
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning ladies.

Callie, how is your sweet doggie this morning? I hope she is feeling all better and that you both had a good night.

As for the Tory Burch bags I agree that a pocketbook that doesn't close fully is not a good feature. I have many big pocketbooks but always find that I go for the smaller ones IRL. The big ones are too heavy and the bigger they are the more I tend to carry. The injury has forced me to reevaluate what I really need to take and turns out I don't need to carry much. Lip gloss, phone and keys. In my phone case I have a CC and some cash and ID. So I find small crossbody bags work best for me these days but I do see the allure of a larger bag. I just googled the Tory Burch Robinson Triple Zip bag and it is very pretty. If it isn't too heavy my vote is for that and to keep the smaller bag you bought. I wouldn't get the double zip since it doesn't close properly.

I hope the honey mask recipe works for your niece. Make sure if she tries it that she gets raw unprocessed and unheated honey. You can get it at health food stores or farmer markets. I wish I could do it again today but you are supposed to wait at least a day in between. I just want to feel proactive and do something lol.

Hi Marcy, I am glad Marty likes the earrings. Greg is similar to Marty in his love for watches. My dh loves collecting watches and I think he has more watches than I do earrings if that is possible haha. Glad our guys share that in common with us. Liking pretty things though I am not sure they would classify their manly watches as pretty but I sure do lol.

My heart goes out to you about losing your parents. There is nothing more difficult than losing loved ones especially parents because there is almost no one else on this earth with whom we share a closer bond (exception of husband and children of course with whom we share as strong a bond but not always stronger). I can understand why these last 15 months have been the most challenging for you and I am sending you the biggest cyber hugs possible. Time may not heal all wounds but it makes it easier to deal with and knowing they had such a close and loving marriage for so long and that you had such a good relationship with them makes it easier to go on and remember them with happiness and love especially as time passes and it gets less painful. Know you are in my thoughts and I am sending lots of love your way.

About your knee-I am glad you are motivated to ease the pain and hope the exercises help you. When are you thinking about the knee replacement surgery? I know that is not a fun thought but it is easier to do earlier rather than later from seeing what some of my friends (and parents) went through regarding this surgery. My offer stands of course if you decide to get it done at HSS. I am thinking of removing the plates/screws if possible and I have to wait until at least a year but if I can I would wait till next winter so I don't ruin another cycling season. Of course this all rests on if I can tolerate the metal in my leg for that long and if it stops bothering me completely with time I might not even have any of it removed as re-opening those incisions and digging into my leg again is not a happy thought. :(

I am sorry you have some bad weather in your area right now. Please be super careful driving and if it is too treacherous do not go on the roads Marcy. Before you know it your dear Marty will be back home with you and you guys can snuggle together when it is cold and dreary outside.

I bought a lightbox this past winter called Happy Light Natural Spectrum Energy Light and I woke up at 3AM this morning and couldn't get back to sleep so I got out of bed and opened the package finally (9 months after purchasing lol) and plugged it in so it is all lit up and we will see if it affects my mood positively. I read the directions (which is rare for me) and am glad I did as it says it contains magnets so stay at least 6 inches away if you have any device like a pacemaker or magnet like device in your body. Not sure if my metal qualifies but I am not taking any chances so it is about a foot away from me right now and I have had it on since 4:15AM. We shall see what happens.

As for my skin issues no change but I suspect it is due to the change in weather. I emailed my derm yesterday and he is going to give me an Rx for a mild topical steroid to be used sparingly for only a couple of days to see if that makes a difference. Greg is going to NYU today to see his oncologist derm and he will be in the same office area as my derm so he will pick up the Rx for me.

I am not going to use the topical steroids though until I give the honey mask a chance to work (about a week from what the study indicates is where I should be seeing some improvement) unless it gets very bad before that. I want a back up just in case. And thank you for your nice comment re the pic. It is a horrible picture of me but I posted it anyway to show our pretty kitty logos. And that shows how comfortable I feel here because I have no problem at all posting the unflattering pics hahaha.

Ovi, I hope you had a good night's sleep and are feeling well rested and good today. I am looking forward to hearing about your weekend and your day yesterday and hope that it will be a good week for you. Again, thank you so much for all your empathetic and kind words and all your support. It means so much to me.

My clinic director called me yesterday late afternoon to make sure I would be in on the 8 hour (that's a long one) webinar this Wednesday. I am doing it from home and Greg will set me up if I need him to help but then he is going to work. The clinic director also tried asking in a round about way as to when I am returning to work. But he didn't come out and ask me that exactly but that is what he wanted to know so I told him I am not sure but hopefully soon. LOL how is that for indecision. Just not sure what I can handle and when I can handle it.

I am going back to not just a physical challenge but a mental one as well as we are going to be full on EHR (electronic health records) by the time I return and from what I understand that is going to be difficult for anyone like me who is not computer or technologically savvy so naturally I am apprehensive and given all I have been through this year I am reluctant to go through anything too unpleasant if it is not necessary.

I remember in the throes of my physical pain before during and after the surgery I made up my mind that I was going to try to make sure I had more happy experiences than stressful ones after this. Though I tried describing the pain I went through in this thread I am not sure I did it justice. It was horrible and well I am going to be a little selfish right now and return to work (because I do want to at least try) but only when I feel capable and confident.

Thanks for listening ladies and I am so glad everyone is sharing their feelings and experiences here. Marcy I like how you describe us as fighters. And you are right in that life is mostly good. Thanks for the reminder. It is good to remember that.
Please continue group chatting away and (((Hugs))) to everyone.

ETA Marcy, I forgot to answer your black opal question sorry. I have a thread on it somewhere here...not great pics as you know it is hard to get good pics of opals especially from a phone but here is the thread and a pic for you.




Jun 7, 2014
Hi Missy, OVincze and Marcy. I hope everyone's Tuesday is going well. Missy, I am so glad you have decided to go back to work when it feels right to you. You have been thru so much both physically and mentally the past few months and from what you have said in the past the administrator doesn't sound like the easiest person to work for. Thank goodness you have great patients! I will be interested to hear how the webinar goes tomorrow. Please try not to stress too much about everything changing over to electronics. I'm not very computer savvy either and everytime we changed software and systems it was always just a matter of becoming familiar with the new software and everyone was off and running. Getting past the learning curve is always the roughest. Are others in your office learning this at the same time? That usually makes it easier on everyone because you can all learn together and help each other.

Your opal ring is beautiful! It's so funny that Greg and Marty love watches. My husband has also been biten by the watch bug in the past couple of years.

How is your ankle and toe feeling today?

Marcy, I'm sorry for all you have been thru with the loss of your parents. They sound like they were wonderful parents which I'm sure makes it much more difficult? My heart goes out to you. Hugs

We are now getting colder weather and the snow will be here soon. The weather is 20 degrees colder today than it was yesterday. Please be careful driving, How I hated the 2 to 3 hour drive home from work in the snow. It doesn't seem nearly as bad now that I can watch it snow from the couch with a cup of cocoa or coffee in my hand!

OVincze, I hope you are doing well.


Feb 5, 2014
Hi girls,

It is so nice to read about your day and also very sweet of you to ask about me, thanks! It really does mean a lot to me too and it is normal that I care and I am saying this to all of you, Missy, you, especially with your current pain and issues but they will definitely get better, sometimes it definitely appears as you are taking a step forward and two back but in reality if you think long term how much have you progressed since the accident? Just think about that. You have been very brave and strong and do all you can do that makes you feel give, gives you positive energy, PT is wonderful and you see to have such a nice relationship with the therapist, this is wonderful. Read, shop, write to us, whatever you can do that soothes your soul too, kitty time, nice coffee in the morning, haha, we definitely share that passion too. I do not want to enable you but if you also love scents, they can have a very soothing effect on your soul, I wish you could do these scent games we did before but I think the times are over, those were so much fun and you could do that at home. Gorgeous opal ring, talk about enabling us, will read your thread for sure! I still wish you could try some of these creams we would recommend but I know you are unsure. My problems went away. I gently exfoliated for a while and did La Mer or Clinique is a lot less and great too, I too think I have seb derm because of the raised bumps. It is not 100% healed, guess it never will be but under control, of course I do not want to recommend something and then it does not work but perhaps you could try samples. You have to decide though, I just hope that a solution to this problem can be found, itchy skin is so horrible. Could you also have allergies and could antihistamines help you think? I know we talked about them here before but for sleep mostly.

Callie, I am so glad your baby is better. With all the experience I have with animals I can tell you that we always think of the worst but it rarely is. Yes, there are those cases when our worst fears come through. I have always dreaded FIP after my first loss and always feared it and thought someone had it if they only sneezed and then my soulmate kitty died of it, so while it can happen for this one sad example I can give you at least two hundred that were not big issues. I too worry of course but also would recommend you Vetri DMG, I have said this before but it is the best stuff around for animals. Mostly a preventative but a cure to most ailments that affect the immune system. Completely natural enzyme and my miracle stuff. When I raised baby kittens if I had them on it from 2-3 weeks of age they never experienced problems. If I see the smallest sign of trouble in my cats or dogs I use it right away. My Pumie the 13 year old Aby neuter with numerous genetic diseases gets if he shows any early sign of a urinary infection and last time he never needed antibiotics. Worth a try in my opinion. Ah, I want to see your Tory Burch and khm maybe Tory Burches soon.:))) I am an enabler and say you deserve both, you know we do not really buy what we need but what we love then we can also buy some things we need and love too.

Marcy, I can really feel your pain that you have experienced very deep pain. I have gone through many phases of this during my life, not sure which is the worst but I think anxiety post trauma when you cannot let go and let your pain out is the worst, not sleeping, fast heartbeats, nightmares, etc. Numbness, been there and yes awful too but unfortunately even numbness does not mean you cannot experience pain again but it is very bad because if you keep the pain inside you it can cause health problems for you. Crying the pain out is great, I know it is not at first but it needs to come out and it is a step in the healing process, the good thing is when you can still cry. I did writing too for that reason. You do feel some relief afterwards, again it is a very slow process. Music can also evoke a lot of emotions in me and has a lot of healing power for me but you have to see what works for you. I do think walking and imagining letting go works, you can even talk to the person, maybe you want to do it several times, I know I have, still it is not easy I know. I have never had a chance to tell my grandma since she fell into coma five minutes before I got to her room and I was there the whole time but I do believe she heard me and felt me because she did seem to press my hand while I was holding hers. Of course they said a lot of these things were not conscious but they do not need to be, I just hope that she perceived me and the things I said to her then. It is very hard when you cannot really say good bye and in this case perhaps sudden death is the worst thing because we are not prepared at all. Of course you will never forget your day but often I know we do not want to let go because we feel guilty that if we did, we would forget them. This is not true though as they will always remain with us and be a part of us literally too and I am absolutely sure that they would want us to be happy. I do understand not being able to read, after my trauma two years ago I could never read a book again, it happens, eventually you will be able to but until then find other things soothing you, hobbies, etc. Even just talking here if this helps you, we always want to know. Thanks you for being so kind to me saying the things you did, I truly appreciate that.

Hugs to you all, busy, busy week, do not even remember the weekend by now.:))) Busy can be good though but I always feels that it is either too much going on or nothing at all. I know kind of wish I could stay home to read articles, PS, talk to you, etc. Talk to you soon.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone!

Missy, I had to go with lighter handbags too. I used to carry practically everything but the kitchen sink but would get stiff necks from lugging it around on my shoulder. Now I have a small file, keys, tissues, chap stick, a ring box, a little bottle of aspirin and advil and my wallet.

Thank you about the kind words and thoughts about my parents. I really appreciate it.

My knee felt ever so slightly better today so I will go do my exercises after NCIS is over. I plan on seeing a doctor next year to see what they say. I’ve put it off but I should at least see where I am. Having your screws and or plate removed is a tough decision.

The spectrum light sounds very cool. I would never have thought about the magnet and your metal. We have this little deal similar to a kids toy kaleidoscope that is really cool to look through and watch all the sparkly things float by. It is very relaxing so hopefully your spectrum light brings you some positive feelings.

I hope the new prescription helps your face. Sometimes when your skin is really flared up it seems like things make them worse instead of better.

I am glad you are comfortable with all of us in the Missy thread.

Your opal is AMAZING! What great fire and colors. Very pretty.

Calliecake, learning new software and systems can be stressful at first but as you said once you get past that initial learning curve it’s fine.

That is too funny your husband likes watches like Greg and Marty. Marty tells me he is just getting even with me dragging to all those jewelry stores over the years.

Thank you for the big hugs for my parents. They were good people and I feel lucky to have been their daughter.

Ugh to taking 2 to 3 hours to drive home in the snow. I stress about my 20-30 minute drive. We haven’t had much snow but I saw where some places are really getting hit. Strange so much of the country is getting impacted by the remnants of a tropical storm.

Ovi, thanks for mentioning how scents can be comforting. I love the smell of vanilla candles; I should pick some up. I threw them all out when we moved and I miss them. I like all the suggestions you gave us and Missy of things to do to keep busy and brighten our days. Thanks!

I like you are an enabler for us with the shopping bug. Someone at work today sent me a link to some Snoopy things that I am sure I’ll be purchasing SOON.

Thank you for your kind words about dealing with grief and losing my parents. I think I still have to let some of it out and definitely have good days and bad. I am sorry you’ve been through such deep pain and I agree keeping it in and being numb to it can only lead to more issues and concerns. I really kept myself busy and strong cleaning out their house, settling their estate, selling the house, etc. and once that was done I have to face reality. I am sure your grandma knew you were there. No loss is easy to deal with and I know you never get over it; you get more used to it. I honestly have admitted more of my feelings here with you ladies than I have so far so even though some of this brings tears to my eyes it’s good for me.

Thank you all for listening!

It’s still cold and icy here but there isn’t much snow. I have to be home tomorrow to let in the cleaning lady so I asked the boss if I could work from home until about 1. He wasn’t happy but he agreed. It’s not like I won’t do my work.

Have a great day tomorrow.



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning ladies. I am doing the light box and honey treatment and having my morning coffee as we speak. Talk about multitasking.

Today's the day for the webinar so I am a bit apprehensive as I am not sure I will be able to follow along and being at home is an interesting situation. Once Greg leaves this morning there is no one to help me out should I get stuck. It is an 8 hour webinar with phone participation throughout. My very first one so wish me luck.

Meanwhile I have a few hours so I can do what I need to do re my PT exercises and cardio after my morning coffee. The last 2 days I have been walking around my neighborhood by myself a couple of miles each day after PT since the weather was so lovely. It was the perfect weather for my walking. After today's mild weather here though it is turning rather cold so I guess the fun has come to an end. I don't care for harsh weather and neither does my skin so now I have to figure out fun activities that involve walking inside that isn't just shopping or else we will go broke haha.

Marcy, I am glad your boss agreed for you to work from home at least part of the day. If the weather turns treacherous for travel I hope he allows you to work from home for the whole day. I am glad you can share your feelings here with us. You are among friends who care and understand as we have all lost someone(s) we love and know how traumatic that loss is and all the feelings that go along with it. (((Hugs))).

Ovi, you are such a kind person and thank you again for all your lovely words and thoughts. I already take allergy meds since I am chock full of allergies. Big surprise right haha. Not ready to try OTC cosmetic treatments yet as I wrote my skin just reacts badly to most things. I am trying the honey mask right now every other day and we shall see if I can tolerate that. Part of me is nervous that I might make things worse but I have to try. So far I will say it feels OK except it makes everything very sticky lol.

I am going to try remembering to ask my sister about your recommendation of Vetri DMG. Very interested to hear what she has to say. It sounds like it has been so helpful for your sweet fur babies.

It's funny how you wrote you cannot even remember the weekend. It's weird for me because even though I am not working the days are passing so quickly. I think the mind protects us that way. During my house bound days when I was literally unable to leave for months (besides 2 follow ups with the surgeon) the days just sped by thank goodness. It has to be a protective mechanism. And now that I am mobile again the week flies by too and I always look forward to the weekends when Greg is home and we make plans to do things even if just to walk around together. We find our routines during the week even when not working and that allows time to have some meaning if you understand what I mean. I understand what you mean when you write there is either too much going on or nothing at all from a unique perspective given what has happened. I understand it too well perhaps.

As for what you write about your grandma I get it and I am so sorry you went through that and lost your grandmother. My heart goes out to you. The pain of losing someone so dear is never really gone.
My grandmother died suddenly and I did not get to say goodbye. In fact what happened the Monday before she died that Friday will always haunt me to some degree. I visited her briefly as I did every Monday those days and I was in a rush to leave and run errands etc so I cut the visit short even though I could tell she would have liked me to stay longer and that was the last time I saw her. I told her that Monday as I was leaving I would see her next Monday and spend more time with her and that was the very last time I saw her. My heart breaks every time I think of that day 22 plus years ago. I spoke with her on the phone every day but the last time I saw and hugged her was the day I was rushing my visit with her. The pain feels still fresh almost as fresh as when she died. My heart will never be healed from losing her. I miss her so.

Callie, glad your sweet dog is all better. It is always so worrisome when they get sick and you are not sure that it is something simple that will go away by itself.

The webinar is going to have a lot of people from my clinic and the Next Gen company in on it but I will be at home by myself taking it so if I run into trouble I have to figure it out or I will be SOL. Everyone at work is already more up to speed than I am as the EHR training started in August and as you know I was/am out of commission since June so we'll see. Not really stressing too much about it because I have perspective and I am prepared for the worst. Meaning if I decide I cannot handle it I am not putting myself through torture.

The clinic chief (the one with sociopathic tendencies) was very nice when he called me Monday afternoon to remind me of the webinar today but I can tell he is impatient to have me back and get me up to speed. And I know he is on his best behavior because he wants me back which is nice but I also know that his true colors will come out as soon as (or perhaps even before depending on his tolerance level at the time) I return. But still I plan on trying my best because I feel too young to call it quits though believe me many times I feel ready. Just depends on how much I am dealing with at the time.

Right now I am still dealing with a lot so that is the reason for my wavering on the job issue but I did tell him I am returning and I plan on keeping my word unless I just cannot. I can only control what I can control.

OK I meant this to be an upbeat post and lol once again it is somewhat gut wrenching but I hope healing for all to get our emotions out. Ovi, I love music and a good cry and physical activity for just that reason. It allows you to work through your emotions and get them out for peace and healing at least to some degree. And I wish all of us peace and healing and love.
As Marcy wrote life is mainly good and we just have to work it out and make it so. (((Hugs))) to all.


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Missy, Marcy and Ovi, I hope everyone had a nice evening and is doing well.

Missy, Good luck today with the webinar. I hope everything goes well and even if it doesn't go the way you would like today, don't stress about it. I seriously don't know why your boss is not waiting until you are back and work and healthy before you start learning this. I will be anxiously waiting to hear how it goes with you today. Just remember this is a learning process and you are not going to get the hang of it immediately. Put the overachiever in you in a closet for a little while. Believe me I know I'm asking the impossible sweetie. Seriously, after you get the hang of it you will be off and running. It's the in between learning part of a new system that's the killer. I remember all too well coming home and crying to my husband that there was no way I was going to get the hang of something similar to what you are going thru. A month later it was as if I'd been doing it for years. Be gentle to your self and come here to cry and moan to me if its difficult. This is just yet another thing you will get thru. One day at a time. Keep repeating that if you feel overwhelmed. I'm just not sure this is something you should be dealing with now.

I have to run but will post more later. As always, I am I'm your side and am pulling for you sweetie! :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Hi Callie! I'm on a 30 min lunch break and OMG. EHR is so confusing and I feel so stupid. And I am sure all the questions I am asking show how stupid I am lol. I will really only learn this hands on in action seeing my patients. It is going to be a steep learning curve. Before we ended the AM session for lunch I had to ask how to get back into the webinar lol. I am sure they are shaking their heads in wonderment how I ever managed graduating and getting a degree in my profession. :oops:

In the middle of the morning session I got interrupted with call waiting by my PT place twice so I texted Greg to see what was happening. The PT place said my health insurance won't pay for any more PT. :(( Greg is trying to sort it out for me but I am worried. I cannot believe health insurance these days. Anyway just another worry and I hope we can get it sorted out or figure out an alternative. Everything is sucha huge money drain lately more than ever and with me not working all these past months and uncertain about the future, well, I am concerned.

Thank you so much for checking in with me and as always your caring support and encouragement. You really are a sweetheart Callie. Enjoy the rest of the day and I also hope everyone is having a lovely day. :wavey:


Jun 17, 2009
Hi missy, you're probably doing your webinar right now, so I'm late in wishing you luck on that! I also wanted to echo Callie's sentiments, which she said better than I could…and that is not to worry too much about getting all this stuff down right away! Learning something new and complicated takes time, go easy on yourself and try not to put too much pressure on yourself. Don't worry, you'll get this new system down!

I just saw that you've been having a rough time lately, and I'm so sorry about that - you've been through a life-altering event and have been through so much trauma these past months, both mentally and physically, so it's really understandable that you feel overwhelmed and a bit defeated at times. I don't have any words of wisdom or fantastic advice, I wish I had some magical words that would make things better for you, but I don't and that is so frustrating for me! But I can offer my support, my friendship, my concern, and my shoulder to cry on whenever you need it! And I can safely say that everyone else that participates in this thread feels the same way! ((((hugs)))) Vent, complain, cry….do anything in this thread you want - Sometimes just letting all those emotions out can be pretty therapeutic!

I also wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kinds words in the random comments thread! The fact that you are thinking of me with all you are dealing with means so much to me, more than I can say. Your support and comforting words truly lifted my spirits! It's amazing how beneficial and healing kind words and a show of caring can be! You have such a good heart missy, and are really a very special person.

Oh, and you are also beautiful on the outside as well as the inside! I know you're really upset about your skin right now, and I promise I'm not just saying this to make you feel better - but I can't get over how young you look!!! Why oh why did I bake myself in the sun all those years? If I didn't maybe I'd look like you lol!

ETA just saw your update - Don't be too hard on yourself! I'll bet you're doing fine - it sounds complicated! You'll get it!
Also hoping the PT issue gets straightened out…I agree that navigating the health insurance system is a major headache these days!


Jun 8, 2008
Dear Junebug, thank you so much for all your support and encouragement and for your very kind words. I feel the same way about you. You are such a special person with the most generous heart and you embody what truly beautiful means.

Please skip the next few paragraphs if you don't want to read a long rant/vent. But for those who want to I apologize in advance. I am in a not good mood right now. :nono:

Right now I am beyond aggravated with the insurance company and the PT place. I am being denied further PT despite having well over 25 pieces of metal in my leg and still being in need of professional assistance re PT.

Greg spent 3 hours on the phone today and I joined him as soon as my webinar was finished fighting with the insurance company. Right now we have to wait for Victor to file an appeal and in the meantime I am going to do PT at home. This is a horrible game the insurance company plays with our well being. Deny deny deny and delay delay delay. I hope there is a place in he** for the people that play these games with others health.

Oh and to add insult to injury I called the PT place but unfortunately Victor had just left and asked Ethan (one of the receptionists) to email him with the phone number he has to call to file an appeal and you know what the receptionist told me? Oh I don't have his phone number (I didn't ask him to call him) and then he said I will email him but doubt he checks the email and he won't be in till after 12 noon tomorrow. Unfortunately that would be too late to get an appointment for the appeal for tomorrow. Well I for one know for a fact that Ethan has his number as they are friends. WTH and I didn't even ask for him to call him anyway.

It's a long story but if the PT place hadn't waited so long to call and tell me about this (they knew 2 days ago) I could have had a better chance of straightening it out sooner yanno? I am just frustrated and now disappointed in the PT place. I guess I am a rare person because if a patient needs to contact me after hours I try making myself available via phone. I mean what happened to caring professionals? :(


Feb 27, 2007
Happy One More Week Till Marty Comes Home!!!!

Missy, you are starting the day right! I hope it set a relaxing tone for you all day.

The webinar sounds lengthy for you. My first webinar didn’t go well – I didn’t know to call in and finally went and told my boss “I can’t hear anything through my speakers”. He told me there is a number to call. I sure felt silly. I always find more new things sink in than we think so you’ll process a lot of what you heard today with time. The new processes will become easier once you use them routinely if you decide to return to work. I am sure you’ll get it all figured out.

Going for long walks sound great and hopefully you’ll have lots of days where the weather allows you to get out.

I have worked from home a few times during blizzards and again my boss wasn’t amused but he didn’t say no. If Marty is out of town I am not going out when there are big drifts. It isn’t worth it.

I am so sorry about your grandma. I am sure she enjoyed your visits every week and we all know we never get to spend enough time with those we love. I am sending big hugs your way.

I hate to hear the insurance company doesn’t want to pay for more PT. I would be aggravated too that the PT place knew for 2 days and didn’t tell you. I would be down right agitated that the receptionist wouldn’t at least try to help you and pass on some information. I wonder if your surgeon can help out by ordering more PT? I have no idea if you tried that or if it works but that is something I would try. I hope it gets worked out SOON.

Hi Ovi, Callie and Junebug!



Jun 7, 2014
Hi Missy, Ethan certainly dropped the ball on this one. I wish I could say I was surprised. I've dealt with a similar situation with my doctors office in the past few months and I was fuming. Do they not understand that it's their job to assist and help the patients. Some people just have a terrible work ethic. Hopefully you will be able to get this resolved tomorrow. I would probably ask to speak to a manager and let them know that you should have been notified and this should have been taken care of immediately. Sitting on someone's desk for two days is not acceptable. It's a bad reflection on them as far as how they treat their patients, not to mention they could possibly be losing money. It seems money is all the insurance companies seem to care about now.

Did you survive the webinar??? Don't worry about looking bad for asking questions. When my mom was in the hospital one of the nurses was learning how to complete the electronic chart. My mom said she was waiting for the nurse to throw the computer across the room. You will get the hang of it. Don't stress about this one.

How are your ankle and toe feeling today? Is your face feeling/looking better. Did the honey mask work it's magic?

Marcy and Ov, How was your day?

Junebug, So glad to see your post. I hope you are doing well.


Jun 17, 2009
Missy, I'm so frustrated for you about the PT sessions and how everything was handled - you definitely don't need this aggravation! Marcy had a good suggestion in seeing if the doctor can order more sessions. I really hope this all gets straightened out soon, hang in there!

Thanks Callie - I'm doing ok! Thanks for thinking of me :))


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning ladies. I hope everyone had a good night.

Marcy, Woohoo only one more week till Marty's arrival back home to his darling wife!!!!!

Thank you for your suggestion. The insurance company and PT place already have the surgeon's Rx for PT through at least January till he evaluates me at my January follow up appointment. I will see what happens and if they refuse the appeal which is my last chance I will call the surgeon's office and see if Andrew (PA) has any further suggestions. I remember Rainwood said she was refused PT after a couple of months of sessions and just did it on her own so that might be it for me.

The thing is, Cigna allows unlimited PT if necessary but they passed me off to Orthonet (secondary insurance I think?) who is in charge of handling the approval or something like that and Orthonet said based on the therapist's notes I was not improving any further so that is why they denied the request for more PT. BUT I cannot believe Victor wrote that as he said though my progress is slow that is normal for my type of injury (Pilon fracture). So I need to wait till this afternoon to see if I can speak with Victor and fix this mess.

Callie, I have only done 2 honey masks and just started this past Monday so no improvement yet. I believe it said it takes a week to see any changes so another few days to see if it might help or not. When the weather warmed up for the last few days I was a bit better but now that it is getting colder again it is flaring so trying not to let it get the better of me or my mood because I have too much stuff on my plate and my mood is struggling to not be down in the dumps given all the stress with PT being denied.

I explained some of what happened at PT incorrectly in my previous post and just want to clear it up. They did not receive the fax denying me further PT till yesterday morning so sorry for that wrong explanation yesterday. What I meant was I didn't realize there was any issue till they called yesterday but it seems this has been brewing for a while and PT was aware of that but Victor was trying to fix it and did a peer to peer review last week working on this issue. The PT place didn't make me aware of any potential problem however until they got this flat out denial so not sure that is their fault as perhaps that is their protocol. I just would have liked to have known there was a potential issue so I could have been on top of it. They handled some of this incorrectly and I would have done a few things differently. Not sure the outcome would have been different but at least I would have done all I could have. Now I just have to wait and see what happens as it is totally not in my control but Victor's and Orthonet's control. Sorry for that misunderstanding. Yesterday was a long day for me and I was not in a good place frame of mind wise.

Just when I think OK I can handle this BAM something else happens. And frankly I am getting sick of complaining here and crying and whining because I am not liking this sad sack person I seem to be becoming. I have to SNAP out of it and just deal with whatever the situation is and make the best of it. Crying about it (as much as I am that is) is pathetic and I am getting frustrated with myself.

Junebug,I am always keeping you and your family in my good thoughts. Just because I have stuff happening in my personal life doesn't mean I don't have room in my heart or mind for others who are going through rough times. You are one of my favorite PSers (along with the other ladies who have been with me throughout this challenging journey) and will always hold a special place in my heart. It's amazing how people who have never met IRL can be special to me but it's true and I am thankful for all you generous and warm hearted ladies.

Ovi, hope all is going smoothly for you.


Jun 8, 2008
Finally spoke with Victor and he has a peer to peer review scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. Unfortunately when it comes down to this point (i.e. peer to peer review) even if they approve me for more sessions after Victor's peer to peer review the best case is they will only approve a few more PT sessions and that's it.

I also called my surgeon's office and asked for a letter of medical necessity be sent to Cigna requesting more PT. The receptionist said it would be sent sometime next week and they needed to send it to my PT place who would then forward it to my insurance. Best I can do now.

I also have a call in to a supervisor at Orthonet to see if anyone there has common sense as to what the right thing is to do here as my surgeon and therapist both say I need more PT and someone who has never evaluated me is cutting me off. I cannot believe there is no further recourse I have but there it is. ::)

Anyway that's the update and thanks for reading.


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Missy, Hopefully Victor will be able to get the approval for future sessions. If your doctor and the Victor are both requesting further PT sessions and feel this is necessary, can they still refuse to pay? It would seem that a set amount of sessions would not work for every patient and would be handled on a case by case basis. I remember being afraid that my primary care physician was not going to approve a specialist that I wanted to see therefore making it nearly impossible to have the visit with this doctor covered by insurance. I was told by the insurance representative that if it wasn't approved, the insurance company would assign a person that would act as my advocate and work on my behalf to get it approved. I hope this is making sense? I wonder if your insurance company has something similar.

Give the mask a little time. Doesn't it usually take a few days before you would start seeing and feeling results?

I hope your feeling a little better. Please don't feel bad about not being in a great mood the past couple days. Honestly with everything that's been thrown at you lately of course you are feeling a little down. It sounds like today wasn't a great day. That by no means makes you a sad sack! Don't get down on yourself. You are just frustrated with all of this as anyone would be. If it makes you feel any better, I also felt like a sad sack yesterday. I started to feel better today. I watched my baby niece for a few hours this afternoon. She is the happiest baby and she loves to snuggle. It's hard to be in a bad mood when she is around. The good news is the sad sack thing doesn't usually last too long!

I can't believe you have been able to take long walks in your neighbor by yourself. That is great progress Missy. Are there any indoor malls located near your home. That might be something you can do when the weather starts to get bad. There is a huge mall within an hour of our home that is be perfect for just walking around when it's bad outside. Often in the morning seniors will get together and just walk laps around the mall for exercise. i have seen them doing it year round. Just a thought for something you could do to get out of the house. I just worry about you running into icy patches outside while trying to get someplace like a mall.

Hi Macy, Thank goodness you only have one more week to go before Marty is back home. I hope you have fun things to do this weekend to make the time go by quickly.

OV, I hope all is well with you. I know you were expecting to have a busy week.

Junebug, I think of you often and hope you and your family are doing well. I know how hard it can be to be the care giver especially when taking care of a loved one.

I'll post again tomorrow Missy!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning ladies. I hope everyone is doing well this chilly November morning!

Callie, yes, sadly the insurance is in charge. I spoke personally with someone from Cigna yesterday and he was very nice but he told me that it doesn't matter if the surgeon and therapist request more sessions. Their insurance people have to deem it necessary and that I am improving otherwise I am out of luck. Well, he didn't say it that way but that was the meaning. After I got off the phone with him I just cried. I am such a baby but it makes me feel better.

I have a honey update for you Callie (lol not that kind of honey but still a sweet kind nonetheless haha): I just finished my 3rd honey mask this morning and took a quick picture. I don't want to jinx it and it could be coincidence as it has only been 3 masks that I have done so far but so far so good. Less itchiness and no blotchiness however since the weather is getting colder and drier that might all change and I will reserve final judgement till the month of doing the honey masks are over and will report back just in case your niece might benefit from the info. Disclaimer: I am wearing lipgloss in the pic but no other makeup. My eyes look uneven in size but they really aren't and my hair is a dry mess but that is my fault and I will be remedying that tomorrow as I am getting a much needed haircut. OMG now I remember why I hate pics haha. They really magnify weirdness.

I am trying to remain upbeat no matter the circumstances and engaging in activities to force me to get out and about. This weather is tough for me so it will be something I just have to do no matter my mood. I am on day 3 (I think) of the lightbox and have not noticed any change yet re SAD but it takes time I think. I am still waking up before 4AM every day so I am pretty tired especially with waking up in the middle of the night every night as well. Just so much on my mind. I still want to try fixing this with the light box and mind over matter before I resort to pills. Nothing is without side effects so that is the reason.

I will find out later this afternoon about PT if I am approved for any more sessions and if so how many. Greg just wants to pay privately but I have a few reasons I am not thrilled with that. One, Victor has a few patients each hour so I only get a short time with him and not every session does he do hands on i.e. manipulating my ankle/toe etc so if I am paying privately that would aggravate me. It is not Victor's fault as the owner sets the pace and all the therapists see a lot of patients. Two, the money will really add up so if I go that route I will do one maintenance session per week with Victor at full price and the rest of the week on my own. That way I get Victor's input and still getting his expertise but just not 3 times a week. Hopefully that will be sufficient.

Let's see what happens today though and I am keeping my fingers crossed I can still be covered under my insurance.

Thinking of everyone and hoping the day goes smoothly for all. :wavey:



Jun 7, 2014
Hi Missy, I can understand your frustration with the insurance company. One would think they would want you to continue with PT until all the progress that can be made to your ankle is completed. Hopefully Victor will be able to get a few more sessions approved. It sounds as if though you have an excellent plan in place if the insurance company fails to approve more sessions. You are not one to slack off and not complete the exercises. If you only see Victor once a week and continue the exercises using Victor's direction, I think you will be fine. Please don't feel bad for feeling frustrated and sad about this. I would feel the same way. You ankle is not completely healed and I think it's only normal to think the insurance company would continue paying for therapy until you and Victor are happy with where you are regarding your progress. At the very least I would think they would pay a portion of the PT sessions. It fine to have good cry. You have every right to feel as you do. Please don't be so hard on yourself.

OMG your face looks beautiful. It looks like the blotchy patches are completely gone. Do you think the mask has work this well? This looks like a night and day difference from what you were describing last week. Am I correct? I called my niece this morning and she said her skin has really improved since she quit using the prescriptions. She said the redness and flakiness has really subsided. The bumps are still there but have greatly improved. She said she won't try the mask unless it acts up again. She said she looks great with make up now so she seems to be happy.

I wish you lived closer. At the very least we could grab a cup of coffee and go for a walk. We could go look at bling. Thats always a mood booster. I'm off to take the Tory Burch purse back to the store. Not matter how many times I tell myself I will switch out bags, I know I won't. This is huge for me. Normally I would keep it and it would sit on the shelf with rest of the bags. I'm going to look at the larger Tory Burch bag to see if I'm still in love with it. Seems like the better way to go. At least I know I will use the larger bag,

It's been a rough couple of days with my family. My dads situation seems better. At least he hasn't asked for money even though he has hinted at it. My niece who had the baby called upset that she isn't getting along with her parents. She has a lot of credit card debt and is living at home to save enough for her boyfriend and her to get an apartment, The whole thing is a mess and a large part of the problem is that her parents have never taught her how to manage money or a good work ethic. I just feel bad for the baby. My husband and I have offered to have them come over on multiple occasions to go over their finances and get them on the right track. Unfortunately they don't want to do that but they all expect me to write a check and make their problems disappear. I have bailed them out in the past and am not going to continue doing so. We do plan on talking to them this weekend but they are not going to like hearing what we have to say unfortunately. They need to show some ownership in helping to fix this mess. My husband and I are just kind of tired of feeling like we are their private bank. See Missy, no one has a a perfect life. I do realize this is nothing compared to what you have had to endure and really am counting my blessings!


Jun 7, 2014
I forgot to tell you I want your thick and pretty hair!!!


Jun 8, 2008
Hi Callie, I am so sorry you have had a rough couple of days with family. You and your dh are so generous and warm and I know you are doing all you can for them. But your niece has to behave like a grown up and while you are wonderful for helping her and advising her you can only do so much for them. Hopefully they will come to that realization and be independent responsible adults. I am sorry though because I know it cannot be easy watching loved ones make not such great decisions. I am glad your dad is not overstepping and I hope it remains that way. Hugs Callie and know you are doing all you can and I am glad you are not letting them take (too much) advantage.

How is your mom doing?

Well, the peer to peer review did not go well. I was denied any further PT sessions. Now we have to go to the appeal process and cannot do that until my surgeon's office writes that letter of medical necessity. I called them again after I found out I was denied and the receptionist there said the letter will not be ready till mid next week at best. Sigh. A total frustration.

I was on the phone again with Orthonet and Cigna for well over an hour after Victor called me and told me what happened and I am emotionally drained. The insurance runaround is horrific and I definitely see the writing on the wall. It's unbelievable because the peer to peer review was done by a general physician on orthonet's side. Victor told me that and he flat out denied any further PT based on that I was not making any (enough?) progress. Except I don't have a simple ankle fracture. I wish. So they are throwing me out to drown basically. Nice.

Thanks for the hair comment Callie but no my hair is a wreck these days. I love you for your kindness but haha my hair these days should not be on anyone's wish list lol.


Jul 1, 2014
An enormous hug to you. It is unbelievably draining to be screwed over like that by faceless bean crunchers whose only job responsibility is to get the insurance industry even more windfall profits than it already enjoys (top money making business in the world). They are assuming you have enough money to pay for your PT but not enough to sue them. Yes to a special place in hell for those people.

I did not like the number of clients the therapist saw during 'my' hour. His attention was fragmented at best and there were times the place was so filled with tottering unassisted elderly clients I was really concerned they would fall into or onto me. I finally left when I knew I felt unsafe there and the therapists just stood watching clients zombie around. So I hear ya regarding paying yourself for exactly what.

You might pay for a therapist to design you a home program, written out and with diagrams as necessary.

It shouldn't have to be this way.

Have you spoken with the benefits coordinator at work (yours or Greg's depending on who your coverage is via)? They should know about this and should get involved also.


Jun 8, 2008
Thanks Kristie, I need those hugs and gladly accept them and am sending warm hugs back to you.

According to Greg his benefits coordinator is not going to be helpful as I already inquired about that possibility. He will speak with him on Monday however just in case.

I am going to see Victor once a week and I will continue with my home exercises and I will ask Victor about writing up a more comprehensive home plan for me. Victor told me yesterday the most important thing I can do right now is walk as much as I can tolerate. Of course the windchill is going to be making the weather feel as if it were in the single (fahrenheit scale) digits by midweek and I don't do well in the really cold temps but I am going to do the best I can and I am not giving up. I wish I could get satisfaction from the horrible insurance companies but I am not going to focus (any more) energy on them except to make sure the info that is necessary gets submitted to them. But again it isn't looking good with respect to getting the verdict overturned.

What upsets me most after processing this whole thing in my mind is not so much that the insurance company denied me any future PT that my surgeon, therapist and I still think I need (it's only been 2 months of weight bearing and a few weeks of that was only partial weight bearing) but that I am not progressing (or very slowly progressing). It took some time for me to realize that is what is upsetting me so much.

I know I cannot move my ankle (past neutral) any more than I could a month or even 2 months ago though when I put weight on it I am moving it more than that. Not sure I am moving it much more though. Also, I am walking for the most part without a cane so there's progress there. Another issue is my pain hasn't improved for over a month now re my toe and ankle and that is another negative for the insurance company. No improvement there so that's it for me. Bye.

But the most troubling issue for me is the feeling that perhaps I will not be able to progress further (I mean the doctor at the insurance company told Victor that either I will progress on my own or that's it for me but therapy is no longer helping me) and now I will have to live with my limitations (and pain) as they are now. Greg gets mad when I think like that and as I said I am not giving up but it does worry me that I am not progressing faster despite Victor saying it is a slow process. If that is true why does the insurance company not take that into account? I know it is their job to limit the PT to save themselves money but the fact remains my progress is very very slow.

Those are my thoughts this morning and thanks for your input as always Kristie. I hope all is well with you and that you are enjoying the autumn season. Before we know it winter will be here though if I remember correctly you live somewhere the climate is nice all year round with mild winters. Oh wouldn't I love to be somewhere like that right now. I'd be walking up a storm (so to speak lol). Enjoy the weekend!


Jun 17, 2009
Missy, so sorry for all these insurance woes! I had a feeling that comment was going to bug you - even though I'm in my 50's I am so confused by this insurance stuff (have had to deal with it because of my mother), but I'm thinking the determination that you aren't progressing fast enough and that further therapy will not benefit you is at least in part a subjective call…how can anyone really know that for sure? It sounds like a standard reason given not to pay for any more therapy IMO. I'm sure you're not the only one who has been given that response. Please try not to let the comment get you down - everyone is different, and people progress at different rates, and it doesn't sound like the severity of your injury was taken into account :confused: - I can't help but think if you continue with your exercises, even on your own, you will progress. It sounds like you have the tools and knowledge to continue on your own - and if it turns out insurance won't cover any more PT, paying out of pocket once a week for sessions with Victor sounds like a good idea. At least you'll feel you have some support and guidance. Hugs to you, I know all this is very worrisome and troubling - and confusing!!!


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Missy, Okay, first things first, hugs and more hugs. The doctor who is making the decisions for the insurance company is a general practitioner. There is a huge difference between a GP and an orthopedic surgeon. He probably has minimal experience with the type of injury you had other than to send the person who had the injury to see a specialist. His job now is to save the insurance company the most money he can. The insurance company knows your husband has a good job and you will more than likely pay for future PT sessions on your own. They are only concerned about doing all they can to save the company they work for money. Pretty much what Kristie and June bug said above. I know its pretty sad but it is so true. I think they know people are going to pay out of their pocket if they don't cover it. Let's be honest, if it were me, I would definately pay for the extra PT sessions because I'd want to have my to ankle function as best as it possibly can. I would keep fighting the insurance company. They count on people just accepting there refusal.

Like Junebug, I also was worried that you would focus on the comment about you not making progress. You ARE making progress. Look at all you have done in the past month. You will continue to make progress. Victor has said this is a slow process since the very beginning. So in reality nothing is any different from what you have known all along. Please, please ignore the stupid comment. It doesn't mean anything. You will continue to do better. Just focus on your plan with seeing Victor once a week and doing the exercises on your own. Please don't let this get you down Missy or let it affect you mentally going forward.

Don't give up on fighting the insurance company. My husband had his gall bladder removed a few years ago. We fought for a whole year to have them pay for the operation. In the end they paid but they didn't want to because it was performed at a hospital they did not want us to use. My husband had a gallbladder attack at 11:00pm. We went to nearest hospital becuase he was in awful pain and notified the doctor what was happening. He had emergency surgery performed at 7:00am the next morning. In the end they paid but I think they felt we would just give up and pay the bill ourselves. My husband was so mad that there was no way it was going to let it go. He remained calm every time he spoke with the insurance people but continued to go up the ladder. It took a year but finally a higher up from the company approved the surgery. We had done everything that the insurance company had requested in an emergency situation and they still fought us tooth and nail. Unfortunately what you are describing as far as insurance companies go is probably pretty normal. I really think they just expect people to give up and pay the bill.

If you disagree with how I feel about your situation, please tell me why. I'm NOT giving up until you see this the way Kristie, JuneBug and I see it.

On another note. If you want to go someplace warm and Greg can't get away. Let me know. I 'll meet you. I need a break too! Just tell me where and I'll be there! The weather here is getting really cold and snow is coming tonight and tomorrow. Ugh


Jun 7, 2014
I forgot to tell you to keep a log of the dates, time, who you spoke with and what was discussed with the insurance company. We did this and it really helped a lot with getting it paid in the end. It gets a little difficult to keep arguing with someone who has every conversation documented.


Jul 1, 2014
You are going to get more ROM to the ankle and it will happen over time, safely.

You know, it is entirely possible the insurance company outlook is that they'd rather see you through a second surgery than lots of PT.

Do you have a treadmill in Greg's Exercise Palace? I got a lot of use on mine when I was finally mobile. Walking is exactly what your leg and ankle was designed for. Also, is it time to start swimming? Any friends in one of those swanky buildings we see on the HG channel where no one even swims in it because they are too busy shopping, lunching and getting plastic surgery? Could you swim there?

Is it time to talk with the surgeon about a second procedure, one to solve the pain and limited ROM?

You have the most beautiful hair, clearly the peer review guy has a combover!!!! Jealous!!!!


Jun 8, 2008
Thank you so much Junebug and Callie. You ladies are right and I am trying not to take the no progress comment to heart though I do think my ankle ROM is not really progressing or progressing very slowly. I have been told by Victor that was normal for this type of injury but I am concerned. However I am determined to stay strong and continue walking as best as I can and do my PT exercises and I so appreciate your thoughtful posts. And sending big hugs to you guys too!

Callie, I am so relieved your dh is OK after that emergency gallbladder surgery a few years ago. That is very scary and yay for you guys winning over the insurance company. I can imagine how frustrating that year must have been fighting them but woohoo so glad you got them to pay as they should have in the first place. Good for you!

I do realize I am fortunate in so many ways and I hope no one thinks I am being ungrateful in any way. Sometimes I think things I write come across differently than I mean them so just wanted to clarify. I am very grateful we can afford to pay for PT out of pocket as necessary as I realize many people cannot and my heart goes out to anyone who is struggling with life right now. I am grateful for so many things and this injury is a blip on my life radar. Sure I will be left with reminders of the accident and injury but hopefully the pain will decrease and my abilities will increase and ultimately I will be OK. Thank you guys for letting me sound off here and cry and allowing me to feel how I feel without judging. It all helps to bring me back to normal and means so much to me.

We had a lovely day today. We went to Tuey for my much needed haircut and he blew my hair straight so I wouldn't have to go outside in the cold with a wet head as I usually do after I get my haircut. Then we went to our favorite Greek restaurant Molyvos and had a delicious brunch. Grilled Octopus. Both Greg and I ordered that because it is our favorite dish there. I know it is not everyone's cup of tea but it was yummy. After brunch we had a lovely walk in Central Park as we do every autumn (it's what we did on our very first date so it holds a special place in our hearts). We enjoyed a nice day despite all that has transpired this week and I was able to take my mind off everything unhappy.
Here is a pic of my grilled octopus salad and my straight hair. Feels so weird to have it straight as I never wear it that way anymore.

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend and thank you for the pep talk and words of wisdom Junebug and Callie. And I will start documenting-thanks for that advice too Callie. Oh and yes to the warm getaway please lol. Wouldn't I love to be someplace warm and sunny right now. So cold here for me at least. Greg isn't affected by the cold at all. He wore a blazer today. No coat LOL. MEN. ;))




Jun 8, 2008
azstonie|1416091488|3784329 said:
You are going to get more ROM to the ankle and it will happen over time, safely.

You know, it is entirely possible the insurance company outlook is that they'd rather see you through a second surgery than lots of PT.

Do you have a treadmill in Greg's Exercise Palace? I got a lot of use on mine when I was finally mobile. Walking is exactly what your leg and ankle was designed for. Also, is it time to start swimming? Any friends in one of those swanky buildings we see on the HG channel where no one even swims in it because they are too busy shopping, lunching and getting plastic surgery? Could you swim there?

Is it time to talk with the surgeon about a second procedure, one to solve the pain and limited ROM?

You have the most beautiful hair, clearly the peer review guy has a combover!!!! Jealous!!!!

Hi Kristie! We do have a treadmill in Greg's exercise palace except it is my exercise palace lol. I will try walking on it again. When I first tried it felt so uncomfortable and I thought walking outside would be a better exercise because it was more real walking then treadmill walking but it is a good idea when the weather is not conducive for walking outside.

What is this second procedure to help with ankle ROM and pain? I spoke to him at my appointment in October about getting the metal out of my leg and he said in a year maybe so is that the surgery you are describing? I am definitely onboard with another surgery if it helps me regain ROM and helps decrease my pain!

No easy place where I can swim unfortunately. I mean if I had to I could join a gym that has a pool but with the cold weather and all it is not something I look forward to doing unless it was something you really thought necessary. Andrew the PA told me I was past the point of needing to swim and walking and doing the elliptical etc was the best thing for me. Do you agree or do you think I should see about joining a gym with a pool?

LOL on the combover on the peer review doctor. I agree. He must also have a combover on his ethics and caring heart because clearly he has neither to not even authorize a closure session. :nono:


Feb 27, 2007
Happy Snowy Weekend! I am way behind not posting for a few days.

Missy, Grrr to the insurance companies. I hate to hear the peer to peer session didn’t go well. I hope the appeal process works. I don’t see how anyone can determine how long something will take for recovery – no 2 injuries and people are the same. You have a good plan to carry on the PT on your own as well. We all know you’ll faithfully do your therapy at home. I see everyone else has commented on this but don’t dwell on that comment about not making progress. I think you are leaps and bounds ahead of where you were even a month ago. You are walking by yourself less than 2 months after they let you actually take a step! That is incredible. I was going to recommend what Calliecake said about fighting the insurance company. Keep calling, asking questions because I bet every person you talk to will tell you something different.

Don’t feel bad you aren’t all chipper and happy all the time. You have been through so much and that makes any additional problem feels like another mountain to climb. Good cries will help get some of that frustration out of your system anyway.

I am so glad the honey mask is working for you. I love your new picture.

Calliecake, you are so right that some people don’t have much of a work ethic. Sadly it seems like many of them end up working for me. The last profession someone like that should be in is healthcare. It’s not like people are coming to you because they want to be there.

Did you get the larger bag? I agree no sense keeping a bag you won’t use.

Good idea to try and help your niece and her boyfriend work on cleaning up their finances. They probably won’t like your suggestions but they have to make the hard decisions for themselves. I hate to hear the family wants to take withdrawals from the bank of Callie all the time. One of my sisters was like that with my parents and she even tried to get out of repaying her loan to my parents estate. You obviously care and help our your family a great deal.

Hi Junebug!

Azstonie, I really smiled at reserving a special place in hell for some of those insurance people. I couldn’t agree more.

I was very glad when 5 pm rolled around yesterday. I am going to take a “sick” day Monday to be here when Marty’ watch band gets delivered. It needs a signature. 3 day weekends are far less fun without Marty but it’s better than work. He is funny. He buys a new watch and within a week or 2 he is ordering a custom strap for it. Since some of your husbands are in to watches search for Dangerous 9 on Facebook and check out his watch bands. They are amazing. Marty has one for practically every watch he owns.

Last night I started to watch “A Man Most Wanted” but didn’t find it very interesting to me so I watched the classic “Airplane”. Stupid and silly, just what the evening called for in entertainment.

Today I slept in until almost 8. Holy snoozer for me!

I almost have my December astronomy newsletter done and I did some handouts for the program I’ll be giving soon at our meeting this week. I have a little Power Point all ready to go.

I made homemade soup today and have quite a few lunches left over from that.

It’s cold here again today but the inches of snow they predicated only resulted in about an inch.

Take care


Feb 27, 2007
Missy, we must have been posting at the same time. I am glad you had a nice day and your hair looks terrific! :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Hi Marcy! yes we were posting at the same time. LOL on the watchbands with Marty. Greg is the exact same way. Gets a new watch and then buys different watch bands. Haha.

Thanks for your advice and comfort Marcy. I appreciate it and yes I will keep on going like the energizer you have one of them in your bunny collection? :bigsmile:

Love Airplane. The perfect silly entertainment. Soon you will be enjoying Marty's company so might as well watch any of those movies you want to now that he might not be so keen on. Do you like Gilmore Girls? It's our favorite on netflix right now. So funny and smart. Definitely recommend it if you have never watched it. Greg likes it too so maybe wait for Marty to see if he would enjoy it as well.

Love homemade soup especially on cold days. Glad you had a good long sleep last night. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
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