
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Nov 18, 2004

Oh wow....can't believe how many of you ladies are going to mosey on over to the big girl thread.
Congrats RC, DCgator, Dreamer. So happy to see that you ladies and your little ones are doing so well.
Can't wait to see some cute belly shots ^.^

First of all, I don't think I've send my condolences for your earlier loss.
But :appl: :appl: on your quick return!
Lots and lots of sticky dust to you.
Sending dust to G for his surgery too.


Sep 6, 2007

So good news. My dr called today to tell me he has already spoken with the specialist regarding the toxoplasmosis and the specialist is certain there is no need for concern. I will not have to have a level 2 ultrasound as initially thought as the infection was old and I show no signs of anything active.

I am so happy.

Thank you all for the well wishes. I truly appreciate it. I was so worried. It's amazing how much I love this little peanut already. :love:

I wish I had the time to read through everyone's posts but I am just exhausted. We got slammed here in NY with an ice storm today and it's just terrible out. Hubby got stuck at work and I have no idea when he will be home. I'm just so tired. I promise I will get to reading all the posts and have a not so me-centric post some time soon.

oh and ps. my first ultrasound is next tuesday. I am so excited.

I hope everyone is doing well!! Keep baking those beans! :bigsmile:


Feb 27, 2006

Woah, busy!

DCGator - I am going to put in a vote for something on the Orange Line but am otherwise up for anything. I have never been to Kinkead's, if you'd want to go there! But if you are craving something else then that is fine too. I called our work's inclement weather line today 30 minutes before I was supposed to be in the office, and went in as there was no message about being late, and then it turns out there was a 2 hr delay. Grumble.

InHisArms - Yay! That is good news.

Lili - Thank you! We had to try each of the last two times (not that long, but it didn't just happen like that) and so I am still a little bit surprised it happened so quickly.

Basil - I think people often don't notice as much as they think we will. With George, I thought it was so incredibly obvious by the time that I announced at 12 weeks, and then a good 3 months later a coworker who apparently missed the memo came up to me and said "xxx just told me that you were pregnant, and I just thought you had gotten fat!" Uh, thanks. That being said, if anyone around you is looking for a pregnancy, I'd be careful about things like what you wear and making sure that you do not put your hand on your stomach. Like, at all. That gave me away to people who I was close to whose heads were not in the clouds.

Dylan and Chloe (dogs) have both adjusted really well to having a baby in the house, but they both had great dispositions to start with. We used to have another dog who just really wasn't compatible with a baby, as much as we tried to work with him, and we had to say goodbye to him. :(sad

I'm glad to hear that about kids and eye surgery. I have a feeling that it is going to be one of those things that affects me more than him.

Mrs - Sorry about the computer. Ugh.

Princess - sorry about such a stressful situation, but a strong heartbeat is a GOOD sign!

Moxie - I'm sorry that you are still having morning sickness and hope that it goes away soon, but congrats on a good NT! As for your expanding waist, I can't remember, have you tried a bella band? I had two but didnt' use them much as maternity pants are more comfortable, but I think I will try to stretch my pre-preggo pants longer this time around that way.

Charbie - yay for a heartbeat! It's great that your doctor clicks so well with you. Diamonds! :D

Dreamer - Doh. Of course a nickname would work on the football field/hockey rink/whatevs. As for Ryder - and keep in mind here that I am a teeeensy bit of a traditionalist (where did the winky smiley go?) as far as my taste in names and so this is coming from that perspective - I feel like it does seem a little bit trendy. People seem to be using a lot of surnames and occupation-type names right now, and both Ryder and Hunter would fit into that category. I grew up with a lot of boys named things like Walker after someone's maiden name or another, and if I just heard Hunter I'd probably assume that it had some significance to you, but in combination with Ryder I would probably think that you like the surname/occupation trend. But what I would think doesn't matter as much as how you would feel about the names together and how "trendy" they are.

Has anyone else tried to keep up a pre-existing workout routine? I was just going for walks and lifting weights when I got pregnant with George and I kept that up fine unti pretty late in the pregnancy. But this time I was working out more intensely, and I have been trying to keep it up while really paying attention to form and not pushing too hard, and I feel like my body has just started breaking down or something over the last few days. On Monday it was my knee, and now my lower back and/or hip hurts. (It's at the right place for radiating pain from the sciatic nerve, so I don't know what it is.) It just clicked today that this could be the relaxin hormone at work. Has anyone else been able to keep working out kind of hard, or did you have to scale back considerably? I think I'm going to just try some light yoga tomorrow.


Dec 16, 2007

Blen I stopped excercising entirely :rolleyes: At first I was too tired, and now I find I have sciatica pain off and on and other issues and just plain don't want to. ha! How lame.


Feb 27, 2006

Heehee Dreamer. I feel better when I exercise, and I think a combo of exercise and better eating is helping me from bloating up as quickly these last two times versus with George, and so I want to keep it up. I just don't want to hobble around from it! Ugh.


Apr 26, 2008

Hi All! Wow, it is busy around here!

Basil: Glad the nuchal was normal! I know how you feel about being anxious at the doctors visits, we are the worst patients! Sounds like you have some good housing options. What did you end up doing with your Chairman? It might be too late, but I would advise to not tell him until it becomes an issue. I am actually a 2nd year resident so I will be due in August of my 3rd year. I had been hoping to be chief and had lots of support from the faculty which (maybe this is just my perception) has changed slightly since some of them know about the pregnancy. It has been in the way that they want me to "be able to focus on my family" and not feel "obligated" to be chief, but HELLO, this is what women have been fighting for forever and if I think I can balance it should be my decision. Ugh. Just feeling a bit flustered but I am sure it will work out.

DCG: Glad you decided on the nuchal. It will be so fun to see how much the baby has grown and the little arms and legs. We shall see if we are patient enough to wait for the sex. That is funny about the names book. Happy Hunting! It seems so daunting to go from 20,000 to just 1

IHA: Usually the toxo test looks for past infections and if you have immunity that is actually good as you go forward in your pregnancy. Good luck with the next ultrasound!

Charbie: Sorry to hear about your colleagues news, but just know that you have made a good conscious decision to bring a LO into the world and you will give it so much love and I am sure your colleagues will be very happy for you. How perfectly pricescope that your new Dr compared the baby to a diamond! Great news about the heartbeat! You must be so relieved and excited!

Princess: Good to hear the cervix is closed and all is well. Sorry you had to go through such a scare.

Mrs: Hope the NT goes well. Good to know the m/s gets better eventually!

Moxie: That is good news about the NT scan and that you are feeling better! Hopefully you will get a break from the snow soon.

Blen: As for the workout routine, I was working out pretty well prior to the BFP and I have totally slacked off. Likely due to the fatigue and just lack of time, and I think it is going to come back to bite me after the next 6 months, but as of now, my excercise is mostly walking at work :(

AFM: Doing well, not much exciting to report which I think is good news. I have an appt on Friday at 11 weeks and I am looking forward to maybe hearing the heartbeat. Pants are feeling a little tight and I finally got some zofran which is a miracle drug! Hope all is well.


Feb 20, 2009

IHA- Glad all is well with the toxo! I remember reading that it's super common in people with cats, and that even if you contracted it years ago, a + will still show up on a blood test.

Charb- Glad the u/s went well!!! Love the diamond reference!!

Mrs- Thanks for the good vibes! Hope the scan goes well, and you can see bean nice and clear!! Yay for new countertops too!!!

Moxie- Thanks for the dust. I'm glad the NT went well, and I'm glad you're feeling better with the m/s!

DC- Thanks for the well wishes! How are you feeling?

Basil- Thanks for the positive vibes! I hope you and DH's dinner went well!!

Blen- Sending much dust for George's surgery!! I tried to keep up my pre-PG exercise, but no :lol: I was doing an hour of cardio and about 30 minutes of weights at least 4 days/week and a day of zumba, and now, 30 minutes into cardio, I'm ready to pass out. I've been lifting still, but have halved my weight as per the exercise physiologist at the gym at work. Zumba, forget about it! It's just too much to keep up with given the lower back pain, what I believe to be sciatica, and the fatigue. I figure any exercise is good, and I don't want to overexert myself, so until I can start walking outside in the spring, 30 minutes will have to suffice. I'd like to give preggo pilates a try, though.

MS- Thanks for the well wishes! I hope you can hear the <3beat!!

AFM, I'm doing well, just still edgy about yesterday. 10 weeks tomorrow, yay!!! The bleeding tapered off to pinkish CM around 11am, and now it's completely gone. I feel like my cervix isn't sore anymore, which is great. I'm stepping out to the OB in a few minutes for a f/u. I'm developing some sciatica pain in my hamstrings, but only after sitting for extended periods of time. I actually think that's what my lower back pain is as well. The joyous pains of pregnancy :))


Feb 20, 2009

Quick update:
OB whipped out the doppler and found the <3beat!!! I got to hear it beating a nice, strong 165 bpm!!!!! :bigsmile:


Aug 15, 2008

Hi ladies,

Just a quick fly-by post b/c I am kinda busy right now...

Blen - I snagged reservations at 12:30 tomorrow at Kinkead's. We can just meet there as that will probably be easiest. Do you want to just guess who is who or, since you seem to post mainly at night, if you know what you will be wearing, just let me know, and I will keep a look at for you, so I know you are you ;)) Also, if the time doesn't work for you, just let me know and I will change the reservations. Looking forward to our little GTG manana! :bigsmile:


Feb 27, 2006

So, this whole exercise thing is not looking terribly good, huh? I woke up feeling not-so-good, but I think all of the stretching and yoga that I did this morning did help my hip/back some and I did not hobble around today. Progress.

Speaking of. Today I am 5w6d, which is the day that the bleeding started last time, and not only have I NOT bled today, but one minute I was cooking dinner and the next minute I was dry-heaving in the kitchen sink. I will take this as a good sign. 8)

Princess - Glad to hear that everything's calmed down and that you heard the heartbeat!

DCGator - Sounds perfect! I can't wait to see you. I will be wearing the outfit below, only substitute some black pants for the helpful toddler. And, because I've been-there-done-that with meeting online people and realizing that you don't know their real name and aren't 100% sure that you have the right person (awkward), my name is Elizabeth.

2011-01-19 002.jpg


Dec 16, 2007

Congrats on the milestone Blenheim! :bigsmile:


Jul 12, 2008

Hey ladies!

Glad to hear everyone is well. I'm still without a computer so i will keep this short.

Blen, glad you made it through the day today without bleeding!

Princess, phew! Glad the spotting was nothing to worry about

Hi to everyone else!

Afm: my nt scan went well. Baby is measuring a week ahead and looks great. I haven't gained any weight despite my crazy eating lately. I hope the bloodtest comes back normal. Fingers crossed.

Keep 'em cookin, mamas!


Dec 16, 2007

Wow, Mrs, no gain at all? I'm jealous. I am up about 13lbs at 15 weeks! Right on course with my last pregnancy... though I attribute at least 4lbs to Christmas ;))


Jul 12, 2008

Honestly, Dreamer, I was shocked that the scale didn't indicate any gain. I swear all I do these days is eat and none of my clothes fit. Its very strange.


Nov 20, 2006

blen, i'm 27 weeks now and i have exercised everyday since i found out i was preggo. i was exercising daily anyways, but now i just don't push myself as hard. and i do prenatal yoga twice weekly. it was tough in the beginning to work out because i was so tired all the time, and with 2 kids, but B's in preschool and N comes with me to the gym and hangs out in the kids club while i work out.

hope everyone is doing well!!!


Jun 27, 2006

Dreamer - no worries about us getting a second dog just for Penny...All told, I have always wanted more than one dog, but I'm not convinced this is the best time for a new puppy. It was pretty time consuming when our dog was a small puppy with housebreaking and training, so I just don't think I will want to go through that with a new baby. Our dog hung out with my 16 mo old niece over Christmas and they got along great, so I'm not really worried about her with the baby, I'm worried about my sanity! If I feel differently a few months in, we can always get another puppy in the fall.

IHA - glad your doctor figured out that the toxo was no big deal. that must be a relief!

Modern - glad you're feeling better on the Zofran! I haven't told my chairman yet, but I have been pushing gently for him to give me a formal offer...but he is dragging his feet because he wants to see what other new faculty they will get before giving me some of the details like what satellite clinics I will go to, etc. I need to talk to my fellowship director, the vice chairman, and see if he can push for me a little bit.

Princess - good news about the heartbeat staying strong. It sounds like that's a really good sign that nothing bad is amiss.

Blenheim - yay for passing that day! And yay for the upchucking? Not really, but you know what I mean...Hope you and DC had a nice lunch. Thanks for sharing your experiences with your dogs.

Mrs - lucky you to not gain any weight so far. I've gained about 8 lbs now at 12.5 weeks. I'm definitely starting to feel the strain on my clothes.

Puffy - that's awesome that you have been working out so much during your pregnancy!

Anyway, funny story about guessing about pregnancy. My one friend who is also pregnant (the one who was spotting but all seems ok now) is very private...she didn't tell anyone about her first pregnancy til she was 16 weeks or so. And then she still tried to hide it from casual acquaintances til it was impossible. Well, my other friend who now lives on the opposite coast figured it out! I was talking to her the other night and talking about my own pregnancy, and she blurted out "hey, I think X is pregnant!" I must have given it away cause I was shocked and responded "what makes you think that?". Then she demanded that I tell her if I knew and that I must know something. Haha. I quickly changed the subject but I'm sure she knows now. Luckily, my pregnant friend wasn't upset, she just thought it was funny that of all the people in the office, the one who lives 1000 miles away and never sees her is the one who guessed!

I had my second doctor's appointment last night...very short since there wasn't a lot going on, and I felt a lot more relaxed than our first appointment. We heard the heartbeat with the doppler and everything was good. Still no official results on the NT scan.

It's snowing here tonight and DH is working late...I have the Subaru and he just has the little I offered to pick him up when he is done so we can drive the AWD in the snow. Then we can carpool in tomorrow morning, since chances are the roads will still be slick. But it's going to be fun to tease him about making his pregnant wife drive around in the snow to chauffeur him! I like the extra ammunition pregnancy gives you :bigsmile:


Feb 27, 2006

DD- Thank you! And I swear the only reason that I did NOT gain 4 lbs over Christmas was that dang stomach bug, so I can definitely understand that.

Mrs - That's so odd that you feel that way about how things are fitting and yet haven't gained weight! I'm the same weight now that I was pre-pregnancy, but I feel like I "should" be heavier as I fit into the same pants but now have the whole post-pregnancy belly thing going on. (As much as I was able to tone it and get defined muscles, it just never got as small as it used to and I still have some extra skin.) It's so funny how weight versus shape works sometimes.

Puffy - that's great that you've been able to keep it up that well! Gives me some hope. I hear you on having to take it easier. Doing the same "perceived exertion" as before puts my heartrate a good 20 bpm higher, and so I am trying to tone it down and go based on heart rate instead. I took today off, and between that and the yoga feel back to normal, and I think I may do more yoga tomorrow and then see if I can get back into "normal" working out.

Basil - Heehee about your DH. It's good that your pregnant friend took that pretty well - it's hard to react when people spring stuff like that on you! As for more details on the pups, I think that they all kind of knew when he was born that he was a newborn on some level. They were curious but very respectful about keeping their distance. As he became more alert and with it, they liked doing things like licking his feet and watching him giggle, and watching him like a hawk so that they could help clean up any spit-up (ew). Now that he's more interactive and mobile, we really try to monitor interactions and teach him how to be gentle, but he will still occasionally do things like pull their tails or bite them and they've been very patient with him as we work to teach him not to do that. I think they know that he's learning to interact with them or something. We also sometimes have issues with G doing things like trying to give them a ball while cupping it with both hands and the dogs trying to figure out how to take it without biting him in the process. It's a lot of energy to make sure that they all play well together with no one geting hurt, but he just loves his "bubbies" and they are the first thing he asks for when he gets out of bed in the morning or gets out of the car when we're coming home.

DC - It was so fun meeting you today, and lunch was delicious! To expand on what we were talking about when you had to get on the metro - In addition to G's main daycare provider, she has a full-time helper who is very warm and engaged with the kids. George is very attached to her and DH thinks that she would do great with a baby. (He does drop-off and pick-up and so he knows them both better than I do.) One issue that I had when looking initially was I didn't like the inspection results of any of the centers in our area, and you know how the waiting lists and such are when you go further in, and when I interviewed home-DCP who seemed warm and nurturing, a lot of them left me feeling like there was little structure and that they wouldn't be able to handle an emergency that well. All of the teachers at our daycare center in Michigan were warm and great, but I have a feeling that centers can have an easier time accomplishing that because I am sure that the organized, get-it-done people are behind the scenes making everything work and have the (wo)man power to get those warm, nurturing types with the kids. So while I am not completely wild about G's main DCP, I feel like there's one person there structuring things and making sure that kids are behaving and listening appropriately (and I know that she cares about the kids, just doesn't demonstrate it the same way that I would), and then another for that emotional connection. I still may do research about nannies in a few months, though, and see how that option would do for us.


Nov 16, 2008

Ladies, I wrote a nice note, but PS ate it, and im too tired to try again. Ill try again this ladies enjoy Friday!

Pregnancy is kicking my butt this week. Out of nowhere ill just feel nasty. Im bloated, my boobs are sore, and got a cold sore. I haven't puked...yet. but im pretty sure if I had been in my office and not in my car, it would have been game over. My boss has a stomach bug, and so at least for now I can hide my wanting to puke by saying I must have the same thing.

But I have the pic from the ultrasound as the background on my phone, so seeing the little booger all the time melts my heart and makes me feel a little better. :love:


Feb 27, 2006

Ugh, Charbie, I hate when that happens. I hope you feel better soon!

DC and I were talking earlier today about when people start showing, and so I just decided to go through my old pictures to make sure I was remembering things correctly. Looking at the dates, I think I actually had two people guess I was pregnant at 8 weeks (!) but they had the sense not to say anything until I announced at 12 weeks. I was planning on telling people at around 12-13 weeks this time, but looking back at the pictures, if it is true about 2nd time mamas showing earlier, I think I am screwed. Or maybe I just need to learn how to camoflague much better! I look kind of like the 8 week photo right now. But then again, I also didn't start off quite as thin in the waist area this time.



Sep 18, 2010

Blen, just popping by to say that you're the cutest little preggo! Such sweet pictures... Whenever your belly arrives this time around, it is sure to be just as cute. At the moment I can't tell if I'm showing bump at 13.5 weeks or just out of shape since I've stopped running. Either way I can barely put my snowpants on to walk the dog in the morning, and I don't think they make maternity Gore-tex...


Aug 15, 2008

Hello my fellow mamas,

TGIF! I don't know about you, but I could use some weekend about now. Hopefully the day goes by quickly for you all and the weekend will be here before we know it.

Princess - I am glad to hear everything turned out ok. I can't imagine how scary that must have been, but it sounds like it was just a flase alarm, whew! Congrats to you for reaching 10 weeks, yipee for double digits! That's also very exciting about hearing the heart beat, so cool! Thanks for asking about me. I am feeling ok, but this fatugue just isn't quitting. Ugh.

Basil - Yeah, I think people probably think I am just getting fat. Ugh, not cool. But, I am guessing I will pop soon enough, and then people will know its a baby and not me overeating, lol. I do have to wear the bella band with about half my pants, but I am ok with that for the time being. I am going to try to hold off on buying any maternity stuff a bit longer. So how did the free dinner go? We have actually had a couple meeting with a financial planner guy as well, so maybe its the financial planning season :cheeky: . I'm glad to hear your appt went well and that you got to hear your LO's HB. Hopefully you won't have to wait to much longer on your blood test results. That's too funny about your friend. I guess some people just have a baby radar, lol. As for DH, I like the plan. Definitely stock up on the ammunition. I was telling Blen yesterday that my DH was complaining the other night about me not feeding the kitties or fixing the coffee, and he asked just what I had done that evening, and I happily answered that I had carried his baby. Point, me :halo:

Lili - How nice to see you around, my dear. Thanks for checking in on us, I appreciate the love :bigsmile: I hope everything is going well with you and your little one. I look forward to hearing from you more in the future.

IHA - I'm so happy to hear that everything is well with the little one. That was not cool of the doctor to scare you, but thankfully all is ok.

Blen - It was so great to meet and chat with you yesterday! I very much enjoyed our little GTG, so we will definitely have to do it again :bigsmile: . As for the dc vs nanny issues, if you are happy with the in-home dc duo, then just stick with it for the time being. If it gets to a place where you feel like it's not working or leaves something to be desired, then perhaps you can look for a nanny instead. However, if it makes you feel better, maybe put yourself on the waitlist for one of the dc centers around your work or home. I always like to have lots of options, and it never hurt anybody. As for the pregnancy pics, you have an absoultely adorable little belly. And its pretty evident that you were preggers by week 14, if not by week 12, so you might have to spill the beans a little bit earlier. But, I think if you want to wait until 12 weeks, you should be alright. Besides, you don't want to give that gossip more to chew on, lol :Up_to_something:

Dreamer - I hear you on the too tired to exercise thing. I tell ya, some days I can barely drag myself outta bed for work, and then staying awake at work can be quite a challenge too..Hopefully your fatigue is starting to peeter out by now.

Modern - Thanks for the vote of confidence, I am happy that we decided to do it as well. I will give you more details on it below. How about you, how did the appt go (if it was this morning). I think at 11 weeks you should be able to hear the little one's HB, but if it's anything like my LO, they move around a bunch, so capturing it for longer periods can be harder. But, hopefully you can pin the little bean down long enough to get a measurement. Btw, I'm sorry to hear you are still sick, but glad you are finally getting some relief with the Zofran.

Mrs - Congrats on the positive NT results! I know what a releif that is. I'm sure the blood results will be good too, but I will send you lots of happy thoughts anyway. So, if you are measuring a week ahead, are they going to move up your due date? I envy the no weight gain. I have gained about 5 pounds so far, but it seems to be keeping steady at the moment, so I guess I will keep quiet, lol.

Charbie - Grrr, I hate when PS eats my posts. I have gotten where I copy the entire post before I hit the submit button, so that I can copy it to a new form if I need to. Sorry to hear that the little one is kicking your tushie, but I guess that means your little one is growing by leaps and bounds now, so that should hopefully give you a little comfort.

Moxie - Bummer on the Gore-tex no longer fitting, but I guess getting through the first trimester with the same wardrobe is pretty admirable. I have to use a Bella Band for about half my pants, but I find it works pretty well. Maybe it will work for your outdoor wear? Good luck with that!

AFM - I had my NT scan yesterday and everything went really well. I get to see the LO's nasal bone and while I didn't get the exact nuchal measurement from the tech, she (and the approving doc) said everything looked good. It was just awesome to be able to watch my little turtle moving around in there. It reacted everytime I laughed, which was kinda annoying the tech, but I thought was funny. And then when she would try to prod it get better pics, it would poke back at her. I think turtle is also trying to suck its thumb already, b/c it kept reaching for it. It was just amazing watching all that goes on in there, especially since I can't feel anything yet, but I imagine I will in the coming weeks. So, obviously, we will be waiting for the bloodwork results, but I feel a lot better already :bigsmile: . Well, that's all from me for now. I hope you ladies all have a lovely weekend and I look forward to hearing about all your baby adventures ;)) Take care and for those up North, stay warm b/c it is going to be below freezing this weekend. ICK!


Jun 27, 2006

Just a quick drop to get going and actually accomplish something today.

DC - yeay on the good NT scan!

Blenheim - thanks for the input on the pups..I am sure ours will be ok with the baby...I more worry about her getting bored due to less attention from us and doing some of her more destructive things (chewing up tissues, barking at people outside, etc.)

Charbie - hope you feel better soon!

Anyway, I got a call last night (at 9:30 pm!) from the ob office (nurse? tech? secretary?) saying my bloodwork was "negative". DH was asleep and I was lying in bed trying not to wake him. I tried to ask that doesn't it come with an odds ratio or something, it's not really a negative or a positive? And she said "oh no, it's negative, you have no risk" :rolleyes: I know that's not how the test works, though! I am taking it that the results were normal, which combined with my "non-advanced" maternal age and normal NT measurement should give me very low odds, but I would still really like to know the actual number. Guess I'm anal like that. I even looked up my own bloodwork on the hospital computer system (bad bad bad!) to try to do the calculation myself but the results aren't in there either.


Apr 26, 2008

Princess: Hope you are feeling well. Love the BFP pics in the other thread. You look so cute! That is awesome you got to hear the heartbeat.

Mrs: I am in the same boat as you with no weight gain as of just over 11 weeks. I was totally shocked because I too feel like all I do is eat carbs and my clothes feel different, but no change on the scale yet. My doc wasn't worried at all, and it makes me feel a little better but scared that I might gain 20+ lbs over the next 6 months! Bring on the cocoa butter!

Basil: That is funny about you carting DH around. Hope you get some reprive from the snow soon. That is good news about the screening. Of course you know there is a range of risk, but if you fall into the lowest risk category it doesn't get any better than that. It is so tempting to have access to the records, however we get in HUGE trouble if we access our own records online.

Blen: Love the pics of you with George. You have such a cute progressive little bump!

Charbie: Sorry you are feeling sick but it is a good sign! Take good care of yourself.

DCG: You were right about all of the movement at this age, it was absolutely amazing! I have seen it before but seeing it in my uterus was absolutely amazing and DH was so enthralled by the whole thing. Just wait until the next scan when you can really make out the fingers and toes and see the facial features. They are growing so fast at this point. Sounds like your testing went well which is such a relief.

AFM: Still feeling nauseated but today I thought it was just the slightest bit better. We got to hear the heartbeat strong at 169 during our appt on Friday and since DH had the afternoon off, we were able to call and get an appt for our nuchal and get that ultrasound as well. While we don't have the bloodwork back yet, the measurements looked good and it was so fun to see the baby just twirling all around. I feel like I am starting to have a little bump and the clothes are definately tighter, but the scale hasn't changed. I am mostly out at work now which is a relief and everyone has been really supportive and excited. Looking forward to hitting the 12 week mark on Friday!

Happy baking!


Aug 15, 2008

Happy Monday mommies!

Just wanted to post a pic of our little ninja turtle trying to suck it's thumb :tongue:



Feb 20, 2009

Just a quick update: We got to see bean, big and strong!!! They bumped my due date up 2 days, so tomorrow is 11w! I'll reply to everyone later on!
Here he/she is!!


Nov 24, 2006

Super cute little bean!!! :appl:


Nov 16, 2008

I'm finally gonna try to catch up.
pp: :appl: for getting bumped up a couple days! and your baby looks so comfy just sleeping on its back! L :love: VE! (you might want to edit the pic...its got your full name on it)
dc: little thumb sucking turtle! so sweet! i hope the weight is starting to feel like its being lifted of your shoulders and the worry can go down a bit. i cant wait until my baby is more than a blob :) i also quite often will tell DH if he wants stuff done around the house, he can do it himself. i'm exhausted from growing a child all day thankyouverymuch.
modern: oh i would be overjoyed if i end up not gaining much weight...especially here in the first tri. i started out slightly overweight to begin with, and would dread the numbers on the scale to go up much. bring on the bump, tho!
blen: i dont know how you kept it a secret so long with G...dear you look like you popped early! such a cute little baby bump, i'm sure it'll be just as cute with #2!
basil: i totally would want to know my exact odds as well. i asked the doc the other day if he had a measure on the heartbeat and he just smiled and said, "its there. don't worry. everything looks normal. its so small that right now it would be difficult to get anything accurate, so just enjoy being pregnant and congratulations." he was so made me just think to myself, "you're right. im just going to stress about what EXACTLY the heartrate would mean anyways...which the stress would be bad for the baby."
mrs: you're almost out of the first tri as well! yippeeeee!

AFM: just hanging on to this stupid cold. i cried last night because none of the medicine we had in the house was safe for preggos to take, and i just was so frustrated. poor DH. i've been feeling better- i just get a bit nauseas if i eat even a bite too really keeping me in check for proportions. ive been quite crampy, but read that drinking more water helps with that, which it has. we are house hunting right now, which has been quite the adventure. we went from looking at existing housing to new builds that are already built to possibly building our own now...what am i thinking? it would take 6 i REALLY want to move at 8 months preggo in the middle of summer? def not. but im having trouble finding exactly what i want. grrr. im just looking forward to finding a house and just nesting ::) hope all is good...excited that so many people have had their NT scans!!


Nov 16, 2008

and since others put up their baby's first picture....i thought i'd include mine. it's the light little blob inside the black blob. and did i mention my doc never gave me a real due date? per the measurements, i'm actually measuring 6w3d in the picture, but by dates i would have been 6w1d. i'm now sitting pretty at 7w. so i assigned my own due date of sept. 14th. hahahaha. that's not even the one i got online...but i liked the 14th better than the 13th. :tongue:



Apr 26, 2008

Love the photos ladies.
Here is the profile of our little one!

ETA: I think ours are similar DCG, mine is going for the thumb as well



Feb 27, 2006

Aww, I love all of the U/S photos! From the little beans to the thumb-sucking, so cute.

Charbie - I am sorry about the cold. It's rough enough dealing with body changes and stomach issues and hormones without that on top of it.

Princess - Congrats on a strong hb and a good ultrasound!

Modern - I hope that the nauseau continues to get better. Congrats on a good heartbeat to you as well!

Basil - Negative? Yeesh. At least it came back "good".

DCGator - I would love to get together again!

And thank you for all of the bump compliments! The early-on bumps are always cute... it's when you've outgrown your maternity clothes and have stretch marks out the wazoo that it gets scary. :)) I am really interested in seeing what happens this time around.

AFM - I got a cold and a slightly elevated temperature today, and I was already feeling all bloated and cruddy and slightly nauseated, so blah. G had a really long nap on Saturday followed by a fever that was gone by morning, and I am hoping that whatever this is goes away as quickly as that. My mom had sinus problems early on with both of us, and she keeps asking me if I am having sinus problems, and I have a feeling that she is going to get excited if I tell her that I have even a head cold because she called it. Oh, moms.

The waitress at dinner last night guessed that I was pregnant. Ack! She was really cute about it though - and lucky that I am! DH and I went out to one of the Restaurant Week restaurants, which all have special fixed 3-course menus this week, and when it came to dessert time I told her that I knew they probably didn't do substitutions, but I was wondering if I could swap a salad for dessert. She mentioned to DH that he would never have to worry about me gaining weight, and I said that I wasn't really that "good" but had just really been craving greens lately, and then she had this look on her face and then asked if there was a baby in the picture. Evidently she craved veggies the whole time she was pregnant with both of hers. She kept coming back by to talk about babies and pregnancies, and seemed really excited that she had called it. Oh, and she gave me my salad for dessert. It is evidently the one substitution that the restaurant made all week, and she made me promise not to tell anybody. Heehee. (I didn't mention the name of the restaurant, so technically I kept that promise.)
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