
Kate Middleton conspiracy theories


Jul 7, 2004
I think it's ridiculous that it's even a thing--the palace/couple/whoever released a statement up front saying she would be out of pocket til like mid-April, what was so confusing about that?!


Oct 20, 2007
Bc Americans don’t give a crap about royalty so we respond differently.

Brits care even less than Americans. As a Brit I truly only hear about the British royal family from Americans who come across as obsessed. Or rags like The Daily Mail which I think is truly on par with America's National Enquirer.


Aug 29, 2014
I think it's ridiculous that it's even a thing--the palace/couple/whoever released a statement up front saying she would be out of pocket til like mid-April, what was so confusing about that?!

It shouldn't have been! Some journalist said she was in a coma, so they released this fake picture to dispel those rumours. Unfortunately they only added new ones. They should have kept on with their normal procedure of not responding to gossip. Few people GAF before the fake photo.


Sep 10, 2003

Amber St. Clare

Dec 15, 2009
OK, I'm going to TMI with as little TMI as I have to.

Two years ago I had serious intentional surgery. The surgeon told me {when I was on the table no less} that one of the possible outcomes would be a colostomy. I freaked out but he said it would be just temporary until I healed. Fortunately it didn't come to that; but I have the feeling something like that has happened to HRH. It was difficult enough talking to my husband about it, I cannot imagine talking to a whole nation about it. I have to wonder if it was just PR about it being "planned".

I sincerely wish her well.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
you know way back in 2001 Sophie the now Duchess of Edinburgh had an ectopic pregnancy
HRH has spoken about it since and she has had much to do with the hospital and the emergency services that saved her life, but i bet she didnt feel like talking about it publicly till her and her husband at least got their own heads around it


Aug 27, 2011
There are SO many issues with the RF right now I hardly know where to start. Having said that, the monarchy is a 1000+ year old institution that has sailed on through Civil War, mental instabilities and “madness”, lack of heirs (let’s head to the Netherlands or Germany to get a new one), execution of wives, changing the religion of the whole country etc etc etc, I’m not sure any of this stuff now is any more threatening, unfortunately.

As to Kate, well, I agree that some sort of major bowel surgery is the likelihood, plus or minus a few complications. Their PR has been rubbish. Having said that, there’s a total news vacuum, I’m amazed that with the kids at school there hasn’t been any leak of any kind, I mean Prince Louis doesn’t look reliable, how are they keeping him quiet? Maybe it reflects well on them that people are being so discreet and loyal.

As far as I can see in my own circle of work colleagues and friends (mostly well educated) there is little interest in what’s happening. My mother is concerned for Kate’s well being, but she is of an older generation who watched the RF through WW2 and have more respect for the institution.

I hope Kate is recovering well and is ignoring all social media. I bet she wishes she had the same life as her sister, Pippa, though!


Feb 23, 2017
I'm also really curious as to how they are keeping the kids/school quiet - you can imagine with any group of school kids that there will be at least one parent who is "innocently" asking their child how everyone else's mummies are doing. Or maybe the price of an invite to a royal birthday party is that you can't eat cake and tell.

@nala, I'm in the UK (Scotland) and the conversations I'm hearing about the royal family are on a par with conversations about the weather. Older people (70+) are more interested and have some reverence for the institution, younger people not so much. I would be surprised if they lasted beyond William becoming king.

I do think they've handled this situation poorly though, to go from the supposed picture of Kate that was taken in the car with her mother to the one that was supposedly taken for Mother's day was a stretch too far. And Kate does know how to play the game, she posed with three new babies all within hours of giving birth. So maybe she is very ill and way beyond posing or maybe she's just had enough of it all. Who knows, it will all come out in the wash, eventually.

I'm not a fan of royalty; I don't get the reverence - they are just people who were born in the right place or married the right person. But they are still people and I believe they are entitled to privacy.


Feb 11, 2006

I don't think there is much to this story that cannot be explained ;logically. Kate Middleton is fashion conscious and is concerned how she looks. After surgery she has probably lost weight that makes her physical appearance looked changed and makes her look ill. She doesn't want people to see her looking like that. Maybe she did try to photoshop. I think its just some vanity.
I have no idea what ailment she had. Abdominal surgery does take a long recovery time..

I hope she recovers and feels beautiful again.



Apr 30, 2005

I don't think there is much to this story that cannot be explained ;logically. Kate Middleton is fashion conscious and is concerned how she looks. After surgery she has probably lost weight that makes her physical appearance looked changed and makes her look ill. She doesn't want people to see her looking like that. Maybe she did try to photoshop. I think its just some vanity.
I have no idea what ailment she had. Abdominal surgery does take a long recovery time..

I hope she recovers and feels beautiful again.



But, if she feels she does not look beautiful any more ... I hope she's able to free herself from the insidious and harmful effects of society's pressure (especially on women and girls) to look "perfect".
Inner beauty and being a good person can last a lifetime.

I read in this thread about how a royal facing and speaking up about usually-unspeakable things, like mental health, bowel issues, and cancer can do a lot of good to lower the stigma others feel who have these things.
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Feb 11, 2006

Do you think that someone who comes out of major surgery says to themselves--"I must tell people about my experience so many people will be helped by knowing I shared this. These expectations are silly. Perhaps in a year or 2 a person might tell all, but in this timef4rame, I would not think so. Its too much to expect.

Now, here is what I do like. The firm, as you put it, has allowed Kate to make her own decisions regarding how much information goes out. King Charles did something different, but he did not insist that Kate do the same. She has autonomy. This is a good thing. She does not owe the public everything. Damm the public. You can't own another human being no matter how much you pay them.



Jun 23, 2005
I think the days of secrecy by the Royal Family is slowly coming to a halt. Social media and investigative reporters make that very difficult these days. Announcing that she was having the surgery and would be out of the limelight for an extended period of time was a recipe for disaster. Perhaps if they had provided some updates as time went on in relation to her well being would have been helpful in quelling the suspense. Publishing that photo clearly was a great error on their part.

I wish Catherine all the best in whatever ails her at this moment. She is very loved and closely watched which I am sure is vexing at times. Add her duties and raising three children to the mix and life can get hectic. I hope that she is on her way to restored health, and that the British public can soon receive believable pictures of same.
Apr 22, 2020
I have no real interest in the RF either way, but I do feel like the furore that I’ve seen around Kate’s disappearance started with that doctored photo. It’s disingenuous to claim that it’s just minor editing - the AP killed the photo and their PR team refusing to release the minorly altered original is even more damning. They should’ve left well alone.

I’ll admit that the conspiracy theories are somewhat entertaining, but these are real people at the end of the day so I try not to engage with them. And it is likely that it’s as they claimed, that she’s just recovering from her surgery. No one is owed intimate details of her illness and recovery (and I’ve seen very little chatter that claims such) but come on, they ought to have predicted the firestorm that would have broken thanks to the terrible way their PR has handled everything.

I did however read somewhere that apparently Kate has been taken off the list for a royal engagement in June despite being slated to return to the public eye in April, with the official reason being her health… but Charles remains on the list despite chatter that he will likely not attend either due to his own health. And that made me wonder if we’re due for another round of this maelstrom in April, if Kate isn’t out and about when they’ve stated she will be! If it seems unlikely that she will be able to resume in April imo they should be getting that news out now, not waiting for all hell to break loose in April.


Feb 11, 2006
I have no real interest in the RF either way, but I do feel like the furore that I’ve seen around Kate’s disappearance started with that doctored photo. It’s disingenuous to claim that it’s just minor editing - the AP killed the photo and their PR team refusing to release the minorly altered original is even more damning. They should’ve left well alone.

I’ll admit that the conspiracy theories are somewhat entertaining, but these are real people at the end of the day so I try not to engage with them. And it is likely that it’s as they claimed, that she’s just recovering from her surgery. No one is owed intimate details of her illness and recovery (and I’ve seen very little chatter that claims such) but come on, they ought to have predicted the firestorm that would have broken thanks to the terrible way their PR has handled everything.

I did however read somewhere that apparently Kate has been taken off the list for a royal engagement in June despite being slated to return to the public eye in April, with the official reason being her health… but Charles remains on the list despite chatter that he will likely not attend either due to his own health. And that made me wonder if we’re due for another round of this maelstrom in April, if Kate isn’t out and about when they’ve stated she will be! If it seems unlikely that she will be able to resume in April imo they should be getting that news out now, not waiting for all hell to break loose in April.

I do agree the media is making the storm. The photoshopped photos don't bother me. But, I was interested to read of the cancellation for a June event. This suggests to me it was/is a more serious ailment than I was thinkING. I think it has to do with her reproductive organs. Perhaps they found cervical cancer, did a hysterectomy, and now it is wait, see, recover.. All quite traumatic, and personal. She needs rest, no stress and heal in her own time. IThe surgery was not an appendectomy." (disclaimer) I have no medical training in any way). I feel sorry for her now.


Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
im pretty sure the June event is the rehersal for trooping the colour, the army put HRH on the programe and had to take her off again
it could just be that two days will be too much for her


Apr 30, 2005
im pretty sure the June event is the rehersal for trooping the colour, the army put HRH on the programe and had to take her off again
it could just be that two days will be too much for her

"Trooping the colour"


Partial snip:
"Trooping the Colour is a ceremonial event performed every year on Horse Guards Parade in London, United Kingdom, by regiments of Household Division, to celebrate the official birthday of the British sovereign.[1] It is also known as the Sovereign's Birthday Parade. "

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
"Trooping the colour"

"Trooping the Colour is a ceremonial event performed every year on Horse Guards Parade in London, United Kingdom, by regiments of Household Division, to celebrate the official birthday of the British sovereign.[1] It is also known as the Sovereign's Birthday Parade. "

yes well i forget sometimes you guys probably didnt grow up with all this and your mum probably didnt read the NZ woman's weekly (when it used to be nicer and did not engage in gossip)


Feb 24, 2017
I think the difference with Charles coming forward and telling people about his prostate issue, is that it’s something that affects a lot of men. There has been an uptake of men going to screening, and potentially catching an issue before it becomes worse.

We don’t know what Catherine’s surgery is, nor do we have a right to know, which suggests to me that it’s not something that affects a lot of people, so therefore doesn’t need to be in the public eye.
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