
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
Happy Boxing day girls!!!

Hope everyone had a marvelous Christmas. It's always over so quickly and this year the whole holiday season has gone ridiculously fast.

Marcy, I love your Christmas card! Too cute! Thank you for sharing it with us.

I am glad that Marty loved the poker chip shirt and Tom Everhart art book you got for him and that you loved your Snoopy treasures. Fun! And that Tom Everhart print is such a wonderful gift. You will enjoy that always.

Ooh I like the sound of homemade biscuits yes I do. Glad your are staying in warm and cozy with Marty. That's the best thing about a snowstorm I think. Staying inside nice and cozy and safe while the snowstorm is coming down. Something very peaceful and beautiful about that. Do you have a fireplace? We used to have a wood burning one at our last beach house but this one just has a gas fireplace which is not the same thing though Greg prefers it since he was always the one to have to bring in the wood and start the fire lol. I miss the smell of the burning wood.

Callie, how was the rest of your Christmas? I think you should keep all the purses. They will come in handy even if you don't use them all now. As for the red boots I think I am passing. They are still in stock online however but I am resisting the urge. They are expensive for what they are (red and suede I mean how much will that end up being PPW-price per wear- lol) and when you include tax and all it is more than I want to spend. Darn NYC tax!

Kristie, I hope the rest of your Christmas barbecue on the patio and in the pool was lovely and that you enjoyed your delicious meal and wonderful weather. I really loved visiting Arizona all those years ago. We went to Phoenix, Scottsdale, Sedona, Grand Canyon, Prescott and Flagstaff...cannot remember if I have been anywhere else in AZ right now. Loved it all. What amazed me was the weather shift from one area to the other. You can get all the temperature ranges there if you wish. And the claim to sunshine much of the year in many parts of your state is a dream to me! I would love to hear about your adventures in Alaska whenever you are in the mood.

Hugs to Finn and Maggie!

LLJsmom, how was your day yesterday? I am sure the kids and you and your dh had a blast and all being together without work getting in the way had to be the best part. Seeing Christmas through children's eyes is always special.
Hope it was a great day and that you, your dh and the kids had an amazing Christmas with friends and family!

Junebug, Ovi, and everyone else, hope it was a wonderful day for you all!


Jun 17, 2009
Hi missy and everyone!

Missy, I'm so glad you and Greg were able to get away for a bit and enjoy your beachouse! It sounds very relaxing. I remember when going to the beachouse was out of the question for you, and now you're there! I'm happy about that. I'm so sorry about your skin, I think the zero therapy is a good idea and worth a try. Love the pics of your tree and your kitties! Your tree is so pretty it doesn't even need ornaments. I can't even remember if I commented, but also glad your family GTG went well too. Sometimes the anticipation is worse than the actual event (not all the time though! :Up_to_something: ) Your nieces are so beautiful, I enjoyed seeing their pics, thank you for sharing them! Oh and I love your boots! Great color and they look really good on you!

Marcy, glad to hear your family dinner went well! Sounds like you're getting a chance to kick back and relax a little, which is great. As fun as it was, it was probably also exhausting! I agree with missy, the best part of a snowstorm is staying inside and being all warm and cozy! Love your card, your bears are adorable! What a cute idea.

Callie, I hope you were able to enjoy the holidays in spite of all the family shenanigans. I can relate, I've been in your shoes,family members can be very frustrating sometimes! I'm 54 and I'm still trying to figure out how to handle it :sick: I usually just try to focus on the good things in my life and try to ignore the things I can't do anything about. Easier said than done, I know! but I try in an effort to preserve my own sanity lol. Oh, just wanted to mention my daughter took Accutane and she really didn't have any adverse effects - no depression or any effects on her mood. She did experience fairly severe dryness of her face and lips. I think if your niece follows all the doctor's instructions and guidelines she should be ok. Oh, and I do remember that it took quite a while for the drug to take effect, it's wasn't a magic pill that worked right away. It did clear her skin - although IIRC, she did experience minor flare-ups after her course of treatment was over. Very minor compared to what she was originally dealing with though.

Kristie, your Christmas plans sound awesome! I'm jealous lol! Sorry to hear about your family situation, I know a few people that had to make the very difficult decision of cutting ties with relatives because they were just too toxic and difficult to deal with - I know it was a decision you did not make lightly but sometimes it is necessary to make these calls to bring peace into our lives. I'm so happy you have a wonderful dh and your furbabies to bring you happiness and comfort!

LLJsmom, I'm hoping you are having a good time with your family and getting a chance to rest after your crazy work schedule!

Ovi, hope you are doing well, glad to hear Puma seems to be doing better! I had a cat when I was growing up named Puma, love that name! Thinking of you and hope you are having a good holiday.

My Holidays went pretty well, although for some reason I felt kind of drained and tired these past few days - I spent Christmas Eve day cleaning my house because honestly I've ignored that task recently and thought the house should look better for the holidays lol. Also wrapped gifts and then my daughter and her boyfriend came over for dinner. (take-out :cheeky: ). It was a nice day, but for some reason I was drained by the end of it. I ended up not sleeping very well (too much coffee I think) and was tired on Christmas too. Had a really nice time opening gifts with my dh and kids, then had to get into gear and head up to my mother's for dinner - which involved carting up a Christmas dinner (some home - made and some store-bought) and then re-heating it at my mother's, serving it, washing up afterwards - not really as big a deal as I'm making it out to be, but I just felt worn-out. Luckily my dh and kids helped out a lot, so it went smoothly and my mother seemed to have a nice time. A bit of weirdness when we first got there - my brother seemed upset/depressed, he was acting a little angry but I know it wasn't directed at me…he had a rough day with my mother the day before…she does better when there are people around, sometimes when it's just her and him she won't get out of bed, gives him a hard time about eating, is very lethargic, etc. After we were there a while, he perked up and got into a better mood. My dh started cracking silly jokes and I think that helped! I understand how my brother feels, it's tough being alone my mother sometimes. Not sure what else I can do, I already spend a lot of my time there. I have already suggested hiring someone to relieve him on days I'm not there but he doesn't seem to want to do that, so I don't know. Anyway, don't mean to complain, it was a good holiday overall and I really enjoyed spending some quality time with dh and my kids!


Feb 5, 2014
Hi Girls,

I cannot really write, I feel that I am in ruins. I think it it the end for Puma. He waited long to let me know at the end stages, we were at the vet and took blood and he has pain in his abdomen and cannot breathe. I feel that every minute I watch him something dies in me because he breathes and hurts like he will die any minute. He most likely has lymphoma all over his body, we are supposed to go back in the morning but I am honestly not sure that he will make it till end. He was such a hero. Such a sick kitty to make it this far, problem is by now this cancer is likely closing his lungs and abdomen too. We do not know for sure at this point yet but it is the most likely scenario as we excluded many other things. The painkiller made him feel more active, he moved around, tried to drink and ate too but his breathing is really hurting him. Of course I love him to death, of course I hope something can be done, I am being realistic and know that even if I had known much sooner, there really is no cure for this. It hurts me more than anything to see him suffer and I want to help. Sorry for not being more cheerful girls tonite. I hope you at least had a great Xmas and time with family. I promise I will try to come back and be more positive and read about everyone else. Hugs to all!


Jun 17, 2009
Oh no Ovi, I am so sorry - I didn't realize Puma was so ill. My heart goes out to you and I understand what you're going through a little…we lost our beloved lab 4 years ago to spleen cancer, he was very ill and there was no hope, the cancer had spread to his lungs…in our case we made the tough decision to euthanize him because we didn't want to prolong his pain and suffering any longer. It was extremely hard and I'm still not completely over it but in my heart I feel we did the right thing. Sending thoughts of strength and comfort to you, I know how difficult this is. ((((hugs))))


Feb 5, 2014
Thanks Junebug, I did not realize it either, you know they can hide it so well and since he has had so many conditions during his life, I did not think about it until a few days ago, actually the 23rd when he did not want to eat but then he appeared better,still I have had a very bad feeling the last couple of days. The way he tried to breathe so hard and moves his tail like he is in pain is very bad, he has had better times since the 23rd when I was hopeful and tonite he appeared nothing like a cat to be euthanized at the vet and you know it can be so fast and you do not want to do it too early. I would euthanize him if I knew there was no hope but until now I was not sure. After the vet he appeared much more active, which was very hard on his system, at least he moved and tried to drink and eat but now is in a lot of pain, he even tried to lie on his side. Now I question whether I should have put him to sleep at the vet but none of us thought so at that point. Looks like another night with no sleep. I never let them suffer, I just did not know it with him. I really really appreciate your kindness.


Jun 17, 2009
Ovi, I totally understand, and I apologize because I re-read my post and it sounds like I'm telling you what to do, which was not my intent at all! :oops: Every case is different, and yes, it's hard to know sometimes that they are even that ill…in hindsight, our dog must have had cancer for a while but gave no indications and then just started showing symptoms one day, out of the blue. Please forgive me if I sounded like I was lecturing, I really am truly sorry for what you are going through and I know you care very deeply about Puma. You will be in my thoughts!


Jun 7, 2014
Oh OV, I'm so, so sorry. It breaks my heart that you are having to go thru this and how hard this must be for you. I know how much Puma means to you and how much you love him. He's your baby. You are such a good mom to your animals and Puma can feel your love for him. We are all here for you. Just do all you can to take care of him. Sending many, many hugs to you sweetheart. Is there anything we can do to help you?


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Junebug, I'm sorry for not responding. Like you, I just saw OV's post and wanted to send support her way. I have no idea why I'm apologizing, I know you completely understand.

I'm so glad you posted today. I'm been thinking of you and hoping you had a nice holiday with your family. You are such a warm and kind person Junebug. You deserve so much happiness in your life. When you described bringing all the food to you moms I completely understand what your talking about. Our families finally started ordering out and using paper plates for the holiday and it makes clean up a breeze. It's so much nicer to spend that time with each other instead of stuck in the kitchen. When my mother in law was alive my sister in law and I would spend over an hour cleaning all the China and crystal while everyone else was having a good time in the other room.

Our Christmas wasn't the greatest. I'm so tired of all the family drama. I wanted us to all go out for dinner and my mother refused to so we were at my brother's home. My brother's family and my stepfather ended up arguing. It really ended up being about old hurts from the past 20 years. Had we been at a restaurant all of this could have been avoided. I don't know why I let it all bother me so much. It's never been that anyone has been mad at me but it still bothers me and it seems to happen every Christmas. I think next Christmas my husband and I are going on vacation. We are having our Christmas celebration with my husbands family later in the week and that's always a lot of fun.

On a happy note, I spent this morning planning our New Year's Eve with good friends of ours. Just an early dinner but at least I know we will all have a good time together. My friend has been recovering from surgery and is so looking forward to a fun night out.

Missy, I understand about the red boots. Red a color you will probably get a lot of use from. I guess I was thinking they were a burgandy color because that color has been so popular this year. We are getting ready to go shopping. I'll check back later. I hope you and Greg are having a good time at the beach house!


Jul 1, 2014
Ovi, I am so sorry for your pain. Know we are thinking about you and Puma.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Everyone! Happy Boxing Day!

Missy, how are you doing today? Are the stairs there bothering your ankle and toe? I love to stay home and be lazy when a storm is brewing outside. I get out a puzzle to work on and like to bake. All the snow does make it so quiet and peaceful; until the wind kicks up. Then we hear noises. Yes, we have a gas fireplace. I cranked it on quite a bit when the polar vortex was hitting us a few months ago. I agree a wood-burning fireplace smells better but gas fireplaces are so much easier; just turn on the switch.

Junebug, I was very tired the morning after the family dinner. My knees and feet were sure giving me heck. I definitely think I have a teddy bear problem. Luckily they are a lot cheaper than diamonds and sapphires. I hope you get to rest up and be lazy this weekend because you deserve it. You certainly had a busy few days. I am glad your brother started to feel better as the day went along on Christmas.

Ovi, I am so sorry to hear Puma is so sick. Hugs to you. I know this is so sad and difficult for you.

Callie, I have to admit switching to paper plates for the big family dinners sounds like a great plan. Our dinner on Sunday was 3 loads in the dishwasher plus I washed quite a few bowls and platters. Sorry to hear Christmas at your brother’s didn’t go well. I am glad the Christmas with your husband’s family will be fun. Dinner with your friends on NYE will be nice.

Hi Azstonie.

I woke up to a coughing attack at 4:30. Ugh. I’ve been coughing off and on ever since. I made homemade soup for lunch so hopefully that will help.

Marty actually ventured out to a friend’s house to help him work on his car this afternoon. I thought of giving him our shopping list but didn’t. I’ll be stir crazy by tomorrow so we can go out then.

We ended up with 12.5 inches of snow so far. We can get more snow today and again Monday and Tuesday. I have been telling people mother nature was going to get even with us for a mild and dry November / December.

Have a great weekend.


Feb 5, 2014
Thanks girls, it means a lot to me. No worries Junebug, I did not think you were lecturing me but I was second guessing myself why I did not have him put to sleep. I took him in because of a hunch, decided to call the vet, it was gut feeling. He got him and started acting very strange, after eating and drinking a lot very labored breathing and then he was in DH's arms for a while but got very aggressive with everyone, cats and him. Called the vet again, took him in 11 at night again. He got a canula, steroids, things to help his breathing, blood results were in and good but his temp was down. Now I am second guessing myself for not puting him down that time. On the way home he was passing bloody fluids through his mouth. Circling and wanting to be alone, he is with DH but did not want to cuddle just lying next to him. I am experiecing severe anxiety not daring to go to sleep because I was sent home with T 61 to give in the canule just in case and I hope no single person ever has to make that decision to do it themselves. Ok, thanks for allowing me to vent. I do not know if I could take his life myself. Tomorrow we are supposed to go in otherwise and take XRays. Again thanks and sorry for the threadjack. I hope that I will be able to talk to you girls normally and please excuse me for this. Perhaps I should have started a new thread for this but really I do not want to have others focus on me but now I should be focusing on Missy and you girls. Thanks for listening, I had to tell someone. I talked to me best friend in the US and my mom but I do not even feel like talking on the phone. Not sure I will get sleep- I think if XRays do show what we think, I will say goodbye tomorrow, I never wanted any of them to suffer.Love ya all and hugs to you and please enjoy the holiday season.


Jun 8, 2008
Ovi, I am so so sorry. My heart is breaking for you and for Puma. We are keeping you both in our thoughts and prayers. And sending gentle (((hugs))) dear Ovi.


Feb 5, 2014
Thanks so much Missy for your kindness and how are you? I am sorry if I failed to read your posts, I left for a day and was hoping things were better or so they seemed but that horribly bad feeling has been haunting me and because of today I did not get to read your posts. Hope your skin did get a bit better and you are feeling fine and had a nice time during the holidays. Right now I just got over being sick and now really sick to my stomach. I have no idea how tomorrow ends butI truly hope for no more emergencies tonight. Thanks for being there. Huge thanks also to Junebug, Callie and Kristie. Sorry about your family Callie. I know this happens. I have had that quite a bit too. Going away for the holidays sounds like a plan. I really wish I could do it too, now it is impossible because of the pets, anymore I am thinking maybe I should not have a new kitten. Anyhow, just trying to divert my mind. I would love to hear and see what everyone got for the holidays but maybe it has already been posted, just missed it by not reading back enough, bad me. Have a great day girls, if you like, I can update you later.


Jun 17, 2009
Ovi, thank you for checking in, I was thinking about you, and of course Puma too…so very sorry you're going through this, I'm heartbroken for you and keeping you in my thoughts. This is tough, really tough. Please keep us posted and let us know how things are going. Hugs to you.


Jun 8, 2008
Dear Ovi, please do not even give a thought to how we are. Just take care of yourself and sweet Puma. We are all sending good thoughts and hugs your way and we are here for you. You know we are and anything we can do. I know the pain you are experiencing is unbearable. We are here for you. I am so sorry. :cry:


Jun 8, 2008
Junebug, I am glad you had a good time with your family and that it went relatively well with your mom. You are a wonderful daughter and I agree with Callie that you are a kind and generous hearted person. Thank you for all your good thoughts. It is nice being at the beach house and thanks for the kitty compliments. They just love the tree.

The Zero therapy was nixed by my derm at least re moisturizer. He said it is OK not to use any of the topical meds he prescribed since it aggravates my face. I emailed him this morning and he said I have to moisturize (face flaking a lot) so I started moisturizing after I got his response and it just sticks the flakes together. Sorry it is gross but I cannot get the flakes off because that would irritate my skin. I am frustrated and uncomfortable (face hurting a lot now and the moisturizer did not help) but just taking it one hour at a time right now.

Callie, I am sorry there was family drama during Christmas but glad you have fun plans with friends for NYE. Sounds like the perfect evening. And a big yes to going on vacation with your dh next Christmas. I think that would be a great way to spend the holiday. Greg and I went away Christmas of 2006 and it was the best holiday season. No family and no drama.

And you are going to think I am crazy but I actually ended up ordering those boots when we got back from our day in Point Pleasant this afternoon. I ordered them a couple of hours ago and overnighted it so it should be here tomorrow. LOL I am crazy because who needs another pair. I think it is because my face hurts and is causing me so much grief and that I subconsciously think buying things will make me feel better. But it doesn't. Yet I keep buying. I have a problem but at least these boots will match my face. Haha. See I still have my sense of humor. Somewhat. The color of the SW boots are called Red Currant. Hoping it is a dark red.

When you visit the SW store in Chicago with your nieces I want you all to try the 5050 boots on and also the lowland boots. I know you would look amazing in them!

Marcy, OMG already 12.5 inches of snow! I know it looks very pretty right now though and peaceful so enjoy that and being home and warm. Please be careful tomorrow running errands with Marty.

I am sorry you are dealing with a coughing attack and I hope the soup today calmed it down and you are feeling all better now. Could it be the dry air? Or allergies?

I am doing OK on the stairs, thanks for asking. Going down the stairs can be a bit tricky but if my toe is feeling fine I actually do pretty well. But I need to work on stretching my toe more often because when I don't do it enough it starts giving me trouble and then walking and stairs hurt more. Right now my face is the bane of my existence but same old story for the last few weeks (almost 2 months I think) and I am still going through different moods. Calmness and then I start getting overwhelmed that my face is never going to stop hurting and looking like this and Greg reassures me but really he doesn't know. And I find myself looking at everyone's beautiful clear skin and wishing so hard to get my clear skin back. :blackeye:

And here's another vote for paper plates when company comes over. Too many times of endless washing and drying and back hurting also. Now paper plates with good silverware (that's where we draw the line lol) and glasses and real dessert plates and we are good to go. It makes a big difference having paper plates re cleanup.


Jun 7, 2014
OV, My Thoughts and prayers are with you and sweet Puma. We are all here for you. If there is anything we can do to help you, please let us know. Honey, I am so so sorry. Hugs


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, I'm sorry you face is hurting badly. Hopefully the moisturizer provides some relief from the pain and begins to have a calming effect on your skin. This has to be beyond frustrating for you. I so wish they would come up with something that starts the healing process.

I'm glad you purchased the boots. If buying them makes you feel a little better for 1/2 hour, you need to buy them, If you don't like them you can return them. I looked at them online this afternoon and the color looked pretty. These boots look so good on you that I wouldn't hesitate getting every color. They don't seem to bother you ankle either. Yet another reason you need them in every color. I know you said you wear a lot of black. I think this color would look really pretty with black. They have been showing a lot of black with burgandy this year. That was one of the reasons I bought the burgandy bag. I wear too much black.

I plan to try boots on when I'm out with my nieces because they will be brutally honest with me. I'm just afraid they won't look right because I'm so short. My legs are really thin which I think would be a positive. I think they would need to be just below my knee in order to look okay. I will probably take a picture in the dressing room and send it to you for your opinion. I just don't want to look like I'm trying too hard. This getting older thing is such a pain. My niece dresses great so I trust her judgement. Believe me when I say she won't let me buy them if they look bad.

We ended up staying home today which is probably a good thing. I would have ended up buying something I don't need. It was 50 degrees here today. Hopefully this weather is coming your way. It is supposed to start getting really cold again over the weekend.

I forgot to tell you my niece loved my ring the other night. It was on her finger for quite a while.

Marcy, Please be careful if you are out driving. Are you expecting more snow? 12.5 inches of snow is a lot. Was Marty able to get home okay this afternoon? If you are not feeling any better can you send him to the store tomorrow? It sounds like you may be coming down with something.


Jul 1, 2014
Missy! The most current issue of People mag, the Style Watch page, those are your SW boots, right?????

Re the POD, all the sources say you have to go through worsening before it improves and heals, so you're on track. Don't tinker and jeopardize things, okay? Make every other part of you beautiful instead! That won't be hard friend!

I will def tell you my Alaska adventures on a day when you require a distraction. Greg, CERCLA, right? Short version, my last assignment with the Alaska DEC was as a CERCLA project manager for a $450M CERCLA site, Adak NAF in the Aleutian Islands. Interesting segue for a professional musician and music critic/Gannett newspapers to managing the largest CERCLA and BRAC site---and that was the wild-n-crazy rollercoaster ride that is Alaska. Moved to Juneau to marry my college sweetheart, love of my life, after 8 years apart. Left Alaska married to Bob 7 years later. I have a book there, a rom-com for sure!


Jun 17, 2009
Aw, thanks for the sweet words missy! I know exactly what you mean about the flaking - my daughter has experienced severe flaking due to acne treatments and went through exactly what you're describing. Maybe moisturizing will at least hide them a bit and make them less noticeable. I just can't get over that your skin has flared up like this, and how these various conditions just kicked in almost overnight. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it and it is so freaking frustrating! I really feel for you, and I totally understand what you mean by going through various emotions in an effort to cope with this. Hugs to you sweetie, try to hang in there, I know it's tough. We are all here for you and hoping and praying your skin starts improving. My words sound so empty, you are the one dealing with this but I honestly do get how upsetting this is, and how much it affects your life.

Your boots sound really pretty! The color sounds beautiful - post a pic when you get them!

Thanks for your kind words Callie, and for thinking of me! So sorry your holiday was marred by that ridiculous fighting! I hate when people do that, it's beyond rude and really upsetting to witness people bickering. I think you and dh going away next Christmas is a wonderful idea! Let everyone else wallow in the drama by themselves! And yes, paper plates is a great idea and I will be doing that next year for sure! Your NYE plans sound like a lot of fun, you will have a great time.

Oh my gosh marcy, over 12 inches of snow? It's beautiful but such a pain when you have to finally venture out of the house! Be careful driving around tomorrow.

thinking of you Ovi. <3


Feb 5, 2014
Thank you girls, Puma is gone. I never thought this day would come, he was such a fighter and survivor and defeated all odds, considering that of course then you are shocked but I have to be grateful I was give so long with him. I have no idea how I will be, the grieving starts and after severe anxiety all night and no sleep then crying nonstop is only the beginning. I am also very concerned about Niello and Sapphie as Niello was 4 months old when I adopted Puma, they were together their whole lives and Sapphie is also over 11 now and she is obviously grieving. First Niello was lying in Puma's spot on the bed and now Sapphie is all poofy and will not leave his spot. They both got immune supplement but both acting off. Vinnie did not really live with Puma but not sure he is not affected either.

I will be here and be more positive and read about everyone's holidays, I have a bit already but sorry, I have not really been able to respond. I should go on the petloss forum not to keep hijacking this thread but really I cannot talk about it much, only to you girls because I feel that I can trust you. Hugs to all.


Jun 8, 2008
Ovi, I am so sorry. I am crying with you and know the heartbreak and grief you are feeling. I wish I could be there for you in person but since I cannot I want you to know I am here to talk whenever and wherever you want to. I mean that. Please feel free to cry here if that is comforting to you or in private to us if that is easier for you. There is no such thing as a threadjack in this thread. It is here for all of us and it's just been that I am monopolizing it but I sincerely mean it is a thread for us all.

You gave Puma the best possible life and you need to know that. He was one lucky baby as you were to be his mommy and you did all you could do for him. You gave him love and a safe home and a wonderful life. Of course it does not make the grief any less right now. You have a hole in your heart but slowly it will heal with time and you will think of Puma with more happiness and good memories than sadness and grief.

I know my words are meaningless but my heart and loving warm thoughts are going out to you. The loss of a loved one is painful in a way no one can understand without having gone through it oneself and we understand the depth of your sadness and tragedy of your loss. :cry: Biggest hugs and much love being sent your way dearest Ovi. I am so sorry.


Jun 17, 2009
Oh Ovi, I am so very sorry, you have my deepest sympathy - it is so painful to lose a beloved pet. I know there really aren't any words that will ease your grief right now, but please know you are in my thoughts and I am sending thoughts of comfort to you - please take care of yourself and try to get a little rest if you can, you've been through so much these past few days.


Feb 5, 2014
Thanks again Missy and everyone! I was privileged to have Puma, he was the most gentle, sweetest soul. Since he fought everything I thought his seven lives would never run out, he really was truly a miracle cat, if you had seen him, you would know it. He had all conditions under the sun but he had a way of loving very very deepy, always lying on your chest and wrapping his arms around your neck and he had the most meaningful loving expression. He loved his food and enjoyed it till almost the last moment. It was time yesterday and definitely time by this morning, he had said his goodbyes and wanted to be alone, you know it. I wish this had not been the case but I guess I did not want to notice he was going downhill so much, I did notice it of course but reality had not hit.

Girls, I probably missed about your holidays and gifts, Callie where did you post your ring?

I want to hear all about it. Missy, any new bling recently? How is your skin? I remember reading about the no therapy and then the derm scolding you but do not remember how it ended up.

Junebug you are a very sweet soul too, I will read more about your holidays.

Kristie, how is Fin doing?

Marcy I will read your posts too I promise but I hope it was a nice time for you, any new bling?

I need to go make some dinner as I have not eaten in a day. In the midst of this crisis I have lost one silicone backing for my new earrings, hope I can get some new ones soon. It seems that I take such great care of the jewelry but I keep losing backings. I cannot find the extra pair of WG backing for my halo-d studs either, ok, not the biggest problem on Earth but arghh it it annoying. Hugs to you all.


Oct 24, 2012
Ovi, please don't feel like you need or should do anything. Allow yourself to feel what you need to feel. I am so so sorry about Puma. Puma knew you loved him. He knew. And he loved you too. Over time, the happy memories of your time together will overcome the sad ones. (((big hug)))


Feb 5, 2014
Thank you LLJsmom, I meant to write to you but in the midst of this crisis I could not, thought of it again this afternoon. You are very kind. The one thing I do know and it makes me feel a little better is that he did love me a lot and knew how much he was loved but he loved everyone as he was such a sweet soul, that was why I instantly fell in love with love as a baby and though it is thought of badly, I bought him from a pet shop, probably the best decision ever. The kitten mill closed soon after and this whole litter was very sick and they got returned for genetic conditions, one can only guess what happened to them. Whoever saw Puma later was amazed that a cat like him could be alive, it was really a miracle, if I think about it every minute with him was a blessing and it lasted long because he was so easy and loved life, mainly loved loving. Thanks again and have a great day.


Oct 24, 2012
Missy, I am so sorry that your face is not better today. You are being so brave. Everyday you go on and live your life. To me that is brave. My heart is with you missy.

Junebug, it is so nice to read about your holidays. I am encouraged and inspired by your care of your mom. You love her and want to be with her and care for her, but it is not easy. I'm so glad you DH and kids were helpful. I just know it will be hard when my own parents require that kind of care. I kind of dread it. But when I see people do what they need to do, I think, I will be able too. I'm an only child, so I know it all will fall on me. I guess there are pros and cons. Decisions are essentially going to be made by one person, me. No arguing, but also all of the consequences will be my responsibility. I don't think it's the actual taking care that I mind. It's just seeing them get older. It breaks my heart to watch it. We live with my parents, so they get to spend a ton of time with my kids, and they love that. So I am glad they are enjoying this stage of our lives.

Callie, omg, I had to laugh, shake my head and sigh about your family's Christmas get together. Seriously, if they had listened to you and had it at a restaurant, most of that drama would have been avoided. At least you would hope in a more public place, people would be more circumspect. And, no washing, no cleaning up. I don't know why more families don't do it. I think you should go on vacation with your DH at Christmas. For sure!! For once, make it about you. You should!!

Marcy, agh!! How is your coughing today? I hope you are better. 12.5 inches. wow. I can't imagine living in that kind of weather. Mental and physical toughness. We are headed up to Tahoe on Wednesday to take the kids skiing. We are excited to get some rain here because that means snow in the Sierras. Last year, we had only a couple of good weekends. The kids were so disappointed cause we went up only once to ski. This year, hopefully it will much better cause we had such heavy rains already.

Kristie, how has your holidays been?

So my family GTG with my dad's side was about 37 people, three generations. It was crazy hectic, but lots of fun and relatively drama free. We play this crazy white elephant game. For those who don't know what that is, it is a twisted anonymous gift exchange. Each person who plays, brings a wrapped gift and throws it into a pile. Everyone draws numbers and then by number each person can chose a gift from the pile. The first person chooses a gift and opens it. The second person to choose a gift can challenge the first person to a task or challenge to steal the gift from the first person if the second person likes the gift the first person got. My cousins, grown up married cousins, come up with these crazy hilarious games. Such as...each person puts a cookie on their forehead. And the first person to scoot the cookie down to his/her mouth wins. No hands allowed. Another game was a dance off. Another was a chicken fight. Each person stands on one leg, with the other leg twisted up on his leg and they try to knock each other over. The funniest thing is that these are all grown up adult people playing these games, from 30-60. With 37 people, my uncle bought 44 pounds of prime rib. 44 pounds. I swear that I felt full from smelling it. I ate very little meat, and lots of dessert. It all evens out I guess. :lol:

Oops, gotta run. Catch you all later...


Feb 5, 2014
LLJsmom, white elephant is way too cool, we played it one time while living in the US and the get together was at my neighbor who was one of my best friends there. At the time we were all single ladies and it was seriously one of the best Xmas celebrations I had.- We had great good but they often had me cook, though it was still fun as they were all helping. This game was soooo much fun... I still talk about it, totally loving it and think it is a great idea! You know noone needs to spend a crazy amount but there were some really nice gifts, movie tickets, Starbucks gift certs, I bought cat mugs among others (everyone was fighting over them and we ended up with not enough even though they were actually from the dollar store.:))) and it was really one of the best times I had.

Thanks Junebug, you are also a very sweet person.


Jun 7, 2014
OV, I am so so sorry. We all here for you so please don't ever feel like you can't talk about how you are feeling. We all know how much you loved puma and believe me when I say any one of us would be devastated if we lost our furbabies. I so wish I had words to make you feel better and make make some of your pain go away. Please know I am here for you honey. I think you are correct that your other babies know what is going on and I'm sure it will be a big adjustment for them. They were used to being with Puma all the time too. I'm sending lots and lots of hugs to you OV.


Feb 5, 2014
Thank you Callie, I put up a tribute to him on FB, I think I have a photo of him somewhere here but not sure if my fave, I have a hard time uploading photos here. I may try later, I should try cooking and eating something after one day.
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