
i need your help! cushion (gypsy!)


Oct 2, 2014
it's finally my turn folks! i've sorta been doing research for the last couple of months. now i just need some help looking for a cushion cut diamond. i've been looking at loose diamonds, but i'm still not great at looking at the numbers to find a diamond that will truly sparkle (something like the HCA tool would be great for a cushion cut diamond).

i first saw this diamond a couple of months ago, but wondering why it still hasn't sold? and if i recall correctly, gypsy, you said you'd only consider buying from blue nile if it was one of their signature cut hearts/arrows diamond, correct? why hasn't this particular diamond sold? can someone (gypsy?) compare the stats of this diamond with another one and explain why one is "better" than the other?

my loose diamond budget is right around $5000, give or take a couple hundred. i'm thinking a halo setting, so i'll somehow have to account for the price of the band too.

here are some examples of what i would like her ring to look like:

obviously my budget will prevent me from purchasing a diamond as big as the ones above, but would that look still be achievable with a diamond half the size (1ct)?

thanks all for your help.
The BN cushion link isn't working right for me.
That's a nice stone, I know they are supposed to be eyeclean, but I would double check with them to make sure it is, other than that you should put it and anything else you are considering on hold in case lurkers get it before you.
Wow, you guys are righ, lurkers already got to it. Damn, that was fast! I should have kept my mouth shut.
one more thing reference the JA diamond. per the GIA report, the diamond was graded in dec. 2013. does that mean anything in particular? such as, why has it been sitting on a shelf for so long; why hasn't anyone bought it; what's wrong with it? as far as the reference diagram, the diamond looks very clean, aside from a feather along one of the edges. thanks again.
Carat Weight:1.03
Symmetry:Very Good


site doesn't have a picture available.
Photoplex|1421392215|3817273 said:

thanks photoplex...ironically enough, when i spoke to the gemologist earlier today, i picked out that one too and had her take a look at it. when looking at the rotating photo of the diamond, she didn't like all the "black" in the diamond, said it indicated where light would leak out. so i decided not to hold that one. however, seeing as how i need to pick two more diamonds before tomorrow, i'll have them hold that one as well. thanks photoplex!
thank you newbie! that was very helpful! i haven't read that thread yet, but there is a lot of knowledge in there. thank you, maybe i might just have to wait a couple of weeks for new inventory.
i did check out BE's site last night. i looked at a couple of their "X" factor cushions and requested the GIA report and images. i'll check out the one you suggested as well, thanks for your help! what do you think of these two? i know it's hard to say without the GIA or any other images of the diamond. anyone have any experience with BE's "X" factor cushions?

i called JA again today and asked about ASET images. i should be getting them some time next week. the gemologist i spoke with today really liked the first diamond i submitted ( i'm kind of partial to that one too; hopefully the ASET images come out good. anyone know if JA does DiamXray photos as well? how does this JA dimaond appear to compare to the others?
zcher82|1421395456|3817287 said:
thanks photoplex...ironically enough, when i spoke to the gemologist earlier today, i picked out that one too and had her take a look at it. when looking at the rotating photo of the diamond, she didn't like all the "black" in the diamond, said it indicated where light would leak out.
Black is not leakage. Gray (sometimes yellowish or brownish) will be leakage.
JoshuaNiamehr|1421475050|3817881 said:

thanks josh, i can't wait to receive the ASET images. i haven't really found anything else i like in my price range. so far that diamond is leading the pack. i just hope it holds up. however, i will take gypsy's advice from another recent thread, and not rush the purchasing of a cushion right now due to lower inventory. JA rep told me today that lower inventory is due to holidays and especially with valentine's day coming up. makes sense.
JulieN|1421476163|3817886 said:
zcher82|1421395456|3817287 said:
thanks photoplex...ironically enough, when i spoke to the gemologist earlier today, i picked out that one too and had her take a look at it. when looking at the rotating photo of the diamond, she didn't like all the "black" in the diamond, said it indicated where light would leak out.
Black is not leakage. Gray (sometimes yellowish or brownish) will be leakage.

thanks for your help; i'm learning more everyday. :)
Hi Ya,

I was browsing the posts this morning & linked right in to that stone on Blue Nile. Looks like its available! I dont know if you will get to it before someone else, but this is the only way to tell you I see it on their site. It's a gorgeous stone. Hope you get it. :-)

All the best,
ccuheartnurse|1421504991|3817987 said:
Hi Ya,

I was browsing the posts this morning & linked right in to that stone on Blue Nile. Looks like its available! I dont know if you will get to it before someone else, but this is the only way to tell you I see it on their site. It's a gorgeous stone. Hope you get it. :-)

All the best,

so it is! thank you judy!

here is the BN diamond, GIA photo


here is the JA diamond, GIA photo


should i be, or would you be, more concerned about the clouds/crystals (GIA report says additional clouds/crystals may not be indicated on the report) on the BN diamond; it's an SI1 diamond with clouds listed first for inclusions. or are the feathers on the JA diamond, near the girdle, a bigger concern? i understand i'm probably making an unfair comparison, performance vs structural integrity, but what would your opinions be? thanks.

here is the BN gcal report

thanks for all the patience to whomever is helping and teaching. your opinions and advice are greatly appreciated!
Neither stone looks like they have inclusions that would or should cause you any concern. I think is a matter of what style you (or your girlfriend) prefers. Both are gorgeous cushions. :-)
thanks ccu and josh. i guess my major concern was the structural integrity of the JA diamond, with the feathers being so close to the edge of the diamond. it just looks so much "cleaner" than the BN diamond.

i didn't grow up around women who wore diamond jewelry. it's only now that i've assimilated to american culture, and older, that i am beginning to learn about diamonds. it's a big purchase for me, so i want to know everything and fret about every little detail. i'm trying not to get lost in the weeds, but when there are many diamonds too look at, all in the same price and performance range, the weeds is where i keep ending up! the research is maddening, unfortunately it's also terribly fun for me! haha, but i appreciate all the help.

what do you think about this second BN diamond vs the previous? can you tell me your overall impression on performance?


sigh...i'm splitting hairs aren't i? i need to step away for a while huh? haha...
LOL You're splitting hairs. I like the 1st Blue Nile one better, plus for any other reason than it's a touch bigger for basically the same price. Put the BN ones (Both) on hold until you figure it out (they will hold them for 48hrs) which gives you some time to think about it. ;))
well, i got an email from JA gemologist containing the ASET images of the three stones i chose. i'm a little disappointed. i really thought the first stone would be a great performer. looks like i may be going back to the drawing board. here are the pictures:

it appears the second stone is the best performer. the first stone looks like it will be very slushy/crushed ice like. however, of the three, i like the first one's facet pattern the best. but alas, it's almost always all about performance.

i did go ahead and put the BN H&A on hold as well, while i await the responses of the community. did i miss anything on the ASET's? is there anything i need to know? i know the ASET doesn't tell the whole story, but as far as my knowledge base, i don't think any of these three diamonds are the one. also, should i expect a more extensive report, or will it just be the email with the single ASET pictures? any advice will greatly be appreciated. thanks again.
Hi zcher,
ASET interpretation is anything but simple- and there's not even an agreed upon "best"

I can't comment on any particular diamond of another vendor- but I can say that large red concentrations in the center of a stone in ASET can be an indication of a dark area in the middle of the actual diamond when you look in person.
Red is not "good", green is not "bad".

"performance" - when it comes to diamonds, is equal to "pizzazz" - there's no specific meaning.

When it comes to "crushed ice"- it's a much maligned term here on PS- but nowhere else- for good reason. Many people LOVE the look.
Go into Tiffany's, Harry Winston, Cartier, Graff- and you'll see quite a few cushions with this look.
On more occasions than I can count a consumer who'd read Pricescope came into my office telling me they hated "crushed ice"- till they actually looked at real life diamonds.
It just happened again today in fact.

Have you looked at a lot of stones in real life?
If you want to use aset to judge, you'll really need to do a whole lot of work so you can correlate what ASET images look like on real life diamonds.
Judging photos and videos will be far more useful to you personally.

Remember that spread- the visual size of a diamond- is a very important aspect to many women.....
Yeah, not the best performers.

I've been sick so I haven't been around. But I wouldn't have sent any of those to ASET. This one will be available next week again, I actually have it right now. It's gorgeous. Although not the spreadiest stone.

Ask them to make an exception for you and send a couple of these to ASET .

They are better performers.
here's the aset from it, and some pictures from the last PSer that bought it




^ I'm the PSer who returned the 1.01ct D-VS1 cushion... it is a beautiful diamond, and the Aset gives a good indication of its brightness.

(I returned it primarily because the dimensions to my persnickety eye resulted in a "not quite square, not quite rectangle" shape, and I switched to a BN H&A cushion that really meets my particular preferences. Related threads:
marymm|1421803620|3819562 said:
^ I'm the PSer who returned the 1.01ct D-VS1 cushion... it is a beautiful diamond, and the Aset gives a good indication of its brightness.

(I returned it primarily because the dimensions to my persnickety eye resulted in a "not quite square, not quite rectangle" shape, and I switched to a BN H&A cushion that really meets my particular preferences. Related threads:

thanks marymm! i found your thread earlier, but because of you, i just put a BN signature H&A on hold. haha... i don't quite know how to read BN gcal report/photos, but i tried to use what you described in your thread. you are quite happy with the BN diamond, i'm hoping the one i put on hold is beautiful too. would you tell me what you think about these two? did you end up getting an ASET for your BN diamond? or if you found a better one, i'm all ears. thanks!
@rockdiamond - you're right, i am getting ahead of myself here. there's too much that i don't know to be judging diamonds based simply on the ASET's. it is tough. it's fun but stressful. seriously, thank you for grounding me again.

@gypsy - hoping you feel better. thanks for your suggestions. you said that you wouldn't have chosen those three to send to ASET. how do you decide that? how much weight does the revolving picture play on how you choose what to send in? what do you look for in the GIA report? i'm looking at the diamonds you suggested, but i can't figure out how you decided on those.