
Healthier Lifestyle Thread June 2nd till June 8th

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Jun 15, 2006
Hi All!

I substituted today, for the first time in many months, it was wierd being in a foreign-to-me classroom, but fun. I really liked the school. I worked 1/2 day and spent the morning scrubbing my house, as my mom is coming to visit for a few days. No workout, but lots of movement! My windows are so clean.

We''re having roast and potatoes for dinner. We were going to watch the grunions tonight at Birch Aquarium, but it''s drizzling and yucky, so we''re going to wait until next month.

Tomorrow my student teaching class is performing their musical, so I''m going to spend most of the day at the school helping out, and then back again in the evening for the final performance.

Rod, it sounds like you''ve got quite a decision to make. The last company I worked for made me take an intelligence test and a personality test before getting hired. I am not good at touchy-feely HR stuff, so it wasn''t the best fit for me (I was the HR Admin and had to be sugar sweet all the time), but most people who worked their loved it, and the intense screening helped create that, so perhaps you''d like it more than you think? Just a thought, having been where you are. It certainly freaked me out. I hope you get the offer you''re wanting from company number 3.

Steph, congrats on being a "healthy weight!" I bet that felt so good to hear.

Linda, I hope you''re doing okay after the quake! I lived in LA during the Northridge earthquake in 1994, it destroyed my former hs and was quite a spooky experience.

LP, your house is darling!

Have a good night all.


Dec 28, 2005
Glad you had a good day Kimberly! Thanks for your thoughts. When I was in the office, I just didn't get warm fuzzies. I was in an office speaking with the corporate HR people in Dallas and the manager's office was next to the office I was in and he was having a very heated discussion with one of the people in the office. I heard raised voices and it honestly didn't make me feel very good. It was odd that he chose the time I was there interviewing to have such a discussion. I shouldn't hold that against them, but it just left an odd taste in my mouth. Still, I'm waiting for them to make the offer official before I have to worry about whether it might be right for me or not. Yummm roast and potato's. I hope it was good. I'm assuming a grunion is a fish?

Oh and LP, I saw the pic of your new house in Portland. Really Really Nice!! Congratulations again!


Feb 27, 2007
I am glad my dinners out are finally over. We both are pretty stuffed but had a very nice dinner with my parents tonight. I ordered a small steak and ate ½ of it plus part of a baked potato. We had some “bear balls” for dessert (the restaurant is called Little Bear Inn). They are awesome! It is HagenDaz ice cream rolled in Oreo cookies. It was awesome. They have t-shirts you can buy that say “I eat Bear Balls”. The pink was only available in children’s size or I would have bought one.
We had pants weather all day and the high’s tomorrow are expected only to reach the 50’s. Rats.
Rod, congratulations on so many job prospects. I am with Lorelei, I am a firm believer in going with you gut feelings. I am sure it seems overwhelming to happen all at once but I am here cheering you on. I like to make lists when I have to make big decisions. It helps calm me down and it is easier for me to see the pluses and minuses to something. The sunsets sound lovely there.
Hi Lorelei!
Linda, I felt a small earthquake one time. It is very scary. I am glad nothing fell in the house – I’d scream for sure.
Skippy, that is sweet your neighbor wanted to give you a rose bush. I love climbing rose bushes too. I hope you had a nice walk and enjoyed the beautiful weather.
Steph, how exciting to hear from a doctor you are a normal, healthy weight. That is very cool.
Congratulations. I think the cherry dessert was by Mrs Smith – they have an apple streusel, brownies and a few other desserts that are all 100 calories.
Kimi, I am sure the musical at school tomorrow will be great. How fun to go listen and help them with their programs.
Well, have a great evening and sleep well.


Nov 24, 2006
Hi all, it was so crazy windy that I never went for a walk so I did some in door jump rope, sit ups and push ups; I should have gone to the gym but I didn''t feel like changing into gym clothes.

I had lots to do earlier today and got most of it done. Tomorrow I have lots of errand, I will go with my mom to her doctors appt to get ready for her hip surgery on Wed and of course WW. I think I might have lost the couple lbs I gained in Chicago, thank goodness.

Kimi, how fun that you got to sub again! Have fun with your mom.

Rod, I understand about Charlie letting you decide. I guess I am soooo undecisive that hubby usually has to help me with hard decisions. hehe Wishing you the best, glad you have lots of options though; I am sure it is because you are so awesome!!!

Thing, are you out there? Thinking of you!

Marcy, thanks, he is pretty nice! hehe It was very windy, hopefully tomorrow I can walk. Wow, that is cool! It is suppose to cool off here too which will be nice!

have a great evening all and sweet dreams my friends


Feb 27, 2007
Skippy, I see you have your lovely earrings as your new avatar.
Cool! I hope the winds die down there. I have on my sweats tonight and I am still cold.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 6/5/2008 12:15:28 AM
Author: marcyc
Skippy, I see you have your lovely earrings as your new avatar.
Cool! I hope the winds die down there. I have on my sweats tonight and I am still cold.
ah, thanks Marcy!! Aren't new earrings fun; I bet you are loving yours! Me too; I hope it isn't that cold tomorrow for ya. What kind of cobbler is 100 calories?? I want some. hehe


Aug 12, 2005
Super fast under the radar check in...I''ve been reading but not posting, sorry.

Tried Jamba Juice for the first time today, had a Berry Fulfilling 24 oz. drink that was actually fulfilling, I got the medium size and stowed the second half of it in the fridge for tomorrow, it was quite tasty.

DH got a job! Yay! He''s in PA for the next 10 days for training and I am on my own (which I kind of hate, but am ok with obviously). Thanks to everyone who''s been encouraging, your kind words meant the world to us and apparently paid off.

That''s about all I have to report, I''m still having Comcast issues and pages are taking forever to load or I would post more. Thanks again, everyone. Take care!


Nov 24, 2006
Yay Monnie, that is great news, hug!!!!


Aug 12, 2005


Feb 27, 2007
Skippy, I am totally enjoying my earrings as I know you are loving your new sparklers. I did wear my studs today though since they were feeling neglected.
The cherry cobbler / struesel is by Mrs Smith and is in the freezer section. I have tried the apple struesel too. They are pretty good. You get 2 little cups and heat them in the microwave. I might have to try the brownies next.

Monnie, congratulations to Mr. Monnie for getting a job offer. Woo hoo!!!


Apr 19, 2004

Howdy ya''ll!!!!

I am not a great runner (or a runner at all really) but I have been adding that to my outdoor repitoire and feel energized! Yesterday I dusted off my bike and took it for a spin, and today I''ll ride by the river in addition to my run/walk. The weather is fine so I must take advantage of the same. Rain for the weekend.

Enjoy your day folks!! (congrats on the new job for DH, Monnie!!!!)



Apr 30, 2005
YAY MONNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dec 28, 2005
Date: 6/5/2008 12:30:41 AM
Author: monarch64
Super fast under the radar check in...I''ve been reading but not posting, sorry.

Tried Jamba Juice for the first time today, had a Berry Fulfilling 24 oz. drink that was actually fulfilling, I got the medium size and stowed the second half of it in the fridge for tomorrow, it was quite tasty.

DH got a job! Yay! He''s in PA for the next 10 days for training and I am on my own (which I kind of hate, but am ok with obviously). Thanks to everyone who''s been encouraging, your kind words meant the world to us and apparently paid off.

That''s about all I have to report, I''m still having Comcast issues and pages are taking forever to load or I would post more. Thanks again, everyone. Take care!
That is SO WONDERFUL Monnie!! Please let Mr. Monnie, we''re all so happy for him. I hope you''ll find plenty of enjoyable things to do while he''s in training. Treat yourself well the next 10 days!


Dec 28, 2005

I had to get up at 5:15 to take Charlie to the airport. He such a worrier when it comes to travel and he insists on being at the airport at least 2 hours ahead of his flight. We only live like 15 minutes from the airport, so I don''t know what he did from 5:30 till his 8:15 AM flight? But, Rod came right back home and went back to bed. I had difficulty falling asleep, but the next thing I knew it was 10 AM. Oh well, I don''t have to be anywhere, so the sleep was worth it.

I''ll be heading to the gym this afternoon, otherwise I have no other plans for the day.

Sorry for the pants weather Marcy. You should come down here for some heat and humidity!! Thanks for your thoughts. I will just have to go with my gut at some point. I should have this all sorted out next week.

Sorry for too much wind Skippy. I''ll be thinking of you and your mom today and hope the appointment goes well.

Hey Superwoman, er.....Sharon!! Running and biking!! You go Sharon!!

Have a great day everyone.


Jan 13, 2006
Monnie, I am SO happy for you and hubby. You''ve both been in my thoughts, for a long time. Congratulations!


Feb 21, 2005
hi everyone! i''ve been traveling like crazy for work lately and haven''t had a chance to check in, but i wanted to do a quick driveby and say hello. i have been eating not-so-healthily while traveling, but have managed to sneak in a few workouts. unfortunately, i tripped and sprained my ankle on tuesday so i have been forced to take a few days off exercise.
i am hoping it will feel better this weekend, since i leave again next week.

hope everyone is having a great week!


Nov 24, 2006
Shortblonde, it is tough when you travel for work! Hang in there!

Rod, sending you good ps dust!

Hi Friends!!!

Well I lost 1 of the 2 I gained. Oh well; I will lose it. Off to the dr. appt w/my mom. Thanks all! Tonight I plan to go walking unless it rains which it did this morning but i think it is suppose to clear up tonight. Have a great day all


Nov 29, 2004
well today was the first time I have exercised since last friday...have been so busy at work and in the evenings...but I had my PT today, which went really well considering how long of a break i''ve had. I actually performed much better than I thought I would have, so I guess my body needed a little rest.

monarch, congrats to DH! I''m sure that this new job will be worth the wait.


Mar 16, 2005
Hey, guys.
It is soooo hot here in Florida. We spent the whole day at the pool. Andrew''s cousins came over and we played at the pool until lunch, had lunch and then went back for his swimming lessons. Then we came home and made peanut butter cookies. I am just going to have 1 and then send the rest with Adam to work. I am making salmon with rice tonight and then am going to go for a long cardio session, either the treadmill or elliptical-either way, it will be an indoor workout since it''s so hot. Have a great night everyone!

Kimmi, cleaning def. counts as a is hard work
Thanks on the congrats for the good doctor''s visit. It was very nice to hear.

Marcy, the dessert sounds yummy and the name is hilarious.

Skippy, yea to losing a pound. I''m sure the other one will come right off, you are on a roll with all your weight loss. Love the new avatar.

Monnie, yea for hubby''s job!!!! That is exciting and I''m sure it is a major relief for the both of you.

Sharon, I love running outside too...although I am super slow. I really want to get a bike to and start riding, what a great workout!

Rod, Charlie sounds like me when it comes to the airport. Adam is totally lax, hence us having to run to our gate to make it to our Hawaii honeymoon flight....ever since then I insist we get there at least 2 hours early and he is always rolling his eyes and thinks I am too much of a worrier.

Hi, Ellen and Lorelei!

Shortblonde, I know it is sooo hard to eat healthy when traveling so much. Hope your ankle feels better soon.

Appletini, yea for a great workout today.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone!
This will be a quick post. My weekend class starting this Saturday is a “go” so I am “going” crazy trying to get everything printed out and ready for this weekend. Aak! Nothing like waiting till the last minute, eh?
Sharon, yay for taking advantage of the nice weather and getting in some wonderful exercise in the great outdoors.
Hi Lorelei, the pants weather is finally moving on. Yippee!
Rod, I’m not a fan of the humidity but would like some heat. We are going to be in the 70’s for a few days anyway.
Hi Ellen!
Shortblonde, I am so sorry to hear about your ankle. Take it easy and get better soon.
Kimi, how is John’s ankle coming along?
Skippy, woo hoo for loosing a pound. I actually didn’t look this morning to see if I lost anything.
Appletini, yay for getting time to exercise today.
Steph, yummy to peanut butter cookies. Your hot weather sounds great; I wore a sweater and a sweatshirt at work all day. The name of the dessert is pretty funny. They are so good.

Well, take care and have a great Friday.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 6/5/2008 11:45:27 PM
Author: marcyc
Hi everyone!
This will be a quick post. My weekend class starting this Saturday is a “go” so I am “going” crazy trying to get everything printed out and ready for this weekend. Aak! Nothing like waiting till the last minute, eh?
Sharon, yay for taking advantage of the nice weather and getting in some wonderful exercise in the great outdoors.
Hi Lorelei, the pants weather is finally moving on. Yippee!
Rod, I’m not a fan of the humidity but would like some heat. We are going to be in the 70’s for a few days anyway.
Hi Ellen!
Shortblonde, I am so sorry to hear about your ankle. Take it easy and get better soon.
Kimi, how is John’s ankle coming along?
Skippy, woo hoo for loosing a pound. I actually didn’t look this morning to see if I lost anything.
Appletini, yay for getting time to exercise today.
Steph, yummy to peanut butter cookies. Your hot weather sounds great; I wore a sweater and a sweatshirt at work all day. The name of the dessert is pretty funny. They are so good.

Well, take care and have a great Friday.
LOL!!! Right back over here Marcy, it is bloody raining again! My boots are muddier than they ever were over the winter...Blast


Jun 25, 2007
Hey all, sorry I''ve been MIA! super busy lately. Anyways, I''ve kept up with my Gilad work outs and LOVE THEM...they are fantastic. I''m left good sore every time. I''m also doing Namaste every day as well, and love that too. It''s so relaxing, and my body feels good afterward. I''ve held steady to my weight which is good, and plan to do increased cardio next week to help burn more. This weekend will be chock full of activities and walking and I''m going to buy new pants because mine are all too big! Hope everyone is doing well!!


Dec 28, 2005

I had a good loooong workout at the gym yesterday afternoon. I had salad for dinner. My appetite hasn''t been too high the last few days with all the stress I''ve got going on. And it showed on the scale this morning. For the first time in my adult life I weighed less than 170 lbs. 168 to be exact. I don''t think I''ve weighed that little since I was in High School. So, I guess stress has at least one upside - LOL. Nothing planned for today. I have a call with one of the company''s I''m speaking with around 1, then I''m free the rest. Even though it''s just me, I will likely have Sushi, FroYo and Coffee under the oak tonight. I''ll probably hang out at Sbucks with some friends for a while tonight.

SB, I''m sorry to see you sprained your ankle. I hope it heals quickly.

Yay for losing one of the pounds Skippy. I hope the weather permitted a walk last night for you!

I''m glad you did so well in your PT session Apple!

I agree Steph, it''s WAAAAAAY TOO HOT for this time of year. Sounds like you had a nice day by the pool though. The finish in our pool at the condo is less than 2 years old and had stained, so they had to pick this week to drain the pool and spa and refinish them. With this heat, a swim in the pool would be nice.

Marcy, I hope your weekend class goes well. I''m sure it will!!

Lorelei, I think you get the most Pants weather of anyone here. Sorry it''s still raining. We were watching HGTV (House and Garden Televison) the other night and one of our favorite shows in House Hunters. The episode was an International edition and this nice couple was buying a home in a beuatiful town about an hour away from Manchester. We love the International versions.

Yay for too big pants Dragon! I had to replace very single article of clothing I owned when I lost all my weight. Sounds like you''re being very active indeed.

That''s about it for me. I hope everyone starts their weekend on a good note!


Mar 16, 2005
Hi everyone! Not too much going on here. I am waiting for the granite guys to come install our countertops here in just a few hours, so I''ve just been hanging out getting the kitchen ready for that. I am so excited to see how they look. We have already done so many changes to our house since moving in a few months ago. Other than that, I am planning fajitas tonight for dinner and I will probably hit the gym after Adam gets''s too hot to workout outside. Hope everyone has a great Friday.

Marcy, good luck with the start of your Saturday class.

Lorelei, sorry for the pants weather still. Come on over to sunny Florida for a visit with Rod and me!

Dragonfly...woohoo to new pants! That is the real test instead of what the scale says....good job!

Rod, better be careful before you blow away in the wind! Hopefully some of your stress will ease soon and you will have a normal appetite. I am the same way. If I am a little stressed, I eat...if I''m a lot stressed, I have zippo appetite. Have a good night!


Apr 30, 2005
Rod and Steph, I am beginning to think that the winter was drier than our spring and '' summer'' that we are supposed to be having! I am slipping and sliding trying to get the horses across the fields, ankle deep in mud - so I really hope we won''t have a repeat of last summers non stop rain. The skies are dreary and grey, not very inspiring really.

I have been doing well for eating, and cardio continues as usual!


Dec 28, 2005
Don''t slip away Lorelei.......We''d miss you terribly!! Sending dust that the rains stop soon!

I had a relatively calm afternoon. I did have a lengthy conversation with the VP I''d report to from company number 3 this afternoon. We really hit it off well. I loved his vision for the team and really loved that he doesn''t care if you''re at your desk by 8 AM and work till 6 PM. And unlike other companies, they don''t measure the number of calls you make. They just expect you to work hard and make them money. I can do that. This is the company where we know all the people well, was in our office building (so the location couldn''t be better) and I think I would really fit in well. While the benefits aren''t the best (only health, 401K holiday''s, sick and vacation offered, no dental or vision), I do think the opportunity fits me the best. So, even though the other two companies may have an edge on bene''s, I have decided that this is the opportunity I feel the most passionate about and if they offer it next week (which I think they will do), it''s where I''m going to go. We discussem my comp plan and the opportunity to make significant money is certainly there, so it could be quite lucrative too. I told Charlie this is where I want to go and he thinks I made the best decision of the three offers too.

I did go for Sushi all by myself. The owner of the restaurant sat with me and kept me company, which was very nice. I haven''t gone out for coffee yet, as it''s still a bit hot and I wanted the sun to set and for it to cool down a bit before I go. Besides, it''s just me, so I can go anytime I want. Our Sbucks is a 24 hour one. Coffee at 2:00 AM? No problem. They''re open and from what I''ve heard jammed at that awful hour. Of course I won''t wait till late, but maybe go after 9 so it''s cooler.

No plans for tomorrow, with the exception of a nice long workout in the afternoon. Don''t know what I''ll do otherwise.

I''m hoping everyone''s having a terrific Friday.


Nov 24, 2006
Well, I didn''t have the best day today. My hubby wanted us to work on the lawn, long story, but the gest of it was we paid someone to come help us (much easier that way). hehe Well, in the middle of all that I talked to my sister and my little nephew ended up in the emergency room last night because he fell and hurt his head and needed stitches; I guess they were there for 4hrs, our ER''s are bad.

Then I took a nap, and someone kept calling so I checked the messages and my dad was in the ER.
My husband and I ran over to the hospital and waited several hours because he needed xrays and lots of people were in the ER. He went out to eat with my mom and someone did not clean up a spill so he slipped and fell that is why he ended up in the ER. He is fine; he has some bruises and needs to rest, thank goodness. I was feeling a bit stressed so we went and ate Greek for dinner. I might go for a quick walk. Good news is that everyone will be okay and praying that things don''t happen in 3''s!!
Also, last night I went for an hour walk. hehe

Rod, sounds like a great talk w/the VP, whooo hoo! Glad you had fun at sushi!

Lorelei, I hope it stops raining!

Steph, yay for granite, you need to post pics!!

Hi Dragonfly, yay for workouts!

Marcy, you will do good tomorrow! i bet your students love ya!

Apple, ya for the pt!


Mar 2, 2005
Hi everybody - I''m new to this thread. I just turned 35 and recognized that my metabolism is slowing, so I''m trying to make a better effort at "preserving the youthfulness", if you know what I mean. So, I started going to Richard Simmons'' aerobics class.

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Good Grief Skippy, What a day you had. I''ll say that was stressful. I am so glad that you little nephew and your dad are OK.

You know the restaurant should pay for your dad''s injuries, being it was their fault. 2 years ago, the same thing happened to my aunt. She ended up in the ER with a broken leg. The restaurant paid for all of her medical bills, as it was their fault, no one cleaned up the spill.

I am glad you had a wonderful Greek dinner. They just opened up a Greek restaurant near us, we have been dying to check it out. I hope you have a better day tomorrow.

Rod: YAY!! I hope the job offer comes through for you, it sounds like something you really want.

Hi LA Jennifer: Welcome: Silly question, do you ever get to see Richard Simmons? I LOVE him. I used to love watching him on TV, but I don''t think he is on anymore. He really used to make me laugh.

Hi everyone
Have a great evening.



Dec 28, 2005
Oh Skippy, I''m so sorry to hear about your dad and nephew. Sounds like enough visits to the ER for your family. I''m glad your dad is OK. I agree with Linda. The restaurant must be responsible for paying for your dads health needs and then some. Glad you enjoyed your dinner and I hope you have a more restful evening than you had today.

Welcome LA!!

Thanks Linda. Fingers crossed that the offer comes through next week!
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