
HELP! Fiance's engagement ring showing YELLOW?!


Jan 9, 2008
milton just read my mind - I was going to suggest a look at the FIRE thread too - lots of yellow (and other ) flashes. Your ring looks drop dead gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think anybody took advantage of you in any way shape or form. Enjoy it!!


Jan 9, 2008
Is any of this angst because you were looking at buying D stone back in April and obviously did not follow thorough there? As everyone else has said - your excellent GIA G will not show yellow - put that out of your mind.


Mar 7, 2011
I can only add that I agree with the other posters that you have nothing to worry about. I was in a panic as well that my diamond had too much body color for it's grade, but it was reflection from the environment.

I also agree that young women are getting caught up in the celebrity engagement hooha. Even many newcomers to PS don't realize that the large sized diamonds they see here are the product of many upgrades. Most of us started out with very modest engagement rings, and over the years for important events, (or even not so important ones :naughty: ) we have upgraded our stone or settings. If your fiance is thinking that she would like a larger stone, perhaps you could tell her that on your first, fifth, or tenth that you will be happy to upgrade her diamond. Maybe that will help appease her in the meantime. There are so many more important things financially that are going to come up the first few years of your new lives together, houses, cars, starting a family maybe, that it would be terrible to start this exciting time out in debt. I'd be much more proud to say that I owned my house free and clear than that I wore a huge diamond and will be paying on my house for the next 20 years because of it. ;))

I also second the advice that she try on wedding rings before she decides to change anything about her current ering. I think it looks amazing on her! :love:


Mar 7, 2011
oh, and I wanted to say that yes, many people feel that G or H represent an excellent value when shopping for diamonds. Face up they will be very white, and most people will never be able to tell the difference between and G and an D in it's mounting. There was a thread no too far back asking PSers what they thought the color of the average Americans ering was, and since most are purchased at mall stores with no regard to lab grading reports, most felt that they fell somewhere between JK. So, I would suspect that your fiances ring is already much whiter than most that she has seen or that her friends wear, unless of course their husbands took the same time becoming educated as you did. ;))


Dec 16, 2007
bostonguy2012|1340045333|3218800 said:
So we're thinking the diamond is picking up the yellow from the champagne bottle? (that is one of 2 pictures that I have seen where it is looking yellow)


hee hee... DUDE that is fire, or colored light return, and it is a good thing. That is not the body color of the diamond but rather a spectral light show.

ETA: And why condemn the fiance because she might want a bigger diamond? Boston you can oblige if you simply want to please her and have the budget, or you can tell her to contribute some funds towards the larger stone she wants, or you can shop together if you think she does not understand diamond prices or value. *shrug* No big deal. Some day you will want something very expensive too and then she can try and make it happen for you, too.


Mar 7, 2011
I didn't think that anyone was condemning the fiance for wanting a larger stone, I think that it was only mentioned that many people today have a higher expectation of what they want in an engagement ring than in the past, and it was suggested that celebrities and reality TV personalities may be the cause. My post was only an opinion that they may want to consider the many other expenses that follow weddings and beginning new lives together, I was in no way condemning her for either wanting or expecting more than was given to her.


Jul 21, 2008
Another poster here who thinks that is fire in that photo. Which, IMO, is a very very good thing. Fire is my favorite aspect of diamond ownership. Enjoy it!


Jan 11, 2006
Yeah, as others have said, since the diamond doesn't show color outside, the only explanation is that it is reflecting color from the environment. GIA G color stones are not going to be yellow, period.

As to the diamond size, can you afford more? I really believe that many girls (and guys) are clueless as to the cost of diamonds today and think a carat costs a couple thousand dollars! She may need a reality check. Don't waste your money on the appraisal when it clearly isn't a problem with the stone (and especially since you may return it).

How much did you pay for this diamond and is it returnable? What is the max you can spend?


Jan 18, 2012
LoveLikeCrazy said:
bostonguy2012|1340048455|3218854 said:
But is a nice TV too much to ask for? :saint: :saint:

I wish my SO wanted a TV...he thinks i'm buying him a Rolex Daytona as a wedding gift!

My vote would be for the Rolex -- or, okay, well, the nicest darn Seiko you can find. (A Rolex? Jeepers!) My SO wants a flatscreen, too, and I've got a friend who bought her fiance an XBox, but my feeling is that the ring is a symbol of your everlasting love and commitment and blah blah, to be worn for 50 years of marriage and that sort of thing, right? They'll come out with a new XBox or a fancier TV in a couple of years, and he'll want one of those and then some stoner on Craigslist will buy this beautiful expression of devotion for $300 and someone will spill Pepsi on it and it'll be left on the curb in depressing obsolescence. A tragedy.

I say go for the watch. :)

But to add my two cents on the OP's situation, maybe you should make sure your fiancee really understands what diamonds go for nowadays, and what your financial situation is. (And that presumably you're now planning a wedding, which isn't a trivial moneysink, either!) Maybe a halo setting would give her the hand presence she's looking for? She probably just has a lot of friends in her social circle with Rings of a Certain Size... or maybe she's being hanging out on PS herself... but regardless, seems to me you did the right thing with a G SI2, and it'll be tough to upsize without busting budgets!


Apr 18, 2007
I agree, it's fire. I had a G and they are extremely white! I would absolutely take her with you, if she wants to exchange stones. Heck, you might end up with an I or J if she really wants size, but let her decide how color sensitive she is. And don't judge the whiteness through photographs, use your eyes! I would keep the narrow setting, wide settings eat up the center stone. No need to hide costs from her, if your marrying her, she'll probably find out eventually. I think it will help her appreciate the generous gift of love you gave her. Good luck, I can't wait to see how this all turns out, keep posting your progress!
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