
Hilaria Baldwin. (Alec’s wife). Have you been following this?


Aug 23, 2020
I had no idea this was a Thing.
But with 51 responses to this thread... I had to google it.
And now, having read two blogs and watched two twitter videos and five youtube clips (complete with 6-second commercials!) - here I am contributing post #55 :lol:

She... Really committed to this. The kids even have Spanish names. That's, like, a multigenerational con... Talk about faking it 'til you [literally] make it [them?]...

Maybe she believes it herself at this point!

Lisa Loves Shiny

Nov 1, 2007
I had no idea this was a Thing.
But with 51 responses to this thread... I had to google it.
And now, having read two blogs and watched two twitter videos and five youtube clips (complete with 6-second commercials!) - here I am contributing post #55 :lol:

She... Really committed to this. The kids even have Spanish names. That's, like, a multigenerational con... Talk about faking it 'til you [literally] make it [them?]...

I know! It's like you are living your real life with real problems and someone yells Squirrel and suddenly you have been swept away by a welcome distraction. I needed to find out how the story started and I haven't even thought of Alec since 30 Rock was a thing.

It's been a tough year for all of us.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I really miss political discussions :bigsmile:

Tell me about it.
I almost posted an observation about the outgoing first lady on this thread ... but thought better of it


May 17, 2014
Oh this reminds me that I used to put on a northern Viet accent to ring this place and check for Viet opera videos every week.

I called twice a week and was embarrassed so decided to put on a northern accent. I was around 13. I'm sure the lady knew it was me. It was a very bad accent!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Oh this reminds me that I used to put on a northern Viet accent to ring this place and check for Viet opera videos every week.

I called twice a week and was embarrassed so decided to put on a northern accent. I was around 13. I'm sure the lady knew it was me. It was a very bad accent!
but that is
Too cute

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
They don't call you that!
When they talk about you behind your back, they call you "mommy dearest"

Thank you
your so much kinder than their human daddy who says they call me food truck
Today is so hot no kitties want any kind of physical touching let alone a cuddle


Feb 29, 2012
It kind of reminds me of the South Park episode where Butters had to go back to Hawaii, the land of his birth. The land of the chi chi drink and the Keikis. lol.

(Of course it gets all weird like South Park does)...



May 15, 2014
This kind of reminds me of Madonna having a British accent. . I know you can pick up accents but hers seemed like an affectation to me. Not sure if my comment is random or not, but it's what I thought when starting to read this thread.


May 1, 2009
Oh the latest thing is her wedding that’s full of Spanish influence and culture... (including a flamenco fan!!). Waiting to see what else pops up.


Jan 2, 2014
For Years I thought I was part French, so disappointed when I found out it was all lies (Great grandmother trying to cover up her inpoverished roots) and that I am pretty much all English (so unglamorous).
I have a friend with a Spanish surname, she’s a flamenco teacher and looks Spanish. Hard to get my head round it but she is totally English and has never pretended otherwise although she could probably totally pull it off if she decided to do a Hilary.
One of my Nan’s favourite boasts is how she was always mistaken for a local when she went to Spain on account of her dark skin and hair. So I get the desire to be something exciting and glamorous (I do associate Spanish culture with this) especially if it feels like your background is the opposite.
But it is hilarious. She’s on a strange old planet.


Dec 8, 2019
I just saw her IG post last night her talking about her background (Spain and Boston) and her two names (Hillary & Hillaria). People are talking but I’m sure it’s helping her and her paid sponsors too. I’m still amazed at how she popped out so many kids back to back and her body is still so fit and toned.


Feb 2, 2011
I just saw her IG post last night her talking about her background (Spain and Boston) and her two names (Hillary & Hillaria). People are talking but I’m sure it’s helping her and her paid sponsors too. I’m still amazed at how she popped out so many kids back to back and her body is still so fit and toned.

Right?? I had 2 boys 4 years apart, last one 18 years ago and my stomach looks like a sharpei puppy's folds. Excess skin, not to mention the stretch marks. If it wasn't for 50 dollar bras, my boobs would rest on my belt line (well it feels like it). Mind you, I put on 30+pounds. She had a 7 pound kid and looks to have put on about 10 pounds. I know it shouldn't, but I think that irritates me more. The lingerie shot with a 3 month old baby had me seeing red. I guess being an influencer, requires posting flattering photos, but how did she think 99% of new moms were going to feel? I guess that's not going to make the $$ though, considering others feelings...
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Jan 5, 2020
I’ve been following her on IG for the last few months and have appreciated her as a mom more than anything else, as much as one can a stranger on the “airwaves”.

Her posts are usually just sweet ones of her and her kids. I haven’t ever heard her speak Spanish there come to think of it.
With regard to her language and ethnic identification, I think it’s more complex than simply wanting to pass herself off as someone she’s not.

Speaking for myself, I identify strongly with my Italian heritage because I saw that side of my extended family practically every day as we all lived in the same town and gathered frequently.
I studied the language in HS and college, visited all the relatives in Italy and heard the endearing phrases (and a few not so endearing ones) hundreds of times growing up.
My favorite, Tresor d’amore (treasure of love) was how we were addressed and how my children were as well. The Italian language and from what I know, the Spanish language is romantic and expressive.
When you grow up around that, it becomes part of you, imprinted in your brain and gets expressed in your day to day. Even decades later.
People live out what they identify strongly with and usually what has a positive association for them. Maybe for her it’s Spanish culture because of her connection to it, however loose or indirect it might seem to other people.

If somehow she has played herself to be something she’s not out of some deep insecurity or need to be seen as different/exotic, that is for HER to work out. Yes she is in the public eye. She’s still a human being with all the same complexities and vulnerabilities we all have.
I only wish her well.


Aug 14, 2009
Right?? I had 2 boys 4 years apart, last one 18 years ago and my stomach looks like a sharpei puppy's folds. Excess skin, not to mention the stretch marks. If it wasn't for 50 dollar bras, my boobs would rest on my belt line (well it feels like it). Mind you, I put on 30+pounds. She had a 7 pound kid and looks to have put on about 10 pounds. I know it shouldn't, but I think that irritates me more. The lingerie shot with a 3 month old baby had me seeing red. I guess being an influencer, requires posting flattering photos, but how did she think 99% of new moms were going to feel? I guess that's not going to make the $$ though, considering others feelings...
You mean the new mothers who don’t have nutritionists and personal trainers on call because they have to work - or take care of house and older kids without a cadre or nannies and cleaners and governesses and tutors?

#BodyPositivity, the newest and most insidious aspirational scapegoat.
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Dec 25, 2012
I think it’s sneaky, she isn’t ethnically Spanish and seemingly led people to believe she was.


Sep 23, 2017
I think it’s sneaky, she isn’t ethnically Spanish and seemingly led people to believe she was.

Spanish isn’t an ethnicity, is she passing herself off as an immigrant? I’m assuming she has some Spanish ancestry?

My parents are immigrants and I’ve seen other children of immigrants pass themselves off as more “foreign” or “ethnic” or less “foreign” or “ethnic” depending on the circumstances - for more attention or to fit in better.

I don’t know much about this lady’s situation but it can be confusing growing up between two cultures.

I would think if you’re in the public eye you wouldn’t try to “exoticise” yourself in a way that’s easily debunked...she could have just said she’s really into the Spanish side of her heritage and has learned the language and prefers the name Hilaria.


Sep 23, 2017
Spanish isn’t an ethnicity, is she passing herself off as an immigrant? I’m assuming she has some Spanish ancestry?

My parents are immigrants and I’ve seen other children of immigrants pass themselves off as more “foreign” or “ethnic” or less “foreign” or “ethnic” depending on the circumstances - for more attention or to fit in better.

I don’t know much about this lady’s situation but it can be confusing growing up between two cultures.

I would think if you’re in the public eye you wouldn’t try to “exoticise” yourself in a way that’s easily debunked...she could have just said she’s really into the Spanish side of her heritage and has learned the language and prefers the name Hilaria.

lol those were shrug emojis and they turned into female symbol emojis somehow :lol:


Aug 23, 2020
Lol love the emojis!

It’s embarrassing but I know wayyyy too much about this from another web forum that honed in on this a few weeks ago.

Her parents retired to Spain but they are not Spanish and not immigrants- from their professional bios they do love Spain and Spanish culture but their families have been in the US for generations. (The Thomas and Hayward families). Hillary was born in Boston and went to school through college in the US even though she traveled to Spain with her family. her bio previously claimed she was born in Spain and came to the US at 19.

I am not surprised that people fabricate and embellish their history, but I do think it’s inappropriate (and potentially offensive) for a US born native speaker without known Spanish heritage to put on an accent and present themselves as an immigrant.

Either way it just seems crazy to me to make something up that’s easily disproved.



Feb 29, 2012
Spanish isn’t an ethnicity, is she passing herself off as an immigrant? I’m assuming she has some Spanish ancestry?

My parents are immigrants and I’ve seen other children of immigrants pass themselves off as more “foreign” or “ethnic” or less “foreign” or “ethnic” depending on the circumstances - for more attention or to fit in better.

I don’t know much about this lady’s situation but it can be confusing growing up between two cultures.

I would think if you’re in the public eye you wouldn’t try to “exoticise” yourself in a way that’s easily debunked...she could have just said she’s really into the Spanish side of her heritage and has learned the language and prefers the name Hilaria.

Why couldn’t she just say she loves the country and has decided to adopt it as her land...

It’s the whole cucumber thing lol. It all rests on that. Jajaja

As for flamenco, I haven’t done a deep dive on that, but I think she did ballroom dancing, and we can all guess Flamenco was her favorite dance... if that is even true.


Sep 23, 2017
Why couldn’t she just say she loves the country and has decided to adopt it as her land...

It’s the whole cucumber thing lol. It all rests on that. Jajaja

As for flamenco, I haven’t done a deep dive on that, but I think she did ballroom dancing, and we can all guess Flamenco was her favorite dance... if that is even true.

Yeah I agree with the first part. I dunno about the cucumber or flamenco, I haven’t followed it enough! But who knows, maybe it started as a way to get attention or differentiate herself and got out of control.

I think may be insulting to immigrants or 1st gen offspring bc you def face challenges that I would guess she hadn’t had to deal with

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
You mean the new mothers who don’t have nutritionists and personal trainers on call because they have to work - or take care of house and older kids without a cadre or nannies and cleaners and governesses and tutors?

#BodyPositivity, the newest and most insidious aspirational scapegoat.

Its a bit tragic all that money they need to hire someone for advice/ help/ guidance when 'poor' people use their mothers, sisters, MILs and girl freinds for free support when a new bub comes home
Just cause you pay for something doesn't make it better


Aug 23, 2020
Its a bit tragic all that money they need to hire someone for advice/ help/ guidance when 'poor' people use their mothers, sisters, MILs and girl freinds for free support when a new bub comes home
Just cause you pay for something doesn't make it better

It seems very lonely, doesn’t it? Surrounded by people but they’re employees. I would also hate to feel like I needed to take lingerie shots and post them on the internet a few months after childbirth!!!
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