
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread


Jun 8, 2008
crown1|1388421786|3583047 said:
I had to look up the trainer to see what it was, the site says the stress on the knees is equal to walking. Why not just do the walking until you can get a repair or replacement?

Hi crown, thanks for taking the time to read my novella lol. The short answer is because walking outside is too cold (for me) now and I cannot just walk to get the benefits I get with the arc. I would have to do more than a fast walk to get the same benefits and I cannot run because of my knees. So what I am doing now is just fast walking at an incline on my treadmill and that is why I am in some discomfort until I get back in treadmill shape. Muscle memory doesn't last 3.5 years unfortunately hehe.

My dh ordered the part he thinks will fix it and I am keeping my fingers crossed that it is the part that we need. Service people cannot come till next week and I didn't want to wait to have them check it out and then first order the part. It's hopefully being overnighted like Cybex promised (we've seen what has happened with overnighting during this holiday season so hoping it actually does arrive tomorrow) and just maybe my dh can replace the part. He's pretty handy that way but if he cannot do it himself we have to wait till next week for the service people to do it.

In the meantime I am thinking about ordering the 525 model (least expensive commercial model) and am waiting for a quote from Gym Source. We've had so many expenses this year that I really don't want to spend the money but since working out is an important part of my daily routine I am considering it because at the very least it would be great to have a back up for when the arc trainer needs repair again. The 525 is back ordered anyway so delaying it another couple of days while I decide won't make much difference.




Mar 26, 2006
The friend I am visiting in Tahoe has had a couple and their eight year old daughter in from the east coast for a few days. I one million percent ADORE this child!!! She's sweet and brilliant and caring and funny and an absolute beauty! This morning she wrote me a note to wake up to. How do you bottle this amazing thing and keep it forever?!?



Mar 26, 2006
Oops -- not sure why that's sideways...


Jun 8, 2008
Dee*Jay|1388423280|3583056 said:
The friend I am visiting in Tahoe has had a couple and their eight year old daughter in from the east coast for a few days. I one million percent ADORE this child!!! She's sweet and brilliant and caring and funny and an absolute beauty! This morning she wrote me a note to wake up to. How do you bottle this amazing thing and keep it forever?!?

awwwww!!! So sweet. :halo:


Nov 22, 2006
Missy, sounds like you have a plan. Good luck!


Oct 4, 2011
Dee*Jay - she sounds so precious!! Just so you know, if you came and stayed w me, I promise I'll write you a note every morning! :bigsmile:

Missy - BUMMER!!! Crap that sucks to have an expensive machine be both discontinued and then a delay to have any repairs done. I completely understand the need to keep up the walking routine you have going and I admire your incredible dedication to your health! YAY you! I hope your DH can sort something out and the repair guy can fix it. Fingers crossed!

Cozystitches said:
Seriously, don't post a HUGE change and not expect family to see and then to comment. If you want somethings SECRET do not post to FB! :angryfire:


Aug 25, 2009
bean|1388352543|3582645 said:
I have such a bad headache.
I think after 3+ years of having a temp setting on my stone, I have found a setting that I like!!!!!
I'm tired.

SPILL!!!!!!!!!!!! What setting?


Aug 25, 2009
Yssie|1388264139|3582049 said:
SB - So what's this plan? Spill, love :naughty:

So my 2.04ct MRB that is in the JBEG PLAT and RG setting. I love the ring! Truly I do but I haven't worn it since I got it. major issue is there is just something to modern about the ring +stone together for me. Anyhow long story short. My DD (who is 2!) inherited her great grandmothers' tranny. Very white beautiful stone. I think it will be just enough of a throw back to make the setting less modern to me. When I put them next to each other I'm totally in love. I really love it so much more. I'm going to unset the 2MRB and put the tranny in there. Then the 2c MRB I'm going to set into a very art deco, doom type of ring. Picture something like Yenny's oval but with emerald baquettes to give it some color. I want it to be less engagement ringy and more RHR, so I'm hoping the pops of color will help with that. I found a great setting but my MRB is slightly too big. I will continue to look around and then if I don't find anything in the next year or so I'll do a reset through SS probably. For the time being and for insurance puposes I'm going to do a WG setting.

And that is the plan! :))


Sep 1, 2009
Missy -- Hope the part shows up quickly and your DH is able to do it himself! If he can't, at least you have the part so the service tech can just install it and you won't have to wait!

I have heard that the commercial models are built stronger (because they'd fall apart with the heavy use they get otherwise) so it might be worth considering getting one. BUT if the home model that you have is good to go for 3+ years between minor repairs, it may not be worth it.
One thing you might consider is purchasing the commercial for your main home (where you are the most) and having the two home models at your vacation home. (For that matter one in your vacation home and the other where ever you have storage room). That way you could use the 2nd home model as a back up in the event either of them broke later.

Good luck! Hope you've got it up and going soon!


Apr 2, 2006
I'm very grateful to my SIL Nancy.


May 14, 2011
Dee jay That child is a doll so sweet

Missy if it takes too long for the repair would it be possible to just go get your other one at the vacation home and use that one for the time being


Sep 1, 2009
"A" finally got her plaque for completing the J level reading through her tutoring place. She is so excited to have it that she just followed me around the house while I tried to find the right sort of hanger to put it up in her room. (at midnight...)

She will be truly ecstatic when her clock shows up! It is a really pretty wooden clock with an engraved plaque to celebrate her finishing the entire reading program (through level L). She just finished that a week ago! (so with their processing time she should have the clock in March or so :rolleyes: )

Another few months and she'll have the first math plaque too!


Sep 16, 2009
Bah epileptic cat is having more seizures. Feeling nauseous watching him. He is under the care of a neurology team at our local vet school and they told us to give him an extra dose of his meds when this happens.

Just hate being on edge all of the time.


May 11, 2009
Oh chemgirl, that must be awful. I'm sorry you're having to deal with such a frightening situation.

Just need to have a big, fat whinge. DH and I flew out of JFK last Saturday and had to deal with what I thought was the worst day of travelling ever. Flights had been grounded due to the blizzard the day before, so the terminal was HEAVING with angry, stressed, near riotous people. Then after countless delays, I got on a plane with a screaming toddler (all 10 flying hours consisted of screaming, rather impressive actually), and a serial seat kicker behind me. I understand it's hard to travel with children, but at the same time, it's hard to be a stranger traveling around children too!

The next flight, another 10 hours from HNL to SYD was even worse. We stayed in a hotel overnight in HNL, and at 1 am I started Exorcist-level vomiting. I'm talking definitely food poisoning situation. It lasted for about 7 continuous hours, in addition to other lovely symptoms. I was on the phone to my travel insurance, Orbitz, Virgin, everyone. The consensus was: the flights are booked out. You can rebook, but the next availability for two seats is in THREE WEEKS. So I *had* to fly. It was...the worst experience ever. Ever, ever, ever.

So I get home, stay here for one single night, and then the coughing begins. I picked up some sort of respiratory virus in transit. I've coughed to the point that I'm not ruling out breaking a rib -- my throat is so raw, it's actually bleeding. The house NEEDS to be cleaned, my BIL housesat and I don't think he vacuumed once in 4.5 weeks. With 2 dogs and 6 cats, my skin is crawling looking at the fur all over everything. But there is simply no getting out of bed. This is the first I've felt well enough to turn on my ipad, let alone get up.

And - my 30th birthday is a week from Friday. I had a big bbq party all planned out at our sailing club for Saturday, only for DH to tell me this morning that he's working all weekend. Seriously? It's not like the date of my birthday has changed in, well, 30 years. Of ALL the weekends you could ask to have off, why in the world wouldn't you have thought of this one?! I'm so sick, and tired of the house being a mess, and disappointed. :blackeye: ;(


Sep 26, 2011
Why is it when you put something with a handle in the microwave it always stops with the handle at the back!!


Aug 14, 2009
Oh no. That sounds miserable Ginger - I'm sorry!! At least you didn't get sick in the middle of your vacation, I guess... would've been nice if it'd waited a couple more weeks. Nicer if it'd decided not to bother you at all.

Can you have a cleaning service come in and take care of the house for you? We can't go a week without vacuuming - I can't imagine what it'd look like after a month! And you shouldn't be cleaning while you're sick but but all that fur and dust can't be helping the respiratory problems :sick:

I hope you're feeling better by your birthday, and I hope you and DH can carve out a bit of time for yourselves between his work!


Nov 17, 2009
justginger|1389234820|3589258 said:
Oh chemgirl, that must be awful. I'm sorry you're having to deal with such a frightening situation.

Just need to have a big, fat whinge. DH and I flew out of JFK last Saturday and had to deal with what I thought was the worst day of travelling ever. Flights had been grounded due to the blizzard the day before, so the terminal was HEAVING with angry, stressed, near riotous people. Then after countless delays, I got on a plane with a screaming toddler (all 10 flying hours consisted of screaming, rather impressive actually), and a serial seat kicker behind me. I understand it's hard to travel with children, but at the same time, it's hard to be a stranger traveling around children too!

The next flight, another 10 hours from HNL to SYD was even worse. We stayed in a hotel overnight in HNL, and at 1 am I started Exorcist-level vomiting. I'm talking definitely food poisoning situation. It lasted for about 7 continuous hours, in addition to other lovely symptoms. I was on the phone to my travel insurance, Orbitz, Virgin, everyone. The consensus was: the flights are booked out. You can rebook, but the next availability for two seats is in THREE WEEKS. So I *had* to fly. It was...the worst experience ever. Ever, ever, ever.

So I get home, stay here for one single night, and then the coughing begins. I picked up some sort of respiratory virus in transit. I've coughed to the point that I'm not ruling out breaking a rib -- my throat is so raw, it's actually bleeding. The house NEEDS to be cleaned, my BIL housesat and I don't think he vacuumed once in 4.5 weeks. With 2 dogs and 6 cats, my skin is crawling looking at the fur all over everything. But there is simply no getting out of bed. This is the first I've felt well enough to turn on my ipad, let alone get up.

And - my 30th birthday is a week from Friday. I had a big bbq party all planned out at our sailing club for Saturday, only for DH to tell me this morning that he's working all weekend. Seriously? It's not like the date of my birthday has changed in, well, 30 years. Of ALL the weekends you could ask to have off, why in the world wouldn't you have thought of this one?! I'm so sick, and tired of the house being a mess, and disappointed. :blackeye: ;(

Oh, Justginger... :( I'm so sorry you're going through this...
I have experienced a similar situation in the past, travelling with crazy children screaming for hours all over me and being sooooo sick during the flight, plus travelling alone...I know exactly how you feel...At least you got back home safely and you've started feeling better. But seriously, you should definitely hire somebody to clean the house for you. Besides the fact that you need a clean environment with clean air in order to get better, getting your home clean will help you psychologically too and i believe that this is very important. Please don't even consider doing it by yourself...
About your birthday: I understand your frustration...Are you absolutely certain that your DH could take the weekend off and he didn't? Maybe it was something that he couldn't avoid?
I really hope that you feel better soon and that against all those things that have made you upset, you have an AMAZING birthday!!! :wavey:


Apr 2, 2006
My mother is undergoing chemo for colon cancer. For the first year or so she used only an oral chemo that was effective at keeping the cancer at bay without totally wiping her out. She underwent surgery a few months ago, and the doctors decided to switch her to IV treatments. The treatments are fortunately few and far between, but nonetheless the side-effects (extreme exhaustion, appetite and digestive issues) have hit her hard. In fact, life in general has been hard on her lately - she's also wracked with worry about my brother's hospitalization and the fear that she will not be able to see him again in this life. Unfortunately, my mother is also at the point that when life is hard on her, she takes it out on those around her, especially my father. My father is getting very deaf, another source of frustration for her. Hopefully the anti-anxiety meds the doctor prescribed will help a bit - assuming she doesn't decide to just quit taking them as she has in the past.

I'm spending a few days with them now, hoping to provide some snacks and meals that my mother will actually eat and take care of a few big chores (like taking down the holiday decorations) and maybe providing some breaks in the tension.


No need to respond. I just needed to vent a bit in a safe spot.


Jun 8, 2008
Chemgirl-I am so sorry! Sending you buckets and buckets of healing dust for your sweet kitty!

Ginger-how awful! Ugh I remember what food poisoning feels like and it is about the worst thing ever. The only good thing about it is you are done with it now! And I hope you start feeling much better very soon. I agree with the others-hire a cleaning crew and be done with it. Perhaps your dh can manage to arrange getting your birthday weekend off by swapping with a colleague?
And I hate traveling for all these reasons. I wish I could say it sounds like a rare occurrence but no such luck. It is just not that pleasant traveling by plane anymore. But at least you had an amazing trip and didn't get sick during it...happy 30th birthday in advance!!!



May 11, 2009
Thank you all for your kind words, it's so lovely to have a place to just vent frustration. I am still sick, but today is the first time that I've actually been well enough to get up and put in my contacts (only to return to bed again, obviously). I think it's up from here, but jeez it's slow going.

VRB - I am sorry for the difficulties your mother is having. This trip home was the first I've had in which I've been able to see how my parents, especially my mother, have aged. Obviously due to the stroke, she's slower, gets tired more often -- but also she's getting those other traits that seem to come with old age like anxiety and self-depreciation. It's not easy to be around, but I know you're providing both of your parents with comfort and relief. Big hugs.


Sep 1, 2009
VR -- Big hugs!

JG -- How awful! I agree that if you can hire someone to clean for a few hours you should!
I got REALLY sick a couple of years ago (whooping cough :nono: ) and coughed so much I had a massive bruise around my ribcage. The dr had to check to make sure I hadn't broken any bones. It was so painful that I couldn't wear a bra for months :oops:

If you haven't seen your doctor yet and are still coughing, GO!!!
The dr gave me a prescription for these little pills that really helped with the coughing. It was SOOOoo worth hauling myself out of bed!


Apr 2, 2006
JG - it's hard to imagine how difficult it would be to be so far away when a parent is faced with a major health emergency.

If your symptoms are down to just a cough - have you tried any OTC cough medicines? Some time ago I had a residual cough so bad that I ended up asking a pharmacist for recommendations. I don't recall exactly what it was he suggested (and being away from home, I can't check the medicine cabinet) but whatever it was, it did the trick, and quickly. I tend to stay away from OTCs that just treat symptoms, but this one felt like a lifesaver!

I hope you feel better soon!


Aug 14, 2009
::HUGS:: VR :blackeye:


Sep 1, 2009
I haven't spoken to my mother since Thanksgiving. Only spoke then because my grandparents hosted.

My grandmother called last night. She asked if I'd heard....
Turns out my great-great-aunt died the end of December and no one bothered to call me.
In my family, usually Grandma/Grandpa tells their kids (including my mother) and then they pass on to their kids (me & my cousins). Since my mother and I aren't really speaking, she didn't bother to let me know. "The whole family" (minus me :rolleyes: ) went to the funeral.

No one bothered to tell me when my uncle's funeral was either :nono: (Despite my calling and asking when & where -- I was told they'd let me know...)

I need to find someone reliable in my family and ask them to let me know when stuff comes up because no one else bothers to tell me. I'm afraid that one day it will be my Grandma/Grandpa sick in the hospital and I won't know.

Had to vent somewhere!


Sep 10, 2003
Attention world diamond market: You have 13 months to drop prices to historical lows so that I may get a 6 c stone for my 60th birthday. Thank you very much.


Mar 2, 2010
I think I may have a problem. I just bought 3 more gel polishes (bringing my total of gel polishes to um 12 I think), have joined The Purse Forum (tPF), spent HOURS today surfing there looking at nail polish swatches. :o

Amber St. Clare

Dec 15, 2009
Barbara: I love ya, but PLEASE, when you are calling me to catch up on things, put down the sandwich, taco, soup, whatever. It's very distracting trying to listen to what you are saying while you chew.

Thank you. I feel better now.


Oct 4, 2011
I was flipping thru FB and saw a post on a friends page of a dog being ?forced? to down a fluid from what looks like an alcohol bottle. The friend was encouraging people to post/repost so this person could be caught. I agree totally --- flog that A**hole till eternity, and then another week more ---- but I can NOT get that image out of my head and I am really upset. I keep telling myself it was water only, or the bottle was empty... but its not helping.

I hate when you have an image in your head you can't shake and can do nothing about... damn I wish I'd NEVER seen that image :angryfire:


May 11, 2009
If it is the photo that I am thinking of, it was from Canada and the police were in contact with the puppy's owner very quickly. They said the bottle was full and capped, and the puppy was playing 'tug o war' with the owner, as it likes to chew on plastic bottles. The photo was taken at a time duing the game in which it looks inappropriate. That of course is ridiculous - that photo was taken in such a way as to make it look like the dog was being fed vodka. It was done to be funny, but after the guy's identity got out there and he got dozens of death threats, the truth (that it was just a harmless, though in poor taste, joke) wasn't even good enough to dig him out of that hole. So he came up with the story about tug of war.

Regardless, the police investigated and were happy with the living conditiions for tbe puppy with his owner. That dog was not being abused in the way it appears.
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