
Now I really did it :((


Feb 27, 2007
We just got back from Denver.

Junebug, I am glad you and your sister liked one of the homes. I know you have a lot of big decisions to make and I hate to think how heavy this is weighing on your mind. There is just a point when people need more help than they can get at home and no one wants to be in that position or have to make that decision for someone we love. Thinking of you and we are here for you. Take care and try to get some rest.



Feb 27, 2007

Gypsy, I get being down when you are home and more up when you are out and about doing things. I know keeping busy helps me but sometimes I need those down times to start feeling better. I hope you have more up times than not and things look up for you very soon. I am delighted to hear you had a blast window shopping with JDDN. You saw some beautiful jewelry. I do think the dealers were rather surprised at the cookie delivery. We stopped at the place we ordered the car from first and he emailed the guy in Denver to say we were on the way. I kept my promise to bake them cookies so I feel better.

Missy, so I hope I didn’t offend you saying walking was my skill set. That’s about the best I can do, really. I could easily become a hermit too. When Marty travels other than work I usually don’t go anywhere or talk to anyone. I don’t mind that a bit but then I do tend to get myself in a dark place. Have fun meeting up with Greg’s friend and his wife. I am glad to hear he enjoyed my newsletter. I post a new one at the beginning of the month. I hope the weather cools off for you. What a relief your AC was addressed so quickly. Our old house didn’t have AC so when it got in the 90’s we’d plug in our RV and crank on the AC in it. We’d set out there and watch movies on the little 13” TV. Ha! We finally got AC put in that house though. It used to cool off enough here each night you didn’t need AC but anymore it’s pretty miserable without it.

Scandinavian, I love the kitty pictures. Yes, Karen’s work attitude is pretty funny. Ooh summer GTG at Scandi’s house.

Calliecake, that is nice you found some cute things at Nordstroms. I did make Death cookies to deliver to the dealers today. I found a new recipe online I want to try - it’s chocolate chip cookies that you use cream cheese in them in place of some of the butter. How can that be bad?

Junebug, a nice leisurely ride on the beach sounds great, doesn’t it? Marty picked up some accessories for his bike in Denver today so he is getting it all equipped and ready to go. I am glad your mom is gaining a little bit of strength but hate to hear she seems more frail and elderly now. It seems when they are older any thing really takes it toll on them. I am glad she is drinking ensure. I am sorry to hear you have a bad cough, are losing weight and can’t sleep but I certainly understand why. I have you in my thoughts and I am sending big Hugs your way.

I slept in until about 9. Then started watching a silly movie (27 Dresses) so didn’t get my shower until almost 11. I zipped down to a nearby Culvers and got myself a small hamburger and fries so I had that for lunch. Marty was going to get lunch at the golf course and got home about 12:30. We took off to deliver cookies to the Porsche dealers. Marty took a Killer Rabbit on the ride and I took the little teddy bear Snacks so naturally poor Snacks got chewed on the entire day by the Killer Rabbit.

Delivering cookies took most of the afternoon. We stopped at a bike store and a sporting goods store. I was going to whine that we didn’t get me anything today but since we were at the Porsche dealer i decided I’d quit while I was ahead.

Not much exciting going on tomorrow. Laundry and picking up this place.
Take care.


Mar 29, 2005
Hi, everybody!

I head for Europe on Monday morning so am in a scramble to get everything taken care of. Because of that, I need to be brief but wanted to touch base before I leave.

Missy, the weather sounds unbearable and even the possibility of no A/C would be terrible. Fingers crossed it keeps working as long as you need it. Love the pictures of your kitties and I'm sorry to hear that Fred isn't doing well. It's so hard to watch them get older and so easy to worry. I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Cancer is hard enough, recurrence is extra scary. And what a great thing to do - a kitty makeover for her cat!

Junie, you are making the right decision to explore all the options. Your mother needs someone who can provide her with round-the-clock care, and that's not really possible at home, even with home health aides. As you said, it's not just the lack of privacy and the expense, it's the lower level of care. Your mom with need skilled nursing and home aides are not nurses. And it's hard on people who are frail to get to medical appointments. The facility you like the best sounds like the right one. And if it's not, you can move her. I did that with my mom when the group home turned out not to be the right place for her. And I knew she couldn't stay with me because she too needed 24-hour care. It took less than a day for me to see it wasn't even a short-term solution. Don't feel guilty. You're getting your mom the care she needs, and that's what matters. But it's almost impossible not to feel guilty about it. We all think we should do better even when that isn't possible.

Marcy, hang in there at work and count down the days to your sapphire chariot hitting American shores. And I'm sorry you had parental issues too. That seems to be the norm unfortunately. And so sweet to bake cookies for the Porsche dealers. It's always good to keep a good relationship with your car dealer!

Scandi, love the photos of the big cats. And it looks like good weather over there. I can't wait to see your part of the world.

Callie, I'm sorry to hear you too have experienced the lose-lose situation of trying to deal with stubborn parents. It seems to be the norm rather than the exception, at least if you're a daughter. And good for you on setting boundaries. So important but so hard to do and to keep.

Gypsy, I'm sorry you can't be honest with your mom and stepdad. That must take a toll, but I'm confident you're doing it for the right reasons. And it sounds like your mom asks for opinions when she really just wants validation of her choices (probably the case with the floors). I've known people like that and it took me ages not to answer those questions honestly and even longer not to get aggravated when they went ahead and did what they wanted to do in the first place. Now if someone like that asks, I say something like "I'm sure whatever you do will be fine." And if they persist and I get peeved, I'll say something stronger like "It doesn't matter what I think because you're doing to do what you want anyway." I refuse to fall into the trap of giving a real answer or validating a choice I disagree with. And what a great outing to Joe Escobar. I'd take that oval if I had the those nice long fingers. And I didn't know Joe E. was in Campbell. That's where my DH was born!

LLJ & Kristie, hope all is okay with you. And I totally agree with your wise words to Junie and Gypsy. NIRDI's are here to listen and to help when needed.

Except probably not me for awhile. I don't know how easy it will be to read and post, but I'll try to check in if and when I can.
Be well, everyone!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Junie, you are doing everything possible and please don't be so hard on yourself. You have been there every step of the way doing all you can to care for your mom. I am so sorry your mom is not recovering fully and the prognosis is uncertain but I trust completely you will do the best thing for your mom and get her the care she needs. As much as you wish you could take her back home it just doesn't seem the best solution for your mom (or you) at this time. See what happens taking it one day at a time and you can always re-evaluate the options. No matter what ends up happening though you are the best daughter (and wife and mom and sister) a mother could have and don't forget that OK? Your mom is loved and cared for and you are doing all you can for her. Please take good care of yourself because remember if you don't stay healthy and strong you won't be able to be there for your mom so at the very least remember that. I am worried about you not eating and sleeping and sending much love and good thoughts your way. Please take care Junie OK?
Thinking of you and your family and sending big (((HUGS))) to you and bucket loads of healing dust and thoughts to your mom.

Marcy, I wasn't offended at all. LOL that's me too. Walking is a skill set I have barely mastered to be honest so I think you are ahead of the game LOL. How was Denver? Did you meet your family for lunch? I hope you enjoyed a lovely day. Delivering cookies to some very lucky Porsche dealers. They sure scored yesterday! OMG Chocolate chip cookies and cream cheese recipe? Please send those my way when you try that new recipe OK? Pretty please? Or I could just wait for your peanut butter chocolate cookie batch as PB is my favorite... :cheeky:

Scandi, yes summertime is a lovely time to visit there. Do you mean alpine skiing or cross country? I like cross country but Greg prefers downhill. Though neither of us have skied for many many years. He used to ski in Switzerland and Austria, Italy and France. He has never skied in the Scandinavian countries. I love the photos of those big kitties. Meoooowww. Still quite huggable (in my mind at least). Also love that resort. Looks so inviting and like so much fun!

Rainwood, woohoo!!! Tomorrow is the beginning of your European adventure. :appl: So thrilled for you and I hope you have the most amazing time traveling with your sister. Our AC is holding strong so pleased with that. I trust you are all packed and have your list of everything to last minute pack to go. You have your passport, any meds, glasses, sunglasses, sunscreen, a big hat, comfie shoes, toothpaste, toothbrush, your sleepwear, slippers, bathrobe, phone and any phone card you might need, kindle/ipad/books, empty soft luggage for extras you might purchase...just trying to think of anything you might forget though I doubt you would because you are so well organized. Wishing you safe travels and a wonderful trip!!!

Callie, glad you purchased some nice clothing and I cannot wait to see it on you in person! No your cool weather is not yet heading our way unfortunately. If you could try sending it starting next Friday through the weekend I would be forever grateful. Glad you are enjoying some lovely weather at least and hope you have a wonderful Sunday!

Kristie, let me know what you think of those cooling towels. We like them but only first used them yesterday. We bought them last month. Just kept rewetting with water at each bike break and putting on our neck and riding and it stayed cool till the next rest stop. Too bad I cannot attach them to my legs LOL. Though I am not sure they would help with the rashes as I really think it is sun related and my immune response gone haywire. Hope you and the doggies are remaining cool and zen and enjoying the pool!

Jimmianne, hope your weekend is going well. Thinking of you.

Not trapping the ferals this weekend as it is too hot and it doesn't look like we will be trapping any of them until the end of August unfortunately but Ann's schedule is full and she is overwhelmed right now with kitties. It has been thunder storming here in the late afternoon the past 2 days and both evenings after the storms either Fresca or Fresca 2 (or g-d forbid a new kitty) came right up to our backyard glass doors and looked in and Tommy attacked the glass. It was (for me) heartbreaking because the feral is so tiny and seemed sad but then she walked away. If only I could open those doors for them and they wouldn't run away. But they have food and water and thought they are not using it shelter and that is all we can do right now. Hopefully we can get back to trapping and spaying/neutering them soon.

It is still very warm here and unfortunately I had a recurrence of the rash yesterday but this time more of them all over my leg and in my incision too. It stings but it doesn't itch or really hurt. It's just uncomfortable. Trying to remain calm and positive that it isn't anything serious but that is challenging to do because I don't know what it is and what this might mean for my future and being able to enjoy the outdoor activities I love. I wouldn't care about it if I knew it was innocuous.

It is not a heat rash as David would have been able to diagnose that and it is not my PMLE because that doesn't last into the summer and recur like this. He is stumped and so I am worried. It happens on covered and uncovered skin so it is a mystery. Definitely related to the sun because (so far) it doesnt happen when I am working out inside- only when I am bicycling. But it does occur on skin that is covered but also on skin that is uncovered with sunblock.

I didn't contact David about it this year yet because last week was the first time it showed up this year and he is impossible to get in touch with he's so busy. My next appointment is sometime at the end of August so not sure what I am going to do. I made the mistake of doing some online research and of course lots of my symptoms match exactly with Lupus (chilblains, Raynauds, arthritic joints, nail changes and ridges etc.) and that sort of freaks me out but I am going to stop googling now.

We are still going bike riding soon despite the rash because I don't want to be scared to live my life and until I have more info there is no reason I should stop doing what I love. We are entertaining Greg's friends this afternoon and evening so will be back from our bike ride hopefully by noon so hoping that my rashes don't worsen. I wasn't even going to share this given all our NIRDIs are dealing with right now but I would have felt dishonest not sharing it if that makes sense.

I am planning to visit J tomorrow or Tuesday or both to keep her company and comb Zeke again. Gypsy I don't know why Zeke's hair got so matted but he is somewhere b/w a short haired and long haired so sort of medium haired if that makes sense. His hair is not as short as my kitties hair so I guess it's easier to get tangled and matted. Thank you all for the good wishes for her. I appreciate that so much.

Hugs to you all and wishing everyone a good Sunday! :wavey:


Dec 9, 2013
Happy National Ice Cream Day!

Rainwood, I am super excited for you - and envious!! Impressive check list that Missy gave you. Do you have your Bose noise-cancelling headphones? Compression socks? Teddy Bear? LOL Have a wonderful time :appl:

The work here is overwhelming, endless, mindless hard labor. I am so over it, yet it goes on. Three weeks of not mowing during the height of the growing season! and the barn not being cleaned. The place is a wreck. But it's my wreck haha Not ready to get rid of it any time soon.
On top of this mess, I came home from my trip to discover a major mouse problem and took the kitchen apart; washed every cupboard, dish & utensil.
Then three days ago, a troop of cute baby mice arrived and I am doing it all over again. This time placing a little have a heart trap in every room. So far that's worked well. I am not ready to kill anything yet, but may consider a hunter-style kitty. Sam ignores mice.
I let my cleaner go. I discovered as I cleaned that on close inspection she really wasn't doing such a great job...and didn't anyone notice that the mice had opened a 50# bag of bird seed and were having a hayday? :angryfire: She cleaned the morning of the day I came home and there was dust on all the tables and window sills. So I have a new cleaner - me.
On a happier note,
I recently discovered that Trader Joe's has the best food in the area and is well-worth the 30 minute drive. I doubt they have cookies as good as Marcy's, but the steaks and salads are wonderful.


Jan 23, 2016
These you can hug - if you work here.. :)



Jan 23, 2016
Theme park - breakfast with the pirates :)



Jun 17, 2009

Missy, I'm so sorry the rash is showing up again, it really is a mystery and I'm frustrated right along with you. It's good that it's not causing you much discomfort but omg why doesn't it just go away. Good for you for not letting it keep you from doing things you love. I hear you on consulting Dr. Google - sometimes it's helpful but other times it just adds more anxiety. I hope you can push it out of your mind as much as possible (believe me, I know how hard that is lol) and enjoy your time at the beach as much as you can. And I'm pretty sure I speak for everyone when I say that I want you to share anything you want to share, and vent whenever you need to. My goodness, this thread has been such a source of comfort to all of us and it's all because of you! You are here for all of us and are always so supportive and caring. Your health is a very big deal and I want you to share what's going on, and any and all emotions you're feeling. I wish I could do more to help but at the very least I can be here for you and try to offer as much support and comfort as I can. ((((hugs))))

And please don't worry about me! Really, I'm fine…I was feeling tired and depressed when I posted yesterday, I shouldn't have even mentioned anything and admittedly I was throwing myself a little pity party…I got some sleep last night and I'm feeling better. I think the stress of the past few months has just caught up with me, between trying to get the house set up, worrying about bringing my mother here, trying to arrange care for her at my house and all the other things involved in caring for her, and then this hospitalization. But really, I'm doing ok, my family has been very supportive and two of my siblings feel very strongly that unless my mother was to greatly improve, a facility is the best choice, so I have people looking out for me as well as my mother. In fact, even before the Pancreatitis my sister was expressing concern that caring for my mother at my home might be too hard. She kept delaying her return to NC because of that, I think. The jury is out on my other brother, I don't think he's against it per se but I'm picking up that he thinks it seems like a drastic step or something. He hasn't been to see her yet though. And honestly, it's not up to him anyway. No matter what happens, she's not returning to her home. That is absolutely not in her best interest, that's the one thing I know for sure.

And yes, you are absolutely right, my mother is not stabilized yet, and is still recovering from all she's been through physically, so we really don't know the outcome yet, and what her final condition will be. It seems like every day brings something different - my sister went to see her last night so that I could spend a little time with my husband and son (so nice) and my mother was more confused than usual and saying things that didn't make sense. That's unusual and my sister reported it to the nurse. So again, not even sure what we're really dealing with here. I was hoping she'd be on a more even keel by now.

Big hugs to you with regard to the ferals, I know it's so hard…but it sounds like you are reminding yourself you're doing all you possibly can at this point! I admire you so much for the help you are giving these kitties, it is amazing, really.

And it's so nice you're going to visit your friend soon, I know that your company will be really good for her. I too was wondering how Zeke's hair got so matted but it's a moot point because you fixed it lol. You're the best.

I hope you have a great time with Greg's friends, and can push all this stuff to the back of your mind for a while and have a little fun. Being around other people can be a good distraction.

Rainwood, I hope you see this before you leave…I am so excited for you and am wishing you a wonderful, fun, relaxing trip! I hope you have a fabulous time and I can't wait to hear all about it when you get back. You will be missed!

And…thank you for your compassion and understanding. Your words were very comforting and it is so helpful to get input from someone who has had to take care of their elderly parent when that parent could no longer do so. It's very complicated. I have made mistakes but I have tried very hard for the past 5+ years to provide my mother with the care she needs, and I will continue to do so. Thank you for your kindness.

And…thanks LLJsmom, Gypsy, and Marcy…thanks for not judging me harshly and for understanding…this is really tough and at this point I just want to provide my mother with the care she needs. I appreciate the support, more than you know.

Jimmianne, oh no to your little visitors! Sounds like it's under control at this point and I hope it continues. Sorry about your cleaning lady, and yeah, sounds like she wasn't really doing her job and sometimes it's just easier to do it yourself, at least until you find someone else.

Scandi, wow, what a fun place! My son would have loved having breakfast with pirates when he was little lol! Love your pics, that little guy is so cute. So glad you and your family are having a good time.

Ok girls, I am feeling very self-absorbed by all of my rambling, I am determined not to go on as much about my situation from now on because really, enough is enough. I guess once I start typing it's hard to stop lol. Guess I just wanted to update you all, but I promise from now on my updates will be much shorter. Love to you all, you're all great! xox


Jun 7, 2014
LLJsmom|1468705331|4056166 said:
June, how could anyone judge you? You're in a very difficult position, mentally, emotionally, physically. You're doing your best for everyone you love. No one could ask for more. Vent and unload as much as you want. Or you can just come by and say, I'm tired. And that's it. My heart is with you. I'm sorry this is so hard. I wish I could do something. But know that we would never dream of judging you. I know you doing everything you can with only love and concern in your heart for your mom, your husband, son, sister, brother. It's a lot. You're giving as much as you can. We only have Love for you June. You can refill here.

Ditto, Ditto, Ditto. June please know everyone is here for you and we all can empathize with what you are going thru. Hugs, hugs and more hugs Honey. Please also remember you need to be at your best mentally and physically to help your mom. You are making all the decisons to best help your mom. You are putting her needs first. We all know this is breaking your heart and we are here for you.


Jul 1, 2014
Re mental status changes, mild to extreme, typically result of uti.


Feb 27, 2007

Rainwood, I hope you have a fabulous time in Europe on your trip. I like the name “sapphire chariot”. Yes, I’ve been watching videos this morning on a Porsche App I downloaded. I have absolutely no idea why I am so stinking excited about this SUV. My mom was sick for years and my dad was her care giver her last few years. He was very healthy and strong but taking care of her as her health continued to fail took it toll mentally and physically. My mom passed away from leukemia 3 years ago next month; my dad passed away from a heart attack 5 months and 1 day later. As you said to Junebug we can’t help but feeling guilty. I was very close to my parents and even though I saw them frequently and talked to them daily I sure suffer from guilt and shoulda, coulda, woulda. And bless your heart I know you’ve been through way too much of this as well.

Missy, okay - just checking. We did have a nice time in Denver. I didn’t catch up with any of my family since it was a quick down and back trip. Chocolate and PB - mmm what a great combo. Our local cookie shop has PB cookies with fudge frosting. They are divine. I don’t even like frosting but I love those cookies. Sorry to hear you got more of a rash this weekend. It’s probably not a good idea to google your symptoms but trust me I do it too. How is Greg’s wrist doing? I am sure your friend will be happy you come visit again. I know you wish you could do more for the feral kitties but remember how much you have done for the Soda Gang. You have made tremendous changes in their lives.

Jimmianne, thanks for letting me know it’s National Ice Cream Day! I must celebrate that! Your place does sound like a lot of work but you seem to love it. I am sorry about your cleaning lady; my original leaning lady is coming back tomorrow. My plan to keep Saturday’s didn’t work out. Rats. How could that lady not notice a 50 pound bag of seed being open? I have never shopping at a TJ’s but I hear they are fabulous. Glad you found one so near.

Scandinavian, great pictures of the theme park and local residents.

Junebug, you certainly are entitled to feeling sorry for yourself; you have a lot on your shoulders. I know you are basing your decisions on what is best for your mother as well as trying to keep some normalcy for yourself. It is tough to balance all of that. I am delighted to hear you got some sleep last night. Please don’t worry about how long your posts are; just getting those thoughts out can be helpful and we are here to offer your support and we truly care what is going on with you.

Hi Calliecake, LLJsmom, Kristie and Sharon.

I am watching Inglourious Basterds. What a great movie (warning not for someone who doesn’t like violence in movies).

I am working on laundry and Marty is out playing golf. I was going to pick up our mail but there were at least 5 wasps or hornets between me and mailbox so I got back in my car.

Take care.


Dec 9, 2013
azstonie|1468786180|4056410 said:
Re mental status changes, mild to extreme, typically result of uti.
AZ I can't find out the reference for this, but I am assuming it has to do with one of the NIRDI moms?
My mom had a stroke while I was talking to her long distance. I hung up and called the nurses' station. They said she had a uti which can be confused with a stroke and that they could see her from the desk and she was fine. Two days later they did a scan - it was a stroke, and she never regained consciousness.
The respect for the elderly is shockingly low.

This is why our parents need us as advocates!

btw I saw my first copperhead today! 16 years here without a sighting. I was cleaning at the barn, lifted a tarp and there is was.
My reaction surprised me. I just thought wow look at that - a copperhead and ran to get my camera lol
Surprisingly beautiful and not confrontational at all. It stayed perfectly still and probably thought it was invisible.
The vet drove up a few minutes later and tried to find it to kill it, but it was gone.
Needless to say, I mowed the grass very short all around the barn this afternoon and I am now thinking of my walks in the woods very differently! I'm sure they have been around the whole 16 years, though.

Marcy, you have some interesting snakes out your way. {AZ too]. Do you see many?


Feb 27, 2007
Jimmianne, OMG! I would scream like a little girl and get in my Porsche and drive very fast and very far away. Yes we have snakes around here but mostly garter snakes. Just 30 minutes North and East from here where it is lower and flatter we have rattlers. My sister and her family always carry something with them outside because if you come across one you throw something at them they will strike at it instead of going after you. Definitely keep your grass mowed low around where you walk.

Our old house had lots of garter snakes. The basement was getting them in there all the time but Marty just tried to never let me know about them. One time he was paged in to work and got home about when I was getting out of the shower. He told me to wake him up at 7:30 because he had a meeting at 8. I carried all my clothes to the living room to get dressed and I thought he'd dropped his belt in the middle of the living room floor. I didn't have my contacts in and I am pretty blind without something so I bent over to pick it up and that "belt" picked it's head up. I knew Marty was asleep so I didn't scream but I backed down the hallway and said loudly "Marty there is a snake in the living room" He said "not funny" and I said "not kidding". So the next 20-30 minutes he and I are trying to catch the stupid thing. I have a trash bag open and he's trying to use a walking stick to get it in there - it got away and got under our entertainment center. One of those old big particle board ones that had cabinets, shelves and the square for the old tube TV's. Weighed a ton. Well the snake got under the entertainment center and was blending in with the millions of cords. Marty picked the entertainment center up and moved it enough to get the snake out of there. So he is holding it in place with the walking stick and tells me to use his golf putter to hit it in the head. I am swinging it around - hitting me, hitting Marty, hitting the wall, hitting the entertainment center but never hit the snake once. Finally we switched and I held the stick on the snake and Marty hit it in the head. What a fun morning. :lol:


Feb 27, 2007
Jimmianne, we also had mice at our first house. I used to walk in the door and say "Mickey You Little ****er, we're home!" Yes, I am crazy!


Jun 17, 2009
azstonie|1468786180|4056410 said:
Re mental status changes, mild to extreme, typically result of uti.

I'll be back... Thanks Kristie, she was checked, no uti.

The doctor at the hospital mentioned hospital psychosis, my gut is telling me it might be that.


Jul 1, 2014
junebug17|1468796187|4056495 said:
azstonie|1468786180|4056410 said:
Re mental status changes, mild to extreme, typically result of uti.

I'll be back... Thanks Kristie, she was checked, no uti.

The doctor at the hospital mentioned hospital psychosis, my gut is telling me it might be that.

That's a good hospital or doc who knew to check for UTI, good work. She sounds to be in very good hands in your description of her course, June.


Jul 1, 2014
Jimmianne|1468790683|4056453 said:
azstonie|1468786180|4056410 said:
Re mental status changes, mild to extreme, typically result of uti.
AZ I can't find out the reference for this, but I am assuming it has to do with one of the NIRDI moms?
My mom had a stroke while I was talking to her long distance. I hung up and called the nurses' station. They said she had a uti which can be confused with a stroke and that they could see her from the desk and she was fine. Two days later they did a scan - it was a stroke, and she never regained consciousness.
The respect for the elderly is shockingly low.

Sorry to hear this, Jimmianne. Stroke symptoms and UTI symptoms are dissimilar and easily diagnosed through imaging and lab test, respectively.


Jan 23, 2016
I hate snakes, almost have a heart attack just from seeing them on tv.

June, you are doing an amazing job and I think you are doing the right thing!! Things are always worse when you get too little sleep.

Missy, all kinds of skiing are good here, but I also prefer cross country.

Jimmianne, this is for you, closest thing to barn animals I could find :) :)



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Junie, I am so glad your sister has been so supportive and so helpful and delayed her return home in order to be there for you and your mom. That's the way it should go but so many families don't pull together like that. I am sorry your mom's mental status is not returning to what it was before and hopefully she will continue improving physically and mentally. I have heard of hospital psychosis before and the good news it is usually temporary and if it is that she will return to her old self after she leaves. I know this is so basic but they are making sure she is properly hydrated right? Hoping it is temporary and that things start looking much brighter for all of you very soon. (((HUGS))).

Jimmianne, how did I miss National Ice Cream day? Hope you enjoyed some ice cream! Sorry your cleaning person had to go but I know your new one will do a job to your standards. You know that saying if you want a job done right. Sorry about the mice and it is a difficult situation. I like mice and rats but not in my house so I feel for you. Wishing you a non violent solution.

Marcy, I hate wasps and hornets maybe worst of all insects with the exception of one or two. They are up there on the list of bugs to avoid. Smart idea to not entice them in any way. The mail can wait. Greg's wrist is feeling much better finally yay! Thank you for asking. He is almost back to normal. Today is 2 weeks. These things take time and I am relieved finally there is significant improvement.
Thanks for the warning about the movie Inglorious Bastards. I heard it was good but will probably skip it because I hate violence.
Hope Marty had a good golf game and good for you getting your laundry done. Good luck today and I hope it is a smooth workday and that nobody annoys or frustrates you and that the whole work week goes well.

Scandi, I am blown away by your latest photos. LOVE them. Thank you for sharing. I feel as if I am there. What a wonderful trip and thank you for taking us along. :appl:

We had a very good day yesterday. Went cycling early morning and though it was very warm I did OK and the rash didn't get worse so what a relief. Though it isn't disappearing like I want it to at least it isn't getting worse. Then Greg's childhood friend and his wife (from South Carolina) came over and we had a lovely afternoon and evening and they wouldn't leave LOL. They stayed till 11PM even though they had a 2 hour plus drive back to LBI. OMG I was so tired but it was a lot of fun. We all got along swimmingly. (LOL I have never used that term before but it applies here). A is so funny and his sense of humor is just like my dad's. I was laughing till I was crying yesterday and it felt good. His wife is wonderful and so easy to talk with and they are both genuinely nice people. We are definitely not waiting another 25 years to get together again!

I hope everyone has a good Monday. It is going to be HOT here today and unfortunately we have to head back to NYC. Greg has a ton of work to do and he just needs to be in the office today. Not looking forward to going back because it is always warm in the apartment when it is this hot outside. Wall AC units just don't cool off our large open dining room, living room kitchen area. And the brick retains all the heat and we face west (and south) in that living space so it is going to be a warm one. But it was such a nice weekend and I am feeling OK about things in general. Hoping I can keep that feeling intact as there are some stressful things going on for all of us so thinking good thoughts for all the NIRDIs and NIRDI loved ones and sending big hugs to all of you. :kiss:


Jan 23, 2016
Missy and Gypsy, one more kitty for you :)

Marcy, this guy can do 112 km per hour - but your new car will win the race :)



Jun 8, 2008
Oooh beautiful cheetah!!! :love:


Jan 23, 2016
Can you see the wire? They have built a large track (kind of like for dog races I guess) so that the kitties have to "hunt" for their food :)



Jun 8, 2008
Yes I see the wire. What a majestic animal. I am in awe. :love:


Jan 23, 2016
Feeding the giraffe before they are let out for the day :)



Dec 9, 2013
Scandi, thanks for the ideas for new barn animals! :love:


Feb 27, 2007

Jimmianne, I am sorry to hear they misdiagnosed your mom when she had a stroke.

Scandinavian, I won’t watch TV shows with snakes. Hate ‘em! That is quite a collection of barn animals for Jimmianne. I think that cheetah would scare me enough that I would try to get away in my new car. Cute giraffe.

Missy, Marty got our mail today and said he didn’t see a wasp or hornet. Since about 5 of them rushed out to great me yesterday I quickly moved on. That is awesome Greg’s wrist is so much better. How is your rash doing tonight? I am glad it didn’t get worse after going on a ride. Inglorious Basterds is great but I think you’d find it too violent. Brad Pitt is really good in his roll. Rats your place in the city is so warm. Our last house had a large window facing west with high ceilings. That room had to be well over 100 before we got our AC. It was intolerable to be in there.

I had a busy day at work so the day flew by. Marty never got out anything for supper so we ate out then bought skinny Marty some new shirts and t-shirts (I picked up 2 tops for me too). Marty is going to Texas for some training in a few weeks and most of his clothes are way too big.

Speaking of getting away in my new car - I downloaded the Porsche App yesterday and was reading through the owner’s manual. That Sports Chrono package Marty wanted me to order is just ridiculous. It’s got a “launch” mode to do 0-60 in something like 4.8 seconds. I’m like really? We need that? Marty thinks we do.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.


Jan 23, 2016
Missy, glad you had fun with friends and hope the heat is not too bad :)

Marcy, I agree with Marty, our tesla is fun ;)) Now I see they have a Ludicrus version that does 0-60 in 2.8 sec. Now that is stupid :) always did want a 10 sec car though.... lol.

Jimmianne, you sure are braver than me! :)

Picture of the day, tried to catch some light to keep the animals company :)



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Marcy, wow good for Marty on getting into shape and needing new clothes. Skinny Marty haha. I'm with you. No one (with the exception of a race car driver) needs their car to speed up that quickly. Since the wasps and hornets stay away from Marty that should be his responsibility from now on. Retrieving the mail. You can tell him I said so. If you're like me the mosquitoes bite you and leave Marty alone. I know when we are out and the mosquitoes are around I am the one who gets bitten while Greg remains untouched. I think it has something to do with how sweet we are. :cheeky: Yes we have high ceilings and a wall of windows facing west right into the hot sun and that brick just holds the heat. Plus it is one large area with no walls separating the living room, dinning room, and kitchen and it just doesn't cool down enough when it is this hot outside. Maybe moving to Canada if Trump wins the election isn't a bad idea. 8)

Scandi, I love your sparkly ring pics. The sun does lovely things with our diamonds doesn't it? Be careful not to blind any animals with your beautiful huge rock! :love:

We had a good trip back yesterday and though it is was very warm when we got here finally after a few hours with the wall AC units on it got much more comfortable. The kitties were all well behaved and everything is working here. Huge sigh of relief. Traveling back and forth in the heat of the summer is getting to be a bit much for me these days but when everything goes smoothly it is manageable.

I visited my friend and kept her company for a while and then I ran a few errands and the day went fast. Today I wanted to start cleaning out closets and getting rid of stuff but I think I might put that on hold because it is a really hot day and it might be too much for me. Our cleaning person is coming Thursday and I wanted to give her some clothing I never wore and never will wear but I might put that on hold till her next visit.

Ann and I spoke yesterday and like I suspected she doesn't want us to trap this month because she has too many locations and other ferals but she promised me she is not abandoning us. And she was very thankful I was cool with it but really I am disappointed but I get it. She is doing so much for so many and I cannot give her a hard time about waiting to do the rest of our kitties. She promised to keep Cola and Sprite (Cola is already spayed and Sprite is getting spayed this round) till we trap some of our other ferals so there won't be so many previously trapped running around getting re-trapped when we do start trapping. LOL if you followed that you are amazing and thank you for reading!

Have a good day girls. It's a busy week for us and right in the middle of (what I call) a heat wave so I am just taking things slowly and calmly and thinking cool thoughts. Icy diamond cool. :halo:
Sharing some pics of the princess yesterday before we left the beach house. Sunning herself and enjoying the heat. HRH Princess Francesca. 8-)



Jun 8, 2008
OK got permission from Greg's friend to post his pics. I know I posted the first one before from 1982 (think it was 1982). Look at the before and after LOLOL. :lol:

And posting another photo during their visit Sunday. I didn't post Andy's wife's photo because though Greg asked Andy if it was OK for me to share his pic he didn't ask about his wife's pic so just in case she would mind I cut her out. Sorry for the weird photo but it was the only way I knew how to cut her out of the pic to share here.



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