
How polite are you around your DH?

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Mar 21, 2008
while we''re being honest... do Americans have sex with their clothes on?

always when you watch an American movie or tv show and they''ve just had sex, the woman is still wearing her bra (which has got to be extremely uncomfortable) and sometimes the guy has got a t-shirt on. I mean if you want to hide the nudity, just stay under the cover. I never understood why they still have their clothes on. pay attention next time you''re watching tv and you''ll see what I mean. they also never say "bye" on the telephone. they just hang up. DH are always yelling "bye" when they do this. ok, I''ve gone off on a tangent.


Nov 2, 2006
Date: 12/15/2009 5:10:29 AM
Author: noelwr
while we''re being honest... do Americans have sex with their clothes on?

always when you watch an American movie or tv show and they''ve just had sex, the woman is still wearing her bra (which has got to be extremely uncomfortable) and sometimes the guy has got a t-shirt on. I mean if you want to hide the nudity, just stay under the cover. I never understood why they still have their clothes on. pay attention next time you''re watching tv and you''ll see what I mean. they also never say ''bye'' on the telephone. they just hang up. DH are always yelling ''bye'' when they do this. ok, I''ve gone off on a tangent.

The bra thing is a creation of Sex in the City...Most women I know do NOT wear their clothes during sex. Though I know some women who sleep in bras (sport bras or other comfy ones) for fear of future sagging, I imagine they remove them when it''s sessy time....


Mar 21, 2008
Date: 12/15/2009 8:10:12 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk

The bra thing is a creation of Sex in the City...
interesting. now that you mention it, there were two that you would see topless and two that you wouldn''t.
I think it was Samantha and Miranda who would show their boobs, but Charlotte and Carrie not.


Apr 28, 2008
noel, all that stuff is mostly just for American TV and movies. It''s not reality.


Mar 2, 2009
Date: 12/15/2009 5:10:29 AM
Author: noelwr
while we''re being honest... do Americans have sex with their clothes on?

Only when it''s a quickie


Sep 30, 2007
Date: 12/15/2009 10:47:21 AM
Author: MakingTheGrade
Date: 12/15/2009 5:10:29 AM

Author: noelwr

while we''re being honest... do Americans have sex with their clothes on?

Only when it''s a quickie

Ahahahha touche!


Nov 5, 2007
laughwithme, I was thinking the same thing about us! I''m actually really surprised that people won''t even brush their teeth together. It''s...teeth.
We''ve been doing number one in the same room since we moved in together, which was 1 month after we started dating. I like that we''re so open and can just be human together.
Number 2 is still off limits, but I love going up to the door and asking what he''s doing in there. LOL!


May 4, 2009
I was always much more private with certain things than DH is. He doesn''t seem to care about hiding anything at all
. He''ll leave the bathroom door open, and he doesn''t try to hide other bodily functions from me (I mean he doesn''t do anything on purpose, but if it happens it doesn''t embarrass him if it''s in front of me). I close the door when I go to the bathroom, I don''t really talk about any "bodily functions" with him, and I don''t like to brush my teeth in front of *anyone*. So I''m much more private than he is.

Although I was very sick about a year and a half ago with a stomach/intestinal infection called c.diff and it basically eats away at your colon and causes *extremely* unpleasant symptoms. He took me to doctors appointments, helped me to the bathroom when I was in too much pain to walk myself, and discussed what was going on with me with my doctors (and I became more open about everything while it was going on). I ended up in the hospital because of it and he helped me through it all. Another time he completely nursed me through a terrible stomach virus - cool washcloths, ginger ale, helping me to the bathroom when I had to throw up, etc. So when we''re sick, the "privacy" aspect seems to go out the window, but normally I''m pretty private


May 20, 2008
Date: 12/15/2009 1:29:47 PM
Author: Lilac
Although I was very sick about a year and a half ago with a stomach/intestinal infection called c.diff and it basically eats away at your colon and causes *extremely* unpleasant symptoms. He took me to doctors appointments, helped me to the bathroom when I was in too much pain to walk myself, and discussed what was going on with me with my doctors (and I became more open about everything while it was going on). I ended up in the hospital because of it and he helped me through it all. Another time he completely nursed me through a terrible stomach virus - cool washcloths, ginger ale, helping me to the bathroom when I had to throw up, etc. So when we''re sick, the ''privacy'' aspect seems to go out the window, but normally I''m pretty private
Oh my goodness, Lilac, c. diff is possibly the worst thing of all time. I think I missed over a week of school, lost 10lbs, and was in the hospital too. Horrible. You''re lucky you had your DH to help you through it! You just took me on an icky walk down memory lane


Apr 4, 2008
DH and I are really intimate in that we can laugh and joke about anything. But before we got married, we kind of agreed to keep certain things private to keep the romance alive. Not that you can''t be romantic farting in front of each other (haha), but we just decided that we''d keep up certain dating traditions. Hahaha. It''s kind of nice, because I feel like he treats me the same way he did when we were dating...only it''s loaded with deeper meaning. If one of us slips up, we tease each other mercilessly. It''s kind of fun that way. I''m sure it''ll all go out the window when we''re older and changing each other''s diapers!


Dec 14, 2007
Date: 12/15/2009 8:19:48 AM
Author: noelwr
Date: 12/15/2009 8:10:12 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
The bra thing is a creation of Sex in the City...
interesting. now that you mention it, there were two that you would see topless and two that you wouldn''t.
I think it was Samantha and Miranda who would show their boobs, but Charlotte and Carrie not.
Carrie never showed her boobs, Charlotte did a few times, and Samantha and Miranda usually did. SJP had a no nudity clause in her contract, so while you''ll see her in really scantily clad stuff, she''s never naked.

Also, some Americans are super conservative and not comfortable with nudity or excess skin. Bleh. So for sex scenes--lingerie is key.


Mar 28, 2008
Date: 12/15/2009 1:59:57 PM
Author: elrohwen

Date: 12/15/2009 1:29:47 PM
Author: Lilac
Although I was very sick about a year and a half ago with a stomach/intestinal infection called c.diff and it basically eats away at your colon and causes *extremely* unpleasant symptoms. He took me to doctors appointments, helped me to the bathroom when I was in too much pain to walk myself, and discussed what was going on with me with my doctors (and I became more open about everything while it was going on). I ended up in the hospital because of it and he helped me through it all. Another time he completely nursed me through a terrible stomach virus - cool washcloths, ginger ale, helping me to the bathroom when I had to throw up, etc. So when we're sick, the 'privacy' aspect seems to go out the window, but normally I'm pretty private
Oh my goodness, Lilac, c. diff is possibly the worst thing of all time. I think I missed over a week of school, lost 10lbs, and was in the hospital too. Horrible. You're lucky you had your DH to help you through it! You just took me on an icky walk down memory lane
That sounds crazy...I'm going to have to google this!

Lilac, your hubby sounds like a sweetheart


Apr 25, 2007
Well, doesn''t the Queen of England no longer sleep in the same bed/room as the Prince Consort, so wouldn''t a PSer describing herself as a 10 on the politeness scale actually be a bit worrisome?

I''m pretty polite and generally an acolyte of the social graces in this area, but it''s surprising to hear so many people mention brushing teeth in front of another as a violation. Obviously the Queen needn''t share a bathroom, but if it''s rude, is it impossible for polite people to live in dorms with one giant lavatory bank per floor in which to brush one''s teeth while at university? Or at the gym in the ladies'' locker room?


May 20, 2008
Date: 12/15/2009 3:28:07 PM
Author: Bia

Date: 12/15/2009 1:59:57 PM
Author: elrohwen

Date: 12/15/2009 1:29:47 PM
Author: Lilac
Although I was very sick about a year and a half ago with a stomach/intestinal infection called c.diff and it basically eats away at your colon and causes *extremely* unpleasant symptoms. He took me to doctors appointments, helped me to the bathroom when I was in too much pain to walk myself, and discussed what was going on with me with my doctors (and I became more open about everything while it was going on). I ended up in the hospital because of it and he helped me through it all. Another time he completely nursed me through a terrible stomach virus - cool washcloths, ginger ale, helping me to the bathroom when I had to throw up, etc. So when we''re sick, the ''privacy'' aspect seems to go out the window, but normally I''m pretty private
Oh my goodness, Lilac, c. diff is possibly the worst thing of all time. I think I missed over a week of school, lost 10lbs, and was in the hospital too. Horrible. You''re lucky you had your DH to help you through it! You just took me on an icky walk down memory lane
That sounds crazy...I''m going to have to google this!

Lilac, your hubby sounds like a sweetheart
Bia, I''ll just say, be careful when taking more than 2 rounds of antibiotics in a row or you may get it too! Though I acutally got it a second time and realized what it was the first day, got medicine, and was fine.


Nov 8, 2008
This thread makes me giggle

I don''t understand how nudity at home ventures into the realm of polite behavior but that might be because I despise wearing clothes at home!

Nekkid is as nekkid does is my motto at home
I have learned that cooking in the nude carries certain risks though...

We rarely shower together. I suppose not out of politeness or prudishness or some idiosyncratic preference but...well, gosh I need to explore this.
We do keep our niceties such as "please and thank you" and always "excuse me" for that burp or fart you can''t quite hide or blame on a cat

As for toileting #2 is off-limits, no scatological humor and no intrusions. But sometimes you gotta call out for toilet paper because I can''t get the darn cats to retrieve it for me. They''ll hang out in the bathroom with ya, knowing you''re a captive audience to pet them so there is no way they would grab a roll

One morning, while not awake and trying to figure out if I was indeed sitting on the toilet seat DH runs in kisses me and runs out, yelling "bye" as he rushes out the door. I was so shocked I still didn''t pee.


Sep 30, 2007
Date: 12/15/2009 4:17:07 PM
Author: annadragon
This thread makes me giggle

I don''t understand how nudity at home ventures into the realm of polite behavior but that might be because I despise wearing clothes at home!

Nekkid is as nekkid does is my motto at home
I have learned that cooking in the nude carries certain risks though...

We rarely shower together. I suppose not out of politeness or prudishness or some idiosyncratic preference but...well, gosh I need to explore this.

We do keep our niceties such as ''please and thank you'' and always ''excuse me'' for that burp or fart you can''t quite hide or blame on a cat

As for toileting #2 is off-limits, no scatological humor and no intrusions. But sometimes you gotta call out for toilet paper because I can''t get the darn cats to retrieve it for me. They''ll hang out in the bathroom with ya, knowing you''re a captive audience to pet them so there is no way they would grab a roll

One morning, while not awake and trying to figure out if I was indeed sitting on the toilet seat DH runs in kisses me and runs out, yelling ''bye'' as he rushes out the door. I was so shocked I still didn''t pee.
Lol that is so funny! I don''t know what I would do if DH did that, probably the same as you haha! We blame the cats for farts or burps regardless of if they are in the room or not haha


Jan 28, 2008
I hardly even notice anymore when one of us does something "impolite" - that''s how comfortable it is between us. But that doesn''t mean we don''t have personal boundaries! And we try our best to respect them.


Aug 17, 2007
Date: 12/15/2009 4:17:07 PM
Author: annadragon
This thread makes me giggle

I don''t understand how nudity at home ventures into the realm of polite behavior but that might be because I despise wearing clothes at home!

Nekkid is as nekkid does is my motto at home
I have learned that cooking in the nude carries certain risks though...

We rarely shower together. I suppose not out of politeness or prudishness or some idiosyncratic preference but...well, gosh I need to explore this.
We do keep our niceties such as ''please and thank you'' and always ''excuse me'' for that burp or fart you can''t quite hide or blame on a cat

As for toileting #2 is off-limits, no scatological humor and no intrusions. But sometimes you gotta call out for toilet paper because I can''t get the darn cats to retrieve it for me. They''ll hang out in the bathroom with ya, knowing you''re a captive audience to pet them so there is no way they would grab a roll

One morning, while not awake and trying to figure out if I was indeed sitting on the toilet seat DH runs in kisses me and runs out, yelling ''bye'' as he rushes out the door. I was so shocked I still didn''t pee.
I am so glad my cats aren''t the only bathroom crashers out there! I''ll never let DH in there unless, as I stated previously, it''s am emergency need for me to make #1 (and #1 only) but the cats will just barge in at any old point. There is a horribly embarassing tale involving guests and my bathroom crashing cats. Sometimes I enter into the bathroom alone to shower and when I push the curtain aside to get out, I find both cats sitting in the bathroom staring at me - the bathroom door left wide open behind them. They evidently feel entitled to take any and all bathroom trips with me.


Apr 24, 2008
We''re pretty lax about most things; he does have a tendency to fart, though. But as I''m surrounded by children all day in my job as a teacher, I think I might have a bit of a juvenile sense of humor
It rarely annoys me.

We don''t use the toilet when the other is in the bathroom, but we''ll brush our teeth at the same time. I don''t like bodily functions in public bathrooms with strangers, let alone my husband!

I swear like a mother. He finds it amusing.

We say "please" and "thank you" for everything, too. So we''re probably a solid 5-6.


May 4, 2009
Date: 12/15/2009 4:02:34 PM
Author: elrohwen
Date: 12/15/2009 3:28:07 PM

Author: Bia

Date: 12/15/2009 1:59:57 PM

Author: elrohwen

Date: 12/15/2009 1:29:47 PM

Author: Lilac

Although I was very sick about a year and a half ago with a stomach/intestinal infection called c.diff and it basically eats away at your colon and causes *extremely* unpleasant symptoms. He took me to doctors appointments, helped me to the bathroom when I was in too much pain to walk myself, and discussed what was going on with me with my doctors (and I became more open about everything while it was going on). I ended up in the hospital because of it and he helped me through it all. Another time he completely nursed me through a terrible stomach virus - cool washcloths, ginger ale, helping me to the bathroom when I had to throw up, etc. So when we''re sick, the ''privacy'' aspect seems to go out the window, but normally I''m pretty private

Oh my goodness, Lilac, c. diff is possibly the worst thing of all time. I think I missed over a week of school, lost 10lbs, and was in the hospital too. Horrible. You''re lucky you had your DH to help you through it! You just took me on an icky walk down memory lane
That sounds crazy...I''m going to have to google this!

Lilac, your hubby sounds like a sweetheart

Bia, I''ll just say, be careful when taking more than 2 rounds of antibiotics in a row or you may get it too! Though I acutally got it a second time and realized what it was the first day, got medicine, and was fine.

Yep - it was awful. My doctor at the time completely ignored my symptoms (even though she had been the one who prescribed Cipro to me 2 weeks earlier which is a major antibiotic that can cause c.diff) and she kept sending me home telling me I had a stomach virus. I spent almost 6 WEEKS in pain (and pain is a major understatement - I literally thought I was dying). I went to school through it all because I couldn''t miss my college classes for that long a period of time. I have never experienced that much pain in my entire life. Went to a gastroenterologist who sent me for so many awful uncomfortable tests I can''t even remember them all. Finally I ended up in the hospital because I had a blood test for something unrelated and it came back saying my potassium levels were so low my heart could stop - so my husband (fiance at the time - we had just gotten engaged 2 days earlier!) took me to the hospital where they ran tests to figure out what was going on. Potassium levels had dropped so low because I was losing all my electrolyes and nutrients as a result of the c.diff - also dropped about 10-12 pounds. After some medication and potassium pills I was eventually fine - but everyone should definitely be careful when taking strong antibiotics!

Needless to say, I never went back to the original doctor again. But I kept the fiance and married him - and he definitely takes care of me better than any doctor ever could

So during that experience the modesty went out the window. But I have since reverted back to my pre-c.diff mentality of wanting to keep bodily functions private


May 20, 2008
Date: 12/15/2009 6:35:52 PM
Author: Lilac
Yep - it was awful. My doctor at the time completely ignored my symptoms (even though she had been the one who prescribed Cipro to me 2 weeks earlier which is a major antibiotic that can cause c.diff) and she kept sending me home telling me I had a stomach virus. I spent almost 6 WEEKS in pain (and pain is a major understatement - I literally thought I was dying). I went to school through it all because I couldn''t miss my college classes for that long a period of time. I have never experienced that much pain in my entire life. Went to a gastroenterologist who sent me for so many awful uncomfortable tests I can''t even remember them all. Finally I ended up in the hospital because I had a blood test for something unrelated and it came back saying my potassium levels were so low my heart could stop - so my husband (fiance at the time - we had just gotten engaged 2 days earlier!) took me to the hospital where they ran tests to figure out what was going on. Potassium levels had dropped so low because I was losing all my electrolyes and nutrients as a result of the c.diff - also dropped about 10-12 pounds. After some medication and potassium pills I was eventually fine - but everyone should definitely be careful when taking strong antibiotics!

Needless to say, I never went back to the original doctor again. But I kept the fiance and married him - and he definitely takes care of me better than any doctor ever could

So during that experience the modesty went out the window. But I have since reverted back to my pre-c.diff mentality of wanting to keep bodily functions private
That''s absolutely horrible! I think it took about 2 weeks for me to be diagnosed, which was still at least 10 days too long. It''s tricky because it does seem like a random stomach virus at first, but it drags on forever and you really get no nutrients or water. After 2 weeks I was so dehydrated that I was on an IV in the hospital, but they figured it out very quickly at that point and gave me meds.

Like I said, the second time I knew *exactly* what it was (apparently it has a 20% chance of recurring) and was able to get meds after just one or two days. Made a huge difference.

That''s horrible that you went through that! I would never see that doctor again either. No one should go through that for 6 weeks, especially since it''s so easy to test for and is fairly common.


May 4, 2009
Date: 12/15/2009 7:36:47 PM
Author: elrohwen
Date: 12/15/2009 6:35:52 PM

Author: Lilac

Yep - it was awful. My doctor at the time completely ignored my symptoms (even though she had been the one who prescribed Cipro to me 2 weeks earlier which is a major antibiotic that can cause c.diff) and she kept sending me home telling me I had a stomach virus. I spent almost 6 WEEKS in pain (and pain is a major understatement - I literally thought I was dying). I went to school through it all because I couldn''t miss my college classes for that long a period of time. I have never experienced that much pain in my entire life. Went to a gastroenterologist who sent me for so many awful uncomfortable tests I can''t even remember them all. Finally I ended up in the hospital because I had a blood test for something unrelated and it came back saying my potassium levels were so low my heart could stop - so my husband (fiance at the time - we had just gotten engaged 2 days earlier!) took me to the hospital where they ran tests to figure out what was going on. Potassium levels had dropped so low because I was losing all my electrolyes and nutrients as a result of the c.diff - also dropped about 10-12 pounds. After some medication and potassium pills I was eventually fine - but everyone should definitely be careful when taking strong antibiotics!

Needless to say, I never went back to the original doctor again. But I kept the fiance and married him - and he definitely takes care of me better than any doctor ever could

So during that experience the modesty went out the window. But I have since reverted back to my pre-c.diff mentality of wanting to keep bodily functions private

That''s absolutely horrible! I think it took about 2 weeks for me to be diagnosed, which was still at least 10 days too long. It''s tricky because it does seem like a random stomach virus at first, but it drags on forever and you really get no nutrients or water. After 2 weeks I was so dehydrated that I was on an IV in the hospital, but they figured it out very quickly at that point and gave me meds.

Like I said, the second time I knew *exactly* what it was (apparently it has a 20% chance of recurring) and was able to get meds after just one or two days. Made a huge difference.

That''s horrible that you went through that! I would never see that doctor again either. No one should go through that for 6 weeks, especially since it''s so easy to test for and is fairly common.

I also got it again a couple months later, but at that point my (new) doctor gave me meds immediately and it went away quickly. Really just a horrible experience. But the one bright spot was that it showed just how much DH cared about me to put up with so much of that crap (literally and figuratively)


May 18, 2008
I know I am a bit of a prude, but I would never (and will never) share bathroom time with DH. I see the bathroom as the center of privacy. Not when brushing, 1ing, 2ing, showering, etc. It must be a manifestation of my only-child-inner-brat. We only have 1 bathroom in our current apartment, and sometimes it is miserable to share, but there is no co-use allowed.

DH and I also try to be as polite as possible to one another. I make a concerted effort to remember to thank him for the little things and probably don''t do that as much as I should.


May 18, 2008
Date: 12/16/2009 12:23:00 PM
Author: katamari
I know I am a bit of a prude, but I would never (and will never) share bathroom time with DH. I see the bathroom as the center of privacy. Not when brushing, 1ing, 2ing, showering, etc. It must be a manifestation of my only-child-inner-brat. We only have 1 bathroom in our current apartment, and sometimes it is miserable to share, but there is no co-use allowed.
I''m not a newlywed but this puts into words exactly how I feel about bathroom use.

I also cannot fathom "tooting" in front of FI and we have been together for nearly 8 years and have a child together. I have only "released gas" in front of him twice: once during pregnancy and once during labor and I took the time to stumble out an apology which he found hilarious.

He, on the other hand, does in front of me all the time and blames it on the dog.

We do not have a dog.


Apr 25, 2008
Date: 12/16/2009 12:35:08 PM
Author: fiery

Date: 12/16/2009 12:23:00 PM
Author: katamari
I know I am a bit of a prude, but I would never (and will never) share bathroom time with DH. I see the bathroom as the center of privacy. Not when brushing, 1ing, 2ing, showering, etc. It must be a manifestation of my only-child-inner-brat. We only have 1 bathroom in our current apartment, and sometimes it is miserable to share, but there is no co-use allowed.
I'm not a newlywed but this puts into words exactly how I feel about bathroom use.

I also cannot fathom 'tooting' in front of FI and we have been together for nearly 8 years and have a child together. I have only 'released gas' in front of him twice: once during pregnancy and once during labor and I took the time to stumble out an apology which he found hilarious.

He, on the other hand, does in front of me all the time and blames it on the dog.

We do not have a dog.

ETA: Fiery, I think I should just subscribe to you and follow you around and watch you post.

You have been seriously making me LOL lately.


Jul 23, 2006
my friends parents were married for almost 50 years before her dad passed away. one day i get a phone call and my friend is laughing so hard. she said her dad called her into his room for a "talk". while her parents were on vacation her mom slipped and farted for the 1st time in front of him. he was laughing and making fun of her jokingly and her mom locked herself in the bathroom out of embarrassment. her dad said she was beat red and wouldn''t look at him. her dad asked her to just mention it at the table to see her friend did and her mom was mortified and her father got the silent treatment for a few her mom comes from a VERY old fashioned family, but after almost 50 years you gotta just let one


May 18, 2008
Date: 12/16/2009 12:37:26 PM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 12/16/2009 12:35:08 PM
Author: fiery

Date: 12/16/2009 12:23:00 PM
Author: katamari
I know I am a bit of a prude, but I would never (and will never) share bathroom time with DH. I see the bathroom as the center of privacy. Not when brushing, 1ing, 2ing, showering, etc. It must be a manifestation of my only-child-inner-brat. We only have 1 bathroom in our current apartment, and sometimes it is miserable to share, but there is no co-use allowed.
I'm not a newlywed but this puts into words exactly how I feel about bathroom use.

I also cannot fathom 'tooting' in front of FI and we have been together for nearly 8 years and have a child together. I have only 'released gas' in front of him twice: once during pregnancy and once during labor and I took the time to stumble out an apology which he found hilarious.

He, on the other hand, does in front of me all the time and blames it on the dog.

We do not have a dog.

ETA: Fiery, I think I should just subscribe to you and follow you around and watch you post.

You have been seriously making me LOL lately.
Ha! I'm going to do an elle shout out every time I post.


Sep 30, 2007
Date: 12/16/2009 12:50:10 PM
Author: NYCsparkle
my friends parents were married for almost 50 years before her dad passed away. one day i get a phone call and my friend is laughing so hard. she said her dad called her into his room for a ''talk''. while her parents were on vacation her mom slipped and farted for the 1st time in front of him. he was laughing and making fun of her jokingly and her mom locked herself in the bathroom out of embarrassment. her dad said she was beat red and wouldn''t look at him. her dad asked her to just mention it at the table to see her friend did and her mom was mortified and her father got the silent treatment for a few her mom comes from a VERY old fashioned family, but after almost 50 years you gotta just let one

Wow this one REALLY made me laugh out people are asking what''s so funny
I told them I saw a funny cartoon in my email lol
I couldn''t bear repeating a story about farting lol


Mar 28, 2008
Date: 12/16/2009 12:51:47 PM
Author: fiery

Date: 12/16/2009 12:37:26 PM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 12/16/2009 12:35:08 PM
Author: fiery

Date: 12/16/2009 12:23:00 PM
Author: katamari
I know I am a bit of a prude, but I would never (and will never) share bathroom time with DH. I see the bathroom as the center of privacy. Not when brushing, 1ing, 2ing, showering, etc. It must be a manifestation of my only-child-inner-brat. We only have 1 bathroom in our current apartment, and sometimes it is miserable to share, but there is no co-use allowed.
I''m not a newlywed but this puts into words exactly how I feel about bathroom use.

I also cannot fathom ''tooting'' in front of FI and we have been together for nearly 8 years and have a child together. I have only ''released gas'' in front of him twice: once during pregnancy and once during labor and I took the time to stumble out an apology which he found hilarious.

He, on the other hand, does in front of me all the time and blames it on the dog.

We do not have a dog.

ETA: Fiery, I think I should just subscribe to you and follow you around and watch you post.

You have been seriously making me LOL lately.
Ha! I''m going to do an elle shout out every time I post.
you can do that? where the hell have I been?


Apr 25, 2008
Date: 12/16/2009 2:14:26 PM
Author: Bia

Date: 12/16/2009 12:51:47 PM
Author: fiery

Date: 12/16/2009 12:37:26 PM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 12/16/2009 12:35:08 PM
Author: fiery

Date: 12/16/2009 12:23:00 PM
Author: katamari
I know I am a bit of a prude, but I would never (and will never) share bathroom time with DH. I see the bathroom as the center of privacy. Not when brushing, 1ing, 2ing, showering, etc. It must be a manifestation of my only-child-inner-brat. We only have 1 bathroom in our current apartment, and sometimes it is miserable to share, but there is no co-use allowed.
I''m not a newlywed but this puts into words exactly how I feel about bathroom use.

I also cannot fathom ''tooting'' in front of FI and we have been together for nearly 8 years and have a child together. I have only ''released gas'' in front of him twice: once during pregnancy and once during labor and I took the time to stumble out an apology which he found hilarious.

He, on the other hand, does in front of me all the time and blames it on the dog.

We do not have a dog.

ETA: Fiery, I think I should just subscribe to you and follow you around and watch you post.

You have been seriously making me LOL lately.
Ha! I''m going to do an elle shout out every time I post.
you can do that? where the hell have I been?
Eating cheeseburgers.
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