
Now I really did it :((


Dec 9, 2013
Callie, you got it just right - Roadtrip...priority-Marcy, bring the cake! lol
It sounds so very appealing.

I picked up my bracelet just before lunch and I am surprised how much I like it. It's special without being "in your face". I've been trying to take a good Glam photo, but maybe tomorrow with sunshine and flowers. At least; here it is/it is here : ) p1150084.jpg
After picking up the bracelet I stopped and bought 4 sweater dresses, a new bag and a dog bed, then took Izzy to school. On the way home I stopped at the local Greek place for a wonderful dinner of Greek salad with every imaginable veggie & spicy beef - all local & organic, with falafel and grape leaves.
So, off to bed with everything for the day nicely checked off.
Good night everyone.
Sweet dreams, all.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning NIRDIs!

Jimmianne, I love your new bracelet. It is lovely! :love: A beautiful circle of bright and lively bling. Does it fit your wrist just like you want it to? Please post a wrist shot if you can. I think it is a beautiful bracelet.

Yay for new dresses. I love the look of sweater dresses but cannot wear them as they are too warm for me. These days even in the dead of winter I need light clothing on my body so when I am inside I don't melt. But I love sweater dresses on others. What colors did you get?

I love Greek food and your dinner sounds delicious. My favorite Greek restaurant is Molyvos and they make an amazing grilled octopus salad that I get every single time we go there it is so good.

Glad you had a good day!

Callie, thanks. My friend lived in Chicago for 4 plus years while she was attending the optometry school there so she is very familiar with the city in every way and enjoys it. I think she is nervous but excited to see everyone as it has been a long time since she visited.

I'm with your nieces. I think you belong in NY. 8) It's funny. I don't think of myself as a formal person at all but I guess if one just looked at the way I dress they might come to a different conclusion. I never wear jeans (hate them), never wear sneakers (unless I am working out/exercising) and am usually in a dress (though usually a casual one). I guess appearances can be deceiving as I am not formal in personality at all. But then again I don't think I dress in a formal way either. Just not as casual as some.

OK Kristie, I'm ready and waiting. I am always up for a driving trip (unlike those pesky flying trips ::) )! Are you picking me up before Junie and after Callie and Jimmianne? What is the exact order and let me know when to be ready. Can the kitties come too pretty please? Jimmianne, we will bring Puff so he doesn't feel abandoned. What Kristie wrote makes a lot of sense so from now on Puff comes with. Either that or I will just babysit him and he will be so loved he won't miss you as terribly as he does now when you travel. Poor sweetie. I wish we could explain it to our fur babies when we go away and they would understand it is only temporary and then it wouldn't be so hard on them.

Have a great day girls. It looks like we are in for a rainy weekend in the NY/NJ area but I guess we need the rain. I just am not sure if we can get any cycling in as it looks very iffy. I want to reach 3K this weekend but right now it looks to be an impossible goal. Oh well. Next weekend I hope. Have fun everyone! :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Good afternoon girls! We got a good ride in today and now it is pouring. Love these kinds of days. Just dropping by to share a few pics (probably one of the last pics from this Samsung phone as I am leaning towards the iPhone and I know it doesn't take as clear pics) of the sky this morning during our bike ride. Pretty colors and pretty clouds. Hoping everyone is having a good Saturday.






Dec 9, 2013
Missy, pouring here too.
Glad you got your bike ride in.
Palm trees? that threw me.
How can they grow there? We see a few South of here, but not too many.

Still no great bracelet shots. I'm trying : )


Jun 8, 2008
Haha Jimmianne, yes I can see why the Palm trees threw you. They are always put there at the beginning of the summer and usually removed before winter. Long Branch is the only beach near us that does that and it always makes me LOL. That's why I took pics of the sky at Long Branch to share the trees with you guys too. I thought you might get a laugh out of that. I just wonder how much it costs them to do that because it has been almost 3 years since Sandy and they are just starting to fix their boardwalk.

That's right. The city of Long Branch spends money on importing trees here every single year but it takes them 36 months to begin fixing the absolutely destroyed boardwalk. I'm attaching an older pic (from a few years ago I think as you can see it is our very first tandem) showing the Palm trees in Long Branch. Every year without fail they bring in Palm trees. Anyway I thought it was a cool looking sky especially against the trees that are not native to our state. I think Greg said as I was taking the pics yesterday that is not a florida sky. :bigsmile:

Love the wrist shot you took. Thank you! The bracelet is gorgeous and I love it with your beautiful watch too. :love: :love: :love: Details on the watch please. That is a gorgeous piece of art you are wearing. :love:



Dec 9, 2013
Those seasonal palm trees are wild! It's true - you live in the most exotic local in the US : )

That watch is a "recycled" gift from Mom. Every time I went to visit she would sneak something to me with the instruction to not mention it to Dad. I have to laugh - Dad always bought her estate pieces and I wouldn't be surprised if she secretly turned up her nose at "other people's jewelry". Not me, man!!! lol
Here is part of the "mess" I wear usually. I love the watch - it's solar and keeps great time.

Maybe I'll post to SMTB. I always think of that thread as a place for uber WOW, but why not.

I am going *slightly* crazy. My DD is getting ready to leave for France, but plans to come back for 3 weeks in November because she doesn't want to leave her cat for too long. Then she wants to take the cat back with her even though she can only stay in the country for 3 months and will be traveling back and forth from Dijon to Saumur every two weeks. The cat is elderly. I just have to stop thinking about it. I know also that she is getting frazzled and the whole thing is a worry. I need to get a life! It's very hard to separate myself from her life. Wow, this motherhood thing is not for sissies. I've been in a tizzy since an hour before she was born and it's been a wild ride. After her first day of first grade she didn't wait for me at the school but decided to walk home alone through a woods and I couldn't find her. It's been like that almost constantly since then. I think this must be what I put my Mom through. I got suspended from kindergarten for rebelling. haha

So, NIRDIs, were you good girls - or bad girls like me?


Apr 19, 2004

Missy: I had to do a triple take on the Palm Trees! And then realized they were transplants--but the effect is stunning! Could have been Florida!!

JA: I mentioned in your other thread that your bracelet is coveted. I'd like one just like it, but our Can $$ is simply not conducive to buying...or if it were, I'd have been at Leon Mege's door months ago! :saint:

But talking about Motherhood--yes, I agree on the wild ride. Most days I think I suck at it and shake my head (or it is bang??)--but persevere. My Mom told me a story about grade one (I was an early starter)--that I told her "oh don't worry, I can walk myself'. It was 5 blocks away.... Always the independent sort. Too bad that hasn't rubbed off onto my DS!

Fall is here and I am not too happy. I really want summer all year long.

Off to order my new Dishwasher.



Jun 7, 2014
Missy, i am so happy you mentioned the story about the palm trees. I noticed the trees and thought WTH??? Missy's in Florida?? Next stop is Miami in January! Well it was a sad trip back down to reality for me. My Miami dreams came to a screeching halt. Oh well it was great while it lasted even if it was only a few minutes. I have only worn a pair of tennis shoes once in 25 years and it was when we were moving. My SIL was so shocked she took a picture. I will wear jeans but I always were heels and a blazer with them. A friend of mine thought I needed a pair of sweat pants. They sat for 5 years with tags on them before I gave to goodwill. I don't consider myself getting really dressed up either but I guess it's all relative when you are in a sea of sweatpants and tennis shoes. People dress very casual around here.

Jimmianne, Your new bracelet is gorgeous. It looks beautiful on you. Hopefully your daughter will realize it would be easier on her cat to be at hine with you. I can understand her missing her terribly but it seems the move would be very hard and confusing on the poor fur baby. Are cats creatures of habit like dogs?m Or is it just my dog that is a creature of habit? I was the exact opposite of a wild child. My brother got all the wild genes in the family when we were young, which seems so strange now because he won't go any further than a 2 mile radius of his home. It's funny how people change. I love sweater dresses. Where did you find them? Details please.


Feb 27, 2007

Jimmianne, I really like water but only with a lot of ice. At work as my water gets warmer I drink less of it. I know it’s good for me though. I need to do some candlelight tests for my diamonds. Great idea! Sorry to hear Puff can be a bad boy. I am glad your bracelet fits well; it is so pretty and looks terrific with your beautiful watch. I like that you picked up some news clothes as well. Sweet. I don’t think you’ll ever quit worrying about your DD; you are a good mom to her and that is what you do. I was the youngest kid and my sisters were quite a bit older than me so I was pretty independent and definitely tried to do the same things my sisters did.

Missy, my sisters and I did enjoy visiting. I told them we’d have dinner together more often. We have the room and we are located in the middle so we’ll just have to ask them over more often. Snacks is finally free of the Killer Rabbit but that was after Marty left for the airport. I am sorry you are sad about quitting your other job. Pretty pictures! I don’t have any complaints about the pictures my iPhone takes; I hope you are not unhappy with them if you get the iPhone. Planting and removing trees seems a bit silly to me but then no one asked my opinion.

Kristie, I need more time, money and better legs but that road trip sounds GREAT.

Callie, I can bring a cake for us on our road trip and some of my famous chocolate chip cookies. Marty wouldn’t worry about me being on a road trip with you ladies but he’d worry about how much it is going to cost him.

Sharon, fall is creeping back in around here too. Good luck with your new dishwasher.

We’ve had a busy few days. My sisters and their husbands were here for supper Friday night. Marty was a good chef for us. He cooked most of the meal on the grill; woo hoo less dishes for me. My sister brought chocolate covered strawberries; they were delicious.

My sister and I were up until about 12:30. I was showing her how to use her new iPad. Marty and my BIL were up really early though so I got up at 7 after Marty left for golf. Short night!

Yesterday I was mostly lazy other than laundry and doing some stuff around the house.

Today we got Marty off to the airport and I watched football. Woo hoo! My team won – barely but they did. I am not doing badly on fantasy football either.

Do I really have to go back to work tomorrow?

Have a great week!


Feb 27, 2007
BTW, I did measure the diamonds in my new band and they are 2mm.


Oct 24, 2012

Missy, I love your pics. Palm trees along the beach. Total vacation pic.

Jimmianne, I can only imagine what it's like to have grown kids. But, that story about your daughter not waiting for you in first grade?? Hilarious. But of course not when you're running around trying to find out where your six year old went. If that was indicative of the next 20 years, I can't even imagine... And your bracelet is beautiful. Truly. You need a separate thread on it.

Callie, I'm thinking about you dressed up all the time. LOL!! I would probably consider you dressed up. I can wear ripped boyfriend jeans folded up to the office. I'm super spoiled. The number of times I wear heels in the year = the number of weddings I attend. It was 2 in 2015. You would probably fit right in with NYC.

Kristie... road trip?? I wish I could. I could leave all these stupid tax projections behind and just RUN AWAY...

Junebug, so glad your mom is better. It's been really hot here and I have to keep reminding my dad to drink water. He responds with a dirty look...

So girls, today I went to the gem show, and randomly met another PSer at this gorgeous estate jewelry stall. It is my first time to fall in love with an OEC that I could afford. It was really pretty and very sparkly. But I got scared cause I have never bought one, and it was dirty, but it was very lively. I am regretting it now. I will go back in November, and if I still want it then, I will get it. Hopefully I can get the same price. I'll post a pic from my phone.


Oct 24, 2012
The center stone is 0.6 carats. Can you believe it? Looks big to me. It's the setting.



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls and happy Rosh Hashanah. Today is the beginning of the Jewish New year. A 10 day period of introspection, self examination and repentance ending in Yom Kippur the day of atonement. Not that we girls have anything to atone for... :cheeky:

Jimmianne, I am sorry you are feeling somewhat blue about your dd leaving and also concerned about her sweet kitty. I agree the kitty is better off with you and as much as I love my fur babies if I had someone like you to leave them with it would be a no brainer for me. I hope you can convince her or that she comes to her senses about this. I love your watch from your mother. Gorgeous.

I was a mix of good and bad growing up. 'Nuff said. :cheeky:

Callie, LOL me too. I only wear sneakers when working out. That's it. What is your niece looking for on her shopping expedition? Are you guys going this week to try finding it again? Anything else planned for the week? We have a very busy week. Today we are leaving the beach and going back to NY (sad about that) and then we have to go to my parents for the holiday later this afternoon but Greg is going to work for a few hours before that.

Tomorrow we have an appointment for Greg at the specialist as a suspicious mole was found when he took the Molesafe test a few weeks ago so he probably needs that biopsied. I am a bit worried of course. And I have a dermatology appointment with my derm David after that. It is going to be a long 2 days. And then of course my workweek starts. It goes all so fast especially the weekend. It seems Monday gets here like lightning every single week!

Sharon, the Palm trees are very pretty I agree. What dishwasher are you purchasing? I love the dish drawers as it makes it so easy to do smaller loads which suits our family of 2 humans perfectly. And when we have company I just use both drawers. I love the ease of loading and I love how quick the efficient cycle is-only 37 minutes. So fast as compared to the dishwasher we have at the beach house which is 2 hours. Too long.

I too am sad about autumn coming even though it is my favorite time of year. I am sad because I know winter is right around the corner and I also hate the shorter and darker days. It is still dark out as I type this and it is almost 7AM! What happened to our summer? It went so so fast. ;(

Marcy, I am glad you had a lovely visit with your sisters and are planning more time together. You can never get that time back and the older I get the more precious time becomes and the more I realize how fragile life is.

I am glad Snacks is free of the killer bunnies. Oh my goodness the trials and tribulations of Snacks and the crew. Hugs to all of our furry family.

I hope Marty has a good business trip and is home safely to you soon.

Junie, thinking of you and your mom. Hoping your weekend went well.

Kristie, tomorrow is the big day. I am thinking of you and sending lots of good thoughts and good luck your way.

LLJsmom, it's a very pretty ring but I don't think you missed out on anything. When the time is right a more beautiful and more special piece will present itself. Don't feel like you missed out. There are more special OECs and rings waiting to be found. I am glad you had fun and ran into another PSer! Yay for good surprises. :appl:

And yes keep encouraging your dad to drink more water no matter how many dirty looks he sends you. Parents can be such a challenge. Hugs to you, your family and all the NIRDI's parents and children. Human and otherwise. (((HUGS))).


Jun 8, 2008
Forgot to say we hit the 3k mark yesterday. :appl:
Officially at 3036 for now. :sun:


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, Congratulations on making your biking goal! I feel the same way about winter approaching. I'm sure it wouldn't be bothering me at all if winters here were not so long. I actually love watching snow fall if I'm sitting in a warm house with a hot chocolate. My niece and I are going to look at snowsuits for her daughter. I actually can't wait to see her today as I found her some really cute baby bangle bracelets. This little one loves my bangles and takes them as soon as I walk in the door. She then plays with them for a while and hides them. She also wants to try my ring on. I let her but tend to take it back very quickly. I think I have a new jewelry girl. I can't wait to see her reaction when she sees her new bangles today!

Kristie, The big day is fast approaching! I hope all goes smoothly today and tomorrow. Just think, you will finally be free of these people. That has to be a wonderful feeling. Watch out Miami!

LLJsmom, I don't get dressed up to go everywhere. Trust me, I run to the grocery store not looking the best and I have no problem wearing jeans. I just try not to look sloppy, if that makes sense. I'm just more comfortable if I feel I look put together nicely. I'm sure this comes from growing up with my mom. On the other hand, I could careless what others wear. One of the woman I used to work with had the most wonderful daughter. She kind, thoughtful and was one of the nicest people you would want to meet. She was always happy and just so much fun to be around. Her mom hated the fact that she never dressed up and dressed sloppy. She was always nagging her about her weight. They fought about it regularly. One day when she was talking about it I must have made a face. She got mad at me and told me I would feel like she did if she were my daughter. I told her I wished I had her daughters self confidence and attitude growing up and how proud I would be to have a daughter like her. I found it very sad that her mom never seemed to noticed how beautiful her daughter was. Are you still crazy busy at work. How much fun was the show you attended? I would have guessed the diamond you pictured being much larger. My grandma's ring was set in a similar setting only with much smaller side stones.

Marcy, Your night with your sisters sounded like a lot of fun. I'm with Missy about those being the most fun times. I wouldn't trade any of my fun times with my nieces for anything in the world and appreciate them so much more the older I get. I'm sorry Marty is traveling again. Will he be gone long or is this a shorter trip? How did your day at work go today?


Jun 17, 2009
Hi NIRDIS! I had typed out a post last night and somehow managed to somehow delete it :doh: - by then it was late so I just went to bed lol.

Missy, thanks for the crystal light idea, I picked some up and will give it a try. I bought some sugar-free iced tea mix and ginger ale, she likes those drinks as well as hot tea. It's mostly an issue of her thinking we're overreacting and telling her what to do.

Love the pics of the sky and beach, very pretty! The palm trees are…interesting! I saw a story on the news about Long Branch recently and was wondering about them.

I can understand feeling a little sad about resigning from your other job, there's a finality to it that's bittersweet. Hugs, hope you feel better about it soon.

Sorry to hear about Greg's biopsy, I'm keeping him in my thoughts and hoping that it turns out to be nothing.

And congrats on reaching 3000 miles! Wow! :dance:

Jimmianne, yes, my mother just doesn't seem to realize that she will feel better if she stays hydrated. I love your bracelet, it is so beautiful and looks really pretty on your wrist and with your other bracelets and watches. I can relate to your comments about motherhood, it really is hard to separate ourselves from our kids. We'll probably never stop worrying. It sounds like dd's kitty would be better off remaining with you and hopefully she'll decide to do that.

And you never know, I just might show up on your doorstep one day! :D

LLJsmom, the ring you're thinking about is really pretty! I think it's a good idea to hold off though - if it's still there in November and you still love it, you'll know it was meant to be. Yeah, my mother gets miffed when I remind her she needs to drink, I guess she thinks I'm bossing her around.

Calliecake, yes, I'm sure our husbands' reactions would be priceless if we were to go on a road trip! :D I hope you had a great time with your niece and her baby - she sounds SO cute!!!

Sharon, I'm not looking forward to winter either ;( Hope your dishwasher buying goes smoothly - which brands are you considering?

Marcy, your visit with your sisters sounds like it was really fun, so glad you were all able to get together and just relax and enjoy each other's company. I hope Marty won't be away for long. And I just want to tell you again that your new band really does look perfect with your ering! It really does look like a wedding set.

Kristie, thinking of you and the estate issues, and hoping all goes well.

I hope everyone is having a good start to their week!


Feb 27, 2007

LLJsmom, you and Callie will have to dress up and wear heels for me, I’d trip and kill myself. Without a doubt. The OEC ring is very pretty; what I would tell myself now is if they still have it in November then it was meant to be and I’ll buy it then. Of course I have a bad jewelry buying habit but I’m not really any help there. My piece of bling that got away was a 1/3 carat solitaire pendant and that baby was a firecracker. I knew absolutely nothing about ideal cut diamonds then but if that baby wasn't ideal cut I'd be surprised. Sadly I thought it was too small so I traded it in for a 1/2 carat solitaire and that diamond was not as nice. My first lesson that cut is better than size.

Missy, Happy Jewish New Year! I should take 10 days for introspection, self reflection and repentance but it would be like going to a doctor – once I get started I’d be in deep! So I’ll just go along my merry way and ignore those things. I am glad Greg is getting his mole checked. That is seriously one thing I’ll go to the doctor about; they aren’t something to mess around with. Tell him good luck with that! I hope you had a nice time with your parents. We were looking at those dishwasher drawers when we were deciding what to buy. I think they’d work great for us too since there is just 2 of us. Congratulations for hitting 3K this weekend. You are right it is important to keep in touch with family.

Callie, I am sure your niece will love her baby bangles. That is so cute she loves jewelry already. That is a shame that lady never saw how beautiful and happy her daughter was; hopefully she eventually realized she had a wonderful daughter and the other “stuff” doesn’t matter. I am glad you enjoy spending time with your nieces. Marty will be home late Friday. I think I will pursue more get together nights with my sisters. I was always the peacemaker between them and since our parents are gone I think it’s good for the 3 of us to stay close.

Kristie, I am thinking of you tomorrow. I hope everything goes well and this estate nightmare has an end in sight.

Junebug, I hope getting things your mom likes to drink will get her to consume more liquids. I have a BIL who doesn’t drink water; I don’t know how he doesn’t get sick. He drinks coffee and tea though. I always get a little nervous about my sisters getting together as they’ve had some nasty fights over the years but they’ve both been decent with each other so I will continue to get them together. Thank you for your comments on my rings. Marty likes the contrast between things so things the bigger bands look fine with my ering but I missed that cohesive look of something like looks like a set.

I was in bed by 10:30 last night. That’s early for me especially when Marty is out of town. I am glad I was rested for work though because wow was it heck. Oh well I get paid decent money to babysit and attempt to micromanage. I really want to tell them sometime people are generally micromanaged out of necessity.

I ordered some shoes from Road Runners Sports and the box was the right size but the shoes were not so I packed that up and dropped it off at the post office tonight. We’ll see if they send me the correct size next time. It is really smoky hazy here; my eyes are even burning tonight. I could see the smoke and haze when I was coming home from the post office. I can’t imagine how bad the smoke is near those fires.

I know you won’t be envious of my supper today; I had a kid’s hamburger meal. But I did eat a brownie I had in my freezer for dessert.

Take care.


Dec 9, 2013
June, I hate it when all the effort of a post vanishes into thin air!

While thinking about your Mom I kept wondering if I could have gotten my Mother to take better care if I had used psychology on her. I started treating her like a child as she got older, and now my DD is doing that to me and I don't like it. Actually I don't think anything would have worked LOL. We can worry and try to get them to do the right thing - like drink enough - but they are still going to do things their way : ( My Mom was like that - and my Dad - please don't get me started on him! He was 102 [!!] and was too proud to use a walker, so he kept falling. Will we be smarter? hell, no, probably. haha. So, I feel for you and wish you luck in getting your Mom to see things your way.

Missy - kudos on surpassing the 3K mark! You guys rock and are an inspiration. Happy Roshhashanah.
I would have guessed you were a good girl but feeling relieved that you were a bit of both. Of course I should have guessed, as you are the NIRDI most likely to post a cheeky emoticon on this

I've been thinking about Caysie Van Bebber - she is right in the thick of the wildfires and has lost some of her outbuildings to the fire. She is selling jewelry on LT to make money to donate to her neighbors who have lost their homes. The whole things sounds so terrible. It's hard to imagine what one would do under those circumstances, so a little prayer for her this morning.


Oct 24, 2012
Missy happy Rosh Hashanah!! Congrats on the mileage goal. I was wondering if that is what it meant.

Jimmianne, 102?? Wow... Thank you for telling me that u don't like being treated as a child. I think I have a tendency to do that. Good to know.

Got to run. Catch up soon!


Oct 24, 2012
Sharon, just wanted to say hi! We need a new dishwasher too. Which one do you like?


Apr 19, 2004
LLJsmom|1442348739|3928111 said:
Sharon, just wanted to say hi! We need a new dishwasher too. Which one do you like?

HELLO ya'll!!! I enjoy reading this thread but don't post much. Hope I am forgiven!! :wavey:

Without sounding too much like Marvin the Martian (space modulator....) I bought another Bosch. An 800 series that is pretty quiet. I loved my old workhorse of a Bosch that is tired ( I could have just had it repaired) but for sometime I've been thinking it was time to "upgrade" and the recent need for repair made it a no brainer. Further, it has those lovely third racks and other assorted bells and whistles that made it impossible to say no. And the $700 bucks off! :bigsmile: And like Missy---I would like another short cycle that my present Bosch doesn't have.

Life continues to slam us--I really thought I was finished with crummy business that dominated a third of this year. So "dust" for clean bill of health for my DH--who has a colonscopy with the Cancer Screening program tomorrow b/c of a +ve FIT test. Also, I am thinking of stopping working altogether--just too much stress and worry with limited personal benefit. I just don't love hospital work anymore. :((

Missy, hope your hubby's mole is nothing but a mark. And congrats on the biking milestone.
June--healing vibes to your Mama! (let her know a little water never hurt anyone! lol). But I know what you are living--my Mom is 80 and we traverse many of the same issues....
JA--hope your daughter's plans are made smoothly!
AZ--hope your Estate issues wrap up quickly and painlessly
Marcy-- may employee issues be a worry soon in your past
CC--your kindness to your nieces is a blessing to read!
LLJSM--hope you are able to continue to run into the fall and that your son runs with you. You are a great role model! What dishwashers are you thinking of?



Oct 24, 2012
Hi girls, just some rambling jewelry thoughts today. No sign of my wedding bands. So I was thinking about that situation. As much as I love my ering, I feels a little lonely on my hand. I wear nothing else with it. Ideally, I have to admit, I would like a matching eternity band from Victor. That would be ideal. Anything else, a Cartier love band, a custom made band by a different vendor would just be a compromise. So I am glad I did not get the oec. I have to save up for a new band from victor. It is so hard to admit what I really want bc it sometimes feels so inaccessable.


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, I hope all went well with Greg's appointment today and you can relax a bit. It's always stressful when we are worried about our husbands. Mi hope you are enjoying the holiday. We are having wonderful weather and hope you are having the same. If not I sure hope this is headed your way. It would be perfect for bike riding.

Marcy, Your sisters are so lucky to have you. It sounds like your get together was a success. It can really be difficult when they don't get along. Hopefully the more time they spend together things will get a little better between them. I wish I could get my brothers together. There wives dislike each other and I swear it just seems hopeless. I'm so happy you are having better luck. My baby niece loved her braclets. My niece said she went looking for them when she woke up today and sent me a picture with her wearing them today. I think she is going to be a diamond girl. She tried to get my ring again yesterday! It seemed so strange buying her a snow suit yesterday. It was 80 degrees and here we were putting snow suits on the poor little thing. I'm pathetic, even your kids hamburger meal sounded good to me. Are you cooking tonight or are giving yourself a break with Marty out of town?

Jimmianne, It sounds like you did everything just right with your mom. Believe me, she would not have listened to you anyway. Thank goodness I finally got it thru my head to keep my mouth shut with my mom. It only caused arguements and both of us being upset. They went on a road trip two weeks ago and my stepdad fell and really hurt his knee and hip. You could have knocked me over with a feather when she said that was probably their last long distance trip. It scared the daylights out of her that she almost had to do the driving on the expressway. You are probably right about us being stubborn as we age too. It will probably be the only time in my life I will be grateful I didn't have kids. No one to point out I am acting like an idiot!

Kristie, Just so you know I am here for you anytime, day or night! Wish we lived closer. We could be at Nordstrom right now!

Sharon, Thank you for your kind words. This little niece is so much fun and is a great little shopper. They stay little for such a short time. I'm just glad I get to do all the fun things with her I did with her mom. Thank you for the dishwasher info. I'm sure we will be looking for new appliances soon. Ours are 16 years old. It's going to fun talking my husband into a new oven. This one has never been turned on. One of my friends is quitting her job Oct 1. She called two weeks ago and said she is just tired of working and was worried the stress was affecting her health. She was so funny and told me I better be ready for lots of shopping and lunches. I quit working a few years ago and I have to say it really is nice to be home. Especially when the weather is bad and you don't have to fight traffic.

Junebug, How is your mom? If you ever feel like you want to keep driving you can always come to Chicago. We have great shopping here. I promise to help you out if your husband cancels your credit cards.

LLJsmom, I wish your rings would just hurry up and show up. I don't think you will regret passing on the ring. Don't shoot me but I love your engagement ring all on its own. Could be because that is how I always wear mine. I just think the center stone looks bigger by itself without the second ring. You know how much I love your ring!


Feb 27, 2007

Jimmianne, I definitely have those shoulda, woulda, coulda thoughts dealing with my parents too. I try not to drive myself crazy with it but sometimes those thoughts creep in. As you said they are still going to do what they want to do and I think that’s okay. I am sure we’ll be the same way. That is so nice Caysie is selling jewelry on LT to help neighbors who lost their places the fire out there.

LLJsmom, we got a Kitchenaid dishwasher and sure like it. There are so many options to choose from out there. I keep hoping your bands will show up somewhere. A matching eternity band would be fabulous!

Sharon, my new dishwasher has a third rack but I have only used it twice. I have those large thermal cups and they are too tall to fit in there with the top rack in place. We were looking at the Bosch too. Lost of dust coming your DH’s way for a clean bill of health. I can understand your debate about quitting work; once your don’t enjoy it anymore it’s hard to keep up that commitment. My job remains a challenge but keep going back for more.

Callie, that is too bad your brother’s wives don’t get along; that makes it hard on everyone. I think family is special and important so I am going to make an effort to keep our side of the family in contact. We always did things centered on my parents and that has faded away now so since we have enough room for family gatherings we’ll just have to plan them more often. I love it that your little niece keeps going for your ring; she knows gorgeous bling when she sees it. That is so cute she likes her bangles so much. I am sure she’ll be wearing her snow suit sooner than we’d like. I did cook tonight. I cooked a little thin steak and put it in a toasted English muffin and cut up some tomatoes my sister and BIL grew. The tomatoes were great. I hate to hear your stepfather fell and got hurt. I hope he has a speedy recovery. I like to wear my ering alone too.

Not much new going on here today. It’s windy but still warm. Cooler and wetter weather is heading out way though.

Take care.


Oct 24, 2012
Marcy, I was just going to say that your dinner sounded so funny, the hamburger meal. Compared to all the gourmet dinners you and Marty eat together, was it just funny and fun to do something so different? Are you enjoying your band? And just saying, very bad form for RR to send you the wrong shoes in the right box. For a runner, that would be a huge no-no. You have a kitchenaid but looking at a Bosch? I'm pretty intimidated when it comes to dishwashers. Maybe it's b/c I'm so old school that half the time I hand wash my dishes. I'm probably going to over research and study it. I do love the look of Bosch washers. I'm such a flake...

Callie, I think your little niece is going to be a recipient of bling from you. I love that she likes sparkly things!! It is a bummer that your sister in laws don't like each other. Although, I guess it's not surprising. Women are competitive, and I can just see that happening. I can see my daughter disliking any girlfriend her brother may have. She's like that, territorial and possessive.

Sharon, thanks for the detailed description of your Bosch. Very helpful. I hope you will let us know as you use it more whether you feel you made the right choice.

Missy, hope Greg is ok!! Those moles are annoying and sneaky...

Kristie, thinking about you and hoping for great news soon.

Jimmianne, still loving your bracelet. I think you have convinced many PSers that a sparkling line is THE PERFECT stacker. Hope your DD and her cat are doing ok. I would miss my daughter too. I already told her that I would prefer her going to Stanford or Berkeley, just so it's within driving range. I think there is a chance it will happen. UCLA is pushing it. Although I told my son enough times that the girls at UCLA are cuter than at UCB, generally speaking. And he wants to follow in his father's footsteps.

I had something to share but I forgot. Oh well. Catch up again soon!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Callie, those baby bangle bracelets sound so pretty and I bet they will be a big hit. I am glad the shopping trip with your niece was successful yesterday. I feel the same way about winter. If it were here for a short time and we actually had a nice long autumn and spring I would love the change in seasons even more. It always seems like autumn and fall go so fast and that winter is here forever lol.

When is your September trip happening? Only 2 more weeks left in Sept. can you believe it?

Junie, I hope your mom enjoys the drinks you bought for her and drinks more because of it. I love ginger ale too but only when it is flat. I cannot tolerate anything with carbonation anymore though had no problem with it when I was younger. I hope your week is going well.

Marcy, how are you doing? When is Marty due back? I hope the killer bunnies are behaving themselves. I love frozen brownies as long as there is peanut butter in them that is. :cheeky:

I am sorry about all the wildfires and I hope no one gets hurt. So scary.

How hard is it to get the shoe size right? That would be very annoying to me and I hope they are covering shipping both ways.

I am glad you still enjoy your job enough to keep going.

Jimmianne, I feel so badly for all those affected by the fires and it is nice that CvB is selling a few things to help out. She is so fortunate that her home is safe though I think some of her land burned. :(

You did all you could with your parents and you were a wonderful support to them and no one could have done any better a job so don't go second guessing yourself. They were so lucky to have you. How amazing that your dad lived to 102!

Haha yes I guess I am most likely to be the one to use the :cheeky: emoticon. I just like that one so much. A very friendly and approachable emoticon dontcha think? Haha. :cheeky:

LLJsmom, I hope you find the rings. It is not too late. And I am glad you are glad you didn't buy that OEC ring. The heart wants what it wants and I am with you about saving up for the Victor band you really want because nothing else will satisfy you the same way.

Sharon, I am sorry things are a bit tumultuous right now and I am sending lots of good thoughts and hugs your way. I am so glad you are here and posting is not necessary. Only when you want to. We are always here for you no matter what.

Congratulations on your new Bosch and yay for shorter dishwasher cycles.

I am sending your dh lots of dust for a clean colonoscopy today!

As for working or not working I totally get where you are right now. I am in the midst of a similar dilemma as work is less fun and more stressful than it used to be due to EMR but I am not sure I am ready to stop yet. I am lucky in that I can work part time so I am seeing how it continues to go and once it becomes more of a chore and less exciting and interesting and too stressful I will probably not continue. It is a hard decision and I wish you lots of luck with whatever you decide.

Thank you for the happy Rosh Hashanah wishes and well wishes for my dh. Greg is OK. The doctor did not biopsy the mole yesterday as he felt it was benign and that the molesafe did not line it up correctly from last year and that is why it was flagged. Anyway we are going back in 3 months for another body check for Greg.

I am so sleepy right now and really dragging. It's mornings like this I wish I did not have to go to work. I hope everyone has a good day!

OK I cannot believe I am going to share this pic but when we were at my parents Monday for Rosh Hashanah I found this picture from the mid 70's and it just made me smile. My grandma is in the picture as is my mom and sister and grandfather and aunt and uncle. My dad is taking the picture. We are all exhausted as it was at the end of the evening after my sister's Bat Mitzvah (she was 12). Look how young my mom is in the picture. She is 36 I think here, I was 14. Hahaha look at my uncle's moustache. I am sharing this with you girls but please forgive my goofy 70's haircut. All my mom's fault for cutting off all my hair! LOL.



Dec 9, 2013
I was over on Kenny's thread about rating your life and hated to read that some of my dear NIRDIs are having such trouble. It doesn't always register when some one here is spending time in the lower regions of happiness : (
Dust to you.
I am having a mixed time. My DD's pending trip to France is causing some tearful breakdowns [in private, of course}. I feel as though my whole world is coming to an end. Such is the life of Mothers - eh? It is grieving on so many levels. My family is moving to another country, I am getting older and have a shorter time for adventure, etc. etc.
Yesterday just before I went to my conversational French group I discovered that my elderly dog had killed one of my guinea hens and was having a feast in the backyard. I totally lost it. Went to French group and could only stay a few minutes, cried all the way home then bestowed love on the dog I had screamed at and spanked with a dead bird :shifty: on my way out the door a half hour earlier.
Then I planted the two big, healthy rose bushes I got on sale - they are gorgeous...called "Crush" and smell heavenly. Got my head on straight. Straighter, I mean.

Today I am expecting a band from Caysie that I got on LT last week just before the fire hit her neighborhood. It will be interesting to see the width. I think her bands are very narrow, but since I am a girl with a loupe, I think I will love it. I have always wanted french cut stones and it also has the quatrefoil design that I love. I would really enjoy having a setting from her. I am deciding whether to keep my little Asscher and have Caysie set it, or trade it in with GOG for a big stone. It would cost about the same either way.

So, if you got this far, thank you for listening.
I'll go back and read this mornings posts now that I've written a "me blog" haha


Jun 8, 2008
Just wanted to say (((HUGS))) Jimmianne. I am sorry you are going through a rough time. Also Kristie, you know I am sending lots of hugs and love your way too. And I am always keeping you in my thoughts. Love you girls!


Dec 9, 2013
Thanks, Missy. hugs back at you, dear fearless leader.
Sorry you are less than excited to bound out of bed and run happily to work!!

I always love the photos you post and this one is no exception. Seeing you girls lounging in your dresses so comfortably-no one saying sit up straight or don't wrinkle your dress, just a loving family gathering. You have a great family and it's fun to share, so thank you.
So glad Greg is fine. Does he know that he has a troop of NIRDI angels watching his back? [I don't mean literally! haha] :saint:

I have a Bosch dishwasher that cleans most of the time, but does not dry as well as I would like. I usually open it at the end of the cycle to let the steam out and then the dishes dry 100% . The appliance guy at Lowes said it is their top selling brand with excellent reviews.
Appliances have gotten tricky! Now one must buy a warranty to assure one gets long wear from a machine.

Don't you think fall makes things a bit more emotional? The light is changing, we are reminded that we are going into the "dark" season and things feel a little nostalgic.
Time to ramp-up the green leafy vegetables, SAD lights, & exercise!

Just ran outside and captured the sunrise. It's chilly here. whoo-hoo! time for those "sweat"er dresses and high boots.



Jun 8, 2008
Beautiful sunrise Jimmianne. :love:

And yes woohoo it's boot season. Thanks for the reminder. It just has to get a bit cooler as I think we are reaching 87F today. Yay for boot season arriving soon. :appl:

Enjoy wearing your new sweater dresses and boots. We do have to get our bright light boxes out. Now where did I put that thing? :think:
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