
HELP--Save my mom from the Evil Diamond Men!

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Jun 3, 2005
Hello to all Pricescopers!

This is my first post but I am a frequent lurker on your wonderful forum. Now, I need your help! I apologize in advance because this is LONG, but I''m so mad about this horrible situation and I need some advice!

My wonderful mom recently decided that she is in the market for a new e-ring. She approached the people from whom she bought her original stone (local acquiantences of hers) about the possibility of getting something new. While discussing this with them, they asked whether, while she was considering new stones, she wanted them to try to sell her old diamond for her. She said sure, and they did so.

Enter pricescope! About 6 months before my mom''s search started, my now-fiance and I started ring shopping. Thanks to this website, we gained a TON of diamond knowledge that we put to use in purchasing my own stone (which I bought from a Pricescope vendor). Well, as you Pricescopers know, once you get wind of all there is to know about diamonds, you can''t stand the thought of someone you love making an uninformed purchase! So per my advice, my mom started lurking here too, and learing as much as she could about diamonds.

Well, in the meantime, the people from whom she purchased her original stone (let''s just call them the Evil Diamond Men, or the EDM), started showing her diamonds that, in my opinion, were not thr best choices for her. Now, my own stone is not an RB so I don''t know THAT much about them, but they were showing her lots of RBs with depths in the 63-64% range, and many were SI2, H color and all with EGL Israel certs. Now, get this, when she started tossing around the info she''d learned from Pricescope and asking to actually see the certs, they FLIPPED. And I mean, flipped out on her. They told her that the numbers don''t matter at all, that she just needs to "look" at the stone and trust them. They said that she was making a huge mistake listening to people online, who don''t know what they''re talking about. They said they couldn''t believe she didn''t just "trust" them to pick stones for her. And they repeatedly ridiculed her just for asking to see the certs on the stones they were showing her! They literally would sigh and say "oh, here we go again."

Every time she rejected a stone from them that wasn''t up to par (one was a 5-something on the HCA, for ex, although they say they have never heard of the HCA!) they got exasperated and angry and told her she was being "unreasonable" and impossible to please, and that she was making a huge mistake rejecting these supposedly fabulous stones they were showing her.
also, they just completely were not listening to what she wanted--she''d ask to see an F or G RB for under $12k, and they would show her a 2.2 carat cushion for $14k. Bascially it seems like whatever stone they would get in, they would try to sell her, rather than actively seeking out what she wanted. meanwhile, my mom is telling me all of this and i''m getting madder and madder, because of course we all know the lengths that some vendors will go to to prevent you from buying online, and how mad they get when you show yourself to be an informed customer. Now, you might be asking why my mom kept trying to work with these guys--well, they had sold her original stone, so they have the money that she needs to put toward the next one. Finally, though, I got SO fed up, and suggested that my mom at least talk to the Pricescope vendor who had sold me my stone, whom I trust completely. She did, and he found her a bunch of stones, one of which she went to see and loves. she said she was just amazed by how much more beautiful it was than the others the EDM had shown her (i don''t think she had ever seen a well cut RB before).

So, today my mom went to see the EDM and told them that she is planning to buy from someone else, and asked if they would please give her a check for what they think is a fair resale value for her old stone. These two men literally teamed up on my mom and screamed at her, tellling her what a horrible person she was, and what a huge mistake she''s making, and then they refused to give her any money for the other diamond. They say they only agreed to sell her stone on the condition that she would buy something from them (which they never said), and THEN they accused her of trying to con them by lying and saying she would buy from them so they would sell her stone! Needless to say, that was not the case. Also keep in mind that these people are (or used to be) FRIENDS of my mom''s! Now, my mom knows how diamond resale works, so she''s not expecting to get the original value of her old ring back or anything, and she told them that. The value of the original ring (princess center and two sides) was about $8k or so, and I think she''d even be happy with $3k or $4k. But they refuse, and say the most they''ll do is give her a credit. (Like she ever wants to buy anything from them after they screamed at her like that!) OK so fine, that''s bad enough, she can deal with that . . . but then they demand to see the cert on the diamond the Pricescope vendor had shown her, and when she showed them, starting yelling that they can''t believe she went behind her back like that, and said it was an inferior stone, and started telling her that the vendor didn''t know what he was talking about and the stone is a piece of trash, basically.

So now, my poor mom is SO upset and confused. Even though she knows in her head that they''re wrong and just trying to con her into buying from them, the abusive behavior of the EDM has sort of gotten to her and is making her question her decision to buy online and the stone she has picked. I wanted to post here to vent, but also so that you guys can help me reinforce the point to her that she shouldn''t let these terrible people make her doubt herself, and that this is a fairly common tactic that some not-so-nice vendors will use to convince you to buy from them. Also, on a separate note, I think she would be very interested to hear what you all think about the stone she is considering buying. (Even if she decides not to go with this one, I told her she should definitely stick with the Pscope vendor she is working with to find her exactly what she wants. And I think she''s amenable to that, or at least she was before the EDM screamed at her for an hour this morning.) As I said I don''t know much about RBs, so it would be really nice if someone else who does know what they are talking about in this area could tell her honestly what they think.

Here are the specs of the stone:

GIA RB 1.61 carat
F/SI1 (she''s seen it and it is eyeclean, at least to her!)
7.66 x 7.70 x 4.60
59.9 d, 56 t
very thin to thin faceted girdle
no culet
ex pol, ex symm
faint flr

Honest opinions please? As I said I am no RB expert, but this looked very nice to me. I know she doesn''t have the angles but I''m sure she could get them from the vendor. The EDM, however, told her that this stone is inferior, it was terrible to have flourescence in an F color, and that the girdle was so thin that "our setting people wouldnt even touch the stone, because it will definitely chip". correct me if im wrong, but i wouldn''t think faint flr would be noticeable in an F, and the girdle isn''t extremely thin, just thin, so i wouldn''t think that should be a problem? (Also, she is planning to bezel set it.) Honest thoughts appreciated.

Just to give you an idea, this is the stone that the EDM told my mom she is "absolutely nuts" to have turned down:

EGL (Israel I think) 1.7 carat
63.4 depth, 57 table
M girdle
VG pol, VG symm
no culet, no flr

Anyway thanks so, so much to you all for listening to this LONG saga, but the whole thing just has me so mad, and my mom so upset that we don''t know what to do! I knew that you Pricescopers would be willing to come forward with your thoughts and advice. Thank you so much in advance, from both me and my mom!



Mar 7, 2005
You are right.
Faint fluorescence is never noticeable except under a blacklight. It will not show in sunlight as my D with MB fluor. does.
The specs on that EGL-Israel stone are poor even without the Sarin. Way, way, way too deep. And an EGL H color is likely an I or J by AGS or GIA standards.
The girdle is only a problem if it''s "extremely thin".
Those guys are using some really terrible intimidation tactics and the BBB might be called, IMO.

Perhaps your mom could take a look at the AGA Cut Class Chart for a RB and see how "un" ideal the EDM''s stone is.

They are incredibly unethical if what you say is true. Human beings should never, ever act that way. Shame on them. It sounds like they are trying to sell used cars.


Mar 14, 2005
My new F colored diamond has medium fluorescence and it looks great! I can''t tell any difference between it and my old stone with no fluorescence. I am no expert, but I would think the girdle would be very protected in a bezel setting. So sorry your Mom had this awful experience! She is lucky to have you to help her out with her diamond purchase.


Nov 25, 2002
Tell your mom that bullies don''t win if you don''t let them. These folks are upset because they are losing the sale, and they don''t realize *they* are the reason they are losing it.

Tell her also that it''s never wise to seek an opinion on a stone from a competing this case, EDM. Have her get an opinion from an independent appraiser. If he says it''s beautiful, then he''s the one to listen to.

The faint fluor isn''t a worry (as EDM is saying it is); in fact, it helps discount the stone a bit and doesn''t hurt the stone''s appearance at all.

As long as the numbers/performance check out, the stone she''s considering from your vendor sounds like it has real possibility.


Feb 25, 2005
I am sorry your mom is being mistreated. I find most sales people to be only concerned with closing the deal. They fear the educated. I scare many of them away because I research everything in full prior to purchasing and some hate that! Especially those in the la jewerly district and hahaha

The well informed and confident actually enjoy it though. They don''t put their customers opinions down. They enjoy discussing the pros and cons of certain pieces. Do not let your mom doubt herself.

All the diamond info is here and free. No one on pricescope is getting a cut, thus there is no bias. Have her take her ring back from these Edm and sell it herself on ebay. It is easy. have her look at the cut guidelines already here on pricescope to help choose her stone. Have her look at it herself to see if it strickes her as beautiful. Don''t give these guys a dime and do list their name online!

BTW faint fluor is great as no other material in the world fluoresces so mom can be sure she has a real diamond and faint is not going to hurt a high color stone.


Jul 14, 2004
This is horrible!!!
I think your mom needs to contact the BBB AND a lawyer right away! They have basically stolen your mom''s ring and sold it for their profit. If she didn''t sign anything about only buying from them if they sold the ring, then I would think they have no case at all. And screaming at her? That''s harassment and that alone can be reported to the police. They probably think your mom will back down and if she doesn''t won''t they be unpleasantly surprised! Tell your mom not to buy from these people and to run, not walk to a lawyer. This is a serious crime.


Aug 15, 2000
What to DO.......

First I would contact the Jewelers'' Vigilance Committee, and send them a copy of the story you printed out here.

Second - find out which court in your local area, requires "production of documents", and file suit. Then hit them with a production of documents order that will force them to produce all the sale papers, which will disclose who they sold it to, how they represented it, the price paid etc. If you aren''t legally astute or informed, go to the local college''s law school, and ask how to get help there in preparing your own pro se complaint. Many students will be very interested in helping you, and for a fraction of what a lawfirm would charge you. Check to see how they are formed ( fictious name - proprietorship, corporation etc). If they are a corporatioin then they will have to hire an attorney, who will charge them plenty to defend a well strategized legal action. Do some research to determine whether it is best to proceed criminally or civilly, or perhaps both.

Once the jewelry store get served with the complaint and various "papering" orders, forcing them to disclose all the things they are obviously trying to cover up by taking the offensive, they will for sure buckle under.

In my experience, merchants who are verbally abusive and accusatory to ANY consumer, usually has something to hide, so all you have to do is chase them down the foxhole, and some "dirt" is bound to show up. Just prepare the production of documents etc very carefully, so they have to produce as much to you as possible.

They''ll be begging you to settle.

Just the DOC''s two cents. Of course as you proceed with this, post the details here on the forum.

Legal advice should be given by someone who is aware of your local laws, such as bar association help committees, law school programs, or an attorney etc.

Hope this helps



Jun 3, 2005
Thank you so much to all for the suggestions and advice. You''re making us feel so much better! I''ll have to ask my mom how she feels about threatening a lawsuit . . . even though it would totally be justified, and as evil as these people have been to her, these guys are acquaintences of hers and run in similar social circles. She may be reluctant to pursue that remedy simply in order to save herself the accompanying anxiety and mental anguish.

Mainly, I just wanted to post this to reinforce to my mom that tactics of this nature are not uncommon (although they are generally less extreme than this case!) and that she should not apologize or feel bad about asking for basic information about a diamond before agreeing to purchase it. That seems to be their whole schtick: "you''re insulting us by asking for the cert because that shows you don''t trust us". PLEASE. These people make me so furious my blood boils.

With respect to the RB diamond my mom is considering for purchase: any red flags? Looks like the flr and the girdle aren''t troubling, which is what I figured . . . do the other numbers look promising? I think Aljd. suggested that they do, which makes me feel good!
Also, the vendor my mom is working with has a great eye and he thinks it''s a beautiful stone, which makes me feel good as well. Still, though, would you guys recommend that my mom ask him to run a sarin to get the necessary angles?


Dec 7, 2003
A Sarin is a great idea. And I second the recommendation that your mom use an independent appraiser with whichever stone she chooses.

I hope she does not give in to the agressive tactics of her jewelers.


Nov 15, 2004
tdg, I think you''re getting great advice and support here and I agree w/ Patty that I hope your mom does not give in!!!

My only confusion: Have they sold her original diamond? Or do they simply still have it with the (supposed) intention to sell it and apply that towards her purchase of a (questionable!!) new stone from them? If they''ve already sold it that''s one thing, but it they''re holding it quasi-hostage and threatening to only give her store credit in return, that''s another. I mean--either way it''s unethical, and they should give it back IMMEDIATELY since the deal is effectively off and they are sleazy as hell, but if it''s the former then that is flat-out theft!


Aug 29, 2003
Date: 6/3/2005 4:38:09 PM

... she said she was just amazed by how much more beautiful it was than the others the EDM had shown her (i don't think she had ever seen a well cut RB before).

Well, this is the relevant part of the story, IMO. The purpose of this purchase is to end up with a stone she likes, not to make a sale for this or that shop.

That EDM
have never heard of HCA before and that they need to sell what they have in stock sounds reasonable. It is the seller's choice to offer consignment services or not... The way they talked with you (as described) is by no means reasonable. The impression EDM left with you speaks clearly of how far this shop's service was from your expectations: it is weird that they even tried to change your expectations by verbal abuse instead of providing befitting merchandise ! Those diamonds should be able to do much of the talking...

Sorry to hear unpleasant news.

Is your mother's original ring being held by EDM ?



Jun 3, 2005
hi, to clarify, they say that they already sold the center stone and the two sides, and they refuse to give her anything but a credit.

when my mom originally starting suggesting that she might just want the money from the stone and would look for a replacement elsewhere, they started hemming and hawing about how they just didn''t have "that much cash on hand" to give her, and then the story changed to "well we didn''t sell it, we traded it for another stone so no money has changed hands". for all i know, that could all be true (although i don''t believe for 2 secs that these guys don''t have $4k in cash on hand; they deal ALL in cash for god''s sakes!). anyway, i can SORT of see how they might be thinking, hey, we wouldn''t have taken the stone in for a trade if we knew this lady wasn''t going to buy from us. i understand that. but the fact is, they didn''t make clear to her that it was a "if we sell this you agree to buy from us thing", and now they''ve already sold it. plus, they didn''t carry through on their end of the bargain by working with her to find something SHE likes (and by verbally harassing her). so anyway, it''s a tough situation, but IMO they should be willing to cut SOME kind of deal with her that involves her walking out the door with at least some cash. maybe less money than she would have gotten toward another stone, but SOMEthing.

to me, the more troubling part is not the loss of the money from the stone (although that really stinks) but the abusive behavior and the mind tricks they are playing on her, trying to bully her into believing that everything they are showing her is fabulous and everything she sees and hears online is crap. argh, it''s just so frustrating, i don''t even know what to do.

with respect to the independent appraiser, i sort of have a question about that. we took my stone to an appraiser, and he was very nice . . . but all he really did was verify that the stone matched the cert and that it was color and clarity graded correctly. when i asked him for his opinion on the stone, he was like, "oh yes it''s very nice". which is great . . . but based on that experience, i feel like i wouldn''t decide to buy or not buy based on an appraisal. i think i would get far better advice with respect to a stone''s specs from the people on this board! or maybe i''m not asking the right questions?


Aug 29, 2003
Date: 6/3/2005 9:40:28 PM
Author: thediamondgal

hi, to clarify, they say that they already sold the center stone and the two sides, and they refuse to give her anything but a credit. ... they started hemming and hawing about how they just didn't have 'that much cash on hand' [...]

to me, the more troubling part is not the loss of the money from the stone (although that really stinks) but the abusive behavior and the mind tricks they are playing on her
That's terrible ! I was hoping I didn't understand the previous posts right and this wasn't in fact the case

Perhaps the shop is nearly out of business, but... really, they way they treated you leaves little room for error with those guys. Couldn't they get what you wanted in the first place ? It is the shouting that makes me believe these guys are not telling the right story. If they traded your diamond for another, then, well, they have the other diamond at hand, no ? Unless they burned it, some trace of value should be left and it is not your job to figure that out, but their's.

RocDoc's post gives good advice... The last thing a cash strapped shop might want is legal duties.


Aug 15, 2000
Pressure and anxiety

Time to tell your mom that all the posters ( including me ) are giving her a big hug of encouragement, and to take a deep breath and challenge the "dark side of the force" !

Consumer protection is a big part of my work, and she just has to gather up all her gumption and be a star. Consumers who back down from such deplorable tactics, only make merchants like this continue taking advantage of other people.

I understood that they sold her stone, but in the event they haven''t and refuse to return it, that is plain out and out theft. They have had the benefit of having inventory to sell without investing any money of their own. Title belongs to her and they have a serious responsibility to return it IMMEDIATELY UPON DEMAND. If they don''t - then get the police to get it for her.Further, don''t be hesitant to press charges.

It appears to me that the EDM is practicing "the best defense is a good offense" approach.

Hope she reads all these posts and chooses to do everythin in her power to help stop such merchants, as it paints our entire industry with a bad tasting paint.

I''ll volunteer to help and assist in any way I can, as I am sure all the other independent experts will.

Another good idea is to log into and post this info there.



Nov 26, 2004
My understanding is that they took the ring and sold it on, pending a sale. The sale of your mums ring was part of the combined deal as far as they are concerned. Lets look past the bullying tactics for a minute - we are better then that! They must have made some money from the sale and that money is yours, minus expenses, or minus the profit from a further sale. If they said ''yes since your buying... we will sell your ring and offset the costs'', then well and good your mum is not in a good position, she will want to negotiate something with them. Whether implied or not it does seem like they acted in good faith and now feel cheated. This website has nothing to do with this. The fact they don''t sell what you want is not relevant at all. The fact is, your mum had them do something and they expect something in return. The aggrivated response you got from them doesn''t bode well. They will buck up and keep bucking up.

What to do: The old deal is through. You can do better. Discovering what they got and how much are they willing to give is a good start. If they said your mum can have ?$ of jewellery then that is starting point. They will of course want their profit included in that margin, so to ask for cash at that amount might not be welcomed by them. A new figure would have to be negotiated.

Two things might happen. Your mum may get back the ring in tact or get the diamonds and some scrap. Otherwise they might negotiate a really bad price.

Legally, I think you are in the stronger position especially given their candour. There are lawyers here who direct you to an inexpensive action without paying for lawyers. I believe there is an equivalent to the ''Consumer Affairs Commission'' in the US where the whole procedure is pretty straight forward and you fill out some forms to get a tribunal hearing and no lawyers need be involved. In this case I''d bet the judgment would recommend they pay you in full. Lets hope it was not a cash sale. With this as possible outcome you really really must get confirmation of the rings worth. How you should go about this, I don''t know.

You could stir up some trouble for them, contacting BBB etc etc. I''d keep calm and let them know you are not going to be intimidated, that you haven''t taken it upon your yourselves to extract revenge, but you can and will take action if needs be. Keep offering a fair point that suits you both and after all is said and done be sure at least one of the interested party can still sleep soundly at night having acted decently the whole way through.

No one is saying you have to forgive them. Your mum will get her justice by having such a nice diamond. I for one would not like to be one of these EDM. It can''t be fun loosing it and abusing a perfectly decent woman like that. That is their problem not yours. Let em have their little piece of cake, if they want it so bad. They need a reality check!

Exhaust all decent channels first. You must not let them get away with they appear to be doing.


Oct 30, 2002
definitely get a sarin and run the numbers. you guys have put way too much work into finding a great stone to proceed without all the information.

the t/d look promising, the depth is a tiny bit shallow for MY tastes but it does not mean this won''t be a lovely stone and/or the angles could be very compatible. re: the girdle, i would not worry on that either, esp with the bezel setting.

re: fluor, i love faint fluor in a stone, an F with faint fluor would be fun! plus as someone else already noted, it will lower the price slightly which can only help here.

get the sarin, post the angles, and if possible an idealscope to show light return and then we''ll see!!

but yes that EDM stone, BAD NEWS. look at the diameter of that LARGER stone compared to this other stone your mom is considering. The smaller stone looks bigger. also VG/VG vs EX/EX for polish and symm?

tell your mom to stick to her guns, do not be bullied into a purchase with these people if it is not what she truly wants and they do not have a stellar stone for her to buy.


Jun 3, 2005

We will definitely keep you guys posted.
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