
Now I really did it :((


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Ladies!

Ovi, how are you doing today? How was work? You can never have too many new dresses; it is always fun to buy something new and pretty. I am glad you snuggled with Sapphie. I hate to hear about the awful service at the vet. How frustrating.
I am glad to hear your dad is doing okay today and your mom is handling this okay. I hope her doctor’s appointment goes well. Marty’s co-worker is back from the UK today so he won’t be going to supper alone again. I know he’s a tall guy who most people wouldn’t pick on but still I worry. I did enjoy my fun new band today. It has such bright colors in it. I bet you and Greg enjoyed lounging around the house today. I hope you have a good nights sleep.

Kristie, how are you feeling? I hope your crud goes away soon. I am glad you slept well, that always helps. What is an OptiVisor? I sure can’t pick out my inscription with my 10X loupe. I am sure the jewelers on PS would never switch out our diamonds but it is comforting to be able to see if for yourself. I bet you guys booked through that crackhead district. I hate it when you unintentionally end up in a bad part of town. It’s a good story now but not so much fun at the time.

Callie, how are you doing? Has your headache gone away? I enjoy fun rings too. Have you been wearing your fun ring a lot? I have one that has little heart shapes and little blue sapphires in the middle. It is my go to lazy day fun ring. As for guys wandering through bad places - maybe it’s a guy thing they think they are invincible and they can go where they want. My sister does like jewelry but doesn’t buy many pieces. She bought my studs when I ordered my pair from WF. We also picked her out a ½ ct diamond for a pendant; it turned out really nice she put it in a mounting that has a little diamond-studded shank. She loves it.

Sadly my alarm went off as schedule. Why can’t those things be more unreliable? I’m late because “Sorry my alarm didn’t go off . . . “ Of course I wake up usually about the time my alarm goes off anyway but I’m not telling my boss that!

I was busy this morning but bored this afternoon. I left my mini iPad at home and was surprised how much I missed it. I took notes in a notebook because I would feel silly going to meetings and taking notes on my phone.

We were near 50 here today. Sweet. A brief snowstorm is rolling through tonight but the forecast doesn’t look too bad.

I guess we are heading to Arizona again in April. Marty’s mom is going to be 70 so Marty’s sister wants to give her a party. We have “reservations” with my SIL so we won’t have to stay in a hotel or with the in-laws. I am telling Marty to pick a better rental. OMG that KIA SUV we had during out trip there in November was awful! It was pretty beat up; I think people used it as a stunt vehicle or something.

Have a great day tomorrow!


Jul 1, 2014
Marcy! You're coming to my corner of the globe in April??? If you have time, I'd love to host you and Marty for whatever your schedule might permit! Lunch, dinner, coffee, drinks, just say the word! :appl:


Oct 24, 2012
Hi girls,

I'm home early, which never happens, and I have 10 minutes by myself. YAY!!! Before I need to do some work.

Marcy, 50 degrees? Sounds like a heat wave for you. I see a lot of people carrying around keyboards with their ipads. I bought my hubby an ipad mini for Christmas, and he uses it all the time. Takes it on business travel. He says it's much lighter than the large one. Hope you are feeling better. Are you completely recovered yet?

Kristie, I hope you are feeling better today. Being able to sleep makes a huge difference. I never realized how crucial sleep is. I have always been one of those late birds, absolutely no discipline in sticking with a bedtime. I could function on 4-5 hours a night for many days in a row. These past several years have shown me that I am making myself miserable by not getting enough sleep, and accepting the fact that I need 7-8 hours a night has been a struggle. OMG. When did that happen? Sanity of mind, functionality of body, all this stuff!! Anyway, I digress. But I am really late to this sleep party. How many weeks until the gem show?

Callie, yeah, I can't see you assuming the worst of a person just because he/she is not a gusher. (I really can't see YOU assuming the worst of anyone.) YKWIM? Some people are naturally more verbal and effusive than others. Just because a person is not ooo-ing and ahhh-ing over your stone and falling over themselves to service you doesn't mean that they don't think you have a lovely stone and would be happy to work for you. And yes, we should do a ring swap. lol!! (rather than a wife-swap or a "DH-swap")?

Ovi, how is Sapphie today?? Is she feeling better?? Is she eating more? At this point, I'm not going to look into too much. I know I don't have anything that would destroy my world, but whatever combination of things it is, I don't have the emotional fortitude and time, YKWIM? I'm just gonna focus on movement. Laundry. Helping with homework. Catching up with work. Delivering stuff to donation. Washing dishes. And devotions in the morning.

Missy good for you for doing your PT. Pat on the back. I was cold and had the chills before I ran today. And then I ran. And then the whole world was put to right again. I hope you are in dreamland and not reading this post right now. Btw, I am discovering vinyasa. Even though I have been a loyal Bikram practitioner for 11 years, vinyasa is starting to appeal to me. I love the stretching in the back of the legs, hamstrings, glutes, and lower back.

Junebug, sending a hug your way...

Update on my ring and band. I received an email from Victor and it's going to arrive tomorrow! So excited to get my ring back. He told me he needed 10 days to finish it, but if I get it back tomorrow, it will be 7 days. I mailed it last Wednesday, and tomorrow would be Tuesday. Hmmmm. Wait till I get to create a thread on it. I get to share my experience.

Have a good night girls! Good sleep and good rest to all.


Oct 24, 2012
Hi girls, jewelry question here. Have you guys ever seen 30 pointers set in a halo? I wonder how that would look. I am considering setting my 30 pointers in a little halo, but not sure if that would look ridiculous. It would be an alternative to the earrings I have now. I only have one pair I can wear, the 2.3ctw I have in my ears now. I would like to have something a little smaller to wear. I could have the 30 pointers set in a bezel, which would be fine. Just wondering if I would like little halos a lot more. And I wonder if Victor would do it, or if it would be laughable to spend a couple grand to put 30 pointers in a halo. :roll:


Oct 24, 2012
LLJsmom|1421723051|3819162 said:
Hi girls, jewelry question here. Have you guys ever seen 30 pointers set in a halo? I wonder how that would look. I am considering setting my 30 pointers in a little halo, but not sure if that would look ridiculous. It would be an alternative to the earrings I have now. I only have one pair I can wear, the 2.3ctw I have in my ears now. I would like to have something a little smaller to wear. I could have the 30 pointers set in a bezel, which would be fine. Just wondering if I would like little halos a lot more. And I wonder if Victor would do it, or if it would be laughable to spend a couple grand to put 30 pointers in a halo. :roll:

ok girls, nevermind. I just saw a picture of one of approximate size in an ear. You could barely see the halo. thanks!


Jun 7, 2014
LLJsmom, I only have a minute but I just read your post. If you are only getting 4 to 5 hours asleep a night no wonder you have been feeling the way you have. You are exhausted. Seriously getting by on 4 hours of sleep once in a while is one thing but having that be the norm for long periods of time is quite another. You are working crazy hours, taking care of your family and not sleeping. No wonder you have been feeling down. You need more sleep. If you keep this up you are going to make yourself sick. I'm hoping Kristie agrees with me on this. Please get more sleep. I'm jumping off the soapbox now. I forgot to tell you I can't wait to see pics of your new ring!

Kristie and Missy, Please talk to LLJsmom about how important sleep is for your body and just how badly lack of sleep can affect your mood.

Kristie, Are you feeling better today? I hope you took it easy today.

Marcy, 50 Degrees??? Are you kidding? That has to feel wonderful especially with what your weather has been like lately! Are you looking forward to your trip to Arizona? How long do you plan on being there? Did you wear your new ring today? I wear my fun ring pretty often. I still love it and don't regret buying it at all.


Jul 1, 2014
LLJs, I didn't want to press you before but now I'm worried so I will.

You've been white knuckling your way through each day because you are in pain. I want to cry about that because I did that too. That is only *dangerous* IF YOU ARE ALSO EXHAUSTED FROM LACK OF SLEEP.

You are in the danger zone.

If you keep going with white knuckling the depression and anxiety AND sleep deprivation you're headed for a hospitalization and that's if your DH/SO are paying attention and understand the combination effect and step in.

You could white knuckle the depression and anxiety. You can short change your physical health (your major organs cleanse themselves in an 8-hour sleep cycle, for one example only) and your mental health by sleep psychosis. BUT YOU CAN'T DO BOTH.

Pick one.

I would suggest putting yourself on a regular 7-8 hour sleep cycle myself.

LLJs, you would never allow your children to suffer what you've been suffering.

Little levity??? If you had adequate sleep you would've immediately realized the scale of 30-pointers vs ears!!!!

Woman, TAKE THE REINS!!!!!!!

I edited this post because we all care about you and I'm worried that you won't feel the concern and affection you have here. I'm not criticizing you and I'm definitely not judging you. So I'm trying my best to parse my words so you'll do something loving and caring for yourself.


Oct 24, 2012
azstonie|1421729479|3819213 said:
LLJs, I didn't want to press you before but now I'm worried so I will.

You've been white knuckling your way through each day because you are in pain. I want to cry about that because I did that too. That is only *dangerous* IF YOU ARE ALSO EXHAUSTED FROM LACK OF SLEEP.

You are in the danger zone.

If you keep going with white knuckling the depression and anxiety AND sleep deprivation you're headed for a hospitalization and that's if your DH/SO are paying attention and understand the combination effect and step in.

You could white knuckle the depression and anxiety. You can short change your physical health (your major organs cleanse themselves in an 8-hour sleep cycle, for one example only) and your mental health by sleep psychosis. BUT YOU CAN'T DO BOTH.

Pick one.

I would suggest putting yourself on a regular 7-8 hour sleep cycle myself.

LLJs, you would never allow your children to suffer what you've been suffering.

Little levity??? If you had adequate sleep you would've immediately realized the scale of 30-pointers vs ears!!!!

Woman, TAKE THE REINS!!!!!!!

I edited this post because we all care about you and I'm worried that you won't feel the concern and affection you have here. I'm not criticizing you and I'm definitely not judging you. So I'm trying my best to parse my words so you'll do something loving and caring for yourself.

LOL!! Sorry, don't worry. Sleep is becoming a priority. I don't do the 4-5 hours a day for multiple days in a row anymore. When not in busy season, I do 5-8. I don't come from a family of sleepers. My dad slept max 6 hours a night, his whole life. My mom also had very erratic sleep. My DH needs more and insists that the kids get more. I'm glad. I've managed on 5-6 most of my life. Life just takes more of a toll these days. Ok, off to sleep I go! zzzzzz.....


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning ladies!

50 degrees Marcy WOW, that is amazing. An early taste of spring I hope! Groundhog's Day is coming up and I certainly hope we will enjoy an early spring. :appl: Love those sweet groundhogs.

Glad Marty's co-worker is joining him for supper tonight. Before you know it he will be home with you. The days are moving quickly (at least for countdown begins lol). I hear you about the alarm. I always woke up before my alarm went off and seriously I do not need an alarm anymore. I am always awake before 5AM no matter the day.

LLJsmom, I am so excited for you getting your ring and band tomorrow (which is today now right?!) WOOHOO!!!! :appl: I know it is going to be GORGEOUS! Please post pics as soon as you have a minute. Any pics of the rings will do. Remember some of us (me) are living vicariously through their PS sisters.

I am glad you are running despite the challenge of just getting going (a challenge I have everyday lol) and that it makes you feel better. Same here. Exercise is a mood lifter and a healthy one at that. You go girl! Very proud of you for working through that. :appl: I am not familiar with yoga believe it or not though I am interested in learning more about it one day.

Sleep is critical I agree with the others however I also get that it's not always as easy as going to bed and sleeping. For much of my life sleep has been elusive where I go through short periods of time of sleeping almost 7 hours but for the majority of nights I am lucky to get 6 and more like between 5 and 6 and always interrupted. I know how harmful that can be but I also know we all do the best we can and not everyone needs the same amount of sleep. Though don't get me wrong. I agree with Kristie and Callie that we should all strive for 7 hours if possible. We all know what a difference a good night's sleep makes vs when we sleep fitfully and not enough. If only there was a sure fire way of getting a good (quality and quantity) night's sleep most nights. That would be an invention the Shark tank would be happy to invest in I bet.

Anyway I am glad you are getting more sleep these days and doing what you can towards that end. It's one thing not to be able to sleep but it's another not making time for it to at least try. Glad you are making the time to get your zzz's.

Kristie, how exciting that Marcy will be in your neck of the woods soon. Marcy it would be great if you and Marty could visit with Kristie and Bob!

Ovi, I hope your day went smoothly yesterday and that Sapphie is eating and feeling better. Please let us know how you are doing. We are thinking of you.

Junebug, hope you had a lovely day yesterday and hope to chat with you soon.

Callie, hope you enjoyed your day yesterday and that you wake up feeling well. Did you guys do anything special yesterday? I cannot remember if your dh was working or not yesterday.

Hope everyone had very sweet dreams last night and enjoy the morning!


Feb 5, 2014
Hi Girls,

LLJsmom, I own exactly that, 30 pointers in a halo. People really love them and so do I. I was debating what to do with them because I felt that event though I have teeny earlobes, I needed at least 42 points per ear. I halo-d the 30 pointers and they are my faves for everyday studs, can be done really well, not sure what pic you saw but it depends on many factors, what size melee, what type of halo, etc.

Girls, thanks for caring about them and so nice that some of you are cheering me up. I had a decent day at work, I like my colleague very much and we talked a lot but my physical condition was not the best. Last night I felt miraculously better and had a good night's sleep finally with Sapphie, I am trying not to jinx it about her eating. I will wait for now and not take her in likely today. My favorite vet is not there anyhow. I am trying to work out what works for her now and how I can ease her pain.

This morning my colleague called me and told me my husband was scheming at work, his parents showed up even, I told her that would happen. I instantly felt so sick to my stomach. I knew it ahead of time but it still always hurts, like he has reason to hurt me further. The only good thing is that I overdid my dieting, I already lost close to 7 pounds but it needs to stop and I do not want to get an ulcer. I will buy more supplements today. Have to figure out how the rest of the week will go as I will be working the next three days, off today to run errands and stuff. I guess I will go day by day. We shall see, this is not an easy process to go through and will need to not jump the gun but calm down and handle it as problems come up.

How is everyone today? Missy I have not heard from you in a long time, so glad about your dad. That scared me a lot. Marcy, I always enjoy your posts, worry about Marty too but surely he has been to a lot of these type of places and will be fine now. I am sure you cannot wait for him to come back. Will write more later, hugs to all.


Jun 8, 2008
Dear Ovi, I just emailed you. We must be on the same mental telepathy wavelength lol. Glad Sapphie is doing better and fingers crossed it continues! Please make sure you are eating because you need to keep up your strength. Don't overdo. And do not let your husband intimidate you. I don't know what he is up to at work but he doesn't have a leg to stand on IMO as long as you make it clear what happened to your coworkers. Sending you good thoughts, much love and big hugs.


Jul 1, 2014
LLJsmom|1421735410|3819224 said:
azstonie|1421729479|3819213 said:
LLJs, I didn't want to press you before but now I'm worried so I will.

You've been white knuckling your way through each day because you are in pain. I want to cry about that because I did that too. That is only *dangerous* IF YOU ARE ALSO EXHAUSTED FROM LACK OF SLEEP.

You are in the danger zone.

If you keep going with white knuckling the depression and anxiety AND sleep deprivation you're headed for a hospitalization and that's if your DH/SO are paying attention and understand the combination effect and step in.

You could white knuckle the depression and anxiety. You can short change your physical health (your major organs cleanse themselves in an 8-hour sleep cycle, for one example only) and your mental health by sleep psychosis. BUT YOU CAN'T DO BOTH.

Pick one.

I would suggest putting yourself on a regular 7-8 hour sleep cycle myself.

LLJs, you would never allow your children to suffer what you've been suffering.

Little levity??? If you had adequate sleep you would've immediately realized the scale of 30-pointers vs ears!!!!

Woman, TAKE THE REINS!!!!!!!

I edited this post because we all care about you and I'm worried that you won't feel the concern and affection you have here. I'm not criticizing you and I'm definitely not judging you. So I'm trying my best to parse my words so you'll do something loving and caring for yourself.

LOL!! Sorry, don't worry. Sleep is becoming a priority. I don't do the 4-5 hours a day for multiple days in a row anymore. When not in busy season, I do 5-8. I don't come from a family of sleepers. My dad slept max 6 hours a night, his whole life. My mom also had very erratic sleep. My DH needs more and insists that the kids get more. I'm glad. I've managed on 5-6 most of my life. Life just takes more of a toll these days. Ok, off to sleep I go! zzzzzz.....

Okay, good I will stand down, LOL. Glad your in good hands btw yourself, your friends and family and your spiritual work 8-)


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls,

Missy, I hope your dad is continuing to do well. Is your face feeling any better? I have been back to feeling really good again. I wish I didn't get headaches but they are no where near as frequent as they were a few years ago, which is a good thing. I met a girlfriend for coffee and did some shopping yesterday. I bought a dress....big surprise there! Nothing has been new on my end.

Kristie, Thank you for jumping in on the importance of sleep to LLJsmom. I wish I had your brain!

LLJsmom, I don't want you to think I was picking in you. I just care and want you to be healthy and safe! Please, Please post pictures of your new ring!

OV, Please be very careful where your husband is concerned. People who are feeling desparate don't always make the wisest decisions. I'm glad Sapphie seems to be doing better. Hopefully she is on her way to making a full recovery.

Marcy, I hope you are having a good day.

Junebug, I hope all is well with you!


Feb 5, 2014
Woohoo, what is your dress like Callie? Me and my colleague agreed that tomorrow we will go out for lunch and try on the dress I have been considering. I really like it, it is very different and matches my jewelry too.:))) I just got so disheartened when yesterday I pulled out my brand new wool dress and it has been eaten by moth, it really was just the icing on the cake.

LLJsmom, I am thinking about you. I hope you will write and we can help somehow.

Junebug I miss you as in the midst of all the crisis in my life I have not talked to you in a long time, at least it feels that way.

It is very nice that I keep hearing about you Marcy.

Well and Missy I have to remind myself to visit your skin thread. I promised that. It is just that there is always some drama here, I cannot get rid of this ex. He is either scheming at work or stalking me in private life now the latter. He does not get it that I do not want to let him in after what happened.

Sapphie is porking out, she, who has never had weight on her is starting to look like a little pig. I hope that is a good sign. We will see when we go for a checkup but I think that I may wait for now.

Have a great day girls, I will work three days in a row and I may not have as much time to write besides privately but will try my best I promise. Hugs to you all!


Jun 17, 2009
Hi girls! I've been in a bit of a slump these past few days but wanted to check in with everyone! Thanks to all for thinking of me!

Missy, I am SO relieved to hear your father is ok! That must have been so scary for you and your family. I'm glad to see you're getting responses in your other thread, lots of suggestions and I hope you can find something that helps you. I'm continuing to hope so badly that you get some relief soon.

Kristie, sorry to see you are sick and hope you are feeling better soon - it's good you got some sleep, it makes such a difference and really helps! And thanks for the tip on the defibrillator, I think that will make me feel better when we eventually move there. Maybe that and a life alert, I am not kidding! And yes, when I say the beach I mean Kiawah - it really is a gorgeous place, I love it there.

Ovi, I am so very sorry about Neillo, I just can't believe what a rough time you have been having. I hope Sapphie continues to do ok, poor little thing. Sounds like things with your husband are becoming very difficult and I hope you can get to a place of peace soon. I can only imagine how hard this process is for you and apparently your husband is not making things easier. Taking a trip in the spring sounds like such a wonderful idea! Hugs to you dear ovi, I am thinking of you and wishing the best for you, you deserve it!

Marcy, I love your new ring! I love getting something new every once in a while, I might just treat myself to a sparkly! I know bling won't solve my problems but it will make me feel better anyway haha. Wow, enjoy the 50 degree weather, what a nice break. Your trip to Arizona sounds like fun! It's nice to have something to look forward to.

LLJsmom, I hope you are doing ok, I can relate to what you're going through, I have been feeling particularly down lately but am just trying to work through it, doing what I have to do and taking it day by day. I am grateful for the good things in my life, and keeping that in mind usually comforts and encourages me, but not lately. Thank you for the hug - I kinda need it right now! Hugs right back at you! And good for you on trying to get more sleep, I'm working on that as well. Sometimes I have trouble falling asleep, but that has been better for me lately. I can't wait to see your new band. And I know you will be thrilled to have your ring back, post your rings as soon as you get them!

Calliecake, yep, we watched a lot of football on Sunday! I'm excited for my husband, he's going to the Superbowl and is looking forward to it, although he's not crazy about either team that's playing lol. He'll be playing golf while he's there too. He's been working really hard lately and needs a break so I'm glad for him. He'll be playing golf while he's there too - wow, I just realized he'll get a chance to play golf in Arizona, as Kristie suggested! I'm sure he's going to love it. Hope everything is well with you!

Hope everyone is having a good night!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Ladies! Hugs to all of you. You deserve it!

Kristie, yes we will be in your neighborhood for a while. I’ll get with you when time gets closer to see if we can GTG somewhere. That would be fun. Are you feeling better today?

LLJsmom, isn’t finding some extra time nice? When I worked 2 jobs sometimes I’d stay up late just to have some quiet me time. How are you doing? I was sneezing today but I am pretty sure it’s allergies. That’s great your husband likes his mini and takes it with him when he travels. The size is perfect for traveling. I haven’t tried a keyboard for it but I bet I’d like it. Short nights caught up with me recently too. I guess our bodies are just telling us enough; sleep more! That’s wonderful a nice run brightened your day. I’ll be very anxious to see your new band with your gorgeous ring.

Callie, it’s funny how much snow and ice is still around town. We have a regular glacier on our front lawn that is down to about 12” high. Hopefully you’ll get some warmer weather there soon. I would rather be going someplace with an ocean view for our trip but I am sure we’ll have fun in Arizona. I haven’t talked to Marty yet about plans so I don’t know how long we’ll stay. I wanted to do a road trip this year instead of flying somewhere so maybe we can work that in over a long weekend next fall. I am glad you’ve been enjoying your fun new ring. I wore mine again today. I usually wear new rings for a week then they go in to my RHR rotation. Is your fur baby feeling okay? That’s great you are feeling good again. Getting a new dress is always fun.

Missy, we were in the 30’s again today but the forecast has some 40’s and 50’s. Sweet. How is your weather? I was thinking last night that your first day back to work will be here soon. I am sure you still have some ambiguous feelings about it but I am confident you’ll enjoy seeing your patients again. I guess we are just early risers, huh? Is Francesca doing a lot better this week?

Ovi, your halo earrings sound perfect. I am glad you had a decent day at work and like working with your colleague. That’s great you had a good night’s sleep with Sapphie. I am delighted Sapphie is eating. I hate to hear your husband is trying to stir things up for you at work. Don’t let him get to you but I know that is easier said that done. Why can’t everyone be neat like we are? :bigsmile: I hope you love the dress and decide to take it home with you.

Junebug, I hope you are feeling better today. Sending hugs to you. I hate to hear you are having trouble falling asleep, if you are like me it’s hard to shut off your thoughts when you have so much on your mind. I found relaxing for even 5 to 10 minutes before I went to bed helped. I did stuff like read some of my favorite comic books or a magazine, anything to try and get some happy thoughts in my brain. I seem to buy new jewelry every couple of months. It does brighten my day. I’ll vote for you to get yourself something too! I hope your husband has fun going to the super bowl and getting to play golf in Arizona. They have a lot of great golf courses around there.

The highlight of my day was looking at the comet and this time I could see some of the tail. Sweet. However that wind was cold so I looked and came back in side rather quickly.

I stopped at the furniture store on the way home tonight to check the price of the pieces we want for the man cave. Even though the prices are a few hundred less right now I quickly decided it’s for the man cave so Marty should pick what he wants not what I think he wants.

I haven’t had luck yet with my NMPP reminder. Yesterday it never went off so I checked at about 2 pm and saw it was there but I hadn’t set a reminder on it. So I set my reminder and it went off at 10 pm last night. It made me chuckle though; I thought well the day’s almost over too late to give myself a pep talk now. I now have it set for 10 am. I’ll see if that works better for me.

I am excited because now I can say Marty gets home next weekend. That’s progress!



Oct 24, 2012
Marcy, that's funny! Yeah, 10pm, pretty much the day is over. LOL! That's like me today. Forgot about doing devotions in the morning, and it's 10:16 pm. Oooops. And I want to sleep too. You're so sweet about letting Marty get what he wants for his man cave. Good wife, you are. And seeing a comet tail? sigh...sounds so peaceful. I just got my 9 year old to bed after studying the effect of California achieving independence from New Spain. My DH was dealing with phenotypes and genes, and all sorts of biology stuff with my 12 year old.

Ovi, thanks so much for the pics!! I guess it may not be too crazy, to consider a halo'd 30 pointer. Your pair looks really nice, and it's awesome to hear that people really like it. I guess I'm looking for something a little different from my plain studs. I really want to sleep, and yet I want to finish this post. Hahahaha! I will email you separately about something else. :) But before I forget. Just saying...what the heck is your husband doing. I hope he stops, whatever it is. You have enough to deal with on your plate. Seriously, you don't need his drama.

Missy, is your separate thread yielding any good suggestions? I don't ask you about it too much b/c I don't have any good suggestions. I know you are trying everything. I just wish every day that it will be better than the last one for you. What's on your agenda this week and how many weeks from starting work again?

Kristie, hope you are feeling better. I forced myself to go back to sleep after waking up at 5 am! Hope you are Marcy can connect when she goes to AZ.

Callie, hugs to you. You are worried about everyone else. I hope you are taking care of yourself.

Junebug, hope tomorrow will be a good day, and you remember your NMPP. It's funny cause I remember at 10 pm at night that I forgot to do my devotions in the morning. But, what I really need to do is give myself a big gold star if I know I got through the day without losing my sh!t with the kids, or not flipping off some random Sunday driver on my commute home. I have a long way to go. LOL!

I got my ring today. Both Victor and Paige emailed me asking if I received it. I was at work, and could not respond to them. I will shoot them a quick email before I shut down. Here are some pics. Can't do a thread cause no time tonight. I want to take my time to share how awesome Victor and Paige were. I can totally see how a plain shank would make the center stone pop even more. A squared off plain shank would be fabulous. This gives both rings a very modern feel. I had to have Victor do it cause I am so anal about the width and the height of both rings being the same. It just looks so much more pleasing to my eyes this way.






Jun 8, 2008
Good morning!

Callie, Ooh glad you got a new dress. Please tell us more about it. As you know we love clothes and I love dresses. Any boots to go with that dress? :cheeky:

How is your niece doing? Have you checked in with her lately?

Ovi, thanks so much for your input on my skin thread. I am going to try getting La Mer samples. I hope I can because I do not want to purchase FBs until I know my face won't react to some of those "bad" ingredients that are in their products. Fingers crossed it will work for me though I am apprehensive as they contain Lanolin, Eucalyptus and fragrance to name a few of the iffy ingredients. Wish I knew their "magic" ingredient(s).

How are you and how is Sapphie doing? How is work going? Is your husband behaving? Please let us know how you are doing. We are concerned and care about you. (((Hugs))).

Junebug, thanks for updating us. I am sorry you have been in a bit of a slump but hope you are doing better and feeling well. (((Hugs))) to you.

It's exciting that your dh is going to the Superbowl despite the fact that his favorite team is not playing. What will you be doing that day? A spa day is in order IMO while he is enjoying the Superbowl you can be enjoying pampering. That's just a suggestion but if I lived closer that's what I would try convincing you to do with me. :halo:

Marcy, we are getting some snow today and the weather is getting colder. But we are almost through January so in my mind spring will be here soon and hopefully with it some beautiful weather. By that time hopefully all the snow on your lawn will be gone.

Francesca is doing well, thanks for asking. How are your bunnies and bears? Taking any more compromising photos of them for Marty? :devil:

How exciting you saw the comet and its tail despite the cold weather. I bet Marty would have enjoyed seeing that too...but woohoo just one more week and weekend right? You are a thoughtful person and good wife. I am sure Marty will appreciate that when he is getting his man cave furniture. I totally agree he should get what he wants.

Hope your allergies quit acting up so you can enjoy a respite from coughing and sneezing finally!

LLJsmom, all I can say is :love: :love: :love: :appl: :appl: :appl:
GORGEOUS! I hope you are thrilled because your rings are so beautiful and perfect! I am so happy for you! Worth all the angst and thought you put into it and so glad Victor delivered as I knew he would. Looking forward to your new Show Me the Ring thread. :appl:

I hope you are continuing to feel better and I am keeping you in my thoughts as always. (((Hugs))).

Yes, I go back to work in a few weeks. I am nervous for a couple of reasons. One is EMR but two is because of my face. PSers are very helpful and are giving me good suggestions but of course the fact remains that my skin issues are complex so I am not expecting a fix from any of the products I will be trying but hoping for healing and no exacerbation of my symptoms. That is my main concern right now. My face. It's funny how while my leg is a concern it is not the major factor in my apprehension returning to work. ::)

Thank you all for your good wishes for my dad and for me. I feel like I am always needing the good thoughts of you guys and hoping/longing for the day that I can just come here and say I am great and just focus 100% on everyone else here! But I am very thankful for how far I have come and do not doubt that for a minute.

Enjoy the day everyone! :wavey:


Jul 1, 2014
Hi All: I am feeling better---I wonder what I had, though, it was either a nuclear cold or a short bout of flu. I finally slept and the cough has broken up so I'm not listening to my lungs whistle/crackle/pop now. :bigsmile:

Marcy, I know how trips can go, if you find yourself with a window of time you want to fill, I'm your girl! So love to see ya even if its for coffee and cupcakes and bling time! If you wind up short on time, no worries, I know you'll be back, right, so Marty can golf? I know what its like to be under pressure on 'vacations' when you're seeing family, trying to fit in time for yourself, etc.

There is a splendid golf course, Ocotillo, a few blocks from my house. There is a nice newish Holiday Inn just across the street from it, its all in a golf-course residential neighborhood.

For those of you with husbands who will travel to golf, if you got them here, stayed at the Holiday Inn across the street (its nicer than the usual Holiday Inn, it has a Japanese decor and is newish at 10 years old), we could shop and hang out, just chill. There is a great wine bar/bistro in the same spot as the Holiday Inn, the D-Vine, and they do wonderful lunches, dinners, wine with appetizers or desert. They have an excellent beer selection also. It'd be a very convenient walk back to your room, LOL. I recommend the months of November through March in terms of heat.

Anyone who wants to come sans husband, you come too!!

Sleep, the elusive one. I found out that perimenopause starts 10 years BEFORE you're period starts going wonky on you, so that explains they "why" of when my sleep issues started and then how they ramped up to hell levels right before actual menopause. Callie, I hear you when you say that menopause kicked the crap outta ya. I have really mixed feelings about it. I love not having a period but I don't love some of the issues that come with it. I did not do HRT of any kind and I don't necessarily recommend that approach. My godmother was on HRT into her late 70s and she had to go off of it when she underwent chemo for Hodgkin's and the combination of experiencing menopause while experiencing chemo, it was horrific for her. Knowing you can't stay on HRT forever, I decided to gut it out without HRT. I was working for Mayo telecommuting at that time, so if I got sweaty or cranky or weepy I could just go with it but no one saw it.


Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone!

Marcy, thank you for your kind words, they mean more than you know. I'm struggling a bit right now but I'll work through this. I'm so glad Marty will be home soon - You guys can go furniture shopping when he gets back lol! I just got an email that some items on my Ruby Lane watch list are on sale, so yes, I think I will be treating myself to a little something :halo:

LLJsmom, thanks for your good thoughts! It helps! Your new band is gorgeous with your ering! :love: It really couldn't look any more perfect! Wow, what a fabulous look.

Calliecake, congrats on your new dress! What's it like?

Missy, I know I sound like a broken record at this point, but I just want to let you know I totally understand how you feel, I truly do. I so get your concerns about your skin and how it is affecting you. I wish I could magically fix it for you. All I can do is offer my support and hope and pray that your condition gets to a point where you are at least feeling a little more comfortable. I also want to thank you for opening your thread, and your heart, to everyone here. Even though you are struggling yourself, you are so kind and compassionate to everyone, and that just speaks volumes as to the kind of person you are. As for the Superbowl, I plan on just relaxing at home and watching the game with my son, and maybe a few of his friends if he feels like having someone over. I'm hoping my daughter and her boyfriend, and his cute little Pekingese doggie, can stop by too. Although I would take you up on your spa offer if we lived closer ha!

ETA: Kristie, my husband will certainly travel to play golf - who knows, maybe I can convince him, what you suggests sounds like fun! You also gave me food for thought - I'm very weepy today, and I happen to have my period (I know, TMI) so I'm wondering if that is contributing to my being really down lately. The possibility is giving me hope that I'll be feeling better in the next day or two!


Jul 1, 2014
LLJs, :appl: :appl: :appl:

Your rings look amazing together! Great idea---it looks beautiful and elegant on your hand :bigsmile: If I saw you at the grocery store or someplace I'd be trying to get a much closer look and I'd be wondering about the diamonds and who made the setting and do you love it or WHAT?!?!?!?!

That's the nice thing about PS: We can stalk each other's jewelry without the crazy/scary thing!!

Congrats on the completed rings project, they are amazing!!!


Oct 24, 2012
azstonie|1421861304|3819911 said:
LLJs, :appl: :appl: :appl:

Your rings look amazing together! Great idea---it looks beautiful and elegant on your hand :bigsmile: If I saw you at the grocery store or someplace I'd be trying to get a much closer look and I'd be wondering about the diamonds and who made the setting and do you love it or WHAT?!?!?!?!

That's the nice thing about PS: We can stalk each other's jewelry without the crazy/scary thing!!

Congrats on the completed rings project, they are amazing!!!

Thank you Kristie. You're so sweet. I do love my set now. It looks very simple to me. I'm surprised at how quickly I figured out what I wanted, compared to how long it took to decide on the e-ring setting.

So true. Isn't it funny how we can stalk and not be considered a stalker?? :lol:

I have a separate question about AZ. I have at times considered taking the family to AZ as a getaway. I have heard there are really nice resorts in Scottsdale. Which places do you like?


Oct 24, 2012
junebug17|1421860671|3819897 said:
Hi everyone!

ETA: Kristie, my husband will certainly travel to play golf - who knows, maybe I can convince him, what you suggests sounds like fun! You also gave me food for thought - I'm very weepy today, and I happen to have my period (I know, TMI) so I'm wondering if that is contributing to my being really down lately. The possibility is giving me hope that I'll be feeling better in the next day or two!

jb, I am sure Dot's visit is affecting you. It makes me go haywire 2-3 days a month. I totally feel your :loopy: -ness. I hope you just get through it. Like Churchill (via Kristie) says, "When you're going through hell, keep going!". BIG HUG to you!!

And thank you for your lovely comments on my band. I am very happy with it!


Jul 1, 2014
Junebug, the weepy mornings (they were mornings for me) go away :appl: I kept an entry in my calendar for weepy mornings and during the 24 months prior to the BIG M is when they started. So don't worry about this, it's going to go away and you'll not have the unexplained crying jag.

LLJs, how old are your children, boys and girls?

Scottsdale? The kid-attracting resorts in Scottsdale have water park type pools but that's about it. I think of Scottsdale as more of a mini Las Vegas, frankly. It does not have an Arizona feel to me at all. Unless your kids like to shop and drink, heehee, I can think of better places for you all in AZ.

There is a world famous dude ranch outside of Tucson that I want to go to with my hubbie. They have riding, swimming, campfire, dancing in the evenings (one friend of ours from Anchorage has been going there for 10 years for the dancing, he loves the place). Let me get the name from him, I'll get right back to you on that.

If it were me, I'd do the dude ranch outside of Tucson or one of the very very lovely resorts in Tucson.

Also in that area is The Arizona Sonora Desert Museum is in Tucson and its freaking AMAZING, its animals and plants and more animals and a good cafe on the grounds. Its very active, most of it is outdoors, you walk and listen to wandering docents, the kids when I was there got to pet some of the critters, they loved it.

Sabino Canyon (in Tucson) I love this place, the kids would too. You can hike up it or you can ride up and walk down, or ride both ways. They also have moonlit rides up into the canyon, tres romantic!

I don't know of anyone who didn't think Tucson was a charming spot.

I'd take the family on a little trip outside of Tucson to Kartchner Caverns and possibly Tombstone
while I was there.

Tucson is pretty, is an actual TOWN, an old one too, a university town to boot---UofA has a lovely campus there, maybe a quick visit to it to get the kids in the You're Going to College frame of mind?/pre-tour? I also think that Tucson has nicer resorts with the true Arizona feel to them. There is some amazing dining in Tucson, both kid friendly and get-dressed-up grown up friendly.

Sedona, I think Sedona is kind of boring. The red rocks are stunning but you get those on the loop drive through the area, and then its cheap souvenir type shops and I've yet to have a good meal in Sedona. We go up and view the Red Rocks in the winter, they are beautiful with snow, and then we eat in Jerome, a cool old mining town perched on the side of the mountain, its about 20 minutes from Sedona. Lots of great dining and drinking options in Jerome.

Grand Canyon, its changing. You can stay at El Tovar for nice accommodations and good location. If your kids are bolters, you might wait until they are not. I'm sorry to say that over the past couple years some kids have gone right over the edge and died. Its not well publicized outside of the area for obvious reasons.

I'll be back with more....


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls, I hope everyone is having a good day.

Hi Missy, What date are you going back to work? I'm hoping one of the suggestions you have been receiving in the other thread works. I know how much you would like your skin issues behind you. It would make returning to work so much less stressful for you. You have been such a trooper thru all of this.

There hasn't been a noticeable improvement with my nieces skin. I received a very short text from her.

Marcy, you don't have long before Marty comes him. I had to laugh when you said you were going to let him pick out his man cave furniture. It's always fun to see what they choose. They usually don't consider scale at all. My husband picks the largest piece of furniture for the smallest room. I'm just glad he has come to trust me when tell him something won't work.

Are you looking forward to your Scottsdale trip? It's great that you and Marty get to get away especially with him being gone so much lately.

OV, I hope everything has calmed down for you at least a little bit. Are you getting rest and taking care of yourself? I have a hard time eating when I'm really stressed too, but please remember to eat. Is Sapphie still doing well? Did you go dress shopping today? Do you have a dress in mind or just looking for something new?

Kristie, I'm glad to hear your bug is going away. Sometimes those viruses you pick up this time of year hang on for a long time. Going to a Scottsdale sounds wonderful. My husband is expecting his job to get really busy in the next month of two. Which makes me laugh because it's always really busy. I'm just thankful he hasn't been traveling this month. Do they have gems like the one Acinom just had set by Victor, at the gem show you are going to? That stone was just gorgeous! I need to stay out of show me the bling! I get way too many ideas! All I could think about was how gorgeous that stone would look with a black dress.

Junebug, Perimenopause could be partly to blame for your dark mood. I had a year from hell when I was started going thru menopause, not sleeping at all, mood swings. I'm so glad that part of my life is over. I bet your husband is really looking forward to the Super Bowl. I don't think who is playing matters all that much to men. Packers are my husband's team biggest rivals and he wanted the Packers to go to the super bowl. I second Missy on getting pampered while your husband is away. Although a new piece if bling sounds like even more fun.

LLJsmom, Your new ring looks PERFECT with your engagement ring. Wow Victor does beautiful work and don't even get me started on your diamond. I will sound like a stalker :) Your set could not look more beautiful.

My niece has asked me to help find a Diamond for her. I'm a little nervous about it though. She will not buy off the internet so the Pricescope vendors are pretty much out.

The dress I bought is nothing special at all. It was just a very casual spring dress that was on sale 40% off.


Jun 8, 2008
Hi girls!

Junebug, you are so sweet always! Thank you for your lovely comments and I feel the same way about you. Thank you so much for opening your heart to me and the other girls. And for indulging me in keeping me company here. You guys are the best. And (((hugs))) to you for feeling better soon. I do not miss my period at all though I thought I would. Of course I don't like what menopause means (old age!) but I'm over that now haha.

Your Super Bowl plans sound perfect. I hope your daughter and her bf can come and that they bring his doggie too. And when the spa day comes whenever that might be it's my treat! I don't think we live that far away...maybe not too far from our NJ beach house?

Kristie, I am so glad you are feeling much better! YAY! And thanks for your amazing write up on Arizona. It's been a long time since I visited Arizona (late 90's) but I agree with everything you wrote. And think Sedona is worth a trip for its beautiful red rocks at least.

Hi Callie, I'm returning February 11th...that will be here before I know it. :shock: Thanks so much for your encouragement and support throughout this. You have the patience of a saint I swear LOL. I cannot believe I have not driven you and everyone here crazy with all my issues these last 7 months. :shock:

My skin is not getting worse (fingers crossed) and it varies throughout the day. The PD area is less bumpy and just more irritated and red with some bumps and that varies. I have flaking all over my face though and not sure if that is due to the seborrheic dermatitis or the PD or the change in moisturizing and cleansing. I am scared to try anything new over what I am doing in fear of making it worse but am accumulating PSers (PSers are so knowledgeable) recommendations and will try one new thing at a time.

Right now I am using hemp oil to moisturize and to cleanse I have started the La Roche Posay toleraine cleanser alternating with oil cleanse. Just started using the La Roche cleanser because just the OCM was breaking me out I think. This weekend I am going to try getting La Mer samples based on Ovi and Ame's recommendations. I also got samples of ame's First Aid Beauty ultra repair cream recommendations and a few others and will try one new thing at a time. Just scared to change much right now...

I am sorry your niece hasn't experienced much improvement yet. My guess it is a long process. I hope she is feeling better at least knowing that she is on the road to recovery. Wishing her all the best.

I wish your other niece would consider online diamond purchasing. They could do so much better for their money.

Yay for sales! 40% off is awesome. Enjoy your new dress.


Jul 1, 2014
azstonie|1421876338|3820068 said:
LLJs, how old are your children, boys and girls?

Scottsdale? The kid-attracting resorts in Scottsdale have water park type pools but that's about it. I think of Scottsdale as more of a mini Las Vegas, frankly. It does not have an Arizona feel to me at all. Unless your kids like to shop and drink, heehee, I can think of better places for you all in AZ.

There is a world famous dude ranch outside of Tucson that I want to go to with my hubbie. They have riding, swimming, campfire, dancing in the evenings (one friend of ours from Anchorage has been going there for 10 years for the dancing, he loves the place). Let me get the name from him, I'll get right back to you on that.

If it were me, I'd do the dude ranch outside of Tucson or one of the very very lovely resorts in Tucson.

Also in that area is The Arizona Sonora Desert Museum is in Tucson and its freaking AMAZING, its animals and plants and more animals and a good cafe on the grounds. Its very active, most of it is outdoors, you walk and listen to wandering docents, the kids when I was there got to pet some of the critters, they loved it.

Sabino Canyon (in Tucson) I love this place, the kids would too. You can hike up it or you can ride up and walk down, or ride both ways. They also have moonlit rides up into the canyon, tres romantic!

I don't know of anyone who didn't think Tucson was a charming spot.

I'd take the family on a little trip outside of Tucson to Kartchner Caverns and possibly Tombstone
while I was there.

Tucson is pretty, is an actual TOWN, an old one too, a university town to boot---UofA has a lovely campus there, maybe a quick visit to it to get the kids in the You're Going to College frame of mind?/pre-tour? I also think that Tucson has nicer resorts with the true Arizona feel to them. There is some amazing dining in Tucson, both kid friendly and get-dressed-up grown up friendly.

Sedona, I think Sedona is kind of boring. The red rocks are stunning but you get those on the loop drive through the area, and then its cheap souvenir type shops and I've yet to have a good meal in Sedona. We go up and view the Red Rocks in the winter, they are beautiful with snow, and then we eat in Jerome, a cool old mining town perched on the side of the mountain, its about 20 minutes from Sedona. Lots of great dining and drinking options in Jerome.

Grand Canyon, its changing. You can stay at El Tovar for nice accommodations and good location. If your kids are bolters, you might wait until they are not. I'm sorry to say that over the past couple years some kids have gone right over the edge and died. Its not well publicized outside of the area for obvious reasons.

I'll be back with more....

LLJs, I sent an email to my friend but I'm going to check tripadvisor because they have great writeups on the place. Lots of visitors from the UK, they like the western atmosphere :bigsmile:


Jul 1, 2014
LLJs, and anyone else who would like a real Arizona/west experience but not a 'gritty' one, here it is:

The White Stallion Ranch

Recommend you not go in April or May through end of September, pretty hot there for you (Bay Area, correct?).

Read about it on TripAdvisor, it gets all kinds of awards.

So, let's say you come to Tucson! All those links and spots are good to go for you there! You won't run of things to do or amuse you/DH/kids.

If you do come, lemme know and I'll give you lots of dining input. I have a world class pizza place, amazing tamales of about 30 varieties, Mexican food of course, great burgers and shakes, and grown up fancy dining in beautiful settings.


Seriously peeps! The hubsters can golf, the kids will have amazing activities, riding horses, you name it!

Hayride to your picnic! I'm in! Cocktails outside by the fire at sunset! Cowboys! Come on, who's with me?


Feb 27, 2007
LLJsmom, I am actually finding it funny that my reminder buzzes at night. I am easily amused though. It sounds like you and your husband are good parents helping your children with their homework. I bet kids have to learn a lot more now than I did in school. I am glad you went back to sleep this morning. I was awake about 4:30 again but got back to sleep as well. Your rings look fabulous! Victor did a wonderful job! Remember I was blathering a few weeks ago about wanting a thicker band for my ering? Well lately I’ve been leaning more towards a thinner band and your gorgeous pair reinforces that idea. I really like them together.

Missy, I am so glad you’ll get nice spring weather soon. I’m still holding on to my belief spring will arrive here about June 15. I’ll be teased with a few nice days but I never totally believe the snow is over until then. That is awesome to hear Francesca is doing so well. It’s so funny you asked about the bunnies and bears. Just this morning Marty told me to get my bears off his couch so you know I had to load it up tonight and get a picture of it. I posted it on his FB page saying “the TV is great from your couch”. I did check out the comet again tonight. Marty wants me to go take pictures at the furniture store and he’ll see what looks good to him. I am excited to think he’ll be home next weekend. That seems close. I read through your other thread but I sadly have no more ideas than I might have offered here. I am always sending good wishes your way. I hope some of those recommendations help.

Actually, I am always sending all of you my good wishes.

Kristie, that is great your lungs are sounding better and that you are feeling better. I will definitely try to work in at least a jewelry-shopping trip or lunch with you but this time will be tough since lots of Marty’s family will be there but of course what better time for me to sneak off? I will have Marty check out that golf course. D-Vine sounds terrific.

Junebug, you are welcome! Hugs to you. Good deal there are some things on sale on your Ruby Lane watch list. I can’t wait to see what you get. Sorry you are weepy today. Sometimes when I’m like that I watch one of those sad movies that always makes me cry and that helps me get it out of my system. I hope your day is better tomorrow!

Callie, I am sorry to hear your niece is about the same too. Did you get to take her shopping yet? That is good your husband listens to you now about the size of things. Marty is actually pretty good at that but we’ve both come home with things that turned out to be way too big or small. It always looks perfect in the store though, huh? I like most of Marty’s family so the trip to Arizona will be nice. I know I’ll be sick of cold and snow so just having nicer weather will be a treat.

Ovi, I hope you had a good day. How is Sapphie?

I am getting rid of some more stuff. My parent’s dining room table and 2 of my dad’s snow tires are probably getting picked up this weekend. The couch and 2 recliners in the man cave are going to a new home making room for new pieces down there.

I chatted with Marty quit a bit this morning. He is not having fun with some vendors giving him prices. They are mad he is running the consortium and want him to sign papers saying he won’t try to negotiate prices. He’s like um NO! When he gets home he has to work Romania office hours until this bit is submitted.

Marty also told me to get my bears off his couch so naturally I loaded it up and posted this picture on Facebook.

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.




Jun 17, 2009
Hey everyone, thanks for the good thoughts, definitely feeling better compared to this morning! I agree that at least part of what I've been experiencing lately is hormonal. Hoping after a good night's sleep I'll be in even better shape tomorrow.

Missy, you are too sweet! Actually, I don't think I'm too far from your beach house. Maybe we can get together for coffee or something at some point in the future! If and when either of us feels up to it haha! I get what you're saying about not wanting to run the risk of irritating your skin by trying new things at this point. I'd feel the same way. I'm a little encouraged by the fact that it's not getting any worse.

Kristie, thanks for all the info on Arizona! It sounds wonderful. Tucson sounds like a place I'd love.

Calliecake, I'm sorry your niece's skin isn't improving yet. I forget, is she doing a course of antibiotics or is she on Accutane? The Accutane will probably take a fairly long time to start working. And I remember that my daughter's skin actually got a little worse at first, unfortunately. I know your niece must be discouraged but tell her to hang in there and have faith, her skin is going to get better!

Thanks again everyone for the support and I'll check in tomorrow! Have a good night!

ETA: Marcy, we must have been posting at the same time! I LOVE your bear and bunny collection! Seriously, those bears are adorable! Such a cute pic, they look very comfortable on Marty's couch lol!
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