
Movies that left you SPEECHLESS...

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Jun 12, 2008
Are there any movies that you never really "got"...? Wondering What the Heck?

So yesterday I''m watching Lost Highway Directed by David Lynch from was a free movie so I figured why not and it had gotten good ratings online...anyone heard of it? My gosh, what in the world?
My bf is trying to dissect it as I type this and create HIS version of it...mercy.

And I still, to this day, never understood the ending from Contact with Jodie Foster...
I did NOT like Contact. Well, I liked the cinematography, but not the script.

I felt a big "HUH" at the end of "No Country for Old Men". But then again, I hate a movie that has obvious flaws in it. The ones that give away the plot or ending and/or insult our intelligence. That is how I felt about that movie since the Tommy Lee Jones character should have had a "V-8" moment and figured out the whole cattle killing thing. That stuff drives me batty.

I can''t remember if I ever saw Lost Highway. Now I will have to look it up in Netflix.
Miracle I totally agree with you on the "No Country for Old Men"---the ending just totally hacked me off! LOL at the V-8 moment--so true! But it did leave me speechless--just awed at how much more they could have done with it.

The "Step Brothers" movie thats out in theaters now left me speechless---because I was laughing too hard to make normal words come out of my mouth. Its crass, full of foul language, and honestly, left me bawling from laughing so hard. My sides hurt the next day from laughing so hard.

One of my all time faves though was "Brokeback Mountain". I walked out of the theater just totally awed. I couldn''t put into words how deeply that movie touched me. I saw it with my husband and my gay best friend and all three of us were just sobbing at the end. I appreciate it even more now that Heath Ledger has passed away--he left a wonderful legacy with that film. I haven''t seen Dark Knight yet, but its next on my list.
Date: 8/4/2008 1:47:27 AM
Author: miraclesrule
I did NOT like Contact. Well, I liked the cinematography, but not the script.

I felt a big ''HUH'' at the end of ''No Country for Old Men''. But then again, I hate a movie that has obvious flaws in it. The ones that give away the plot or ending and/or insult our intelligence. That is how I felt about that movie since the Tommy Lee Jones character should have had a ''V-8'' moment and figured out the whole cattle killing thing. That stuff drives me batty.

I can''t remember if I ever saw Lost Highway. Now I will have to look it up in Netflix.
Yeah, I just read it got two thumbs down and when it came out they used that to advertise it int he newspapers...
Not a movie, but stage production...Cats. Maybe it was because I was a little buzzed, had a long day, and I went with my mom (who is fabulous, but certifiably crazy), but at the end, we looked at eachother and said "Huh?" A few weeks ago, I made mention of the cats going to outer space to a friend and she said "Uh...I don''t think they did that..." so either it stumps everyone, or I had no idea what was going on whatsoever. OH - and we got the big glossy program. Still never figured it out. Mom and I BOTH majored in English, so we found the fact that we totally missed it on Cats to be truly hysterical. Apparently, we read the other T.S. Eliot.

Now - to movies - Brokeback Mountain. Hate to speak ill of the dead, but that was really bad acting and a really bad movie. No. Plot. Whatsoever. I''m a socially aware gal, I thought the subject of the movie was wonderful, but awards? It was like watching grass grow...with vacant, bad actors. Please. My friend and I were about to turn it off when we realized we only had 10 mins to go, so we watched the whole thing. Apparently, the whole time we were doing the "Hmmm, I shouldn''t say anything because maybe she thinks this is genius filmaking and I''m the crazy one..." dance. So sad. I can''t have that portion of my life back.

Hmmmm...what else. OH! The Piano! I saw that movie waaaay too young (I remember being sent out of the room for the naked scenes...yes, because seeing someone naked was not going to be scarring compared to the rest of the movie), but my adult brain still wonders why this movie was so awesomely amazing. Correct me if I''m wrong, but it''s about well, rape, a woman who doesn''t speak, a 7 year old, and a piano. And how does this make it to production? I mean seriously, how does someone actually pitch this idea? I''m still curious.
Well there have been several that left me speechless in huh, but I will just name one that came to mind. I personally didn't like American Beauty when everyone else did;
I just left saying huh???

There are also several that left me speechless in, wow, that were powerful, intriguing, etc. One that came to mind was Immortal Beloved because I never knew Beethoven was deaf and was a phenomenal composer.
Brokeback Mountain. I know it''s about gay cowboys, but the love story was very touching, and Heath Ledger''s performance truly brings tears to my eyes!!
Its quite a dark film, but I saw Requiem For A Dream many years ago with my g''friend at the cinema. We walked out blinking in the sun like "whoa"...

Later, I heard that at the Sydney premier of the film nobody drank from the free bar, ate the food etc as the film''s a bit shocking.
The Happening--decent concept, horrible acting, blah storyline
Cloverfield--I still don''t get it
That Jet Li/Jackie Chan movie that I can''t remember the name of but it. was. awful!!!
10,000 BC--seriously, no words for this movie

And even though this is off topic (sort of), I just have to say that A Beautiful Mind is one of my all time favorite movies evah!
Titanic left me dumbfounded; I thought it was such drivel.

I thought No Country for Old Men was brilliant and can''t imagine it having ended any other way.
Yes!! I think the movie was called American Psycho, or something similar. It''s been several years since I saw it. The only thing I really remember is that the entire movie I was totally confused. I never understood what was going on. It still ranks as my all-time least favorite movie. Oh, how I HATED that movie!!
Date: 8/4/2008 10:30:43 AM
Author: krispi
Yes!! I think the movie was called American Psycho, or something similar. It''s been several years since I saw it. The only thing I really remember is that the entire movie I was totally confused. I never understood what was going on. It still ranks as my all-time least favorite movie. Oh, how I HATED that movie!!

Big Fat DITTO.

I hated that movie.
Hostel. Most disturbing movie I have ever seen. DH and I rented it because it had Quentin Tarantino''s name all over it, not knowing anything about it. Boy was that a mistake.
The Mist- I did not like the ending at all.

Oh yeah Lady in the Water & The Wicker Man- top of my crap list.
Date: 8/4/2008 10:31:37 AM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 8/4/2008 10:30:43 AM
Author: krispi
Yes!! I think the movie was called American Psycho, or something similar. It's been several years since I saw it. The only thing I really remember is that the entire movie I was totally confused. I never understood what was going on. It still ranks as my all-time least favorite movie. Oh, how I HATED that movie!!

Big Fat DITTO.

I hated that movie.
Ah, see I loved that movie! I also loved the book. It's intentionally confusing but I won't say why because that would spoil it for someone who hasn't seen it yet.

ETA, to answer the question, There Will Be Blood left me speechless in a weird way. The acting was superb, but I just don't think I really "got" the point of the movie.
Date: 8/4/2008 12:25:42 PM
Author: OUpeargirl
Date: 8/4/2008 10:31:37 AM

Author: elledizzy5

Date: 8/4/2008 10:30:43 AM

Author: krispi

Yes!! I think the movie was called American Psycho, or something similar. It's been several years since I saw it. The only thing I really remember is that the entire movie I was totally confused. I never understood what was going on. It still ranks as my all-time least favorite movie. Oh, how I HATED that movie!!

Big Fat DITTO.

I hated that movie.

Ah, see I loved that movie! I also loved the book. It's intentionally confusing but I won't say why because that would spoil it for someone who hasn't seen it yet.

ETA, to answer the question, There Will Be Blood left me speechless in a weird way. The acting was superb, but I just don't think I really 'got' the point of the movie.

I was just going to say There Will Be Blood as well! It was definitely one of those "huh?" movies, where at the end I was left wondering what the point was. Also, I'm with everyone who didn't like No Country for Old Men--I felt like I wasted 2 hours of my life watching it.
The last movie I saw in a theater (I''m not kidding) was Being John Malkovich (sp?) back in the late nineties. I remember sitting there thinking "I paid eight dollars and fifty cents for this experience and I don''t even know what the hell is going on here." That was it for me. The HH has over the past decade or so specifically asked me to watch a few (three that I can think of) movies with him that he''s rented but I may never go to a move theater again.
Eyes Wide Shut. What a stupid movie. I'm going to have to go back and watch it again, because people are still enthralled with it, and see if my age has somehow made it better.

I have to say Skippy that I love American Beauty. That one also left me speechless, but in a good way. My mom hated it and forbade me from having a copy in her house. The cinematography was beautiful. And I love the music.

How about....The Life of David Gale. That one left me going, "" pretty much just like that.

Saved! left me in one of those states, where it was like, "WTH was that?" But I liked that one too.

American History X Curb. That's all I'm gonna say.

Moulin Rouge I know that this one rubbed a lot of people the wrong way too, but I thought the story was beautiful and the cinematography was amazing.

Requiem for a Dream Now THAT is a movie to scare everyone off of doing anything...

The Jacket left me going, "EH?!"

Memento I've never been so confused.

ETA: Fight Club WTH was up with that movie?! I need to watch it a few more times...
The first movie that came to mind when I saw the title of this thread was American Psycho. It''s not that I didn''t like it--in fact, I find the business card competition and that scene where he films himself while flexing his muscles to be hilarious. It''s just that at the end I didn''t know where reality ended and his fantasy mind began.

There Will Be Blood left me feeling unsure...then again with Daniel Day Lewis I never know whether I like or dislike his overacting. I did walk away liking it, though.

I liked the ending of No Country for Old Men, specifically because of how the movie began, but I tend to like movies that don''t tie everything up with a bow.

Requiem for a Dream was so disturbing that it sort of haunted me for days afterward.
The Crying Game. My cousin took me when I was 13 or so, it was eye opening.
Waterworld. Well, at least it was airconditioned.
The good:
Brokeback mountain: My FI and I went and he knew guys like the ones who killed Jak''es character in this day and age. I was deeply moved by the movie.
Shining: The first real horror movie I saw and still one of my favorites. Its so well done and the ending messed with my mind for a long time. My FI and I watched it the night before he proposed when I was homesick for the mountains.
Session 9: I am a horror movie addict, and this one was truely amazing. It always makes it onto the top horror movies you have never seen lists and for good reason. My absolute favorite, for those who like these movies, look it up.
The Desent: Not many people saw this one, but I like the directors 1st film, so I went to see it. I am still not sure what happened in the end, but that''s part of the fun. I recommend this one to horror fans.
Dangerous beauty: This was a period film about a concubine in Venice and her love affair, the ending made me cry. It is really beautiful and it was on my mind for a long time after I saw it.
Priscilla Queen of the desert and Bedrooms & hallways: These are both good films, but will only take your breath away if you watched the matrix or lord of the rings too many times as Hugo Weaving has a VERY different sort of part in these movies
Silence of the Lambs: Seriously, who didn''t this movie get to?

The bad:
Kill Bill: worst movie I have ever seen. I am no stranger to graphic films, but I do try to avoid the amazingly stupid ones, which I failed in this case. EVERYTHING about the movie I hated.
Signs and Saw: I like horrors a lot, but when the plot holes are so big I can drive a tank through, its hard to enjoy. I won''t say more so as not to "ruin" the endings, but I will say the endings ruin themselves.
Donny Darko: Apparently I just don''t "get" this film. I thought it was dull and the twist was really stupid. I know it is a cult classic and have fought with many a friend over it.

For the most part, I manage to avoid movies I will think are so bad they leave me breathless, so thankfully the list is rather short.
Did you see both Kill Bills BIH?
I have to agree with those who mentioned Requiem for a Dream. I love the movie and I have it on DVD, but I just can''t bring myself to watch it again. (I''ve only seen it twice). The first time I saw it, it made me depressed for about two days. I would be driving in my car and start thinking about it. It''s really intense. I WANT to watch it again but I just don''t think I want to do that to myself again! haha

And Momento and Donnie Darko took me FOREVER to get. In Momento I just had to watch it again to figure it out, but when I watched Donnie Darko I had no idea what was going on. I had to look it up online.... it''s a little out there for my taste.
Date: 8/4/2008 1:35:17 PM
Author: FrekeChild
Eyes Wide Shut. What a stupid movie. I'm going to have to go back and watch it again, because people are still enthralled with it, and see if my age has somehow made it better.

I have to say Skippy that I love American Beauty. That one also left me speechless, but in a good way. My mom hated it and forbade me from having a copy in her house. The cinematography was beautiful. And I love the music.

How about....The Life of David Gale. That one left me going, '' pretty much just like that.

Saved! left me in one of those states, where it was like, 'WTH was that?' But I liked that one too.

American History X Curb. That's all I'm gonna say.

Moulin Rouge I know that this one rubbed a lot of people the wrong way too, but I thought the story was beautiful and the cinematography was amazing.

Requiem for a Dream Now THAT is a movie to scare everyone off of doing anything...

The Jacket left me going, 'EH?!'

Memento I've never been so confused.

ETA: Fight Club WTH was up with that movie?! I need to watch it a few more times...
hehe I love both those movies, especially Momento!
I agree the cinematography was great in AB, but just thought the movie was depressing and I did not like it and it did nothing for me really. I wanted to like it since everyone loved it but it wasn't happening.

DeeJay, I hated being John M! I do like John Malkovich but hated that movie!
Date: 8/4/2008 3:53:31 PM
Author: Skippy123
hehe I love both those movies, especially Momento!
I agree the cinematography was great in AB, but just thought the movie was depressing and I did not like it and it did nothing for me really. I wanted to like it since everyone loved it but it wasn't happening.
The movie was pretty upsetting-sort of showed a group of people at their absolute worst. I totally understand why people didn't like it, it's a pretty disturbed movie.

I forgot Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon That movie left me with a "Wow."

ETA: I'm watching Moulin Rouge now....
if you found American Psycho the movie to be disturbing - don''t ever read the book. Disturbo indeed.
Date: 8/4/2008 4:22:14 PM
Author: FrekeChild

The movie was pretty upsetting-sort of showed a group of people at their absolute worst. I totally understand why people didn't like it, it's a pretty disturbed movie.

I forgot Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon That movie left me with a 'Wow.'
Maybe that is why I didn't like it, but then I loved City of God which should be super disturbing but I thought that movie was amazing!!!

I loved Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon; I wanted to fly off buildings after seeing that movie! hehe
There will be blood.

not what I anticipated at all...the ending is so odd.
Date: 8/4/2008 10:18:43 AM
Author: fieryred33143
The Happening--decent concept, horrible acting, blah storyline
Cloverfield--I still don''t get it
That Jet Li/Jackie Chan movie that I can''t remember the name of but it. was. awful!!!
10,000 BC--seriously, no words for this movie

And even though this is off topic (sort of), I just have to say that A Beautiful Mind is one of my all time favorite movies evah!
ditto to A Beautiful Mind....Crowe is amazing.
Date: 8/4/2008 10:31:37 AM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 8/4/2008 10:30:43 AM
Author: krispi
Yes!! I think the movie was called American Psycho, or something similar. It''s been several years since I saw it. The only thing I really remember is that the entire movie I was totally confused. I never understood what was going on. It still ranks as my all-time least favorite movie. Oh, how I HATED that movie!!

Big Fat DITTO.

I hated that movie.
Oh man, I think American Psycho is an amazing movie - Patrick Bateman is one of my favourite characters of all time, in his delciously shallow life, he longed for something to fill the void left when one pursues money, and money alone.

The business card scene is one of the most ridiculously perfect examples of Corporate American competition I can think of.
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