
Just proposed. I think I screwed up with my ring choice...

Re: Just proposed. I think I screwed up with my ring choice

ringfailure|1416957446|3790480 said:
Now she is suing me! Stating that the ring was a gift and that she should be able to keep it. Total BS, right? Wow, I really dodged a bullet with her. But now I need to deal with this...

Hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving!

I've been sitting on the sidelines looking for a reason to be convinced you are not a troll....

This screams TROLL... She gave the ring back and now she's suing you. What attorney in their right mind would take you to court over a gift thought to be an engagement ring, since it came with a proposal...that she handed back and said... No?

Happy Thanksgiving to you too.... I suggest counseling...
Re: Just proposed. I think I screwed up with my ring choice


I've been sitting on the sidelines looking for a reason to be convinced you are not a troll....

This screams TROLL... She gave the ring back and now she's suing you. What attorney in their right mind would take you to court over a gift thought to be an engagement ring, since it came with a proposal...that she handed back and said... No?

Happy Thanksgiving to you too.... I suggest counseling...[/quote]
Re: Just proposed. I think I screwed up with my ring choice

kenny|1416370907|3786201 said:
acclover|1416368902|3786191 said:
December Moon|1416001068|3783721 said:
Acclover and ringfailure, DoctorD and sturgeon123456; almost like twins.
Can you clarify what you're talking about here please.

DoctorD was a poster who started the following astonishing and drama-packed threads ...



He was proven to have lied about his claims to own lots of bling in the pics he posted.
Several posters proved he just lifted pics from all over the Internet.

He hasn't posted since he was exposed.
I don't know whether he was banned or he was just too ashamed to keep posting or what.
He also had a very colorful posting style, similar to the 10-th grade English class story-telling style of this OP, hence the connection here.
People like that might come back for more fun under new identities, hence the suspicions.
I'm still stuck on this!
It's hard to be new around here and make comments isn't it?
Re: Just proposed. I think I screwed up with my ring choice

ummmm, what now? She gave you the ring back and turned down your proposal. And now is suing you?

cough *TROLL* cough.
Re: Just proposed. I think I screwed up with my ring choice

As others have already said, the laws of this vary by state. The poster should search for those laws and see what happens.
Technically you, not her broke the engagement. In many states that means she is due (you would lose). Personally I would give the ring to her and be done with this nonsense. A small price to pay. What state are you posting from?
Re: Just proposed. I think I screwed up with my ring choice

I'm sorry but this situation should never happen.

If your partner is going out solo with friends always make sure that before they leave the house they eat food saturated with garlic.

This ensures that no 'surprise' kissing happens.

If they don't like garlic then baked beans or sprouts work equally well in creating an 'unromantic' atmosphere.

Re: Just proposed. I think I screwed up with my ring choice

part gypsy|1417026424|3790771 said:
As others have already said, the laws of this vary by state. The poster should search for those laws and see what happens.
Technically you, not her broke the engagement. In many states that means she is due (you would lose). Personally I would give the ring to her and be done with this nonsense. A small price to pay. What state are you posting from?

She never really accepted the ring and never wore it, right?
Re: Just proposed. I think I screwed up with my ring choice

Sitting by my computer with baited** breath, popcorn in hand, waiting for the next installment of "How Big A Fish Will These People Swallow".

** It's kinda punny. :lol:
Re: Just proposed. I think I screwed up with my ring choice

What do you mean, now she's suing you? Did she file a complaint? Have you been served?
Re: Just proposed. I think I screwed up with my ring choice

I tried... I really did. 8 pages of name calling, troll bashing, and about 30% of genuine concern.
As someone who has been accused by others on PS that my life is fictitious because I was too "flowery" or detailed in my wording-- I was even once accused of faking my hand (WTF?!) I know how much it sucks, especially if you're just being genuine.

I hope the lawsuit doesn't happen and you can move on from this experience. I do recommend using PS for future diamond jewelry assistance. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Re: Just proposed. I think I screwed up with my ring choice

mdmc said:
I also agree you need to have a talk. Some women like to be surprised and want their SO to pick out everything. The stone and the setting. Others like to be very involved, picking everything with their SO. Some have a fantasy about what the perfect ring for them will be others don't care. I would sit down and have a heart to heart with her. I would tell her you can sence she is disappointed in something and she needs to be frank about what it is. If she wants a bigger diamond I think this is a good time to talk about finances. I would not spend more than you feel comfortable with but if she wants to change the setting you are still within the return period.

Yup!!! We have a friend who wasn't too thrilled when she received her 1.5+ ct whatever specs from her fiancé who bought from T&Co. She had no input in the ring and he just went for it. Surprised, yes. Not her dream ring. She kept on comparing her ring to the one my wife had.

How do I know? She called me and voiced her concerns and disappointment. She didn't care it was T&Co. The guy thought he did well by spending that much from them, and all she remembered was my journey and story about diamonds, custom settings, cut and blah blah.

I hope you have a successful resolution, but I'm thinking she probably wanted some input with it.

Congrats, btw.
Whoops, didn't read far enough. I just stopped reading at the explanation of sexts.

Man, wtf.
Re: Just proposed. I think I screwed up with my ring choice

charks said:
I'm sorry but this situation should never happen.

If your partner is going out solo with friends always make sure that before they leave the house they eat food saturated with garlic.

This ensures that no 'surprise' kissing happens.

If they don't like garlic then baked beans or sprouts work equally well in creating an 'unromantic' atmosphere.


ringfailure said:
Now she is suing me! Stating that the ring was a gift and that she should be able to keep it. Total BS, right? Wow, I really dodged a bullet with her. But now I need to deal with this...

Hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving!

...but first...

Lemme take a selfie!!!

Make sure it's a bra one at that, and make sure your make up is pristine.

Suing you? Comeeeeee onnnnnnnnnn man.

I come back to PS to read this sh!t?!


Re: Just proposed. I think I screwed up with my ring choice

Hi Again,

Me thinks you may have been bad mouthing her to others. Or, that glance back to you on parting meant, "I will get even with you, just you wait". In any case, limit your criticism of her to your best trustworthy friend. I know folks want to prove they are right, but if it keeps the anger and hurt going, try to limit it.

Although many on here have said that states vary in the law governing the return of engagement rings, most believe that the ring is given as a future commitment toward a marriage, and if the marriage doesn't take place, the ring must be returned to the giver.
You did not beat her up to get the ring back, she gave it back to you willingly, right? I doubt she has any case, but I would try to let it go without condemning her openly. I do think this women is not for you. As much as it hurts now, you will probably be happy about it soon.

Try to rise above. even if its hard to do.
Still wishing you the best.

Re: Just proposed. I think I screwed up with my ring choice

Wow. I haven't been on PS for a while, but could everyone please stop with the troll posts?

Even if he were a troll, and I still don't think he is because I have a friend who was sued for his engagement ring under very similar circumstances - who cares?

For crying out loud, for all the people who get engaged and dis-engaged in this day and age, this is a situation that can happen. In fact, I've watched it happen. Point blank.

If you think someone is trolling, then stop feeding them and stop posting. But the potential harm of a false negative here, I think, should outweigh any minor sense of superiority you may receive from calling someone a troll correctly.

This was a devastating situation for my friend, and perhaps why I'm so defensive. She took him all the way to the courts and before a judge and everything - and this is after she did some fairly terrible things. (He did get to keep it by the way).

You would think a troll would think of a better "devastating situation" than she kissed another man - alright? And there'd be much more "lead on", and drag time with her being evasive about the ring and all that.

This is supposed to be a good environment for talking about rings and diamonds and sparkly things. Instead, we have a man who comes with a fairly innocuous but valid concern that his fiance may not be pleased with the ring - I'm sure lots of men out there have wondered if they "did a good job" and may come across this post. And This is how we treat it? This is how we as a community want to deal with someone's potentially very real pain.

I would rather be part of a community that decides they would either treat a thread like this with compassion or actual advice, and feed perhaps the odd troll here or there, than what's happening now - with what I believe is a real person hurting, and being insulted to boot, from behind the screen.

To the poster -
I'm sorry that this happened to you. Return the ring within it's return window. Should somehow, some way, the courts in your area agree with her, I believe you can always compensate her with the money you spent on the ring - but of course, check with a attorney in your area. Most threats or things said in anger by her now may not materialize into anything in the courts either - but it's worth having a consultation with an attorney now in any event.

Further, I wanted to add that I think it takes a strong person to decide - despite at one point wanting to marry this person - that there are some things you will not put up with, that you need trust in a relationship, and that you deserve better. You will get through this. I wish for the best for you, and I hope you come back when you find that better lady for you.