
Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise are divorcing


Jul 7, 2004
I guffawed.

And I do NOT see any tom cruise in that child. NONE.


Jul 17, 2008
I'm sure she filed because she knows she will win as Suri is not Tom's. Watch: I bet he doesnt fight for fear of her exposing her true daddy.


Jan 26, 2003
FrekeChild|1341014124|3226253 said:
Logan Sapphire|1340991713|3226028 said:
It's a shame for Suri.

Why?! Better for Suri to witness her mom in a happy healthy relationship than have this sham as a model for relationships!

I probably should know better than to try to get serious in a thread like this, but.... How can anyone pretend to know what is best for poor Suri? No matter what the nature of the relationship between Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes; no matter whether Tom Cruise is her biological father; if he has been her father in fact and has been reasonably caring and loving to her, she will suffer from this divorce as would any other child whose parents divorced. And I say this although I personally dislike Tom Cruise intensely. Fair is fair.



Nov 18, 2004
I am not a fan of Tom. I hope Katie finds happiness. I worry about Suri. She is often alone, from what we see in the press. YES we can't believe all that we see. BUT I have a friend who has never written an untruthful word, never been sued. That little girl is wearing high heels, has no play dates and is always around body guards..

Katie will do well, and hopefully can take Suri and have a normal ( well as normal can be in that world)

Nicole went on to have her own kids, and I often wonder about the two she and Tom adopted. I am thinking Tom made them unavailable once they divorced..

It's sad when a couple splits.

I hope they do so in a dignified manner and shield Suri from what lies ahead...

She's going to need some good therapy....

I think Katie is very close with her parents, so am hoping they will give her the comfort and strength to get through this and move away from Lala land for a bit...


Jan 11, 2006
Very interesting. And a good thing in the long run for Suri. I hope Katie writes a tell-all book one of these days. I'll bet her family is ecstatic.

Sole custody? Umm, yeah, that confirms he is not the baby daddy.


Dec 14, 2007
AGBF|1341020300|3226309 said:
FrekeChild|1341014124|3226253 said:
Logan Sapphire|1340991713|3226028 said:
It's a shame for Suri.

Why?! Better for Suri to witness her mom in a happy healthy relationship than have this sham as a model for relationships!

I probably should know better than to try to get serious in a thread like this, but.... How can anyone pretend to know what is best for poor Suri? No matter what the nature of the relationship between Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes; no matter whether Tom Cruise is her biological father; if he has been her father in fact and has been reasonably caring and loving to her, she will suffer from this divorce as would any other child whose parents divorced. And I say this although I personally dislike Tom Cruise intensely. Fair is fair.

Mmmmhmmmm, I probably should as well, but...

Children learn from their parents because parents are the child's first teachers. Children learn at a very early age who their parents are and to copy their parents. Parents are their children's first role models. So what is to say that children WON'T model their romantic relationships on their parents' relationship?

I know that I think of my parents when I think "loving relationship". I know that I've had friends whose parents were less than...and they make less than wise choices in partners. Sure, it's anecdotal, but I've seen it time and time again. I take special interest in relationships, so I'm probably more aware of it than most. My father, who was a divorce lawyer for many many years also believes that children of divorce are better off in their future relationships than children whose parents hated each other and stayed together "for the kids". I think he can say that as he had clients who were children of previous clients. He was also divorced, and there were children involved, and he firmly believes that his children were better off than they would have been should they have stayed together.

Of course, this is all anecdotal, but it makes sense. Watching my 7 month old learn to clap after watching me clap? It's an amazing thing, and it's also made me realize that I need to be more self aware, because she's going to copy everything I do.

Why would Suri be any different? Besides only spending time with a nanny of course....


Oct 20, 2007
I honestly thought it'd last longer. They both dropped out of the public eye and I'd forgotten about them. Call me a cynic, but do either of them have movies coming out now? With all this attention suddenly it'd be a great way to get people to see it.


Feb 28, 2012
What ever made anyone think all of a sudden he's stud material?

Not so Top Gun?

I hope Katie finds herself again once she's extricated from this situation. As to Suri, Katie seems devoted to her, they are practically always photographed together. Interesting to read that Tom from all accounts was blindsided by the split, he hadn't seen it coming. A lack of genuine connection? I remember Nic saying she had once taken a 7 hour car trip with Tom up to the North of Australia and he literally hadn't said a word the entire journey.

I wonder what's going to happen to that gorgeous engagement ring.


Apr 2, 2006
It did seem inevitable I guess... and I wouldn't wish a marriage of such different belief systems on anyone... and it does seem that Tom Cruise veers towards the weird and controlling end of the spectrum. I also think though that publicly blindsiding someone like that, with something as deeply personal as a divorce, is less than classy.


Aug 31, 2005
I think Suri is Tom's biologically, but that doesn't mean she was created in the traditional way. I also lean toward believing the contract rumors because there have been many blind items over the course of their relationship that have predicted each twist. They don't call it Hollyweird for nothing.


Aug 31, 2005
Double post, PS won't let me delete. :cheeky:


Jan 30, 2008
VRBeauty|1341078349|3226604 said:
It did seem inevitable I guess... and I wouldn't wish a marriage of such different belief systems on anyone... and it does seem that Tom Cruise veers towards the weird and controlling end of the spectrum. I also think though that publicly blindsiding someone like that, with something as deeply personal as a divorce, is less than classy.

I'm sorry, but my experience of men is that they often sit there like logs while the signals - some as blatant as actual speech - are coming in at warp speed that the relationship is on the rocks, and then when the woman finally is in enough distress to MOVE, he goes, "What HAPPENED...????" :rolleyes:

As for being publicly blindsided, well, their split was always destined to be as public as their whole life together. He wasn't blindsided, not no way, no how. Someone who has been married 3 times is NOT blindsided or unable to read the signs. By that time, you could say they're just willfully stupid.


Jul 18, 2007

Blindsided, my left foot.

It all worked out for his career, didn't it? Kept him in the public eye, kept him front and center. Well played.

Wonder what happened to hers? Oh, yeah. Her career was being his wife. Or, deco would say, his beard.


Oct 20, 2007
ksinger|1341080644|3226629 said:
VRBeauty|1341078349|3226604 said:
It did seem inevitable I guess... and I wouldn't wish a marriage of such different belief systems on anyone... and it does seem that Tom Cruise veers towards the weird and controlling end of the spectrum. I also think though that publicly blindsiding someone like that, with something as deeply personal as a divorce, is less than classy.

I'm sorry, but my experience of men is that they often sit there like logs while the signals - some as blatant as actual speech - are coming in at warp speed that the relationship is on the rocks, and then when the woman finally is in enough distress to MOVE, he goes, "What HAPPENED...????" :rolleyes:

I agree. Not to make it all about me, but...

My husband would argue that I surprised him when I turned in the notice on our lease and moved in with a friend. I would say that I'd told him I was unhappy for well over a year, dragged him to couple's counseling, mentioned moving out, and finally sat him down to determine a date for moving. Why my actual handing in the notice on our flat was such a shock to him I'll never know.


Jan 30, 2008
Rhea|1341085859|3226653 said:
ksinger|1341080644|3226629 said:
VRBeauty|1341078349|3226604 said:
It did seem inevitable I guess... and I wouldn't wish a marriage of such different belief systems on anyone... and it does seem that Tom Cruise veers towards the weird and controlling end of the spectrum. I also think though that publicly blindsiding someone like that, with something as deeply personal as a divorce, is less than classy.

I'm sorry, but my experience of men is that they often sit there like logs while the signals - some as blatant as actual speech - are coming in at warp speed that the relationship is on the rocks, and then when the woman finally is in enough distress to MOVE, he goes, "What HAPPENED...????" :rolleyes:

I agree. Not to make it all about me, but...

My husband would argue that I surprised him when I turned in the notice on our lease and moved in with a friend. I would say that I'd told him I was unhappy for well over a year, dragged him to couple's counseling, mentioned moving out, and finally sat him down to determine a date for moving. Why my actual handing in the notice on our flat was such a shock to him I'll never know.

LMAO! OMG! Too funny. Yeah, after the tears, the silences, the fights, the discussions....I had pen poised over the divorce papers and my first husband says, "Karen.....tell me...what happened??" I just looked at him like he had lobsters crawling out of his ears. Seriously?? After ALL THAT, and you claim to not have a CLUE?? Give me a break.

Now, second husband would actually read my mind - BEFORE I had the thought, and head me off at the pass. But then he's the real deal. :love:


Aug 12, 2005
Snoozefest. I haven't seen a movie with either one of them in it for years and years. Neither of them were great actors, he got by on his looks and marketing and oh, so did she. Too bad for Suri, but you know we commoners tend to have this idea that Hollywood kids must have it SO BAD because they have nannies and see things that are adult in nature and their parents get divorces, etc. Well heck, that's all those kids know! That is normal to them. Considering someone messed up or needing therapy is so subjective. Until you are self harming or harming others (or having those thoughts) I don't think the assumption should be made that a kid will need all sorts of therapy.

On that note: my mother came over a couple weeks after I had given birth and I was having trouble with breastfeeding. I was crying a little bit over the stress of it all. She told her sister, my aunt, who immediately said, "oh she's depressed--she needs to go talk to someone and have them put her on meds!" WHAT??? Of course this came from the aunt who spent 30 some years in therapy talking about her issues as the middle child. I have been screened for postpartum depression three different times, twice while in the hospital, and once again at my kid's newborn pediatric appointment. Not depressed. Just normal. :rolleyes:

I guess my point is, I don't really have one. Just bugs me when the auto assumption of "that kid is going to be so messed up" is made.


Apr 2, 2006
ksinger|1341086463|3226658 said:
Rhea|1341085859|3226653 said:
ksinger|1341080644|3226629 said:
VRBeauty|1341078349|3226604 said:
It did seem inevitable I guess... and I wouldn't wish a marriage of such different belief systems on anyone... and it does seem that Tom Cruise veers towards the weird and controlling end of the spectrum. I also think though that publicly blindsiding someone like that, with something as deeply personal as a divorce, is less than classy.

I'm sorry, but my experience of men is that they often sit there like logs while the signals - some as blatant as actual speech - are coming in at warp speed that the relationship is on the rocks, and then when the woman finally is in enough distress to MOVE, he goes, "What HAPPENED...????" :rolleyes:

I agree. Not to make it all about me, but...

My husband would argue that I surprised him when I turned in the notice on our lease and moved in with a friend. I would say that I'd told him I was unhappy for well over a year, dragged him to couple's counseling, mentioned moving out, and finally sat him down to determine a date for moving. Why my actual handing in the notice on our flat was such a shock to him I'll never know.

LMAO! OMG! Too funny. Yeah, after the tears, the silences, the fights, the discussions....I had pen poised over the divorce papers and my first husband says, "Karen.....tell me...what happened??" I just looked at him like he had lobsters crawling out of his ears. Seriously?? After ALL THAT, and you claim to not have a CLUE?? Give me a break.

alright alright... I stand corrected!


Jan 30, 2008
VRBeauty|1341087780|3226663 said:
ksinger|1341086463|3226658 said:
Rhea|1341085859|3226653 said:
ksinger|1341080644|3226629 said:
VRBeauty|1341078349|3226604 said:
It did seem inevitable I guess... and I wouldn't wish a marriage of such different belief systems on anyone... and it does seem that Tom Cruise veers towards the weird and controlling end of the spectrum. I also think though that publicly blindsiding someone like that, with something as deeply personal as a divorce, is less than classy.

I'm sorry, but my experience of men is that they often sit there like logs while the signals - some as blatant as actual speech - are coming in at warp speed that the relationship is on the rocks, and then when the woman finally is in enough distress to MOVE, he goes, "What HAPPENED...????" :rolleyes:

I agree. Not to make it all about me, but...

My husband would argue that I surprised him when I turned in the notice on our lease and moved in with a friend. I would say that I'd told him I was unhappy for well over a year, dragged him to couple's counseling, mentioned moving out, and finally sat him down to determine a date for moving. Why my actual handing in the notice on our flat was such a shock to him I'll never know.

LMAO! OMG! Too funny. Yeah, after the tears, the silences, the fights, the discussions....I had pen poised over the divorce papers and my first husband says, "Karen.....tell me...what happened??" I just looked at him like he had lobsters crawling out of his ears. Seriously?? After ALL THAT, and you claim to not have a CLUE?? Give me a break.

alright alright... I stand corrected!

Oh, I do hope you didn't think I was directing that "you don't have a clue" at you! I was speaking to my soon to be ex-husband! That's what I thought, and mostly said, to HIM!


Feb 15, 2007
Two celebrities are getting divorced? I'm shocked! :-o

I wouldn't trade my amazing partnership with my husband for all the money and celebrity in the world.


Apr 2, 2006
ksinger|1341101062|3226733 said:
VRBeauty|1341087780|3226663 said:
alright alright... I stand corrected!

Oh, I do hope you didn't think I was directing that "you don't have a clue" at you! I was speaking to my soon to be ex-husband! That's what I thought, and mostly said, to HIM!

No worries - I got that! :lol:


Jul 12, 2007
JUST when I was thinking Suri couldn't possibly be Tom Cruise's child, I saw this pic:



Feb 26, 2004
My first thought was "Has it been five years already?" because I thought it was rumored that it was a 5 year contract when he was "interviewing" young actresses. Yep, it's been 5 years of marriage. It worked, Toms career and public like ability has increased immensely since he's been with Katie.


Feb 11, 2006

In an interview with Nicole Kidman she said the children were given a choice of who they wanted to live with. Both children chose Tom. Nicole could see them when she wanted.

This intense dislike of Tom Cruise seemed to happen when Brook Shields went through her post partum depression. Toms comments were rather ignorant, but not so different than a lot of men I have come across. Brook forgave him.

Tom Cruise has always had a reputation for being a nice guy, the real boy next door. I like Tom and frankly enjoyed watching him jump on Ophras couch. It made me smile. Gook luck to all of them.



Oct 11, 2008
thing2of2|1340998717|3226105 said:
decodelighted|1340997629|3226097 said:
ame|1340997298|3226095 said:
I think the biggest thing is that she asked for full custody and full residential custody, which to me is pretty telling. Either she thinks she's likely to never see her child if he gets even shared, or he did something, or his kid did something, to the kid...
OR ... the kid was never his in the first place (as WIDELY rumored). And he's never had much to do w/her anyhoo during the five years of Sham Town: Take Three.

ETA: First wife Mimi Rodgers says he's impotent/sterile. Both Kidman kids are adopted. What ever made anyone think all of a sudden he's stud material? The pictures taken of Katie late in "pregnancy" are laughable. She was already preggers when they met. Which explains lighting speed courtship/immediate wedding ... then hiding from press (delivering Suri) ... then reappearing WAY (over preggers). Either Suri was sired by Chris Klein or Josh Hartnett so the salacious gossip story goes.

EETA: Just one of the hilarzballz photos of Katie Holmes pregnant:

:-o :-o :-o :-o OMFG that is SO FAKE LOOKING.

Wow... I hadn't heard this rumor, but it's pretty interesting.

I usually think any/all divorces are sad, except that hopefully Katie and Suri will be much happier sans Tom.


Nov 24, 2006
thing2of2|1340995658|3226077 said:
decodelighted|1340993835|3226062 said:
Dudes! It's totally a contract. Just shorter this time. She looked miserable with him ... and happier & happier lately (knowing it's almost over!) My only question is how long until he hooks up w/ his next beard. Julianne Hough's been working it for Ryan Seacrest. My money's on her.

HA my sister said the same thing! She said it must have been a 5 year contract! My theory was that she finally realized she was married to a crazy Scientologist! :cheeky:

haha yes!


Jan 11, 2006
Whoa, they settled the divorce terms over the weekend.

Talk about DAMAGE CONTROL!!!!!!!!


Oct 4, 2011
Yeah.... there must be a lot of stuff hidden in those closets that Tom/Katie/Scientology don't want made public. I just found that too incredible that such an aggressive fight she was planning and preparing for, was fizzled so quickly.

Was kinda thinking about hoppin' a plane to go watch the proceedings on July 17th!! :lol:


Jan 11, 2006
I am sure it is Tom's team's damage control. Most people would agree with Katie, so it is better for his career and affiliation with that organization to just get it over with as quickly and as quietly as possible. And that was very fortunate for Katie.
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