
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 30th June till 6th July

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Mar 16, 2005
Date: 7/4/2008 4:51:32 PM
Author: Rod
Happy 4th Everyone!!

I slept in until 9:15. WOO HOO. I just love not getting up in the morning! Why couldn''t I have some distant uncle who just loves me and who is dripping in money and who decided to give me enough to never have to worry about getting up early ever again.......LOL Unk, are you out there. Huh?? Huh??

I really haven''t done much of anything today. I did do a little work this morning. Then had lunch at home, before heading out to Sbucks. It''s a sunny and warm, but not blistering hot day in Tampa. I decided to treat myself to a Mocha Frapuccino. Calories be damned!! I bought the lobster and fresh Silver Queen corn for tonights dinner and will just wait patiently for Charlie to get home.

Thanks so much Skippy! Yay for the sun coming out just in time for your walk. I hope things are way less stressful for you today. Have fun planning the neighborhood block party. We had them in our last neighborhood and they were lot''s of fun.

It''s so nice to hear from you Lisa! Thanks for the anniversary wishes! Charlie and I were talking this morning about how I''ve now spent more of my life with him than without him. I''m no spring chicken anymore.........At least as I''ve aged, I''ve become a better chicken.....LOL

I''m glad you''re having a fab time at the beach Phoenix. I''m sure it''s hard without your dad. I love love love Paris, so I''m jealous of your weekend there. It''s the best eating city on the planet. Throw caution to the wind and eat everything and anything you heart desires!!

I hope it''s a good thing the insurance company will repair your car kathleen! I''ve never had a car that long. I think there''s a law against it or something - LOL Thanks for the anniversary wishes too!

I know what you mean when you think about your larger days when you see someone who is uncomfortably large Marcy. It always makes me so glad I worked so hard to take the weight off. Enjoy your last day of vacation and drive home safely. Thanks for the anniversary wishes my friend!

Gee, thanks for making Rod feel like an OLD OLD man Steph!!! LOL,
. But thanks for the well wishes anyway!! One year old when we got together?? Oh my
. Sorry the coke kept you awake. I haven''t had a coke in over 3 years. I used to drink more than I can count each day. I''m sure it helped contribute to the formerly much larger Rod!!

Thanks so much Lorelei!!! I hope your weather is not pants today. I don''t know how you handle so much pants weather? I find cloudy, rainy days depressing. Charlie on the other hand finds them energizing. Go figure........

Oh Thank You DeeJay! Bill ran 19 miles???
Are you serious?? That''s some serious miles. I would be incapable of walking if I ran that distance. It takes a toll on my aging knees - LOL. Good for you doing an hour on the elliptical too!! I hate interruptions when I''m at the gym. Our gym at least has a kids center, so they''re not running around. But, I find adults often just as annoying as kids. Yesterday this young guy was on the elliptical next to me and he took call after call on his cell phone. It was very disconcerting and rude, IMHO. Thanks for the trashy vamp author. I love anything vampire......

OK.....time to go start getting things ready for dinner. Thanks again for the anniversary wishes. I''m sure we''ll have a very nice dinner, get some coffee, then watch the fireworks from our balcony. I hope you all have exciting, but safe plans for the evening yourselves!

Awww, I''m sorry Rod! I didn''t mean it to make you feel old! I just meant that that is awesome in this day and age for anyone to be together for that long. You guys still look very young and I would have guessed early 40s if you didn''t tell me your age


Dec 28, 2005
Oh I know Steph! I was just giving you a hard time!!! If you were one year old when Charlie and I got together, I was 24 years old when you were born - LOL Just you day Andrew will be taking the keys to the car and you''ll wonder how he grew up so fast and where did the time go. And guess what? The clock ticks by faster and faster as we age. So enjoy your young self as much as you can!! Thanks Steph!!!


Nov 24, 2006
Hi all, we got up early went for a walk and chit chatted with neighbors this morning. Then we went to DQ for lunch from a friends house; we walked and it was hot. So I think we did about 3.5 miles today. I did have a bit of a blizzard at DQ though
Happy 4th of July. I can't help but sharing a cute doggie I saw this morning on my walk. hehe Tomorrow my cousin and I are going to get up early and walk to Starbucks.

Steph, I hope you get to sleep better tonight. Yay for getting up early and swimming!

Choro, hi, hope you slept well.

DeeJay, wowzers, your guy is super man w/all that running!!! Glad you had a good workout!

Rod, happy Anni dear friend! Glad you slept in! YUM, Lobster!



Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone. Well tonight is our last night in Glacier. We spent the day on the golf course. I don’t play but just rode along with Marty while he joined a threesome. We had lunch at the golf course. Every time I saw the helicopter flyby I wanted to be on it so about 2 pm I called them to see if they had any 1 hour flights late today that needed 2 more people. She tried to find someone but the earliest we could go was 10 am tomorrow and we’ll be on the road by then so we just came back to the trailer and played a few games. We went to the restaurant where we had the divine cheesecake our first day here with the plans to split a piece of cheesecake for dessert and have a glass of wine with it. They didn’t have the cheesecake today but we split a piece of peach pie which was quite tasty. I was still hungry though and only drank ½ of my wine so I had some cherry tomatoes, carrots and a few pieces of cheese just now so I won’t get hungry tonight.

In the morning we are heading back to Bozeman. We are having dinner with a friend and her family then will set up our 20” telescope for them. The live in the mountains outside of Bozeman and what a view they have from their house! This lady’s sister was my BF in college and she was killed on a motorcycle about 9 years ago this summer. I spent a lot of time with her family when we were in college and kept in contact with her sister and parents after she was killed so the entire family is coming out to see us. It will be fun to see them all.

Steph, rats for not being able to sleep. I had about 5 oz. of coke today about 2 pm. It’s one of my treats for vacation. That is great that Andrew loves to swim now. I hope you sleep well tonight.

Skippy, sorry you had a stressful day. I hope things are better for you now. I should contact the 100 calories snack people and be their “Jared”. Tee hee. They work to satisfy me, I know that not the same thing works for everyone. What a great dog photo.

Chrono, you should be sleeping too. Walking in sand is hard work. I hope you slept in today.

Hi Lorelei. We had pants weather this afternoon but great weather this morning.

DeeJay, I agree with you – where are their parents? The opened the pass in the park for the first time Wednesday and these 2 stupid kids were snowboarding up there right by a ledge that would have dropped down in traffic. The one kid almost went off right in front of our VERY big truck. He thought it was funny. Aargh.

Rod, I wish both of us had such an uncle. Your anniversary dinner sounds delicious and getting to watch the fireworks tonight will be a great way to wind down the evening. We celebrated our 17th anniversary the day we left for our trip. We didn’t even get each other cards – we were too busy getting ready for the trip.

Aargh this connection to the internet is AWFUL!

I will probably catch up again with you late Sunday or Monday evening.


Dec 28, 2005
Just a quick checkin before shutting down. Dinner was just wonderful. The lobsters were so so good. The corn was sweet and crackly. We also had some coleslaw I bought at the store, but had to add seasonings (like celery seed) to give it some good flavor, but once doctored, was quite good. We headed out for some healthy FroYo, then coffee under the oak before heading home to watch the fireworks from our terrace. They were good, but not as good as in year''s past. It was clear they didn''t spend as much money this year. The city keeps talking about revenue being down and services having to be trimmed. I guess fireworks is one place they could save some money. Still, it was nice.

Skippy, that picture of the Golden Retriever is so cute. If we ever switch from cats to dogs, we''ll either get a Retriever or a Labrador. I love their temperments. Yummmm, a blizzard from DQ. It must have hit the spot on a hot day for sure!

Marcy, I''m sorry you couldn''t get in one more helicopter ride. I''m sure you''re looking forward to visiting your friends in Bozeman. If they haven''t seen you in a long time, I''m sure they''re going to be so thrilled the new you!! Drive safely home.

K.......Rod Out. See you tomorrow.


Nov 24, 2006
Morning all! My cousin and I walked over to Einstein bagels and sat and relaxed with a nice iced tea. It was a nice walk to start the day
Have a great weekend all!

Rod, your dinner sounded lovely!!! Glad the fireworks show was wonderful! Have a great workout today!

Marcy, your trip sounds wonderful; have a safe trip. Have fun with your friend today! I am sorry the were no helicopter rides left yesterday.

Steph, glad you all had fun swimming!!!


Nov 29, 2004
Hello everyone, well today was the first time that I had exercised since Tuesday. So this morning I did my 30 min walk jog and then did some exercises with the resistance bands.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday all! Just a quick check in before the HH and I head to Costco for a MAJOR shop. We didn''t realize how much stuff we''re out of until just now... thank god we have an SUV!

I did 65 mins on the treadmill this monring. No kids (or people on cell phones--ack!) so it was pretty nice. As a matter of fact I was the only one there for the first half hour so I amused myself by singing along with my Ipod. I kept my eye on the door though to make sure no one could sneak in and catch me belting out something like "I want YOU to want ME!" at the top of my voice LOL!!!

OK Costco, here we come!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/5/2008 1:51:06 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Happy Saturday all! Just a quick check in before the HH and I head to Costco for a MAJOR shop. We didn''t realize how much stuff we''re out of until just now... thank god we have an SUV!

I did 65 mins on the treadmill this monring. No kids (or people on cell phones--ack!) so it was pretty nice. As a matter of fact I was the only one there for the first half hour so I amused myself by singing along with my Ipod. I kept my eye on the door though to make sure no one could sneak in and catch me belting out something like ''I want YOU to want ME!'' at the top of my voice LOL!!!

OK Costco, here we come!


Dec 28, 2005
Quiet day for moi. Charlie''s at work, so I actually did some work from home this afternoon. Decided not to go to the gym, because I will go tomorrow and Monday. Charlie will be working Monday night (our usual Sushi night), but he''s off Tuesday, which is usually a workout day for me. So, if I workout Monday and not Tuesday, we can go for Sushi Tuesday night. Oh the complication........LOL Since yesterday was the 4th, and we had lobster at home for dinner, I''ll meet Charlie at favorite Sushi place #1 for dinner tonight. Otherwise, I did fun things like buy kitty litter at Pet Supermarket, but had to get out of there quickly. The humane society was there with so many cute kittens and had I stayed much longer, Charlie would be coming home to a house full of new kittens. Adorable as that sounds, it''s not what we or Sakai really need right now. I had my car washed too. Enough with the exciting things I''ve done today.

DeeJay, having met you in person, I could absolutely see you belting out, "I Waaaant Yoooouuu To Want Me!!" LOL Good for you doing 65 minutes on the elliptical. How''s the new house hunt going for you two?

I''m glad you were able to get in some exercise Apple!

Yay for a nice walk and a fresh bagel Skippy!! I had a turkey sandwich on an "everything" bagel at Panera for lunch today. Yummmm!

I''ll check in later after dinner.........


Nov 24, 2006
Evening friends; I made a wonderful spinach lasagna tonight. I usually buy it premade but tonight I decide to try to make my own; it turned out really super good. I made it with fresh spinach, parsley, scallions, onion, garlic, low fat ricotta, a little mozzarella and parmesan. hehe

Everyone have a great evening!!!

Hi Rod, Dee and Apple


Dec 28, 2005
Look''s like it''s just you and me tonight Skippy!! Yummm, your spinach lasagna sounded wonderful. And I''ll bet it tasted even better than anything premade you could have cooked!!

After writing this afternoon, I received a call from my brother (who is still sick with e-coli) that my father was in the emergency room. He had had a procedure at the hospital last week to break up a huge kidney stone (he''s 87 years old and in remarkably good health), which was pretty hard on him. And since the procedure, he''d been complaining of vertigo. Today, they thought he was having a stroke, and was rushed to the hospital. Turns out, what he had was a really bad ear infection (quite curable) and not a stroke (thank God). So, while it was frightening, he''ll be OK and now we know why he was having vertigo issues. I''m getting a glimpse of what I have to look forward to in about 30 years. Getting old is not so pretty. At least it beats the alternative!!

Otherwise, Charlie met me for Sushi, which was wonderful as usual, then we went to the closer Sbucks to our condo and split a piece of crumb cake with a cup of coffee. We finished the evening with a nice long soak in the hot tub.

We''re both off tomorrow, so it will be a regular Sunday. Breakfast on the terrace, lunch somewhere, followed by coffee, then a nice long workout. I think my muscles feel better after not being stressed for two days. So, I''m looking forward to my workout for sure.

I hope everyone''s had a very nice Saturday. Sleep well.......


Nov 24, 2006
Gosh, how scary, sorry about the ear infection but glad it wasn''t a stroke!!! Have a wonderful day with Charlie tomorrow! How is your brother doing? I pray he heals soon.


Dec 28, 2005
Skippy, my brother''s having a tough time. He was feeling better and then did a bit too much and got sick again. The doctor''s have ordered to stay home and rest until the infection is completely cured. E-coli is very hard to get over. And once the infection is cured, then they still have to go in and see what caused his intestinal tear to beging with. We''re hoping for diverticulitis, but it could be cancer, which would not be good. Thanks for asking.

I''m shutting down and heading to dream land. It''s almost midnight here in Tampa. Sleep well!


Nov 18, 2004
I''m sending prayers to your brother. Hoping it''s diverticulitis and not cancer. E coli, is hard to get over, sending healing vibes his way.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 7/6/2008 12:39:38 AM
Author: Kaleigh
I''m sending prayers to your brother. Hoping it''s diverticulitis and not cancer. E coli, is hard to get over, sending healing vibes his way.
Oh gosh, I am sorry, I am sending healing vibes his way too. (hugs)


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday morning all!

I swam again this morning but unfortunately it's wamer her so the water was COLD getting in. I did 50 laps and I checked the clock before and after and it took me about 45 mins. The thought crossed my mind that from now on I could just do 60 laps and it would be about an hour, then I was like, um, naw, 50 is enough!

Yesterday the HH made the risotto from the 4th of July because on the 4th we ended up eating lunch around 3:00 at an Italian restaurant and neither of us was in the mood for a lot more food that night. It was really good, but he said he now has more respect for the risotto that he eats out because even though it wasn't difficult to make the constant stirring bored him to tears.

Not sure what we're eating today, but I'm having a GIANT bowl of strawberies and grapes right now. And When I say giant, I mean GIANT!

Have to do a bunch of real estate realted things today, and I think I'm going to rope the HH into helping me measure the rooms in a property that I'm listing tomorrow. That's always easier with two people.

Speaking of real estate, there is no real progress on what I'm going to do with my house. The HH is resigned to the idea of moving if that's what I want, so I just need to decide. By tomorrow. Ug.

Rod, more big hugs outing to you and your brother. Keep us posted.


Nov 24, 2006
Happy Sunday all; I am going over to my parents house since my dad had to go out of town on business so I am going to help her out. I will go for a walk tonight. I am excited for my mom to try the spinach lasagna I made; I made a huge pan. I think lasagna tastes better the next day so I am looking forward to it. hehe

Have a great rest of the weekend all


Nov 29, 2004
DH and I went for an hour walk today. We had the healthy chicken salad for lunch and are making a broccoli and bowtie pasta for dinner, so still staying sort of healthy. I also made a big pot of my chicken noodle soup today so we''ll have that as part of our lunches this week.

Rod, Happy Belated Anniversary! I love fancy home cooked meals, often times I enjoy that even more than going to a nice restaurant.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey There!

It was a nice Sunday. We got to enjoy the entire day together, which we haven''t really been able to do since Charlie started at Restoration, so it was nice. It was a really nice morning and we enjoyed reading the paper on the terrace with coffee, fresh fruit and a scone from Panera. We had a nice simple lunch of turkey sandwiches. Then I had to go to Best Buy and return the new alarm clock I bought a week ago, but magically lost one whole digit from the LEDs that let you know the time. I was surprised it only lasted a week, but I liked it better than any of the other alarm clocks, so I just traded it for the exact same thing, and am just hoping my first one was just a fluke. Then we had coffee under the oak and hit the gym around 2:45 PM. We hadn''t been to the gym (either of us) since Thursday, so our muscles had the chance to recover and I must say that my workout was really energized as a result. I''m seriously thinking of backing my workouts down to 4 intense workouts a week, as opposed to 5. I was talking to one of the trainers today and he said that with the progress I''ve made over the last couple years and the fact that I am trying to build muscle, reducing the number of workouts could atually be quite beneficial. So, we''ll see how that goes.

After the gym, we usually do our grocery shopping and today was no exception except just as we arrived at the store, we were treated to one of the biggest thunderstorms we''ve seen in a long time. The lightning and thunder were incredible and the rains were driven so hard you could barely see 3 feet in front of you. We ran in the store as fast as we could and you''d have thought we had just taken showers with our clothes on. We were completely drenched. It was actually fun and funny. Ever walked around a grocery store that has the A/C running full blast in completely wet clothes? It''s an interesting (chilling) sensation to say the least. We had a nice healthy dinner of fresh salmon, steamed shrimp and Silver Queen corn. As long as the corn''s as good as it has been this year, we''ll have it until we can''t stand it anymore, if that''s at all possible - LOL!

I''m going to the gym after work tomorrow, since Charlie has to work until 10 PM. We''ll do Sushi on Tuesday instead.

Hey Lisa, thanks for the prayers for my brother. I spoke with him today and he was havng a better day than yesterday.

Thanks for the healing vibes Skippy! I''m glad you decided to keep your mom company and I''m betting she loved every single bite of your homemade spinach lasagna!!

DeeJay, I''m sure you''ll make the right decision about whether to sell or not. I wish we had someone to sell our place to right now. It''s like a morgue down here as far as home sales are going. Yay for 50 laps in the pool. I''m sure you got great benefit from 45 minutes of swimming for sure!

Sounds like you had a very healthy day with an hour walk and healthy eating to boot Apple!! Way to go! Thanks for the anniversary wishes. I think you''re right about home cooked meals often being nicer than a nice restaurant! We make killer lump crabcakes and I often comment that I''ve yet to have any in a restaurant that are as good as the ones we make at home.

I guess that does it for me for today. I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday weekend. Here''s to a great week for all!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone.
We got home about 6 pm today. I am on my 4th batch of laundry. I just got my 30 some papers graded and have time to go check in with you.
Rod, I am glad you dinner was great. My friend’s family were all quite complimentary on the new me. I sure enjoyed the new me when we got home tonight too – we jumped out of the truck and just started unpacking it and the trailer. We had it done in about 30 minutes and I have continued working on things since we got here. It’s so nice to be healthy enough to get my chores done. I am glad you got your car washed – you should see the truck. It’s pretty much a mud ball.
Sorry to hear your father is having trouble but glad it turned out to be an ear infection instead of a stroke. I hope he feels better soon. I must have missed when they figured out your brother has e-coli. That is very frightening; he has a long road to recovery with that. I hope they get him fixed up soon and find out what’s going on inside. I will keep him in my thoughts.
Skippy, I am glad you had a nice walk with you friend. I will cherish my first helicopter ride all the more now since I didn’t take another one. Your lasagna sounds awesome. I am sure your mom was delighted to have you come see her and take her some lasagna. How is she getting along?
Appletini, I actually did some exercises today as well. I did them in the truck – Marty was looking at me like I was crazy but I was bored so I started to as many stretches as I could master in the cab of the pickup.
DeeJay, I hope you had fun at Costco! It’s amazing how many things you need to buy when you are out of everything. I have some strawberries / grapes for breakfast quite often. Good luck on your house decision.
Take care and have a great week!
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