
Now I really did it :((


Aug 8, 2005


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls.

Junie, thinking of you and your mom. (((HUGS))).

Jimmianne, love the sketch thank you. And your thoughts are worth so much more than .02 cents! :appl: You are a talented artist and I am impressed! I shared your drawing with Greg and he appreciated it too. It is similar to what we were thinking of doing except you placed a table near the window instead of between the couches and I sort of like that. I was thinking one seating area of the sectional facing the sea at a right angle to the other seating area facing the fireplace. And a window seat for the kitties. And then a small love seat facing the TV that will be in a white custom bookcase built by Greg. Sort of similar to Gypsy's photo of the bookcase.

I like your idea of a survival garden and big enough for the NIRDIs too. How thoughtful! And the NIRDI fur babies right? :pray:
Haha weeding a turnip patch does does sound Southern. A food garden is a great idea but I know it's a lot of work. Hopefully you find lots of satisfaction in growing it though making it worthwhile. My aunt and uncle have a gorgeous greenhouse on their property and grow food all year long. It is a labor of love.
I am glad you are figuring out the best schedule for you re France and USA and you will have the best of both worlds.

Scandi, I love the colors you linked and it is hard to tell but in our Dining Room we have a gray color with a slight blueish hue but more gray. The Living Room we painted more beachy blue and I don't love the way it came out so we repainted another color and it still isn't right. But since we repainted twice within a few weeks we are waiting to repaint and I am definitely leaning towards the more gray blue we have in the living room. I was trying to get more sky blue in the room to add brightness there but I think a light gray blue would work great. Incidentally both the Dining Room and Living Room were painted dark gray before we moved in there and while the colors were dramatic and nice on their own I thought it made the house too dark even with all the light streaming in...paint colors make the hugest difference and are a great way to change a space. Love wide planked hardwood and I wish we could change all the flooring in the house to reclaimed wide planked hardwood.

I hope your day at work went well and that you accomplished everything you wanted to and that the rest of your week is less hectic. Thank you for taking the time to share those pics and thoughts with me. I love those photos. Elegant beachy.

Marcy, how exciting your car will be here before you know it and hopefully your other car will be back from being fixed. Will you be sad at all to see the car you have now go? Hoping your new car makes it to you the first time and there are no mistakes in shipping destinations. Fingers crossed. And wow on your cool weather. The temps here are nice right now (but of course as it is the workweek and we are in NYC) and hoping that continues through the weekend. I see rain in our forecast this weekend and I am hoping it won't rain so we can enjoy a nice cycling weekend without extreme temps. Keep us posted on your car. :appl:

Gypsy, thank you for the helpful photos. I like that bookcase housing the TV and it is similar to what I want Greg to build for that area that has the TV.

There is no wall between the dining room and living room. My fault as I thought I had labeled the photos but they aren't and it isn't clear. There are 2 walls that we have that you might be talking about. One between the study and the living room (where Frankie is walking through the study in my photo) and the dining room and living room are open to each other.

The only other wall is the brick wall b/w the kitchen and dining room and I think that may be the wall you are referring to... I don't want to take that wall down as I love that brick wall and it is a heavy duty solid brick wall. Though I had considered initially taking it down. The owner of the kitchen design store is coming next Friday to see our space and see what we can do. That kitchen is going to be a bit separated no matter what we do unfortunately and I love open spaces but we are just going to have to make it the best space we can within the parameters we have. The kitchen is separated by a brick wall b/w the dining room and kitchen and then a brick wall between the kitchen and guest bedroom behind it. Weird layout.

I like the sectional you linked. I was thinking something along these lines for our Living Room. I am going for sort of an elegant beachy look vs casual beachy though I am open to all ideas and changes. This is the sectional our tandem friends have at their beach house and it is sort of what I envisioned for us. With one seating area of the sectional facing the water and the other one facing the fireplace.


Thank you for all your helpful ideas girls. I am looking forward to making some decisions soon. Greg found a stone yesterday that he wants us to take a look at in the showroom. Called Aurea Stone. We have never heard of it but it looks to be more translucent than quartz but just as hardy and durable. We will see what we think IRL. Hard to say which I prefer from the website but if I had to choose right now out of the Aurea collection I would say either Paragon or Sfumato.

Or if it isn't as good as described on the website I am leaning towards granite.

Thank you again for sharing your ideas and thoughts and I really appreciate them. Have a good day!




Dec 9, 2013
Missy, your project is exciting and it's all going to be so beautiful. Thank you for letting us live vicariously by sharing the details.
As for the fur babies, I think we may already have the mice they need in case they don't like turnips.

Haha, Marcy...waiting for your ship to come in, indeed! I thought of the actual ship first, but now am thinking of your "road yacht".
Does your "road yacht" have a name yet?

We all do have such interesting lives, yes?

I am going for a hypnosis session today with a person recommended by a friend and will report on that later.
It sounds useful and fun to get help with...whatever. In this case being more productively creative through guided imagery.

Happy Wednesday, everyone :appl:


Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone!

Missy, thank you for your compassionate words, love to you too - I'm doing ok, my mother is the same and I'm just taking it one day at a time at this point. It gives me joy and comfort to check in with my nirdis and see what's going on with everyone.

Your nieces are SO cute!

I love the pictures of your beach house, I know you want to do some decorating but wow, your home is gorgeous. I love the brick wall, I think it's very cool. Jimmianne's drawing is excellent, and I think the white leather couches would look beautiful. I'm starting to think granite might be the right choice for you, I like granite lol. I love the last countertop you posted.

How is your rash?

Scandi, I love the inspiration pictures you posted for Jimmianne, such beautiful ideas!

Jimmianne, I thought of you when I saw the pic of that teal color! My instincts were right lol. You are so talented and creative and I know you will come up with something beautiful for your kitchen. I'm glad you are coming up with projects to help you feel content and positive about your NC home and I hope you had a good hypnosis session today. It makes my heart happy that you feeling so motivated and upbeat.

Marcy, glad you're feeling a bit better. Can't wait for your ship, and car, to come in!

Gypsy, your inspiration pics are beautiful, really good ideas!

Thanks to everyone for your love and concern! Helps more than you know xox. Hugs to you all!


Aug 8, 2005
I am exhausted emotionally. So many ups and downs today.

Here are some pictures in lieu of a post. :appl: :appl:

First up, our rear windshield versus the green pine cone. Pine cone won. Up after that is Lily being cute.

Junie, much love to you.




Aug 8, 2005
Missy I love this. With the glass front cabinets and the stone backsplash and the dark lanterns and stools. This is a fabulous look.


It's coastal and cottage-y.


Dec 9, 2013
June, thank you so much for your very kind words. You are such a loving person to think of others when you are going through a major life event. many hugs to you.xo
The hypnosis session was amazing. I was not expecting much and the whole thing was kind of corny. But it worked. As she was saying all those corny suggestions my brain was doing interesting things with them.
For me it was very visual and at one point all my worries turned into butterflies that all flew off into outer space, then I filled the newly empty spaces with atoms of energy & light that she had me retrieve from the people and situations in my life that had taken them away. I felt lighter all the rest of the day and felt energized, more hopeful. She said I had defragmented myself and that's exactly what it feels like. Slept well and dreamed more than usual. I'm going to go in once a week for at least a month.

Wow - pine cones are strong! who knew they were organic bombs : (


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls. Quick fly by post. Couldn't sleep last night due to an awful work day yesterday and wasn't going to go in to work today since I slept 2 hours but I just called them and decided to go in late so that's what I am doing but couldn't not say hello here first.

Junie, more hugs and love. We love you and are keeping you and your mom in our thoughts and prayers. I am not religious but I am spiritual and I am keeping everyone in my non religious prayers. Sending more hugs and love your way.

Gypsy, Oh my goodness, Lily is such a sweet baby. She looks a bit like our feral kitty Rootbeer. Or else it is my sleep induced foggy haze this morning making me think so. Anyway she is a LOVE. Thank you for sharing her photo. OMG to that pine cone and damage. Oy.
And I'm glad you like the kitchen photo. Greg doesn't want glass front cabinets because we (he means me lol) cannot be that neat but it's a start. Maybe continuing the granite or quartz to the backsplash is the way to go and no matter what I still adore those clean lines and color. Brightens the space and I love sunny bright spaces. And a big thank you for your help with Js cats. Really big thank you and (((HUGS))).

Jimmianne, so glad the hypnosis is working well for you. Maybe that is something I will consider if I can find someone reputable here. Thank you for your help with the redesign and renovations. What would I do without my NIRDIs?

OK I don't have time or energy to go into details but I truly almost left yesterday and had a little meltdown at work. Wasn't going to go in today but I have patients scheduled and I don't want to hurt them. But I slept maybe 2 hours last night and that was with taking something. I can't take this much longer. AC broken, computer height still too high (really how hard is this to much red tape and too many people in charge it needs to be run by ugh) and I met the new nursing director of the company that took us over and well I don't care for the philosophy of the new center but maybe I will go into more detail at another time.

And after trying to reach J all day I finally did and she has a new infection and she doesn't have a home for Zeke like she previously told me she did. Can this get any worse? And I know the answer is yes it can and will. If only we could find her sweet cats loving homes and OMG if we could find them all one home together I feel like I could handle anything else that comes my way (that is not health related that is because that is the most precious thing of all-our health and the health of our loved ones).

Thanks for being here and for listening and being that soft place to fall. You girls are the best and I love you all. Have a great day and (((Hugs))).
Adding Yoshi's photo from July. I already shared this here but just had to share it again. All Js cats are so sweet and deserve better than to lost heir mommy and also have no loving home to go to. 12 years old. My heart is breaking for J and for them. :cry: :cry: :cry:



Jan 23, 2016
My favourite hobby is driving.... so back guess where today :)

Thinking of you all!

Missy, don't quit without thinking it through.. (I probably would, but that is no example to live by...!!)

Sending a picture :)



Jan 23, 2016
Missy. It will be OK. I'll take the cats before anything bad happens to them. And I'm a dog person. So please find another option. But it will be OK!


Jun 17, 2009
Will be back later but just wanted to send you some hugs missy, you are dealing with a lot right now and I wish I could do more for you, thinking of you and sending positive thoughts that everything falls into place - things will somehow get resolved, hang in there.


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, yes I will miss my red A6. It’s the best car I’ve ever had. Drives, handles and rides like a dream. I am anxious to see what you pick for the kitchen. I know it will be fabulous. I hate to hear you had such a miserable day at work. Maybe it is time to move on; nothing is worse than dreading going to work and then hating being there. Sorry to hear J has another infection; I hope you or she finds someone that will take all of her cats. Sleep well tonight.

Jimmianne, I was thinking of naming my car Ceylon. It’s a nice royal blue sapphire color so that works, right? That is great you had such a positive experience with hypnosis.

Junebug, one day at a time is the best you can do right now. Keeping you, your mom and your family in my thoughts.

Gypsy, that pinecone broke your windshield? It stinks your windshield is broke. Cute picture of Lily.

Scandi, I like to drive on curvy, quiet roads too. It’s relaxing; singing along with your favorite songs. I hope you had a great drive. Love your picture.

I spent quite a bit of time trying to find a webcam to watch my “ship come in” to Houston. No luck. Rats. We were discussing at supper tonight who gets to drive Ceylon home from the dealer. When I said me Marty said we’d go down the street to 3 Margaritas (that is the limit they will sell you) and have 3 then he’d ride home with me. BRAT!

We went to supper at Olive Garden. It’s buy one take one right now (on select entrees) so I think I have enough for 7 lunches now. Yippee!!! Marty had a conference call right at 5 so we got there late and had to sit in dining room next to screaming kids rather than the bar but we drank and that helped us ignore it.

I just called the mobile Best Buy here and they said I could come in pre-order an iPhone 7 tonight but it was already 8:30. Rats. If they’d answered the phone an hour earlier I would have been down there. Maybe I’ll be sick tomorrow and go get in line. Or not.

Have a great Friday.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls. It's Friday!

Scandi, thank you honey and I am hanging in there. I decided to go into work yesterday albeit a few hours late and the AC had just been fixed 10 minutes before I arrived so my office was nice and cool and the day went like a breeze. So glad I went in despite being sleep deprived. It gave me something to keep my mind off J and what is happening with her and her kitties.

Hope all is well with you and thank you for sweet F's photo of the day. Please update us on what is new with you.
How is building going? Any plans this weekend?

Junie, you are too sweet and thank you for checking in and for the hugs. With all that you are dealing with the fact that you care enough to send good thoughts here is incredibly kind. I hope things are OK by you and that your mom is remaining comfortable and that you are taking care of yourself and getting some rest. Sending good thoughts and love and big hugs to you too.

Marcy, yes your A6 is a pretty car. Going from one pretty car to another. Not bad. Sorry about the iPhone but maybe you can get in line today? I like keeping my phone as long as I can because I hate getting used to new stuff and transferring all my data etc and I never remember my passwords so it is always a headache when I get a new computer/phone etc. We are meeting friends Saturday night and I think he already has the new iPhone or did I get that wrong and he's getting it? I don't know for sure and will see tomorrow. Anyway he switches whenever the newest iPhone comes out. Woohoo to getting all those lunches from one dinner. That rocks and sorry you had to put up with screaming kids at the Olive Garden. Greg is pretty easy going except for that and if we are out and there are noisy kids he gets annoyed. So do I but I annoy easily :lol: and he doesn't usually. Your new car will soon be here Marcy. :appl:

It turns out the infection J told me she has is shingles. :cry: Ugh, that is so unfair after everything she is going through. It's on her back and so painful. I guess it was her latest round of chemo that depressed her immune system and allowed shingles to break out. I just hope this won't affect her getting visitors. I think shingles can only be spread if you come into contact with the actual outbreak i.e. touch the actual rash/shingles outbreak and I suppose I have to read up on that given that I was just visiting her this week the day before she got diagnosed and that I tend to be susceptible to these things given that I had shingles 2 years ago. Anyway this really sucks for poor J. :cry:

I hope everyone has a good Friday and a nice weekend planned. We are heading to the beach house as soon as Greg gets back this morning from work. He left at 5 AM and should be back soon. Enjoy the day girls. :wavey:


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, I'm so sorry to hear about your poor neighbor. Just the thought of this poor woman having something else to deal with is heartbreaking.

I'm also sending lots and lots of kitty dust to you Hopefully with your help they will have wonderful homes with lots of love. You are so kind Missy.


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, I am sorry to hear J has shingles. I understand they are very painful. That really stinks but that makes sense her chemo probably depressed her immune system. Good deal the AC was working today. I cranked our air back on at home tonight; it was up to 79 in here. This time of year I switched back and forth between the heat and cool button. Marty is probably more easy going than I am but screaming kids get on his nerves pretty quickly in a restaurant. Have fun at the beach this weekend.

Hi Callie.

My program on aurora went well tonight. We had about 15 people show up tonight so that was nice.

I don’t know if you heard or not on the national news but we had a shooting here yesterday. Pretty scary and horrible to happen any where but quite a shock here. Some guy at a retirement community shot 3 people then himself. One of the 3 died immediately and the other 2 are in critical condition. The place we have our meeting is a retirement home and it sure looked like a lot of people were moving in there tonight. I wonder if they were moving out of the place where the shooting was. How heartbreaking.

Marty is golfing this weekend.

Someone from work is coming in the morning to get the 2 patio sets we don’t want so less junk at our house. Sweet.

After they show up I am heading to the mobile Best Buy to see if they have any iPhones left.

My ship is heading in to the gulf; it is below Florida. It’s getting closer.

Have a great weekend.


Dec 9, 2013
Hi Callie : ) :wavey:

Marcy, you have a ship and it is coming in fast. I envy that beautiful color and can't wait to hear how much you like it and the way it drives.
So sorry to hear about the shooting near you. As you said it it always sad to hear these things, but when it happens close by it is deeply affecting. I haven't read the news yet, but will do that now.

Missy, I am surprised at how effective the hypnosis continues to be. Although the positive effects have somewhat diminished, I still feel less anxious and more energized and am sleeping more and dreaming more. If anyone is considering it - the person I went to works with doctors [pain management, dental, etc.] so I feel confident in her ability.

Scandi, I am trying to find a shop in Europe that is like our Anthropologie here that I can order online. Where do you find nice towels and homegoods?
All I can find online is IKEA, which is good, but not much color variety.
BTW, I found a photo of this gorgeous place online and wondered if you have ever visited there.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! It's a beautiful crisp summer morning and autumn is in the air.

Callie, thank you sweetheart. Hope you have a good weekend and I will keep you posted.

Marcy, that is sweet getting rid of some stuff you don't want and donating it to someone who can use it. Win win. Hope Marty has a good golf game and woohoo for your car getting closer and closer to you. So exciting.

I am so sorry about the shooting near you. So very sad. :((

Jimmianne, that is wonderful. I am going to explore this when I have more time because it is so helpful for you. Thank you for sharing and I am so happy it is making a difference for you.

Junie, thinking of you and sending more good thoughts and love your way.

There have been some positive developments re the cats and possible homes but there is a new issue and that is with J and her thinking being affected by the disease. So I am just taking things one day at a time with her and praying it all works out for the cats and that she accepts what is happening and finds peace. Just such a horrible nightmare that she is in. :cry: :cry: :cry:

I hope you all have a nice weekend planned. We are off cycling soon and then out to dinner with friends to an Italian restaurant we have been wanting to try. Have a good Saturday girls and hugs.


Mar 29, 2005
Hi, NIRDI's one and all. Sorry to have gone AWOL for a bit. I've been busy/distracted lately, but decided not to go to the island today because it's windy and a bit rainy so thought I'd make time to check in.

Missy, I'm glad work is better. It's nice to have one less stressor in your life. And I'm keeping my fingers crossed for J's kitties finding a new home. I know that going through this with her is heart-wrenching, but you're doing such a wonderful thing for all of them. And I hope you have a good bike ride and weekend at the beach. You deserve it! And hopefully no new rash flare-ups!

Jimmianne, glad the hypnotherapy is helping. I've done it on and off with several different therapists and find many of its techniques quite useful. And that Sweden photo - oh my goodness, that is gorgeous! And I envy you finding joy and relief in gardening. I find the opposite to be true for me so now have someone do it for me. It took me awhile to get over feeling I should do it myself, but I realized that to me it's all yard work and I'd rather be doing something else. And it sounds like the France house is slowly revealing itself to you. It can be challenging to manage long-distance but so worth it when you're there.

Marcy, it is so cool you can track the progress of the ship carrying your new ride. Technology can be such a good thing. It will be so exciting when it finally hits American soil and starts making its way west. Then you and Marty will get to fight over who drives it. You'll have to hope for a few business trips for the DH!

Junie, thank you for checking in. It's good to hear from you and it can be comforting to do the "normal" things even at such a difficult time (or maybe because it's a difficult time). My thoughts are still with you.

Gypsy, I hope you and John are well, and that you two get some work opportunities and locations that will bring you more joy and less stress.

Kristie, have you read the mediation book yet? I bought it based on that other thread, but haven't cracked it open yet. And I love your name for La Jolla. Parking truly is a b&*#ch there and I haven't been there in years!!

Hey, Callie, Sharon, CJ! Hope all is well.

As for me, they came and got my car on Friday to replace the windshield and get it cleaned up. I opted to pick it up at the dealer rather than have them drop it off at the house. It's good I did because they washed the car, but hadn't buffed out the "oops" from my previous visit. So I waited while they did that, and when they came back, I then asked if they'd done the recall work that had been scheduled the first time, and they hadn't done that either. So I just waited until it was all done - about 45 minutes - and it's their fault, not mine, that I had two bags of potato chips instead of lunch!

And I'm finally going to post the long-promised but still undelivered fjord photos. These are from our first trip to the fjords. I'll mostly let them speak for themselves:

More to follow.






Mar 29, 2005
These shots give you a sense of how enormous the fjords are. In the later shots, the boats look like tiny specks and these are not small boats!






Mar 29, 2005
And just because they're pretty:






Mar 29, 2005
And a couple of shots of village life in the fjords. Some are accessible by road like this one:

And this village is not. The people who lived here (all 10 of them) couldn't get to the nearest church much of the year so the government gave them the materials to build their own church. It was way more lumber than they needed, but they didn't want to waste anything so they built a church that holds 50. It may be too big, but they did a very nice job!

Next stop will be Bergen, Norway.




Feb 27, 2007

Missy, fall is definitely in the air. Fabulous car you saw today. When they came to get the patio sets the lady said they are taking one of them and their daughter and her family are taking the other one. Good deal. Glad there is progress on the cats and I am sorry to hear J’s thinking might be clouded but I can understand how that can happen. How was cycling and dinner?

Jimmianne, my ship is coming in fast. That Houston Shipping Channel is something. I found a webcam at the Galveston port we might be able to see the shop sailing by from there. That is wonderful you are having such positive results from hypnosis. That is a gorgeous place!

Rainwood, funny you should mention who drives my new SUV home. I told Marty again today it is going to be me. If it’s nice we might take the long way home and then we can split the drive. It was a good thing you went to the dealer and yes it’s their fault you ate 2 bags of chips. The fjords are absolutely gorgeous.

I am the excited owner of a gold iPhone 7. It is pretty nice. It is definitely quicker than the 6. I was at the Best Buy mobile for about an hour a lot of that time was waiting for my pictures to transfer. They even had a nice blue rubber case I liked so I don't have to buy another case. I got Apple Care for 2 years as well. Score!

Then I went to the grocery store and picked up a few things. I got a roast to cook in the crock pot tomorrow. Marty is playing golf so it will just be ready when he gets home.

I guess we had another shooting here today. A 15 year old was shot don’t know much more. So much for a quiet, safe little town.

Have a great Sunday.


Mar 29, 2005
Scandi, I didn't intend to leave you out! I hope training is going well and Fifi is following your commands even when the birds take flight and she wants to do the same!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Rainwood, amazing photos, thank you! The scenery is breathtaking. :love:

Yay to your car finally being fixed but boo for them not having it completely fixed until you pointed each thing out to them. Really fortunate you didn't have it delivered to you and that you had the forethought to pick it up instead. Why does it seem most people just don't do their jobs properly anymore? Carelessness? Laziness? Apathy? Or just plain incompetence? :wall: It is frustrating sometimes.

Marcy, I love that you can track where your new car is and how close you are to getting that beauty. How exciting.
Yay to your new iPhone. We saw our friends last night and the husband has the new iPhone and it is lighter with a longer battery life than the previous model and he loves it. It's a sweet phone. Enjoy. :appl:
Oh no to another shooting. :(sad

Junie, how are you doing honey? Thinking of you and sending ((((hugs)))) and good wishes your way.

Thank you Gypsy for helping me try to find homes for the kitties. Hope you and John are having a good weekend.

Well I am sad because both potential homes we had for the cats fell through. These were 2 different families who said they were willing to take all 3 which is of course the preferred outcome because all 3 have been together since birth for 12 years now. One of the women who wanted to take all 3 said her dh absolutely refused and said no more cats. The other woman was willing but she is located thousands of miles away and the travel would be too hard on the cats who are too old for such travel. I didn't realize that until it was pointed out to me by a few people so back to the drawing board. Such a shame because both homes would have been amazing as both these women are amazing. I am really down about this but I am not giving up.

We had a lovely day. We had a nice long bike ride and an ice cream and car show break and then we met our friends for dinner at a terrific restaurant and it is my new favorite. Delicious food, great atmosphere and perfect company. All in all a wonderful day and evening. Sharing some pics of the car I fell in love with that was for sale and a great price IMO. Rainwood, before you scold me the electrical system on this car is completely redone as is the transmission and engine so it is in great condition. Only problem (because Greg was actually willing to get this car for me) is I really don't want to drive standard shift where we live. It doesn't make sense to me though I know purists love the manual I prefer automatic. I'm a city girl and want easy driving. But OMG this car almost made me change my mind. MG OMG. :love:

I hope everyone has a lovely Sunday. :wavey:





Dec 9, 2013
Rainwood, those photos are out of this world. What a magical place! I'm glad you mentioned the scale of the landscape as it helped in perceiving the sheer enormity of the fjords' landscape. It's so great that you had the experience and had it during your anniversary.

Marcy, I'm glad to hear you like your iPhone 7. There's been so much hoopla about them I wondered what they are like. I've loved my "6".
What is happening with those shootings?! terrible.

My talented DD had her solo show art reception last night. I loved seeing all her paintings -and- also hanging out with the 30-somethings. They have so much beauty & style, it's really inspiring. Now I need a makeover. Immediately.
Ugh - needed a haircut since May and keep trimming my bangs at home and wearing slouchy clothes and no makeup.
and most shocking I stopped wearing diamonds. THAT all has got to stop. I'm between styles, iykwim.

Hi to everyone. I think of you all when I write...even though I respond to just the last few forgive me in advance for not responding to everyone.

Missy, I could def. see you in that car!


Jun 8, 2008
Jimmianne, good morning! Yay for your DD's solo art reception. Impressive and good for her! :appl:

And we both need a makeover so know you are not alone. My last haircut was in the winter sometime and I need help LOL. It's not like I have given up and I def try to make myself presentable (and of course Greg is always complimentary) but I do need a cut and maybe some color. Just don't feel like making the time and taking the energy to get it done. So I feel ya.

As for clothes just come visit me and we will go shopping. There are some nice NYC boutiques I will take you to and we will find something tres chic. :bigsmile:


Dec 9, 2013
Missy, very tempting! As long as we don't go looking for anything "tres chic" at Chez Adam!


Jun 8, 2008
Jimmianne|1474195684|4078010 said:
Missy, very tempting! As long as we don't go looking for anything "tres chic" at Chez Adam!

Hahaha, weelllll, I am not making any promises and looking never hurt anyone, right? 8) :cheeky:


Mar 29, 2005
Missy, you'll look lovely in that MG when it's stranded by the side of the road when the next thing breaks!!! And I drove a manual transmission for 30 years, and only switched when I got my latest car. I love driving a stick, but traffic here is so bad it became a chore to shift instead of a joy. I figured that on my commute home from my weekly day in the office l probably shifted at least 100 times because of rush hour traffic. That is not fun.

Sorry about the kitties' potential homes falling through. It's a tough placement, that's for sure.


Oct 24, 2012
Rainwood, thank you for sharing the pics!

Missy, that car is super cute! I can see you behind the wheel! I'm so sorry that the rehoming situation did not work out for the kitties. I'm crossing my fingers for you that something else will come up soon.

Gypsy, I'll text you this week. :)

Marcy, congrats on getting the iphone! The lines are out the doors at every Apple store here. I'm not going near one for a while. In fact, I'm waiting for the prices on the previous versions to drop so we can upgrade my family.

Hi Everyone. I've been out of it and not too motivated bling wise. Work has been busy and I've been bonding with my mom and shopping a lot. Not exactly the best thing, but whatever... ;-) I'm kinda going through some major changes and it's messing with the chemistry in my head, but it's all good. :)

Just taking a little bling break.

Loving my new workout that I am doing now. It's called the Bar Method. Super low impact but definitely is resculpting my body. The running has taken a physical and emotional toll. I don't know how long of a running break this will be.

Have a great Sunday everyone!
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