? Hugs!!!!!


Mar 29, 2005
Oh, Missy, I am so sorry about J. That is heartbreaking. I don't know if it's any comfort, but your friend is making the right decision. I've been around cancer enough to know that the hardest part about the disease is knowing when to stop. Oncologists often send mixed messages about whether further treatment would be effective, and family members often want to take every last measure possible even though the treatment can be brutal and a different outcome is highly unlikely. I admire your friend for making that very hard decision. She is doing what is right for her.

I know you'll do everything you can to find a new home for her cats. And that's all you can do. I'll admit I'm tempted to scoop up Yoshi even though I don't want a cat and if I did, I'd get a female!

I was going to post about kitchens, but now isn't the right time. Your mind is on other things, as it should be. Hang in there, Missy. You are an amazing woman!


Jun 17, 2009
Oh missy, I am just so very sorry to hear about J, and about the situation with the kitties. It's all so sad. I wish I had a suggestion, all you can do is try and I hope something comes of your inquiries. Big hugs to you, you are such a kind and caring friend and you have biggest heart ever. Keeping you, J, and the kitties in my thoughts.


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, I hate to hear about your friend J. It is so sad and I hope you can find someone to take all of her cats. I agree with Rainwood she made a tough decision but it’s understandable. PS hugs coming to her (and you).

Rainwood, I am not quite sure where you live but you may be in or near totality. I will post the link to a map. That would be a great welcoming party for my car. Do you think we could convince the people on the boat to just drive it off for me and reassure them I’ll go straight to my dealer and buy it? I am right there with you on not knowing how to interview anymore. I am sure I am easily as old as their mother or grandmother as well. I know not to call them young whippersnappers. Ha Ha. Ooh you had me at apple crisp. Glad you had a lovely day and a nice hike.

Junebug, my thoughts continue to be with you. I understand how difficult this can be and I am glad your husband and kids are being a big help and comfort for you. That is good your mom will at least drink some water. Hugs to you and her. Thank you; I think I am getting over this crud now.

Gypsy, thank you I am feeling pretty normal this evening. I wouldn’t know how to act or dress to interview with a millennial. I would also agree wearing a suit should be acceptable. Did you watch the movie “The Intern”? It’s pretty good. Gives a good perspective from both a retiree and millennial. Is John feeling better? I am with you on wanting to keep the house clean for just one day but I never get that wish. Healthy Marty isn’t as careful about messes in the kitchen as I am either. Oh well; he is eating healthy which is good for him.

Scandi, I am definitely perking up tonight so I think I will be about normal tomorrow (ha ha as if I’m “normal”.) Great pictures for Jimmianne. For some reason I am drawn to the green kitchen. I like that color of a French country home.

Missy, that is kind of cool you can see the memorial lights from your beach house. Such an emotional day. I considered calling in sick but with my bosses being out I thought it was too good of a day to miss. I remember seeing the glass backsplash when we were picking some out and I really like it. It looks awesome in kitchens I’ve seen too. I guess I try to convince myself not to worry about things I can’t change or control but I don’t always succeed in that. I am glad your rash is improving. Your beach house is gorgeous. The kitties look at home too. I like that pearl white granite. I am sure Greg could build that kind of book shelf around the TV. It looks really nice.

Hi CJ and Jimmianne!

I am feeling better today. The lady I met for lunch on Thursday got sick this weekend - same days and symptoms as me. The restaurant we go to is a family owned business and the waitresses all have their little kids there. I remember she was messing with her daughter that day so we probably caught something from her (you know those little petri dishes are carriers.) We might try DQ this week instead.

My boss and his boss were both gone today so I had a peaceful day at work.

Take care.

Link to Solar Eclipse Path


Aug 8, 2005
Missy, I am sorry to hear about J's decline. So heartbreaking. I would help you with the cats if I knew what to do. I have family in NJ. Can you find me on FB. I'd volunteer my MIL but she has a cat already and cannot afford or manage 3 more, one more maybe, her resident cat is a sweetheart and has no jealousy or other issues. I hope they do not have to be broken up. I am trying to think of people who have space.

If you are on FB Underground railroad rescue kitty network can help with transport if you find adopters.

I see if I can think of anything else.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls. Thank you for your kindness and love. I cannot stop thinking of J and her cats. It was a shock as I wasn't expecting this to happen so quickly and I was hoping for a miracle but I think I was just blocking the inevitable from my mind. I did think about the cats when we found out her cancer had returned but then I got overwhelmed because I couldn't think of anyone who would take one let alone 3 cats so then I blocked it from my mind hoping it wouldn't come to that. And of course thinking about poor J who is not old and just retired a few years ago and should have many happy and healthy years ahead of her. I know it's a huge cliche but yeah my mind is going there. Life is so unfair and random. And the fallout (her sweet cats) is far reaching. :cry:

I got the cats ages wrong. I spoke with Ann and she said she needed a bio and all their medical records so I called Jane and if she is right her cats are 12 yo. And she cannot remember anything about where they received veterinarian care or when they last received it. I know for a fact they are healthy and negative for feline leukemia and FIV. But I don't know anything beyond that. Except for the fact that they are sweet cats who love people and who get along so well together. They have been together since birth. Jane adopted all 3 of them from a friend whose cat gave birth and they are from the same litter.

Jimmianne, thank you so much for your kind offer. I am not sure Zeke, Theo and Yoshi could make it as outdoor barn kitties however. They are pampered house cats and used to having the run of the house. Add to that they are 12 years old and I don't think it would work. But I so appreciate your generous offer, thank you!

Scandi, you read my mind again stop doing that LOL. Yes that is where I first went...that I have to take the cats but it is truly not a possibility if I want to keep my marriage together. Poor Greg was so unhappy with the thought of adding more cats let alone 3 and I know it is impossible. Could you imagine traveling back and forth with 7 cats every weekend? OY. But yes my mind went there first and when I called Greg at work yesterday as soon as I got back home from visiting J and gently mentioned it he stayed silent which is a sure sign that is is not happy. SO I brushed over it and asked him to ask everyone he knows if they know of anyone. Networking to find these kitties loving homes. Of course it would be amazing if we could find them a home together but I don't think that is a possibility and at this point I guess I would be relieved to find a home for each of them. Though it is heartbreaking to separate them. It's a matter of life and death now and I cannot see them living the rest of their lives out in a cage at a rescue organization waiting to be adopted at age 12. They would be so miserable. I so need to find them homes where they can be free to roam the house not in a cage.

Thank you for the hugs and kind words and (((hugs))) to you too.

Rainwood, I agree with you that she has made the right decision though part of me feels she should try to get into the clinical trial her oncologist suggested I realize that would probably be for naught and she should be able to enjoy the time she has left without more medical intervention and the side effects associated with that. She is going home to Montana but I am just not clear on when as she is so fuzzy about everything. That is another concern-I don't know how much time we have to find the kitties homes. Thank you for your comforting words.

CJ, thank you again. I appreciate you reaching out to your contacts.

Junie, how was the rest of your day yesterday and how are you feeling? Thinking of you and here for you and please don't hesitate to reach out to me because of this OK. I am still here for you and I want to help however I can.

Marcy,I am glad you took advantage of no bosses at work yesterday and that it was a good day. I hope you are feeling all better and that your cold has gone away. Where is the Porsche today?
Thank you for the lovely compliment about our beach house. It is a work in progress but we stopped any kind of decorating 4 years ago and need to get back to it. We need to figure out a layout that works best in the living room.
Thanks for the link to the Solar Eclipse Path. And thank you for your hugs. Hugs right back at ya.

Gypsy, thank you for your offer to help and for the info re the underground RR on FB. I messaged you on FB. Let me know if it didn't go through. My computer restarted itself right after and I am not sure the message got sent. Technology and I don't mix very well.

I don't want to monopolize the conversation here and I don't want you guys to think you cannot talk about other things OK. It is a good distraction from more heavy issues so I welcome any and all thoughts about anything. Yes there is much sadness right now but I want room for the light too. Thank you all for your kindness and generosity towards J and her cats and it means more to me than I can articulate and if J could understand what was going on now on behalf of her kitties she would be so thankful too. (((HUGS))).


Dec 9, 2013
Missy, I made a little drawing of your living room but it's backwards because I captured it on my computer camera. At least it shows what would be hard to explain. Have you had your furniture in this configuration? You could have a glass table in the window and put a chair on either side and put a mirror behind the couch to reflect the view outside.
My 2 cents haha. photo_on_2016-09-13_at_07.jpg

I weeded my turnip patch yesterday. Doesn't that sound very Southern? I have to remind you that I'm from NY, but do enjoy grits and turnips from time to time.
It's been years since I planted a food garden. So much work.
While thinking about the election I decided a survival garden was in order :think: . So I planted enough turnips to feed all of us, including the NIRDIs.
Being outside weeding and watering yesterday had an almost magical turn on my outlook. I've been a sad sack lately and just that little bit of work with the soil straightened out a few things.
I have felt so torn since visiting France a year ago - wanting to run away there. Now I am thinking France is a good off-season retreat and summer gardening here will give some meaning. I discovered it is not wise to leave here during the growing season anyway. I still have not caught up from doing that this summer.
Our garden is a fenced acre at the farm entrance where the young people have built a gazebo and have an organic plot. It's our little show-place that I have had no involvement with, except to mow around the beds. Now I am thinking it would be fun to put up a small greenhouse for winter greens.
With a new project, the time spent here might have some meaning instead of being "the waiting room" for a happy life elsewhere. At least it's a hopeful thought; a much better frame of mind.
thanks for listening, guys.


Jan 23, 2016
Hello :wavey:

So much work today. I'm thinking of all of you and sending tons of hugs your way.

Just two pictures for a colour scheme that I like for a beach house for Missy that is more a house than a summer house, if you know what I mean. Let me know what you think ;-)




Feb 27, 2007

Missy, the ship my car is on has sailed from NJ and the web site says the next port is Houston. It should dock there on the 19th which is 4 days earlier than expected. Best case scenario my SUV is delivered before my car is out of the auto body shop. I told Marty it will probably set on the dock for weeks then get put accidentally on a truck to Calgary. I am both anxious and nervous. Decorating you home is never done, right? But it’s always fun to try something new.

Jimmianne, I can see your artistic touch in your sketch. You don’t want to play pictionary with me - I am absolutely awful. I swear my teddy bears could draw better than me. Glad to hear you had a change of heart and mind after getting out and wedding your garden. Nothing like accomplishing something to brighten your day. I like your thoughts about gardening here in the summer and going to your French home for an off season retreat. I knew you’d find what works good for you as you go along. You can always tweak you plans when something doesn’t seem right.

Scandi, on those days you have too much work it’s more fun to goof off. I don’t think either of us are like that though. Love your choices for the beach house. The gold accents really add class but the all white looks so bright and clean. Tough choices.

We are chilly and rainy here today. I turned on the furnace when I got home tonight. It’s going back up to 60’s and 70’s but since it feels like 40 I wanted to be warm. I even broke out some cocoa this morning.

Have a great evening.
Marcy Anxiously Waiting for my Ship to Come in


Aug 8, 2005
I got your message Missy and sent you a friend request. :wavey: I would reface the fireplace and add built in shelves on the wall side of the fireplace to include a TV area.

Like the second image because I like the paint colors too, feels beachy. And I like the fireplace in it. You can build the built ins on both sides. And on the side with the window build around it and include the window as part of it. It would balance the space.

I would also personally, tear down that wall between the living room and the dining room. The one with the pass through/window.


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