
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning ladies!

Marcy, I am so sorry you are under the weather and coughing so much. That is no fun. :( While I understand about needing to get to work and all perhaps one sick day is something to consider just today to give your body more time to heal? I hate to think of you dragging yourself to work in the snow when you are sick. Hope you managed to get a good night's sleep and you wake up this morning feeling all better!

You know, I never had scalloped potatoes and I was asking Greg what those are and well he described them and they sound DELICIOUS. Hope you have leftovers. :lickout:

Oh and I don't think you have to worry about Tourette's LOL. I have patients with Tourette's and you have a ways to go before we can diagnose you with that. See, at least there is some good news this morning! And I do hope that storm stays away. Storm storm (and cough too please) stay away!!!!!

Ovi, how are you doing today? I hope you are feeling a bit better. When I said you are perfect I meant it. Yes we are all imperfect but perfect for us if that makes sense. If one is a kind, generous warm person who cares about animals and other people in my book that makes them perfect. Perfectly imperfect yes but perfect for who they are nonetheless. Hope that makes some sense and I stand by my statement that I think you are perfect! In fact all the lovely ladies here are too!
I hope you get what I sent you soon because maybe it will make you feel a tiny bit better for at least a short while knowing we are thinking of you and care. More hugs being sent your way.

Kristie, can I give you a few minutes with my mom too haha. JK, she's not too bad. I know she means well but let's face it even the best of moms can really push their kids buttons time and time again. No matter how old we get it never ceases to amaze me the mother/daughter relationship. I am sorry your parents were not there for you but somehow you became the amazing person you are despite it all. Or maybe even because of it if that makes sense. (((Hugs))).

I checked out the People magazine at the Shoprite we went to yesterday. Page 94. The Stuart Weitzman Higland boots. Pretty but no way I could ever wear them. Too high of a heel. Also for the dresses I wear I feel it would be too much wearing a heel. I prefer flats or low heels and always have even before my accident. Some people are not meant to be in heels and I am one of them haha. Though I envy the women who can wear heels and wear them well. 8)
Nice catch!

Junebug, how was the rest of your weekend? Is your sister still helping out I hope or has she left to go back home? What are your NYE plans? Sorry for all the questions lol. I hope that you are feeling rested and relaxed and rejuvenated! I am so happy the days are now getting longer even if it is just a minute or 2 each day. That's still movement in the right direction so YAY for that. Before we know it spring and flowers and birds will be here. And longer days woohoo! Hope all is good by you and everyone is well.

Callie, I am so sorry your mom makes you feel badly by saying stupid things. Please ignore them and do not internalize them. It's amazing no matter how old we get it still can hurt so much. Oh and I am with you. I have neither (great face or butt) either. LOL at least we are in good company. :wink2:

I am sorry your niece is not showing any improvement. Unfortunately neither am I. I know it may seem like I am ignoring everyone's questions about how I am doing and I am not ignoring so much as reluctant to go on about my skin anymore than I have until there is some improvement (please please please :pray: I am hoping for but not getting any yet).

Every morning I wake up and hesitantly have to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and unfortunately see my face. Still not good. :cry: So thank you all for asking and if there is any change I will certainly share it here. No improvement at all and sometimes I think it is getting worse but trying not to examine it too closely. I am seriously avoiding mirrors as much as possible. Oh and even though I am moisturizing my skin is still peeling awfully. Ovi, I know you mentioned something about exfoliating but I cannot do that to my face as that would make it go crazy the condition it is in. Even on my best skin day I could never exfoliate. I have super reactive skin and it is worse than it has ever been ever.

Callie, I am excited for you to go shopping with your nieces and checking out the SW boots and looking forward to hearing your thoughts on how they look on you and your nieces. I think some very lucky girls might be coming away with some boots. :appl: Also, we are still waiting for your dh to OK your getting that other ring you have on layaway! Tell him to hurry up please. We are (im)patiently waiting. :appl:


Feb 5, 2014
Hi Girls,

Thank you so much for caring about me and asking. I think that today my mom wins as the craziest of them all. I tell you she is good hearted and can be so nice but today I finally told her ok this is not right and after she screamed at me for half an hour I simply did not really respond but let her go, I did tell her that her behavior was disgusting, sorry, I mean that. What happened is my old friend in California sent me more photos of Puma and me which I forwarded to my mom. I thought she would be happy to see us. I thought of making a tribute thread for Puma here on PS.

Then my mom calls me up screaming that I am making a drama and theater out of this and have nothing to do. All day I was busy with work at home so I could not even write here. She would not listen to anything I said anyhow, she just wanted to vent. I said ok, if you do not want pix I will not send them but to throw a fit? It was not drama but to honor a wonderful sould that has gone on a short time ago but that I do not want to be forgotten and it helps with healing. Nothing to do with drama and how many people post pix or threads of their animals or losing them here too? You think it would be a bad thing if I did? All it is that we share too in our joys, sadness, remembrance and other things, you would expect family to be there. I have found her behavior the most selfish when she loves cats and when she has a problem I have to be there for her. Her cat is from me too. All she does is blame me for any cat getting sick anyhow.

Then she went on to continue screaming about my getting my nails done and new dress ( I do not even tell her anymore) instead of as she said "keeping yourself in shape", I was truly disgusted. You look kitsch but shapeless she said. I feel that right now it is best that I do not talk to her but let her calm down but I also feel that she had no right to do this to me now. It is true that I wear nice things and take care of myself but to put it this way horrifies me. Sorry girls for ranting. This whole thing put me down and made me not want to post a thread here as I try not to focus on me anyhow but in this case I wanted to focus on a beautiful soul and not me.

Marcy I am worried about you, are you sure it is not pneumonia? Can you go see a doctor?

It was really nice to hear about you Junebug, Callie and Kristie too.

Missy you know I keep thinking of you and hoping that your skin improves. I know it will. Perhaps if you try not to stress too much. Please believe it ok? We are here for you. I hope at least your leg is better.

Hugs to all.


Jul 1, 2014
Marcy, that sounds like a fab comfort food menu! *Good* meatloaf is wonderful. Marcy, are you in Jackson/area? When you described your snowfall Bob and I thought you were probably in that area.

Missy, regarding scalloped potatoes: They will get everything in your kitchen dirty, you will scrape your fingers peeling potatoes and spend the rest of the evening cleaning it all up. I used to make them from scratch from The Silver Palate Cookbook (haha 1980s anyone?) but now I buy them at Costco and I sprinkle fancy cheeses on top in the last 15 minutes of baking them (I transfer them from the plastic container they come in to a nice casserole dish). Iif you want add crunchy bacon or green onion or sour cream at the table. The brand is Reser's, they are in the deli section at Costco.

Callie, I set that Burma spinel and once I figure out how to upload pics, I will post it in SMTB. Used 18 kt yg and two half moon diamonds flanking it, I asked for an asymmetrical bypass type setting. (I used Julia Kay Taylor for this ring and she did not follow instructions or even her own sketch, this was the last jewel I commissioned from her. Its still a nice ring.)

The Tucson show is the largest in the world. It gets an interesting crowd, that is for sure. Anyone who wants the show catalog this year, lemme know and I will grab one for you (they are free) and mail to you.


Feb 5, 2014
Cannot wait to see your new bling Kristie! Also what you find at Tucson, I am sure several one of us would love to see the catalogue, I collect them, have so many bags full but I live in Europe, so that is far and shipping costs are high, so I would not ask, still would love to hear you recapping the event. I bet you are excited to go! Do you live closeby?


Jul 1, 2014
Hi Ovi:
I do live close to Tucson, a 90-minute drive. I live near Scottsdale, Arizona. Been going to the show for about 12 or 13 years now. My husband is a geologist and that is how I got interested in rocks, then fossils, then GEM STONES, and last of all, diamonds.

Every year, there is a 'trend' at the show. One year it was labradorite. Another year, tourmaline were big. Spinel. Garnets. Its fun to see the quality displays but the best buy I ever got was off a paper plate (an enormous star sapphire, perfect star, $100). One of my favorite show buys, however, is a meteorite. Its oddly *grounding,* its so heavy and cold and substantial. Weird, I know, considering it rocketed through space. The guy who sold it to me did so because his wife was super angry he was keeping everything and so while she watched, he sold it to me. Then, when she left the area, he ran through the area trying to find me to buy it back. He did find me but when he said he wanted it back and was waving cash at me I almost started running myself, AWAY from him, heehee! Moral of that Story: Never sell or trade anything you'd regret, not even if your spouse is pissed at you!


Feb 5, 2014
That is such a great story Kristie and so true! Hahaha you have no idea but this rings a bell, I have family members who push me all the time and say, well OVi is no competition to anyone as she is a collector, will not sell anything.:))) There is a lot of truth to that. I never listen to anyone when they try to tell me what to sell and how to do it, I do what feels right to me. As you said noone should sell something they do not want to part with! This is contrary to what most gem and/or diamond dealers will tell you. I would love to go to Tucson just for the fun. I love to participate, to be surrounded with people who love gems as much as I do and to be surrounded by gems themselves, go out in the evening, etc.:))) Diamonds were the last thing I fell for also but became my favorites. We definitely have things in common.


Jul 1, 2014

It is a star *ruby,* not a star sapph.


Ovi, you would love the show. There is a lot of socializing going on there; in fact, I think that is why a lot of the very moneyed dealers show up. The ahem socializing (drinking and flirting) goes on all day long/evening although no one seems to be present until around 11 AM unless they have 'staff.'

What I love the most is the delicious UNKNOWN of what I will see, what I will buy, who I talk to. I stretch my college French, Bob digs out his college German and we can talk to pretty much everybody because they speak several languages including English. Nothing translates better than CASH, though :twirl:

One fun 30 minutes I spent last year was at a parking lot show near Inn Suites/Hotel Tucson City Center----lots of tables, French dealer, boxes upon boxes of crystals in all sizes, doubly terminated. $70 per box. I went through each and every box to find MY box and I found a great box with one 7" perfect doubly terminated crystal and about 10 smaller doubly terminated of varied sizes. I have given away quite a few of the smaller ones and I see in the Louis Vuitton ads if you look closely, the model is wearing rings of doubly terminated crystals in a setting that I dreamed up too (I think its about the only way to set up a crystal like these, really). I plan to learn wire wrap soon and make pendants out of them :lol: and send one off to my jeweler to make up the ring. So for $70 I got a box of FUN and beauty and possibilities.

If you ever come to The Show, Ovi, let me know, love to meet up with there!


Jul 1, 2014
Missy, regarding those speakers.

They aren't BIG enough, snicker! :D

They also explain handily why Greg, who is, after all, a MAN, encouraged you to buy the SW boots in every color and leather treatment!!! And on his birthday, to boot!

I think your kitty gang of four would find them a fun afternoon of climbing and shredding and chewing and scratching-posting!


Jun 8, 2008
Ovi, your mom behaved awfully. I am so sorry and I hope you are feeling better. As Kristie said it is all her and nothing to do with you. I think a tribute thread to Puma is a lovely idea if and when you are feeling up to it. I know many PSers would love to see his pictures and hear stories about him.

Kristie, haha I told him to purchase them but knew he wouldn't. He is an audiophile and loves nice things (just like we all do :cheeky: )but he has so much stereo equipment of top notch quality that it wouldn't add anything to his listening pleasure not to mention these speakers are very cat unfriendly. So not practical on many levels and that 10K is needed in his garage fund because that project has been delayed so many times now and I know that is at the top of his wish list. We also saw those same speakers in larger size there for 25K... :shock:

The gem show sounds like so much fun Kristie. OMG we would all have such a blast there. How great that you and your dh get to enjoy it together. Your dh has a cool profession and I love that it is because of him you are a lover of gems and jewels and all that blings. :bigsmile:


Jul 1, 2014
Greg is going to need those speakers for the garage, then! :appl: I doubt the Kitty Gang of Four will be in the garage because garages are plebian and dirty and work happens there and there is no tuna in there :bigsmile:

Bob is the first nonmusician I ever dated. First husband, trumpet player. Broken engagement, drummer.

For years, Bob went with me to every concert I reviewed and didn't mind the rush home immediately afterwards so I could write the review and submit before midnight for the next day's newspaper. So when we moved here, so close to The Show, it was time for me to learn about geology/rocks/gemstones/fossils. He said he would never buy me a diamond ("Ubiquitous.") but after I broke my leg he and I bought a loose diamond and had it set so I finally got a diamond from him. :clap: We both took the GIA coursework in colored stones and diamonds because we are eggheads and it is the institution for such things, but I've learned much, much more about diamonds and colored stones right here on PS.

The first couple of years at The Show I spent my budgeted amount DOUBLED (ATMs are my friend!) and pretty much motored around there with pie eyes and bated breath. Now I'm a lot more contained and I'm conscious of the fact that I have a lot of jewels and specimens now.

Last year, the items I wanted but did not have enough $ to buy were these super cool dinosaurs for, say, your yard! They had 'em all! Seller from Australia, had about 50 of these dinos set up in the Inn Suites/Now Hotel Tucson City Center inner courtyard around the pool. The little kids were STOKED by the dinos, grownups were buying them at a respectable clip (starting at $500). The seller had the best T shirts at the show too of dinos, fossils, and gemstones/rough, sold his T shirts out in the first 4 hours of the entire show. Its a good thing I'm a decisive shopper because I got Bob the dino t shirt of his dreams (ha) because the ditherers dithered and I waved the exact amount of cash in the air! Those Aussies don't screw around and I got the last dino t shirt in XL for my sweetie :saint:


Feb 5, 2014
Wow, cool to hear your story Kristie! I too took courses at GIA too but I felt that the education I got in Hungary was great because we had the head of the geology professor from the University in Hungary as our practical instructor, he was truly great, very strict but I learnt a lot from him. That said, life, experience, practice, continued training, reading and of course PS teaches you tons and you must follow up, a course is most definitely not enough. Are you a GG?

Missy, you are such a sweet person. Yeah, my mom always finds something wrong in everyone, then she has to dump it all on you. Anyhow, I think I will do a tribute to Puma because this is not about me, this is about him.

How is everyone today, anything new or fun or even if not always good, I would love to hear about you Girls.


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls,

Missy, I see the speakers and invision sweet little Francesca sitting on top of them. However did she get up there? Yeah, I see your point. They wouldn't last long. I think the garage would make Greg happier in the long run. I hope your niece is starting to feel better.

Did up you happen to see the thread titled Share your new holiday baubles! Circe sold her ruby and Diamond dinner ring. The north south one. Do you think it would be hard to have a similar ring made? There is a picture of it in the thead. I don't think I would want one quite as long but I love the ring.

OV, I'm so sorry about your mom. I'd really try to ignore it. You have so much going on and this really seems like her problem. I don't understand people sometimes. I would think she would know how hard losing puma has been for you and try to help you. I would think at the very least since she also loves her animals, she would understand how you are feeling. If she never had an animal, I might be able to get her not understanding. Hugs OV

Kristie, The gem show sounds fantastic. I bet you look forward to it all year. There was supposed to be an antique and jewery show in Chicago at the end of April, I was looking forward to attending and then they cancelled it. It probably would have cost me a lot of money. I can never leave these types of shows without finding something I fall in love with.

Marcy, Are you feeling any better? If not, are you going to go to the doctor? Please make an appointment. You don't want this to turn into something serious.


Jul 1, 2014
Yes, Marcy, how are you feeling?


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Ladies!

Missy, I bet Greg could whip you up a batch of scalloped potatoes; we like them with cheese and I always remove the cover for the last 15 or 20 minutes to get a crisp top. We do have quite a few leftovers. I had some for lunch today. I did manage to sleep about 4 hours before the coughing bug struck again. I took some Nyquil nighttime cough syrup and went to bed early. Marty didn’t think I should go to work either but I did and actually started to feel a little better this afternoon but my cough is hanging on. So are you saying clinically I don’t have a reason to curse when I cough? LOL! We are all hoping for the day you can tell us your skin is feeling and doing better. My PS Dust must not be helping enough.

Ovi, I hate to hear your mom reacted that way to pictures of you and Puma. I think you should be able to post pictures, stories and talk about Puma in any way that you feel is comforting to you. There is no right or wrong way to deal with grief, just what works for you. I know she is your mom but IMO I would tell her the next time she does something like that “I’m not going to listen to this. Call me when you can talk civilly to me”. There is no cause for screaming and yelling at you. I hope the rest of your day went better. I do feel a little bit better today but if I am still wheezing Wednesday I’ll try to get in to a doctor.

Kristie, we are in the opposite corner of the state from Jackson. I bet they had more snow than we did. It is gorgeous in that area of the state. I like your version of scalloped potatoes. Marty left the skin on our potatoes yesterday when he cut up the potatoes. He doesn’t let me near knives because I have had some bad run-ins with knifes and I usually lose. Your Berma spinel ring sounds fabulous. I can’t wait to see pictures of it. That is too bad the ring didn’t turn out exactly like you expected. I actually think I’m done with custom jewelry; I want something I can easily return if I don’t like it. I still have a mouse pad I picked up from the Tucson gem show that has gemstones on it. They had them at one of the table out front where you go in. I was like a kid in a candy store the day we went. I am sure my in-laws were bored out of their minds but Marty patiently followed me around to every booth looking at tsavorites with me. I ignored the sapphires because I knew I’d take longer than the in-laws would like and spend more money than I should. It was a blast though. Your meteorite might be worth a lot more than $100. That is maybe why that guy’s wife was upset. I am better tonight. Thank you!

Callie, I sure hope you find another antique jewelry show to attend. I went to the gem and jewelry show in Denver one time and was rather disappointed at the low quality of what I saw. There were very few gemstones I really liked but it was fascinating for me to see. The Tucson show was much better. I do feel better today, thank you and I will call a doctor Wednesday if I am still wheezing and tired.

Thank you ladies for worrying about me. I feel better tonight and haven’t been coughing as much as last night. I have a stupid toothache but since my sinuses are giving me grief with this crud I think that is why that tooth hurts. If not I’ll be at the dentist too.

Marty was working when I was ready to leave for work this morning so I sent him a text and asked if he was still going to drive me to work and he responded “you seriously aren’t going to work are you?” Since it was well below zero today I didn’t want to come out to a cold car and wait for it to warm up on the way home. Tomorrow we are going to have wind chills to about 40 below so he’ll take me to work again. Wednesday we are going to be back near 20; it will be like a heat wave!

We’ve all kind of been talking her about how the way some people act (even our family) and it just makes us wonder why they are like that. Ironically I was talking about that at work today too. There is this lady who works on the same floor I do and she is NEVER happy. I only see her in the restroom and I always say hi to her by name and always ask her how she’s doing. Her response is always rude, grumpy or some tale of a travesty. Her SO used to work for Marty and he is the happiest, most upbeat, and positive guy you can imagine so as a couple they are complete opposite. Anyway I ran in to her in the restroom today and I’ve got the chills, my tooth hurts, I’m coughing and I say “Hi Kathy, how are you today?” and she gives me this grumbly, unhappy response and I went back to my office and just kind of kept laughing about it. One of my employees asked me what I was laughing at and I said, “Well no matter how bad my day is going I am always more happy than Kathy.” They all knew exactly whom I was talking about. I feel bad for her but she’s the only one who can change her attitude. She’s been with her SO for about 8 years now; hopefully she is happier at home.

We had mini cheese raviolis for supper with some crusty dinner rolls. Marty bought a new Playstation game so he’s man caving it tonight. He keeps saying to stay away from him, he doesn't want my crud.

We are planning our menu for NYE. We are doing pot luck with some friends and will play some card games. I am doing BBQ ribs in the crock pot, Marty made a spicy cheese ball and will make some Ethiopian dish he likes (it’s bread you dip in some sauce but not sure), fresh pineapple and whatever everyone else brings. It should be fun.

Take care.


Jul 1, 2014
Marcy, you are killing me with your menus!!! I love all ravioli--- have you ever toasted yours? YUM!

Your comment re toothache. Please be careful here, it could be referred pain from a more serious sinus condition than you might be aware of. Are you monitoring the color of the mucus? Clear is good, yellow is a sign to watch, green is a problem, blood is too. Take your temp a couple times in 24hour period.

Mucinex makes great products, quite a few of them including with cough supressants. Rest yourself like Marty is urging you too. Lots of hot tea.

I feel ya re custom jewelry any more. It's a bad deal in terms of cost and end product. I swear that I'll never do that again and then I do because of a backlog of stones, sigh.


Jul 1, 2014
Marcy, you are killing me with your menus!!! I love all ravioli--- have you ever toasted yours? YUM!

Your comment re toothache. Please be careful here, it could be referred pain from a more serious sinus condition than you might be aware of. Are you monitoring the color of the mucus? Clear is good, yellow is a sign to watch, green is a problem, blood is too. Take your temp a couple times in 24hour period.

Mucinex makes great products, quite a few of them including with cough supressants. Rest yourself like Marty is urging you too. Lots of hot tea.

I feel ya re custom jewelry any more. It's a bad deal in terms of cost and end product. I swear that I'll never do that again and then I do because of a backlog of stones, sigh.


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls,

Marcy, Your are cracking me up with your stories about "Kathy". People like that arre usually always like that. Makes you really feel sorry for this lady's husband. I always wonder what happened in their life that was so bad that they are never happy. You may have been sick today but you still have your sense of humor! I hope you are able to get some sleep tonight without coughing. I'm kind surprised it's not Marty who is sick. My husband used to catch colds all the time when he was traveling internationally a lot. They always say that airplanes are great for getting sick. Poor Marty sure spends a lot of time in them.

I am also nervous about going the custom jewelry route. It ends up being so costly if you are not happy with the end results. I've been known to change my mind with things I've seen on my finger and thought I loved that first day. My last custom ring I never loved. I couldn't be upset with anyone but myself. The jeweler did exactly what I asked for.

Kristie, I would be really unhappy if they made major changes to a design without your permission. I'm assuming you have probably had many custom projects done. Are you good about visualizing how something will look when it's finished? So many of the colored stone rings I've seen on Pricescope are gorgeous. Have you collected gem stones for years? How is Finn doing?

Kristie and Marcy, You are both lucky your husbands will go to the shows with you. My husband only has about a one to two hour window for shopping. I have found its easier to go by myself or with a girlfriend and meet him for dinner afterward. If I'm going to an antique jewelry show I want to see what they have and not be rushed.

Missy, Have you ordered the dark gray boots yet? Is Greg off work all week or is he able to work from the beach house?


Oct 24, 2012
Marcy, your NYE sounds like fun. I sure would look forward to it. We will be in Tahoe with the kids. :) I cannot believe the weather you guys deal with on a yearly basis. You have my utmost respect. I would crawl under the covers and not come out for 4 months. I hope that you are doing ok tonight.

Ovi, I'm so sorry. I can't believe your mom is making this all about her, and her feelings. Sigh... No words of wisdom. The only way I would deal with this is just to keep clear of her for a long while. You know what I mean. When I have tried to explain and reason with my mom, not much success. (((hug)))

Kristie, I can't wait to see what you are going to get at the show. :Up_to_something:

Callie...:) Walk away from the candy...

I had a chance to have dinner and dessert with a friend that I have known since 6th grade. We went our separate ways since going to different high schools, but reconnect every several years. It's weird that we are very much those same kids, yet have all these years behind us. We had a great time, and I'm really glad I went out. It was just two girls, no kids or husbands. It was great. :)

Check in again soon. Gotta pass out early. My DH has a 6 am training session at my gym, which I am trying to talk him into joining. I'll tell you more about it later.


Feb 5, 2014
Hi Girls,

LLJsmom soooo jealous you will spend NYE in Tahoe, I wish I could be there too.:))) No, seriously I am happy for you, I love Tahoe. Nothing planned here, just sitting home by myself but I have to admit it has been the case for most NYEs as I do not really celebrate it though I would rather not be by myself but this is the way it goes right now, DH will be working. In a way I sort of wish that I had gone to work today because that could have helped divert my attention a bit and keep me active. I do feel sort of down and depressed at the moment, I am just telling you that I am recognizing the signs on myself, I need to do something about it but it is not easy at the moment.

Hahaha Mary loved your story, so very true, I had a colleague like that at the last international law firm I worked for, she was always extremely grumpy and it made people stay away from her. If I worked there now with 40 other people, I would most definitely be nice and actually love the company and not try to dump my problems on them though if I was close to someone, we would surely talk about it. Yes, there are people who always think they are first, they have had it the hardest and they have reason to be suffering and feel superior to others.

Why family does that I have no clue. My mom has told me so many times that I have never experienced working hard, yeah I wish, never felt this and that, been through something as hard as she has, etc., first of all I wish but that is not the case and we all have our problems, experience different things in life and in different way and we are also all unique beings. Parents want us to be the way they are, react their way. An example would be that my mom told me yesterday that instead of sending her pix of Puma I should organize the house, what? I think that one has to deal with feelings of grief and as it has been pointed out everyone does it their own way and there is no right or wrong. Most definitely I will not organize the house, it is something I truly deeply hate anyhow and in times like this I need something that cheers me up and not something that I really hate. For this reason, I would rather be online, talk to you guys, talk to friends over the phone, anything that I love doing or that feels right at the moment. I simply feel drained, I do household chores but not the big projects she is talking about. Then she may tell me to not be lazy, well, I have the right to have a few days off too and do whatever I like, originally it may have been something different but noone can plan shit that happens in life.

I agree that I should have a break but I probably cannot as she will call or get upset that I did not call, we helped them bring their car here for repair and they will be coming here. If she gets real pissy then she will start threatening me with things she thinks may hurt me. I did tell her that the way she behaved was not right and perhaps we should not talk and that no, I did not agree with her but she does not listen, it is only oil on the fire.

Anyhow, hope we can talk about better things, I know I will be fine, I am strong, I know that going to work will help and doing my work and fun things at home. Right now I should try to get back to normal. I could not go to sleep till 5 in the morning as I also did the candle ceremony with others that are in the US, then woke up because Niello was screaming, he does that sometimes but it was bad this time. Things will slowly get back to normal, perhaps not what they were before but better, I know that.

Marcy, you are such a positive person and really strong, I cannot believe you went to work so sick but I have done that many times myself and you kept your spirits high.:))) That said I do worry about you, if you do not get better then please see a doctor.

Missy, hope you are better today, I missed the part about you being at the beach house right now, that must mean Greg is off which is really lovely. I hope you do still get to go for a few little walks and do relaxing things there. I keep hoping you will write that your skin is a little better but the changes may be so subtle that you do not notice them right away. I did not know you were going to order another pair of boots, are they the same?

Kristie I hope you are having a great day. Junebug, I think we have not heard from you and hope you are fine and please come over to visit and tell about yourself when you can.

Hugs to all of you girls.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!!!

Another lovely day here...I am loving waking up to the sound of the waves. So relaxing and peaceful. And I think the stairs are helping me too! I have been slacking off with my PT since we have been here...I am still doing the treadmill and elliptical though just not stretching and bending my ankle with separate exercises and no reformer at the beach house and no Victor either :cheeky:
And somehow I am finding the stairs a bit easier though I still have to be deliberate in my steps I think I am improving at least a bit. When I first wake up or get up from a seated position I am terribly stiff and limp considerably but once I am warmed up I am OK. And I can go down the stairs without too much trouble woohoo!

Marcy, I am so glad you are feeling better and I hope your tooth is feeling better today too. I am happy that Marty is taking you to work. That is exactly what Greg would do too. Our dhs take good care of us! How are your teddy bears and bunnies dealing with the wind and snow? I hope they are getting out and enjoying the weather. :bigsmile: But make sure they bundle up because 40 below is colder than it should ever be anywhere IMO.

Your NYE menu sounds delicious. And yay for your impending "heat" wave lol. I guess it is all a matter of perspective as with anything haha. I know that 60 degrees can have very different meaning to me depending on the month. In May it is freezing at 60 but in December ooh la la bring it on. :appl:

Your dust is helping Marcy, never doubt the power of PS dust. It just might take some time to work but it will work! :pray: Look how it helped me recover from my broken bones!

Callie, I have not seen that thread and I will check it out. I love dinner rings and I love rubies. And I remember SDL's ring (that's the ring right or am I getting that totally wrong?) and loved it and am surprised Circe sold it but glad it has a happy owner (who is the lucky girl?) who will love it once again. That ring is well loved that is for sure!

I think we need to find a jewelry and antique show to make up for the one that was canceled Callie...and it would be great if it were in NY yanno? Off to research. :Up_to_something:

Thanks for the good wishes for my niece. I have a feeling it will be running through my sister and BIL and other niece before it is finished but I certainly hope not. It is the season and they do get sick a lot but I guess that is most kids at that age.

Kristie, I love the story about you and your dh. Romantic! I mean who wouldn't love a man who loves gems and rocks and such. And buying you the "ubiquitous" diamond after you broke your leg just to make you feel better is incredibly sweet and loving. :love: We are all looking forward to your SMTB thread with all your beauties!

LLJsmom, ooh you guys are going to have an awesome time at Tahoe! California is such a great state with so many beautiful places. You really have it all there from sun to snow. How long will you be there for and make sure to enjoy a hot tub or two for me!

Junebug, we are thinking of you and hoping you are enjoying the holiday week!

Ovi, how are you feeling this morning girl? I hope you are doing OK and I agree completely with Marcy. If your mother cannot be civil towards you do not speak with her. Just tell her you will not tolerate that behavior and if she wants to have a relationship with you she will have to be nicer and speak more civilly with you. Period. I have had similar conversations with my mother too though not at the level you are dealing with and it does work. We might go a few days without speaking but ultimately it works out. You deserve better and so much more than that yanno?

I know you feel you cannot say that to her but she is abusing you emotionally IMO. You should not have to deal with her abuse. I wish I could be there and knock sense into your mother. I do not know what is wrong with her but likely that is mirroring some relationship she had with an adult figure (her mother or father?) in her life when she was a child I am guessing and that perpetuates itself to the next generation. Please do not let her make you feel badly and try to do what you want to do and what will make you feel better about everything.(((Hugs))).

Thank you for your good wishes. No change yet re face and I am trying (trying!) not to dwell on it and just moving forward. The boots I bought are different colors. One is red currant, one is tan (really a light beige) and one is black quilted. They are all the 5050 model of the SW boots. I also have black nappa, black suede, Cola brown suede, nice blue suede all in the 5050 style and the black suede lowland boot (goes higher on the leg to mid thigh). Those are the SW boots I now have. I think that is all of them. 8) You need to get some so we can be boot twins! You too Kristie, Callie, Marcy and LLJsmom. C'mon girls. We can all rock them together. :appl: :wavey:


Feb 5, 2014
Wow, Missy, I am soooo proud of you girl! See, change is happening even if at a slow pace and gradually, that is to be expected but what I am hearing now about your walking the stairs and the progress you have made is truly amazing. You are getting there, even if not completely back to your pre-accident condition but way improved, I have to say this made my day! It appears that the beach house is a great environment for you, perhaps the atmosphere and air too, I wish you could spend more time there. You do sound happier and I am sure that Greg has a part in it too, just very happy that you can spend some time together before he has to go back to work.

You know we are sending you healing dust re: your face too and that changes will happen, you may be surprised when you all of a sudden notice it but the therapy has to work and try not to stress too much, positive attitude will help as well. I do not want to jinx it but your holiday at the beach house may have a positive effect on your skin too.

Ah, my mom will never change, I have tried it a few times not talking to her when her behavior got out of hand and she always takes things out on me the worst when something bad happens to me. If she does not want to offer comfort, ok but at least she should leave me alone. She always seems to want to run the show, same thing when she comes to visit, things have to be her way, my home has to be the way she wants it. She has always been the closest to me and I do not want her to feel down obviously and most the time she is great except when she goes totally crazy and makes comments that are not only rude but downright disgusting and in a screaming fit way that is a total shock but knowing her even if I do not talk to her, she will call me up eventually screaming at me again for being a so and so bad person. Right now I am definitely taking a break, sometimes we need that. Thanks for the support Missy and everyone. We cannot change certain facts in life and we cannot change our parents but we can make changes in our own lives and whether we allow certain things. We shall see. I can update you if you like but do not want to trouble you.

Wish I could join you for a morning coffee Missy.:))) One day it will happen and maybe one day we will also all go to a gem show to enjoy and that will be party time for us girls!

Wow, Missy you love boots almost if not as much as you love bling, right? Quite the collection you got I am feeling only slightly jealous.:))) You deserve it though after so much hard time this year. Were some of the boots your holiday gifts for you this year? Or did you get other things as well?

Love and healing dust to everyone needing it now.


Jun 8, 2008
Aww thank you dear Ovi. You are such a warm and generous person and your friendship means a lot to me. I am sorry for all your hardships but am glad we can share and offer support to one another. It helps lighten the load just a bit.

You are right in that you cannot change others but certainly we can control how we feel when others are behaving so badly. Sometimes for me just removing myself from the situation is what I need. Distance and perspective and you matter so remember that.

If your mom behaves so badly I respect your need to deal with her and take it but perhaps if it is harming you emotionally you should not think so much for your mom's well being but more for your own especially now when you are dealing with losing Puma. You count and need to put yourself first sometimes IMO. Please don't be mad at me for sharing my thoughts and again I am not in your relationship so of course you are the only one who knows what is right for you. Just want to add my support whatever you decide is best for you.

That's a good question what do I love more. Boots or bling. I have to say it depends on the week or even the day lol. I love style and jewelry and clothes etc so in that respect I am such a girl. Yet of course I know what is important in life and could easily give up all the material things in my life if I had to just as long as I have my dh and his love and support I would be totally A-OK. Sometimes I read what I am writing and I think that the way it sounds is so NOT me so just need to be clear about that. Things are just things and when it comes down to it matters not at all. But I digress.

For the holidays I really didn't get anything. I cannot count clothes/boots etc as gifts as they are necessities no? :cheeky: Maybe an iPad 2 (whatever is the latest model). Greg thinks I would love that as I never had an iPad but could use it while working out as I have such long workouts these days that I could use some distraction other than music for a change. But I am procrastinating on that right now so not sure.

Originally I wanted OEC earrings for a combo birthday/anniversary/holiday gift but then I wasn't able to find what I loved so gave up on that for now and also didn't want to spend so much money though if you add up what I spent on boots and dresses and jackets these last few months I well exceeded my self imposed budget so there you go. Oh well best laid plans and all.

I would love to share some morning coffee with you and I know that day will come and I hope all of us can have that opportunity together. Wouldn't that be lovely! :wavey:


Feb 5, 2014
Missy, please do not feel that you are superficial because you love certain material things in life. They offer relief, small joys, lightness but that does not mean these things are what truly matter. You are one very deeply feeling, wonderful person with a big heart who has her priorities right but yes do enjoy what you can as you have also had enough negative things occur, they should be balanced out by some positives too, not? I have been known to feel guilty over these things too especially at times like this loss and not wanting to get myself anything but when we do and it makes us feel better, that does matter and it does not mean we do not have our priorities in the right place.

You see I have thought of this a lot in terms of how damaging my relationships with my parents have been, neither ever thought I was good enough and I would never be. I had to cut my dad off as it was too damaging but my mom in her way of saying I do this only because I love you is not any better, in fact all she has ever done was to plant guilt in me, blaming me for anything and everything negative that has ever happened to me in my life. Blaming me for the loss of pets, bad relationships, etc. I see this and I think that by ignoring certain things and caring about her I am stronger but maybe it is not right. Thanks to her I could not let go of my doomed relationship with my ex for over two years, only after his last act that was so screwed up did she admit that she thought he was a jerk, until now it has been that I screwed it up completely and why? Because he was very rich and she thought I should live in a dream world and no such thing exists. She does want the best for me but she cannot let go and then plants guilt in me so I feel down about something for years not being able to let go.

At least I realized that and this realization is the first step in improving a situation. It is not that I want to leave her alone but if I must I will and her blackmailing me that she will then put a spell on me or something ridiculous like that will not stop me either. Ok and what has brought this up, as I feel I am not making a lot of sense right now, is that she has always condoned me for loving beautiful material things. There is nothing wrong with only buying used clothing like she does, even though she was a doctor and could afford others, if this is her choice but to force the same thing on me IS wrong. Yes, she is stylish and you cannot tell but if the same things that make her happy do not make me happy, it is not abnormal and yes I will make different choices about what to spend my money on, this is normal too.

Be happy for the small things in life, I think it is great that you can get small pleasures out of things. Nothing wrong with that, I only feel badly for those that cannot because they do not have the funds, etc. But even then, everyone will have certain small, "guilty" pleasures in life and they should as these small things sometimes help up go on and feel more positive which will then lead to positive change in life. I only see this as a problem if people overspend to a degree that causes financial disaster and other consequences in their lives.

Oooh, I was so long winded again and I truly hope that I am not sickening you girls with what I am writing.

Missy, I forgot to say that I hope you can still get your earrings next year and do not give up just yet, only you can decide what feels right but if you want to wait on spending then perhaps beging a search that may take a while anyhow, oh and then of course you will find what you want right away when you do not want to buy it right now.:))) And, yes, I definitely hope that we will sometime enjoy great morning coffee together.


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls,

Missy, I wish I could wear the boots like you. I will let you know how they look when I go shopping with my niece. My legs just aren't long enough for the cool looking ones. No one here thinks you are materialistic. Your priorities are in the right places. Well they line up with mine, so I think they are right! At the end of the day they are nice things we buy, but they are and will always only be things. Our loved ones, friends and pets matter far more.

You are correct about the diamond and ruby dinner ring. It originally belonged to San Diego Lady. Circe sold it to SB621. I'm just happy this beauty is staying in the PriceScope family. Sarah will love and cherish it. I still can't believe Circe let it go. I would be wearing it until the day I died if it was mine. Who am I kidding my nieces would find a way to get that ring haha! But please Missy, if you ever come across a ring you think I would love, please let me know!

Marcy, How are you feeling today? Any better???

OZ, Please don't let your mom get to you. Please take care of yourself. If organizing her house helps her feel better she can organize her house. Everyone views different things as important to them. I find when my mom does this I just remove myself from the situation and try to ignore it. Believe me, I know easier said than done. Our moms find a way to push our buttons like no one else can unfortunately. I have also noticed that the older my mom gets the more she thinks other people should spend their money as she would. It is kind of crazy. Everyone has different priorities and things that make them happy. Somehow she doesn't get that. My mom will never be a jewelry lover.

Right now OV the important thing is for you to take care of yourself. Try not to worry about your mom not understanding how you feel about Puma. You know we understand and are here for you. Hugs!

LLJsmom, I can't stay away from the candy. I've already been into it today! Sweets are my biggest downfall. Are you kids excited about Tahoe?


Jun 7, 2014
LLJsmom, I have a funny story to tell you. Years ago I was coming home to Chicago from a business trip in Palm Springs, CA. I was sitting next to an older woman who had never been to the Midwest before and was really excited about coming to Chicago. It was March and absolutely beautiful in Palm Springs. As we are over Chicago she looks out the window and looks terrible disappointed. I asked what was wrong and she said it looks like you are having terrible weather today. It was typical March day, gray, no sunshine and cold. Her face was so shocked that we have many cloudy days and asked why on earth anyone would ever live here. I laughed and told her it had to be becuase of family. I went home and told my husband I wanted to move to California. Don't ever take living in California for granted. You are so lucky!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Ladies!

Kristie, I love toasted raviolis! We order them sometimes as appetizers. I know they go straight to your hips but they are delicious. I bet you have quite a backlog of gemstones being able to go to the Tucson gem show every year. What treasures do you have? I have definitely decided custom jewelry is like gambling; don’t bet any more than you are willing to lose. At some point I want a different ering but that baby is going to be something I can try on and have someone plop a diamond in it the same size as mine.

Callie, I know what you mean about people like Kathy. I feel sorry for her husband but also for her. She has the ability to turn that frown upside down but she sure doesn’t make the effort. I’d hate to go throw life that angry. That’s too bad your husband was coming home with colds from his trips. Marty was coming home sick for a while but anymore he seems immune to it. He took malaria pills for Uganda and the pills made him really. That is too bad your last custom ring wasn’t what you envisioned. Some of my favorite rings were ones I didn’t even want to try on because I didn’t like them in the case. I think you really have to put something on to see if you like it or not. Marty is very patient following me around places; probably more so than I am following him around. He can only get me in the hardware stores because they have great diamond lights. I don’t remember SDL ruby ring but it seems like she had a gorgeous sapphire ring. Of course all rings are pretty to me.

LLJsmom, have a blast at Tahoe. There are many snow days it takes everything in me to go to work. We have roadside assistance with our insurance and my car’s warranty has it but still it makes me nervous. Your evening with your friend from 6th grade sounds wonderful. I am still very close to a friend from 6th grade as well. We always remember each other’s birthdays and write each other really long letters. When we get together it’s like we just saw each other yesterday.

Ovi, you need some me time to grieve and when you are ready you’ll feel more like doing things. Your babies are probably a big comfort to you. The sad thing about people like Kathy is if they honestly looked at their lives and those around them; they would realize they don’t have it so bad. You are right though every place has one of them. I am sorry your mom is so hurtful and thoughtless with you; maybe she thinks doing the things she suggests would be helpful to you. She maybe doesn’t realize how nasty she comes across to you. I hate to think of you dealing with her right now. Hugs to you! Thanks for the nice compliment. I try to be positive and strong. I am VERY stubborn and I think that helps. I also try not to take things too seriously. Now getting me to a doctor; that is another story.

Missy, you had my attention at the sound of the waves. The last night we were in Pebble Beach we just sat by the ocean so I could listen to the waves. It is so restful. The wind gusts here just don’t quite offer the same relaxation. That is awesome the stairs are kind of helping you; probably because it’s something different than what you normally do at home. Woo hoo for being able to go down the stairs so easily. My first few steps are always stiff and gimpy if I’ve sat for over an hour but after that they get better. Our Teddies and Rabbits are having fun. Marty keeps threatening to put the bears on the patio so they can live like “real bears”. Of course I keep them in the living room safe and warm. Our wind chill right now says 35 below. It is funny how the springtime 50 / 60’s everyone breaks out the shorts but in the fall it’s jacket time! I am sending you more PS Dust today then. Dust, Dust, Dust!!! You are getting quite the boot collection. I was thinking more along the line of Uggs. Warm and water proof. Once the temps get above freezing it’s going to be sloppy around here.

Thank you all for thinking of me and wishing me well. I think I am doing better today. The cough syrup worked great last night; I slept all night. Sadly it kind of gave me a stomachache but I felt better after I had soup and crackers for lunch. My mouth / teeth are better too. I’ve been gargling with salt water for my throat and that sometimes gives me sores in my mouth so I bet that is what happened when I was flossing last night. I’ve been watching my temp and blood pressure. I wasn’t wheezing last night lying down so that’s a big improvement. I have another 4-day weekend so I plan on resting then. Marty says it’s the evil coming out of me.

I couldn’t bring myself to wake Marty up this morning. He never gets to sleep in. So I start kind of making noise, opening doors, saying “honey it’s time to take me to work” but he slept right through it all so I bundled up and drove myself to work. He texted me when he woke up and said I was a putz for not waking him up. I am already under strict instructions to get him up tomorrow when I’m out of the shower. I was a good kid and covered my mouth with a scarf so I wouldn’t breathe in the cold air.

I was sure mad at the guy that followed me in to our neighborhood tonight. Our community has those decorative dividers between lanes, which look pretty but are very impractical where it snows and is windy enough to drift. I had to turn at an angle, the corner was drifted and the street was icy plus it’s uphill. He was in a big pickup and right on my butt; luckily my car didn’t slide or get caught in the snow or he would have rear-ended me.

Have a great day tomorrow!
Take care ladies.



Jun 17, 2009
Ugh, I just wrote a fairly long post and it disappeared! That's the first time that's ever happened to me :wall:

This one might be a little shorter haha! So…hi girls! :wavey:

Missy, I'm so glad you're enjoying your beach getaway, sometimes a change of scenery can do a world of good! Listening to the sound of the waves sounds divine - so relaxing and peaceful! And who knew all those stairs would end up giving you extra practice and helping you? Hopefully you and Greg will be able to make more trips like this. It's going to be great when the weather warms up! This winter hasn't even been that bad so far and we have quite a way to go, but I can't wait for Spring!

No exciting plans for NYE - my husband and I will go out to eat and that's about it. In fact, he'll probably be asleep by 12 lol. I'll just watch the ball drop and see if anyone is on PS haha.

My sister went back home a few weeks ago. Recently she's been coming every few months and staying for 4 days, and it's been a help. Prior to that she was coming infrequently but staying for a longer period of time. I think it works out better for her to do the more frequent but shorter trips.

Marcy, glad to hear you're feeling a little better but take care of yourself! It's good you're getting a 4 day weekend, rest up as much as you can. Your NYE menu sounds so delicious! I got hungry just reading it, yum. Sounds like it will be a lot of fun. Hoping the temperature goes up for you, every degree counts! And I hate when someone tailgates me, it's so dangerous and doesn't serve any purpose except to show how obnoxious the driver is.

Kristie, the gem show sounds like such a blast! Like a party with jewels lol! You mentioned wire-wrapping - my nephew makes wire wrap jewelry and has gotten pretty good at it! A very pretty and different style of jewelry. He tends to make big pieces and I've been telling him to scale it down and make more delicate pieces. I enjoyed the story about you and dh, so sweet!

LLJsmom, your night out with your friend sounds like fun! Glad you had such a good time. Every once in a while I get together with a high school friend and it's really enjoyable. It's nice doing something on my own and it makes me feel younger somehow too.

Calliecake, I love that ruby dinner ring too! You might be able to find something similar if you check out the vendors listed in the Vintage and Antique forum. I know what you mean, I don't think I could wear a ring quite that long either, but I'm sure there are versions that are a bit shorter. I'm hoping your husband eventually gives the ok on the ring on layaway!

Ovi, I am really sorry your mother is being so difficult, especially when you're going through such a tough time. I know it's easier said than done, but maybe it's best if you don't speak to her for a few days. It sounds like she's trying to make you feel badly about yourself, and who needs that? Don't give her the opportunity to be abusive to you. But I understand that you know her better than we do and you ultimately you have to handle things the way you think best so I should probably mind my own business! I just don't like seeing you so upset! Please be good to yourself, and yes, do whatever you want and whatever will bring you a little enjoyment and distraction. Big hugs, please know I'm thinking of you!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning everyone. Happy New Year's Eve.

Callie, I will keep a watch for a similar ring for you. I wish you could go with me to my favorite estate jewelry store in Lambertville. They have gorgeous jewelry there. I haven't been since last spring though and not planning a trip anytime soon. Not with the way my skin is looking. Do not want to scare them lol.

Oh I agree with you completely on the sunny beautiful weather. I would never ever take that for granted. I think in the NYC area it rains at least 1/3 of the time if not more. From my POV it seems as if it is raining or overcast more than it is sunny and nice to be sure. However I don't see us leaving the Northeast any time soon since my family is here. Home is where the heart is I guess but I sure wish the hearts were in a warmer sunnier climate LOL.

Ovi, how are you doing? Are you gathering Puma's photos and memories for a thread honoring him here? We are looking forward to reading more about Puma if you are up for it. Hope you are feeling better today. Hugs.

Marcy, I am so glad you are feeling better and how sweet of you to let Marty sleep because he needed it. I know you were careful on the roads and thank goodness that other driver didn't cause an accident for you. So reckless of him to be tailgating you in any weather let alone inclement weather. :nono:

Yes Uggs would be more appropriate for the snow and slush. I do not own a pair of those though but I do have my Aquatalia that are supposed to be storm resistant as well as a waterproof pair of Cole Haan OTK boots and of course my Timberlands. Hopefully I won't be needing any of these boots too often this winter though!

I hear you on being stiff for a while when getting up from a laying or seated position. It takes some time to work it out for me but oh well. At least we can walk! When do you think you might have your surgery Marcy? Any thoughts as to time or if you might be doing it in NYC?

Stay warm-it is too cold by you. Snuggle up with Marty and the teddy bears and rabbits. Brrrr so cold where you are right now. Just another 2 months or so of winter and then warmer weather on the way! Hoping it comes quickly this year for us all.

Junebug, your NYE plans sound perfect to me. I really hope we are sleeping before midnight and that the fireworks don't keep us up. We usually spend it at my sister's house with her family and my parents but this year my niece is sick so we are skipping it and just staying at the beach house. We would have left yesterday if we were going to spend it at my sister's house. So low key and I hope early evening. They have fireworks here too though (as in our NY neighborhood also so no escaping those I guess LOL) over the water so I have a feeling it will be noisy. First NYE at the beach house so it will be interesting to see how it goes. We plan on staying in all evening though. Boring that is my middle name these days and not making any apologies for that either. I just wish my face would go back to clear and boring instead of red bumpy and horrifying. OK just ignore that vent please. Couldn't keep it in. :blackeye:

I am so glad the new arrangement is working out with your sister and caring for your mom this way. It is helpful for your sanity and also allows the whole family to pitch in and feel useful. A win win.

Ladies, I am wishing you all a very happy and healthy New Year filled with love and bling of course! And I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year's Eve whether it be the quiet celebration you wish for or a fun filled night of activity. Wishing you all the best and sending love and hugs your way.

Thank you for all your unconditional love and support you gave me this challenging year and while words cannot adequately express my gratitude I think you know how much you all mean to me. (((Hugs))) to each and every one of you.


Feb 5, 2014
Happy New Year to all of you Girls! I want to say a word of appreciation for everyone here, we have a wonderful group of people with warm hearts, great souls and I am thankful that all of you exist and are here, I also want to say thank you for your support and healing dust sent my way, I never thought I would find people like you here, I hope that one day we will meet.

Missy you are so strong and brave, kudos to you, we can all look up to you for that but also for all the qualities I described above, your heart that goes out to everyone. Hugs and love sent to Callie, Marcy, Junebug, Kristie, LLJsmom and all the other girls here.

I am not celebrating, honestly I have always dreaded this new year celebration. I would rather not get into detail on how things are right now instead just wishing you a great NYE and let us know how it was.

Love you all and hugs!


Jun 17, 2009
Ovi, I'll be thinking of you this NYE, I hope you can just relax a bit and enjoy some peace and quiet with your fur babies.

I feel the same as you…getting to know you lovely ladies through this thread has been a tremendous help to me, I just love how everyone supports and encourages each other. I feel a bit isolated and lonely sometimes due to helping out with my mother, and feel a bit cut off from life (although I totally acknowledge it could be much worse!) but still, that is how I feel sometimes and you girls keep me company and make me feel a bit more connected to the outside world and I am so grateful for that!

Missy, I agree, I'm just fine with boring these days too!

Hoping everyone is having a good night and wishing you all a healthy and happy New Year!
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