
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Sep 6, 2007

I had to go to Kohls today for some comfy black pants since my pants are clearly way too tight on me these days.

So for the heck of it....




Jun 27, 2006

DC - what is your family's objection to the NT scan?

Our ob was very neutral about whatever prenatal testing we wanted to pursue...I am 31 so not of "advanced age" so she basically gave us a menu of different tests we could get and told us we could do as little or as much as we like, with the caveat that a lot of patients decide not to do anything.

We decided to go ahead with the NT scan because there is no risk to the baby and a severe anomaly that was incompatible with life would probably lead us to terminate the it seemed like it would be nice to go through the next 8-10 weeks until the anatomy scan with less to worry about. The danger is in having a false positive, which she said the chance is about 5%. Our center's rate of MC with the more invasive tests is only 1/1000 though, so we felt that if we did get a positive, we would feel safe proceeding with the CVS/amnio to be sure.

IHA - cute picture! Looks like you are starting with a really flat tummy!

DD, Blenheim, Turtle - thanks for the carseat advice...I left it at my mom's house til we move, but will have her check the expiration date at some point. I know they bought it new so hopefully it will be fine.

Anyway, I got a nasty cold which I suspect was passed around my family by my cousin's 17-month old...just about everyone is sick except my mom (public school teacher for 30 years - immunity of a horse). It's my third cold this winter and my second this pregnancy! And prior to this year I hadn't been sick in like 3 years. On the bright side, apparently I can't sniffle and puke at the same time, since the MS seemed better today. Hoping that like DD, it's lightening up around the 10 week mark...


Nov 16, 2008

Basil: sorry about the colds! I had one the past two weeks that finally went away on its own, but I was really close to getting to the doctor. Good luck with the NT scan! Almost out of the scary first tri!

Blen: oh, no dear, you're in great company when it comes to POAS disease. Today was my first day without peeing on a stick...thoigh I might do it before bed just for giggle. Or not. I've got a lot of time from now until my appt at the end of the month. And I think that mw was full of bs. In fact, my old ob used to think betas were a bunch of hogwash if you tried to analyze them too much, especially this early.

DCG: im excited to be here with y...its been quite the road for both of us...we both started casually posting in the TTC thread about a year ago....crazy, huh? Hope the ninja turtle is swimming away in your belly. And it was just crazy about the dream. Me thinks it ws a good omen.

IHA: what a cute lil belly! Mines not ute. Just bloat. Ick.

AFM: DH was offered a really great job today with awesome benefits, awesome salary, and with a very large Japanese auto manufacturer. :appl: plus family health insurance is....$15/biweekly. For a whole family. Wooohooo! he has been wanting to be an engineer there for so long, im just so proud of him. He finally will be back to doing. What he enjoys and went to school for. Yay! Just wanted to brag ;-)
we also told one off his aunts, uncles, and grandmother. They were super excited, this will be the first baby in almost 6 years. I told his grandma we told her now so she can start praying, since God likes her most and listens to her ;-) we did have to see a few of DHs friends at a funeral viewing this evening, and I had to see his friends 10 weeks preggo wife, and just do my best not to spill.

Had my first breakdown today. I told DH im just nervous im going to be unlucky again and I don't know how id handle another loss. He's so supportive and made me feel much calmer. I am doing everything right this time around, and I just can't fathom another loss. Im encouraged right now by the sorest nips EVAR and slight heartburn. :mad:
if there are any of the ladies who suffered lossed who now are pregnant lurking around, id love to hear how you survived the first tri and when you went in for scans to make sure that everythings kosher. Im not worrying a ton, but appreciate how I may be able to cope maybe a little better. Thanks!


Feb 20, 2009

DD- Thanks for the <3 info! Glad your NT scan went well!

Charbie- CRAZY about the dream!!!!! How are you feeling? Love the POAS collection :bigsmile: YAY for DH's job!!!!!!!!!!! I can't offer you any advice on losses (my only loss was at 13 weeks, so I made it through the first tri, but haven't had any dr's appts yet), but I hope someone can.

Basil- Yay for a normal u/s!!! Glad you were able to schedule your NT scan! Hope you start to feel better very soon!

DC- The nausea is more predominant now that before, but still no puking (thankfully!!!). DH is planning on coming to the first doc visit. although my OB's office has a policy that you have to see every doctor at least once because "you'll never know who'll deliver you". It makes sense and all, but I see inherent issues in it :nono: Yay for double digits!!!!!!!!

IHA- Yay for the little belly!!!!! Glad your first appt went well!!!

AFM, 8 weeks today, yay!!!! I don't know why 8 weeks seems more "real" :confused: Anyway, things are good. Nausea hits occasionally through the day, and my back is bothering me, and I'm still pooped all the time. but other than that (and huge (.)(.) ), things are good! I still kinda feel like this whole thing is surreal, ya know? I'm working on figuring out what (if any) prenatal abnormality tests/scans are covered by my insurance, and I really believe none are based on what I found out so far. :nono: :nono: I'm waiting for the benefits coordinator of my job to call me back.


Aug 15, 2008

Hello my fellow barely preggos,

Mrs - I understand that there are no risks with the NT scan, as I think my mom and DH do. That is a big reason that I want to bring my DH to my first appt, so we can discuss it with the doc. I think my mom is of the mindset that if I am not going to terminate, I should just let be, since I could do nothing about it. I feel like my DH might feel similar, but he hasn't quite articulated it yet.
As far as the results of the NT scan are concerned, I have no intention of terminating the pregnancy (at least in the case of Down's or another non life-threating illness). However, I feel like if that is the case, I would like to know about it before hand and prepare. I really don't think I could handle the panic and fear that might ensue should I find out when the baby pops out that something is wrong with it.

DD - I hear ya on the sneaking a baby pic. If I don't do the NT scan, it will be between week 8 till week 20 till I see the ninja turtle, ahh, that might push me over the edge.

IHA - While not quite ready to get new pants (though I could probably use them), I need to get me a Bella Band this weekend. Seriously. Btw, cute baby bumb :))

Basil - Thanks for adding you opinion. I appreciate you weighing in. I am sorry to hear that you are sick (again), but hopefully you will get better soon.

Charbie - Indeed, what a crazy ride this past year. It's amazing what can happen, eh? :naughty: I am thrilled that we get to experience our pregnancies together. As for you DH and his new job, that is SO very exciting! I am sorry about your breakdown, but it sounds like your DH is going to be a great support system. Hang in there my dear, and we will make it all together.

Princess - My OB practice is the same way, but my DH is going to the first appt with my main Dr I see. I will rotate around in the future appointments, but I at least want him to meet the person that I hope will deliver my little one. As far as the testing is concerned, I would do what you want because even if your insurnace doesn't cover it, the cost won't make up for piece of mind, you know? Good luck with the symptoms, and hopefully they don't get much worse.

Well, I don't have much to add today, but if I don't get a chance to post, I hope you all have a great weekend, and I will let you know how my doc appt goes on Monday :bigsmile: Carry on preggos!


Apr 26, 2008

Hi All! Sorry to have been so MIA, this current rotation is kicking my a@@!

Charbie: Love your POAS collection. I can imagine you are feeling nervous but know that there is lots of PS dust and family dust/prayersout there for you and the odds are that you will go on to have a full happy healthy pregnancy. Congrats on DH's new job! So much exciting stuff going on for you!

Basil: That is awesome you were able to already get some great baby stuff! Having some of that will be great. As for the carseat, I would just rather buy a new one knowing that it was never in an accident and not going to expire, but that is just me! Hope you are feeling better from the cold and the MS stays away!

IHA: Love the cute pic! I know how you feel about regular pants feeling a bit snug!

DCG: Congrats on 10+ weeks and telling some friends, I bet it feels good and how nice that you are the first, your LO will be so loved! I see your point on the NT scan, but if you are of the mindset about being prepared, it makes sense to do the test! Too bad you are not in the Northwest, you could come see me and we could have a sneaky after hours ultrasound party :wink2:

DD: Congrats on graduating to 12+ weeks, looking forward to hopefully seeing you in the big girl thread soon!

Princess: Yay for 8 weeks! Every week makes it seem so much more real.

Blen: Good luck wit your beta tomorrow!

AFM: Doing ok, just super busy and tired, and the nausea is either slightly better or I am too busy to notice it! I am 9 wks tomorrow and SOO excited to be at that point. I know we are not quite out of the worry window, but even 9 weeks seems to bring some reassurance. DH was sad to know the LO had lost its tail but awesome to know we have now graduated to a little grape in there.


Dec 16, 2007

DCGator given that information, I do not think you should have the NT scan. It has a rather high false positive rate as far as these types of tests go, and that could cause you a lot of unecessary worry. In my opinion the high false positve rate is only acceptable for people who want the option to terminate and thus want a very early assessment of risk and want as low as possible false negative rates (the scan is set at 0.1% false negative rates). For someone who would not change their pregnancy plans (adopt, temrinate etc) based on the results, the 20 week scan would also identify any soft markers of Down syndrome, allowing you to mentally prepare as much as you could, and the other trisomies would likely result in m/c anyways and are so very rare it is not really worth worrying about unless you are near 40 I think. Anyways, you will do what is best, but I think that the NT scan for you might just carry unecessary worry given that you would not terminate and an unfavourable odds ratio would most likely result in worry for nothing (remember even a "positive" of less than 1/300 still means a 299/300 chance of an unaffected baby) and the added stress of an amnio. Anyway, those are my thoughts.


Jul 12, 2008

DCG, I agree with DD. If you're certain you would do nothing with whatever info you would learn from the NT scan, regardless of the outcome, I think you may be better off just waiting. As DD said, you'll likely have a 20 week full anatomy scan at which time you would learn if there's anything unusual which would give you another 20 weeks to prepare mentally if indeed (God forbid) anything were abnormal. I think you are wise to have DH to come with you to your first appointment. It sounds like he will be a good support for you to have there and it will give him a chance to ask whatever questions he might have. I hope your appointment goes great on Monday! Can't wait to hear about it!

Modern, yay for 9 weeks and less nausea! sorry to hear your rotation is so killer. hope it eases up a bit for you!

pp, 8 weeks is great! I hear you on the big (.)(.)s! I lost a size after my last pregnancy and have been sad about it but now that they're big again, I find them so annoying! grass is always greener, I guess... I also find the pregnancy kind of surreal. I think it's hard to really get your head around to until you start showing more and begin to actually feel the baby. I hope your insurance will cover whatever testing you decide to do!

Charbie, that's so crazy about your boss's dream! You'll have to tell us what she says when you tell her it's you that's pregnant! congrats on DHs new job!! That's so exciting! I'm sorry to hear you are worried about another loss though. I can only imagine how you feel since I have not experienced one but I know how worried *I* am about a potential loss so I can imagine, one would feel even more worried... The waiting so so hard. I'm so glad you have such a supportive DH though - it sounds like he will help you managed the stress of it. Try to relax and stay hopeful! Keep looking at that great POAS collection and have confidence that all is well!

basil, I'm so sorry to hear you have another cold! That's good that the MS seems to be a bit better though. re: the car seat. I used a Graco snugride with DD (which will be 2 in March) that I plan to use again for this baby. It's a great seat so as long as you feel confidant about the source, I think you might as well take it and save some money. Do check the expiration though, if you can.

inhisarms, you look great! how are you feeling? better I hope!

DD, I'm so glad you're feeling better! Are you showing much more now?

Blen, I hope you'll join us here again soon! So excited that you were able to conceive again so quickly!! Sending sticky dust your way!

:wavey: to anyone else I may have missed.

AFM, I'm feeling fine (though tired) and looking forward to the NT scan week after next. I've been thinking more and more about the gender prediction from my dr and I'm pretty sure it was way too early for him to even suggest that he could have any reliable indication one way or the other. I'm still glad to know that he may check again at the NT scan though. We'll see. My shape is already changing and I'm wearing maternity jeans already... I don't think I started wearing them until much later last time! Anyway, I hope everyone has a great weekend!!



Nov 16, 2008

Pp: I feel like every day makes things feel more real. I can't wait to make it to a higher week number :) sorry you're having issues finding what will all be covered. I haven't made it that far in my research. I think I have just a general one time fee that covers all prenatal appts.

DC: :wavey:

Modern: so the dream plot thickens...bc apparently my other boss (I have two chains of command) also was in the dream and preggo as well. So both of my bosses report to the lady who had the dream, and both of them were preggo. No one else in my building reports to both of these people, im the only one following this chain of command. She is going to be so pleased with herself when I tell her the news....I can't wait. I imagine DH will also be pretty pumped to see our baby with a tail. Men :praise:

Mrs: thank GOD for the Wondfos....they reassure me all the time things are still working. Thing im worried about is a blighted ovum, so feeling pregnant, acting pregnant, but nothing inside the sac. GL on the NT scan!

AFM: I had to change my first appt...its now in a week and a half. With DH starting a new job, he couldn't easily come in llate on his 4th day, so I asked if we could move it up....but didn't want to move it up that far! I wouldn't have worried about him coming or not, but they said they will be doing a scan that first appt! :appl: the doctor sounds great. He starts the first appt in his office to spend time learning about you, then moves on to the rest. I wanted to wait to the 7th week bc things are a bit clearer by then, but since everything is gonna go well with my little tadpole, it will be nice to see it on the big screen. ::) im excited to meet the doc and get this show on the road.


Dec 16, 2007

So last night I had some pinkish fluid on my tp when I wiped, and internally there was a little bit more. It seemed to go away, and then this morning there is some brownish discharge. Neither time was enough to spot my panties or anything, only there when I wipe. I called the midwife and she said this is nothing to worry about and I will have a doppler on Monday, but I am still pretty worried. She thinks my cervix must have gotten irritated, and that is more common with second pregnancies. I thought by 13w that these types of things were over, but I guess not. I have never had any type of bleeding so this scared the crap out of me. Any support, or similar stories would be much appreciated.


Nov 16, 2008

Im sorry for the scare, dreamer! You did the right thing by calling the mw, and im sure it it was much more than that, she would have had your come in right away. I know all will work out for Hunters little sibling :) hang in there.


Jul 12, 2008

DD, I'm sorry to hear about the minor spotting. I would be scared too. I have never had any spotting of any kind with either pregnancy but I remember that a number of others here in PS (I'm sorry I can't remember who exactly) have had a fair amount of spotting and it all amounted to nothing at all. Try not to worry and know that we're all sending you good vibrations. Let us know how your appointment goes on monday!



Apr 26, 2008

DD, sorry about the spotting. If it has stopped and was just a bit as you described, it is likely nothing to worry about, but frightening regardless. Up to 40% of pregnancies have spotting and most turn out to be just fine. Sending good thoughts your way. Hoping the weekend passes quickly and all is well on Monday.


Dec 16, 2007

After that small bit it stopped and I have had none since Friday, so I am attributing it to an irritated cervix. No cramping at all, and the blood never made it to my panties even, so I feel much better. I'll get a doppler on Monday for a fetal heart check and I'm sure feel a lot better.


Jun 27, 2006

Dreamer - sorry to hear about your scare! I haven't had any spotting but I know that some of my friends did. And my mom did while she was preggo with me. My doctor told me that the cervix is just really friable during pregnancy...she said I should expect some after she did my pap but I didn't end up getting any. Hope you are feeling more relieved and that everything goes well tomorrow.

Charbie - that's so exciting about your husband's new job! And I think you'll be glad you moved up your appointment. When I got my BFP I wanted to wait a while before going in, so I scheduled it for ~8 weeks. Then around 6.5 I started getting antsy and not really believing anymore. So it will be nice to get everything confirmed and all.

Mrs - glad you're doing well. Thanks for the carseat advice. Since it is my cousin and we are really close I am sure that she didn't get in an accident or anything. I am grateful to get some free stuff!

Modern - sorry your rotation is so hard. Remind me what year you are in again? Have you told your program yet? I have been chickening out on telling my director and chairman though they do need to know since it will affect my start date as an attending. But it's an awkward thing to bring up! "Hey Dr. BigShot, guess what, I'm pregnant!"

DC - good luck on your appointment on Monday!

Princess - hope you feel better from the nausea soon!

Blenheim - congratulations on the good betas and awesome you are back here so quickly!

Anyway, I'm 11 weeks today. Only 2 more weeks to go until 2nd trimester - crazy! NT scan on Friday...I went out shopping today and bought a whole bunch of stuff. Two bella bands, a bunch of maternity long sleeved tshirts off the clearance rack at Target. And new bras. OMG - I went from a 34AA or 34A to a 34C!! I've never even been a B and I jumped to a C! :-o

I haven't bought anything for the baby yet. Not a single item. I guess I am either superstitious or overwhelmed. DH bought me a book of baby knitting patterns for Xmas and I want to order yarn to make a little stroller blanket but I haven't gotten the guts to submit the order yet. I guess I'll need to get over that hump at some point.


Feb 27, 2006

Dreamer - I am glad to hear that the spotting settled down. Between the lack of cramps and it not continuing or being heavy, it sounds like it's probably fine, but I am sure that the doppler will be reassuring tomorrow.

Well, I am back! I'm a little bit in shock, since it happened so quickly - took us three months each time before - and it was just not a "good" cycle with lots of loving between DH traveling for work multiple times and our whole family coming down with the plague (ok, really the stomach flu and cold). I know that it only takes once at the right time, but wow! I'm not having much in the way of symptoms so far - light cramping last weekend, feeling a little bit more tired, sweet aversions - and this time I am kind of hoping for more pronounced symptoms. It's early, though. I made my first appointment for 10 weeks, as I really do not want them to try the doppler and not find a heartbeat. 10 weeks seems fairly safe.

We ended up telling our families yesterday. We were going to wait longer this time, but DH's family guessed based on my not drinking on Monday and then I felt like I should go ahead and tell my parents as well. I think it was really DH's fault that his family guessed: he told them before I ever got there that I probably wouldn't want any wine due to still feeling slightly off from the stomach bug. I think it would have been a little more believable had I been the one to turn it down. Ah well.

4 weeks 3 days.

Ryan Claire

Dec 2, 2009

Drive by congrats to Blen! So happy to see you back here so soon. Loads of sticky dust coming your way.

Be back later to get back to everyone else! Hope all is well.


Sep 18, 2010

Hi ladies,
Popping in to say it's been great reading about what everyone is up to.

Basil: Boo to the cold, but hooray for a break in the morning sickness. Maybe it will knock it out completely and it will be smooth sailing from here on out! I too am a C cup for the first time ever and it is totally surreal. I feel like my middle school self would be thrilled if they didn't hurt so badly.

Charbie: Congrats, again! I haven't had a loss and I am anxious, so of course it's understandable that you are too! Day by day, week by week... TONS of sticky dust for you. And congrats on the hubby's new job--it sounds like a great opportunity!

PP: Sounds like you're trucking along and ticking the weeks off one by one. I hope you get good news re: insurance coverage. Your pic on the other thread is adorable!! I haven't broken out the camera yet, and now I kind of wish I had a pre-preggo belly pic in case I never see my abs again. ;-)

DCG: How was the appt?? Excited to hear!

Modern: I was super psyched about the disappearing tail as well--so funny! It made me feel like there was something more human in there. I hope your rotation calms down a bit and that you get some rest and a break from the nausea, too.

DD: Sorry about the spotting, but it sound like it's resolved itself which is SUCH a relief! How'd the doppler check go?

Mrs: Which day is your NT scan? My sister found out the gender at hers (another boy, and quite clearly so!), so there's a chance you could see then if you and your husband want to know. So exciting!!!

Blen: A MILLION congrats--I'm so so excited for you, and sending buckets and buckets of stick dust your way. Your family must be thrilled!

To anyone I missed, I hope you're doing well!

AFM I'm 11w6d... the much anticipated 12 week mark is tomorrow (yippee!!!) and I keep praying the nausea/vomiting lifts like everyone has suggested it will, but I'm staying realistic all the same. I have my NT scan scheduled for Wednesday but we're supposed to have a doozy of a noreaster with 16" of snow, so I'll have to see if the office stays open... Fingers crossed. My DH's schedule is crazy since he's in the PICU this month, so rescheduling will be tricky since I'd really love for him to be there... Time will tell with that! No real other pregnancy news except for occasional cramping and the craaazy dreams I've been having--they're totally nonsensical but amazingly vivid, and difficult to distinguish from reality, even though they're ridiculous. So far in my dreams I've landed a 747 on a highway in Spain, been on the Price is Right and won a mobile home, and bought a ski chalet somewhere in Europe. Aside from landing the plane, I wouldn't mind if those were reality! Keep baking, ladies. :wavey:


Feb 20, 2009

I'm just doing a quick drive by but wanted to say glad all is well DD!

I'll reply back to everyone tomorrow. Stuff is so hectic with work and picking up school again next week while I'm studying for my comps.

AFM, 8w4d! My first appt was today, and I was very disappointed to find out that my first u/s won't be until 18 weeks which is when we'll find out the gender. It's got me very anxious and scared knowing i can't see bebe until then :errrr: My first appt with the ob is in two weeks, and the nurse said they'll do a doppler, but it'd be nice to know how babe is measuring and to know all looks good.
But the somewhat positive news is that insurance will pay for any one of the three first tri screenings (I guess depending on what the peri office recommends). DH was born with a heart issue (nothing serious) so since there was an issue with him, the insurance sees it as a "medical necessity".


Dec 16, 2007

Good news, heard the HB no toruble so all is well.

I will catch up later!


Feb 27, 2006

Dreamer - phew! Good to hear.

Princess - I didn't have an u/s until 20 weeks with George. Between the doppler and feeling him kick around, it wasn't as bad as it may seem. That's great that insurance will cover the screening!

Ryan Claire - Thank you!

Moxie - Wow, you are almost to the second tri! That just flew by.

AFM - I do not have terrible bloating like I did at this point with George, and so I took advantage of it and took some belly shots today. And by belly shots, I really mean proof that I can still have pretty decent abs post-baby if I work on it. I think the pics will be really reassuring after the baby is here and I am trying to tone that down and lose the extra flab.

I really don't feel pregnant right now. I'm hoping that more symptoms kick in soon.


Sep 18, 2010

I have a quick question, especially for those ladies that have experienced a loss. I am having dinner with a group of girlfriends Saturday, one of whom had a molar pregnancy and a D & C a few weeks before Thanksgiving. I know I need to tell them at some point, so I am trying to grab coffee with my one friend a few days before the dinner in order to let her know one on one, but I don't know if that's better or worse... I just want to be as sensitive to her needs and feelings as possible, whether that's entirely skipping the dinner or just not saying anything... I am not planning a big "yahoo! pay attention to me, I'm pregnant!" type of announcement, but if it's possible (and not obnoxious) would like to be "out" since that will make the not drinking (and possibly not eating) easier to explain... Any tips/thoughts??


Nov 16, 2008

First, I think its awesome you're being sensitive to her recent loss. I think letting her know beforehand to prepare her is a great idea.
Personally, as someone who suffered a loss, I would have been grateful if I had caught up with someone before they announced to the world that they were pregnant to soften the blow. It was no fun to be standing there in a group of people who were all so excited and have to pretend like everything was ok.
Second, im sure she will be so happy for you, especially if she knew you had been trying. It just sucks when the news comes out of left field and you don't have the chance to prepare. Make sure she knows you just wanted to be sensitive to her recent loss, soyou wanted to see how she's doing. The girl who I was talking about before was having a party a few weeks after she told a small group of us, and I decided to skip out since I knew she would be announcing it to everyone else and I could not put myself in the uncomfortable position of having to hear all about baby when I was still trying.


Jul 12, 2008

charbie, :appl: for moving your appointment up! It'll be here before you know it. Why are you worried specifically about a blighted ovum? Is that what you had when you experienced your loss? I hope your worry is for naught! Hang in there.

basil, how are you feeling? I hope your cold is gone! I'm amazed that you've grown 2 cup sizes! That's a LOT! I hope it's not too painful. That's neat that you knit and plan to make something for the baby. You'll start something when you're ready and I'm sure whatever you make will be beautiful.

Blen, I'm so glad to have you back here!! Good work on getting your abs in good shape! I wish I had done that.... I'm in much worse shape this time around since I couldn't motivate knowing that my body was going to get all messed up from pregnancy again. In retrospect, I really wish I had made an effort. oh well. I think you're wise to wait until 10 weeks for your 1st appointment. I had my first one at 9w 6d and even though it was hard to wait, in some ways I think it made it easier to not tell people which I appreciated. And it was nice that when I did finally go in, we were able to see what actually looked like a baby on the u/s instead of just a little blob. (Not that I don't love little blobs!) That was reassuring. Anyway, I hope you continue to feel well! Sending dust your way!

Moxie, yay for 12 weeks!!!! I hope your NT scan isn't rescheduled because of the storm! Mine is scheduled for a week from tomorrow. Do you think you will find out the sex tomorrow?? That's exciting that your sister already knows she's having another boy. I can't remember, are you hoping for one sex over the other or don't really care? I too am having crazy dreams! It's weird what pregnancy does to the sleeping mind. I hope your nausea goes away soon! re: your friend who experienced a loss, I'm afraid I have no advice other than to just be your sweet self! I think she will appreciate you telling her on her own and just be as honest about your concern. I would let her know that you want to be sensitive to her feelings but that you'll need some guidance from her regarding how to do that. good luck!

pp, I'm sorry that you may not see the baby for so long! Was your appointment good other than that? if your insurance will pay for testing, then perhaps it's possible that you WILL see the baby before 18 weeks. If you decide to do the NT Scan, they will do an u/s between 10 and 13 weeks.

dd. I'm so glad that your spotting was nothing to worry about! Hw are you feeling? I saw in the other thread that you may already be feeling the baby! That's exciting!

dcg, I hope your appointment yesterday went well!!

Everyone else, I hope you're well!!

AFM, I heard back from my dr that my blood work came back normal which is great since I was worried he would tell me my iron was low and I HATE taking extra iron. It really messed with my system last pregnancy when i had to take it. DD and I got to hang out with a bunch of our mommy group friends yesterday and almost ALL of them are pregnant (most are due in april) which is kind of neat. I hadn't planned to tell them but one of the moms flat out asked if I was pregnant (not sure why) and I just didn't want to lie so I just said, "It's too soon to get excited." I was glad that those in earshot gave a cautious congrats and left it at that.

I hope everyone is having a great week so far,
10w 3d (or 10w 6d according to my last u/s)


Nov 16, 2008

Mrs: Yes, my loss was a blighted ovum which is why im more nervous. Things were going well until almost 6 weeks, when I had a tiny bit of spotting and they had me come in for an u/s. There they measured things a bit behind, with a yolk sac that was quite normal but with nothing in it. They rechecked me a few days later and the yolk sac grew two more mm but still nothing in it, and in those 3 days my betas went from the low 2000s to the mid 3000s, so we knew it was over. You're almost past the scary first....yay!

Princess: oh id be pissed if I had to wait until 18 weeks. Do you not get an NT scan? Do they not care you had a loss at 13 weeks? Id probably make up that I was having spotting and needed a scan to check it out. :nono: im terrible like that tho.

AFM: im right there with ya Blen, hoping for more symptoms. BBs were sore, then not so much, then this morning sore again. Little quesy sometimes, but also stressed at work. Keeping busy tho, trying to get our old house rented out so we can move out of our temporary (free) home and buy a new house. Im going to be one mad cookie if im moving and unpacking at 9 months preggo this summer.


Sep 18, 2010

Thanks, ladies. She knew we were trying too, so it won't be left field--we were so hoping to be prego together, which makes it a bit bittersweet. I am hoping she can meet up before Saturday, although she replied to my email saying she's not sure she'll be in the office because she's still feeling "under the weather." I may just play it by ear and if I can't catch her before Saturday, bail on the dinner so as to not make it awkward. Ugh. I just wish I could fix it, which is so futile.


Aug 15, 2008

Hello ladies,

I hope all is well in the land of Barely Preggo's. It looks like the thread is hopping, so let me jump right in!

Modern - Sorry to hear your rotation is a pain. How long are you on it for? Thanks for thoughts on the NT. We have had some more thoughts on that, but I will get to it a bit later. As for the after hours party, count me in, lol. Too bad I don't live around there indeed :tongue: . Hopefully the naseau has indeed let up, so you can enjoy being preggo a bit more. As for reaching the 9 week milestone, yeah! I know everyone considers the whole first trimester to be a fragile period, every week seems to make a difference, especially once you get into the double digits.

Dreamer - I am sorry to hear about your scare, I bet that was really frightening, but I am glad to hear that all is well with your little one. Your MW was probably right, and at least if it happens again, you will know why. Thanks for adding your thoughts about my possible NT scan. I just wanted to clear up that while I don't think I would terminate in the case of Down's, my DH and I do agree that we would likely terminate in the case of the other two trisomy's, since those are otherwise fatal, should the baby even get so far. I will delve into it a bit more below. I appreciate your view points though, and will take that into consideration.

Mrs - Thank you as well for adding your thoughts. As far as doing something with the info, see the comment to Dreamer. I will add some more color below though. Sorry about the continued fatigue, but glad to hear you are feeling good otherwise. So when is your NT scan? I bet you can't wait to see your little one on the big screen. As for the showing earlier on, I have heard that you show a lot sooner with your second than your first, so I guess you are in line with that theory. At least you don't have to buy more maternity clothes, right? Oh, and congrats on good blood work results. I bet that makes you happy to know that you won't have to take supplements. And very cool about the playgroup all expecting. What fun to have IRL friends to share your journey with.

Charbie - :wavey: right back at ya! That is great that you were able to move your appt up, and even better that your DH will be there to see your little tadpole! I am sending all my happy vibes your way for your upcoming appt. Good luck on selling/renting the old house so you can get your move on, hehe.

Basil - Yipee on getting to 11 weeks, that's great! It's crazy to know that your first trimester will be over so soon, eh? I feel like that even though it can seem like time is moving slowly, these pregnancies will fly past us before we know it, so enjoy the time! That's pretty funny about the growth in your BB's. I went up from a 36C to a 38D after maybe 7 weeks, but have been hanging out here for a bit. My mom said that she reached a DD by the time I was born though, eek :o Good score on the Target goodies, how I do love Target. Have you used your bella bands yet? I bought one this weekend, but I haven't used it quite yet. I am thinking tomorrow will be a good day to try it out. As far as getting baby stuff, don't feel like you have to buy stuff. When you are ready to buy it will be the right time. Oh, and good luck on Friday!

Blen - How great to see you in here my dear! I am glad that you will be able to share in the journey again. As for the symptoms, I hear you on kinda wanting some, just so you know everything is ok. But, they say its a blessing not to have anything too bad, so just hang in there. I will continue to send you all my happy thoughts for a happy and healthy pregnancy for you. That's cool that you told the families, and it sounds like they are excited as well. I bet George will be even more physched to have a playmmate, once the time comes to tell him. Btw, enjoy the non-bloating, b/c it SUCKS!

RC - Isn't it about time for you to graduate to the big girl thread? I look forward to joining you in a couple weeks!

Moxie - Thanks for asking about the appt. It went very well thanks (more below). CONGRATS on getting to 12 weeks, woohoo! So are you going to graduate to the big girl thread too? As for the m/s, I hope that it does start to lay off of you. Bummer about the impending snow storm, but you guys further north are better equipped to handle it, so hopefully it won't stop you from your appt. Assuming everything's a go, please let us know how it goes. Good luck! Oh, and I totally hear you on the dreams. They are so wierd and so vivid. The worst part is nightmares b/c they seem even more real. Ugh.

Princess - Yeah for getting to almost nine weeks. I am sorry that you doc didn't do a scan though, boo. I am a little surprised that they didn't do a dating scan, but I guess if you know your dating, then they went with that. I know it's not as cool as a scan, but I think you will like the doppler. I got to have early scans, but had never heard the HB before, and it was really a cool experience. That's good news on the insurance front. However, if you are getting screening done, that should include a scan earlier on, no?

AFM - Thanks to everyone for asking about my appt. It went really well, thanks. The doctor was happy to hear I had gotten preggo and it seemed very genuine, so that was nice. DH and I also got to hear our little one's HB with the doppler, so that was really awesome! It was kinda funny though, b/c the doc would pick up the HB, and then my little turtle would wiggle away, and the doc would have to find it again. I can just imagine turtle playing a game of hide and go seek, :tongue: As for the NT scan, DH and I are still pondering whether to do it, but the doc gaves us an Rx for it, if we decide to do it. We have come to a consensus though that if the scan indicated Trisomy 13 or 18, we would likely terminate, but not for Trisomy 21 (Down's). So, while that is cleared up, my DH and I are still deciding what we want to do. We will have to decide in the next week or so though, so I will let you know what we come up with. Otherwise, things are rolling along here. I have put on a couple pounds (which I'm not too thrilled about), but I am chalking some of it up to gas/bloating and BB weight. I went out and got a Bella Band though, so that should hopefully extend my wardrobe a bit longer. Although, I am sure with these BB's, maternity shirts are not far away, lol.

I hope all you ladies are doing well and I look forward to more updates this week. Take care of you and your little ones!


Feb 20, 2009

MM- Glad that you're being so sensitive to your friend. I think char offered some great advice. Having suffered a loss too, I would be very appreciative if I had a friend as caring and kind as you.

Blen- I hope (strangely lol!) that you get more sx's soon!!!!

Mrs- My appointment was good, the nurse was really nice. She offered me a lot of good advice and made me very comfortable. I'm opting to have the NT scan (I completely forgot about that u/s. This pregnancy brain is KILLER, lol!!!) I'm glad your bw came back normal!!

Charbie- The office even told me that if you spot red blood or cramp excessively, they tell you to go to the ER :nono: I'm slightly unhappy with it, but since I work for a hospital (insurance pays WAY more for seeing in network docs and giving birth at my hospital), I'm kind of stuck with the office as they're affiliated with my hospital :angryfire: I hope (strangely too lol!) that you get more sx's soon!!!!

DC- I'm tempted to tell them I messed up my LMP when I went for the OB nurse so they'll do a dating u/s lol!!! At my next appt on the 24th, they'll do the doppler. I hope the decision for the NT scan becomes easier for you and DH to make ::hugs::

AFM, not much other than fatigue is extreme today (and was yesterday). It just hit me out of the blue! I told my big boss today (I was going to wait until the 1st u/s, but since it's 18 weeks, I know she'll notice before then lol!), and she was very happy. We have another co worker who is 30 weeks and will be returning in June, and I'll be out in August, so she'll have two months of both of us, which she's ok with. I have an appt with a personal trainer at the cardiac gym on campus at work who is going to create a pregnancy workout for me, which will be nice (she just gave birth a few months ago, so it'll be a workout from experience!). I loved to exercise before pg, so it'll be nice to have a special workout tailored to the pregnancy.


Dec 16, 2007
Re: Re:

moxie.moo|1294757186|2819654 said:
I have a quick question, especially for those ladies that have experienced a loss. I am having dinner with a group of girlfriends Saturday, one of whom had a molar pregnancy and a D & C a few weeks before Thanksgiving. I know I need to tell them at some point, so I am trying to grab coffee with my one friend a few days before the dinner in order to let her know one on one, but I don't know if that's better or worse... I just want to be as sensitive to her needs and feelings as possible, whether that's entirely skipping the dinner or just not saying anything... I am not planning a big "yahoo! pay attention to me, I'm pregnant!" type of announcement, but if it's possible (and not obnoxious) would like to be "out" since that will make the not drinking (and possibly not eating) easier to explain... Any tips/thoughts??

I have a similar situation with one of my close friends. I plan to tell her my news before I go totally public, and have refrained from sharing so far in hopes of giving her more time to process her own loss. I think your plan is a good one. I plan to tell my friend over e-mail, partly because we do not live near one another, but also so that she can feel whatever she wants when she hears it without having to worry about offending me.


Apr 26, 2008

Moxie: :appl: on being 12 weeks! I am sorry about your friend's loss and your tough situation. I think you are sweet to tell her beforehand, and that seems like a kind thing to do in order to let her know you are being sensitive to her loss. There is no easy way to do it, but you are sweet to be so thoughtful. Any thoughts on trying to get a sneak peak at the sex at the NT scan? Good luck!

Blen: SO excited to see you back here. Hoping for lots more symptoms and a sticky bean. I love the idea of getting the belly shots for motivation post baby. I guess I need to take some BFP pics soon before I start showing!

Dreamer: Glad all is well with your LO!

Mrs: That is crazy about your friend "outing" you so to speak, but she likely was just excited to have another friend expecting Baby #2. It is impressive how people can be so oblivious, especially someone who is also pregnant! 10+ weeks is pretty reassuring though!

Basil: Yay for being 11 weeks! I hear you on the bra, I have graduated from C to D and I am hoping they don't creep up much more. That is so cute about the patterns from DH, might be time to start knitting! I am in Family Medicine and currently one of the seniors on our crazy busy inpatient service. We usually have 3 seniors but this month we just have 2 so it is extra call and the daily 6 am start time is making me a bit crazy. I actually had a quiet moment with my program director yesterday and since a few of my colleagues know and I wanted him to find out from me first, I decided to tell him. He was awesome and so excited and really supportive. I wouldn't expect anything less from a large FP program where there are lots of pregos that come through!

Charbie: Hope the nausea doesn't get too bad! Lots of good dust your way. When is your first appt?

Dreamer: That is awesome you got to hear the HB, it is so fun when it is so fast and such a strong sign of life in there. Sounds like you and DH have a clear plan for the results if you have the NT scan, and you do have a little bit of time to decide. I hear you on the magic of target, it is going to be a staple for the next few months.... The bella band is AMAZING, I tried mine out for the first time this weekend and it helped give me that extra half inch where the button on my jeans was feeling a bit snug. Hope you have a good week, it won't be long before you graduate to the big girl thread too!

Princess: Glad your first appt went well and you have a u/s scheduled! That is awesome your boss is so understanding. Feel free to share some of the prego workout tips with us!!

AFM: Hanging in there, just so tired! I tried out the bella band for the first time and I love it! I might just need to buy them in every color! I was working with one of my favorite OB's in the hospital last night who works just in the hospital otherwise I would have gone to her and I ended up telling her. She was super excited and she said her worry goes down for most pts after about 9 wks so that made me feel better. I have been having crazy dreams, and lots of dreams with pink so we shall see. Initially we thought we were going to wait to be surprised, but I am not sure if I can wait that long!
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