
Healthier Lifestyle Thread June 2nd till June 8th

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Mar 2, 2005
Date: 6/6/2008 9:34:36 PM
Author: Linda W
Good Grief Skippy, What a day you had. I''ll say that was stressful. I am so glad that you little nephew and your dad are OK.

You know the restaurant should pay for your dad''s injuries, being it was their fault. 2 years ago, the same thing happened to my aunt. She ended up in the ER with a broken leg. The restaurant paid for all of her medical bills, as it was their fault, no one cleaned up the spill.

I am glad you had a wonderful Greek dinner. They just opened up a Greek restaurant near us, we have been dying to check it out. I hope you have a better day tomorrow.

Rod: YAY!! I hope the job offer comes through for you, it sounds like something you really want.

Hi LA Jennifer: Welcome: Silly question, do you ever get to see Richard Simmons? I LOVE him. I used to love watching him on TV, but I don''t think he is on anymore. He really used to make me laugh.

Hi everyone
Have a great evening.

Yep! He teaches on Saturday mornings, Tuesday evenings and Thursday evenings. He is hysterical - and so cute! He always wears those little striped shorts and a sparkly tank top. The class is a great workout - about an hour and 15 minutes of dancing and prancing, toning with weights, and ab work on the floor. It''s only $12 a class (or $70 a month). There are classes every day - but he teaches the days listed above. I went for the second time last night - he was walking in about the same time as I was - he saw me and approached really slowly with the most serious face and gives me a kiss - and then says "you were here last time." He really is quite a character.


Mar 2, 2005
Date: 6/6/2008 9:42:10 PM
Author: Rod
Oh Skippy, I''m so sorry to hear about your dad and nephew. Sounds like enough visits to the ER for your family. I''m glad your dad is OK. I agree with Linda. The restaurant must be responsible for paying for your dads health needs and then some. Glad you enjoyed your dinner and I hope you have a more restful evening than you had today.

Welcome LA!!

Thanks Linda. Fingers crossed that the offer comes through next week!
Thanks, Rod. I''m looking forward to being a part of this culture - lord knows I suck at self-motivation.

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
LA Jennifer,

OH you are SO lucky!!! I would love to be in one of his classes. You never know what he is going to do!! Have you seen the commercial on TV where a car has to stop and think if it is going to run over him or not???? It is hysterical. I really miss seeing him on TV. Where do you live that you take his classes? I know you are in LA, but which part? We live in Northern California.



Jul 22, 2007
Fly-by (mostly because I''m ashamed of not working out in 10 days
) Just stopped by to say we''re all alive and kicking. JT is sick AGAIN! I''m getting really frustrated with him getting sick all the time. He''s not around many people, and I think he keeps picking stuff up from my nephew who is sick all the time and has a bunch of sickly cousins. But, you can''t stop the kids from playing together.


Skippy, sorry about your dad and your nephew. Sounds like your dad will be fine soon and a speedy recovery to the little one!

Have a great weekend all!!


Mar 2, 2005
Date: 6/6/2008 10:13:30 PM
Author: Linda W
LA Jennifer,

OH you are SO lucky!!! I would love to be in one of his classes. You never know what he is going to do!! Have you seen the commercial on TV where a car has to stop and think if it is going to run over him or not???? It is hysterical. I really miss seeing him on TV. Where do you live that you take his classes? I know you are in LA, but which part? We live in Northern California.

Hi Linda - his studio is in Beverly Hills at 9306 Civic Center Drive (same location since the 70''s). If you ever come down for a visit, you must attend a class - all you have to do is show up and pay your $12. Here is his website:

I haven''t seen the commercial, but I''ll keep my eye out.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone!
I left work early and spent most of my evening getting ready for school tomorrow. Thank you for the well wishes for my class this weekend. I am back down to 5 students but it should be fun.
Lorelei, sorry my pants weather moved your way and brought all the rain with it.
Dragonfly, yay for great workouts and pants that are too big.
Rod, woo hoo for being below 170. Rats for having stress though. I am glad your talk with the VP of company 3 went so well today. Good luck with getting a great offer from them.
Steph, I hope you enjoy your new countertops.
Skippy, sorry to hear about your nephew and your dad. I am glad they are okay but sure feel bad they got hurt. What a stressful day for you.
Welcome LAJennifer. Have fun with your aerobics class. How cool Richard Simmons is actually there and teaches some of the classes.
Linda, sorry to hear about your aunt but I am glad they paid all of her bills for her. That is pretty careless of a restaurant to leave a spill on the floor.
Somethingshiny, sorry to hear JT is sick again. I think little kids just pass around the crud. I hope he gets better soon.
Have a great Saturday.

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Hi Marcy

Good Luck with your class tomorrow, I know you will do well. We are getting ready to go on vacation on the 20th, we can''t wait
. The grandboys are still making their list of food they want. ha ha ha ha ha. You would think we were going to be gone a month, instead of 8 days. HA!!!



Apr 30, 2005
Welcome LA Jennifer!

Pantsy weather continues....

Would anyone like to do the opener for next week's thread? Let me know, if not I will take it, but anyone who would like the chance to begin the new thread is more than welcome to!


Feb 27, 2007
Good morning.
I got up at my normal time and made Marty breakfast before he took off for golf. I need to leave the house about 10:30 this morning. I vacuumed already and need to run a few errands this morning. Now that the rain has stopped I’d best get my flower pots watered too. I picked up 100 cal snacks to take to keep me from getting hungry during class. I thought I’d have a bowl of mixed fruit before I go this morning.
Linda, too funny about the food list for the grandsons. I think we take enough food to feed an army when we go camping. I am glad Marty is eating better these days because it makes it easier for me to take healthy food. We are going camping at the end of the month. I can hardly wait as well.
Lorelei, rats for the pants weather continuing.
Have a great day!


Nov 24, 2006
Morning all! While I was out of town last week it was my father's Birthday so today we are taking him out to eat this evening; I talked to him this morning and he is feeling well. Thank goodness and thank you friends!

Hubby and I will probably ride bikes today. Hope everyone has a great weekend

Welcome LaJennifer.

Booo to pants weather Lorelei. Is that common? Or just a couple of weird years?

Marcy, you will do great today! Have fun!

Rod, sending PS dust for the job you like best!! How is the weather out there?

Steph, how is the granite? i bet fab!

Linda, what food are the boys wanting? How is your aunt, that is awful, thank goodness he didn't break anything. I love Greek too; have hubby take you for some. hehe


Nov 29, 2004
hey everyone...well i ended up being quite sick yesterday...had to leave work early and got home just in time to "toss my lunch." So then I slept from 2pm-8am this morning. Not sure what it was, DH and I went out to dinner Thursday night but ate the same thing (and he''s fine), and I did go out for Lunch on Friday, but was already feeling bad before then, maybe I picked up a little bug at the volunteering at the hospital even though I washed my hands a gazillion times, or maybe my body was telling me to slow down since its been a very busy week.

anyway am feeling much better today and quite rested. My BFF and I went for 1 hour and 20 min walk (~4 miles) around noon, and omg it was so hot...the forecast claims its only 91 degrees, but the heat index is definitely close to 100. Anyway glad she and I got to have a walk/talk b/c we hadn''t seen each other in about two weeks. I didnt eat anything before I went, b/c I was too scared and there wouldn''t be bathroom handy if i needed it. Anyway did drink quite a bit of water though and on the way home stopped by the store to get some gatorade (which I never drink) and a can on campbell''s chicken and stars soup to start off with some easy nutrients. DH and I invited a friend over for dinner, hopefully my system will be ready to handle real food by 7:30 tonight.


Jun 15, 2006
Hi All!

The performances went well, I ended up spending the whole day at school, came home to see my mom (she came to see my kids), then back to school for the evening performance and out to dinner. Yesterday my mom and I spent the afternoon in La Jolla. We had a picnic, wandered around the shops, then John BBqed for dinner. She left this morning and I am super tired.

Skippy, I am so sorry about all of the ER trips your family had to make! Scary! I hope your nephew and dad are doing much better today.

Marcy, John''s ankle is much better, thanks for asknig!

Monnie, hooray for DH!! So happy for both of you.

Rod, it sounds like you''ve made the right choice for you. Enjoy your quiet time while Charlie is out of town.

Jennifer, welcome.

I''m going to grab a book and curl up on the couch for a while. John''s making pork for dinner and we''re just laying low.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey Everyone.......

Quiet day for me. I didn''t sleep well last night at all. Not sure why, but just didn''t. So, I decided to bag the gym for today and just veg. I had lunch at Panera and then iced coffee (man is it ever hot down here - but at least it''s a dry hot, not humid hot), had my car washed and now I''m wondering what to do for dinner. I''m thinking about just going to the neighborhood diner and just sitting at the bar. I''ll have a cup of coffee after it cools off later and thought I''d stop by Blockbuster and see if I can rent an entertaining movie and have some popcorn with Sakai glued to my shoulder. A nice uneventful and not too exciting evening for sure! I will without question hit the gym tomorrow.

Skippy, I hope you all have a wonderful dinner celebrating your dad''s birthday!

Sorry that JT is sick again SS. Kids are just a breeding ground for infections. I hope he''s better soon. I''m sure you''ll get back on the workout wagon soon too.

I''m sure your class will be a huge success today Marcy!! Let us know how it went.

LOL about the list Linda!!

Sorry you weren''t feeling well Apple, but glad you''re better today.

I''m glad the performances went well Kimberly. How nice that your mom came to see your kids. I''m sure she''s so PROUD of you!

I''ll try to check in again later. I hope you''re all having a great Saturday.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. My class went well and I hope everyone will enjoy it. It is very intense because today we covered 2 weeks of my regular evening classes. This is a 4 credit lab science which we are doing over 8 sessions in 4 weekends making it is a lot to do in one day. Hopefully they will all come back tomorrow.

It is SOOOOOO much easier to teach such marathon sessions now.
The last time I taught this class is was at my all time high weight and didn’t venture much out of my chair. I had to take advil to make it through the day. Today I ran errands, took some things out to school, vacuumed and then got ready for school. It’s great to be active enough that doing something like this isn’t so hard on me.
Marty made supper for us tonight so I get to goof off and not do dishes. Yippee. He made himself a pepper crusted steak with some type of cognac / cream sauce and had flames (and smoke) going pretty good in the kitchen. He said he is glad I missed the flames because he knows I’d scream. He cooked my steak with the pepper and OIL (OMG!) he said he didn’t use much but either way I enjoyed it and appreciate that he cooked for us today. A little oil won’t kill me.
Skippy, I hope you had a nice dinner with your parents tonight.
Appletini, sorry to hear you got so sick. I am glad you are doing better. That’s great you got to catch up with your best friend.
Kimi, I am glad to hear the performances went well. I am sure you mom enjoyed getting to see the kiddos. That is wonderful John’s ankle is doing better.
Rod, I hope you enjoyed a good movie with popcorn and Sakai on your shoulder. That sounds like a nice evening for you. Today is my treadmill day but I walked and stood A LOT today so I think I’ll veg out the rest of today.
Have a great evening.


Aug 12, 2005
Hey, just checking in to say I''m alive and our internet issues are solved. I finally figured out that it might be a good idea to check the desktop modem and cables/connections, and I noticed the surge strip was blinking and funky, so I replaced it and now everything is fine. Sheesh. I had called Comcast this week and they were set to come out on Monday, so I guess I can cancel that.
The sad thing is that the only reason I came to this bright idea of troubleshooting is because we had a tornado warning this evening and I started to think about whether the power would be going out. Mm hmm. I''m a smart one.

I don''t have too much to report except that I have gained some serious weight the past couple months instead of losing. Probably 10 lbs or more, and I am quite disappointed in myself but am now recommitted to shedding the excess. I haven''t had a chance to read through this whole thread yet, but I will be doing that shortly for inspiration.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!


Feb 27, 2007
Monnie, woo hoo for finding the issues with your internet access. You''ll get off those few extra pounds in no time.


Nov 24, 2006
Marcy, glad class was great! Good for you getting around; I bet you feel so good and proud!

Kimi, glad you had a wonderful time in LaJolla w/your mom!!!

SS, sorry your son is sick again, prayers outgoing for him.

Monni, yay for the Internet being up!!! You are so thin miss.

Rod, I watched Bella and loved it; it was a foreign movie. Hubby is out hanging out with his guy friends tonight.

I am hoping tomorrow I can find one of my girlfriends to go see the new S&TC Movie; my friends last weekend and invited me but I was so zombied out I knew I would fall a sleep through the movie. Have a great evening all!


Feb 27, 2007
Good morning. I made homemade biscuits for BF. Yummy. I made Marty bacon and eggs too but the biscuits were plenty of calories for me and such a treat so I just ate them. I am taking a chicken sandwich (SL 45 cal wheat bread) and baked lays for lunch. Marty will probably cook some kind of chicken fur supper.
I am going to clean my bathrooms then get ready for school.
For those of you interested I posted info and a map in this link showing you how to find Saturn and Mars tonight.
Skippy, I hope you get to go see the S&TC movie.
Have a great day!


Mar 16, 2005
Hi, everyone. We''ve had a busy weekend. I helped my aunt all day yesterday cooking/setting up for my cousin''s graduation party. It was an all day thing and I never made myself an actual plate of food, but kind of grazed all afternoon and I''m sure I did some caloric damage. Anyway, back on track today!

Rod, glad you have decided on a job. Good luck with everything this week!

Skippy, I''m sorry about all of your ER trips. Glad everyone is okay. Yep, the granite looks sooo good! I will have to post pics soon.

Welcome LAJennifer!

Linda, hope you have a great vacation!

Somethingshiny, sorry JT is sick...that makes it very hard to will get back on track!

Marcy, glad your class went well.

Hi, Lorelei!

Appletini, sorry about being sick.

Kimmi, glad the performance went well.

Monnie, no worries about the few will get them off!


Dec 28, 2005
Morning Everyone,

I wound up at the lttle diner for dinner last night and enjoyed a nice quiet meal. I was too full for FroYo, so I just walked to Blockbuster and looked and looked and couldn't find anything I wanted to rent. From there, I just walked over to Sbucks and it had cooled off enough to enjoy coffee under the oak. On Saturday nights they have live music. The performer was really good and he was a solo guitar/singer who sang such nice soothing songs. I wound up watching National Treasure on the tube, which was OK. Sakai certainly enjoyed falling asleep on my shoulder! Today's going to be a routine Sunday. I had breakfast on the terrace, lunch will probably be Panera, then coffee, then the gym. I'm thinking of treating myself to a steamed lobster at home tonight. Yummm!

Marcy, I'm glad the class went well and I'm betting all the students will return! Sounds like Marty cooked up a wonderful meal for you. Isn't it amazing how much more you can do without all the weight?? I'm glad you noticed what a difference it makes.

Monnie, I haven't met you in person, but did see your pic with Skippy from the visit. If you've gained 10 pounds, you must have been paper thin before! We've been through such stress being unemployed, so I don't think I'd be too concerned. I'm betting once you go back to work the weight will melt away quickly! I did have to laugh about your internet fix!!

Skppy, I'm glad you liked Bella. I'll have to rent it soon.

Steph, it was really nice of you to help your aunt out all day for the party. I'm sure you didn't do as much damage grazing as you think you did.

I'll check in again later. Hope you'll all have a nice Sunday.


Nov 24, 2006
Steph, I bet it is so much fun living closer to family. Yay for the new granite; hubby and I were on cloud 9 for months when we got our granite. It just looks so dang nice. hehe Congrats!!!

Marcy, wooo hooo for moving around! Yum, your breakfast sounds yummy! My hubby brought home brownie from last night; I got after him. hehe

Rod, glad you had a nice relaxing evening; the diner sounds yummy!!!

My cousin and I are going walking this evening but I asked one friend to go see the movie with me and she wasn't interested. Then my hubby said why don't you ask your cousin so i did and she said yes. My poor cousin, I was so excited I kept saying wooo on the phone. hehe So we will be going to the movies this afternoon. hehe

Yesterday i went to Whole Foods and bought chicken to try and make a recipe I saw on the food network by Ellie Krieger; it is Maple Mustard chicken. If it turns out yummy I will post the recipe in our healthy recipes thread. I am crossing my fingers is is good!

Have a great day all


Aug 12, 2005
Just got back from a huge baby shower a few hours ago and I am rather was one of those where there are 75 people and it took three hours for them to open all the gifts. The meal was wonderful, and I saw a ton of people I haven''t seen for years, so that was nice, but these things always kind of wear me out.

I''m going for a walk at 8, it has been so hot and humid here that I haven''t wanted to be outside at all, but I do want to get some semi-fresh air so I''m doing it.

I did ok with the pizza buffet all know how I love my pizza, but I only had two small pieces and lots of salad with dressing on the side, and skipped dessert so I could have a glass of wine.
I was not too tempted today, I think because it is so hot out, anytime I am hot I don''t feel like eating much, so I guess I am thankful for this weather pattern!!

Thanks everyone for your comments and support. Rod, I loved what you said in your post above, it made me feel all warm and happy inside! You are a sweetheart.

Going to go peruse the rest of PS before my walk, and hope to report in one more time tonight. Thanks again to everyone involved in this thread for being so supportive and encouraging. I hope I can do the same...


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone! My students were all telling me today they are so glad they decided to take my class. They said it’s nice to have someone enthusiastic about their subject.
Marty didn’t cook supper today – so we went out and split a bacon cheeseburger for supper. I took fruit and a 100 calorie snack to eat at school.
Steph, the graduation party sounds nice. No worries about enjoying yourself, parties are like that.
Rod, it sounds like you had a wonderful, relaxing evening last night. You certainly deserve it with all the stress you’ve had recently. I was happy to see everyone return to class today and was even happier then they were setting there chatting about how much they learned yesterday and they are glad they took the class. I am delighted and amazed at how different it is for me this time. It’s great to be able to do so many things and not have to worry about pain or not being able to recuperate. This is a major accomplishment in my book.
Skippy, mmm brownies.
They are a BIG weakness for me. I hope you and your cousin enjoyed the movie.
Monnie, that was a large baby shower. I am sure they will be putting away gifts for days. Yay for being good at the pizza buffet. I picked up stuff to make homemade pizza this week but mistakenly believed I had pizza sauce. Rats.
Well, I must go grade papers.
Have a great evening.



Nov 24, 2006
Well, I made the maple mustard chicken and it was great, if you like mustard it is posted in the Healthy recipes thread. I also made some yummy sweet potato fries. S&TC was good; it was fun going to see it with my cousin. She told me she will be teaching a college course so I am very excited for her, she is a smart cookie!!! Welll nothing else to report, sweet dreams friends!

Monni, enjoy your walk. Sorry it is humid; glad I went out before it got to hot. I need to go back out and visit; I had a wonderful time! So many nice people including yourself, friend!!!

Marcy, I knew your kiddo''s would be glad to have you teaching, you sound like an awesome teacher!


May 14, 2006
Quick check in to say that I''m doing very well on my eating on holidays! Have eaten more fish than I think I ever have in my life and my jeans are falling off me so hopefully I''ve lost weight and they''re not just stretched
Hope that everyone is doing well!
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