
Need opinion on Mother''s Ring

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Jan 10, 2005
I know Mother's Day is a couple of months away, but I've been seriously contemplating what to get my mom. Last year I bought her an inexpensive heart pendant that said Mother on the back and had pave diamonds covering the front. She was absolutely floored and has worn it every day since then which actually has made me feel a wee bit guilty. She has been an incredibly amazing mom, always going without to provide us with whatever she could, and I'd like nothing more than to repay some of the generosity. Unfortunately, I'm not in a financial position to spoil her as much as I'd like (hence last year's $100 gift that she will quote "not take it off for the rest of my life...It will always remind me of the wonderful daughter that I have and how close I hold you to my heart.....Thank you Thank you.....").

I remember her saying, during one of her most recent visits, that she likes the Mother's ring she currently has, she just wishes the gemstones were a bit bigger. I think as soon as she said that, I had it in my head that we should get her an upgraded piece to replace it. Unfortunately I've been unable to find a setting that incorporates 4 different colored stones without looking too funky or cheesey. Anything I like, my sister doesn't like, and she hasn't come up with any ideas of her own so I'm running low on ideas.

The first ring I mocked up that she and I both liked, goes in kind of the opposite direction of my original intention, using 1.5 mm gemstones as pave on the band, leaving the center open for a main stone. Since my dad never officially gave her a diamond engagement ring, and only gifted her with a subpar diamond anniversary band a number of years ago, I'd really love for her to have a nice diamond. I've picked out a .34ct round for the center of this setting, but I'd really like some opinions before I get too carried away with this plan.

This is a bad photo of her wearing her current Mother's ring that my older sister bought for her probably more than 10 years ago?

This is a small mockup of what I've got in mind. I apologize for the quality, but it's a screenshot from the adwar site and I haven't been able to find any larger versions of this setting:

And a slightly larger, blurrier view:

1. Is it obvious enough that this is a Mother's ring of sorts, with our 4 distinct birthstones on the band and a diamond to represent mom/our family in the center?

2. Do you think she'd be happy with this ring even though she originally said she wanted one with a bigger version of each of our birthstones?

Any thoughts in general?

I really appreciate the feedback. :)


May 24, 2005
I''m often not fond of mother''s rings because of the different colors and often the integration of the colors with the design lacks much appeal to me.

HOWEVER, I love your design. I love the four different colors on each band and the diamond center stone. It''s much better than anything I''ve seen in the store displays and I think it''s a beautiful idea, especially since it is so sentimental to your mom.

So for what it''s worth, I like it and would go forward with it.


Jan 10, 2005
Thank you So SO much for your feedback. I too have never been fond of the traditional mother''s rings but I also know family is very important to my mom, and she enjoys the symbolism behind such family jewelery. I was afraid this unorthodox new design might be a bit too unusual, but I''m thrilled to hear you approve.

Thanks :)


Aug 31, 2005

I like your design a lot as well. The only thing I'd suggest is switching the YG (or is that RG?) to WG. Incorporating all of those colors into YG might be asking a bit much. On WG, the "slate" is clean and will showcase the colors beautifully. Would your mother just prefer YG or would she be okay with WG?

ETA: I just want to add that it looks great in the YG (or RG) but would look wonderful the other way, too. It all depends on what your mother prefers.


Jan 3, 2005
I agree with lumpkin. it looks like it would be her style and I think it is really, really cool..


Dec 28, 2005
I''m a guy, so I''m not sure my input offers much. But, I just had to say what a wonderful thing I think you are doing for what sounds like a wonderful mother. I really agree with Lumpkin. I''ve seen many women wearing birthstone rings that must represent the children''s birth months and they are often rather cheap looking, but must have much sentimental value. Your ring idea would I''m sure hold tremendous value to your mother, but would look absolutely beautiful.

Again, what a nice gesture. Go for it............


Jan 10, 2005
I''d prefer to use white gold, but all of my mom''s current jewelry is Yellow Gold, so I feel like I need to stick with what she has and what she likes :)

I''m really relieved that you''ve all had such good things to say so far :) My family is going through a bit of sticker shock, but I''ll hopefully be able to help them through it so we can do something really nice for my mom. I''ve always had a very close relationship with her, but after her heart attack 2 years ago, I''ve made it an extra point to let her know how much I love her every chance I get. I really hope this ring will be able to help remind her of that ;-)

Thanks again.


Nov 18, 2004
I think it''s going to be lovely and you are a very sweet daughter to do this for her. I usually don''t love mother''s rings, but I like this one a lot!!


Oct 19, 2005
I agree, I think it''s lovely and your mother will treasure it. Now I want to go call my mom, too. I wasn''t a big fan of mother''s rings until my mom asked for one for her 60th birthday last year. After shopping around, there are some beauties out there! You''ve definitely picked one.


Oct 13, 2005
Oh that is such a wonderful idea for your mother she is a very lucky woman to have such a loving daughter. I''m not terribly familiar with mother''s rings but I think the design you picked out is very pretty. And I''m sure no matter what you decide on she''ll love it knowing that it is from her loved ones. I did something similar a few years back for my mom except that it was a pendant with her birthstone. You can see it here:

Best of luck and keep us posted with whatever you choose.


Mar 1, 2004
HH, I love your design idea. Better yet, I think your Mom will love it as well. As a mother, she was and is your center. She is the one who has grounded you as you have each gone your separate ways. I think the design of the ring reflects that with the diamond as the center and the four different bands each representing a child now on their own yet overlapping into each others' lives. Beautiful idea.


edited for clarity


Jan 25, 2005
I love your design!!!! I think it''s gorgeous and your mom will love it, particularly since she never got a diamond ering, and the band of the ring you chose has the birthstones of all the children. I really like it and think you lucked out with the birthstones being 2 light, and 2 dark---the ring has symmetry and will be stunning! Go for it!!!!

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
I think it is a really sweet idea. I like the design. I am not sure I would KNOW that it was a mother''s ring if I saw it, but I doubt that matters. I think it is really great and I hope your family jumps on board.


Nov 8, 2005
What a sweet idea! I''m sure she''ll love whatever you get her. The ring you posted is a tad busy for my taste, but I love the idea. Here''s an idea though: What about an eternity band that was each child''s birthstone 1/4 of the way around? (I think you said there are 4 of you right?) It might be a little simple/cleaner and it would look great from every view.
Just an idea!


Jul 27, 2005
Date: 2/10/2006 10:41:23 PM
Author: gailrmv
What about an eternity band that was each child''s birthstone 1/4 of the way around? (I think you said there are 4 of you right?) It might be a little simple/cleaner and it would look great from every view.
Just an idea!

I thought the EXACT SAME THING.... she could twist it around & have lots of different looks with the one ring. My uncle gave my aunt a ring with "all the precious stones in it" ruby, sapphire, emerald etc ... it was kinda icky looking & jumbled even though they were in rows like your original idea. I don''t think she really liked it, though she said she did.


Aug 12, 2005
I''m loving the new and improved mother''s ring design. I think the only thing I would change, as others have mentioned, is the cleanliness of the design. Have you thought about incorporating either white gold or square cut stones (for the four colors) into the design? What about a split shank and a center diamond? I almost think a split shank with four different colors would look strange, but if PS would come on here and photoshop it for us it would be a big help, hint hint!


Sep 25, 2003
I agree that, set in yellow gold, it will look a little busy (at least in my opinion). I think a ring is just too small to pull off four different colors plus a diamond without looking cluttered.

A pendant, on the other hand, is a different story. What about...

What about making that yellow gold (if that''s all she wears), and putting in all of your birthstones and a diamond at the top to symbolize mom?

If she doesn''t need more pendants, I think this would also make a really fun pair of earrings.


Sep 25, 2003
If you really want rings, here''s another idea I like (stolen from a thread on this board):

You could get five little rings, four with your gemstones and one with a diamond. I think it would be neat to have the diamond be a little bigger than the other stones, and to have two on one side and two on the other. Plus, this way she can wear all of them at once or just one or two at a time (depending which kids are in town to visit!).


Feb 10, 2006
1. Is it obvious enough that this is a Mother''s ring of sorts, with our 4 distinct birthstones on the band and a diamond to represent mom/our family in the center?


Feb 10, 2006
Sorry for the mess-up - it''s my first time putting in a reply. I think Mother''s rings are usually obvious, but isn''t that the point? She will love the design because you picked it out.

How about something like this... if you think she might like more contemporary? You can always add diamonds in. Or, I have also seen princess cut stones in a channel setting - it looks classy.


Jan 10, 2005

“What about an eternity band that was each child''s birthstone 1/4 of the way around? (I think you said there are 4 of you right?) It might be a little simple/cleaner and it would look great from every view.”

The only ring she wears right now is a wedding band on her left ring finger. I’d like to stay with a bit more fluid design on the right hand, something similar in shape to her current Mother''s ring so it’s not a huge change from the old ring to the new ring but different enough from the wedding band to add some interest.

“ Have you thought about incorporating either white gold or square cut stones (for the four colors) into the design? What about a split shank and a center diamond? I almost think a split shank with four different colors would look strange, but if PS would come on here and photoshop it for us it would be a big help, hint hint!”

As I originally mentioned, my mom has all yellow gold jewelery, so my hands are tied where this is concerned. I originally photoshopped some split shank designs but having the smaller diamond in the center really didn’t allow for a very big split. The setting I’ve chosen has a similar feel but I don’t think it makes it as obvious that the stone is smaller.

“A pendant, on the other hand, is a different story. What about...”
As I wrote earlier, I gave her a necklace last year, so I’d really like to go the ring route this year; especially since the wearer gets to spend more time enjoying a ring than a necklace. I do like that necklace though, especially all in diamonds and all for myself ;-)
“How about something like this... if you think she might like more contemporary?”
Unfortunately she’s not big on really modern things. She still seems to think I shouldn’t have gotten a halo around my RHR diamond because she thinks it detracts from it :razz:

I’m really a bit torn at this point.

Some of you have loved the idea, others have said it’s too busy. I’ve got a .34 J/SI1 on hold for this project, so I guess I need to decide quickly one way or the other.

Here’s the ring photoshopped onto my mom’s hand to give you some idea how it might look:


One of the most important constraints I’m working with is budget. I’ve had a couple of other ideas of things to do, but they’ve all been custom which in this case is beau coup expensive compared to using a precast setting from Adwar. I haven’t found any off the shelf settings that seem to have the quality and aesthetics that I’m looking for, so I was really hoping this ring would be a good compromise.

Ahhh, decisions decisions.


Jan 25, 2005
Do you think your mom would love it, irrespective of the opinions posted here? Seeing it photoshopped on her hand, what do you think she would say? Let that guide your decision process.


Dec 28, 2005
Please take everyone's comments in the spirit in which they were intended. Only you can know what your mother will appreciate. And you should go with your gut and get what you like. I personally think the ring you originally posted would be very special, but I'm a guy so what do I know? Since this is a diamond forum, do take the advice of this audience about the quality of the diamond you will buy. The rest of the ring is entirely up to you and your siblings.

After seeing the ring photoshopped on her hand, I'm betting your mom will be the most thrilled mom on the entire planet with such an incredible, thoughtful and heartfelt gift. You're making me feel bad for only buying my mother the nighties she wanted from Nordstrom for her birthday.........


Jan 10, 2005
I think my mom is overly grateful and loves just about anything I give her :razz: I had 2 dozen assorted roses sent to her today for Valentine''s Day and she seemed so thrilled :) I love that she''s so easy to please (only wish my dad would hop on board where spoiling her is concerned).

I went through the same bouts of indecision when I worked with Michael E on my right hand ring. The adwar photos had me feeling less than confident, and even seeing his prelim photos still made me a bit nervous. Once I saw it in person though, it was awesome. So much more delicate and flower like than I could have imagined. Catching a glimpse of it on my hand on a daily basis still makes me smile 1.5 years later.

I''m hoping this ring would bring the same sort of happiness to my mom. I know she''d never tell me if she disliked it, but I don''t want her to feel obligated to wear it if she dislikes it either. Thank God I won''t be buying an engagement ring any time soon :razz:

I think you make a good point though :) My mom is obviously not in the same ballpark as most PS visitors. I''ve tried to explain to her about ideal diamonds and ring settings and it''s just so far beyond her realm of experience that it looses a little something in the translation. If she''s been content wearing a Walmart-esque Mother''s ring for all these years, I can''t imagine she''d dislike the new one.

Thanks for the reality check ;-)
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