
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 30th June till 6th July

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Nov 24, 2006
Hi all, I didn't end up seeing the bacholoretee because we took my nephew for a 1 mi walk last night. My husband is sooooo good with my nephew; it is so cute to watch them building legos or playing basketball (or as my nephew would say hoop ball). hehe
It was a good time and we enjoyed a beautiful evening outside!!!!

This evening I probably will go walking since tomorrow night I have a friend coming over for dinner. She went to France and brought back a couple of bottles of wine for us which is super sweet so I want to make her a nice dinner (this is the friend who made me a painting). hehe Hope everyone is having a wonderful Tuesday!!!

Kimi, I missed you post yesterday. Can you start counting calories again; you will get there in no time!!! I hope you make it up to see your family! For me going on a trip and then coming home and eating healthy are hardest; actually that is how I gained my weight back was all the travelf or work. You can do it!!!

Linda, yay for blue skies!!! Glad you went for a walk with your sweet Mazie; I bet she loved it! Oh good, tell me how you think the spinach pie is. I love TJ's; I am thinking of going their today! hehee

Tacori, I want to see your paintings!! I bet they are fab! I am attaching a picture of what the fiber one bars look like so it is easier to find. The pb and the chocolate chip ones are good. The apple one is awful way tooooo sweet! My nephew is sweet thanks for asking. How is sweet Tessa???

SS, glad you like the FBO bars, I keep them in the car in case I get hungry and fastfood doesn't tempt me which is fantastic!!! The scratch test will tell you all what you are allergic too and ask for a blood test too and they can tell you what foods you are allergic to too. Oh gosh, I have only once had my lips swell up so bad I ended up in the ER, thank goodness it hasn't happened again; be careful. Oh gosh, poor JT, I hope he is completely better soon. Keep us posted!

Hey Steph, how is little Andrew?

Hi Miscka, hope you get firefox on your lappie; sorry you are having problems. Yay for smaller meals and protein! Thanks for the SpK tip!

ops, eta:



Jan 13, 2006
Not that anyone would, but just in case someone did miss me, I''m leaving for vaca in the morning, so I''ll see all of you next Monday!


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/1/2008 2:19:42 PM
Author: Ellen
Not that anyone would, but just in case someone did miss me, I''m leaving for vaca in the morning, so I''ll see all of you next Monday!

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Of course we will miss you Ellen
Have a wonderful vacation.

Love, Linda


Jan 13, 2006
*handing out tissues*

It's only a few days guys! I'll be back and bugging you before ya know it.

And thank you Linda.


Nov 29, 2004
I had my PT today, and I was a little sore from yesterdays TBT class, so today was a tough workout, but I did better than expected. Also I bought a new pair of shorts, that I wore today, I don''t like them at all, so I won''t be buying any more of those.


Dec 9, 2007
Bon Voyage Ellen! Have a great time!


Oct 30, 2002
so i met with diver grrl last nite after years of talking to her here on was so fun, we snapped a photo! since i figure it''s been a while since you guys have seen me and you might not have seen her...and i know she participated in these threads from time to time.

linda...the smoke here is on and off''s so foggy in the mornings and kind of hazy most of the day. totally sad for sure, this summer is turning out to be a nightmare for so many people!!! and its been so hot already. yikes!

rod, kudos on a new job, i totally missed what it was but i hope it works out!!
kimi, don''t be sad, you know you will get any weight off in no are so good about that!

mara jeannineb.jpg


Apr 30, 2005
You two look so cute, thanks for the great piccy Miss Mara
We miss you...* more sniffing*

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Darling picture Mara of the both of you.

Another smoky day here. A fire in Placer county, makes it awful here. Geez.


Jun 15, 2006
Thanks again for the encouragement all. I know I always get any extra weight off quickly, but I''m struggling because I can''t figure out where it''s coming from. Food habits are pretty much the same, I''m exercising more since I have the time, etc.

We are going out of town this weekend, but not to my parents, Skip. I''ll go see them later this summer.

Off to make friends with my elliptical. I''m going to beg it to work for me!


Apr 30, 2005
Hang in there Kimmy, I know how frustrating it is, but you will do it!


Mar 16, 2005
Hey, guys. I had quite the boring day today. I spent most of it doing laundry and cleaning my house after returning from our trip
. Anyway, now it is all nice and least for a few hours
. I agree with everyone that says to try to eat smaller meals more frequently to help stay full. I have been doing this for a while now and it seems to work well for me. My day goes something like this: 7am- breakfast of eggs and center-cut bacon, 10am-snack of fruit or celery and lf dip, 12pm-lunch of salad or turkey on whole wheat with baked chips or yogurt, 3pm-snack of almonds and string cheese or fiber 1 bar, 6pm-dinner which varies but almost always includes fish or lean meat, 1 green veggie and 1 healthy starch like brown rice or sweet potato, 8pm- dessert if I am still hungry which is either fage w/honey, yogurt, or slow-churned ice cream. Sounds like a lot, but it usually comes out to 1500 or 1600 cals per day. Everyone have a great night!

Miscka, I love pineapple for dessert too, yummy!

Kimmi, no worries with your weight. The thing is that you realized it was creeping up a little and you are making changes to stop it, so no worries at all. I'm sure it will be right off.

Skippy, glad you had a good night with the nephew. I think the Bachelorette episodes are online on their website if you still wanted to see it. Andrew is great, thanks for asking. He got so spoiled at the grandparents' though...he is the only grandchild on both sides, so they go crazy over him when we are in town!

Ellen, of course you will be missed! Have fun!

Hi, Linda, Lorelie, Coati,Mara and Apple!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday all!

So today I decided to brave the pool for the first time this season. I went over there around 1:00 and there were half a dozen women sitting around in their bikinis on lounge chairs, but no one else in the water. I got in and swam one lap. When I got to the other end I stood up and realized they were ALL staring at me. If I was in the heartland it would have been a prairie dog moment. They stopped whatever else they were doing and just stared at me as if I had grown a second head or something. Didn''t I know the pool are is for *lounging* and not for *swimming* LOL?! Anyway, I think swam for literally less than 30 minutes but I''m a little tired right now. How sad is that?!?

Not much else to report. Had leftover regatoni for breakfast AND lunch, but only fruit outside of that. I''m supposed to meet a client for dinner at this really fab Mexican place over by the river, so all bets are off on that! Oh, and speaking of Mexican, the other day the HH calls down to me, hey, do you want to check out this portabello mushroom salsa I got at the farmer''s market? So I go up to the kitchen and there was a plate of HOT FRESH CHIPS sitting there with the salsa, and I said, where did you get these? He MADE them!!! Of course he only took some tortillas and cut them up and pan fried them, so I guess he didn''t *really* make them, but any normal person would have just opened a bag of tostitos and called it a day. It is any wonder I eat so much with him around making stuff like this all the time?

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
LOL DJ. I would have waved at them and said "HI"
ha ha ha ha ha.


Mar 26, 2006
Date: 7/1/2008 6:54:10 PM
Author: Linda W
LOL DJ. I would have waved at them and said ''HI''
ha ha ha ha ha.

Ha ha -- I literally did look over my shoulder to see what they were staring at... and then I realized it was ME.


Mar 16, 2005
Date: 7/1/2008 6:50:38 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Happy Tuesday all!

So today I decided to brave the pool for the first time this season. I went over there around 1:00 and there were half a dozen women sitting around in their bikinis on lounge chairs, but no one else in the water. I got in and swam one lap. When I got to the other end I stood up and realized they were ALL staring at me. If I was in the heartland it would have been a prairie dog moment. They stopped whatever else they were doing and just stared at me as if I had grown a second head or something. Didn''t I know the pool are is for *lounging* and not for *swimming* LOL?! Anyway, I think swam for literally less than 30 minutes but I''m a little tired right now. How sad is that?!?

Not much else to report. Had leftover regatoni for breakfast AND lunch, but only fruit outside of that. I''m supposed to meet a client for dinner at this really fab Mexican place over by the river, so all bets are off on that! Oh, and speaking of Mexican, the other day the HH calls down to me, hey, do you want to check out this portabello mushroom salsa I got at the farmer''s market? So I go up to the kitchen and there was a plate of HOT FRESH CHIPS sitting there with the salsa, and I said, where did you get these? He MADE them!!! Of course he only took some tortillas and cut them up and pan fried them, so I guess he didn''t *really* make them, but any normal person would have just opened a bag of tostitos and called it a day. It is any wonder I eat so much with him around making stuff like this all the time?

Haha, that would never happen if you moved to''s too hot to lounge here


Dec 28, 2005
Hey..........Second day of work and I think I made some progress today. At least my boss seemed pretty pleased with me after hearing me interview someone. I''m still feeling a bit stressed over needing to be productive. And I didn''t sleep much last night. I actually woke up at 5 AM and couldn''t go back to sleep. I just kept looking at the clock waiting for the alarm to go off at 6:30. 6:30.....ugh.......I''m not now, nor will I ever be a morning person - LOL...... I''m OK with 7 or 7:30, but just hate getting up at 6:30. But everyone seems to get in the office by 8, so I just need to get used to getting up earlier. Charlie was off today and since we couldn''t do Sushi last night (he was working) he wanted to do it tonight, so I gave up the gym for Sushi. I was pretty beat, so I didn''t mind. But, I''ll be in the gym tomorrow night and Thursday night without fail. It will be the first time since January that I will work out at night. It''s SO crowded at night, but I''ll get used to it again. So, enough about me.........

Kimberly, one thing you wrote caught my eye. I believe you commented that you''ve been working out more not less, right? Well, that likely means you''ve gained muscle and you know muscle weighs more than fat, so it''s more likely that your scale is just reflecting the added muscle. Anyway, that''s something to think about..........

Great picture of you and diver Mara! I''m glad you two had fun. My job is with one of the nations largest executive search firms and I''m an Associate Partner of IT Search. Fancy title for "headhunter!" I hope we''re going to see you more often too!

Miss Ellen, you will be missed. You''re sense of humor is such fun. So, have a great vacation, but come back to us as soon as you''re back. Ya hear??!!

I''d heard it was still smoky out your way Linda. The fire just won''t go out. Stay safe and comfortable.......

Nice healthy Steph! Sorry your day was boring though.......

LOL about the pool DeeJay!! Bill''s chips and salsa sounded yummy, btw.......

Skippy, it always sounds so nice when you talk about you and hubby walking/playing with your nephew. I''m betting you guys will make ''uber'' wonderful parents when the time comes!!

Guess that''s it for me for the day. Got to relax for a few minutes before I go to bed and get up and go to work. Doesn''t that sound strange coming from me? LOL

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Rod, I am not a morning person either so I can feel your pain. DD gets up around 6:30-7 am which is painful sometimes! Congrats again on your job. Sounds like it is going great.

Mara, cute photo. I am jealous you got to meet Diver!

Ellen, I''ll miss you

Dee*Jay, how odd about the pool incident. Sounds like you handled it well though.

Kim, no advice from this rookie. How much are you trying to lose?

Skippy, you are such a good aunt!

Linda, hope the fires go out soon. So scary!

Not much new with me. I didn''t work out yesterday but ate on the low end of my calories. Haven''t weighed myself today. Trying to stay strong


Jun 15, 2006
Morning All!

Lorelei, you''re so sweet.

Rod, John''s theory is I''d taken in a ton of water over the weekend (I drank 7 bottles on Saturday) and that''s what is going on. I like the muscle theory better.

Tacori, I gained 2 pounds when we went to NY, and an additional 2 when we came home. The weird part is the additional 2 pounds, I expected to gain in NY. So I''m looking at 4 pounds total.

DJ, you crack me up. I can totally picture the scene, and those women are ridiculous. Good for you for swimming. DH making chips, YUMMY! I wouldn''t be able to avoid them either.

I''m working and babysitting today. We''re going out of town tomorrow afternoon through Sunday. I''ll check in tomorrow before we leave.



Nov 24, 2006
Hi Friends, yesterday hubby and I walked a couple of miles to get dinner instead of driving so that we would get some exercise. I had a sandwich and ended up having some fries thanks to my hubby ordering them.
I am glad we walked though but the moment we were close to home it started to pour for about 30 mins and then it stopped. We need rain such as the rest of the west coast and sw needs.

Tonight I want to mow our lawn and go for a quick walk. Also, I bought fresh raspberry's and apricots so I have been snacking on those, yum!! Have a wonderful Wed!!!

El, have a wonderful trip!

Hi Coati!!!

Apple, yay for your pt yesterday!!

Mara, you and Diver look great; thanks for sharing your picture!!!

Steph, yay for a clean house! That is a great workout!

DeeJay, homemade chips, yum! Good for you working out!!! You are too funny!

Rod, hope you have a wonderful workout tonight!!!! Glad you and Charlie had sushi last night!

Kimi, you will lose it, and it is probably water!!!

Tacori, yay for not weighing yourself and eating in your calories!!! Love the new picture of sweet Tessa, she is such a cutie pie! Ahhhh, thanks for the good auntie comment!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi from Glacier National Park.
Our internet connection here is AWFUL! I am outside this morning and have very low connectivity. We are having a blast though. It’s beautiful here. For any of you interested in a beautiful getaway I would put this on your list of things to see.
Lorelei, I wanted to see your opener for the week but was very surprised and very humbled to see I was part of it. Thank you so much, lady. I really appreciate your kind words.
Thank all of you as well, it means a lot to me. I have tried to be reasonable this week on my food choices but still have had some great treats – the one that sticks out most in my mind was a delicious NY style cheesecake, yummy.
I don’t have time to post to responses to all but will go through and read them before I get kicked off line. I have 40 some papers to grade and am very stressed to be getting behind on that.
Rod, I hope you are having a wonderful time at your new job. I am thinking of you.
Hi to Skippy, Linda, Coati, Sharon, Kimi, SS, CJ, Dragonfly, Bee and everyone else. I miss visiting with you guys.
Take care my friends.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Appletini and Mara! It’s good to hear from you Mara and great photo.
Steph, I love your picture.
Kimi, you’ll get those pounds off. I will be joining you in that quest when I get home.
Rod, rats for hearing you are stressed about the job. I know you’ll be awesome at it.
Linda, take care from the smoke.
Ellen, have a great vacation.


Apr 9, 2007
Tacori-Yes, I could...but I am stubborn and like Safari

DeeJay your pool story cracked me up! I was afraid you were going to say you had lost part of your swimsuit!

Kimberly- The muscle thing was the first thought that crossed my mind as well. Surely that and the water is all that is going on.

Well after my Mexican binge last night I am not doing so well! I think I will have marinated mushrooms and saffron rice for dinner.

I am thinking about getting a bike soon. I have not been on one in forever! But it looks fun and look at these adorable bikes!!


Mar 26, 2006
Hello all! Just back from an hour on the bike (acutally two 1/2 hour sessions, one on the low bike and one on the high bike). I''m telling you, these trashy vampire novels are the way to get me through an hour of mindless cycling!

So I forgot to tell you something else about the pool adventure yesterday. I had my blackberry by my towel and right when I was thinking about getting out of the pool the HH called. I was still standing in the water (it''s only 4'' at the shallow end) but I answered and when he asked where I was I told him in the pool. He said he had this vision of me putting my blackberry inside two ziplock freezer bags, turning it to the vibrate setting, and sticking it inside my swimsuit so I would be sure not to miss a call. Hmmm... I hadn''t thought of that!

Hope everyone is having a great day. I think I might go up to the roofdeck and finish my trashy vampire novel.

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
LOL Dee-Jay, now that would have been funny!!!!!

Marcy: I am so glad you are having a great time. Darn, for having to spend time for grading papers. I LOVE NY cheesecake. Yummmmmmmy. When we were in NY a few years ago, all Rick did was EAT, ha ha ha. The food there was sooo good. He ate pizza every day for a snack.

Miscka: The bikes are adorable, you are right. I loved looking at them. I love riding my bike with my hubby and my grandboys, even though they complain I am too slow. tee hee.

The smoke is better today. I am spending today doing laundry and grocery shopping. We are leaving for camping tomorrow, when Rick comes home from work. Hopefully, he will be able to leave a bit early. The boys are so excited.

I''ll check back later.

Hi to everyone



Apr 30, 2005
Sounds like everyone is doing well!

Marcy, you are so welcome, enjoy your vacation

Dee, you are making me giggle, I will have to try some trashy vampire novels myself...


Dec 9, 2007
haHA! DeeJay, you are so funny! I''m a little late to your previous post, but whatevah LAME-O ladies! I would smile and wave like Linda said. Have fun with your trashy vampire novel!

Linda I''m so glad the smoke is a bit better. Camping tomorrow! Oh how fun! That is absolutely our favorite thing to do! Hubby and Gary just love it out in the wilderness. Have a great time with the boys! Will Mazie go? Give her a hug for me!

Hiya Skippy, Lorelei, Miscka, Marcyc, Rod, Kimberly, Tacori, Steph, and everyone!

Mara and Divergirl Hi and great photo!

I''m home from school this week. Woohoo! We have a ton of colored gem homework, but I''m going to whoop it up anyway. I did 47 minutes on the treadmill today, so I''m going out for margaritas tonight as a reward!


Feb 11, 2008
Dee*Jay, haha, your pool story cracked me up! You''re braver than I am. If I saw all these women staring at me, I would have jumped out and called it a day! How do you swim for 30 minutes!? I did only 20 minutes the other day, and I was exhausted!!

It''s so hot here
I wanted to swim yesterday but the pool was closed
I made up by jogging in the evening, but it''s too hot for me. I hope the pool will be open tomorrow...

I have a BBQ to go to in 2.5 weeks, so I''m trying to be super good until then.
Last Friday I drank 2 bottles of Bacardi and 1 bottle of Smirnoff for a going away party, and on Saturday I had a glass of Margarita for another going away party.
I think I did alright on food though...
I have left over cupcakes and shortcakes from the parties, so I''m eating them for breakfast. I know, it''s not healthy, but I refuse to let it go to waste, and I get zero fat and sugar from other meals anyway. After tomorrow, I can go back to my healthy oatmeal breakfast.

I usually try to be strict during the week, but this Friday I''m staying at FI''s place. I''m going to bring my own food for the day so that I can stay on track (we tend to cook large amounts). *cross fingers*


Dec 28, 2005
4,101''s already 11 PM and I need to say hello and head to bed. I''m completely pooped for sure. I haven''t slept well for the last two nights. That''s what happens when I get stressed. Sometimes I think not working was less stressful than working. But today was a good day and I made some really good progress and felt a little more comfortable with everything. I got in the office before 8 and didn''t leave till 5:30, so that was a long workday. Then I made it to the gym and was in my workout clothes and the floor by 6. I had forgotten what it''s like to work out at night, when it''s ''uber'' crowded and also how much warmer it is with all the extra people heating up the gym. In some ways I enjoyed my workout. I had to workout faster and I sweated more, so I''m thinking I probably got my heart going faster and harder as a result. I was absolutely, completely, utterly drenched by the time I got off the elliptical. Charlie worked till 6 and came home and made meatloaf and steamed carrots and sweet potato for dinner. It was nice to get home at 9 and have a warm home cooked meal.

Tomorrow, I only have to be in the office 1/2 the day and work from home the rest. I have a training class in the afternoon, but my boss told me I could stop working the minute the class is over. So, I''ll be able to go to the gym earlier tomorrow, which is good.

Kimberly, sounds like you did drink a lot of water and that certainly could be the reason, but like you, I''m voting for muscle weight over fluid!!

Glad you had such a nice walk with hubby Skippy. It''s OK to enjoy some fries every now and then!!

Trashy Vampire novel DeeJay? I love vampire stories, so let me know what you''re reading, OK?

Glad you''re having a nice time Marcy. Yummm to NY Style Cheesecake!

I''m glad the air was a bit better today Linda. I saw on the news while I was on the elliptical that the fires weren''t really getting any smaller. I guess it just depends on the wind direction as to whether it''s smoky where you are or not, right?

Thanks for commiserating on not being a morning person Tacori!! I don''t think I will ever develop an appreciation for mornings at all.

Sorry if I missed anyone. I''m just so tired and need to hit the sack. I''ll have a bit more time to write tomorrow.
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