
Now I really did it :((


Jul 1, 2014
I can't wait to see Joy in her new home!!! Looking forward, checking back here regularly!

I know what you mean about your "me" time opening up the box, etc. I love getting jewelry sent to me because I hustle the box into the house and then pretty much do what you do, LOL. Bob doesn't really get the bling thing so its just me who wants to jump up and down, find all kinds of different light to look at it in, get mesmerized by the ring on the steering wheel, etc.


Feb 5, 2014
Hi Girls,

Just real fast, no, I am not on a trip, don't I wish? I am planning going somewhere the weekend after this coming weekend, either Prague or Budapest, we shall see.

For now my mom left today and all day long I am dealing with this really bad, complicated legal situation I am in, so it has taken up all my time and energy today. I sometimes see no hope and this is not the criminal proceedings but how to salvage my belongings, my dreams, everything that matters to me. I take a plunge sometimes, I know you have seen that and sometimes it is really hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Tomorrow I am going to work, Thursday too, I will only see Martina, my colleague and friend tomorrow, then Thursday and Saturday I will be alone or perhaps part time the new goldsmith will be there. This week I am not planning anything fun for the reason that my mom just left, it was hard but sometimes good too, and also because I will only have Friday and Sunday off and Friday going to a lawyer.

I now have a team of three ROFL. Guess better to have more than not enough. More brains mean more ideas, we can hopefully come up with the best solutions. I can only hope and hope dies last they say. I will try to read the forum and concentrate on everything else.

Until then please email if you like, easier to reach me when I simply have no time or energy to read and contribute much here. I appreciate all of you very much and sending you hugs, hoping that you will all have a wonderful day.


Dec 9, 2013
No Joy today : ( lol
They say.
Nothing like a little delay to make the heart grow fonder : )

Good night all and sweet dreams to everyone.


Feb 27, 2007

Callie, it was nice to get out of the office and meet Marty for lunch. I have about another month of crazy busy days of work then it’ll settle down. We are in our busiest time of the year and the lady who usually sends us schedules is on maternity leave so the schedules we get are late and often inaccurate. I think we’ll all be excited to see her come back next month. Marty usually has at least a day’s notice before he travels; that is something your husband has a change of plans sometimes on his way home. Surprise!

Jimmianne, I always keep an eye on those killer rabbits. One scared me coming in the front door today. I jumped, wacked the front door with my new sapphire chipped the DOOR and if I find a scratch on the sapphire that rabbit is going to become rabbit stew! That’s cool your jeweler feel in love with Joy too. Rats you have to wait one more day for Joy to return home.

Missy, you guys probably know more about me that most people. Silly allergies; that’s about all we can say about them, huh? This week is a little better than last week but we get busier as the week goes on. Thursday is probably our worst day. I guarantee your accident and skin certainly have nothing with you having a price to pay. Karma only applies to bad people. I am glad you have shoveling service. I am sure you can find one for your parents but I also know how stubborn they will be about getting a shoveling service (regardless if you pay for it or not).

Kristie, I certainly have the same ritual about finding all sorts of lighting to check out any new jewelry I get. I also get the camera out right away. Must get pictures!

Ovi, I hate to hear your legal worries; I hope things don’t turn out as bad as it seems right now. I am sending much PS Dust that the lawyer you are going to see will be helpful and all of this mess will be over with soon. I am sure you’ll miss having your mom there.

We had another beautiful day here but moisture is on its way back. Marty made supper for us (grilled burgers, salad and seasoned baked potatoes). We finished up dinner with some thin mint Girl Scout cookies. Not home cooking but pretty tasty.

Take care!


Jun 17, 2009
Hi all!

Missy, my balance is pretty bad too and I dislike doing the exercises - sometimes I'll just start falling over! I'll probably end up breaking a hip trying to improve my balance haha! I can't believe you walked 7.5 miles! Wow, that's amazing.

Aw, I was hoping to see Joy Jimmianne, but I guess I'll just have to wait lol - seriously, sorry about the delay!
The only thing I was wondering about the invisalign is if they're uncomfortable, and do you eventually get used to them…and I guess you wear them at night, right?

Marcy, glad you're enjoying some nice weather - it finally warmed up here, but lower temps and rain tomorrow! :sick: I haven't tried any new recipes yet, got lazy and ended up just throwing a brisket in the crockpot with some seasonings and barbeque sauce. Maybe tomorrow! Hopefully I'm more productive tomorrow, although at least I cleaned the bathroom!
Sorry about the allergies, they can really make you feel lousy - and that's tough when you're so busy at work and have so much to do. hang in, tomorrow's hump day! :clap:

Ovi, I'm truly sorry about your legal problems, I'm glad you at least have a few people to assist and support you, I so hope this ends soon for you. I can only imagine the stress you are under, hugs to you.

Talk to you tomorrow ladies, sweet dreams!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning NIRDIs!

Jimmianne, OK, today is JOY day!!! And also GOOD LUCK at the dentist. Keeping my fingers crossed that it goes well and that you feel no pain.

Marcy, thanks. I know you are right. Sometimes my mind works overtime.
I'm sorry your allergies are being a pain. I am not sure what I think of Zyrtec yet but I will keep you posted. The thing I like about it best however is that it is a tiny pill compared to Allegra. So that's something.

I'm glad you had another beautiful weather day yesterday and sorry the rain is back but def better than snow! It is raining here the rest of the week I think but that's OK as long as it clears for the weekend...I hope.

Today is my Monday so back to the coal mines for me. I hope your day goes well and that tomorrow isn't a difficult work day. In fact I hope the next month which I know is super busy for you goes smoothly without any drama.

Ovi, hope things are going as well as they can and as always sending you lots of PS ***DUST*** for a good outcome. Hugs!

Junebug, yes I hear you lol and let's both of us be very careful OK. I can attest to the fact that breaking something and having surgery and being in the hospital for a while is just no fun whatsoever. Even when the surgeon and anesthesiologists and residents and nurses are all so nice. Still not fun. And I agree we need to practice and work on our balance. Wish we just had naturally good balance. To borrow a word from Marcy's vocabulary, Drats!

Have a good day Junebug and stay warm and dry. It is quite colder and wet out there today. I feel another Drats! coming on... :lol:

Callie, hope you had a good day yesterday and enjoy the day today.

Kristie, what are you up to this week? Hope you are having fun in the sun.


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls,

Missy, I take ZyrtekD for allergies and it has worked real well for me. The only problem I have is I can't take the 24 hour ZyrtekD becuase it keeps me up at night so I take the 12 hour tab in the morning. Do you have anything fun planned for today? I'm going shopping with a friend today and weather is not nice here, 50 degrees and rainy. Tomorrow it's supposed to be horrible. 76 degrees and bad storms with possible tornados. Yuck!

Marcy, I read somewhere this past week allergies will be terrible this year across the US. Mine have been acting up too for the past three weeks. I'm sorry you have been having such a rough time at work. it's not fun when everything is stressful. I have to admit I do not miss waking up in the middle of the night and thinking about everything that needs to dine the next day at work. I just very thankful that I still see many of the people I used to work with. As always, your dinner sounded so good last night. Wish I had some thin mints! How great that you are finally enjoying some good weather. Has Marty been able to golf much yet?

Jimmieanne, I'm on pins and needles waiting here to see Joy. I guess I don't have to tell you that. It must be twice as hard for you. Do you have your glass of wine ready???

Junebug, Are you home for the rest of the week or are you traveling back to see your mom this week? Has your husband been home or is he traveling again? Have you started cooking more? I wish I would catch the cooking bug! Unfortunately I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. It's a good thing I'm good at making reservations.

OV, I hope things start settling down for you soon. All this legal stuff has to be exhausting. I'm glad you enjoyed your visit with your mom and am so happy you are planning a trip. A trip sounds like a wonderful way to dstance yourself from all the drama. Have you found a stone to replace Liberty?

Kristie, Do you have any plans for today?

Sharon, What have you been up to?


Dec 9, 2013
I just got home from the dentist. Totally No Big Deal, thank goodness. I had cancelled 2 appts. due to dread and was very nervous.
They used diamond coated :dance: dental tape to remove less than 0.20mm from the sides of three teeth so my braces can continue to work their magic. At most, 90 seconds of procedure. My "before" photos they showed me today were a shock. I didn't realize how much better the alignment is now. woo hoo!

Then got an email that Joy will be ready to pick up at 3pm. He said the ring looks great.
So, lunch then back to town I go.

Back to earth and my NIRDIs this evening!


Jul 1, 2014
I'm so glad you collected your courage and went to the appointment! Good news!!! Can't wait to see your purty smile!

Can we rub that diamond tape on fine lines/wrinkles?????? Why Not!!????

I am eager to see the Divine Miss Joy!!!!! Can't wait!


Jun 17, 2009
Jimmianne, so excited to see Joy in her new setting!!! :dance:

Calliecake, I'm getting a little more into cooking lately, there are so many recipes available on the internet and I'm finding it kind of fun - tonight I'm going to try a healthier version of General Tso's chicken. IMO the worst part about cooking is having to go to the grocery store for whatever ingredients I need lol - and the clean-up too of course!
I've been home for the past two days and will be heading up to my mother's tomorrow and staying overnight.

Hope everyone is having a great day, will check in later!


Feb 5, 2014
Hi Girls,

I feel very tired tonight, I started working again today and the weather truly sucked, tomorrow it is supposed to get a bit better with nice weather over the weekend then bad again.

Yes things are nervewrecking and what scares me the most is that I have to face this person that I am shaking from at divorce proceedings soon, of course during the criminal investigation I do not have to but divorce is different. I was scared to file for divorce for this reason and for him going crazy but my lovely dad told them at least I wanted to get divorced and they got this advice. I seriously feel unable to see this person again. I know I need to get over it, this is the least important thing albeit traumatic. Proceeding with everything else and also seeing the new lawyer on Friday,I cannot wait and hope for no highly upsetting news, you never know.

Well, to feel better I took my diamond ring out of the safe, one time it was something I called engagement ring but I bought it for myself, so I will just wear it on my middle finger as it is too big for me anyhow. I needed a quick bling fix with Liberty gone. This will be my true liberty.:))) I had to have a diamond ring on my hand, I know you girls understand. Of course she is nothing like Joy but I love her anyhow and one day I will have a big girl too, I can dream, right? I want to take my time with that though and not something to think about right now but I can start the planning. I must read everyone's posts but so tired and have some documents to work on.

Speaking of Joy, I cannot wait to see her! Yeepee! :appl:

My allergies are really awful all year around but of course they have gotten worse in the last week or two. I used to take Zyrtec but changed to Telfast a few years ago, not sure you have this brand name in the US. Zyrtec was the best until then but this one is better.

I feel like going to bed but must take care of some things still tonight and feed the doggies. I am also dead tired because of the dogs going crazy night after night for almost the last week. I have no idea what it is, freaking me out, it did my mom and her husband too especially when they heard someone walking on the basement the other day so it is not something that is making me feel good but I made things as safe as I could. I would say it is the dog next door in heat that is making Samuel crazy but the dogs were howling last night. We never found out what the noise was and of course the dogs could be driven wild by cats in heat outside and the female dog but nevertheless they are not letting me sleep and I was up after four hours of sleep waking up in sweat sort of scared, well, guess it is that season.

It was nice going back to work today, Martina was there and it was nice talking to her, tomorrow and Saturday I will be alone with the new goldsmith there four hours. Hope you all have a wonderful day and will look for updates from all of you, hugs to you girls.


Jun 8, 2008
Callie, I hope you are enjoying today with your friend and finding some good deals too. I had a good day at work nothing newsworthy to report. I sure hope you don't get tornados tomorrow. Please be careful and listen to the weather as the day progresses so you are not outside or in any vulnerable area if a tornado touches down. Very scary.

Jimmianne, I'm relieved for you and so glad it went well. Woohoo! And just about now I think you are admiring Ms Joy in her lovely new setting. We are waiting very patently. :whistle: :appl:

Junebug, enjoy cooking and making new recipes. I am sure it will be delicious. And have a safe trip to your mother's tomorrow. Hope it goes well!

Kristie, I'm so happy Finnie boy is enjoying his treatments and doing well. Maggie's next lucky girl. Wish we could get a NIRDI special if we tag along lol.

Ovi, hang in there. You're doing so well. You really are. You've been through the proverbial wringer and you are a trooper. One day at a time and when necessary one hour at a time and one minute at a time. Remember what Kristie told me and they are words I take to heart. When you are going through hell keep going! Yes it is nervewracking to have to face your ex but you can do it. He's a louse and you need not be afraid of him. He is the one who caused so much harm and you will not let him have that power anymore. You will prevail!

I'm glad work was nice for you today with Martina being there and I hope you have a good night's sleep tonight. (((HUGS))).


Feb 27, 2007

Junebug, your brisket sounds great. I love crock pot dinners and I am a big fan of BBQ. It sounds like both of our forecasts are the same for tomorrow - cooler with rain. We sure haven’t had our usual amount of snow this year. Yay for getting the bathroom cleaned. We’ve been talking about (and not much more) doing some spring cleaning. I must say I am glad tomorrow is Thursday.

Missy, I am thinking of picking up some kids allergy meds; they probably wouldn’t mess with me too much. I am glad Zrytec is at least a small pill. I hope it does warm up by the weekend there. How was work today?

Callie, did you have fun shopping? I can’t believe tornado season is starting already. Was it Oklahoma that had some tornadoes a few weeks ago? They are so awful. I think the worst part of my allergies kicking up is that it makes me so tired. I am glad the 12 hour allergy pill works for you. I am sure you don’t miss the stress of working.

Jimmianne, I am delighted your visit to the dentist went well and how wonderful you can see a big difference in your alignment. Marty showed me his before and after photos and I was pretty amazed at the transformation. He has permanent retainers now. I can’t wait to see Joy.

Hi Kristie!

Ovi, that’s great you got a beautiful diamond ring out to wear and enjoy. I am glad that allergy medicine helps you. I hope you sleep well tonight. Sorry you have to see your ex for the divorce but don’t forget how awful he’s been to you. You are going to be better off without him in your life. Hang in there and take it one day at a time.

We had really dense fog this morning; I felt like I was on the coast driving to work.

Marty cooked steak on the grill tonight and I made salad and rice.

Off to read.
Take care.


Dec 9, 2013
Ms. Joy is here and I am greatly enjoying looking at her in a safe setting that is Puff-proof.

It was a long day here - was on the road for about half the day with dental stuff and picking up Joy.
So I don't have much to show tonight - the setting works and I am happy with it. :appl:
Good night, everyone, and thank you for sharing the journey : )
joy_day2.jpg joy_day3.jpg


Jul 1, 2014
Oooooh, I got a shiver and goosebumps with the pics! She looks absolutely regal! :love: :appl: I love the setting, btw. It lets Joy speak for herself, no 'gilding the lily.'

Big congrats, Jimmianne! I'm having a glass of Grand Reserve chardonnay to toast you!


Jun 7, 2014
Oooohhhh Jimmianne, She is so beautiful!!! I love her setting too. Have you been having fun staring at her? She definitely was worth the wait.


Feb 27, 2007
Jimmianne, Joy looks fantastic in her new setting. I love it. You have an absolutely gorgeous diamond and ring.


Feb 5, 2014
I love Joy but we already knew that. Jimmianne, she is truly stunning and the setting does work, it is quite nice in my opinion. You truly deserved getting her after a dentist appointment, I am the same way with them after some dental procedures gone wrong but actually been that way all the way since I was a child. So, well deserved. :dance: :appl: :love: Otherwise too.

Now that I took my solitaire and shoved it on my middle finger somehow I am starting to realize why I loved a soli, they can make such an impact without overdoing anything, sometimes less is more.

Another early day getting ready for work.

Thanks for the encouragement girls, Marcy, yes I could not be happier that this guy is out of my life, I am only starting to realize what a poison he was anyhow and that now that he cannot get in touch with me, I feel relieved albeit healing needs to happen. The only problem I have with the divorce proceedings is like I said, that I have to face him there. If only my lawyer could go alone, sign everything or bring everything and just be done with it, unfortunately that is not how it works and most likely it is bound to get complicated because of the other proceeding happening and that is one reason I am not looking forward to it, boom I just want it to happen. I know that is not likely lol and it is truly like going to the dentist but once it is done with, I am free for good.

I think I need some bling encouragement for the time being. :naughty: Hopefully Pink Sapphie will be ready soon so I do not get the urge to satisfy my craving with something else.

How are you Marcy and how are all of you girls? Jimmianne is your kitty better? Tomorrow I will be off and running errands and going to the lawyer but hopefully have time to also talk.

I am planning my trip for next weekend to go to Prague. I hope nothing comes up as I need to get away badly. Not much planning to do, just have to book a bus ticket round trip but think my cousin and I figured out the best option, buses are very cheap and they have some cool entertainment buses.

Today it is sunny finally, yaaay! :appl: Spring is here even if only for a couple of days. Happy spring all of you girls and enjoy your day.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning NIRDIS and a special Good Morning to our newest NIRDI bling addition the beautiful and lovely Ms Joy. :love: I love her profile and as I told you already I think she has the nicest temp setting I ever saw. It's really a beautiful setting Jimmianne. I am so glad you can now wear her until you decide what is the "perfect" setting. Who knows this one might just be it too but time will tell. In the meantime enjoy Ms. JOY!!! :appl:

Marcy, the regular Zyrtec is tiny and goes down easily. I forget if you have tried it yet but if not it is worth a try. I am not sure about the kids edition but I don't feel the regular Zyrtec is too strong and I am sensitive to meds.

Work went well thanks for asking. I saw every patient yesterday using EMR. It's a pain but it's doable as long as I have a few no shows. If everyone comes in I will have to skip EMR on some at least for now. It is much longer using the EMR by at least triple the time of the regular exam.

I hope your drive to work is easier today with no fog. It is challenging driving with dense fog. Though it can be very romantic (if you are snuggling up with your dh at home that is) you don't need to deal with it on the drive to work. So wishing you a safe and clear drive this morning and YAY it's Thursday which is my Friday but soon enough it will be your Friday too. C'mon weekend!

Ovi, hang in there. Like I said. One day at a time and don't look too far ahead. You will be free soon. And cannot wait to see what bling you get to celebrate! Glad the weather is clearing up and getting nice finally where you are. :appl:
And I hope you get to Prague next weekend. That will be a lovely respite for you.

Callie, watch out for tornados and be careful! Perhaps today is a good day for movies at home with homemade popcorn. Just chilling and relaxing. Wish I could join you. :))

Kristie, any Bubbles updates?

Junebug, how did the new recipes turn out? Be careful going to your mom's today. Our forecast is for heavier rains than yesterday so not sure how it is by you but be safe and have a good visit.

Have a good day everyone. Jimmianne, I am not sure how you will get anything done today with Ms Joy's arrival back home. I would be gazing upon her beauty all day lol. Tell Puff to play nice now or he will have me to answer to... :cheeky:


Dec 9, 2013
:wavey: I have no idea what's going on with everyone and will catch up once I can stop taking photos : )
Don't worry - there will be a thread so this one doesn't get mucked up with a ton of photographs.

This morning Joy and I visited Queen Bea. We can't wait to see Bea in person - her thread generates warm fuzzy feelings!
I wanted to see what band Missy paired up with Bea. yes! There was a similar conclusion for JOY. All the bands I tried looked oddly out-of-place, except the 1920's eBay find that I almost sold on LT last month but had replated instead.
I could be happy with this setting for a long time, I think, and it was so cost effective that I am feeling virtuous :lol:
dayofjoy3.jpg dayofjoy2.jpg dayofjoy.jpg

Now to catch up.


Jun 8, 2008
Please post thousands of pics of the GORGEOUS Ms. joy in this thread!!!! :love: :love: :love:
She is part of the NIRDIs too Yanno. :cheeky:

Swooning over her new photos. :love: :love: :love:

Bea cannot wait till their play date. :appl:


Dec 9, 2013
missy|1428580873|3859190 said:
Please post thousands of pics of the GORGEOUS Ms. joy in this thread!!!! :love: :love: :love:
She is part of the NIRDIs too Yanno. :cheeky:

Swooning over her new photos. :love: :love: :love:

Bea cannot wait till their play date. :appl:
well, maybe just a couple more :))
img_7073_2.jpg img_7069_1.jpg


Jun 17, 2009
I'll be back later to chat some more, but had to pop in to say…Jimmianne, Joy looks fabulous in that setting!!! :love: :love: :love: Oh wow, what a gorgeous stone, and it looks really beautiful - and huge :cheeky: - on your hand! :clap: I love it with the band too!


Jul 1, 2014
Look at how pretty Joy is in every single color surrounding her! that is amazing!!! Love the culet and the faceting pattern, its gorgeous. Doesn't she look vintage AND contemporary in her Mrs. Box?!

We need as many pics as ya got, Jimmianne :clap:

That band looks amazing with your setting. Its great, thank goodness you didn't sell it!!!

This is almost as good as me getting an OEC myself!!!!!

Jimmianne, you mentioned that the jeweler's staff asked you how much Joy cost.

I'm weird about money---I will share what something cost if I feel comfortable and not judged by the person who I'm talking to/asks me about cost. If I feel the person would use that information to judge me in some way, I usually say "Just enough!" and change the subject. I wouldn't like being asked about that by the jeweler's staff and I know some peeps might say, Well, they need to know so its insured while its in their possession. If something happened to the stone while in their possession I would then provide receipt to the store owner/manager for insurance claims.

How do you guys feel about this?

I would divulge cost information to my NIRDI possee BEFORE I bought to ensure that everything is on the up and up: If the cost is too low, I'm obviously not seeing something in the stone. If its too high, I for SURE want to know that.


Dec 9, 2013
Thanks, Az!

I feel more than a little funny about discussing costs, unless it's about the $1.75 bargain tights I got a Walmart.
I'm shameless that way LOL

Big stuff? I cringe when someone asks and usually deflect by changing the subject.
But I think the best answer is - "well why in the world would you want to know that?!".

Back to scrubbing the kitchen floor. Excitement abounds here today.


Dec 9, 2013
Thanks, Az!

I feel more than a little funny about discussing costs, unless it's about the $1.75 bargain tights I got a Walmart.
I'm shameless that way LOL

Big stuff? I cringe when someone asks and usually deflect by changing the subject.
But I think the best answer is - "well why in the world would you want to know that?!".

Back to scrubbing the kitchen floor. Excitement abounds here today.


Jun 17, 2009
Hi all!

Missy, I'm glad to hear you're more comfortable with EMR now, I know you were nervous about it, good for you for just jumping in and doing it! :appl:

My home-made, and at least healthier, chinese food turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself! :D My son is home with us right now, and we started getting into a bad habit of doing of a lot of take-out so I'm trying to come up with some healthier things for us to eat.

Ovi, I am so sorry you are dealing with such upheaval in your life right now. I can see how complicated things are for you. I can understand how stressful it will be to see your ex, but you are stronger than you think, and letting him see that you will not be intimated by him is the best revenge. I'm so glad he is completely out of your life otherwise. I hope you were able to get some rest and are feeling a little better. I'm really happy wearing your diamond brought you some joy, you are among bling lovers here and we totally get it! Wearing something sparkly cheers me up too. Taking a trip sounds like a wonderful idea! I wish I could come with lol!!!

Calliecake, shopping with friends sounds like fun…let us know if you treated yourself to something! Sorry about the bad weather, ugh. I think it's going to be stormy here tomorrow :knockout:

Jimmianne, I can't imagine you are getting anything done with that rock on your finger! :D I'd just sit and stare at it all day long!

Kristie, hope you get some word on Bubbles soon!

Ok, so I've been mulling over my next purchase, and here's my latest idea. I've been veering back to a yellow diamond ring…As much as I like the look of a Tiffany style soleste ring, I'm starting to wonder if it's really my style. I don't know, it might be but not sure lol. I've been thinking about this august vintage cushion - I think I'm just more of an old cut kind of gal as opposed to the more modern look of crushed ice, modern radiants, etc. So, I've been checking out this August Vintage cushion, y-z 1.09 carats

To make it one stop shopping, which really appeals to me, I was thinking of this Gabriel setting . Third row, last one in the right.

I'm thinking this style of halo might give me the finger coverage I'm looking for. Gabriel isn't a high-end brand or anything, but I think the quality is considered pretty decent.

My other idea was to get a quote for a Maytal Hannah double halo setting, and in fact I emailed her but have not heard anything back. I'm starting to think email is not the way to go with vendors. Well, anyway, this is the direction I'm leaning towards right now!



Dec 9, 2013
Junebug, I love the look of that stone! Oh boy, I would love to see that in a halo.
Which halo setting? The whole page came up and enquiring minds want to know.


Dec 9, 2013
junebug17|1428603479|3859378 said:
Jimmianne, I can't seem to get a pic of it, or even get the right page. :wall: I'll keep trying!

Ok, I think this should work

That's a very pretty style with lots of sparkle power - the corners on the halo add something special to the traditional halo appearance that make it stand out.This is the one, yes?

edit: I hope you don't mind me posting a photo?
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