
I'm really losing it- Lost Items


Mar 7, 2016
I can't really vent elsewhere but I am seriously starting to think I have some mental block. I keep losing things. And not small things (well some). The worst part is I am sure I know where they are, I can remember putting them there and yet when I look nothing.

In the past 2 months I have lost a ring-noticed I wasn't wearing it and figured it was in the car as I took it off to grab something between the seats but when I went down the next morning nothing. Ripped the car apart and no ring.

I lost a ring box, a nice one but still, I can see in my mind's eye where I put it but it is no where to be found.

And I have lost my favorite wrap, I took a pin off of it and that is sitting right here but cannot begin to think where the wrap went to. It isn't at home, in the car, or at work and I don't go anywhere else.

I am beginning to feel like there are either thieving gnomes living here or I have some sort of mental block that I can't actually recall where I saw things last. Am I nuts?


Jan 4, 2010
We have had things like that happen a number of times. Sometimes we find the item, sometimes not. We joke that the alternate universe has borrowed it.

This is the most egregious example of one such incident. Back in the 1980s while I was working overseas, I returned home for a visit. I kept all my travel documents-- visa, passport, work permit, foreign ID card, plane tickets etc. in one accordion file. I never placed the items anywhere but that file. A few weeks before I was due to fly out, I checked the file to be sure all was okay -- and my ticket was gone! I tore the file apart; no ticket. Finally I called KLM, told them I'd lost my ticket, and asked for a replacement ticket. They issued one at no cost but said if the original ticket was ever used, I would be billed for it. A couple of days before departure, I checked the file again. The original ticket and the replacement ticket were both there.
I have never yet been able to explain this.


Dec 18, 2014
Lol this happens all the time to me at the moment. Along with the complementary effect of finding an item sitting somewhere but having no memory at all of how it got there. I assume I'm functioning on autopilot and just organizing possessions without even realising I'm doing it. I did briefly contemplate whether I was losing it, but that seemed overly dramatic. I keep wanting to toss a bunch of possessions again to see if things get better once there is less clutter to track.


Oct 19, 2013
I would suggest putting a bit of milk out for the fae, but that creeps me out. :lol:

Chalk it up to stress, because admitting anything else just causes more stress. and know you aren’t alone.

Wait - that sounds even more creepy…….

Made in London

Sep 11, 2020
We have had things like that happen a number of times. Sometimes we find the item, sometimes not. We joke that the alternate universe has borrowed it.

This is the most egregious example of one such incident. Back in the 1980s while I was working overseas, I returned home for a visit. I kept all my travel documents-- visa, passport, work permit, foreign ID card, plane tickets etc. in one accordion file. I never placed the items anywhere but that file. A few weeks before I was due to fly out, I checked the file to be sure all was okay -- and my ticket was gone! I tore the file apart; no ticket. Finally I called KLM, told them I'd lost my ticket, and asked for a replacement ticket. They issued one at no cost but said if the original ticket was ever used, I would be billed for it. A couple of days before departure, I checked the file again. The original ticket and the replacement ticket were both there.
I have never yet been able to explain this.

That is spooky!


Feb 2, 2016
I have lost (and mostly found):

A diamond ring in a box for months, it was literally sitting on the deck through rain and snow etc. I forgot about it when I was taking pictures for PS! Did find it eventually.

An ironing board, a mini one, couldn’t find it forever and then discovered it behind our bedroom door.

My son’s IPad, it got mixed in with some clothes I was putting away for the season somehow, that was missing for a year.

Most recently I’ve lost my MIL’s cremains, just something that would happen to me. I thought I accidentally donated them to Goodwill but now I’m thinking I threw them out by accident.

This list makes me sound like a train wreck!


Jun 26, 2007
I have lost (and mostly found):

A diamond ring in a box for months, it was literally sitting on the deck through rain and snow etc. I forgot about it when I was taking pictures for PS! Did find it eventually.

An ironing board, a mini one, couldn’t find it forever and then discovered it behind our bedroom door.

My son’s IPad, it got mixed in with some clothes I was putting away for the season somehow, that was missing for a year.

Most recently I’ve lost my MIL’s cremains, just something that would happen to me. I thought I accidentally donated them to Goodwill but now I’m thinking I threw them out by accident.

This list makes me sound like a train wreck!

Did you ever find that ring out in the backyard?
One time I hid all my jewelry before going on a vacation. Just before leaving the house, I saw a tanzanite necklace that I missed.
I quickly stashed it somewhere and left.
It's been 10 years and I still don't know where it is!


Feb 2, 2016
Did you ever find that ring out in the backyard?
One time I hid all my jewelry before going on a vacation. Just before leaving the house, I saw a tanzanite necklace that I missed.
I quickly stashed it somewhere and left.
It's been 10 years and I still don't know where it is!

I did, I posted when I found it but this was a while back, still can’t believe it was on the deck that whole time!

I am sad about your tanzanite necklace, I hope it turns up at some point after all this time.


Nov 2, 2012
Wait... is this a few coincidences or a memory/brain fog issue? Do you also forget other things besides where you put things, that you didn't used to forget?

Lately I can't remember so many little things that it's concerning. I frequently can't remember the characters' names on the TV shows I watch and can't think of basic words when I'm trying to talk.

I know some of this is expected with age but I googled around and discovered that statins are known to cause memory loss/brain fog, for just one example. There's also a possible link to artificial sweeteners (which I just learned after reading your post).

I cut out the statins a couple of weeks ago (from my research, I think they're overprescribed and not the best idea for me anyway). I haven't noticed any improvement from that so far, though. Starting now I'm also going to cut out the artificial sweeteners for a while too and see if that helps.

Oh, one more thing, has anyone new been allowed into your home more than once, or are you in the habit of leaving your car unlocked? I mean, maybe someone IS actually taking your stuff. :(
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May 19, 2020
This used to happen to me sometimes. I would put something down, remember where I put it, then later it would have inexplicably be missing. I was so puzzled until I one day solved the mystery.

My husband is a think - pacer / phone - pacer. When he’s deep in though he paces from room to room like a senile goat trying to forge a new trail.
As I watched him, I noticed along his goat trail path he would pick up random objects. If the object came in a pair (think incense burner), he would only pick up ONE of the items in the pair (pick up the incense burner but leave the incense sticks). He would wander aimlessly through the house with his object, then put it down at random on the opposite side of the house, only to grab a random object from that side of the house, and wander aimlessly to the OTHER side, and deposit his object there.

He had no recollection of doing this and unfortunately has no memory of where he puts anything down. Kind of like having a senile golden retriever?

Sigh, it still causes problems but at least now we know we aren’t being robbed and we don’t have a fairy gnome problem.


Dec 14, 2017
I posted not too long ago about losing a diamond stacker band and found it a little later on, for no good reason, in my great-great grandmother's cast iron wash pot that we keep in the house to hold kindling wood. I have no idea how it got there. I felt so fortunate to find it. Then.....less than two weeks later I lost my blue diamond stacker band. It wasn't large or even expensive, but I loved it. I "feel" like it's in my house but have looked under beds, right by the walls, on kitchen counters and everywhere sign of it anywhere. This can only mean one thing: new stacker band.


Aug 23, 2020
I would actually say that if you feel like this is becoming common and you haven't seen your primary care for a while to talk with them. I would do a good history discussing your sleep, nutrition and stress levels, and run some basic labs. There are some conditions that can sneak up on you like thyroid dysfunction or sleep apnea that can have effects like this. As a side note, I would advocate for discussing stopping/changing any meds with your doc, too, if that is something a person is thinking of doing :)


Nov 2, 2012
I would actually say that if you feel like this is becoming common and you haven't seen your primary care for a while to talk with them. I would do a good history discussing your sleep, nutrition and stress levels, and run some basic labs. There are some conditions that can sneak up on you like thyroid dysfunction or sleep apnea that can have effects like this. As a side note, I would advocate for discussing stopping/changing any meds with your doc, too, if that is something a person is thinking of doing :)

Sorry for going off-topic but I'm glad you posted this, FL_runner. I read it and thought, yeah, why AM I trying to figure this out by guesswork? And I realized that, for me personally, it's because my doctor blew off my concerns at my annual exam. I said the correct answers to her questions, along the lines of what was my birthday and who was the current president, and that was that. She's seemed very thorough before though so maybe it was just an off day and I should try again. So thank you!
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Sep 16, 2009
As an alternative explanation, does anyone have keys to your house?

I had objects moving around on me and little things felt off in my home. Like I could have sworn I changed the toilet paper roll, but it would be empty. Sometimes pillows would be moved from one sofa to the other. Some shows were half watched on Netflix. The tv was on a station we don’t watch. Once the bathtub had been scrubbed!

DH didn’t notice any of it. I thought I was losing my mind. I even went to see my doctor (always a good idea anyway).

We installed a ring cam to keep track of deliveries and one day I happened to have the app open when my cat sitter showed up! It turns out that she was coming into my home while I was at work. I guess she was hanging out and taking baths? It was super weird and unsettling.

I’ve told this story in the past and there is always someone who has shared a similar experience so it’s more common than you would think.
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May 19, 2020
As an alternative explanation, does anyone have keys to your house?

I had objects moving around on me and little things felt off in my home. Like I could have sworn I changed the toilet paper roll, but it would be empty. Sometimes pillows would be moved from one sofa to the other. Some shows were half watched on Netflix. The tv was on a station we don’t watch. Once the bathtub had been scrubbed!

DH didn’t notice any of it. I thought I was losing my mind. I even went to see my doctor (always a good idea anyway).

We installed a ring cam to keep track of deliveries and one day I happened to have the app open when my cat sitter showed up! It turns out that she was coming into my home while I was at work. I guess she was hanging out and taking baths? It was super weird and unsettling.

I’ve told this story in the past and there is always someone who has shared a similar experience so it’s more common than you would think.

WHAT?! This is wild!!


Sep 16, 2009
WHAT?! This is wild!!

It is, but now I hear about people finding out that a babysitter or the in-laws are secretly using their homes while they’re at work.

At one point I thought DH was having an affair, but even that didn’t make sense. He wouldn’t be sneaking home on his lunch break to binge watch Golden Girls with a mistress. In retrospect the cat lady is the logical answer.

Just saying it could be someone moving things!
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Aug 23, 2020
Oh my goodness! My grandparents would come by while my family was out and make food, watch TV, etc. and that even made my mom feel stressed...


May 19, 2020
It is, but now I hear about people finding out that a babysitter or the in-laws are secretly using their homes while they’re at work.

At one point I thought DH was having an affair, but even that didn’t make sense. He wouldn’t be sneaking home on his lunch break to binge watch Golden Girls with a mistress. In retrospect the cat lady is the logical answer.

Just saying it could be someone moving things!

How did you address it with the cat lady?? Did you have to change the locks?


Sep 17, 2008
I've definitely lost things. sometimes they get found and sometimes...not. I notice I lose things when I'm stressed (so basically all the

@chemgirl thats freaky as eff. I've got cameras everywhere, but if someone was coming in and doing stuff in my home, at least do something useful like...dishes..something.


Sep 16, 2009
How did you address it with the cat lady?? Did you have to change the locks?

We have locks that could be re-keyed so we changed the keys. We also disabled her alarm codes.

I’m very non confrontational so we left it to her to figure out. She did email at one point asking if our cat passed away. We didn’t respond

There was a bit of debate about involving the police. I wanted to, but DH didn’t. She was our sitter for 8 years and she is older so he felt like we should just leave it.


Jun 26, 2007
I did, I posted when I found it but this was a while back, still can’t believe it was on the deck that whole time!

I am sad about your tanzanite necklace, I hope it turns up at some point after all this time.

I was remembering one that fell in the bushes while you were trying to take pics?


Aug 4, 2008
I lose things all the time. Its really hard with my Wifey traveling and I can not ask her where something is at.


Feb 2, 2016


Mar 21, 2019
I have lost (and mostly found):

A diamond ring in a box for months, it was literally sitting on the deck through rain and snow etc. I forgot about it when I was taking pictures for PS! Did find it eventually.

An ironing board, a mini one, couldn’t find it forever and then discovered it behind our bedroom door.

My son’s IPad, it got mixed in with some clothes I was putting away for the season somehow, that was missing for a year.

Most recently I’ve lost my MIL’s cremains, just something that would happen to me. I thought I accidentally donated them to Goodwill but now I’m thinking I threw them out by accident.

This list makes me sound like a train wreck!

You sound like you got a lot goin' on.
As in too much? I lose things when i'm stressed, and misplacing a credit card is just more stress.


Mar 7, 2016
Wait... is this a few coincidences or a memory/brain fog issue? Do you also forget other things besides where you put things, that you didn't used to forget?

Lately I can't remember so many little things that it's concerning. I frequently can't remember the characters' names on the TV shows I watch and can't think of basic words when I'm trying to talk.

I know some of this is expected with age but I googled around and discovered that statins are known to cause memory loss/brain fog, for just one example. There's also a possible link to artificial sweeteners (which I just learned after reading your post).

I cut out the statins a couple of weeks ago (from my research, I think they're overprescribed and not the best idea for me anyway). I haven't noticed any improvement from that so far, though. Starting now I'm also going to cut out the artificial sweeteners for a while too and see if that helps.

Oh, one more thing, has anyone new been allowed into your home more than once, or are you in the habit of leaving your car unlocked? I mean, maybe someone IS actually taking your stuff. :(

I am thinking it is some brain fog or adhd. I just cannot recall things. I went put to my car to get something,, put a bag in the car forgot the item I went for and didn't realize til I needed it.. who does this??

Earlier, it occurred to me to reach out and see of DK got a ring I ups'd back. I can't find the email with the label and just emailed them today but I don't think it got there and I can't trace it without a label. I'm a nervous wreck now.

I dont think I had COVId. What else cause this sort of absolutely crap memory?


Feb 2, 2016
You sound like you got a lot goin' on.
As in too much? I lose things when i'm stressed, and misplacing a credit card is just more stress.

Most of this is over the past years although my MIL was recently. Not sure about stress but I was hugely disorganized in the past. Of course now I’m more organized, but throwing out important things :wall:


Feb 2, 2016
@CSpan, maybe check your B12 levels? My level was low a few years back and I was getting lost and having trouble remembering things. Just a thought.


Sep 1, 2009
I am thinking it is some brain fog or adhd. I just cannot recall things. I went put to my car to get something,, put a bag in the car forgot the item I went for and didn't realize til I needed it.. who does this??

Earlier, it occurred to me to reach out and see of DK got a ring I ups'd back. I can't find the email with the label and just emailed them today but I don't think it got there and I can't trace it without a label. I'm a nervous wreck now.

I dont think I had COVId. What else cause this sort of absolutely crap memory?

Low sodium levels (my grandmother has this issue)
Sleep apnea
Vitamin deficiencies?
Neurology issues

There is a Neuro-cognitive exam they can do. Will give you a baseline of where you are now and get measurable changes over time. This can also show that based on scores in this and that area, the other seems lower than expected. My grandmother had one that lasted a few hours. I had one that lasted all day. I went in thinking it was a waste of time and came out with a massive report of where I am doing well and what areas need to be exercised to strengthen or be aware of to work around.

ETA: most likely is sleep issues, stress, or something simple like a deficiency. Blood work is definitely a good idea. Probably the Neuro-cognitive exam for peace of mind later on.
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