
Now I really did it :((


Jan 23, 2016
Hello and good morning from Scandinavia girls :wavey:

Nothing interesting happening here, just work. And online shopping, haha. How easy it is to get side tracked when work is boring... :lol: But even the online shopping is kind of boring, mostly winter gear for the children. And a few bikinis for me... :naughty: Sunny (and oh-so-cold) here today, so furbaby is already pestering me to go for a walk, lol. I'll let her run in the woods in a little while, a couple of hours running like crazy should calm her down so I can get some work done later, lol.

Jimmianne, I'm going to miss your posts! Hope you have the chance to check in some days and share some pictures of your new project :)

Sunstorm, hello :wavey: Could I please have that avatar of yours?? :love: As Rainwood, I'm a new member of the broken ankles gang, lol, stumbling on this thread (after finding PS when I got a new ring) because I wanted to ask Missy if she had made a full recovery.

Marcy - you always check in every day, so you actually made me worried when there was no post from you when I logged on this morning. :shock: Hope that means that you are having an exceptionally good weekend :)

Missy, your nieces are really cute !! Did they get a lot of candy? :)

Jimmianne, I think that ring of yours photograph very well :) :) I hope you fall very much in love with it on your trip :) Re northern lights - can't see them from where I live, you have to go a bit further north. But they are worth a trip :) Please can I be part of a GTG with those hats.... and brooms... :D :lol: :D

Rainwood, sorry to hear about those crazy people, you did not deserve that. Hope you get some more results from the blood tests! Food can be so difficult!! Gluten is the worst for me, but here the other day I got blisters from eating a pear... :angryfire:

CJ, you are always so sweet.

Gypsy, Kristie, Callie :wavey:

Ciao bellas!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Rainwood, I hope the food allergy tests help narrow it down for you. OMG I love cheese bread and Mastoris Diner has the very best cheese bread (and cinnamon bread) I have ever tasted. I inhale the stuff too. And I have been eating bread these last few days in honor of the NIRDI visit and I am loving every minute. Though I hope I won't be paying the price soon. We are having a great time and I don't know why we waited this long. This is her very first visit to NYC too! Sorry you are getting so much rain this October. We have been very fortunate so far this NIRDI visit and the weather has been cooperating. Today might be a little too warm but I will take it!!!

What fun you are planning another European adventure. I went to Europe by myself when I was 19 in b/w college and graduate school and I was there for 3 months. But of course at 19 I was much braver. Not so much anymore. I know you will find your way and you will have an amazing trip. I do wish I could join you and Jimmianne if you see her in Paris. Too bad a boat takes so darn long to get to France. :lol:

Sunstorm, we miss you and hope you will hang around here and post! I will be chatting with you next week as soon as I have time. (((Hugs))).

Jimmianne, safe trip and big hugs! I love your ring, I really do. If you decide it is not for you after your visit to France I am always happy to take it off your hands... :cheeky:

CJ, I haven't gone through my hundred or so emails yet so I haven't seen your message. As soon as I can I will find it and respond. I am still holding my breath re Zeke and Yoshi. They are half starved and dehydrated all because J's sister SUSIE (I am very tempted to post her last name and publicly shame her any way I can I am so angry I could spit nails!!!!!!) :nono: :nono: :nono: ;( ;( ;( abused the crap out of them and didn't take care of them. The woman who has Theo was able to get them to a veterinarian hospital and away from Susie thank goodness but they are still in danger since they have been so ill treated. :( :( :( And they are still in Montana. I am just so upset and was crying about this all night. My poor NIRDI visitor got to see my crying in action and believe me it is not a pretty sight. I would give almost anything right now for Zeke and Yoshi to be OK and safe. Please everyone reading think good thoughts for their recovery :pray: :pray: :pray: and safe delivery to Theo's mom and dad.!!!!!

Junie, it was great meeting you yesterday and I texted you a photo. Good luck with taking care ofthe rest of the estate business and sending you lots of good luck dust and big (((HUGS))).

Scandi, hello from NYC! One day I will visit Scandinavia and will make sure it is during the non rainy season. Hugs to F and to your sweet children. I don't know if my nieces got a lot of candy. I will find out! Hope work is not too painful this weekend for you. (((HUGS))).

Marcy, how are you feeling? Where are you? I hope your cold is all gone and last we chatted you were feeling better and I hope that has continued. Hope you and Marty are enjoying a lovely weekend and please check in soon with us. Big (((HUGS))).

We have had a wonderful 2 full days so far. The JAWS show Friday (I will post a photo below of my favorite ring that I just cannot justify but am so sad I cannot buy!) and then a beautiful day in Lambertville and New Hope yesterday.

And speaking of online shopping ( :naughty: ) I did manage to snag these beauties. To be delivered sometime next week I hope. Hahaha no matter how much bling shopping my days are filled with I can always manage to online shop too. LOL.

Enjoy a beautiful Sunday girls! (((HUGS))).





Jun 8, 2008
LOL just to clarify. I ordered the boots online. I did not get the earrings or ring. I WISH! ;( :lol:


Dec 9, 2013
missy|1477827234|4091982 said:
LOL just to clarify. I ordered the boots online. I did not get the earrings or ring. I WISH! ;( :lol:
great boots!


Jan 23, 2016
Missy, I LOVE that ring !!! Bea tells me to tell you that she does not mind a little company, she can get a little lonely sometimes.. so she says that the new one can sit on your other hand... :love: Seriously though - specs? It looks HUGE !! :love: :Up_to_something: :love:

EDIT: Oh I love the boots too! But that ring kind of wins...


Feb 5, 2014
Missy, lol. I just knew you had to get new boots for the new season. :naughty: :naughty: but too bad they did not get accompanied by new bling. Still fun to model and check out beautiful bling. Well, we know our Missy can resist bling, not so with boots. BTW; your dress is a beauty too. Lol I agree with Scandinavian about that kinda bling winning. I can tell you I can resist everything but bling. Unfortunately for my wallet. Well, almost everything. :bigsmile:

I continue keeping the kitties in my prayer, that sounds like a really sad situation and hope they will make it. We pull together to send healing dust from here.

Jimmianne, hey back ya stranger, I wrote to you on FB due to having lost your email. I have no idea what happened, how we all stopped corresponding. Obviously not being in the US does not help with chatting though nowadays there are many ways to.

I really hope I get to catch up with many of you and perhaps some of us with emails can exchange phone Nos to whatsapp or viber.

I am such a sucker for your ring and told you so, wow, how could I have missed that beauty? I must come here to check on my NIRDIs much more often. Bad me.

Hi Scandinavian, nice to meet you. Thanks so much for your kind words, sunny diamonds are my kinda thing and also black and white bling like I said to Jimmianne, I love alternating between those looks.

I just realize how much action is going on here, how much I have missed and how many new people are here wow.

I am still worried about Gypsy, I have no idea what happened also a bit concerned about Junie.

I promise to read and contribute whenever I can. I just realize how much I have missed you girls. :wavey: :love:


Jan 23, 2016
Missy, I'm very happy the kitties have been taken away from that horrible woman now! Fingers crossed that things will get better from here!


Jun 17, 2009
Missy, I had such a wonderful time yesterday and it was such a pleasure to meet you all! And I'm including Bea, as pretty as your ring is online it's even more gorgeous in person! :love: I'm still thinking about the cluster ring I tried on yesterday (the one with modern stones), I've been looking at them on line and I loved the look of the one yesterday. Bascially, big and sparkly lol!

Your nieces look great in their costumes! They really are getting big, it almost makes me a little sad to see them growing up so quickly! I wish time would slow down just a bit sometimes.

Love the boots! Boots suit you so well, I love the ones you had on yesterday, that style looks perfect on you.

And I just so very sorry about the situation with Yoshi and Zeke, I am hoping and praying that they get the care they need to get back to good health and that things fall into place. It sounds like there are responsible people involved that are doing their best to help them. I am so sorry this is upsetting you so much, please try to hang in there, I am really hoping for the best. (((hugs))).

Jimmianne, sending lots of good thoughts you have a smooth and safe trip. I am so excited for you, I can tell you are just itching to spend time in your new home! I really, really hope you can check in with us once in a while because I am going to miss you.

And thank you for the beautiful pics of your travel set, I absolutely love it and it looks fabulous on you! :love:

As I mentioned above, I fell in love with a cluster ring during our jewelry browsing but I didn't take a pic of it! I'm so dumb! ;(

Sunstorm, omg, so good to hear from you!!! I've missed you! I'm sorry you've been dealing with a lot and have had some surgeries, and I so get that life can just get really crazy sometimes. I'm glad you are going on a well-deserved vacation and I hope you get lots of rest and relaxation.

Thanks for thinking of me! I'm doing ok - my mother died this past September and now I have estate issues to deal with which is causing me some anxiety so it's been a difficult time but I'm hanging in there and the support from my nirdis is helping me a lot.

Rainwood, I know you will do just fine traveling on your own! It will be an amazing trip!

Marcy, I hope that pesky cough is subsiding and that you're getting some rest this weekend.

Thinking of all my nirdis, have a lovely day everyone!


Dec 9, 2013
June, I'm in the midst of getting ready but of course can't resist checking in here a few more times.
All I have to say is: You deserve that cluster ring as a treat!!!" :appl:

oh! forgot to say, Rainwood, that in some ways it's easier to travel alone. I did not travel alone by choice the first time, but it was less stressful. There are always friendly people if you need help. I write down every detail ahead of time and look up things, like "where exactly at CDG airport is the train station?" I get a new travel notebook, very small, for each trip and write down everything, including ID#s and how to set my phone for International travel, and a calendar of my plan. Then I use the rest of the notebook for a daily diary so the days don't just blend together and I can save memories.I put my tickets in my phone and also carry a paper copy. I figure all I really need is a passport, ID, some money and my tickets. I can always buy the other things at the destination.

OK, bye, TTY all later! : )


Feb 5, 2014
Junie, I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your mom, it really shocked me. My belated condolences, I can only imagine how hard it must have been. I apologize for not being there. I am so happy that you received support here and that you are coping with this situation at your best. I too feel that you deserve a treat or two ;)) I would say if you love the cluster ring go right ahead and get it if you can, you have to now think of yourself too and giving yourself those happy endorphines, as shallow as it may sound to those outside PS, we know the healing power of bling. I also feel that often when I am going through a difficult time a bling project helps me take my mind off issues I am dealing with. That and travelling. It is nice that you got out to the GTG and had a wonderful time. Feel free to write to me anytime time because I really do care in spite of my life having been crazy.


Feb 27, 2007

Jimmianne, you are so right that those hallways are bitches and some of them are very long and treacherous. Your stackables look fabulous with your ring. I am so sorry about Bogie. The backlight photo of your asscher is fabulous. Love the GTG photo. Ha Ha. Very funny. Have a safe trip and enjoy making your house a home.

Gypsy, I hope you navigate through that maze and find the sunlight.

Scandi, I absolutely love you took Halloween stuff to school. That is awesome. Oh yes Marty is a real comedian; he loves it when I lose my voice. Thanks for worrying about me - Missy checked on me too. I did have a very busy weekend then my laptop was tied up most of yesterday. I’m okay! Really.

Missy, J’s sister sounds like a very unpleasant person. I am sorry this is such a mess but I am glad the kitties were moved to a vet. I am glad you had a great weekend and got to look at pretty bling. Your nieces look adorable. Great boots and gorgeous ring and earrings.

CJ, I am sorry that you miss your kitty so much.

June, definitely keep in mind you are the executor of your mom’s estate. I hate to hear your brother and sister had a disagreement about something; hopefully that is the last one. I kind of set deadlines - you want something you let me know by this date. My dad actually had a notebook with a list of who got some of his things - it said on the top “Marcy is the judge and has final say”. Yes, the Ghoul bear has pointy teeth like the Killer Rabbits. Marty is having more fun with the Ghoul bear than I am. I am glad you enjoying bling shopping with the other NIRDIs!

Sunstorm, it’s good to hear from you.

Rainwood, I hope you figure out what food or food type is bothering you. 3 cheese bread sounds fabulous. Wow for having the rainiest October there; we’ve been incredibly dry. We keep having red flag warnings for fires because of the wind and dryness.

Sorry to worry some of you. Friday night we rented some movies to watch then I stayed up really late researching the new Mac Book Pro.

My cold continues to improve but I still have a cough and runny nose.

Saturday as soon as Marty left for golf I headed to Fort Collins to pick up 2 saucers they ordered for me. Marty bought me the set for my birthday one time and my cleaning lady broke one of them so I had them order me another set. After I got back to town I went grocery shopping. stopped at Bed, Bath and Beyond then went to Simply Mac.

I’ve been pondering if I want a new Mac Book Pro. My Mac Book Pro is late 2012 model with 128 g flash drive. I was closing in under 20 g of memory left and the touch pad is unresponsive sometimes The new MBP with the touch bar is so ridiculously expensive I doubt I’d ever spring for it. The base model is $1499. The only reason I am considering it is Simply Mac would give me $600 to trade plus an additional $100. That is almost 1/2 of the price for the new one. Pros on the new one is that it’s quicker, more hard drive and faster processor, brighter screen with more colors, thinner and lighter than what I have now. Cons is they are awfully proud of them and think there are a lot of suckers out there who will pay their absurd prices. Reviews point out the processor, RAM (only comes with 8) is very 2-3 year old technology. They also only have USB-C ports which means adapters for my lightning cord, USB and SD card. What a pain that would be. I am still thinking about it. But I did decide to back up my laptop and copy a bunch of files over to our “cloud”. It took forever to backup my laptop then like a complete idiot I covered up a file on our “cloud” that had all of my old club newsletters. I lost years worth of data. I opened old newsletters and copy stories. Rats.

Today I’ve been doing things around the house. Marty is building some platform downstairs for the free weights he ordered. We don’t want to damage the floor down there dropping those things on the floor. He will probably quit the gym which I think is a bad idea. Since he works at home he seemed to enjoy having a place to go sometimes. Oh well, it’s his choice.

I made crock pot roast beef, mashed potatoes and veggies for dinner. Mm. Marty even ate evil white potatoes and slow churned ice cream.

Have a fabulous day!


Feb 27, 2007
Ace is now an Audi Porsche bear. Hahaha.





Feb 27, 2007
Your going to have to risk getting bit to get to our Halloween candy.




Jan 23, 2016
Good morning girls :wavey:

Jimmianne, hope you have had a nice flight and are safe and sound on the ground in France by now :) Good morning! You have probably been up a while already :) (So have I, I promise, lol).

Marcy, glad you are okay! That Ghoul bear did not look too safe.. Why do I get the feeling that you know a lot more about computers than I do... :lol: :lol: But I do get some of that. And my 2 cents is that I hate adapters.. Otherwise, sounds like a good deal that you get a 600 trade + 100. (Can't find the dollar sign right now, lol). Hate clouds when they don't work like I want them to.. never my bad... The dinner sounds fantastic! :love: Would you like to come and visit me some time??? Please bring Marty too so he can barbeque something for us :) So probably best to aim for a summer visit? At the summerhouse? I bring the house, you cook :love: :appl: :love: Love the Audi Porsche bear :)

June, that cluster ring sounds fantastic!! How can you ever go wrong with big and sparkly?? :lol: :love: :lol: Wish you had pictures! Oh I have a good idea! Buy it and then take pictures for us :) :) :)

Sunstorm, I love sunny diamonds too, but I don't have any - yet, lol. Perhaps a nice pendant one day :) But I would like a big one, so not someday soon :lol: :lol: :lol:

Missy, hello fellow online shopper 8-) :lol: 8-) So happy that I'm not the only one lol ! The boots are really really nice!! Perhaps I need more boots.... hmmmm.... :lol: The story about Zeke and Yoshi is so horrible that I have problems accepting that it is true and that people can be that cruel. Reminds me of Cruella de Vil, you know? Mistreating animals is even worse than the alternative.. I just don't understand people. I get upset if my furbaby has to be home alone for 15 minutes more than usual (she is alone for 4 hours on week days, and that is more than enough for my heart..). I'm so upset and angry with her :angryfire: :!: Awful person!

Rainwood, that holiday sound really good! I think you are going to have a wonderful time! I have never travelled alone except on business. So no sightseeing involved. But I have a lot of experience eating alone at restaurants, lol. Never a problem, I have always been buried in things I have to read for next days work assignment... :lol: So my only advice is probably to bring a few books to chat with when you are tired of talking to strangers :D :halo: And you can always come by my place if you feel like an extra flight up north :) My furbaby tells me that she would love to go on walks with you :)

CJ, how are you feeling?

Gypsy, hello, thinking about you :wavey: Hope the maze has a few lights along the way :)

I'm sure I have missed a ton, my head is tired. Forgive me.



Jun 8, 2008
Happy Halloween girls! It's my mom's birthday today too. Speaking of which my mom and dad stopped by and joined us for a bit yesterday and it was so nice. They got to meet my NIRDI visitor and swap gardening stories. :bigsmile:

Junie, it was such a pleasure to finally meet you IRL. And you are even more wonderful in person if that is possible. Thank you so much for making the trip to meet us and for enjoying some bling and the amazing weather with us on Saturday. I hope we get to see you and your dh again soon!

I know it will be a huge relief when you are done working out all the drama and details of your mom's estate and she knew what she was doing when she made you executor that's for sure. Big (((HUGS))). Thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way as always.

Jimmianne, I hope you have arrived safely in France and are reading PS from the beauty and tranquility of the French countryside. Have a wonderful time!

Scandi, haha yes we have much in common. Bling, boots and furbabies. All the sweet things in life. :love:

There are no words to describe the callousness of some people and it just breaks me up inside when I think of what poor Z and Y went through and continue to go through. I was mistaken. They are with a rescue group getting care/fluids/food etc and the vet will see them this week sometime. It was decided they needed to calm down before they were poked and prodded by medical care and I just hope they will recover. It is not a sure thing at all. They still haven't gone to the bathroom since they have been with the rescue group and in fact last night was the first time they ate anything at all since they arrived. So I am very anxious and very worried. I slept an hour last night. Even the holy basil rec Rainwood gave me hasn't been helping and I think that's because it is so in the forefront of my mind I just cannot get it out of there even with supplements that are supposed to calm and relax. Anyway please everyone just keep your good thoughts for Zeke and Yoshi and if you pray please pray for them. Thank you so much for your support and love for these kitties.

Marcy, I am sorry your cold is lasting so long but glad you are feeling better. Love all the candy and bear pics. LOL. Have you decided on what you are going to do yet re computers? I am no help as I barely know how to use technology as it is. I feel like 100 years old when I am trying to figure out how to do something on computers that I don't already know. Intuitive I might be with people but the opposite of that I am with technology. Though as you know I am a huge Mac Air fan. I have both the Pro and the Air and the Air wins hands down for me because it is so much lighter. They are both great computers though (when I can get them connected to the internet here that is LOLOL).

Speaking of food we had a delicious dinner ala Greg last night. Lasagna and apple pie. Maybe not the healthiest of meals but it was in honor of the NIRDI visit. We are having a wonderful time and I cannot believe we waited so long to GTG IRL! I hope next visit more of you girls can join us!

Sunstorm, Thank you for keeping the kitties in your thoughts. And yes we have much in common we do. As I wrote above to Scandi, furbabies, bling and boots. What more does a girl need? Well OK food, shelter and love. But then we are good. And we get most of the love we need from fur babies so really we are simple creatures no? :cheeky:

We have all missed you lots too and I am so glad you are back. (((HUGS))).

CJ, thank you so much honey for caring and for all your support and kindness. ((((HUGS)))).

Off to get my 3rd cup of coffee but I will be back with some food and maybe animal pics... :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Apple pie and lasagna pics. :lickout:






Jun 8, 2008
I have bling pics from the last few days but need permission to share from Junie and Callie (since they are the hand models) so I will wait on that. But I can share this from Saturday night. We saw this sign on the way to the restaurant we were going to for dinner and OMG. I had Greg turn the car around so I could take this pic. Truer words have never been spoken. :lol: ;(

And LLJsmom!!! Thank you for all your amazing help yesterday re stats for the PSer on that ring. You are the best! You truly do rock! And I miss you and hope you will visit me soon! BLING awaits you here... :love: :cheeky: :lol: :halo:



Jan 23, 2016
Missy, I'm lost for words. J's sister S is horrible. How can she possibly traumatize two cats like that even if she tried?? Even my very spoiled princess of a dog can handle going to the vet. I was so amazed when they told me - she SCREAMED when they carried her away from me for x-rays (I was not allowed in that room). But once there, she had settled in like a true queen - so above it all and quite superior to the other animals waiting in line. Back to the point. My angel is very high stressed and very dependent on me and believes - quite rightly - that she is the centre of the universe. But she is still very resilient, as are most animals. Point: What the h*** has she done to two normal kitties to make them this bad in such a short amount of time???? But honey, you need to sleep! Or you will not be of help to anyone... Have you tried hot milk (or soy milk etc) with cinnamon and cardamom? Or something else your mom used to give you when you were sick as a child? I still vote for a cactus...


Feb 5, 2014
Hi Marcy, hope you are recovering well, I missed talking to you, any new bling lately? Feel free to email me pix too. Always love your pix.

Missy you are so right, many of us here have the same loves at least the bling and furbabies part. Ok I am naturally a shoemanic and bootmanic too but have my other loves as well. Fortunately, when I was on vacay my catsitter did a great job.

I too had a very traumatizing experience with my cats. The last time I went on vacay my cats were neglected terribly by a person and my 13 year old never been outside Aby girl was locked out to roam free. I almost died. When I came home I could not find her and threw a huge fit obviously. She was later found scared to death, thin as can be and obviously most likely full of fleas at least, I was just livid. I was fortunate that she survived. I was in shock for a very long time. My 10 year old boy was locked up in a very dirty cage and no box changed for two weeks. I am telling you that I rarely wish anything bad upon a person but can a cat love who owns cats treat other animals like this? This is still quite a recent experience for me and cannot forget the trauma. I worry enough about my girl anyhow since two years ago I lost two 13 year olds, my oldest babies. So to me 13 is extremely scary. When this stuff happened, I could not sleep either.

I will keep those poor babies in my thoughts. Remember that cats can be very resilient and they have a fighting chance. When stressed I have had the best experience with Vetri DMG.Some people recommend using Zylkene as well, tried that when my girl was grieving her friends and ill. She did get better.

Missy, we want to see bling pix badly! We are enabling you. :naughty: Ok we will wait for permission. But not so patiently. ;))

Scandinavian, fortunately I am not so particular about size. I just love great color. I can use anything from .3, with the right design they can look great but surely I do prefer stones closer or over a carat and which face up very large for their weight. Not always easy to find in fancies but have been lucky. Fortunately where I live ginormous size is not the norm but I cannot say I do not own some ginormous stones :bigsmile: I just have particular taste I guess and sometimes love the challenge of what one can bring out of smaller stones.

Hope Jimmianne made it safely to France. Hi to everyone else and enjoy your day girls. I hate winter and it was such a shock to come back from vacay. Well, only another six months or so and we will have summer again, yikes. At least we can survive in boots till then.

I love the idea of sharing cooking and recipes. I had so much fun cooking while on vacay, I love that but in my everyday life I just do not have enough time.

Hugs to you all girls, Gypsy whatever happened to you I am thinking of you. I hope you are ok. Keeping you in my thoughts and sending healing vibes and dust.


Mar 29, 2005
Missy, I'm glad you had fun hosting Junie and Callie for some serious jewelry adventures. And I hope we get hand shots if the models say yes.

And I'm sorry to hear about Zeke and Yoshi and how you're losing sleep over it. I don't know if hearing my take on it will help, but here goes. It's awful what has happened to them. There's no questioning that. I hope they recover, but their fate was imperiled the minute J decided she wanted to take them with her. That was a terrible decision. It's understandable in some ways because she was already impaired due to the tumor and the chemo, plus J was already losing the rest of the life she'd known and wanted to take the best part of it with her (not taking Theo too was the really puzzling part to me), but it was J's decision that created the problem. Patty didn't want the cats, but was willing to accept her sister's decision and take both J and her cats home with her. I don't know why she was willing to do that - if she did so willingly, felt guilted into it, or is doing it for the money but the fact is she's taken on a difficult and heartbreaking task in bringing J home to die. And for a sister it sounds like she isn't even close to so I'm not sure I'd agree she's callous. Maybe she's overwhelmed by it all. I would be. Maybe she's doing the best she can, and that's all anyone can ask of her. She's probably turned her own life upside down and watching a family member go through this must conjure up all sorts of difficult emotions for her. Plus there's so much work added when someone is seriously/terminally ill. Maybe Zeke and Yoshi were just too much for Patty to take care of, and they fell by the wayside. And she might not had the time or energy (or interest) to find another place for them with so much already on her plate. Some people just don't have the same attitude toward pets as we do. I'm mostly surprised she didn't just cast them out or let them run away because I knew something bad was likely to happen as soon as I heard they were going to Montana. And Patty was trying to be a good sister in letting them come because that's what J wanted. It's hard to say no to someone who's dying.

'm not trying to excuse what has happened - it's still terrible - but only to provide a possible explanation. And maybe help you let go of some of your anger. Sometimes, no one is to blame for bad decisions made during a bad situation. Zeke and Yoshi are in a place where they may recover, and if so, that's another wonderful thing you've done. But being mad at Patty helps no one. I'm guessing she is doing the best she can, with her personal flaws and limitations, and that's all anyone can ask of her. The same is true for J and for you. You're all doing the best you can. Fingers crossed the kitties get better, but life can be hard sometimes, including for beloved pets.

I hope this helps even though the holy basil didn't.


Feb 5, 2014
Rainwood you have truth of course and we cannot comprehend how hard it must be for all involved and generally we should not judge but feel empathy.

That said responsibility is a big one to take. Do not take a responsibility if you are not prepared. OTOH, sometimes thinking ahead is different than being in a situation. Maybe there were good intentions. I cannot know that. The consequences are too grave unfortunately.

What happened to Theo?

Let´s just all pray for their recovery so that something good comes out of this very sad situation.


Oct 29, 2016
Hi, Missy! I just found out about this thread yesterday and wanted to stop by and say hello. :wavey: I know you mentioned it before but I kept thinking NIRDI meant "nerdy" and had no desire to investigate. I've nothing against nerds, but that box gets checked irl!

Theo the cat is very well. In fact his behavior normalized within a few hours of bringing him home. I didn't anticipate having such severe allergies, so Theo and his brothers will be cared for and loved by my SIL. We've made all the arrangements and Theo has successfully transitioned to his new home.

Zeke and Yoshi have experienced many stressful events during the past month. I've been working closely with a coordinator in the rescue group. She and all the staff are doing an amazing job with Zeke and Yoshi. As soon as they're cleared for transport, a very nice man has volunteered to fly them here.

Missy, I know you won't feel relieved until they arrive safely but please try to calm yourself. I am hopeful Zeke and Yoshi are through the worst and well on their way to recovery. We'll get through this together, don't worry. I don't plan on posting here again, just wanted to stop by to give you a big <HUG>!!

Rainwood, I appreciate your perspective. I do my best to remain objective when it comes to most situations, and I allow people to show me who they are over the course of many interactions. Unfortunately in this situation all I can say about the owner's sister is :wall: :angryfire: :confused: :errrr: :nono: :!: :hand: :sick: :o

Thank you for letting me stop by. I'm sure Missy will update you on Zeke and Yoshi. I hope you all enjoy a festive and healthy holiday season, with your furry and non-furry loved ones!


Mar 29, 2005

Thanks for stopping by! I'm so glad to hear Theo is settling in well with your SIL, and he's happily awaiting his brothers. You and your husband and your SIL and Missy and all the rescue people involved are angels on earth.

I'm sorry to hear that Patty is a total PITA. I tried to see the good in her because she did take on the responsibility of caring for her dying sister, but maybe that's as far as the goodness goes! For J's sake, I hope it goes at least that far.


Jun 17, 2009
Blueshift, thank you for filling us all in and also a BIG thank you for all you've done, and continue to do, for these kitties! You and your husband are truly angels on Earth and I am just amazed and touched by the lengths you have gone to find a suitable home for them. Thank you for continuing to look out for Zeke and Yoshi, I gave Missy a heads-up about your post and am hoping it puts her mind at rest a little, she has been so worried. Thank you again, you're the best!!!


Oct 29, 2016
Sorry one final update: Both Zeke and Yoshi are eating and using their litter box. These brothers are determined to reunite before Thanksgiving. Meow! Meow! Meow! :dance:


Jul 1, 2014
Blueshift, its great to meet you. Thank you for taking on Theo the way you did---great expense and inconvenience, not that a hint ever came from you about that. And now Zeke and Yoshi.

J and her sister: Two peas in a pod. They deserve each other. J had her diagnosis *years* ago and did absolutely nothing to provide for her cats. They were, at minimum, *her responsibility* and she did nothing. Actions talk, bull$#it walks. I hope J and S get the same treatment and consideration they gave 3 vulnerable animals in their care.


Jun 8, 2008
Blueshift, thank you so much for the wonderful update and all your close contact these past weeks. You and your dh are simply the best and Greg and I cannot ever thank you enough for all you have done.

I am thrilled Theo is doing so well and that Zeke and Yoshi are improving. After our chat Sunday about what was going on with Zeke and Yoshi I was devastated and now I am so happy and relieved they have had this turn around. Thank goodness. And you are so right (LOL you really know me now). I won't feel completely relieved till I know they have arrived safely to your SIL but this update is such a huge relief in itself especially after how they had been doing.

Big (((hugs))) and thank you again from the bottom of my heart. You and your dh are truly angels on earth in every single way.

Junie,thank you for giving me the heads up and also Blueshift for texting me and letting me know she posted here as well.

I will come back and post tomorrow with an update of the weekend and the wonderful visit I had with one of our dear NIRDIs. Suffice it to say we had a terrific visit and cannot wait to see each other again. And I am also looking forward to meeting everyone here at some point.

Rainwood, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me and I will respond in full tomorrow as I am exhausted right now but I didn't want to say goodnight without letting you know how much I appreciate all your support and advice.(((HUGS))).
But I promise you Susie is not a good person or a nice person or even a person who deserves any of your sympathy/empathy etc. She has no empathy or caring for others and I would go as far as saying she is a sociopath.

But you are right and I hope to be able to let go of the anger I have towards her one day the sooner the better because I know that hurts me too. If Zeke and Yoshi continue to do well and arrive safely at Blueshift's SIL's house and don't suffer any permanent consequences from this ordeal then it will be much easier to let go of that anger I feel towards Susie.

And thank you for the Holy Basil rec. I have been taking one capsule every night for the past 3 nights but maybe I need to try 2 per night? I think blueshift's happy update might go a long way in helping me get some sleep however.

Sunstorm, I will try to go into more detail tomorrow but Susie (J's sister) is a piece of crap period. No empathy or sympathy from me for her. I promise you she doesn't deserve it. You couldn't know that as you don't know the full story but I will try sharing some of it tomorrow.

Kristie, you are totally right in your assessment of Susie but of course you have the benefit of knowing more details about Susie.



Feb 27, 2007
Hi NIRDIs! Happy Halloween!

Scandi, the Ghoul bear is pretty funny. I was going to put it in our window for the trick or treaters tonight but hated to scare some little kids. Marty would love to come BBQ for your family over there; sounds like a fabulous trip. Marty has become quite a good cook. I agree $700 trade for an almost 4 year old laptop is a good price. That’s about 1/2 what I paid for it too so not a bad deal for older technology. Glad to hear you liked the Porsche-Audi bear.

Missy, happy birthday to your mom. I am sure your mom and your visitor thoroughly enjoyed talking gardening. I am glad to hear the kitties ate something and are where someone will watch out for them. I am still on the fence about laptops but I totally love my Mac Airs (I had an 11” first and then a 13”). Marty honestly doesn’t care if I get a new computer or not. I know this laptop won’t trade for as much next year. Lasagna and apple pie looks and sounds divine. That election sign is fabulous. It made me laugh enough I coughed but it was worth it. Definitely looking forward to hand shots. I hope you sleep well.

Sunstorm, I missed you here too. My Christmas bling upgrades were a slightly larger blue sapphire for my RHR and larger round blue studs. I also replaced an orange sapphire with a yellow sapphire. I’m hoping to have more upgrade money next spring some time. How awful your cats were so mistreated and ignored while you were on vacation. I wish summer was 6 months away here - it’s more like 9 months. But to be fair it’s in the 60’s here during the day which is very abnormal. Mother Nature will pay us back with blizzards soon.

Rainwood, I don’t know what I want more - to see Missy’s hand shot photos or a pice of Greg’s apple pie. I know I’d enjoy both of them. Really good point that people do the best they can in awful situations and everyone handles things differently.

Blueshift, thank you for the update and I am glad you have arranged to get Theo’s brothers down there too. That is awesome Theo has adapted well.

Hi June and Kristie!

We’ve had a very steady stream of trick or treaters tonight. I bought 8 bags of fun sized so about 160 pieces of candy. I had 2 last night and 2 tonight and we are almost out. Marty has been nice and greeting them all. We had a Killer Rabbit in the bowl but kids kept trying to take the rabbit so we took him out of the bowl. Too funny!

My cough is subsiding. Finally. I am still trying to lose my voice though. Marty would be excited though.

Have a great evening and Tuesday!


Mar 29, 2005
Oh, Missy, I had no idea. Sounds like those cats were lucky to get out alive.


Feb 27, 2007
Sunstorm, you twisted my arm. Here are some recent purchases:

The yellow sapphire is 2.13 square cushion in a platinum ring
The blue sapphire is 1.79 carats
The sapphire studs are 1.10 ctw
The EC is 1.21 E VS1 medium florescent



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