
Now I really did it :((


Oct 24, 2012
azstonie|1434557216|3890313 said:
The high heat doldrums here 8-)

Watched a really fun movie (Amazon) last night, Kingsman, The Secret Service. Highly recommend. Funny action flick.

Have a great Monday, everyone!! :wavey:

Kristie, I took my 12 year old son to see that movie not realizing the inappropriateness of some parts. He LOVED it and is begging me to get it on dvd. I agree. It's my kinda movie. Have you seen Freeway with Reese Witherspoon when she was young? Super dark comedy that was hilarious and satisfying to my need for bad guys getting their due. If you are not easily offended and haven't seen it you should watch it. I loved her in the role of that potty mouthed teenager. ;-).


Jul 1, 2014
I'll get Freeway tonight, thanks!!!!!!

Was the bare fanny the inappropriate part??????? How old is your movie loving son? That's fun, you go with him and see it together, good mom!!!


Feb 5, 2014
Hi hi hi Girls,

Just wanted to say hi to everyone and say that I have not forgotten about any of you. I have been in touch with Missy and of course do write privately whenever you like as I have simply had no time or energy for anything lately.

Sooo I am officially divorced as of January 12, what do you say girls? :appl: Now everything else is left but hey it is papered now for good. I feel free and I am literally feeling like I got wings to fly. Any problems life throws my way are really not important today even if there are some.

I am flying out to London tomorrow and will be back next week and hopefully by then I can talk more. Then back to my ring project.

I am so happy to see you here again LLJsmom. It would be fun if so many of us visited Paris this year but who knows, we shall see.

I love your new ring Kristie, really god, girls you have been out on acquisition trips, right now I really have enough, do I, well oh yeah. Making new stuff will be on the horizon.

Your pix always crack me up Marcy, so nice to see our jokster still at her best here.

Callie I have not seen a post of yours recently but promise will look.

I do not want to forget anyone of course and hope that everyone is doing great, including Junie and Jimmianne whom I now is also on my side of the Atlantic.

Hugs to you all and talk soon. Much love to everyone.


Feb 27, 2007

KaeKae, I hope you get some much needed rain there. The fires a few years ago were horrible. Adjusting to no grass will take a while.

LLJsmom, I should have the Teddy Bears strike back series. Harold is staring at Marty right now. Don’t you hate then when you really like a piece of jewelry and then you don’t like it when you try it on? I think you’d really enjoy the love cuff. Thank you for the movie recommendation.

Missy, yes those rabbits were cheating at poker. Every one of them had a winning hand and the poor bear had nothing. I like the idea of Teddy Bear chips. Your family sticker sounds great. I like it.

Kristie, I bet it is getting quite hot down there. Thanks for the movie recommendation.

Ovi, I am glad your divorce will be official in January. That’s great you feel free. Have fun in London.

Thanks for the compliments about Marty’s bar and poker table. We both thought the poker chips turned out great!

I only slept a few hours last night so it was a LONG day at work. I swapped some cash for tacos on the way home; it’s amazing what you can come up with just by pulling up to a window.

Have a great evening.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning NIRDIs!

Luv2sparkle, so glad you love your ebay LV purchase woohoo! Good going. :appl:

Kristie, hope some cool relief comes your way soon. How is Groovy doing in her new home and have you resized her yet? How is Finn dealing with the heat? I hope he is enjoying the pool and some aquatic exercising. And LOL yesterday was Wednesday not Monday. I lose track of time too Kristie especially when I am on vacation so I hear you. Being back to work now though I have to know what day it is or I might accidentally show up and not get paid haha.

LLJsmom, I loved "Freeway". If you like dark movies (and this one is DARK so be warned) I recommend "Lilya 4-ever"

Not suitable for children.

Ovi, so happy for you. Finally life is moving along and YAY for the divorce proceedings going through. What a HUGE relief. Hugs all around!

Marcy, thank goodness for quick and easy when you have days like those. Hope those tacos were delicious and that work goes more smoothly today and also hope you had a great night's sleep last night so you can tackle whatever comes your way today. I will email Teddy and give him some poker tips. Poor baby needs them to hold his own against those cheating bunnies. :Up_to_something:

Callie, hugs and welcome back! We have missed you and hope to hear you enjoyed your time with friends and had lots of fun.

Have a good day girls!


Dec 9, 2013
Hi dear NIRDIs.
I'm back from France and now for some recovery days.

LLJsmom, I am not sure if you have been before, but if not I'm happy to answer any questions of logistics. I do not recommend our taxi driver any more than any other we had. Everyone was quite kind and helpful.

We went from the plane to a taxi to an apt right off a main street, then went out on the town to walk and visited the courtyard of the Louvre and Tuileries. The next day headed for Montrueil-Bellay which is outside Samur in the Loire Valley. It was great to see Paris, but the outlying towns were more fun. I bought some small silver pieces and saw some vintage things, but not anything I liked to spend $$ on. I had thought the trip would be all about jewelry, but everything else is so fabulous to see that I totally lost my lust! Can you imagine?! We went shopping in Samur and bought a few items of clothing, but mostly discovered the food and walked and looked, looked, looked. We ate with different family members every night and the trip was more focused on family than anything else. We felt quite honored. The first night was a 5 course meal with 3 generations & the family wines at each course and a lot of laughter & rowdy singing with each new course.

The family homes were out of this world to me as a lover of architecture. One sister has just bought an 18th century 3-story place to remodel. Major lust for for me.

The family gave us a car to use and the driving around was one of the highlights. We even went to the lovely and humane Bioparc to sit at the outdoor cafe bar and watch the giraffes.

The jet lag never really went away, probably because of the long & late evening meals and then up early to explore with DD & friend. The second day I took a few hours to myself and walked the vineyards looking for fossils.

The family makes incredible wines that I will order from their US distributor when he returns from France in the fall. Having seen the vineyard and caves and love that goes into it, it will probably be the only wine for us now.

SO, I may be lurking for a while without much input.
I am so hesitant to be on PS for a while for fear diamond fever will come back LOL.
Only read one page of NIRDI so far...
I love the new swirly ring! and the scarey poker chips : ) lot's of catching up to do. Will post a few photos.


Jun 8, 2008
Jimmianne, WELCOME back!!!!! We MISSED you so much and I am glad you had a marvelous time!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

(((HUGS))) and glad you are home safely and we cannot wait to hear all the deets when you are rested and energetic and ready to post. Thank you for letting us know you are safely home. More hugs to you! :wavey:



Jul 1, 2014
Welcome back, Jimmianne!!! Sounds like a wonderful trip, so glad you had a great time! Eating/drinking/being merry, THE BEST!

Callie, are ya back? Where are you?????

Jimmianne and Callie, you were both missed!!

Missy, Finn is on his chill pad right now, next to my computer. He lays down on the chill pads in each room, he swims, he finds the AC vents and ceiling fan air patterns and lays down there too. The scary thing is both Finn and Maggie would, if allowed, at 4 PM/114 degrees (yesterday) go outside into the backyard and lay on the grass UNTIL THEY FRY TO A CRISP! I have to strictly monitor them outside in this heat, its strictly pottytime and back in the house.

Missy, how is Tommy?


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, it’s hard to go back to work after vacation, huh? I did sleep pretty well last night and today wasn’t too bad at work. I am sure the bears would appreciate poker tips to help them beat those cheating bunnies. Thanks Aunt Missy!

Jimmianne, your trip sounds fabulous. I am so glad you’ll have many wonderful stories and memories from your trip.

Kristie, glad you are keeping an eye on Maggie and Finn so they don’t get overheated outside. Chill pads sound quite handy. Did you turn in Groovy to get sized?

Marty and I went out and had small pizzas. I was going to bring home about ½ of mine for lunch tomorrow but Marty said he’d take me out for lunch if he could finish my pizza.

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Jimmianne, hope you had a restful night's sleep and wake feeling refreshed!

Kristie, glad Finn and Maggie are enjoying those chill pads. I think I want one now because they sound great! Hope your weather cools off to more tolerable levels. Thanks for asking about Tommy. So far he seems back to normal but I am watching to make sure. If any signs recur we are going right to Debbie's but for now we will wait since he seems OK again.

Marcy, I am glad you had a good day at work yesterday! Yes, you can tell the bears their Aunt Missy is on the case for them and will help them get those evil bunnies. :Up_to_something:

Those pizzas sound good! Where are you guys going for lunch today?

YAY it's Friday!! Weekend is tomorrow and it is the last weekend of spring and the first weekend of summer! Woohoo! Enjoy the day girls. :wavey:

ETA: ugh, just as I finished posting Tommy started drinking lots of water. I am making him an appointment with my sister when she is working next.


Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone!

Missy, I'm sorry to hear Tommy is drinking more - I guess it's time to see what's going on and I'm really hoping it turns out to be nothing serious.

Are you heading back to the beach this weekend?

Jimmianne, welcome home! We missed you! So glad you had a wonderful trip, filled with new experiences. Sounds like everything fell into place and you were able to do and see a lot during your time there. I hope you're catching up on some sleep and getting back into the swing of things. Adjusting to the time change can take a while.

Calliecake, sounds like you're off on a trip too, miss you and hope things are going well and you're having a good time!

Marcy, I love the pics of the man cave! The poker chip bar is so cool! And I love the lights on the table - it looks like a great place to entertain people. The whole area is beautifully done and looks very comfortable. Thanks for posting the pics, they were fun to see.

I'm so sorry the team leader is being so ineffectual, now that's frustrating! I laughed at your Gordon Ramsey comment though - just basically get in everyone's face and start screaming lol. I can see where you'd be very tempted at this point.

Luv2sparkle, I'm glad you're feeling good about the wallet! It looks beautiful, I love the color- I was also thinking that maybe you don't even need to go through the rigamarole of having it checked out or fixed right now, the damage looks minimal - you can always do that down the road, after things settle down. I'm glad things worked out!

Ovi, so glad you are on the verge of being officially divorced and finally feeling free and happy! Hope your visit to London is going well. Is the trip for business or pleasure, or a bit of both?

Hope everyone is having a good Friday! The weekend is almost here :dance:


Jun 8, 2008
Hi Junie! We are at the beach and just had a lovely early bike ride. Greg is back at work in the home office and I just dropped by to say hello and hope you have a good weekend planned. Looks like the weather will be less than stellar oh well. Living in the NE it's the price we pay. We will all enjoy the weekend no matter the weather. Hugs to dear Zoe!

Happy early Father's Day to all the fathers in your life girls and that includes fathers of fur babies of course. :appl:


Oct 24, 2012
Jimmianne welcome back!! Sounds like you had an absolutely wonderful time, food, family, visiting and sights. I'm so happy for you. I think it's awesome that bling took a backseat. You had so many wonderful experiences. It's great that you went outside of Paris too. We're just going to Versailles. Most of the family has not been to Paris, so there is going to be plenty in that city to keep us busy. Thank you for thinking about me and logistics. If you have a chance, did you hire a car to get you from the airport to the hotel? I'm just starting to plan now. I'm terrible at logistics. I tell my husband what we want to do and he makes it happen. ;-) Glad you are back safe and sound.

Orsi, so glad to hear from you. Yes, I've been back and it's lovely to catch up with everyone. 1-12 huh? Big day. I have a friend whose divorce got finalized this month, I think. She said the same thing. She felt set free. That seriously must be the best feeling ever. I am so happy for you. After all the things that happened, you deserve this! So take good care of yourself, and love your life more every second, because every second you are closer to January 12.

Marcy, I can picture you and Marty, hanging out, talking, having dinner, being best friends. I love all the little details of you guys being together day to day. I hope that for DH and me. We're always off going separate ways, picking up different kids, carting them to lessons separately, and reconvening when we're both so tired and zoned out that we can't focus on each other. It's a good thing we know we love each other so much... We barely have time to show each other. :loopy:

Missy, I love how you and Greg get to ride together so much. I can totally tell how much you both love each other. (thinking about the other thread) Thanks for sharing about your activities. It makes me happy to hear it. DH and I went grocery shopping and errand running this afternoon, for just an hour. But it was nice to walk and talk to him, even if only briefly. He's off driving the son to marital arts, and I'm off to pick up my daughter soon too. Glad to hear that Tommy is ok. It's hard when they get older. Good thing you always keep an eye out for him. Have a great weekend. Oh, I will go look up that movie! I love recommendations. Thanks!

Junebug, hope you're loving your yellow diamond. It's really beautiful. I looked at it again. You must be having so much fun imagining all the different things that can go with it. ;-)

Kristie, it is so funny that Finn can sit outside in the heat, and seem like he doesn't notice it at all. He's such cutie. You should post a candid or two. :)

Callie, hope you are doing well. Miss you.

I'm trying to plan for vacay. Nuff said until I actually do something. I'm in denial. On the other hand, I've been very successful at selling my stuff on ebay. But, I will say that the LV bags and accessories get sold like THAT. Bam! I get so many offers, and I usually get up to 80% of my original cost, for stuff that is 10-12 years old. I do now realize that I am careful with my bags. I received lots of comments from the buyers that the bags are in excellent shape. Glad it paid off. I just can't stand damaging any of them. Ok, off now. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

LLJsmom, you will have all that for sure because you and your dh have a solid loving relationship and strong marriage. It's just you guys are at a different stage in your lives right now raising your children. I know from my married friends whose kids are now adults that once the children leave the house it is a new fresh beginning for the parents. More romantic and you can be more selfish concentrating more on each other than your children all the time. And of course now you get to enjoy your kids to the fullest so it's a win win all around. We were selfish from the get go and decided we didn't want children so while we are missing out on that we get to enjoy each other only the way child free couples can but you too will have that and in a shorter time than you think because we all know how fast time goes and how quickly children grow up.

Wow, congrats on selling your LV on ebay! I am not cut out to sell obviously because the only thing I tried selling was a fail LOL but I will see how it goes when Kristie starts the NIRDI garage sale and perhaps we will all sell stuff there to raise more bling funds of course. :Up_to_something:
Good for you keeping all your possessions in perfect condition and making successful sales!
I forget when you are leaving for Paris but don't worry because I am sure once you really start focusing on the planning it will all come together. You will have a marvelous trip! Now I cannot wait for Jimmianne to share her adventures with us. :appl:

I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. We are going cycling again today despite the now freezing temperature and high winds. Not sure how long we will last today but I am charging my heated jacket batteries as I type this LOL. It is going to start raining around 1PM today so it will not be too long a ride in any case. Oh well it's a weekend washout tomorrow too but at least we got some riding in yesterday and hopefully some this morning.

Enjoy the day NIRDIs! :wavey:


Dec 9, 2013
LLJsmom|1434758926|3891530 said:
Jimmianne welcome back!! Sounds like you had an absolutely wonderful time, food, family, visiting and sights. I'm so happy for you. I think it's awesome that bling took a backseat. You had so many wonderful experiences. It's great that you went outside of Paris too. We're just going to Versailles. Most of the family has not been to Paris, so there is going to be plenty in that city to keep us busy. Thank you for thinking about me and logistics. If you have a chance, did you hire a car to get you from the airport to the hotel? I'm just starting to plan now. I'm terrible at logistics. I tell my husband what we want to do and he makes it happen. ;-) Glad you are back safe and sound.

LLJsmom, thanks. I am still not "back". Jet lag, exhaustion...the happy kind. You are so lucky to have your husband in charge.
Without my DD and her friend I could not have done it. Very complicated the first time. There is a taxi queue at the airport. We had the taxi sent for us the first time - cost quite a bit - that is why I don't recommend, but he was OK. He had to wait an hour for us to go through customs, so we had to pay for his time. You can't go wrong with the taxi official queue as long as you have your hotel address written down for the driver.

I hope I am not telling you things you already know, but these are small things that can make a difference.
It is true that everyone is kind if you at least attempt French. Everywhere we went we said a happy bonjour and found nothing but the nicest people everywhere. Even though it could be a pain in the neck for them to help us they did so gladly : )
I had not travelled in a non-English speaking country before and the simplest things had a learning curve - like buying a Metro ticket LOL
Much confusion often, but somehow it all worked out!

At places like the Louvre people tried to sell us things - we didn't even say no, just walked away. Although we did buy water at one point.
Some public bathrooms cost a coin so be prepared.
I felt safe everywhere I went, but was a bit more cautious with my bag if I passed a group of teens.
I wanted to buy souvenirs for my friends, but no room in my bag for it all, so I took note of things..and bought them on Amazon when I got back! Sea salt, candy, French coffee, etc. [don't tell my friends lol]. Our host gave us fossils so I carried rocks back instead of gifts : )

That is all I can think of. I am SO ENVIOUS that you have this trip ahead of you. I miss France with all my heart and can't wait to go back.


Feb 3, 2008
Jimmianne, your trip sounds like a dream! I am so glad you enjoyed it. It truly sounds like the trip of a lifetime!

I have missed PS the last couple days. I ended up getting the flu bug that took down my DH. Nasty thing.

I posted feedback about my wallet purchase noting that I like it, but haven't had a chance to have it authenticated yet. The seller send me an email telling me to look inside for the number of the wallet. I'm guessing I am pretty safe.

LLJsmom, I am so glad that you have been successful with your ebay items. If you would have had a zippy wallet I would have definitely bought it from you!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!
I just want to wish all the fathers in your lives a very happy Father's Day!!!

Luv, I am sorry you got the flu and I hope you are feeling much better today. I am glad your dh is all better.

Jimmianne, I hope you are catching up on your sleep and coming back to life. Traveling across time zones can really take it out of you but your trip sounds marvelous and I am thrilled you had the time of your life. :appl:

And a big hello to all the other NIRDIs. Hoping you are having a lovely weekend and happy first day of summer. :wavey:

ETA: Jimmianne wanted me to say hello to all the NIRDIs from her. Her computer is acting up and she wanted to make sure you all know she says hey and will be back as soon as the issue is resolved.


Feb 3, 2008
Happy Fathers day to all the dad's in our lives!


Jun 7, 2014
Girls, I am so behind on what is going on with everyone. I will try to catch up later today as I have just skimmed thru the posts.

Missy, I hope your weather cooperated today and you got a bike ride in this morning. How is little Tommy feeling? When will your sister be able to see him. I hope the excessive drinking turns out to be nothing.

Jimmianne, I am so happy you had a wonderful time in Paris. It sure sounds like a great time. I'm also sorry jet lag has hit you hard. The time difference is also another reason I haven't wanted to take an international trip. I always get sick if I don't get enough sleep. Are you excited to Palm anither trip. It sounds like you may have found travel to be a new and exciting hobby. Did you and your daughter end up spending a lot of time together on this trip? The family you did things with sounds wonderful. How did your precious babies fare while you were gone? I hope all went well with them. Did Puff behave?

Marcy, I'm so happy your bears arrived safely and that you liked them. I wasn't lying about Harold being a runt. I hope the rabbits aren't being too hard in him. Has work improved for you? It sounds as though last week was a little rough for you. Have your employees moods improved? I really hope things improve quickly and you begin to feel better. It's not fun to be stressed about your job.

OV, What wonderful news that your divorce will be finalized. I know how much you would like to permanently close this chapter of your life. Is everything else going well? Have you been having some much needed fun?

LLJsmom, You and your husband seem like a great team. I remember my friends making the same comments you made when their children were growing up. One of my friends has 4 boys and with school and all their afterschool activities she used to feel like the life was sucked out of her. She said she always felt like she never had any time for herself. Now that they are older she is enjoying herself. She has been taking fun trips with just her husband and loving it. I'm so glad you have a supportive husband who works with you so you are able to get your runs in. I think that really helps and makes you happy. You know the saying Happy Wife, Happy Life. I also think it is good for your children to see you taking time for yourself.

Kristie, Were you able to have Groovy sized yet? That is such a fun ring and how great you were able to purchase the ring for less than what they were asking for it.

Junebug, I hope all is going well with your family and your mom. I see you are still making those beautiful ring boxes. All of yours have turned out beautiful. Do you now have a box for all your rIngs? I also love that little Zoe has been helping you make them. How is she doing? Have you moved to the new beach house yet? Do you have any plans for the Fourth of July holiday?

luv2sparkle. I'm glad you are feeling better and the flu bug has passed. I could tell you were worried sick about your husband. You must be so relieved to know it was just the flu and him being over tired and not something more seriously wrong with him. It is so nice to have you join us here. I have always loved your posts. How is your daughter's wedding planning going?


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, how is Tommy doing? I brought home another new bear yesterday (so the heat is off Harold and George now) and those evil rabbits immediately welcomed him with their teeth. Glad you got some cycling this weekend.

Junebug, the man cave is perfect for a crowd and very comfortable. I’ll use it more this summer; it’s cool down there but it’s way too cold for me in the winter. How are you doing? When is closing on your beach house?

LLJsmom, I am sure once the kids are older and stepping out in to life you and your DH will find those quiet moments together. Marty is a good guy; he’s been wonderful to me. I am delighted to hear your LV bags are selling so well on ebay. Have fun planning your vacation.

Jimmianne, it usually takes Marty about a week to adjust when he gets home from an overseas trip. I am glad you had such a wonderful time and look forward to a return trip someday.

Luv2Sparkle, that is too bad you and your DH got so sick. I hope you are both doing a lot better now. Are you enjoying your LV wallet?

Callie, Harold and Snacks are the exact same size. Marty says that makes Harold a snack food too. George was hanging out with me at the table this morning. I am trying to keep the rabbits away from them but it’s a difficult job. My flowers are perking up with the heat we are getting. I am being diligent about picking off the head flowers.

We had a nice weekend. I had the 15,000 mile maintenance on my car Saturday morning. I have to drive to Fort Collins, CO for that or about an hour’s drive. They had an Audi Bear in their accessory case so naturally he came home with me. He has a little Audi hat, hoodie and earphones.

We went to a Summer Solstice party last night. We spent about an hour building assorted kabobs to take with us. I make a pan of brownies. It was fun. Marty’s guacamole was a big hit.

I made lasagna today and am working on laundry. Is tomorrow Monday already?

Have a great day.


Feb 3, 2008
Thank you Callie! I have loved reading this thread, and reading all the thoughts from the truly awesome people in it. I confess, it moves so fast sometimes it has gotten away from me, and I have missed huge chunks. Every now and then I would pop in to check on Missy's recovery and find all the treasures that you all post here. How could anyone not want to read it and join in?

I am glad to have the bug passed. It was kinda scary it was so intense for about 15 hours but then I started to feel better pretty quick. I was glad though, because even though they tested my DH for every kind of problem, he was still a little freaked out. So afterwards, I was able to say, 'it was just a bug combined with a loss of sleep' and really know that was exactly what it was. I know I said in another thread (I think) that this has been a really stressful year for us, and it seemed to have culminated right here. We knew it was affecting us, but didn't really put it all together until the last week. He was doing too many days in a row at too many crazy busy stations, and we ended up here.
We wanted to pay for the wedding in cash and not touch our savings. The planning of it is almost done. I have to send in the order for the flowers and pay a few balances but other than that, I am pretty done. DH just text me and said he talked to his dad and it looks like his parents will be able to come. I rented this gorgeous house for our family to stay in and they will be able to stay with us. It looks like all my kids will be coming plus one girlfriend. Son with girlfriend is coming from Vietnam. This WILL be the last big family vacations DH and I will be paying for!!! If I think about doing this again will somebody please just shoot me. I will be out of my mind at that point so you will be doing me a favor!!!

We are having the wedding at a botanical garden called Na Aina Kai. It is so pretty! After pictures we will have dinner at The Beach House restaurant, and then we will go back to the house in Poipu where I will have a cake waiting. Kellie and her dad will have a little father/daughter dance to "I loved her first" and then they will probably leave. She and her dad had this moment at her first wedding to the jerk not to be named, and she didn't want that memory to be the last one of that kind with her dad. I ordered and arch with white fabric and flower arrangements for the ceremony and petals for the grass between the chairs. I also ordered her a cake topper that is a Mr. and Mrs. with her date in a heart, and one of the hangers that says Mrs. plus her new last name. I will post the photo from wedding # uno with her dad. These pictures have been banished to my house now so I could take one. LOL. It was a three hankie moment.



Feb 3, 2008
I think it is too big so it posted sideways! Oh well, you get the gist!


Feb 3, 2008
Marcy, my best friend lives in Longmont! I love Fort Collins!

I hope we get to see a few pics of Junebugs new beach house if possible. Wow, that sounds great. One of my besties has a home at the beach and as soon as she is done with her remodel that is going to be our new get together place! I can't wait.

I love my LV wallet. I feel so fancy with it! LOL. I don't think my DH gets it at all though. I did think the color was going to be more purple as the listing said and it is more burgundy looking to me unless the light hits it just right, then it looks purple. But no matter.


Jun 7, 2014
Luv2sparkle, Kellie's wedding sounds like it will be lovely. How nice that she gets to have her dance with her dad again. Sometimes in life we really do get a do over. What a beautiful memory she will have with her dad. I'm sorry things have been difficult this year. Hopefully everything will settle down after the wedding and you can relax. A friend of ours son is getting married in a few weeks and it has been very stressful for my friend. It seems as though very week there is something new she is stressing over.


Feb 27, 2007
Luv2Sparkle, your daughter's wedding sounds fabulous. How wonderful she will dance with her dad again and she'll always have that special memory from her wedding. I am glad all of your kids will be coming for the wedding. I will be anxious to hear all about it and see some pictures of the beautiful bride, the botanical gardens and the beach house. What terrific backgrounds for the wedding photos. I am sorry you had a stressful year; hopefully everything will be settling down for you soon. The LV wallet has to help that, right? :bigsmile: Small world that your best friend lives in Longmont. I told the back road home from Fort Collins yesterday and drove around the big lake; it was such a pretty drive.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning everyone!

Luv2sparkle, Kellie looked beautiful in that picture with her dad. Thank you for sharing that photo and I am glad there will be new photos commemorating happier times to come. YAY for the whole family coming for such a happy occasion! I am glad happier and less stressful times are here and glad you love your LV. :appl:

Callie, I'm glad you had a lovely trip and we missed you. 2 NIRDIs away at the same time. We have to figure something out and be better organized because that is too much missing our NIRDI girls. LOL. Seriously happy you got away and enjoyed quality time with the girls. :appl: How is your furbaby doing? I know she missed you lots too!

Marcy, woohoo company for sweet Teddy, Harold and George. Bad bunnies though. What kind of a way is that to welcome the new family additions. :nono: Is the new teddy bear's name Audi?

The summer solstice party sounded like fun especially with your brownies and Marty's guacamole. Yummy. Now I am hungry for both LOL and it is 7AM in the morning! I am ready for that lasagna now Marcy. :lickout:

Tommy seems good right now. Keeping a watchful eye. If we have to we will bring him in this week. Thanks for asking.

We were able to cycle 3 days in a row this weekend so Yay for that. Unfortunately (and Kristie already knows this but just sharing it for the rest of the NIRDIs) our Calfee tandem is out of commission because while Greg was changing the drive train Saturday (he had been wanting to change that for a while now) after our ride he broke a part that needs to be special ordered.

Fortunately our back up tandem is there for that very reason and we rode that (Cannondale tandem) Sunday. But ouch because it is not as comfortable. I am sure hoping that part gets here soon and Greg can fix our Calfee tandem sooner rather than later because our Sunday ride was quite punishing (I promise you girls I am not a masochist) and not sure why I insisted we go as many miles as we did LOL. However the good news is that so far this year (since we have been back on the bike starting this past April) we have done over 1350 miles WOOHOO! Not bad right?

Hey Kristie, Junie, Jimmianne, Ovi and LLJsmom. :wavey:

Have a good Monday girls. We are heading back to NY in a few hours. The workweek is here and so is real life once again. Le sigh.


Dec 9, 2013
Callie, rest assured you are not as behind in the posts as I am!
I might as well re-introduce myself LOL.

The weather is is stunningly hot - the kind that is good for staying indoors. I still promote NC as a great place! There are these "pockets" of too hot and too cold that only last a short time.

Luv2sparkle, what a moving photo. A perfect Father's Day image.

Here are a few images from the trip.
One of the first words I learned in France was Bijoux. That's all a person needs to know!

Lots of antique jewelry, but nothing that rocked my world.
The antique prices were quite high as well. I had hoped for a deal [you know me] that would push me over the edge, but no.
This was a fun shop with sterling repro pieces, which I was tempted by, but ended up with a scarf : )

Street art on a rainy day
watching the sun set over the Loire in Saumur
the little stone house we stayed in


Jun 17, 2009
Hi there everyone!

Missy, sorry to hear about the bike, it's great you have a back-up! Hopefully it won't take too long to have the one you prefer back on the road.

Glad to hear Tommy seems to be holding his own right now and doing ok, I'll be keeping him in my thoughts.

Calliecake, welcome back! Hope you had a nice time while you were away. Things are ok with my mother, thank you for asking! And I'm running out of rings to put in the boxes I'm making lol. I know it's a silly thing but making them relaxes me for some reason.

No special plans for the 4th - we usually go to the beach, but because of the house we're going at a different time this year.

Marcy, your summer solstice party sounds like fun and your brownies sound delicious! And lasagna, yum…I think it might be my favorite dish. We're closing on the house in mid-July and then staying for about a week. Unfortunately, I'll probably be spending some of that time packing at the other house, but that's ok. I think my husband is the most excited out of everyone.

And your Audi bear sounds so cute! I can see why you just couldn't resist him.

Luv2sparkle, your daughter's wedding is going to be amazing! It sounds like it will be a very special and fun time, and I hope we can see a few pics when the time comes. It will be so great to have the family together. Love the pic of your beautiful daughter and her dad. And I have a Kelly too! Just spelled differently lol.

I'm glad you're feeling better - I agree, being that ill is really scary. I am amazed at how sick those viruses can make you - I had a particularly bad one once, and honestly I thought maybe I was dying lol. So weird how you bounce back from them fairly quickly too.

And yes, I'll share a few pics of the new house once we're in!

Jimmianne, love the pics! Thank you so much for posting them. The buildings are so picturesque and quaint, just beautiful. Such old world charm. It must be a little hard getting back to reality after such a fabulous trip but on the other hand, there's no place like home ha.

LLJsmom, have you decided on your next purchase, or are you holding off for a bit?

Ovi, hope you're doing well!


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls,

Missy, I'm so sorry about the bike. Can it be easily fixed? Please keep us posted on sweet Tommy. You know how we all worry about each other's babies! Do you have any plans for this week?

Jimmianne, What beautiful pictures! Your trip sounded so lovely. Do you think you will go back to Paris? I didn't take one picture on my vacation. 50+year old women in swimsuits generally don't want to have their picture taken. I threatened to take some a few years back and was told that after my phone was thrown in the ocean that I would be thrown in too. A photo has not been mentioned since. We are all too busy complaining about not having the bodies we used to have to think about pictures.

Junebug, I will happily donate to the Mrs Box fund for velvet and ribbon if you enjoy making the boxes. It sounds like a great stress reliever when you are having a trying day. I also know how much little Zoe loves to help you. Are you getting excited about the new house? Once you get past the pack and unpacking it will be wonderful! I love that you and Luv2sparkle have daughters named Kelly. I wanted to name my furbaby that. My husband was against it because it's a family members name.

Marcy, All I can think about is quacamole right now! Did you have a good day at work today? How are your flowers doing. My landscapers pushed backed my date until sometime next week. I can't wait to have this done. We have had so much rain lately and I know as soon as they finish it won't rain for weeks.

Kristie, What are you up to today? Anything exciting?

Luv2sparkle. What month is your daughter getting married?

LLJsmom, What are you thinking of purchasing on your trip?

OV, I hope you have been having too much fun to post!


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, I named the Audi bear Aces. There is plenty of lasagna left; come on over! I am glad to hear Tommy is doing better. 1350 miles this year is fantastic! Rats that your favorite tandem broke and you have to wait on a part. At least you do have a backup so you can still go for rides.

Jimmianne, your pictures are great. It looks like a beautiful area.

Junebug, I am glad you are enjoying making your ring boxes. They are so pretty. Moving is a lot of work but it’s nice after you get settled in your new place. Our current house is over double the size of our old place and we didn’t have a finished basement before so I felt like I was in a really nice hotel that had some of our stuff. It took me months before I really felt at home. I will be anxious to see pictures of your new house. I am excited for you.

Callie, my flowers are looking good. I was going to take a few macros tonight but it’s windy so the flowers were just flapping in the breeze. I’ll try some other day. Darn it the landscapers pushed back their appointment. That would be my luck too that once we get in new landscaping the weather turns hot and dry. Our rainstorms have died down here.

Kristie, we talked to Marty’s parents yesterday and they said it was 111 degrees in Florence. When will you get Groovy back and on your finger? I am sure you are excited; it looks like it is very sparkly.

Work was okay today. I found more software that I needed installed on my computer. They moved our IT support to another intranet site and it told me I don’t have permission to put in an IT request. I called the helpline, was put on hold and listened to the message that told me to enter a ticket online. You can’t make that stuff up!

Have a great evening.

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