
Now I really did it :((


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls,

Missy, Is your face feeling any better today? Does the moisturizer seems to be helping any? I keep hoping the pain and redness will diminsh. I know you are hoping for the same thing. Are you and Greg doing anything special today? Please let me know what you think of the new boots when they arrive. I know they will look great on you I just hope you live the color enough to keep them.

LLJsmom, OMG your family holiday party sounds like so much fun. My husbands family parties used to be like yours, only with a lot less people! We would play crazy games for hours. Now we only get together with his immediate family but we still have a great time. What did everyone think of your new beautiful ring? Did you blind anyone with the sparkle? Have things calmed down with work? Is your job usually as stressful as it's been lately?

Marcy, Did you get any more snow? Are you venturing out today? It is getting cold here again. Those few days 50 degree weather were nice. We have been unbelievably lucky this winter in the snow department. I probably should not have just said that. We will probably get a foot if it now!

Kristie, How was your Christmas?

JuneBug, Are you staying home this weekend? Do you take care of your mom on the weekends as well? I could relate to LLJSmom post to you. It is so hard watching our parents getting older. My mom lives close by so I have that to be grateful for.

Does anyone have any plans for NYE?


Jun 7, 2014
OV, Please try to eat something even if your not hungry. We don't want you to get sick. Please take good care of yourself.


Jul 1, 2014
Oh Ovi, I'm so sorry for the loss you are experiencing. Puma was such a loved cat and a loving cat too, its so hard to lose the ones we share that love with. Please be very kind to yourself and do anything you can to take care of yourself at this painful time. We are thinking of you. Finn sends his best WOOF and head butts to you (when he wants to play he will butt his head up against you).


Jul 1, 2014
HI All:

Christmas was good!!! Glad to hear everyone came through relatively unscathed, LOL, although Callie you now have 12 months lead time to plan your vacay/getaway Christmas. I have friends who go to Hawaii every year during Christmas time and they have the BEST time ever. If it weren't for Finn and Maggie, Bob and I would go that route too just being careful to do the flying before/after the Christmas travelers.

For Bob's toy-type gift, I got him a light-up bow and arrows set. The bow lights up, the arrows light up and make the coolest screaming sound as they whiz by my HEAD! William Tell I am not! i need to find a target to hang in the backyard now :angryfire:

I don't spend much at Christmas on us (except for the dogs) because we live close to Tucson so when the Tucson Gem & Mineral Show comes in January we spend some major $ there, although I'm starting to run out of room for minerals and fossils (and I have a backlog of gemstones and diamonds to set). Because I am not "the trade," or a retailer/wholesaler, I cannot get into every show but my favorite shows are both for the public and the trade so I'm okay about that. The one year I did make it in to the trade shows, it was one of my cash deficient times in my life and it was an entire day of SUPREME frustration for me that I could not buy more than I did (bought a Burma red spinel, a huge perfect star sapphire, two half moon diamonds to flank the Burma spinel, a kite shaped tricolor tourm,and a bunch of spinel melee). Once you see the prices at the trade shows, it KILLS you to pay retail. At the shows for both trade/public, I get cash out in the exact denomination of the wholesale price and so far no one has asked me to prove myself or pay retail/public prices. This year could be the first, you never know. So many of the vendors are poor people (you can tell, believe me) and I simply pay the price they request. For some of the bigger 'name' dealers, if I think the item is overpriced I might ask if there is any leeway regarding price and sometimes there is, sometimes there is not.

I LOVELOVELOVE the interior design-ish minerals/fossils. Sinks, sconces, countertops, table tops, home accessories, very beautiful. I get a huge kick out of the magazines who show the items they bought at Tucson because I have an elephant's memory for prices and the ID-ers jack up the prices anywhere from 10% to 1000%.


Feb 5, 2014
Thanks Callie, you are so kind, I did eat something. I just feel very light headed and down but thanks to you it is better. Say hi to Finn Christie! Oh, you are so very lucky to lice close to Tucson, I do like the idea of saving up for the show.:))) I tend to also buy diamonds at the beginning of the year for myself but this year I made some projects and gem purchases before the end of the year, so not so sure yet but I wish I could joint you in the fun.:))) We do have some nice shows around where I live but I sure wish sometimes that I still lived in the US then I could enjoy time with you girls and perhaps some of the gem shows there. It is also very bad weather here, snow but it will get down to minus 10 Celsius at least, not looking forward to that, it is a good time to be home, I have to work next week though and also probably on the 31st, not sure yet, then my mom will visit when we pick them up on the 6th to come get their car in a couple of days so I look forward to that. This year spending one day with them, while it was very comforting, was not great as I knew Puma was home and was worried about him though then I still did not think of the worst but my gut told me otherwise. I hope next year the holiday season will be better. Maybe my mom will come then. Hugs to all and stay warm whereever it is also very cold. Kristie do tell us about the show when you go! Callie tell me about your ring if you can.


Jun 8, 2008
Ovi, your tribute to Puma on Facebook is special and lovely. What a handsome boy. Thank you for sharing. How are you doing? I am glad you are eating and hope you feel the love and support from us here in the USA. (((Hugs))).


Jun 8, 2008
LLJsmom, your family Christmas gathering sounds like so much fun! I am not sure I would want to take someone else's gift from them though I can imagine that would be a lot of fun for the kids and the kid in all of us. So glad you had a good time! And thank you for your kindness. Sometimes I want to hide away I really do and I find not looking in the mirror helpful to a point only because I feel the irritation and discomfort so I never can forget about it unfortunately. Anyway hope the kids and you are enjoying your time off. Are you off next week too I hope?

Callie, face is same and so much for zero therapy. We went to Red Bank today and it is/was sunny so I felt it necessary to wear sunblock (but no makeup still) and now I am not sure what to do. It is zinc oxide/titanium dioxide so getting it off is not easy and would require rubbing of my skin. So I am leaving it on for now and maybe till tomorrow as I think removing it would cause more problems than leaving it on but really not sure at all.

The boots came before we left for our Red Bank outing and of course I had to wear them immediately lol. I did see women checking them out and a couple of salespeople commented on how they loved them. In fact in one of the stores they carried SW boots and she came up to me and said how much she loved the color I was wearing. They didn't have the red currant in their store and she said she wants to get them now haha. I had Greg take some pics when we got back but hard to see the color in the pictures. It is a burgundy color really.

How are you? What did you do today? I hope you had good weather like we did today. Really mild for winter yay. Wish the weather would stay like this.
I knew your niece(s) would love your new ring. Did you get the other ring yet? You really need to describe them both in detail to everyone!

Junebug, I am sorry your daughter had to go through acne and Accutane but so glad she is doing well! It really is a miracle that there are drugs that can give our lives back to us. People who don't have skin issues don't always realize how devastating and emotionally traumatizing they can be not to mention painful. A lot of people don't understand the consequences of having to deal with something like acne or rosacea etc. So glad she is doing well and thank you so much for your supportive post and kindness. I appreciate that so much. I hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend!

Kristie, your Christmas sounds wonderful.
I have to find a People magazine because I don't know what is on the style watch page... Is it the SW 5050? What color? I hate being trendy so I don't want the colors I got all over lol. But oh well it always seems when I start liking something it either gets discontinued or crazy popular so I guess popular is better than discontinued!

I definitely want to hear all about your Alaskan adventures. It is a beautiful state. Gorgeous everywhere and wide open land. I don't think I could survive the crazy short winter days though. It was meant to be for you though because it sounds like you met Bob that right? So romantic!

I love the light up bow and arrows set you got him. Fun! I love thoughtful and fun gifts like that. And I am with you on saving for the gems! So lucky you get to go every year. And I can think of no better place in January. We are going to want details you know after you return. Something to look forward to in dreary January. I think that Burma spinel matches my new boots you any ideas? :cheeky: :Up_to_something:

Marcy, how are you feeling? Is your cough any better? I do hope you are taking it easy and resting if you are not feeling well. Hugs and hope you are feeling 100% soon. It is a perfect weather weekend to just stay at home and snuggle up with Marty.




Feb 5, 2014
Wow, love your boots Missy! Tell me about them please? I missed the part about you getting them sorry. How is your face today? My allergies are gone for the moment but my face is so dry everywhere you know all the crying attacks, will take care of that tonight. I also love your dress, this is the style of dress I love, I have one that is actually quite similar.

Thanks for checking out the memorial/obituary. The photo was taken when I lived in California by my friend who has a homepage titled Jean Papo Catography, she is wonderful at photos. She was my neighbor in the Bay Area and when I moved there we found out our two Abys Puma and hers TRex were related but T passed years ago as he was years older than Puma.

You know honestly I hope that I am wrong but now I think Niello, Puma's best buddy could be having similar symptoms just not as advanced. I feel sick to my stomach and hope I am totally wrong that he does not have lymphoma too but will take him in early next year. Ok, not going to talk about this anymore for the moment, we will know soon enough. It is enough to feel so down and trying to give the other animals tons of love as they are not taking it so easily.

Hope you have a nice day, Missy what are your plans now? Sorry girls if I am scattered minded and miss certain things you are writing at the moment, just hard to focus right now. Hugs to everyone.


Jun 7, 2014
OV, I'm glad you ate something. You really need to take care of yourself. You must be so exhausted. Have you been able to sleep?
Don't you think Niello may be acting a little off because Puma is not there?


Oct 24, 2012
Missy, Girl, is there a pair of boots that DOESN'T look good on you??? Dang, now you have to buy 3 pairs! What are you gonna do??? Each pair looks better than the last. Ok, just gonna say it. Those red suede boots are HAWT!!! You're keeping those right?

Today I took the kids to go indoor rock climbing. I haven't done it in years. My kids had a great time though. My daughter was a little scared. Some of the highest walls went to about 30 feet. But it's something new and different. We're going ice skating on Union Square tomorrow, and a ski trip next week. It gets like this after busy season. I try to pack in as much fun as possible. I did winter cleaning. Got rid of clothes that don't fit so we could squeeze in the new clothes the kids got for Christmas. About 10 loads of laundry in 2 days. I don't know how 4 people can generate so much laundry. Which reminds me, I need to throw another load in. This is the funny part. When you have kids, getting a chance to catch up with laundry is a treat. Going to costco is date night. I have an hour before I have to leave the house again. How much stuff can I squeeze in? Bye! (My life is so boring...)


Feb 5, 2014
Thanks Callie, I could use losing some weight anyhow. I feel dead tired. I took a little nap and had some nice dreams actually but most of my time awake was spent crying and that gave me a headache by now so will go to bed soon. I know the other cats are acting off in part due to Puma passing but I also think a virus may be going around that also caused Puma to pass faster, who knows. Niello does sound like he has a murmur when he purrs and has lost some weight yet put on a tummy so I will definitely have him checked out early next year and Sapphie too as she is going on 12 pretty soon too. Just in case. It cannot hurt with older cats though with some things there is nothing you can do. Thanks for asking. I will definitely update you. How is your day Callie? You still have not shown me your ring.:))) Can you tell me about it?


Feb 5, 2014
LLJsmom have fun you deserve it! Much work but much fun is better than nothing to do. I wish I could also go on a trip now.:))) With the weather here that is highly unlikely though. I would rather stay inside when it is freezing like it is, anyhow I want to be home for a few days to soothe the other pets' souls, then back, to work but packing some fun into the winter sounds awesome. Hope you will really have a great time.


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, Those boots are gorgeous. I bet you were getting looks in them. They look so HOT! I love this color. I can't wait to show my niece this pair. I know she will love them too. What did Greg say about this pair? If I'm not mistaken this color is supposed to be the color of 2015 so you will be seeing it a lot in the coming year. I could not agree more with LLJSmom, each color looks better thsn the last! Are there any colors left that you don't have? This seeing new boots every week is exciting!!!

I'm sorry you face isn't feeling better. Did the sun screen make it hurt more? It probably is a good idea to leave it alone until tomorrow.

Our weather has been awful today, raining and misty. I'm glad you were able to get out today. I need to go out for a bit. I have a skirt on hold I want to pick up.

FYI....I'm pretty sure your boots were on people's style watch page. Good catch Kristie. I went to find the magazine but I think I all ready threw it out. I remember seeing them in the magazine because I thought of you when i saw them.

JuneBug, I told my niece that your daughter had good results with Accutane. She is so hopeful this will work. Thank you so much for sharing your daughters experience with the drug. She has been so depressed the past few months when her skin problems started.

Marcy, Stay on the couch all weekend if your not feeling well. We all know Marty will take care of you. Are you running a fever?

LLJsmom's, Are you also not working next week. Cosco being date night happens when your married. Honey, we all have boring lives. The 10 loads of laundry... Now that definitely is a kid thing. They change their clothes constantly.

My husband still hasn't caved and told me go get the other ring. He knows it's on layaway. It really isn't bothering me too much because I love the one I just bought. I tried to take another picture today and it looks terrible. I'm asking my husband to try to take pictures of it later.
Because it's a north south ring I have been wearing it on my middle finger. It was made around 1920 and is white gold with small old European cut diamonds. I think the total carat weight is only 1 carat.


Feb 5, 2014
Sounds gorgeous Callie, we hope we will get to see it.:))) Love the period, my fave.

Get better soon Marcy, I meant to say this. I have had very good results with echinacea as an immune supplement against colds, viruses, etc. I take it as a preventative but also in higher doses if I do feel off.


Jun 7, 2014
OV, Do you have anything you can take to help you sleep tonight? This is so emotionally draining for you.

I have been taking pictures of the ring for days and I don't like how it looks in the pictures. In all honesty if it looked like the pictures in person, I never would have bought it. It looks delicate in real life and chunky and ugly in photos. I can't for the life of me understand it. My family said the same thing when i showed them the ring and then the pictures I took with my cell phone. It looks downright ugly in photos.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Ladies,

Ovi, I am so sorry to hear about Puma. Big hugs coming your way. You gave Puma a wonderful life so I hope good memories can comfort you. I am glad you were able to eat something. I didn’t not get any new bling for Christmas but I enjoy our new Snoopy print as well as any sapphire. Thanks for the get well wishes.

Missy, I love your new boots. They look great and I do like that color. I am glad you are doing okay on the stairs. I am sorry the moisturizer is causing the dead skin to stick together. There just doesn’t seem to be an easy solution for you and I’m saying they need to find you one like yesterday. I understand it is hard to remain calm about your skin but please just hang in there! The pain You guys are certainly steering me towards paper plates next year. I’d get more time to visit with everyone. I am better today but my sinuses are killing me. Thank you for asking. I feel pretty wiped out. This all could have started from allergies and my sinuses draining. I don’t even feel good enough to get my ering out to wear.

Callie, good plan to try on boots when you take your nieces shopping. I am sure young ladies would be a very good judge of fashion. That is awesome your niece enjoyed wearing your new ring the other night. I did get Marty to do our shopping today. I’ve done a few things but rest between chores. Whatever this is it has kicked my butt. Enjoy your warm weather now because I bet this storm is heading your way; then we get really cold again for at least a week. I am anxious to see a picture of your ring.

Kristie, your Alaskan adventures sound quite intriguing. I’ll look forward to hearing about it some day. I am glad your Christmas went well. You are brave giving Bob a bow and arrow. My luck Marty would try to get one of my bears and I’d jump in front of it and get hit. He had one of those star trek foam guns and I hid the little round pieces so he couldn’t empty it on me. That is wonderful you get trade prices at the gem show.

Junebug, Marty said the roads weren’t too bad when he went to buy us groceries but I guess I’ll find out on Monday. It does look very pretty out the windows and doors though.

LLJsmom, have a blast at Tahoe. I hope the weather cooperates for you and you get in lots of skiing. My coughing is a little better today, not quite as deep but my sinuses are making sure I know they are there. Thanks for asking. Your family GTG sounds like a lot of fun. I am glad everyone enjoyed the games and there wasn’t any drama. We are going to do a white elephant next year so it should be fun. It sounds like you are a very busy lady.

I have been totally LAZY today. I slept in one of our guest bedrooms last night so I wouldn’t wake Marty up. I was up about once an hour. I was really cold at first so I actually got up and put on the electric blanket. Then the covers felt so heavy that I kicked the blanket off. Once Marty got up I ventured over to our bed and slept until 10. Marty went and bought our groceries and cooked our lunch. What a sweetie.

My coughing is better my sinuses are worse so hopefully tomorrow I’ll be doing a lot better!

Take care.


Feb 5, 2014
Thanks so much for caring Callie, I did take extra Xanax last night because all I had was half an hour and then was able to sleep a couple of hours. I do not want my body to get used to it though. Worst case scenario I can resort to sleeping pills but I try to avoid them, will likely just take allergy pills and try to go to sleep in half an hour or so.

You know I have had that happen with pix of jewelry and diamonds. I think they are the hardest things to photograph, you can never really get an accurate photo of them but some are worse than others. To me colorless diamonds are the hardest to photograph and many small ones are the worst, perhaps that is what is giving you a hard time but I am not quite sure why you would get a chunky looking ring of a delicate one. OTOH, I do often find that my photos can be a bit like that so nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to photographing jewelry. Well, unless of course you have expert equipment, talent, skill and experience.


Jul 1, 2014
Its the People Magazine "Half Their Size!", its the most recent issue; page 94, Style Watch, Stuart Weitzman "Highland" boot.

Love the red currant color, it is rich looking.


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Kristie, Missy posted a picture of her in the red current boots a couple of posts above. They are gorgeous! I wish I had her nice long legs!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Ovi, did you get any sleep last night? How are you feeling this morning? How is Niello doing? Greg sends his condolences. I am thinking of you and sending more hugs your way.

Marcy, how are you feeling this morning? I hope your sinuses are clear and you are cough free. It is no fun being sick and especially during this time of year. I wonder if the flu vaccination this time got the correct strains and is going to be protective for most. Sending healthy vibes your way and hope the storm by you is slowing down or better yet has stopped. Snow snow stay away come back never lol.

LLJsmom, I have to laugh reading what you wrote. I love boring these days more than anything. I just want things to be calm and easy without any problems and I enjoy having a Costco outing haha. But then again you are younger than me so you deserve some good excitement in your life to be sure. If you lived closer we could watch your kids while you and your dh had a real date night. Do you have anybody who could do that for you a couple of times a month if not every week? I remember my parents went out one night every week without us when we were growing up and I think it was a good thing for their marriage and sanity too! They hired babysitters if my grandparents couldn't watch us. It was good for us kids too to get them out of our hair one night a week lol.

I'm with Callie on the laundry. We never have that much and usually only have 2 loads a week. Except for summer time when we wash our cycling clothes and ocean wear and towels every day but I always feel guilty because it is not energy or water efficient but I do it anyway. I don't like leaving our cycling clothes and swimwear unwashed for even a day. Hope you finished all your laundry and are getting ready for your ski trip. It's so great that you can all take a ski trip as a family vacation and I hope it is a marvelous time for everyone!

It's great that you take the kids rock climbing. Greg rock climbs and in fact at our previous beach house we had a rock climbing wall in the garage that was a work of art really. We left a lot of it for the new owners as Greg didn't want to dismantle it but for Christmas I got him a membership to a rock climbing place in our neighborhood and we checked it out last week. Pretty impressive. So starting January he will be going a few times every week. He promised to be careful though because I think one injury per family is quite enough and the older you get the more vulnerable you are with these sports yanno?

Enjoy the ice skating today and thanks for the "hawt" made my day lol and I am keeping all the pairs I bought. I now have more than enough for a different pair every day of the week and then some and that's just the SW boots. I have many more boots from Duo and other designers. Too many to count and I am not even sure those will fit me since I have not tried them on after the accident. But at least I know the SW boots fit for now. :appl:

Callie, I am sorry it was not a great weather day for you guys yesterday. Today that is our weather prediction. It is amazing how my mood can change when the weather is sunny vs dreary. I much prefer the sunny weather and wish we could all live in sunny California or Arizona! LLJsmom and Kristie we might be neighbors one day (don't I wish)! 8)

How is your niece feeling these days? I keep hoping the antibiotics will kick in and her skin will start improving. I cannot remember if I told you that she should start taking probiotics or eating cultured vegetables while she in on the Minocycline. This is to replace the good bacteria that is getting knocked out while she in on the Mino. Make sure she takes it at least 4 plus hours after the antibiotic though so it doesn't negate the effect in any way. I prefer replenishing the good bacteria via the cultured veggies. Here's what I take.

OMG we were in a jewelry store yesterday in Red Bank and we were looking at this gorgeous man's Rolex with a blue face and I told Greg he should get it but he would rather spend that money on some Martin Logan speakers. They sure were pretty but I don't think we are going to be spending 10K on speakers anytime soon lol. Poor Greg. :wink2: Oh and the salesman at the audio store said that the cats could easily destroy these speakers so it would be quite the expensive mistake. I have to say they are the prettiest speakers I have ever seen.

Thank you for all the boot compliments ladies. Too kind. I can tell you I would rather have clear skin than nice legs any day!!! But thank you for the kind comments and it does take some attention off my skin I suppose LOL. And as I said at least my new boots match my face. :oops: :cheeky:

Callie, I would like to get a dark grey pair but not sure what the Anthracite color of SW boots look like as every Anthracite seems different depending on the brand. The only other grey they have is smoke which is not dark enough for my taste. LOL they also had this shiny patent boot that Greg liked and told me to get but I drew the line. I mean enough is enough at least for now... :Up_to_something:
I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the boots when you see them in person with your nieces. I really think the 5050 will look beautiful on you! That is my prediction anyway. The Lowland might be too high on your thigh but the 5050 will be perfect.

Oh and the best part I forgot to tell you girls about. I got them on sale!!!! And the tan Bergdoff Goodman pair went on sale a few days after I purchased them for an even lower price and I emailed them and they refunded me the difference!!! So I saved $134 more on the tan pair over what I originally paid. Overall on the tan pair I saved over $325. Amazing because I never saw SW boots on sale like this before. I didn't save as much on the red currant pair but I am not greedy. I still saved on the last 3 pairs I bought so I am a happy camper.

Kristie, I will have to check out the People Magazine issue, thanks for the details. I could not wear the Highland boot because it is a very high (for me) heel. All my boots (SW and other brands) are all flat to low heel. The closest SW boot I have to the Highland is the Lowland which is the same exact boot minus the heel. I actually posted it here (hahaha no surprise there lol) many many pages back. I got the Lowland pair for Greg's birthday in October. Literally on his birthday. My dh is a keeper. All our dhs are. I don't know how we got so lucky in that department but I am glad we did.

How is Finn doing? Have Finn and Maggie recovered from the Christmas celebration? I cannot remember what gifts you got them but I remember you mentioning something about their gifts. Toys or clothes or both? Did you have dogs with you in Alaska? It's funny how you lived in 2 states that are almost opposite weather wise. I can guess which one you prefer though I know you enjoyed living in both as both are beautiful states.

That gem show is coming up (a couple more weeks?) and I am excited for you. Make sure your camera batteries are charged and all ready to take pics for us. I hope you end up with a few fabulous pieces!!! :appl: :bigsmile:



Feb 5, 2014
Hi Missy and all of you Girls,

Wow, don't we love sales? I am so happy for you that you got a great price on the boots. I too love getting beautiful things on sale but when something is HG material, I also pay full price like you, yaay for you, congrats! Lol, I sure know what you mean about legs, I myself would rather trade in my legs for losing 5 pounds off my belly and butt. I really need to lose at the very least 5-6 pounds. Then I would be normal weight, not think but normal. My mother is bugging me crazy about it and not getting that this is totally wrong to do during these times. Also, she is acting like I am a disgusting fat ball because of this and I told her one time it is that I am too thin, then I am too fat but I am never right! Yes I have always fluctuated between 115 and 135 pounds all my life and now I was closer to the higher end but really is this the most important thing and is it nice to make me feel down about myself too on top of everything? She was like your big boobs are lost nice (excuse me please) because you look like a block. Even if I did, is this nice and the most important thing? Sometimes I think family is there to bug us more than to support us. I do not need to feel more down right now. She is supportive sometimes but this morning she started off in this I will tell you brutally honestly what I think because you need to know now mood and this was after I woke up feeling really awfully depressed. You know I told you how hard it has been, a bit of a rollercoaster right now for sure.

But Missy you do not need to trade in your legs because I am positive that your skin will eventually heal, it is just that your system is down right now. Then you will have gorgeous legs and skin as well, I know you will.

Marcy, I hope that you are feeling better this morning.

Forgot to tell my stomach and back seem better, now all of a sudden that the focus was on other things, I think I am better, I have been taking probiotics heavy dose though for the last couple of weeks ever since before I started antibiotics as they are really bad for our immune and digestive systems. I do think probiotics can help a great deal.

I am going to sound very stupid here but Missy what is the pic you posted? I am sure that because my mind is to beaten I am missing at least partial posts here.

I am thinking of not working tomorrow, while it may help to get out of the house, I simply do not feel like it right now. I am also very scared for the animals, the temps are down to minus ten at night, coldest will be New Year's Eve and it has been snowing like crazy, beautiful to look out the window but not nice to commute. DH has to anyhow but now I am thinking should I go in tomorrow or Wednesday, maybe neither. I may just do Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. I am so happy everyone has the best DHs, well, I wish I could say the same but I guess that you cannot have everything. He seems nice and unselfish and then all of a sudden he is selfish and unfeeling again.

Hugs to you all and please share your news!


Jun 8, 2008
Ovi, I am sorry your mom was so rude and yes mean to you this morning. Why is it that those who are closest can also be the cruelest? My mother was also giving me a hard time this morning about not calling her. I usually call her every day but I have been down as you know and not in the mood to get aggravated by her. Without doubt she pushes my buttons so I understand about that too.

Don't let her words affect you. You are perfect. Beautiful on the inside but your outside matches the beautiful person you are. I meant to tell you how beautiful you are and while only who you are is what matters you happen to be gorgeous too. And please don't get too thin. I find as we age (though you are still young) keeping a few extra pounds softens us so keep that in mind. I am not criticizing anyone for their weight or appearance (believe me I would never do that being so sensitive to all those issues) but just saying if you can help it don't get too thin. It's nice to have softness if one can.

Wanted to clarify what I wrote also about the trading in my nice legs for a clear face. I never meant to imply I would trade my function for form. NO WAY. After not being able to walk for over 14 weeks I would never want to go back to that. Function and health is most important and fiddle dee dee to appearance if one has to choose. Just saying it would be nice to have my clear skin and pain free face back if possible. That's all.

(((HUGS))) and shame on our moms for not getting it.

And if you don't feel like working tomorrow you shouldn't. Stay home with the animals and rest and allow yourself some peace if you can manage. So sorry for all you are going through dear Ovi. My heart goes out to you and I hope you can feel all our love and support here.

Oh the picture is of some speakers Greg covets. They are gorgeous in person I have to say. Sorry for the confusion as I know I usually post pics of boots, bling and family lol. Just for a change I thought it might be interesting.


Feb 5, 2014
Missy, thanks! I agree that who you are on the inside is what really makes you beautiful. OTOH, I know that we girls on this forum and this thread in particular like to take care of ourselves and look our best too, we are just like that, nothing to do with being superficial, perhaps having high expectations for ourselves and also just loving and enjoying to be a woman. I think that the beauty of a woman has nothing to do with age or weight. I have known several ladies who were stunning while much heavier than me, very beautiful ladies whom looked good that way. It does not matter. I also know others who looked great thin. When I was thin and not terribly thin but thin for myself I heard nothing but how awful I looked and look at your ribs and you looked much better when you were 135 pounds. Now I am not even up there yet though close and I hear nothing but how fat I am and ugly words about my butt and so on, in a nasty, offensive way which makes it sound like I am disgusting. While I do agree that I could lose weight, not only it should not be said this way but it was also the worst time to say it. I am not perfect at all but thanks for being so kind Missy, then again which one of us is perfect? Perhaps stars with multiple plastic surgeries (nothing against those that do it just saying) but I want to be myself and prefer to be myself whether I am 6 pounds over my normal weight which is around 125 or not . I know you have had to deal with this but for being thin. I also agree that we often tend to look better as we age when we have a bit of padding but there are exceptions, you look amazing the way you are and many women have perfect bodies even as they age. I simply took after my grandma who had racehorse legs but a bit heavier upper body, tummy, breasts, etc. I will not neglect this issue but I do not think she needed to focus on it and pushing her point and every day for a while now. I understand that you have to sometimes skip calling your mom Missy, I do too occasionally but then she too gets upset.

I definitely know you meant nothing to do with functionality. I thought you meant something like you would rather have healthy skin than perfect legs.

I love the system Greg is craving, wow! Are you thinking of getting it?

I am bad, I keep forgetting what I meant to respond to. I am thinking of writing a memorial thread about Pumie. I know others have done so too so perhaps I should do that if it soothes my soul. The sadness comes and goes, I get anxiety, this is the worst. Depression was in the morning but still in shock, disbelief and feeling a huge empty space not seeing him where he is supposed to be. I may stay home and hug the others which I have been doing a lot, I tell you that a loss like this puts things into perspective about what matters in life, I wish it did not have to happen though. Thanks so very much for being there.

Hope you are having a better day. Do you think your skin may be improving a bit? Hugs.


Jul 1, 2014
Ovi, give me 5 minutes with your mom :angryfire:

"Fat ball?" PROJECTION.

It's not *you* it's her.


Feb 5, 2014
Lol Kristie, just a very crappy family I got and my mom is the best of them all but she is overly critical and I have no idea why she has to lash out at someone really hurting, she has always done that, she blamed me for her cat's death too that I must have brought in some virus, at least this time she did not blame me for Puma, she did for Stella and that is one big reason why I could not let go-. Some of us have really lovely, supportive families here, no they should not be perfect but too much is too much. How are you doing Kristie? What is going on with you? Is Finn doing well? Tell us more about him if you feel like it.


Jul 1, 2014
I believe our mothers must be related, :bigsmile: that makes you my cousin!

Finn just snarfed down his lunch, which was prime rib :dance: , pork loin, and salmon on a bed of organic pumpkin puree, topped with festive garnis of zyrtec and joint health powder.

This was followed by a leisurely stroll through the backyard and is now settled on the sofa for an apres lunch snooze! He invites you to join him


Feb 5, 2014
Hi Cousin:))) and think my mom is definitely nicer than my dad. Poor, poor Finn, he has such a hard life and the most cruel parents. Yes if I was closer maybe him and my dogs would love to play together though I am not sure if they liked each other, thinking of their parents being cousins they probably would though.:)))


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls,

OV, I hope you were able to get some much needed sleep last night. If your not feeling up to working tomorrow, stay home and take care of your babies. They bring so much comfort and help so much. Please do whatever you need to do to help yourself heal. I swear sometimes I feel like you and I share the same family. I wish I knew why the comments from our moms hurt so much. I would also bet your mom would tell you she had no intention of hurting you. I've been on this roller coaster with my own mom for the past couple of years. I hear constantly how awful I look and how I would look so much better if I were heavier. After the umpteen time I was in tears I finally asked her how she would feel if everytime we spoke I told her that I noticed all the weight she has gained the past few years and how much better she looked 25 pounds thinner. She quit making comments for 2 weeks and then was right back to the insults. You are beautiful OV. Please ignore her comments. Dont worry about a few extra pounds. Missy is correct about needing them as you age. I know my face would look so much better with some extra pounds. My sister in law always jokes that after 45 you can either have a great face or a great butt and no one gets both. I unfortunately got neither.

Marcy, I hope you were able to sleep last night and are feeling better. Are you still coughing a lot. If so maybe a trip to the doctor wouldn't be a bad idea tomortow. You don't want this to turn into bronchitis.

Missy, I know what you meant about you gorgeous legs! Please don't worry we taking what you were saying the wrong way. As for your boots, we are going to Nordstrom on New Years Day. It is the best day of the year to shop. Everyone is at home watching football. I am checking out the gray color boots you were taking about. You may get some enabling on my part! I already know I will love them if they are a dark charcoal gray color. I was going to show my husband the speakers you posted but thought that might not be the best idea, He already has a enough expensive hobbies!

My niece still has not seen any relief from the meds. In fact there was a great family photo my sister in law had out and she made the comment that my niece keeps saying "see how pretty my skin used to look" when she looks at the photo. I so wish this nightmare was over for the both of you.

Kristie, The gem show you are going to attend sounds wonderful! How are planning on setting the Burma spinel? It sounds beautiful.


Jun 17, 2009
Missy, those boots look fabulous on you! :love: Love that color, it's gorgeous!

Marcy, hope you're feeling a bit better today, take care of yourself - hopefully you're getting some rest and just taking it easy. Sounds like Marty's taking good care of you!

LLJsmom, sounds like some fun times with your kids! The skiing trip sounds great. I'm so glad you're getting a chance to hang out with your family and have some down-time after that brutal pre-Christmas work schedule. Your family GTG sounds like a blast! I think it's really nice when families play games together and just have fun acting silly and being with each other. I remember a time when my sister and I were at the beach with our families and we played games together - it was so much fun and it felt good to act like a normal family! It's a good memory for me.

Kristie, so happy that Finn is doing well! Glad to hear you had a nice Christmas.

Ovi, I am so sorry your mother said those things to you, it was really wrong of her to say them, especially when you are going through such a difficult time. But honestly she shouldn't be so critical of you at any time! I hope you can just ignore her comments and not let her make you feel badly about yourself. I don't understand why people think it's ok to say such cruel and insensitive things. I'm thinking of you as you deal with the loss of your precious Puma. It took me a good week to just process what had happened when we lost our dog. A part of me just couldn't believe it happened! And then reality would hit and it was very painful - so I really do empathize with you. Go easy on yourself the next few days and do what you think will make you feel even a bit better. Take care of yourself, try to eat and get some rest. Hugs to you Ovi.

Callie, your ring sounds so pretty! I'm glad you're enjoying it, there's nothing quite like getting a new sparkly that speaks to you!


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Sunday Evening.

Missy, I like you snow snow stay away lyrics. I think I’ll start singing it. Sadly there is another storm and very cold temps moving in tomorrow. I’m with you on living a nice, quiet life. I’m not much for excitement or unexpected things. Greg will have fun climbing but I’m with you – Please be careful, Greg! Those speakers do look cool! I first thought you said “sneakers” and 10K for sneakers was making me pause.

Ovi, I am glad you got some sleep. I know you’ll be spending a lot of restless nights. You are in my thoughts. I am sorry your mom said hurtful things to you. You are a beautiful and wonderful person so please try not to let her negative words get to you. I vote you take tomorrow off and spend some quiet you time and your babies.

Kristie, I am glad Finn is dining well and enjoying being outside.

Callie, you certainly have your day of shopping planned out with your nieces. Gray boots sounds great. I am sorry your mom says insensitive things to you. I think we are all just like we are meant to be and we like ourselves! I am with you hoping both Missy and your niece would get over their skin problems.

Junebug, your happy family time at the beach sounds like a great memory.

I’ve self diagnosed what’s wrong with me. It’s obviously Tourette’s. Everytime I cough a stream of curse words come flowing out of my mouth.

Last night I took one of the 2 Nyquil tablets (Marty got me the severe cold and flu and I usually take cold) so I was leery of a full dose of a pill I’ve never tried before. It didn’t help me one bit. I drove poor Marty out of the room by midnight with my second round of coughing. I did get about 4 hours of solid sleep at one point though. Tonight I am trying some nighttime cough syrup and will sleep in one of the spare bedrooms. If we weren’t so darn busy at work this week I’d stay home tomorrow but I am kind of getting cabin fever. I think I’ll have Marty drive me to work this week. We are expecting more snow and very cold temps. From what I understand the roads are really icy from this past storm.

I made homemade scalloped potatoes and mini meatloaves today. We had late lunch early supper so only had 2 meals today. I’m kind of hungry now but it’s almost 10 so I think I’ll go to bed early.

Have a great day tomorrow.
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