
Kate Middleton conspiracy theories


Aug 18, 2013
My absolute favorite meme from this whole debacle:

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I dont really care where she is. But I *do* think there's a lot more going on than she, William, or the palace are saying (my bet is on bowel resection due to how skinny she was last year, indicating a possible blockage, and how long her recovery is).

I do think they owe the public some sort of explanation. They're paid from the public purse. Other countries send them money to be a member of the Commonwealth. They take a lot, so they're under an obligation. They're not paid just because they're "really, really special". And Kate could do a great deal of good if she came out and said what was wrong and used her platform to support those who suffer silently from whatever it is she has and is, herself, too embarrassed to discuss.

Personally, I don't like any of them. The affairs, the fights, the family drama, the bitchiness, their insulting off-hand comments, the interactions with Epstein, selling royal favors, and just general bad temperedness over things like new kitchens and flower girl dresses, pens and anything that doesn't go to schedule, their stealing of other people's husbands and wives, all put them in a terrible light. And then there's the massive and blatant racism, dressing up as a Nazi for fun and entertainment and being too boneheaded to realize that might be a problem, the absolutely tawdry family dirt all aired in public, drinking and snobbery, killing of animals for sport and pleasure, mental instability (no blame or shame re this - but it doesn't hold up well for public office), and the gaslighting of the British public using collusion with the press to attack their enemies - most of whom seem to be their own family members - I mean - it's endless. They seem over indulged and spoilt, snobby and critical, and highly, highly manipulated to appear better than they really are.

Do they do good things? Sure. Are they paid handsomely for it in money and massive deference and prestige? Oh yes. And I think the monarchy is so deeply ingrained in Britain's picture of itself that they'll be with us for generations for come. I just wish it wasn't so. And Australia should have been a republic decades ago.

Not a fan.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I don’t know about anyone ‘demanding’.
Haven’t seen picket lines, hunger strikes or immolation threats just yet.

Haven’t looked around my neighborhood this morning yet tho ;-)

Prince Andrew up to something lately that needs to slip under the radar?

the comments on one line media sites and you tube are really horrible, i read the daily mail purley for the pictures of the royal family and people are so mean, really cruel

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
My absolute favorite meme from this whole debacle:

Screenshot 2024-03-13 at 12.34.39 PM.png

I dont really care where she is. But I *do* think there's a lot more going on than she, William, or the palace are saying (my bet is on bowel resection due to how skinny she was last year, indicating a possible blockage, and how long her recovery is).

I do think they owe the public some sort of explanation. They're paid from the public purse. Other countries send them money to be a member of the Commonwealth. They take a lot, so they're under an obligation. They're not paid just because they're "really, really special". And Kate could do a great deal of good if she came out and said what was wrong and used her platform to support those who suffer silently from whatever it is she has and is, herself, too embarrassed to discuss.

Personally, I don't like any of them. The affairs, the fights, the family drama, the bitchiness, their insulting off-hand comments, the interactions with Epstein, selling royal favors, and just general bad temperedness over things like new kitchens and flower girl dresses, pens and anything that doesn't go to schedule, their stealing of other people's husbands and wives, all put them in a terrible light. And then there's the massive and blatant racism, dressing up as a Nazi for fun and entertainment and being too boneheaded to realize that might be a problem, the absolutely tawdry family dirt all aired in public, drinking and snobbery, killing of animals for sport and pleasure, mental instability (no blame or shame re this - but it doesn't hold up well for public office), and the gaslighting of the British public using collusion with the press to attack their enemies - most of whom seem to be their own family members - I mean - it's endless. They seem over indulged and spoilt, snobby and critical, and highly, highly manipulated to appear better than they really are.

Do they do good things? Sure. Are they paid handsomely for it in money and massive deference and prestige? Oh yes. And I think the monarchy is so deeply ingrained in Britain's picture of itself that they'll be with us for generations for come. I just wish it wasn't so. And Australia should have been a republic decades ago.

Not a fan.

many years ago my mum and dad went to a civic dinner for Prince Charles, my dad who was not a royalist was really impressed how nice he was, i dont think most of them are snobby
i do not want to be a republic, someone awful would get voted in here


Feb 22, 2014
So many sad parallels to Princess Diana.
Here’s another young woman who marries the Heir to the British Throne whose life is subjected to dissection under the microscope. Ostensibly because of the public’s *right to know every single detail.
My heart goes out to this young woman with all the pressures she’s dealing with.



May 15, 2014
On every US-centric forum there is always huge discussions about how you are covered by the privacy laws for health issues / disability / illnesses etc. If you are a believer in these rights for yourselves surely you would respect the same for everyone, no matter where they live, their status or income.
That's true to a point, but we do expect our President and other high ranking public officials to disclose their medical issues, particularly if it means they can't perform their job. Whether they do or not, is another question, but it is expected.
And my understanding that as a working Royal, she has a "job". Months absent from that would normally have an explanation. Months recovering from abdominal surgery is a long time and longer than something like a tummy tuck or ectopic pregnancy or appendectomy would require. And an ectopic pregnancy or appendectomy really can't be a "planned surgery", so those shouldn't even be thrown about. I really don't care what her surgery was for and hope it isn't because she has something life threatening. But I do think they owe at least their subjects, a bit more information, which would probably stop all the speculation too.

So many sad parallels to Princess Diana.
Here’s another young woman who marries the Heir to the British Throne whose life is subjected to dissection under the microscope. Ostensibly because of the public’s *right to know every single detail.
My heart goes out to this young woman with all the pressures she’s dealing with.

Yes, but she had to know what she was getting into, particularly after what happened to Diana, Williams mother. Maybe it's worse than she imagined, but she had to know she would be under a microscope.


Feb 22, 2014
Yes, but she had to know what she was getting into, particularly after what happened to Diana, Williams mother. Maybe it's worse than she imagined, but she had to know she would be under a microscope.

Sure, but do you think she realized that any future medical issues (physical, mental, emotional) would be required to be exposed for the world? Even King Charles went only so far in his medical announcement and he’s the King. Double standard much?


May 15, 2014
Sure, but do you think she realized that any future medical issues (physical, mental, emotional) would be required to be exposed for the world? Even King Charles went only so far in his medical announcement and he’s the King. Double standard much?

Well, since the Royal family is always very secretive about these things, no. But I was responding to you saying her life is being dissected under a microscope. I think she should have expected that.


Jun 7, 2014
Could anything really prepare you for living your life under a microscope like Princess Kate? You may think you know what you are in for but once it’s your reality it may feel much harder than you imagined. I feel bad for her.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
if you really need a laugh (im just winding down before bed)
all Catherine did was try to get 3 smiling kids
but there are heveryly modified images on getti - how is that for hypocracy !


Jun 8, 2008
I was not aware anything was happening with Kate Middleton and with all due respect I do not care. Her life is her life and no business of mine. But I guess some are desperate for gossip and excitement and this provides that for them. I am not into gossip or invading others privacy if it doesn't affect me. That was never my thing but to each their own. ‍

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Jan 1, 2016
As an American, UK resident, UK taxpayer, I believe she's entitled to medical privacy and am inclined to believe she had an invasive, medically necessary surgery with a long recovery time. I've seen plenty of crazy stuff online, but not had even one conversation about it irl, so I'd say it's not taken hold in the real world.

But I also believe the royals were either horribly advised or ridiculously arrogant. They didn't just mess around to get all the kids smiling at the same time. They altered the photo so egregiously that the wire services asked them to provide the original so it could be verified and they refused.

I suspect the problem is that they're trying to have things both ways - they want to be a modern aristocracy, with a low workload so they can actually be there to raise their young children, which is completely fair, but they don't want to give up the perks of the old one.

They're basically a family company holding onto riches plundered from slavery and the empire and their own subjects, with the ability to interfere in legislation to exempt themselves from taxes. I think, in a country that's essentially on its knees (average salary £30,000, NHS falling apart, schools literally falling apart - look up the RAC cement scandal, food bank use rising exponentially, the need for warming centres for people who can't afford to heat their houses, children coming to school dirty because the families can't afford hot water, sewage being discharged in our rivers and oceans) they're anachronistic and irrelevant.

That said, I wish Kate well, as I would anyone in her position, and hope she's on her way to recovery.

A few articles



Aug 29, 2014
Yes, I still can't believe people are hanging on to the "she just tried to get her kids all smiling in the same shot" straw. It's quite egregious and suspicious!

-Kate steps out of the public eye, isn't seen since a royal motorcade was seen taking someone to the hospital on Dec 28
-Spanish journalist muses that she is in a coma
-KP releases doctored photo as proof of life
-Doctored photo gets caught and suspicion catches on like wildfire

Why release a fake photo? Do people actually think Kate released it? And took the fall? The palace absolutely threw her under the bus with that "explanation", I'm not sure how people are falling for it. They would just blame a random staffer, not someone in the Family. That was intentional. That's why people think something other than a surgery is going on. People get surgeries all the time. Kate literally posed hours after birth, she knows how to play the royal game. This is different.


Jun 27, 2014
I think Kate is finally feeling a little bit of what it was like to be Meghan in a hostile country.
This seems to be the norm when a woman has had enough of his behavior. The Princess Charlene of Monaco had to pretend 'sinus issues' to get away from her philandering boor of a mate. She now looks sad in the eyes after roping her back in.
I think it still sucks to be a woman in a jealous country who will tear them down and forgive their royal failsons.
We have our own versions, here. They don't end well either, usually.


Aug 18, 2013
Sure, but do you think she realized that any future medical issues (physical, mental, emotional) would be required to be exposed for the world? Even King Charles went only so far in his medical announcement and he’s the King. Double standard much?

Hmmm. So I'm one of those people who think that an ounce of transparency outweighs a pound of subterfuge and would relieve much of the pressure they seem to be trying to avoid.

I don't think they should have to post her medical records to twitter. I'm not saying that at all. But there's a difference between discretion and secrecy, and even if it *is* abdominal surgery, there's obviously some sort of complication going on that's being suppressed. King Charles clearly understood the need for transparency when he announced to the world that he was having a prostate procedure - more revealing than I'm sure any man would want to be, but it was something the King obviously felt he owed the British people.

The thing about the royal family is that they *belong* to Britain. They're not celebrities. They're not elected. They're Britain's monarchy. And they owe their allegiance to the people as much as the people owe their allegiance to the Crown. To that end, they've sworn their lives in service, and the current situation in the royal family is one of upset and unsettlement. This flows through to the country. So to that end, a little transparency would be helpful and soothing.

There's a thousand ways this could be worded that would protect Kate's dignity and be in good taste, while smoothing over the public storm that seems to be only growing stronger every day. And when she comes back, it will be worse and the microscope will only intensify. If the royal family thinks this will all float away as soon as people can see Kate out and about again, they're dreaming.

For her own well-being, someone needs to speak up now. The wide scale love, respect and support of the British people would do her more good than anything else. But they can't get behind what they feel locked out from, and that's the problem.


Feb 22, 2014
Hmmm. So I'm one of those people who think that an ounce of transparency outweighs a pound of subterfuge and would relieve much of the pressure they seem to be trying to avoid.

I don't think they should have to post her medical records to twitter. I'm not saying that at all. But there's a difference between discretion and secrecy, and even if it *is* abdominal surgery, there's obviously some sort of complication going on that's being suppressed. King Charles clearly understood the need for transparency when he announced to the world that he was having a prostate procedure - more revealing than I'm sure any man would want to be, but it was something the King obviously felt he owed the British people.

The thing about the royal family is that they *belong* to Britain. They're not celebrities. They're not elected. They're Britain's monarchy. And they owe their allegiance to the people as much as the people owe their allegiance to the Crown. To that end, they've sworn their lives in service, and the current situation in the royal family is one of upset and unsettlement. This flows through to the country. So to that end, a little transparency would be helpful and soothing.

There's a thousand ways this could be worded that would protect Kate's dignity and be in good taste, while smoothing over the public storm that seems to be only growing stronger every day. And when she comes back, it will be worse and the microscope will only intensify. If the royal family thinks this will all float away as soon as people can see Kate out and about again, they're dreaming.

For her own well-being, someone needs to speak up now. The wide scale love, respect and support of the British people would do her more good than anything else. But they can't get behind what they feel locked out from, and that's the problem.

I don’t totally disagree with this @mrs-b, but I’m highly skeptical about the elective, non emergency abdominal surgery the palace floated from the start. Over 2 months on and no word.
Could it be possible they’ve tripped up here and need to dig ‘themselves’ out? Which brings us back to conspiracy theories. Poor Kate.


Oct 23, 2011
I want to chime in here, as I started the thread, to say that my intention in starting this thread was one of concern and not to perpetuate gossip. Having been through my scare that resulted from an abdominal ultrasound, I think I was projecting. But this thread has taken on a tone of its own and I just wanted to clarify my intentions. I wish her well like I would wish anyone going through a medical issue.


Aug 18, 2013
I don’t totally disagree with this @mrs-b, but I’m highly skeptical about the elective, non emergency abdominal surgery the palace floated from the start. Over 2 months on and no word.
Could it be possible they’ve tripped up here and need to dig ‘themselves’ out? Which brings us back to conspiracy theories. Poor Kate.

@Bonfire -

I just hope that she *didn't* post that photo. If she's truly that ill/burnt out, having to engage with social media, then issue apologies, is just unthinkably exhausting. I hope some palace lackey did it at the request of the royal family and that Kate really is getting the rest that she needs.

As I said, I'm not a fan of any of them. I think the very structure of monarchy in any country more or less guarantees people out of touch with reality and with a false picture of who they are and their relevance to the average Joe Citizen. I think some of them try to do the right thing, to a greater or lesser degree. But the system is flawed, so the outcome is, too.

Just btw, the brother of a friend of mine worked at Anmer Hall, installing a new kitchen when W and K renovated. Let's just say, it wasn't pretty and they weren't easy to work with. One was much tougher than the other, apparently, and my friend's brother and crew redid the kitchen more than once at the more demanding person's request. Not a great situation and didn't win them any friends.


Aug 18, 2013
I want to chime in here, as I started the thread, to say that my intention in starting this thread was one of concern and not to perpetuate gossip. Having been through my scare that resulted from an abdominal ultrasound, I think I was projecting. But this thread has taken on a tone of its own and I just wanted to clarify my intentions. I wish her well like I would wish anyone going through a medical issue.

I wish her well, too. I can wish someone well without liking them, or without supporting a specific government structure.

From the way I perceived it, you started your thread to see if anyone across the pond has more insight. I think the only thing people outside the palace can give you *is* conjecture and speculation, so a thread probably won't give you what you were hoping for. People can only guess.


Oct 23, 2011
I wish her well, too. I can wish someone well without liking them, or without supporting a specific government structure.

From the way I perceived it, you started your thread to see if anyone across the pond has more insight. I think the only thing people outside the palace can give you *is* conjecture and speculation, so a thread probably won't give you what you were hoping for. People can only guess.
By insight, I also meant what is the general feeling or reaction of people in England. Are people mocking or taking this absence seriously.


Apr 30, 2005
By insight, I also meant what is the general feeling or reaction of people in England. Are people mocking or taking this absence seriously.
Why ask, "or"?

The answer I'd say some mock, but some take it seriously ... or ... both, because people vary.


Oct 23, 2011
Why ask, "or"?

The answer I'd say some mock, but some take it seriously ... or ... both, because people vary.

why ask or? Bc I don’t live there! bc I don’t know the answer. That is why. Bc I think differently than you. Bc this is a forum to discuss and people might include other reactions. Bc I am curious. Bc Americans don’t give a crap about royalty so we respond differently.
Why do YOU ever bother posting threads if your answer to everything is People Vary?


Apr 30, 2005
When it moms
why ask or? Bc I don’t live there! bc I don’t know the answer. That is why. Bc I think differently than you. Bc this is a forum to discuss and people might include other reactions. Bc I am curious. Bc Americans don’t give a crap about royalty so we respond differently.
Why do YOU ever bother posting threads if your answer to everything is People Vary?

I see your point.
But perhaps you missed mine.

Maybe I should have phrased it, "Why use the term 'or'?
Or means one thing OR the other, as in all people do A or all people do B.

But this case it's not a yes or no - black or white thing.
It's shades of grey from black to white, because people vary.

I realize it may be rude or impolite to point out how word choice can make a question unanswerable, so I apologize.


May 15, 2014
When it moms

I see your point.
But perhaps you missed mine.

Maybe I should have phrased it, "Why use the term 'or'?
Or means one thing OR the other, as in all people do A or all people do B.

But this case it's not a yes or no - black or white thing.
It's shades of grey from black to white, because people vary.

I realize it may be rude or impolite to point out how word choice can make a question unanswerable, so I apologize.

I think most people understood her question. At least, I did.


Apr 30, 2005


Dec 16, 2017
I normally don't care about them, but I do love the weddings and "fluff" like the gowns and jewels. They're all effed up, but that's just a given with so much money, attention, and power. I get super annoyed by lying and being deceitful, so this got my attention. Be honest or just be quiet. Post a photo, but don't go telling people you were playing with Photoshop. It's insulting. Whatever the reason for her absence, tell the public something honest. They didn't need to tell all the details, but a little honesty goes a long way. Being secretive makes people more curious.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
well here in my little circle (ladies at work and customers from a small provincal city in the rural heartland) i havnt heard a single person demand to know what is wrong with HRH or any critisim of the photo, perhaps its just an internet thing ?
it has made the news, on tv and internet sites of our major newspapers but they are all stories usually from the Telegraph
but there is much sympathy over the current situation

you know just last week i posted some photos of Queen Victoria on our royal jewles thread and i remarked what lovely skin she had
it was a doctored up photo even then
, Queen Alexandra (Queen Vic's DIL) had the smallest waste and was beautiful into old age ???
so i dont actually cririse the very obveouse proffesional photo shopping of H&M i have seen of late- Harry has hair again !
I wish i had the skill of the Princess of Wales if she did play around with that image herself - i mean by now the poor thing must be bored to tears being at home for so long


Jan 22, 2014
It’s all just a bit weird.
Who has “routine abdominal surgery” and is house bound for 3 months? I can’t think of any type of surgery that requires such a lengthy recovery period.
Not a word beyond the original announcement and two “hard to make out” photos of her as a car passenger. You’d think if she was well enough to get in a car, surely she is well enough to sit for a proper photo?
So then we get a photo.
That was beyond strange.
Since when is Princess Catherine doodling around with Photoshop and releasing said poorly photoshopped photo to the media for worldwide distribution?
And no wedding or engagement ring on her finger!
Yes, she is most certainly entitled to recover in peace from her surgery but she is an extremely high profile member of the Royal family and this unexpected, though “routine”, lengthy absence together with a photoshopped photo of her wearing no rings needs addressing asap.


Jan 1, 2016
In this instance planned surgery doesn't mean scheduled well in advance, it only means it wasn't emergency-rush-in-straight-from-an-ambulance surgery. So it can essentially mean deemed necessary the previous night.

I'm going to say that I honestly have had literally one single real life conversation about it, so most people here aren't spending their days speculating. As always, online discussion tends to have a very different tenor from human interaction.

The single discussion I have had, was with a friend who had a very nasty burst appendix that necessitated a highly invasive surgery with an extensive cleanup in which she lost an ovary and part of her colon. In her instance they thought she might need a temporary colostomy bag, but fortunately she didn't. Her recovery was quite lengthy, and if she had ended up with a temporary colostomy and then a reversal, it would easily have been 3 months. And if your job is basically turning up places looking beautiful, it could certainly be difficult under those circumstance.

So I'm inclined to think it's something along those lines (maybe Crohn's - she has been extraordinarily thin lately) and some understandable reticence about discussing her bowels in public. I do think if it's something like that, she could well use her position to take some of the stigma away. Surely a lot of people would see her using her experience to bring attention to the issue as more valuable than cutting various ribbons, but that's up to her.

Although I still think the lack of transparency and the foolery with the photo was a very bad judgement call.
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