
Husband refusing to wear wedding band?


Jul 14, 2020
I couldn’t push him into anything .... especially wearing something. He is very strong willed. He isn’t interested in a silicone band and I know the sweating would annoy him. He is *hot blooded* (as my mum would say) and overheats easily.
I really do love the Cartier puzzle ring I posted above.
he like the wood and opal inlay ones (which are cheaper).
I think rather then feel I need to hassle him to remember to wear it perhaps I should just be pleasantly surprised when he does choose to wear it as I don’t make a conscious choice - mine is just there all the time. If I take it off to do dishes or moisturise and forget to put it back on I literally have a mini heart attack when I look down at my empty finger.... so much so that often I will choose to not take it off and just clean it after to save me the fright and extra grey hairs!


Apr 29, 2019
My husband lost his wedding ring somewhere in our house a few years ago and we've never found it. So he hasn't worn a ring in many years. I keep telling him we can buy him a new one but he doesn't really care about wearing a ring. I know he adores me so I don't feel weird about it. He's definitely not trying to pass as single or anything like that. So its not something I worry about. He's my sweetie and I'm his, we both feel secure in our love and that's all that matters.
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Apr 28, 2008
My hubby used to wear one. Then he gained 15 lbs and the band was a bit too snug for comfort. So we had it resized, but now it’s too loose! He almost lost it coming home from the grocery store. We panicked and searched the entire house and car; luckily found it sitting at the bottom of one of the shopping bags! Now he just doesn’t wear anything at my recommendation. I didn’t want it falling off again, and we’re not resizing it again either. It does not bother me too much.
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Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
My hubby used to wear one. Then he gained 15 lbs and the band was a bit too snug for comfort. So we had it resized, but now it’s too loose! He almost lost it coming home from the grocery store. We panicked and searched the entire house and car; luckily found it sitting at the bottom of one of the shopping bags! Now he just doesn’t wear anything at my recommendation. I didn’t want it falling off again, and we’re not resizing it again either. It does not bother me too much.

I wonder if a bloke would use those sizing bead things ?
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